ws 'S'VH 1 -A J' !. ' Mr V" -hf ". U v EVEXIXCJ PUBLIO LEDGER-PHILABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1018 m . -r-i) :(JPRIATIN6 BALLS HIT' INTO STANDS THIS YEAR MAY CAUSE PRO-GERMAN CHARGES NEW SET OF ADMISSION PRICES ' IAVE BASEBALLS AND HELP WJN IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES TO BE ADOPTED AT MEETING OP ' THE NATIONAL LEAGUE SOLONS Fans, as Usual, Will Pay Freight in Fees and; War Tax Moran Closes Deal, Getting . Pitcher Hogg for Cooper and Fittery R" AS SLOGAN MAY AID SOME AND ALSO HELP FANS' MANNERS bree Valuable Military Products Would Be' unserved if the Balls Knocked Into Stands ' Were Returned for Further Use 9 nTutfcol fUrv- vmJ7 r,ve (JQ.T to (t If Yoo c Tgll - UmowWe 3E HOMB , I pom'T ; K(JowJ fo I'LL M GET Tt Tne MG. HOVj j I GOT A BARREL I n r ft, m,. fey PJf THEUH l nnvthlng In hnllt rArnerlran public should be the be lue-ed. r.very branch of the thrift War seemingly has been set out vr. up to this time has been overlooked This statement rounds un- onnble. but It Is truo. and the nvctnge lull fan Ins'j thought If ha thought nt all. of tlie wicked habit of waging bnreballs In the pnrl'tt. The suggestion now Is made and It Is ni Josh stuff tint It may bo blazoned to the fan fiopk the coming easou conspicuously dlrplnvcd on cards In big league lall yrd that n rail may bo mil'ed out of tlio Mndcnburg statue and the Ilun cent m Jwck balls batted Into the stands lnstcs I,' PerB0" The reason for this prophecy Is tint at least thrco articles of .Aa I'nlll ... ...- .....- I..l . .- I.. .. I .. .i. . .L . .. vuiuv a nui mute-runs nre in ue miiiu in iHi"eiiniis. anu mm i !v Material SaV.tlc? Of Hllll ttllifftrlllls ttnill I nnulln If flif, t ImiunniTu nf linHa jp annually approprliteJ by tho fans .would be turned back Into the hopper "for further ure. The war materials entering Into the fc rubber and horschlcio. It Is estimated 'test In the average ball game In tho t'Ut umes being played clallj In the big Bfieeptlon may be secured of the value t ason. not to mention the property . balls have soared In price like everjthlrg c.fce, and th s Is no joar vviim Um club owners are Inviting eUravngan. j. hi'1 Rn thnt nrtinn Itm nnmlr... .. ... v . ...... ....v., titu lui.t.iip, oi.icuu 'allkely that a new leu of natr.ntlsm -follow tradition mav hnd thein.elvrf r rjfGtrtnan. if ... TDUBDCR formeily was n prime the use of the elastic stuff ha reasons, perhaps. It now costs too ( a reliable and cheaper substitute. Yarn the Chief Article to Be Conserved fTAIlN Is one of the most needed nrtlc'i tr -sweaters, helmets, socks, wristlets fL yards of the fleecy material, so tfial tho by spectators Is by no means a small I'BAaMblR Is npprlprt hv TTnnln tn :;:.:: . .".." ..... j:::. ::. f wmiiiw oci uau viii iiciij Ht me jf Horsehlde Is a valuable war piod'ict and tlie dllllculty of obla'n'in; ' tae grades Is becomlni; greater ns tho war irogrcsses. And v!iPp hor( hide Is not a direct war essential now H manufacture of shoes and can bo ut'el to tellele the snor.a.e in tl o B't aupply of ordinary shoe leather, which I S On ,Unf If fhn natpnn. tit mnfn jjy "confronted with, placards reminding them to 'Soe Hisebiils and Help Win the war thy need bo neither surprised nor shocked nor even amused. And It won't be because the club owners unduly aie cutting tho small cor ners, but because thev naturallv wnn in (In nwivtn in. i.. ...m. .. ,. .i... Rtv valuablo war material and continue to rpHERE Is no more reason for a patron nt a ball game napro- prlatlng a baseball than any other property of llko alue belong ing to a club, and If the propos-ed economj can refoim the code of etiquette or the moral perception of b!g league aud.ences as It re lates to the property rights of ball clubs It w'lll hae done a good deed. Minor league audiences are much more mannerly In the respect named. It Is not considered good form at all tn the bushes to steal balls. een In a playful mood Managing Owner Toughest Job at Pittsburgh tlTOE perplexities of managing the'Piratcs under the ceasnrsh n of Mnr- ILljate Bainey Dreyfus are well Illustrated by a peculiar situation with two aagiesnow prevailing In Smoketown baseball circles. Drcyfus's original stand T regarding Mamaux's contract has attracted widespread attention, the idea (f,t as best It can be gathered seeming to be that he had tho right to trade the player, but that the latter was not or 1918. Kr The second angle of tho predicament of tho Pirate ch'e'taln nt n'esent P'. found In the case of Plrst Baseman Vic Saler. Drefuss Is claiming .', toe services or the plajer from the Cubs RJto the facts as reported he has about I? Baa that Mamaux's contract Is void and E? or trade him. Sa er. It seems, while b K aervlce to the Cubs last reason on aetout of a bioken leg, u was not yaubject to waver on account of the fa;1 tt at be was pi d his full reasons K salary, was unconditionally reltafed and thereby became a fiee ancnt. hi, ine auier caise la lurinvr eompucaivu n, inai ejiucagos action, It &cems. ffcJm ud. Now that Saier has ictovcre Ej'lklm, but Is confronted by unotlitr em . burgh claim. Roger Bresnahan. the astute pilot Association, wants the placr and Is hi reported to have tendered the crippled tCjO that circuit, the figures placed M aviree agent he stands in an enviable gi TF THE facts In the case aro correctly stated. Saler undoubtedly Hy. " la a free agent. In which cafe he cither can play In the m noix at a fat salary or can foice n higher bidding bout betwee i the Cubs and tho Pirates. In a financial ri.:n'at letween the Cubs and Pirates theie In virtually no pronltm as to wneie the iilajer would land. ' A sa-a4 n Alnrtflu il. ih iun S f . n. T Sr.J. rj.)' liieicii. j. eiuiio mu.Mii Jifimei mv Jjltiis T?AFTER carefully hcannlns tho sport sictloi s of tho curiuut nre. esno. A. dally that part rc' to baseball, Be lis C. Wright, nne'ent nnd ' fccnorable tennis churlc, lifts up his to m nounce that liu is unable to whv ttiprA fi not 1nst rin crnod r.n lithe veteran as In the diamond sport. rh6 has also matched strokes with -frlca. Asia and most of Europe, has . membership in New York and declares that, be Is ready for all come s ,T Aside from the Impetus given tcnn.s oM timers to seel; new lauieW an L'k result of openings made by the bft .. tf .. .III. !.... ffn AM...ln. nnnv IWM Ul LllIC Jlu; ill JIJMCIJI.U1I ojiui t, ai mini umii iiiu lllie'ljeurt rm" (er, Is changed somewhat, championships will eount keenly, Tho old lira to beat everybody and to have a, apell. and as a result of the action of tho tennis authorities greatly i-eased Interest In racket circles may ilr ,The reappearance with muchsuceess lasi seison uf Wughts old pnl fellow teammate when they won ("and' 190G may have entered Into ji'? retired player. (Iolcombe Wurd ,last summer when, be flasHed In feet Club, and also completely upset award Vorucll, u keen favorite, at i" 4 ... Ui .... 1HE return of Beais wngnt to tuo lists aouutiess win serve as a ?ftffmuhi tn mnnv other nldt!mers to come out nf their rerlr. i "V . " "'.... .llBwnt and mix with the i ,4Mperioriy oi me oia gumo us )B)re.eni varieiy oi piuy. tfjf-k AfatheiDson SecMnri i Pitchers Toney audEller ilated manager of tie Cincinnati' war pucners ui ine rvaiioniu ta n right-hander and a southpaw, lie Is prepared to glvo un ', two young outfielders, a catcher and cash for suitable talent. v Jack Hendricks Also HKNDRICK8, manager of tho twits Napoleon I-aJolo to play ' tha'ensulngseason. LaJolo's MM"urMertaiiity CjOncernlnj allowed cron'cd hv !nltrnt suggesting tlie t little cnnscrvcr that hlstnrv has process In t ntercil of vv nn'iiir nn1 emphasise!. Ono ripe subject, r. oulckly to the lench by handing I of n'uyfully conccal'tig then on minufacture of baseballs nre yarn that pcihaps two iIotiii balls nre matinor ait out, and when the number leaguo3 ulono Is slteen, soniu urn- o' tho product thus h3t iluilng a alio to the clubs. Then too baso- , n ...)... I, I.. ... .., 1I Ml a i vn UIIUI'I na) lb n mil ill Ult will be nude. Those ntleintitln:: to fart .is f.l.niktirt tir nrt,lt'ei le urn- t rmrnt In baseball malting, but been t educed of late, for two r. ich nr.d cork has I ecu found - ) of .ji ute. as it can lio made Into etc Rnch ball c ntalns c eral sniping of a couple of dozen balls cinslde-it'on rjo ln"h of vim his uM np hrti u tlmmfntn - v " It counts, for It Is aalla'lo for (be U getting scarcer dalh. lAtmin nnr.A ,tm .... entertain the public during w at tune. entitled to protection on hu contract ia tho waiver route but as much ground for h's clj'm as ho at the came time that he can sell In : unable to n,,v , ir.i, from his lnlurles Ch enm n ..o ariastment other thiin tho 1'itts- cf the Toledo club of the American so te-t on him that he is rlar the biggest sauiry ever oflcrcd at $ iOhO So that if Sa er teilly Is position and need not woiry at all. finnnrl llnilv In llm nut nnatfmr. ttxr In fact, the former national champion the lest racket man of Australia, moved b ick East, established a cluh go'ng to wur. Is to bo noted tho re- . t a n it ..ntll I. a . .. .. a title ntten im thai tact will Un :u 1 c expected the coming season. tho niili nil .doubles honors In 1904, the bid fur renewed distinction of the It u i! bo le-alied, ui-,oi u the a winner both ut Scabilght and the tl' j dope by handing u swift belting bonthampton. 7 . ' - ciimeut in tna eliort to p'ovo tho p.ujua uy uiu iiiubio.u over ine raae for l wo l wirlera for rnllitary duty. Liu'.sw Alathcw- Nationals, .Is making u big drive to ie'ui;ue iiieeiuig, ii is sa.u. .iiamcw. Wants Larry Lu'tolc Card.nals, has let ll ue .nown tint second base Wr the Knotholeis status has not yet been elctcrrr.nod thf international League. How- tot awy If thefu I a obance lor U.v' i,0;,?'.,V5nr.d'Mn,tfS"! tfiifiritffaf-nn ifeiWwBamiairtiflni iint if in iff PrTt'T ' Vis , Z j t l HA3XMUaSiSMaaMX9iHUIlB"WaMnMtfBiiClKS!siMfffii !KniBK8lXMlLaii t 'riia 74. fc - ! fWMT A MIMlTfJ (Tve GOT To fMUL Vou OR fW6LL fS IT NOT S f UJAIT A MllS'm.7 gft To WUL - VoO- 0, V -- FACT That You f v, - not so fa tJj LlTrie orncc be home for VlV Are cSoins To 7 S J-- ' VvLoVSft DINNER? AMSW6R je CLub ToMlGHT, J I II ill if JHri M mm i mw'&L )i$-4 r&w?wh 1$ ' jKvgot its? - mv c3Wl N o him -7U WILLARD WILL nGil DEMPSEV OR FULTON Heavyweight Champion Says He'll Meet Winner in Ten-Round Bout KWSAS CITY Mo Teh 13 Jess Wlllirl will flg'it the wlin r nf a i rcu luiuin-ineK i'onp( m ucn n r in .1 i n'rt tM Tftrr"i '" r the long-distance telephone from Law rence iu re he i vl'lt I, Stnttm nf of Hinip e's nnnigi r and others tint a Wllnd 1) irps y chim-plon-hlp milci to terfought at Chejuine, Vo, had licn arianged. Willanl 'aid were "absolutely prcposteiou- " "'h, I have ntvir even met Kcarns or Hem e,' sild Jea , 'u ul furthermore I 'nit1 f.?r been appiontlip 1 in a prepaid match vv lih the TrKco tighter it i m it, an ndvcitlilng iirup., tun, with ray name as a Fcheine tu gam publ city." When told t.nt Tom Amir -vs hid closul articles for a Denipsey-I'ulton maich to be staged In Milwaukee the nt, r pirt of May the heavjwegat champion cNrlalmtd "Bully, t'lato the match, nnd I will meet the winner In a ton-round bout" ' W'ouldn t ou participate In a longer battb '" Wlllird was a kod Why hhiiuld I?" he fired Inch "I c-in malt more meai' (lgiting ten round t In the Hist than I ran lighting '00 iound In the West and I might pt ou Know that I'm not In the game for my heillli " Sport? Served Short VViiltrr flpp. n-t.cli- f x1 ,.,.! ,,. r ' iirt rii.l" - '" t ',r iMMnkli im I " iiw " '' In c'iii'I dvion V f " flnri r is no rair r. irrl lis fimllv Ii rum Ui v U off mil lie di'l ml mi,- l m tur ,xiinr tloii ,V Minti, r-"m - -liM iinl I r',,-'ilnj rh mini f " I t s' u- ; T nv lf ir n v ll i '", ir oh H. I' l ''I," , '" '.' ' ti i Hi1' v'hi ' i'" t,i1 ' 1 ' t'l -th of in- in'f-r 'ic ' 'ii I iii tn I'll '!-' to- 1"! '"I I' ; "S't in re''v tM-n"t1 i-- ti ' ' i " l"J .i l-t trp I M-t"" Mvn ' o .In gi SI i j Lv the Lr'i-i'"'"'- l4l fun r T'" I'r'-'-l.l'n fit '-'liiii thi- IsneJ lonTJft of fatrhcr 'trrrtu O KruT-r Wli'lill "riflin tnl tni" l (p- hll( -! rin' 'in! u fi '"n the rn-it In M u un s-imru tif't n pn M r ' I It. C I'i'-ih". f Tttniu---s nn t of ' tmr k mil I --i! '" 1-1 ' 'rr. nil H- 111 "HP mill . m" in "i t. i' tinnuil riunil ni.ln 'nur nr.nt iVn'l-tii Itri'ii. Iin'wii In r i-111h11c nl h "-- i-n "" - ,i t- 'Ictcil liv Hi" Nuilaral tra i' ev l - t...... .... ..ft . .IdfaJ I .Id II J aril ntrs iii-r " 'lfe ii ii I 'riT-l nf Iri" tlltnis r'iNeri tvl'l ci tn I Hal Millnt"i , r.l in Marti II j ft Inln , nniv I (i " tw r mrt l tn, fililn I mum ul .Marlln I.' v VrCa-li ml Hill , Piril'n Ik ' ll' "I" tl' I'll. ' "l"?? I h ., -t .',n ir I M' 1 f tK t bo tilhtr ClirfTj will nrrk c it nt ll.- fprlngi. I In fir loiUIni I'M trl'ls ut Vlrnl-U I 1 ii ii 1 nt ink' .p -i'-n I- "fr Iti'lury I Wh!t m-i. to iJ "iv P 1. P r i Winn ui 1 n wt '1 K'il till it f nt'Vt-lv bv lont 1. - tl Uini'toi Well i.wnl by I i.ei Jamln V.VI1. i In till frill IfJio- la tr ,n! rlil'l itl-nnirnt "n thi ciurt ' I it Sf.ntn I.flnicnt rm-irv N'i V k i -i In'rrnit Im; niifhis w r nltv 1 I " rli ' 11 Alt xardfr i Dr Wnllin ri'irliiin t - I rdlltn-'l Inlnr IllliriOili-til i -t il It intld A. Innick norinn and ( I s Hi lind I a litur tie tatt"'it u ensmulon In I utrilml I'tn OJ HI r I r-nllrt Ji-r Until m.'nirt a cnnti-iitt with tl llftl Hox hiit Ann t runk S ulf Mr. Ini.u and W 10 sthri -thi uthr mun lir nf inn AtnUtl" "ior trii i rrn il tn li.ii.toi irit uli hold r.i iul. Si'..un? ion- 1 firrttii will Mfn!ir IiYkiu ana mriuw. liut d.J mt ime t tr-rms (i.l.nnliln ilofca Ml Da-tPwjth In Ue Intrr I cnl it-icli If Imall Ui I iliek In Nt w lorli by ' a score ef '.' to 1H. Mri thinnli'i: Wrln. of Koutn Urldrf Maii . fun wcu luf 'lua'.fvlip round rf tni' rtbru-iry koK mur iimi nt ut I'aln Uriel, wan . 'ImlnaUJ by .Mm T. I. Cole, ilfeinwloii. ll'rry V. Ilonrnun. ' tMo rtty lost tr fourteenth unnual inlJiv ittr r ii" ifnB murnnmfil of Knnni" ''II V O idle. cf Lexlneton. Ky.. In lb io. r.It. Thr wlntrr Hflhon nt Nw Orlroni rid d w'm th irwnt elty lliuidu ip wr.ltb w.i woi by C. Iluxton a t "ell. tMltier (nopT. the l'1-itn' n"rher Ii a ho.dD'Jt nrcnrdms tn Pittniiurh rrnorn. Ooowr It l nl"l I rnl "it'inrd lli tlie frinn offt red rim In Hit contract cent Ijv 1'riedcnt Uarney pre ff Jclin TntnnJ una Chirln rmpb-II tlel for It-fdlnu (rin'i l - inemt"r "f the Bianahan CaU-all,- r-lu' 4?v5 UanDiiter avenut LjcIi i.roK4 2tH out of .'.Ml larfeti. John II. Redmond nap elert'd prreMpl .if lie tlell'viio Dimrlct of tho Cjjik r "Ity C'ncjure Autatlon at the annual i. t ln. , Prtvdenrr ba soli Pdoto Ontloiv. rint Mugtim to Litre ciud ana I'ucner I Olto Vrtera to Atlanta. LuKelnnd, nf RiimmiR agonal CIUB 1 1 BOBBY QUINN DECLARES BONUS SHOULD BE RULED FROM GAME AS BREEDER OF TEAM DISCORD Urges Baseball Commission to Act to Save Club From Suffering at Hands of "Sore" and Trouble-Making Players Bon tin OIIIIV QCIXN'. builneii tmingor of id Hrowni, Ini deelirnl vvir on the bonui He Inn nnnnunrcd that he won't rrgiln Ills cnmpnure until le hns.phvor grt JMin for hitting (enthe "Inniiremont" lrcl'datpil out of hnvelnll Wb eh incins tint plavers on ' iU" fnr bitting Jilt that much the .St Lnuls Amerletn Ta utile club c in I "A clul' n"nf,r ronlrncti a plijer with cpct nn inonrtirv levvird nslilo fmni "" undoiHlnndlng tint tho liter Is to their regulir MlpcmN whether they hit , K'c n's '""t unices That much being WO or the ipvphp nf tint in irk . undcrftoml I do nnt see whv any mig- Qulnn's ronnrki nncnt the bnnui were I" ite liniild bo forced to dig Into his brought out during a recent dlpiis-lnn j pofltetlmok to feed a pla.ver n nmy mere of 1018 (..ilarK1, It Is ginerily under- Iv b iuk ho gets Ills best -ervlees. It -too! Hint imgintos nro Killing w.icos nil along the line under rover of 'cNtrior dlnuy conditions" In the nitlonil pistlnio The iiufitlon then nrnsc will thn pliyers hitherto driwlng Hrco mI arles bo content to nocept tlieto cuts and glvo theli best efforts?" Bonus Causes Dimension Tho bonus nstem has been i-ugge'ted as tho allovl-itlon for illgruiitlcd pli.vers. TIiub. It wis figured If a pl-ier was tcnilercd a lower contiaot a claue might bo inserted providing a bonus re ward If the plajer hatted nbove a htlp ulated figure Qulnn not onlv doen't bellevo tho bonus vv III solve the wage problem, but t Is his opinion that It will ere ito more dl'Fatlsfled plajcrs thin othcivvlse vvoiill elst. 'It Is my rrm belief that the bonus f-jstcm nukes for Indlvlduillsnl nnd do- Ftrojs tiain i fllrlency," n ild Qulnn "Vou cant tell mo that a pitcher or Imtir who Is Milvlng for a fiOO bonus or wluilevi'r It miy be will not Mibord nite the Intel ests of his team to those of his own. "Mori over. cotitnnt strlvlnir for thn bonus Is apt to wear on tlio pi ij'er's nervi no knows lie must do Just is much woik tn win the extra revvanl anil for that ii,it.nn If he doesn't cet tho brfiiks lt' liki-ly to Injure bis efllclency. i oo noi m nor could I evei undii MARINES PLAY NAVAL RESERVES TOMORROW Ulval Teams Will Jlcct at Cooper Battalion in Big Cage Match It may he put down ns n tafo proposition tint when the sturdy basket ball plajcis comprising the Marino team, of League Inland, meet the representa tive live of the Naval Iteterve-e, of Sewells l'olnt, Capa Mij-, a nervc klnklng forty minutes Is In store for the rabid rooters who turn out for the eonfllct. Tho gamo will be eontosted In Cooper Hattalion, Twcnty-thlid and Clirl'tlan fctrects, tomoirow night. It had been originally planned to hold tho eontett l'rlday night. Owing to the fact that tho home guards uo the old ilrejhtock floor on which to practlca on rrlelay evening the game had to be movid up ono night. Tho Marines havo been going Btrongly for thei latt Eeveral weeks, and their victory over the Kastern League All last Raturdaj night was one of tho most notable achievements thnt they havo registered to far. However, the canker of the defeat they rtcelved nt the bands of the Cape May team Is Btlll rankling the sea soldiers, and they aro praetlclng diligently. WOOD MAY DO BETTER as come-back THIS YEAR That. Joe Wood, former Boston lied Sox pitcher, w ho tried a come-back stunt vlth the Indians last season and failed, may be successful this year, providing bo changes his taction Is tho opinion of Henry P. Kdwnrds, Cleveland baseball writer, who Is ono of the oldest men writing baseball in tho major leagues. Here's what Edwards sajst "If Joo Wood makes another attempt to como back, as Is expected, be will be ndvlsed to follow the example of George Poster, of the Ked Sox. "The trouble with Wood last year vva that he tried to place on display nil tho stuff ho had when the best pitcher In ,he country. Poster, who was believed to be through as a pitcher when thb 1916 campaign ended, did not mtke that rr.1i take. He knew he had lost much of his former ability and consequently did not M try ta cat all am ba bad fnraierlv . ', "it . "T, -. r.'V's . v MZBdMrttLJ..... 'iMtkUitiJl Kind vrhy anv club should bo forced to rlvo extri rowaid to n plavcr for ef f iris lie is Miipioil to give under hli 'Irigiit ill in In nthrr word" If a 00, whf ! !itili1n"t he bo content to recolvu hi" Isn t erpiltnlilo. "Another th ng. thero Is bound to bo Jealousy among iilaj crs when the bonus agi cement becomes known That's .Hinthrr angle to It. If one plajer on the club Is entitled to oxtri rnnip-nsitlun whv aren't all of them' Thc are And If tho plnver happens to loi-e that bonus, inrtlculaily by a cloe margin he'll re member It until tiny put him under tho cod "My argument and tho policy I have pursurd In signing the Ilrowns for 1018 Is to give tin in whit jou conclder a fair salary; one the magnates can af ford to pij If they emit give their best Hirvlcis at thnt nrloo lliov nr.'l I vvoith hiving on tho rlub The N'a- tlonal Commission ought to put this practice out of business it huits tho game and nlwajs will" About Profit Sharing On the other hand Qulnn S"es much merit In the profit-sharing sstem which Connie Mack f.ijs he will Introduce among his pli(1-s during the coming season Jf the i luh nnkis money, mys Qulnn, It Is emlmiitly llttlng that play irs should shur In the ecess pirtlcu larly hlnoo the nthletis might be asked to work for entailer wagis "Hnwivir," i-.ij.s Hob. 'I'll take a big lt that there's not ono plajer in a hundred that Is willing to gamblo with the elub owners In this waj." Fitz, Gotch and John L. Pass in Rapid Succession 1 hey no out liv the Itulo of three nt Iriat ho tii)i mi old. old shIiik. anil n It kremed when llnli I Itzulniinnns, J rink A. i.ntiii nnd .Inlin I,, sulllvun iaei incr the ere it illilil. th hut u few fliort neeU httwreii. Three nf the inlslille.t men tint etrr Knlneil the rillirllll? Ill.lllfllfa ,if Ilia f.,...ll. !....... three) iiiiii ivlui.f eimiln nniv never fine ii iliifrln.- rrottd lu-aln ill tone, ami wltluil u sl.url a Mime of time, flaiue !'.' ""; 'Kstt feirlns deutli no more than they hid pier feared tlie lien-en! liuninn ine, noil nun i mini iimi John ruuclil brneli fur thtlr lliei, si ml thru, tin lllnrlilnie, went to llnj niiat the here uftir hejil. CANADIAN TROOPS HAVE HELPED BOOST BASEBALL .Some Idea of tho oxe-cllent work which tho Canadian troops have done toward tho spreul nf baseball In Prance and l.ngland may bo gleaned from tho fact that a scries for the championship of tins Canadian forces overseas was plaj-cd n Kngland last fall In which 101 teams took part. A great many players who were membtis of minor leagues und seml-profossloml clubs in the Dominion are "over theiu," and of th teams which look p.ut In the championship series sev eral wcro really nrst-eliss aggregations. The l'"rcnch also aie lepoited to bo greatly Inteiestcd In our national game and In jtais to come, when the war Is over and the affairs of tho world aro In n normal stato again, a real world se lies may be un annual fenturo and the great AniBiicau gunio hae an interna liunui bcoiic, f ASKS EXEMPTION TO AID CUBS WIN A PENNANT Harry Weaver, alias "Buck." n recruit Pitcher of tho Cubs, raid formerly to have been a member of Connie Mack's twirling staff, who asked the Warren. Pu , board to exempt him because he was needed to pitch tho club to a pennant and world's championship, camo to grief, Tho request of Weaver Is unique. Strong, buil.y and able-bodied, he told tho members uf tho board that the Chi cago team had a great chance to win, but that every available man was need ed nnd every ounce of (strength required. Would tha board please exempt him that tin migat aid In brli - BlorlOUsvlotOrv? ' iP. r. . . ' ." w ,t"' e':i aas i 'rj" - L jtJunrAt.l&li PENN NOW FAVORITE FOR THE CAGE TITLE Victory Over Cornell by 21 to 18 Gives Quakers Edge in Race Pcnn's basketball team sprinted out to a good bad In the Intircolleglit I.oaguo race lit night by defeating Cornell at Itlnci by 21-18, and the vlo toij not only gives the Qitilcrs a com fort ible edge, but makes ibo-n the odds on fivorltc for the championship Coieh .lourdets men hive plajcd only four games and tho Echidule cills for ten. but even at this earlv date they leietk like the best combination In tlie Iingue, especially since Captain Lew Mai tin Is back In tho fiay and plajlng in his old-time form In their four victories the Tenn play ers have defeated their most d ingorous rivals. Prlncton, Yale, Columbia and Cornell havo fallen before the attack of the Quakers, nnd as Dartmouth Is vvoe-fiill- weak this sea-on the two contests scheduled with the Clrcen virtually can be counted as triumphs already. The mon pleislng part of the Penn victory was that tho Quakers won on field goals nnd not on fouls Ten bas kets were tossed through tho net by Jourdefs pupils, while only eight were made by the ithacins Only three fouls ' were called on Cornell and Mike Swce-llh'ls and Braves In Series nev made one out of tho trio Mx were! Tho pIans now ,lr to rcrnan lr st called on Penn nnd btewart made good , Petersburg from March IS until March 'n two of his tries I :6i i,cn tlla team Ioac, for j,lml Andy Stannard and Martin were the i to pily ,ho nrnves 0f Boston on Match heroes of the game for the Quakers e m, ,,,, , 'pi, ,. m .r,,i k,m. The former was all over the court and completely baltled the Ithacans by his speeuy piay. lie ciged four field goals. It was decided at the last minute to play Martin, who hid been on the side lines for some time auo to nn Injury received In the flr-t game of tho sea son It was a who move to place the and Blue leadei at guard, for he plajed a marvelous game, one of his two baskets ti iv Png more than half the ditanco ofithe Iloor. Columli'a seond another victory over Dartmouth and advanced to a tie for third place In the league standing with Princeton The New Yorkers' 22-18 win over the New Knglanders was the fou-th straight defeat for the Green and tho thiiteenth revirse of the season Dart mouth has jet to win Its tlrst cage game of tho present cnmpalgn cither In the leaguo or In Independent contests. OLD-TIME ATHLETES HOLD ANNUAL DINNER The Veteran Athletes of Philadelphia, an organization composed of those who competed in amateur athletics or were prominently Identified with amateur sports prior to 18DG. held their tenth annual gathering last night at the Ar cadia Cafe, Judge laigene C. Ilonnlvvcll. president, acted as toastmaster. "Patriotism" was the keynote of tho various spieches made by Ilrlgaeler Gen. eral W. T Waller. Colonel M Gray allnMil, Colonel Gcoige Montgomery and Lieutenant Alfred H. Jones. URGE H0SKINS AS NATIONAL TENNIS ASSOCIATION HEAD Philadelphians and Other Progressive Representa tives Begin Campaign for Recognition Gibbons Slated for Executive Committee THL3 fond hopes which Philadelphia tennis players havo cherished for some time, that of having ono of theli brethren elected to tho presidency of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association, may bo reaiucu vvuen ine delegates to tho nation il association nolo, their annual meeting l'rlday in the Waldorf-Astoria. New Yoik. . It. llotklns, who has been Identified with national tenuis circles for som jeurs. during which tlmo ho held seveial huportatit unices, Is the local candidate who u regarded ns having a line oppor. tunlty cf defeating Major George T. Adee. of New York, for tho presidency. Special Mectlnff Tomorrow It 1 as-ti't been definitely decided whether llotklns will bo nominated fo,r president or for vice president of the association. It all depends on tho re port of tho Boston, Now Yolk. Pitts burgh and Philadelphia delegates at a fpeom meeting to ho held tomorrow If the "piogrosslve party" believes that It ha tulllrlent backing it will nominate Hotklns for president. It not, he will be backed for the vice presidency. Major George Adee, the present presi dent, It Is bellaved, will unable to attend to his duties owing to his work By KODEKT XIIW YOI1K. Teb. 13. i AS CSt'Al-. the fans support-1 Ing tho National League will pay the freight this j ear. This refers not I rmlv In nilinlsslon f cs. but ine war im us will According to feme Inside elope eplllcd In the Waldorf last night, the I Tenor circuit will vote today to adopt a set of prices- whereby tho bleacher patron will be taxed thirty cents for each performance, with The other mats I selling at l'fty-ceiit. clghty-flve cents ttt.d tl 10 ! Outside nf thit nothing of u startling nature developod nt the meeting which opened jeMerelnv In the corridors of tho Wnldorf Of roun,. thcra rue regit- ( I ir meeting room-, hut they nre ued , nnlv to pirk a llwk nf nvorcoits nnd rasli prnml-es The nal itulf Is pulled. In the open, where mignates. manager-, plivera nnd n-rlbes get urether and tr in rrnoM whit the other guv Is doing On tare occasions Mime of the guesses mo correct. Hong Deal Closed Pat Moian tho bold fisherman of ritehhurg Muhs, nnd I'resldcnt Hiker, of the I'hlWdclphl i team, wore very much In evidence and late In the after noon ntinotmei il tint Bradley Hogg, the pitching phonom from Ln-t Angeles, bid I ern procun d In exchange for Paul Fit-tirj-, tho sntithpivv, nnd Claude Cooper, nur Indifferent outnrlder. This cannot le regarded an regular news, a the tory vtias published in the Ilvrvtvo J'fii.ic I.Hini' i a week ago At that Pat nrcms very much pleaded with tho deal and bellevis he has n real fllnger In Mr Hogg The new nltchor Is a rlght-hnnder nnd won flftein ttralght rnmc nt the end of ., rei,on. wh.n ,he club, were going - good Ho finished with twenty-seven victories nnd thirteen defeats which nrovrs that he Is a t-low Mnrtcr and probaUv will not be of value to the probaMv wll not be of value to the hlls until August Moran Is willing to wait that long however, If ho Is as- Hiired that a tliiMir of victories will bo forthcoming Ilverj one I- hippy over the conruinmitlon of the transaction, for It rrmoenl two p.ijers from the trad ng Ii t and all lb it lomaln iow are Dugrj. Schulte, I. iv finder nnd Wel-er Mnnagi r Pat has othti deal i In pro-pct and hopei to compl'te them bcfoie the' club goes South oi Match 15 Griffith Chanjres l'lans Tho PhJIs were hnnded a solar plexus blow last night when Clirke liillhth innouncul tint his Wa-hlngton Club would not trilu In Tampa as was nrtt supposed, but hid seleeted Augusta, (la for the spring workcut tlrirf vv inted logo to Tamp i, but when he learned tin the authorities down tlicie wanted $7C0 lor the use of the lall pirk and 3n pt cent of the gross receipts of tho games, negotiations were I roken off FUdelenlj Business Manager BUI Shett'llne had plumed a series cf practice games with the Senators, hut they lnvc been forgot ten The clubs will piny together on the trip north, however, nnd have ar ranged dites at two army cantonments They hope to play at leist llvo games for the soldiers before Jumping Into Washington to put on their unnual . .series I to bt Pete on .Sunday, the 3lFt. nnd stick mound until April 9, when the lorthward Journey begins Those who piedlctid that Johnny livers had casied In his checks as a big league ball plajer have aiiotln r guess coming Jawn of Troy Is very much In ovldmcc In the meeting and It would not be nnj surprl.e to sec lilm In the sp ingles when the season opens It will bo remembered that the former king of the second sackers was handed bis unconditional by the Phils last fill nnd Is In a position to sign with either league Karly estcrdav afternoon bo had a long talk with Prod Mitchell of the Cubs, and It looked ns If he would be bails again with tho ol.l club Mitchell Is worried over the fate of a pair of Ids likely looking kids, Pete Kllduff and Hollacaer, and fearj they will bo snared In the draft before long Por that reason there Is a chance fnr a big weaknesi In the center of tho diamond, and Pred wants to patch It up Two Club3 After Evert While Pvers was whimpering to Mitch ell Pel Ilairov, tho new manager of the Ited Kox, neste d close to Pat Moran and askid our manager to plvo him tho lo v down on the Trojan He wanted to know If Jawn btlll was good enough for fast compiny, and Tat replied that he was .Shortly afterward Barrow and Pvers were been In a quiet spot talking things over Thin we hive tlio veteran sought after by two clutu, one In each league Tho race should bo clojc, as his onico over to the vice president. Tho New York nomination fin vice presment Is Julian Mjrlclc. Paul Gibbons Opthnistlc 1 I'.iut G bbons. nresldcnt of the Phll.n. ueipnii. Ulstrlct Lawn Tennis Atsocla tloii, and a candidate for the National Pxecutlvo Commlttco stated today that tho number of Huklns supporters his been Increasing cvt'iy day. During the last week delegates fiorn the Middle West, bouth Now Pmrl mil nint finltn n few frorn New York asSUieJ the I'hlla- ucipniui that tney would support him In any acllou he saw lit to take. The tw em j-.llve, Philadelphia reptoentatlvcs will vote solidly for Ilosklim Another big question to coino before tho meeting Is the executive commit tee's lecommendatlon tbut nil champion ships bo rcitorcd. George, W, Wight man, of Boston, renominated for treas- urcr, f eems to be the only big man In ttv nSf-.nelf.tlo,. tvlin I. nnn... ... - .... .....,., .. t. .n vy'i-,11 cu iu (no icstoi.itlon of tho titles, and thero Is no chaiicn that tho recommendation will not bo Accepted Th,e furthr development of Junior ten nis propoganeli not only for bojs but for grl aa we)I will come In for a lot of attention, for txsptclally durjm; the wartJm Ihofut.ure;. thumiport da. ?s itlB. 1,i n - AV. .MAXWELL Phils Open With Braves and Close With Giants at iiovii; nifii nosimi itrii in. u. is, in, ..... Iti, en. j I . .lllltllnt it, 30. .11 ' With llrookljn April .ill, Si, 21, J 21, XI, tn, ilt Sentrmlier 1 , i V ttllli ew Vur'. nrll 211, tin, li,iy i' I. .1(1. SI). .11, llitoli.r i. i r. " ' ttllh ( Inilnnutl .lime I. .1, I, it, j.,. . i'l. ill, .Ul hrKtemhir HI. V, j? Mltll (lilritn .Iimio (I. 7. H. Hii . I ill J' S-i. 1. .Ml s,i,einhrr II. in. n" "' mth (. liill lunr II. W. II. ii, i ptisl 1. i. J 1 tentemhor 2 VV.'sj" Vtlt'i I'ltlshnrsli .luite 11 II. IKi 7n.ui II. !, , Ul Sepleniliep il,, V ' Alltl(IM) At lloston nrll SI, 31, art. 5Ji ji, . 4. 4i senlrmliir III, 11. u, f ' ' t llrnolibn Mn .1, I, Hi uinii.t lo, it H, 111 .eutnilirr 3111 Ditoher I, i'l At Vrvi rrk Ml t, S. Hi .time Jj! ij', Julv I, Ji rtti.Milirr ,v. n. 7. n. ' " At t. I mi is via, ii, i. n, , ,. III. tl. It. I n August is, is, '(,. " t , hlrnco M .5 II, IC, 17, IH, 1B J.I, , 11. 1.1 is. Ki.titKii't in. 17. "" l I'lltslllircll Mil- JO, H, til Jab . tH, 11), 301 Ancust Jl, Sll) J7, 2K. ' At t Inclilllilll Vim 34. 31. 2fl. 27. ji, . 7, S, U Aliens! 81, ii, 21, ' "" Weeghmnn nnd Trnzco care nottilnc about the (.alary question so long ' they get their names In print. For some reason or other AmcrlctSi League nlTalrs hornrd In on the tea. slon nnd the probable fate of the Ath. letlcs was discussed Tho wsc peroni believe that Connie will have a rood ball club this jeir, and point to th fact that If he couldn't finish better than eighth vvtlh his old team he must do as well, If not better, with a groira of new faces Accordli k to n perton In a po'lllon to know, Connie .Mack will havo a nlc. set of ball tn.sor, who formerly drew their pay ftom the Boston owners. Four 1 fn"( -. " to tn, , Ath. e.i uiree, as wan urst reported Thos. wno were selected first were Onrdntr third lmsp! W.ilWe mufl.ei . . .' ,..,, ,,'. ,." :.,,'',, "'" "-" . ennocn, 'l', ' ",'i ,",i' ",'J1, nrt,t l,a,c' A "r?.c.v J1,1? il ,e,d ,lhe nivy. rome oat " u "'" ' "" ,","uc" mtr "l n'3 P"e Mack Deal Denied was reported that Itohhv ... slated as ciptaln nnd fiit baseman of the lied sinx and Stuffy Mctmils wotiM by shifted to second Thli, however, ii.n been di nled, as has evcrj thing die PM tain. nr tn the dial But the dnpe on tho Athletics ,nd of It seems to bt eon ct The Kjd So tried to trade Hobby to Detiolt for Oscar Vitt. but Hughcy Jm ling i turned It down Boston ne eds i third basemin, arel the chincrs tn tint Willy Scliam: will be given till job Sehang should plaj a swell game In Uo-iton for no Is not well aciualittl tlvre nnd will not thlow s many bfflt i f lend In tho grand stain: Selling and Ktrunk nre holdouts, at coiillng to last repoits Jco Bush.' signed j e etc relay nfierroon after s heart-to-heart talk with Prasre and feels better aftci the ore! al The other re calcitrant!! nri evpectid to sign tha papeis today v The pitln!l will !. dbcu sed by thti Nntloml League barons this afternoon, . 1.1., ik.KA I.. -, . . .. . . ' .ui. mine: i-. ni. ennger or il neiny canned The game Is In a too precs-j ...,u inmiiuu-i in im trine j witn at nut time Howevir, miny minag'rt are op posed to that form of delivery and Pl Moran is one of them Pat's views in the subject follow Mo-an Aciinsf. "Spiiter"" "A spltbnller Is an uncrtiln bird an! he will cross ou when vou leat expect It lie will b'i along flii" fop elpit In nlngs n.nd Mow up In the ninth From nermml ohervitnn nnrt deep sflnV I havo rtl-envereri thit n. fmitlnll pitcher Is 'rlrbf nbniit three.fvirths of the ume an,i ,Vln nrtnt'i fo.fl)lrrlo of hit rimes Tint nen-'s be wins about one. lnlf of tlK rnmi- ), piioi, r, wyt like thit cannot win the pennant." Chirl-1 V"rn t'ln elrl ffl,n,l pi,;,,, nil former purler on h t Tiole Cards ln I o"n nwi'il"tnrl umnlre In tht 'Hlonl ., piaco of Al Ortti, who ho a vv-pik knee Wr Pd Walh who was riven n try out by t'le Bnves list j ear, attended the meeting and expects to be signed for the seison Ho sajs his arm Is to.i good shipe Hugo Bezdek, the kid manager of thtH Pirates savs ho hopes to get away to i f njiMii uti t hum srnrnn. jie nas a swell , chance to get his hope, as his club lm-;J in,-,--, un i ,P Atiuetit's in an ante-seatoo fv-nr-i in .i.irhsonviiie, j According to tho 191S schedule, re-3 lea-ed today th" Thlls will travel only 9311 miles this jear. C0LUMKIA WILL OPPOSE PLAN TO SHIFT REGATTA4 Not in Favor of Holding I. C. R. A.4 Event.S nn RehiiiTlbilt Piver ....v.j...i. ..,.b. a or Lako Cayuca & '4 Vl'vf vnnr i't. ii x rt.i- Ttmir.l wood, foimcrly ginduate manager ofl rowing nt Columb'a University, nnd tru'J hpectaloi, tho Unlveisltv dally, tro W; posed to tho plan of shifting tho annual regatti or tlio Intercollegiate ItowIK, Asoclitlon fiom Poughkcepslo eltlief to I.kk Cajuga or the .Scliuvlklll Illver,' as has benn suggested by repre)entatlv of Cornell and Penn, who with Colii'Mf innito up the nssoelatlon Uoth Hockwnod ttnrl llio Eneelator e' pi arse d the view that th permanent abandonment nf Pouchkeepsln u th nite mr mo event would be a ve", blow to colIeBlato rowing ' lenn, owmil hy Jfra A rtm)c!'ff. ' thin flt was uclPI,i t. ,inK in tin InltUI iihow of th YcikHhtre 'feirlir Aj viuiion ci America m ?,cv jroru. Selillers nml !,1li.ra tvlll r., vm tor. Inaiiili! liennin resultlnr from touiiumfi't' etHue t by tho Western I.nvn TninU Af;l elation ihl tfjntiuer, under lh i, t 'ate j renehet In flilearo 1, Hurry W.ilrei. J VVInnetlia, III., wits ie-electd pr'vMeiit. SUITS $ OK CIVI'RrilTH 111. IlItf'fMi ltrtt t nn.l CIA PETER MORAN &'cb. S. E. Cor. Oth and Arch SU. aah lmif..B MM. I u..-i tt.. .11 ai . aIaaH wM wwmm .m DAturuaiy UDIV f nn , -r . !aA 111. Tloii. MM MOISTER l'elldble niillJ' lnr, (,aiaj. Fnrliirlra, ele. tlrrl or SHi jjcliucrffi ; ILJMelter ".- i, Hlu. ' 'I .ti .t . Jl) f ' I '- "T n.f 11 -i ! Model "A" 51 3