Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 12, 1918, Night Extra, Image 9

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' "Love Forbidden," Well Re
ceived at the Broad, Has
Tubercular Theme
fiVf1 J'onHIDIl-.-i'rnm.i in mryo " l-- i
"ffntnlho lTcnriine j
I. N Wrbtr . stn?l
Hroaj Street Tncetro.
t Hnhrt VA-mn
irtment Jf "t"1. 7
f,J nirlnnil Uailcti.
I i nAln1tat
I' Iloctr '".""' .....iiMfor.1 iinrnott
E". . il,fuli. a imriltniT..Wm. II ,"
& "hhSSirtcr, or;:: .-.v. ..au mu.r
EKrW Dr W"'" Plll
... Harry llnrrloon
Cliu(ieur. jmM Wimlow
A,rWiJ ... .............. naby
Act i ConauUlns room or ur. i.ec. m- ,
Ael A "m ln Mr' wlck"'" ''Jn' !
".'.ffiicmfuUlnB room of Dr. I.ce. One
Tlroe-Tho present, mcc New York
.pi,, "racv" tltlo of this ottcrlnc Is no
B'J Index to the -seriousness of tho lira-
I ..i.i' Intent. "JAJvo rm " "
' M0PB!"ia Play luro nnd simple with
the accent on both adjectives. Tubercu
losis, Its dangers. Its treatment and tho
effect of tho dlscato on social relations
constitute thb theme. Tho tpcclal plead
lnB i unnmrreel by sensationalism and
l,It33 unpleasant than might lmvo been
upccted by reason of numerous epl
todes of rather conventional comedy and
by a lnppy ending.
A crowded lious.o ccemed yesterday
.f..,nn0n to derive emphatto pleasure
from the exhibit Whether Its appeal will
erduro Is of courso largely dependent
on tho practical possibility oi iurnuiK
theatre Into a lecturo hall. Brlcux ac
complished that feat villi "Damaged
Ooodf," but tho novelty of pronunciation
en tho stage of words hitherto eschewed
In polite, society may liavo Ijccii mrtly
responrlblo for his success. Tho public
likes to be startled. That craving, how
e;er, l hardly gratified In "I.ovo Tor
bidden," which presents somo entirely
familiar facts about tuberculosis, and
.(epeclally In the first act, a quantity of
'condensed statistics.
Tho slender dramatic elements con
cern chiefly the affairs of an lnyal d
couple who have been dandes Inely
married. Tho recovery under Judicious
treatment of these young lovers fur
nishes tho auspicious final 'curtain.
The darker side of tho picture Is draw n
In a subsidiary story depleting the ef
fects of Insanitary tenements on the
poor. An Inevitable figure Is tho grasp
lnc landlord. Shaw took hU JllnB at
that Individual In "Widowers' Houses
and VT. L. Hurlbut performed tho same
eelfconstltutcd mission moro crudely In
"Tho Writing on tno wan.
ltobert Kdeson enacts tho rolo of the
wiso and benevolent physician, who Is
tho mouthpleco for moat of SI. Ilcnaud h
Incontestable opinions. Tho part Is an
easy one for nny falily competent
-i.A iTiiif.rnt.in comic rctlcf of an
Pold and obvious pattern Is supplied by
l.i.tiiin.... it I....... Ami Valter Walker
niiiuiiu ... .......' m..
I'ls a thoroughly standardized capitalist.
The actual running timo or me piece,
disregarding tho "waits," Is bcaicely
more than an hour and a lnlf. Public
Judgment pn tho proper function of tho
theatre, as to whether It primarily
bhomd be art production or a discussion
of a "burning question of the day," will
determine whether or not theso ninety
minutes are wasted. II. T. J.
'A Chinatown Uomancc' Cross Keys
"A Chinatown Itomanee," n tabloid
which Is a whole show ln itself, head
lines tho bill at tho Cross Keys. It In
cludes a company of twenty-five artists.
In which thero Is an nbundanco of pretty
girls and several up-to-the-minute
comedians. Tho production, which' Is
presented by Hnrry Mnrch, la based
on a consistent story and enlivened by
many surprises. The musical numbeis
are cxcluslvo and much abovo tho
average heard In vaudeville
Hums and Koran offcrod their version
of two Ungllsh chappies, which brought
much laughter and applause, and Mur
ray and West were alco teen In nn en
tertaining net
"My Host Girl," n military niuslo.il
comedy. Is headlined for tho laist half
of the week.
MacCarton and Morone Globe
Marguerlto MacCarton and J. Morono
, In urtlstlo dances, w ho were recent fea
tnri. nf thn iinv n Heart" show, are
the hit of the bill this week at tho
Olobe. Miss MacCarton, who has a
winning personality, dances as though
she enjoyed It, with tho result that her
various numbers won no end of ap
plause. Sho Is endowed with excep
tional graco of movement and itas a
ttylo which Is distinctly original. Sho
Is ably assisted by Mr. Morono. They
,were greeted with prolonged applauso,
which was justly deserved.
"Tho Art Studio," a miniature musi
cal comedy with an nbundanco of pretty
girls, was nlo a pleasing fcaturo of
the bill, and "Tho Children of Franco,"
a patrlotlo melodrama, featuring Albert
Sackett, Ecored nn emphatic hit. Other
' good acta wero offered by Kay, Moore
and Kiy, McKlnnlss and'LaCasta, Wttlo
'Hip and Napoleon, tho Unodda Girls,
Martini and Maximilian and Brown and
Barrow s.
Birth of Nation Broadway
The Broadwny, South Philadelphia's
popular vaudeville theatre, Is cele
brating Its first nnnlversary this week,
under the management of Sablosky &
Heading tho special anniversary week
WH Is D. w. Griffith's gigantic photo
Play spectacle. "The Birth of a Nation."
The story depicts tho South during the
Civil War days, and the period of re
construction which followed.
The up-to-the-m:nuto tabloid musical
comedy, "The Midwinter Kerrle," was
another bis hit ot the show. There Is
a "beauty" chorus which' dcllghtB vlth
several song and dance numbers. The
comedians have a fund of good and
Original lolr.n nml thn stnvtnv nnil rnn.
Ltumes leave nothing to be desired.
Plqua and company havo n sensa
tional comedy bar act, While Albert
v-arlton, blackface comedian, has many
lew quips.
"The H.tHl nt n VndAn" .till 1.. 41..
I feature film orferlnir ilnrlni? t!i. entlr.
week, but there will ba a change ot
,'Buaevlllo acta Thursday.
t ,, .......
-emmeu weicn JMixon lirantt
Thft rVlTnn flrnnrl In raiAhrarlnr tta
JiWwInter Jubilee this week with one of
w best bills of the year. Emmett
f and his minstrels, always Phlla-
lphla favorlten, and Stephen 0'Hourke,
J-W ot Penn feature the bill. Weleh'i
rtrels art the usual tun revel, while
"wurice oy bis tinging won much ap
ti. in other on the bin are
au'Pugan,and. Babette. JUymond,
nirijutw luuv wiw," a a awo-
Entorpriso Dramatic Club of Gcr-
nuintown to Present "Kight
(About Fneo"
Tho l.'ntenirlto Dramatic Club will
5'' llircc.net comedy entitled
"Wit About Ince" this afternoon and
tonight at St. Vincent's Hall, Kast l'rlcn
Mtect, (Jcrmantnwn. Tho proceeds of
;" emcrinimncnt will bo given to char-
Ity. Tho play will bo nro-ented under
th? direction of JnlC8 j.1 skeiiy.
,,, , ca,t ,nt,,,l,f8 S'"fy A. llnuncr,
I -,-" """ ' ""i .nry i , iiirsi, ucne
tu ouy.
V, " ,Jr- Jamc J. Sicily, Chnrlos V.
Allen, John 1'. O'Uonnell, Joseph V. Kee-I
Rim, John J. Campbell. Thomus V. Mr.!
KaUchlln. llarrv W. I.op. fnr-mii fi,to-
1 J
nAfimntT rm vvvww w
Pluck's Men Attain Raro
Heights of Artistry in
Academy Concert
Tho Uostoir Symphony Orchestra In
mldscason, when tho flexibility of this
superb organization has reached tho
maximum, when Its authorltatlvo com
mand of oxtiulaltc nuances and glowlm;
tonal splendor has been developed nnew
l.t fAnniMif tifirrninncrft. Is rvrr nti 1
instrument of profound and signal art.s. I
tic Import. It vvus such a factor in tho
musical llfo of Ihli cliy last evening In
the Academy of Music.
me Acauemy oi .lu.n..
The concert was the tliu.i given nero
thlu ycnr bjr Doctor Muck's men. Tho
two ,)rt.(CCC35.or3 had revealed elements
or ennobling beauty, but somehow last
night's performance surpassed theni, and
not co much In Impeccable Intcrprctatlvo
precision for that featuro Is always
present In tho orchestra as In depth
of feeling and proper adjustment of
musical mood to each composers
Tho program was of familiar yet ma
jestic design. Modernism was repre
tcnted by ltachmanlnoff's symphonic
poem, "Tho Islo of tho Dead." but tho
balance of tho roster paid tribute solely
to acknowledged masters, Mozart, I.lszt,
Beethoven. Tho first named was glori
fied with a pellucid reading of his ra
diant iMnlnor symphony, u compos lion
which Doctor Muck handled wit.i .i
classical! that was never rigid and a
dignity that was never hard. Tho work
sparkled In tho tripping opening move
meat ind sang with moro passlona to
poetry In tho sincere) eloquence of I lo
finale, which seems to envisage tho mu
el ml future.
Tho "Dgmonl" Overture, of Beethoven
..... ii .i, ..itni nnwer of high trageu.
The lomantlc loveliness of the I.Iszt
concerto was so respicnuemu i""
by tho orchestra that tho virtuoso con
trll.ullons of Winifred Christie, the ro
lolst, were fairly overshadowed. Miss
Christie, who halls from Scotland, Is a
competent planlste w-tlli a sound . tfch.
nlque an asset, by Uip way. of virtually
all conceit perfoimers novvada) s but
her Individual peiformance, on mo
whole was Mmievvhat commonplace.,
Shu lingered over nnny of her nolo
pasnscs with n rather freakish sent -mtntallty.
Her pyrotechnics In t'o bril
liant llnalo were conventionally effec
tive, ncverlsuggestlvo of exceptional In
terpretative gifts.
In Doctor Muck's hands tho Itach
manlnoff number has homethlng of tho
aspect of a tour do force. This Is ultra
modern impresslonl.stio music In which
ono ntmosphero Is pu-t.cr.cd to tho cx
rluslon of all others tluoughout tho en
tiro score. Interest In mch a work ia
only sustained by a inaMcrly reading,
but this "The Islo of tho Dead" tri
umphantly received. A veritable tono
plcturo was presented, a fitting and spir
itually congenial compliment to Boeck
lln's eerlo painting.
"The Star-Spangled Banner," played
n shade more fervidly than on the con
ductor's last appeal ance here, opened
tho concert. " T- -
"Birth of Nation" Orpheum
Tho constant and Insistent demand
c,- icnio fnp "Tho Birth of a Nation"
has rebUltcd In General Manager M, 'W.
Taylor, of tho J. Fred Zlnimoi man en
tciprlses, deciding to havo tho big Grif
fith photo Hpectaclo remain another week
at the Orpheum Its first showing to
Germnntown audiences nt popular prices
was last week, and apparently tho whole
of that locality llockcd to the plajhouso
It N estimated that more than 20,000
persons witnessed this historic Him play,
despite tho fact that tho compulsory
closing on Tuesdays mado It only n five
day week.
The clamor for additional bhowlngs
proves that "Tho Birth Of n Nation"
remains a great attraction with Phila
delphia audiences, and that It has Justly
deserved Its reputation of being ono of
tho most stupendous and magnificent
film productions ever attempted.
- -
"Reel Guys" William Penn
A novelty In the lino of n musical
moving plcturo Fatlro entitled "Heel
Gujs" proves the leading featuro of an
exceptional bill nt tho William Penn
this week. Tho fun ln supplied by Kelly
and Boyd nnd the general tono of tho
act Is greatly enhanced by tho presence
of "six nifty steppers" from the Cen
tury Show. The act contains many sur
prises nnd novelties.
The surrounding bill Is well selected
consisting of Six Jolly Tars: llace and
Kdgo Vn n new bketch, "On London
Bridge," and Hnrr.ls and Lyman. The
moving plcturo attraction la tho first
showing in West Philadelphia of Peggy
Hyland In "Persuasive Peggy."
No advance
Wind and rain
and snow-fortify
yourself against
them. Use Smith
Brothers' regularly.
Artistic Development of Pic
tures Revealed in Screen
vinp of Hugo's Novel
Ilm farnum. Scenario t- rr"ni I.loV'l.
f?.,"'. tVVc,,1,',V'-tr 1,u- Directed
y ' 0 """lon.
A flVo-foot nhot nf nlmtnntn Mn.AM.
J?' Tn'.!?m rX ""
tlon of lctor Hugo's "I.cs Mlsemblcs,,,
With William Fnrnmn r.B i.nH niiAn..
viii utjcttii
It Is one of tho finest sneelmena nf
filming a literary gem that.hns yet ap
peared at tho Victoria Theatre, nnd a
wclcomo addition to the long list of
rcrcen successes.
It has been neccssaty to prune the
original production to a two-hour show
Ing, nnd In tho cutting nothing has been
lost. Indeed, It has groitly benefited
tho nctlon of tho story, for many unes
tent'al Incidents have been omitted. The
vivid tale enlists rapt attention through
out Its development. "Film-shy" spec
tators ns well as "fans" ought readily to
yield to Its appeal.
.Vcver before has William Farnum hid
a rolo that brought out his hlstrlonlo tal
ci.t ns does this one of tho persecuted
et iauruF .lean ..I!"in. 1IU nnr.
tViXZol h's
make-up was rather careless. This same
defect was to be found In the character
of 1.'oIlco ,In"l''tor Javert, ably otherwlho
portrayed by Harden Klrltlan.l. iMu-.r.i
,;,ku. nc i,.Pnl... f
tho innkeeper -beggar as has been t-ocn
upon the Iova. tereens In tome time.
Mlna Itofs, ns his wife, nlso did excel
lent work, whllo snmo unprogrammed
children rounded out tho characteristic
family. As the llttlo daughter of Fan
tlno, Kittens Ilclcliert wns a natural nnd
lovahlo CfFctlo Tho small part enacted
by Jewel Carmen ns the grown Cosette
was carefully handled. To Sonla Mar
kova belongs Ihe chief attention for her
flno emotlona acting of tho role of
Pantlne, the mother. , Hponlno wns dono
with her usual Intelligence by Dorothy
llcrnard, whllo tho Illshop wns n do
llslnful study on tho part of Georgo
Mo"iS. The small part nf Gavroche gave
Anthony Phillips llttlo opportunity to
show his worth. A word of pralso Is
duo many vunamed plajers whose pros
unci upon tho screen was never more
than their auxiliary parts demanded.
Tho thorough manner In which' tho
entlro pioductlon has been staged with
out pretense at masslvenos Is worthy of
note, whllo tho lighting effects and clear
photography aio pictorial treats. There
are few titles, and Oil') U another thing
In fiivo" of the capable direction and tho
film cdltci who sustained tho continuity.
Tli 1 nthe company marto a production
0 this story some time ago, but that is
tv.t to bo confused with this present
elaborate scucn play.
MtCADIA "Tho." Son nt DemoTaej." with
ltrnjamln Chipln ami nth.ru. Thn ftnry of
thn llfn nf Abraham Lincoln. Written nnd
iicteil by Henjamln Chapln. lleieaacd by
.lust about ii car ago Benjamin
Chapln show-eft! theso icmarkable pic
tures to an nudlenro n't the Academy
of Music. They were then ln u crude
Mato and jet nil of the possibilities of
this series of film stories were .-losely
brought out. It was Justly maintained
that tho sci ecu had never before been
honored with such a faithful portrayal
of tho character of Abraham Lincoln
Tho simplicity with which Benjamin
Chapln has transfcrcd his nrt to cellu
loid is a credit to his ability ns a
director as well as an actor.
In ono respect, however, the omission
ot tho names of tho players sivo that
of tho star la nn error, for their woik
Is admirable. Especially good Is the
contribution of tho bey who represents
tho young "Abe" Lincoln. Tho natural
ness ot his noting Is noteworthy. Tln-ie
is plenty ot humor thioughout theso pic
tures and many of the popular stoiles
associated with the. early life of Lin
coln nro elearly developed.
No attempt has been mado at any
thing but the plcturlzlng of tho simple
facts of Lincoln's boyhood In this flist
of tho series of ten episodes. It is
certainly n cicdit to motion pictures to
have this evelo as a means of visual
izing authentic history. A. It. I'.
"Mile-a-Miniite Girls" Trocadero
There la plenty of speed ln the show
offered by tho "MIle-n-Mlnuto Girls" this
week at the Trocadero. Norma Bell
and Harry Bentlcy havo a conspicuous
part In tho fun making, and tho show
Is a Buccenslon of pleasant surprises.
Tho latest fads and foibles of tho day
flguro In the proceedings. Many original
songs aro given In tho courso of tho
show with a dash of patriotism to bring
them right up to tho moment.
Lid Lifters Gaycty
The I.Id Lifters, which is tho at
traction this week at tho Gayety, proved
to be a big laughing show throughout.
Tho fun Is pleasantly punctuated with
good songs by a score of pretty girls.
The costumes nnd scenery are unique
nnd tho comedy Is fully nbrcast of tho
times. Tho entlro production Is staged
with much attention to details.
HffiHH 7yiil UJ
' DEEP-FRIED in Sawtay, crullers will be feathet-
Iight free from grease and digestible you can safely
give the kiddies more. "Dad" will say. more, too.
"Better than
riuan Ratter
Community Stores
VrVSery? fa You Saw
v a.
' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BiiiiiiiiiiiH -
u o irziszrss
Leadinp player in Jncqucs Re-
nnud'a piny, "Forbidden Love,"
nt tho Broad.
Emotional Actress Finds
Theme in Russian Revolu
tion Other Acts
Miss Valeska Suratt, up to tho mlnuto
always In fashion nnd fancy, employs
the present Ilolshcvik pastime of dis
posing ot Iiusslan autocrats as tho basis
of u rather entertaining sketch which
heads tho week's Interestingly varied
bill at Keith's. In the role of a vampire
avenger, Miss Suratt has opportunity to
display to ndvnntnge her talents as an
emotional ngtress. Contact with no
bility also gives excuso for gratification
of her tendency to the royal purple.
"Tho Purulo Poppy" Is tho namo of
Iho piece nhil the scene is lu Greenwich
Village. Ilevengo for tho torturous death
of her brother Is t-ought by the supposed
exotic of tho Winter Garden; Its execu
tion and tho subsequent rescue from the
polleo by n lover's niso are woikeel out
very cleveily. Still, no matter the popu
larity of tho themo or tho cxcellenco of
tho art, XIIss Suratt does not allow her
own person nnd personality to be over
looked. Her admliers were pleased,
both with her stunning gown nnd her
form ot perfect mold: her critics main
tain their opinion.
So far ns nppl.iuso goes, the Impar
tiality of Its distribution evidenced tho
eTosmopolitan make-up of the threo Im
menso holiday audiences esterday.
Kach act won favor nnd nono could be
accounted below standard.
Speaking of personality. It was that In
largo measure which won encoro after
encoro for tho Barry Slslcrs. The two
singers had llttlo now or novel, but
Clara Barry has personality; sho was
charming and sho let tho audience find
It out. Still another Instnnco was that
of Artie Mehllngor and Georgo W.
Meyer, singer and comiwser. Mehllngor,
recently in musical comedy, Is a clever
vocalist, while Meyer Is tho author of a
number of tho latest popular melodies,
many of them breathing heavily the
lovo s-traln, at which Iho joung girls
sighed and marveled to seo ono bo Im
bued with tho spirit. One of the hits
of tho program was a new composition
dealing tenderly with subject of love
making when our boys get back from
France. Tho nuthor Is flrmlv of tho
opinion that tho soldier boys will then
make up for tho timo lost whllo they
UPril aW.1V. nn.l n, L r.Dl tl. eamnln
portion of tho nudlenco agreed with him
md rather liked tho Idea,
Alexander McFayden, pianist, mado
his Hi st appearnnco hero n notable suc
cess. He la an artist of ability mid his
selections wero happy. Perhaps his
first, Llzst's Fantaslo, would havo been
mote eftectlvo without tho orchestra ac
companiment. His own paraphrasing of
popular waltzes was especially pleasing.
Bert and Harry Gordon, also tho first
time here, might havo omitted somo or
their dialogue to advantage. Their
dancing wns good!
Other acts wero Mcintosh and I1I3
Musical Maids, Madame Cronln's elec
trlcal novelties. and Emll Pallcnbcrg's
trained bears.
Continuing Attractions
John Drew In Iinero's brilliant comedy.
Tho Gay Lord Qucx," entered upon hla
final week nt tho Adelnhl Theatre yes
terday. Other successful hold-over of
ferings nro "Toot-Toot" at tho Forrest;
"Upstalis nnd Down" at the Oarrlck:
"A Cure for Curablcs" at the L) rlc, and
"Tho Passing Show of 1917" at tha
Chestnut Street Opera House.
"C? '
Cheaper (hem
" " -
Winsomo Comedienne Scores
Hit in Another AVery Hop
wood Film Play
BTANI.ET. "Our Mttln Wife." with Mn.TM
Kennftdy, Soenarlo from the play by Averv
Hopweod. IHrectton cf IMwar.l Ptllon and
lihotosraphM by Hoorini W. Kill knd David
AI1. Qoldwyn rroducttou.
Goldwyn's best products have fceen
the farces and comedies. It seems that
they excel In theso fields, a fact which
might bo attributed to the success Sri
wyns have attained on the KpenMnsr
nj n milts miuiiim tin iiiu pipvt.iiiiH
w Hh these sumo Port of frothy.
things. "Our Llttlo Wife" ! rather nn
exception, however, for Its career upon
tho ppoken stage was not long lived. In
the films, happily. It attains tho eucccss
which was duo tho play,
Avery Hopwood known how to write a
farco and pdward Dillon has extracted
every sparlc of comedy from his script.
The piece Is nn n-tlstlc companion to
that other delightful comedy, "Nearly
Married," In which M adieu Kennedy
fcoreil n- hit. Many Incidents havo been
Introduced Into tho movie that wero not
sultablo to the stage, and theso things
aid ln tho development of the tale.
Tho difficulty of taking three rejectee!
suitors on a honeymoon trip is the motive
of this story To tell how tho tangle Is
unraveled would r poll tho lllm.
Madge Kennedy ngitti shows ex
ceptional ability portra lng upon the
screen tho reserved and epilct lass who 1
won for her popularity upon tho spoken
stage. As her husband, Georgo Forth
gets a lot of Intelligent acting across tho
screen In fine stile, while tho Jovial Wal
ter lllcr.s makes a comical llobo. Kemp
ton Greene, of this city, has the part of
Tommy nnd ncqults himself well, while
William Davidson is tho Doctor Klltott.
P.VT.vCK "Th T)lvln- Parrlnre." with
Kilty einrdon. btory by Alma sper llen-
' clrne. lMreeilon by ejeorcrt Archalnbaud
ana rhotrcraphy by l'hllly llatklns.
World production.
Kmotlonnllsm and Kitty Gordon seem
instpnrable. Thero Is plenty of good old
fashloncd drama throughout this story
of a mother who denies her right to that
title when her child's welfare Is at stake.
Of tho other Incidents which lead up to
this big climax many seem to have been
nrraiifed with an cyo to tho censor's
Miss tlcnzlng'H character are often
vividly Ornwn, and tho director has ca
pably btoutht out this merit.
Mls.s Goidon knows how to sound emo
tional stops, nnd her ability to wear
stunning gowns on occasion Is another
factor In her favor. Vera Heresford,
who In reality in Miss Gordon's own
daughter, has that samo position. Jean
Ancolo has tho part ot a phvslclan and
nctii It Willi fidelity, whllo tho nlher
players also do nedltablo woik. Celene
Johnson, Kthel Burner, Mildred Ileck
wlth, Frnnl: Goldsmith, Chailes Dungan
nnd Harry Fraser complete tho cast,
ArtCADIA -iluek and Tom," Willi Jack
l'lclefoiil. wonarln by Julia Crawford
Ivrrs. from lb. alory by Mark Twain.
Dlre.tea by William I. Tailor. Para
mount. Tho "Injun" Joo motive In the ndven
turous career of Tom Sawyer Is ile
volopcd ln this second of tho film plays
to bo deilved from Mark Twain's clnssla
tnlo of boyhood. Th first picture, with
Us sihoolroom and "playing pirates"
episode, continually acct-ntcd tho comlo
nolo. Tho seejuel cnten tho domain of
melodrama, as did the great humorist
himself In tho laUcr portion ot hla book.
Brandor Matthews lias called Tom'H
stailllng encounter with "Injun" Joe In
tho cavo uh tho most dramatic thing In
literature alnco Crusoe first beheld tho
human footprints on the rands of Juan
Fernandez. Admliers of tho nineteenth
century story will probably Indorse tho
accuracy of that verdict. But there Is a
plenitude of other thrilling events In tho
entlro narrative of the midnight tragedy
lu tho graveyard nnd tho romantic roles
played In the revelation by Imniortul
Tom nnd Huck. The discovery of tho
lobbers' trcnsuio is also ileftly Inter
woven In the fictional fabric. Illuminat
ing nil this vivid yard spinning are, of
course, tho matchless humor nnd tho
Inspired nuthoilly of naturalistic char
acterization. Tho transfer of all theso artistic rle-
! ments to tho movies was not easy, and
It Is therefore, agreeablo to record that
Black Milan Hemp Hat, satin
facing Trimming of merle
quills and cherries.
Come HereLincoln 'sBirthday
Amusements are closed on Lincoln's Birth
day. Come here and forget Heatless
Monday, Meatless Tuesday, Wheatless
Wednesday, Porklcss Saturday.
Come to the Adelphia on Theaterlesa TueB.
day and forget the old empty, coat bucket
that lies In the cellar!
Dancing 'Tea Dinner Supper
I IcHisTNvrrAt-iiTM
almost as much success has been
attained In this plcturo as In lu In
ttratlntlng and less tenso predecessor.
Kespcct for tho original mntcriat nnd
discernment In the selection of actors
nro the dominating factors In this vic
tor!'. Jack I'lckford Is ng.vln nn excel
lent Tom Sawyer, consolingly wary of
"clowning" his role, nnd ltobert Gordon
gives a richly convincing portrait of tho
care-free Muck, who was to develop. In
tho author's subsequent volumo Into his
most masterly psychological creation
Th ecenlo photography nnd tho caro
fully rtnged Interiors havo tho flavor of
IIEOENT "Ht ny," with i:fn Shannon
anu Mle Welch. Ptorv by V. 'arey
Wonderly anrt eenarto by Albert Hhelhr
I.. Vino. Dlrrctnl by O.orn" Irvlnit and
pboloftrnvhcd by Harry Jl. Itnrrla. Motru
It Is to bo regretted that the weakness
of thn ktory makes this timely HUbJect
of only medlocro Interest. With tho sc
lectlvn service and other timely patriotic
..... ,-.. . . .,
J- "? In tho w.narlo.thcr
should havo resulted a great deal more
of a plot thin Is revealed. Thcra la, how
ever, u vein of touching human Interest
In tho film.
Briefly tho story centers about tho
efforts of n mother lo keep her son when
ha should ho In tho service Much pa
triotism Is emphasised In scenes of school
children and men proclaiming their al
legiance to this country.
Nlles Welch dominates everv rnlaexln
In which ho appears and his work Is far
superior to that of tho other players,
dcsplto the fact that his lovabln mother
a capnoiy played by F.fllo Shannon. Paul-1
Ine Curley makes a pleasing Virginia,
and James T. Galloway Is a r.khI Colonel
Gordon. Other players help out In minor
characteis. j
STllAN'l) "Th Things Wo )ive." wtth I
l- II. It. and M. el. Daniel. Directed bj
l-ou-ivilftcn. Paramount production.
The Infrcnuoncy with which Kathryn I
Williams nppenrs upon local pcreens Is,
to bo icgretted, becauso sho is ono of
tun best actresses In the films. Wallace
Held, who Is costarred with Miss Wil
liams, needs no Introduction. Ho has
a winning smllo nnd knows Jus-t when
to uso u lor tno best effects. The ex
perience gained as an actor has greatly
aided Lou-Tcllegen as director of thla
Patrlotlo stories nro nearly always
good for a sure-lira success nnd this one
13 no exception. Tho transformation of
n pacifist Into n self-sacrificing volunteer
to light tho intilgue.s of Hun spies Is tho
themo of tho story.
A good east supports tho stars. Tally
Marshall, who teems to bo giving all of
hla timo to tho silent stiigo, Is tho owner
of n munitions factory, whllo Mamc
Kelso plays tho genial rolo ot his wlfo.
Bitty Klmcr enacts his usual detective
Tho cuiront attraction nt the Locust
Thcatro Is Mary I'lckford In Iho suc
cessful film adaptation of William J.
Locko's novel "Stella Marls."
"On the Job" Nixon
Honors of featuring the bill at tho
Nixon nro divided between tho sketch
"On Iho Job," and Odlva and her
trained seals, The sccno of the sketch
Is a polleo station, and tho comedy
la built around n new matron who,
among other thing, takes orders from
tho prisoners am! releases them. Odlva
and her seals aro lepeatlng ns tho real
feature. Others on tho bill nro Nan
Alter and her company In n ventrlloqulBt
act, and Alice Colo, prima donna. The
phutoiday Is that ot Wallace. Held,
"Ulmrbok Jones," n mining prospecting
play. There Is plcntly of vailety In
tho rhnvv generally, which Is onn of tho
best teen hero In many weeks.
"No Children Allowed" Colonial
"N'.i Children Allowed," a prettily
written sketch, well acted and superbly
staged, Is tho feature of this week's bill
at tho Colonial, In Germantown. The
story, telling of un apartment house
owner whose he-art Is won by a, dainty
littlci girl, strikes a nolo of present-day
feeling, and tha company offering the
playlet makes It most Impressive It was
very well tecelvcd by tho audience.
Amanda Gray and soveral good as
sisting singers offered several pleasing
selections; Itlpel nnd Fairfax won tho
applause of tho atldleuco In a pleasing
musical novelty, and Leonard and Louis '
put over several catchy songs.
Another act that vvnsj irulto e-njoyable
was that nf tho Steinor Trio, threo little
mites, big In their entertaining eniiilliles,
William S, Hart In tho "Wolves of the
I Hall" wns the Interesting photoplay.
George Allen, Inc.
12M Chestnut St. 1214
The New Sailor
One of many popular models
for immediate wear.
Women's Smart Blouses
In Georgette or Crepe do
Chine, filet Lace Trimming,
some hand-embroidered. Col
orsBlack, white, flesh, navy,
$5 to $12
tW jj nil! (I
American Pianist Analyzes nnd Il
lustrates Polish Master's Works
Hunter Welsh, tho American pianist,
revealod Ills' versatility lu a Chopin lec
ture recital, nlven last night In Asso
ciation Hall, Germnntown, under the
nusplces of tho University Extension
Society. Tho young artist, whoso i;ho
lastlo training was received nt the Fnf
veralty of Pennsylvania, has been prom
inent In musical news this season. Ho
began his activities In his nntlvo land
by a series of concerts nt tho University
summer school. His big local recital In
Wlthcrspoon Hall early In tho fall was
an nrtlstlo success.
Later ho played with tho Allcnlown
Symphony Society nnd with various mu
sical organizations, winning deserved
plaudits nt each nppearnnco. Ho Is to
show Phlladelphlnns what ho can do
with oichestra In n very Important en
giigement hern this month ns soloist nt
tho only concert of tho season by tho
Philharmonic Society of New York.
In tho field of lecturo ho gnvo nn ex
cocdlngly good nrcnuiit of himself, his
sketch ot Chopin's career nnd analysis
of tho Polish mastei's temperament and
style being well prepared and nttr.'ic
tlvely dellveted, with musical Illustra
tions. He dlscuscil his subject from the
purely esthetic slandpolnt nnd with the
nbjectlvo of developing appreciation of
music in a lino nrt. i
i.'..tt... i.... ..... ...... .. ... ... . !
4-viiiu.. iiik en.- urn eu nuout nair an
hour's extent rnino n s-erle.s of Chopin
numbers-, In which Mr. Welsh'M polished
pl.inlhin slmno brilliantly. Ho has nil
tho Uh.IiuI.iiio needed to illsntnv tun
tempo rubalo and other ceimposltlon.iv
pecuiiarn's or Chopin nnd tho nillstiy
t" divulge nnd commuiilrato tho Inner
meanings tf tho pieces. Ho s-ubmltlcd
l" his audiences the f imous II flat minor
sonata, spiritually performed: Iho pre-
ludo from tho familiar opus :, nnd two
polonaises,, In 11 Hat minor and A flat
Iho composer.
Mr. Welsh Is much mole than a mem
''oto. nla''cr ct accuracy and facility.
'" !m "ftl'tlo creator along c.vecu-
mo unes mm re-creates tho s-pliitunl
significances ef tho works ho is inter
pi ctlng, e-nnv eying their contents and
intents to the nudionce.
Entertainment ia Lulu Temple to '
Aid Navy Yard Work
A niusloaln which promises to be of
moro than ordinary Interest will bo
given tonight at Lu Lu Temple for tho
benefit of the recreational work being I
carried on by Chaplain l II. Dliklna at I
tho Philadelphia Navy Varel. The en-!
tertalnmcnt, which will bo tinder the1
nusplces of the Philadelphia Protestant
Federation, will bo given by the Spring
Gaiden Methodist Lplscopal choir, nug
uicnttil by the League Island Jazz Band
Prof. Chailes S Myiase, leader of the
choir, will direct tho music.
ga W y ruitciiAsiNc sap .aai
" r 4 M W OltIll:ilS ACCBI'TUDF f
A Dress Sale
Most Extraordinary !
im . -
Women's Winter Coats
Values Up lo
final repricing on
coats, silk plushes, kcrscjs, pom
poms, Dollviaa and mannish mix
tures. 1'ur or self trimmed.
Georgette Crepe and
Crepe de Chine
Tailored, eoiliroM
erfd or 1 a e
trtmmfi models
On f as pictured,
9 Bargain Basement News
i1 (&
I c mm
Women's New
A nrprUtnc roo ot
n.it dulntbl. fr.e-ka.ln
' ..B.wwl, at?M
M I 'Wmm
More Than 1000 U. of P. Ui
dergraduatcs Sign Up for.V"
-,.,. , jo V,
Military Training uourse
rnlverslty of 'Pennsylvania tud
will drill dally on Franklin Flew
today. More than 1000 of the un
ieraduate hav-n slened the oath of
Ustmcnt In Iho Intensified course in mltl-i
tnry training as prepared by the corfl7,
...l.fm. .... tvillltntn nfYalt-f nf fhn TTnl
versltv. . 4tL"
This Is the first step In tho Unlvcr-,
slty'M effort to mako military training1
ns nearly universal among tho ntudent
body ns posslblo by setting aside the ' '
heiur every afternoon from 3: SO to 4:19
ei'clock for military work. During thfs, '
period no undergraduate department wilt
bo allowed lo havo any lectures or other? .
i-nrlf nvcent In rnnnpetlnfl with Iho. '
course In military training. Also during
thl-i hour Franklin Field Is to bo barred
to all students of tho University except ,
those taking tho courso In military
Thinks He's a Billionaire
Daniel Cox, Illdge avenue, Itoxbor- j
(lUgh, Is being detntned by tho Camden
poll.o pending developments as to his
sanity. Ho entered tho cafo at tha
Pennsylvania itallroad terminal anel
s-ald ho wns worth J50, 000, 000,000. 'Ho
nlso made out a check for 525,000,000
in paj inent for food.
Green Not on Tuscania
Muuilco A. Green, a corporal In th
I'nlted Stntes nnny, was not on tho
torpedoed transport Tuscania, his fath
er, Abraham Green, 09 West Norrts
street, has been notified by tho War De
pal tment.
U a wartime word. It .
applies to cooks and cook
ing. It applies to nutri
tious dishes whose flavors
are made delicate, snappy
and appetizing by the
efficient sauce
It "wakes up" tasteless
For 18.50, 20 and $22.50
Spring Frocks
A wonderful purchase and most
unusual, coming right at the
slnrt of the new season.
Over 200 charming creations,
every one brand new. Many are
Humpies but one or two of a
Taffetas Satins
Georgette Crepes
Charmeuse Serges
Striped Taffetas
Wool Serges
Every new style conception,
trimming effect and color cm
braced. Dozens nnd dozens of charming
originations, three as pictured.
$25.00, at
high - grade A
Satin Dress
$5.00 Value
Ulth ahlrrrd or
mllierrd lwlt. 4,
billiard porktt
effect.. Iionr
attn aih.
Children's . ngerie
Value $2jM
St I raan.K.y-
Tm '-arcsA
wr pNHr jmrmi wara