Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, February 11, 1918, Final, Image 7

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jUS 1 """" 1.,"-' ," " . ' '' " -J.7" -t-o - i -J,l,I'i,H.i " VA- '' " MvjSY-.' ,1 R " -.
Wharves and Itfotorboats
Along Schuylkill Damaged.
Started by Locomotive Spark
, . r
;parl.'i from a looomotho set flro to
thin laicr of benzine; thnt cocrcd the
1 1 nohutlhllt "'cr rom mcKlnnon to Heed
itrojcd tho Tnsfcer street brldeo of tlio
iMltlmoro and Ohio llnllroad. seriously
ijmaitcd scleral uhancs nnd a number
f motorboats drawn up on the banks
v!i. the winter. Tho damage, amounted
m more than $50,000.
The fire Mnrteil shortty beforo 11
e'elocls Hst n,Bht' ,n "n ,n"tant the
hole rlcr.from phoro to shore, wn
miM of flame, which In some places
tfined'a hundred feet lilcht. Many larno
iiilldlnits on both sides of the rler wore
rjancered. Four alarms .ero Founded,
lllnl out lrtually nil the apparatus
with of Market street.
The ltaltlmoro and Ohio bridge, a
. ,1 jtructuro with wooden decking, was
directly I" tho center " tlio lire, Tho
Sicking quickly caught and shortly after
the btilkhcadlns nlontf tho rler bank
L, n flainci. N'hllo the flro on tho
bridge "nf' "t '" lie8ht " Washington
" .cs, inbound nrrled nnd tt.n halted
! ih wet bank nt the river. The pin-
nrs left the coaches" and Joined tho
CL emnds that had been drawn to the
...A 11V I U HlUVUir.i ,, uiu CI.V.
. ... Kn,,Ai,i..n ... aim .....a i
Sime while not nltoBelher tied up
.r.r the tiro was cxtlnmilslied. vv.ui
:f;l-- flcl.iPt1. Schedules wero re-
.imed tills mornlns row jn numoer and llmltod to narrowly
" """ ...i i. ..... i .confined areas. lies ilea, such imm.
The mort nrlous loss was experienced i
t,r Oic I'hlladclphla Ilubbcr Woiks, Dick-
K to need street and Thlrtv -,ev- ,
Inson to i.eeo biiv ...... ..in i, -
is street to tho river front Its
harves wero fcerlnusly damased, na tne cvcr nitrnt nanger of nres from ac- and nlKht watchmen for tho larger pub-Z-tre,
a. number of Huht river bank I cldental causes or negligence. . schools Is among them. Hut. where
bulldlngx. A pllo of 200 tons of coal ' NIICUSSITY OF NIGHT W.VTCHMIl.V l 'ho money coming from? It will take
caught flro and was cMlngulshed with nrc Marshal Murphv has called at-,B" "lful sum of monr' to provide these
dlfllculty , , , , , jtentlon o'f the noird of Education to ?.n,,.cJ,m" J1""1 nf!,J.Uvt t"l'en't Kot "
Tho flames succeeded In Knlnliu; a tho serious necessity of night watchmen Neither enn we find the men, an wo arc
foothold on tho buildings of tho ilarrctt at ci,00i buildings, but has been able to ncw, haxlnB a terrlblo tlmo In getting
meralcal Works nnd the Nitrogenous. I RPt actol), ,,0 raUl WM , t',. eiiglneors and janitor. See Mr Dick.
Chemical Works, but were bcilen back i mated by the marshal that ho and Dl- 1,c-Tm,, Jc 5" ,h,'?:ts"
before thes could do much damage. 'lector Wilson, of the Depsrtment of I ,SIr ,VIck "".'' "3c,n; but ad,1''nlt" t0
Many lioatliouscs anil inoioroo us
slong tho river were destrojed.
est fear was fe t for tho Point
o Oil Works, below the. (,ceno of I
Ire, and the worlm of the narrett
tne mi:, "" "" " ' -
Manufacturing Uompanv, Just nt the
northward edge of It
Wipe Out City's Vice,
Order to U. S. Jury
fonllnued from 1'age One
fau'jiis liuslntsse", but tialllo nf II is
sort must 1'e rtanipejl out nt nil erst
I want ou In malto nn Investlgntlin
Into thei-o malteis, bcc.iui-o they are
estremely strlous and jou havo the
power to call beforo ou any wltti(.-s
who might have Information that will
shed light upon this situation Tlio Dis
trict Attorney will 1 ly before jou evi
dence that liny help In tt!ng the re
tponslhlllty for tho cMstcnic of theso
.,. ..I. .....I ..r ,1.ln 1 I...1 t.. A. . ,n1.
gravity to tho nation that )ou should go
to tho bottom nf It and ixpos-o those ,
who are to blame for It A on may lay
crnnd Jury; jou mny prt'sent Indut-'
ments upon tho cvldmce jou obtain. If
It warrants lt. or jou may inal.o n fm-
cht presentment to the court, recom
mending that tho Dlsttlet Attorney take
tho proper action against thoso whnn
I. yon find arc to blame for this slluitlon "
t nlted states District Attorney Kane
Ii addressed thn Jurors for nearlj' nn
iHhour, telling them tint the laws bad
opcen so muiiting! Aioiateti uiui tnu
I matter would bo probed to the bottom
lie tald ho had evidence that runners
for certain Kiloonkeepora approached
toldlcrs, sailors nnd marines nnd said
lie would urgo an amendment to the
State liquor laws, forbidding the sale
of half-pint, pint and quart bottles,
which, ho added, allows tho "runner"
and "soliciting games" to llourlsh
".Arc, tho police responsible? ' ho was
"I do not want to get Into nny per
sonal contiovcrsj over the matter," ho
replied. "Wo will present nur evidence
to the Grand Jury nnd allow It to IK
the responsibility. V,o nro working In
full co-operation with the authorities.
In City Hall and Captain Souder has
given us Invaluable aid"
Captain Souder Is Mayor Smith's per
sonal Investigator. I
"I am not at nil content with tho re-1
suits wo havo obtained In endeavoring
to enforce theo laws," continued Mr,
Kajie. "Whllo wo havo made numerous,
arrests and 6cnt men nnd women to Jail '
for 'bootlegging,' the)' have been merelj'l
the miserable creatures, tho hangers-on,
tho shiftless and tho scum that Infest
Ihe Tenderloin; but I believe that thero
aroothers who really arc responsible for
conditions and they are tho ones we are
ifter. Tho evils of llquor-selllng and
disorderly houses must bo gotten rid of
ind wo have staitcd a drive to wipe
them out."
Colonel I.ouls J. Kolb, Governor
Brumbaugh's closo friend, was appoint
d foreman ot tho Jurj
Two hundred and thirty persons were
rrcsted In nix vlco raids. In which both
the police and Federal authorities par
ticipated In the last twenty-four hours.
Secret service agents took a hand in
the raids on Ave downtown places after
they obtained evidence that Intoxicating
drinks wero being sold to uniformed
soldiers and sailors. Several uniformed
men were Included In tho prisoners.
All of tho defendants were cither fined
or held In heavy ball. Magistrate
'Wrlgley collected nearly $1000 In lines.
United States Commissioner I.onff heard
tho evidence against thoso arrested in
violation ot the law prohibiting the sals
of uniformed men and held all tho al
leged proprietors for court. In some in
stances ball set was $3000,
At the Brldesburs Polish Club, 4483
Almond street, the grcntest "haul" of
Prisoners was made. Fifty-two women
and 101 men wero arrested on charges
Jf being Inmates of a disorderly house.
The alleged proprietor, Michael Wcjcle
cnowskl, was held In H1500 ball. Joseph
"rawka, frank Betlawskl and Leo
Smlalowskl, bartenders, $1000 each,
Presbyterian Ministers at City Club
Hears of Religious Needs
'There are not as many ministers In
'l Itussla as there aro In this city and
no theologlcil schools: nt all," said tho
"ev. William Fettler today at tho lunch-
'Oil Of lhA Primht far I tin "1 Intut rs Ua.
K ,lal Union at tho City, Club.
ne Ilev, Fettler is the president of
the Itusslan Bible and Educational In
atltule at Klghteenth and Sprlnc Garden
, lit his address ho said that In all of
JlUSSla, (ndflV tliAPn una o srvlnrr viaaiI
i?r ml'onarle8 to preach Christianity.
-, emeu inai tnls S jiusia'8 oppor
tunity, and nitki.it ttmt thn T.etivterlniia
r be the flrat to, send thBO missionaries
DUrlnG (ha rnlatlnl anil lnnnliAnn iit
--..-. .,w IHVV.II-b HUM lUHLUSVII IVM 1
HtlSBIfln (IfUnl'a ..A- T .,-! on
ij m Bvuuviua iciiucicu iiunaiau
KJJnss, which were most Insplrlnc to
Accident, Negligence and Incendiarism Threaten De
struction Similar to That Recently Wrought
in West Philadelphia
A I'i:ilPLi:Xt.VO problem confronts burned for at least forty minutes before
the Hoard of I'uWIo Education re- an nlarm was lent In.
gardlnir the protection of school build.' "It Is '" known that a woman on
IngH from necldental fires at night or I tbo outside discovered tho blaio nnd
from Incendiarism, Tho schools, reprc- ",!,t the Janitor In the neighborhood
heiitlrtB a cot vnlue of millions of!w9 awakened nnd he, with a boy. by
dollars, are totally unprotected so far tho way. of tlio curious timno of Tier
on watchmen arm concerned, nnd the many,' nearly half nn hour afterward
Hoard of IMucntlon, while lecognlzlug ' attempted to put the tire out with nn
guard nt all t In wi lm ?" ,heTon?y
with which to employ such protection I
" " " -...,..j aui.ll il lllf:lUII I
The rpAnt il..frii.ll.n nt it. T. . I
... ...-. ub.v.i, .,i ,nr lllutlHI .. " v...j w .'v,.-,j i,, rvl- ,uu.
and Jleston Schools, in West lhlladel.,lf a watchman had been In the bulldltiK
phli, has driven home to the Hoard of'mnklnff his rounds regular tho flro
l.ducatlon tho need for such protection. probably would never have occurred, and
.iitinuprs or inn nonru niscussrd the '
matter with nn Keniv.i I'ubuc I.kpokh
reporter, but oppurently only partlv.
i-mporariiy and nitlier Indefinitely 'that too much personal and corporate I i"-r iui.j um,, im .-, " t1(, ocean yeT. ,!,, (s (l nfeboat
"olved the problem This was by con- neglect Is nowadays beltiR- h'dden behind production which appeared at the liar-,,,, rr,cuo jiclRlum, Serliit and tven Uus
slderlng r tentntlve offer of Arno 1. i the German spy business, It does occur rich earlier In the season ,0
.iuw-ii. civilian director or the Home. .
Defense Heserve. to cuarrl c.rtnin
sthools nn Indefinite lenRth of time In
those nelKhborhoods vvhe.e the euard Is
wen orRanlzed. .
Mccordlni? to William Dick, feerctary
. ... .run,.,. , 1 1 iijjpr una ...aaiv
, ... v..v..,
i-fizeti, but nppirently It was only tenia-
l"e- lu,n a plan Is, worked out
'.no schools to bo so protected will be
,1,on ?M
confined areas. Ilesldes, such protei'
the Home Guards will rIvo Is
nt Incendlarlsiri liv nll.n .r.inL.
. .!,.:. i:..""V .-"""""
"'""'' "'".' "'"7 ,lal pre-.enu 10 cover
public Safety, had some further nlnn to,
submit to the Hoard nf Education, hut I
lt rou,,i not ho nscettnlne.l what tl Isl
pl,n a,. Marshal Murphy did sav: '
..jt hfls Ion(c been n source of worry!
-ji nas long Deep a source of worry
to t,, burcau that ,tl0 big public
schools are not protected by a semblance
ot guard at nignt, and we havo re-
I peatedlv called the attention of the
noird of lMucatlon to tho dellnquenci
Helng out of pale, eo to speak, of mu
nicipal authorlt, no action whatever
ns neen tai.en. ,-o rar as i Know, nur
suggestions have been Ignored In tho
rase of tho two recent big West Phlla
Phlla- '
delphK fires, 1 can only point out that
they were destrojed nt night, nnd no
watchman was In either building
"Now, take the Hrooks School ns an
example nf the need for a watchman
The fire mi) have been started by a
German spy or otherwise Ah to ttil, I
do not know, nor do I ever epet to
know. But of this t am very positive.
the fire started In the holler room
directly under the principal's room, nnd
u" rtMUMTjlt umtniAl Still
Mane Which Damaged Vessel and I
Injured .Seaman Relieved to
Hnve Been Incendiary
I'nlletl States secret tervlce omceis
are Investigating the fire on tho steajn
shlp Meuse, formerly a German vessel,
but now In tho portico of this Govern
ment, at the foot of Cumbria street In
tho Delaware Hlver, which caused dam
ago amounting approximately to $10,000
nnd resulted In ITartman Bradlej, an
American seaman aboard tho vessel, be
ing badly burned
The Meuse had recently returned from
Italj- In ballaM after taking over a
cargo of Iron ore, and was readj' to be
reloaded when tho fire broke out. Some
members of the crew had been dis
charged as alien enemlen and suspicious
circumstances about tho fire have lod
to the suspicion tint It wae of Incen
diary otlgln. Tho names were extin
guished by tho I'hlladf phla and "ending
flreboats Cheltenham and Ogontz. "which
were In tho vlclnltj when the fire was
Police Stations Bulging With Pris
oners as Result of Drive
Against Crime
CHICAGO, Feb. 11. Chicago's police
stations are bulging with prisoners to-da-
after the greatest round-up of sus
pected cilmlrals In the history of the
cltj". Almost 1000 men and women have
been taken In a determined police d.lve
to curb the recent epidemic of outlaw rj
The round-up Is still In prosress.
One bandit who picked a time when
the antl-crlme drive was at Its height
to rob a motion-picture theatre Is In
a hospital ward of the Jail today with
a bullet wound In his head. A eecond
suspect who attempted to break away
from tho police was shot ard probably
fatally wounded
Chicago's first "central criminal sta
tion" was opened today and victims of
n score of recent robberies nnd holdups
were called In to Identify prisoners taken
In the round-up.
"Mikado" Will Bo Repeated Before
Soldiers and Sailors Tomorrow
The Catholic OperaMo Society wUt
repeat Its rendering of "The Mikado'
tomorrow night for the men of the army
and navj-. It will be under the direction
of the Itev. William S. Murphy, tho use
of the Metropolitan Opera House having
been donated by Mrs II. T. Stotesbury.
The guests will Include the officers
ns well as tho enlisted men of the nrmy
nnd navj and the various ofllclal nnd
men prominent In municipal affairs.
New Orleans Entries for Tomorrow
Plrst race, flftO, claiming, three.vear-elda
nnd up. t 1-in miles J-nely IJttlo. 100;
Mlndn. 103s Hlumberer. mil Lady Ward,
lis; blater Marlnrle, fill: Mike Cohen, 110;
Hey Oaktvood, 110, I,eonalda, 103t IMIroi.
US; niectrle, 10; Homan, 10J' Iluda's
llrother. 105. .Mo ellelble Ths Iluaybndv.
101, Zangaree. 110, Walter II, Pearce, 105;
Sam hllek. Ufl.
Second race, 1000. claiming, four. year,
nldii and up. tU miles Luthr. 110; El
Palomar, llll. King Hamburg. 110; StanlfJ
H . ln, sArbltrator, 108. Duke of Shelby,
ins; llrando. 100, Surpaaslns. ion; fairly,
inn: Wild Thyme. 105: Kdlth llaumann, 10:
Mlaa Welter' 101, Alio eligible Madame
Herrmann, 110.
Third race Purse ln00. three- ear-olds
and un. mile nrjnllmah, 110; Sharp I'roat.
114; Valala 114: Wood Trap. US: Irlah
Klaa, lull Ilaronne. U'J; Mlstreas Polly, Ui';
lllllv K.tlr.tlMM. 11?.
Fourth race, the Crescent City Handicap.
I ilHHJ nuiieu, miMVii-Hu. i uii 17
mllea (a)Hradley'a Choice, 120: (a)'heer
leader. 110: St. laldore, 124: Ilrnllmah.
ion- Hauberk, 124; Hick Williams, llll;
llundase. 11H: Sham Front, 10(1: Saaln, llll:
Woodward, 112: Tokay, 108; Thankiglvlng,
'lOO fa)Filda and Hhlelda entry.
Fifth race, the Au Hevolr Consolidation
Purae, 1700, three. ear-olda and up, mile
ltunes. llll: Wooden Shoea, 10: Iron Croas
II. 100; Paddy Ilolbert, 104: Aaaume. 104:
lluford, 1J; lluchanan Drady, 100; Sixteen
"siiO. race, pur lfi00. claiming-, four-vear-olda
and up, mile and 70 yardi Obelus,
113: flordon nuaiel. 112: Queen ot the Sea,
ins Hlaale. 112; 'Hubbub, 103; 'Philemon,
101i Illllela, l7, .,. , , ,
Heveuth race, purae 1700, claiming, four,
jear-olda and up, l', nil es Irregular, 114t
j.undreary. 114: All Hmllea. 110: jack
llrevra. 110: Aluton. 108: Leach -Cochrane,
1U7; Illllr Oliver, lufll ''00,Sw?d;. lOili lmnj
104: Uudwelier, lOtf; King Matt, J0; He?
,r"pprcntl: tUowace clalujed.
a Id and then .omebody phoned to te I
fire department. I
llic "M'" l(l"
ft la nnlt rnmrnnn can.. .AA 4l.nl
If It nau, tno lire Department would'
lhave been on the scene In time to save
I the bulldltiK. While I pernonallj believe I
to m- mat ino proper vvav to Keen such
nerronn out of school bultillnirn I lo
have n trusted watchman within them i
,reKularly maklns his round, and punch. I
inir his time-clock All prlva'n owners
of valuable properties have such pro- (
i.riiiiri. uliv iiul inn iiii:it-ii nr , inir.sa
......., , . . ... ....... .
virtually evervthlmt the flro mar-
B),a Rrl,i was admitted b Simon Grutz.
. j i... i .... .... .,
aff.ilrH. and William Dick, the M-crctary.
1UIIK uuillllinil. ail ....mil .11 JaUllCa.lUll
...., ,.a..i.
D""' "' ""-
".Many, many things are necessary.
""'" '" .' V'"1'" """ except io explain
that only the high tchools havo nleht ,
-na cl;?,enI,f' 1pI "'
J"'1 ,Mtr .P1, "P"
M "', l '"ladelphla i
Itoth Mr Gratz
pressed the belief the ,
schools had caught i
fire from the carlessnsvi of bad bojs
who had broken Into tho buildings to
see whut they could see and burned
matches about lloth agreed that a
night watchman would have obviated
such trespass, hut the rol was tho
stumbling block In their minds alt the
while Prom ?20O,000 to 300.000 a year
.. ..
uaK l" amount roughly estimated by i
cost oi nigni wntenmen ,
per annnuni To replace the Hrooks
School alone will cost, it Is believed, I the Jefferson for todav only
250,000. , I
.Meanwhile e.cij sthool In tho city Henrv H. Walthall who has not np
somcthlng over 300, exclusive of the prared In a special iiroductlon for olne
high schools remain unwatched be- . time, ui he In the "The Illrth of al
....,......., .. uu-ii, ., ii-ii tno .ii-
glneers and Jtnltors leave until early
morning when they re.urn Many of the
older primary and elementary schools,
too, are built of combustible material.
One Statute Provides Pay for En-
fisted State Em
TllK.VTO.V, IVb. 11. V ltd
ui,. ,.,, JU. ,Kei. - me v.ovemor,
twenty-nine new laws havo been put on '
....... I. III. -... ....! 1 a, 1L. t- I
the statute books slnco the beginning of
tno present legismtno session I
Among tho new bills signed nre the
.. .
Senator Coe, an administration meas
ure, repealing tho law which permits
Judges to recall men tervlng prison
t.ffenaes for the purpose of resententlng
them The law was npealed, as It wits
found that tho statuto had been nbused
Senator Pilgrim, providing compensa
tion for State cmplojcs who havo en
listed and repealing a less comprehen
alvo ono to tlio B.tmo effect passed last
Assembly man Badglcj-, ajnenils the
election act by requiring a oindldate td
fllo his acceptance within flvo Instead
of ten days nfter tho prlmarj'.
Asfenibl)man Morgan, provides stand
ardization of civil tervlce salaries and
ofllces, a uniform method of promotion
and establishing a bureau to keep per
sonal sen Ice records.
Ocean City Coast Trader Will Bo
11 " 1 T
Jlurieu lomoriow
OCHANTITV. N J, Pel). II -Captain
Vincent S. Iloblnson, who will be burled
tomorrow from his lato resldenco In this
city, was anionu tho last of the old
coast-tradlnir misters llvlns here. A
native of Lonjr Island, where he wras born
clghty-sev jears aco, he spent most of
his life In the coast trade and In the
oyster business between Virginia and
New York city
Coming to Somers Point when nine
ears old, with his parents, he made his
home In that town until twenty-live
ears ngo, when ho moved to this, city.
Here ho was amonir tho first to conduct
a hotel for summer visitors. Until with
in the last two ears 1 o was to be found
much of the time with his boat In the
Judge William N. Sicbert, of Perry
County, Victim of Heart Disease
HATtlUSnUUnO, l'cb. 11, Judge
William W. Plebert. ot Terry County,
fell dead this morning at tho Duncannor.
rnllroad station, tho result of heart
Judge Sicbert was on his way from
New Uloomfleld to Mlfllintovvn, Juniata
County, where ho was to havo held
court today.
American Colony Unharmed, Cables
Ambassador Finncls
WASHINGTON', Feb. 11. The Amer
ican embassy and colony at Tetrogrnd
are safe. This Information has been re
ceived by cablo from Ambassador Fran
cis, the State Department announced to
day, Tho cable, dated February C, added
that the city was relatively quiet.
Boy Killed by Dynamite
SCIIANTO.N', Fa., Feb. 11. Stanley
Falakovsky, seventeen jears old, was
killed at Hull Brothers' farm, near Way
mart today, when a box of dynamite that
he was carrying fell to the ground nnd
exploded. The dynamite was to be
used In loosening earth In a trench.
Irutantly relieved
Ly our special arch
SJupporta. fitted and
adjusted by eipetla.
Our 8 a m I e ea
Klaatle lloalery the
moat comfortable
aupport for varl
roae veins, swollen
limbs, weak kneea
and ankles.
Tnnsea. undomlnal
and athletlo aup-
ortrra o( all kinds.
mfra. of deformity atmllancea In the wairli
I'hlladelphU Orthopedic. Co.. 49 N. ltth St.
frvAtC I
"The Son of Democracy" the
Chief Event of the
Cinema World
j York Shipbuilding Corporation' plant In
There will be more people so to the l Koth Camden. Tho meeting was nt-motion-picture
theatres durlnc this and tended by 0000 workers nnd was pre-
i. ,,i., ..Ii,. .,, i,ii. .. nt. sided over by James Maeon.
tended them before. Many persons who
preseni i no ooii ui .im.v.w. " '."' I
Denjnmln fhnpln In his untanny mimic
nTl-s' t,h,!,, "of "umewUoects0 !
mls this hcrles of timely subjects for j
they are to tell the life of Lincoln In
ten weeks. Tho educational value as
l ,. ,. . , , . ..
IWC1I aS tile eUtenainnieni VaiUe Ol IIUS
. . ..
" ' the greatest event In the lil-
tory of tho movlnp pictures
. .
..,. ....... ..... ... . ..
. ll", ""V1" nat leirom will w
shown In all Its realism at the i Knlck-
havo never looked nt a motion picture,,'" "' -."". . " iv ,u"Pcr ' .
and there ure many of them, will be at- "?'" "' llra1'' w.h. V the .;
tracted to tho many theatre, which will ''''?'"' ,ML"K ' ?1 . .""
nrrti. it ti......... lit. ' ! .viitu hi riJlirn lilt" If tin t
Tim nnm. mniini. i..n.n. ...... ..in i.a
Tom .iwcr." one of the best motion
l1' ,ur"a J"?.1 rrrn,mfh ,,"tVv
i i.a rtiit mauini, nr , in i.i.iri...rn
'studios will h.ivn nnother production,
.,.- .....- ti,.,i,...r, . ... .
Our Little Wife.
on view this week at
the Stank
Charlie Ch-iplln In "The P.Inl. will
supply Ihn mtnedy at the IJehnont on
Kalhln Wllllani". who:e famo was,
mado when sho nppeared In the flp-t
serial production will be co-starred with
Wallace Iteld In "The Things Wo l.ovo"
at the Strand the first half of tills week
and at tho P.fgent the latter half of tin
w eek.
A screen i tasslc ' r.es Mlsernbles,"
with William Tarnum as the chief nctor.
will begin a two-wcekr' engagement at
the Victoria Theatre This production
Is the (list one that has been (.elected
for two weeks, aq the policy of this de-
llghtful plaj house Is one week only for
each attraction.
I The Pamllv will have IMna lioodrlch
I In one of her newest screen successes,
("Who Loved Hint ltet?" ns Its Thurs
. da) feature
"The ''onqueror" will show the pie.
a. .a . . . ... ... aa
luren. nte oi tne laie i.rnerai Mm nous.
ion ami it in nave nuani i arnums
the plavcr of this name It will be at
Man ' nt tie coliseum on Wednesday
and Thursday.
Captain Ttobert Warwick will be seen
In "The Mad I.over"
on Wednesday.
at tho Frankford
fflle Shannon will appear In (.lie new.
est Metro production, "Her Hoy,
fnlrmount on Wednedaj,
at the
Jack Plckford In "The Spirit r' 'IP
will be tho featured plajcr on Friday at
the Savoy
"Davhieak" will bring I.mlly Stevens
. ,1 nil.. llt.l t .. M. .
to mo iiaiio mi etinc-tiay. i ms is
the plav In whli.li Jane (.owl onco v.-as
Tp.1,, Cobh Is the author nf Tiilils of
Honor." which has been mado In the
... I nlalll,,. ..111. .Ina .laaal. . ..-
moving pictures w Ith Mao Marsh as the
star. It will be the attraction tho lat-
ter half of tho week at the Alhambra.
tc rrnsp. niiniTMr: mici
Trustees Decide Prospective Attend
ance nnd Revenue Do Not
Warrant Opening
Thero Is to be no session rf the Sum
mer School at tho t'nlverslty of Pcnn
Hjlvanla In 1318. This is the decision
reached b- the trustees nfter a pro.
longed examination of the whole prob
lem. liver" effoit wan mado by thove whe
believe In the Importance of the work
dene by the Summer School to Insure
tho continuance, of that work this sear.
Unfortunately, thero was considerable
loss In attendance and In revenue In the
summer e-esslon of 1917, and further
' Ions seemed Inevitable in 19 is. Part of
11114 ;ta uuu in . nr- liii v nidi muutjiun
n) Wfr enrolled In other departments
and who normallj" would have patron
lred the Summer School were drawn
Into farm work or some, other form of
national sen Ice
Similar conditions will undoubtedly
prevail thin year, and It Is therefore
hoped that the e losing of the Summer
School will not seriously affect tho plans
of many students now In attendance at
the University.
sit I tli ei pottlrn tf MAPttl'll rstiftl t Inns n
11 lilt a..,.. I""""'" vyimmvii) n. .
relal f tho Summer Hohool .nnd nn
on.ancement of Its field erf ucfulnesa
may lo expected, j
Deficiency Caused by Army De- J
mands to bo Made Up to Civilians
nilADVORD, nngland, Feb. 11, Sir
Charles h'ykea has Issued an official no-
tico stating that as the depurtment
wishes to facilitate the consumption of
wcol within tho limits agreed upon with
tho Hoard of Control, further supplies
will Immediately ho releases for the
civilian trade to make up the deficiency
resulting from the nmount pissed for
tho military account last December.
A Secure Place
For Your Securities fj
We have one of the
most modern nnd
secure Safe Deposit
vaults in the city
an ideal place to keep
your valuable securi- g
ties and dotuments. 1
Our central location
makes it convenient
for you to examine
your box at any
12th Street above Chestnut
$lft00,000 Capital
$1,000,000 Surplus
Workers at New Yoik Company
Plant Give Enthusiastic Wclcomo
to Crawford Vaughn
The first of a nortec of noonday nnd
tltfflltll mftetlfM-M n 1.1,t.ltll,lAa HMflA.
I tho auspices of the Emergency Fleet Cor
poratlon was held today nt tho Now
'Vn cnthuslastlo reception was accord
Al.strall. ,. .- ..,. ,- A,rl, -,,
Bf,uro ,he citi.eil; 0 '..,. f.ir. nf ihi
"'' Klder 'to
y,,,,,,. wlm Alnrr,ca .., . k ,,,
wth ,
safe for demoiraoj ' He pleided
he workers to put every possible
I a1 In fAea r.1Hi... f . - .
". ...v .. . v . . ... j.Mi r.cij (ryi'iuic ,in I flll I I II It'll I 1111 I'l. bl 1 1 K Ht. ui'V
s,,rtr. till,. Ik.l. .n.L t..m it... ......- .. . .it... --.I.- .1 ill .1..
..v.f... ...... ...... ...on-, iui nit" ill. I
t,rt.u to six months, nesiirln them that i
t(Mt tlmo would (ell thn tile of woild
livery shlpjard woiker he f.iI1. "Is
worth twenty-five tons per annum This
will bo sulllclent to send live men ncross
held nt the New Jeim- nnd l'enn)lv.i-
JCongiessmcn to Ask That Former i
National Guautsmen Ilcmaln i
With 'J8th Division
tij a SnU (orrt,-.p,iiiitc if
SH1N0T0N Keb. 11 Sicrenr
of War llakvr will be asked tomorrow
by i ongresstnen Crago and Morln, "f
P.unslvanln, to retain the pennsji-
vnnl.i men now officers In the Twenty
eighth Division nf Camp Hancock, com-
posed of Pcnnsjlvanl.t national guauls-
There Is a movement on foo' nt Ihe
War Depirtment to tal.o avvni Hi"
nfTltirs now In i h irge nf the Twentv- I
eighth Division and substitute regular
army officers without regard to the,
Stale from which the- mine
Tiie Pennsylvania Congiessineii will
inge upon .Seorettrj llsker that if It ap
pears ImiKiHslble to retain the Pinnsvl
vnlili nfllcers of the l'eiinsv Ivanla n i
tlnnil guard In their pn sent plaiei. that
rigulir nrmy nffliers vvlm are tutlves
nf Pennsj Ivanla be puts In their te.ld,
In null r to maintain the tdeniitv of the
rt glim nts
Woni.tn's Campiiiptt Nets S12,r38
Moio for SulTcrini;
llu fifth luniheon ot the ten-div csm-
paigti for tho Woman's Hospital, held one or tl.em lam UP vviin tonsniiu-. ii
In the liellevne-itratfnrd todiv, nilded tlm plight In which Mrs l.thcl Hnrman.
$12 r.is 25 toward the $125 aon ,,ught ! nf 3120 North lleev,. street finds her
1 he total thus far obtained Is 417 121 i self, due to tho ills1ppearanc nf her
Mrs c- n Alexander, cant nn of team i
Nn 30, received the clnmplon bannei
for the greatest collection nf nionej
Tho campaigners weie Mrnngly en,
cnuraged to i.any on their work by X
fi. Welch, a Philadelphia advertising
man. who pointed out that they weie
assisting the war by keeping up tho
things at home
The board of managers of the Wnmnn'sj
". '..'.. ..,..,'
EX."J rhos; pent".!
mi.. :i r lllddle. Mrs Anna I, Pogc.
JIIss Nina K Lewis, Mrs, P ' An.
-, Mr 0,1cr ,., Ta,um, Mrs Johh
lllm'(on Kmall, .Mrs. George If Karl,
ti. v rrs.. j.... -t.. ti..
Jr Miss Marguerite 1' Sauiulers, Mrs
Genreo E Shoemaker, Miss Marj ?
Parry. Mrs George If. Heed .Mrs ,le
' ' ,i T at, a. Mrs Samuel rt Shipley
nltr I. "1.1"... 1
st-o stnrv H. Wether 111. Mrs Knencer ft.
i,!.fnrd 3r an'
..,,,, ' ' '
..,,r a-.--. - -
,11 Mrs. VVarrCIl inr
iflii IUlll,,,,ll, Il""il '' l'" '' l'""1 "" lllil,l,',"ll",!"' " ' "!"' "'"'"WiJiiU-IIWKMj
FJ3BRUAIIY ' 11, 1918'
Technical, Modicnl, Dental nnil
rhnrmaccutlcal Voluntccts Sought
Among College, Students
The need of skilled men In tho navy,
especially In tho technical, medical,
dental nnd pharmaceutical branches of
thnt department. Is beliiK emphasized In
appeals mado by thn navy recrultliiK
Kcrvleo to the bends of tho various
schools and universities urglnc that at
tention of underRrnduntn students be
directed to the opportunities for sen lie
to tho lountry In thoso branches.
l'vcry endeavor Is belntr mado to en
roll men for servlte In aviation In tho
nnvj, tho services of skilled mechanics
bolus especially In demand In this sec
tion 1'nderKradiittte medical and dental
students nrn wanted nt onco for the
N'nval Reserve under otdeiM from thn
av Department dlrrttluB that they
u, l L.IUtMl Jill UIUH' HUlj .III. I. nil"
completion of their studies, but that
they may be called Immediately upon
graduation nnd with tho illstlmt under-
utm.iim. lint If ihn rmercenev should
nrlse they may be called to active ferv
lvo before graduation I.ver effort will
bo made, It Is stated, to cpmllfy those
ttudents responding to -t,ie call for
lommlsslons In the nnvv Those who
lire enrolled mut volunteer for Rcncrai
nervlce and bo ii'slKned liter b.v theli
I The naval remiltlnc ofllre wlilili Is
located at Twentv .fourth Mrcet nnd
(Irav's Terrv I'.oad. Is open from ' a
" r, r "" ,"," y ""' "''
days and lep.il holldiijs
Homes to He Erected in l.lmwood
.Section of the Koi tieth
Plins for the loustri.ct.oii of homes
m the lllmvvonil section of th- fortieth
w.ud for men einplnveil at Hog Island
wire approved todi bv Owen llralu.ud
Inn engineer nt New York and n member
nf the housing rommllte, nf the l.mci-
..em v 1'leet I'oiporntlnn Mr III ilnatd
,P,1 a eonferuue did ty with Chesttr .
MbrlRht, ihlef nf the Hun .ill nf J-itr
vei, nnd wtnt over the plans, aftci
wlilili he npprovid tltini
llarller In the dsv theie Ind betn a
rumor that tho plans for limiting Hog
Island rmplovis In the fortieth Ward
had been nbnndniwd nnd that the houses
would bo built In different parts of tho
.Mrs. IJoiman, 1'aciiiR Eviction With
I'ivo Cliildicn, Appeals to Police
III, tin money, about to lie evliteil from
hpr home with her five voting children.
nusnnnii, nan, nn .-auiunv i.tm
Horman vtorked at Cinmp'H, but Ind
been nut of wnrk thite vteelts He
went In wnrk Satin dav morning nnd
has not been seen by his fnmllv since
flic ., ir .ivs Hint Iw. lines nut ill Int.
and Hhe does tint undei stand whit has
hnnnemd m liini. she Is in be ev h tod
Wiilnesdsj, hhe i-as, nines t Mie pivs
her tent, and ime of her flvo childien.
.i.... .... .,. (r,.m i.i. i h ..u
.", ,.,7 she heeif , s, frjrlng- from
severe ( old, contiacteti vviuie senrcinns
the stiei ts for her huvbaiid
I tin iiiiiiits ii.ii? iji'I ii .ir-ivi'ii ill itmiv i
for llo
The police havo been asked to look
i man, and a general nlarm u.i
been suit out When leaving home Hor
man wore ,i hrnvvn tap, a black and
whlto striped Miht, daik blue coat and
trousers and black shoes, lln Is almost
,. .., .,.. ,, .tl...
nam, ijuiin nun. nn miuiw mm-
i , ,l u r. " l.,V.ca l t.-l-l..
luexniu nun '- " .-. iiiii.--. ill iiikhi
His hair Is dark.
During the first two years of the war, German autoc
racy sought world dominion through the conquest of
France and the subjugation of Great Britain.
Checkmated by the unexpected addition of America
to her enemies, she has turned her attention elsewhere,
though apparently still striving for her original purpose.
In His
follows the devious course of Prussian diplomacy and
shows how Germany has changed her goal, how she is
now bending every energy toward a new end which will
reimburse her for all that she has suffered.
What this new plan is, and how it must be resisted, is
told by Gerard in the
Daily Installments, .
Commencing Sunday, February 24,
Reports Show General
creases In Amounts
The Mate Department of lleillh today
Issued a compilation of the quantities of
foodstuffs held In cold sloraKn In ware
house,, in New Jersey on December 31,
1117. and Janunry 31, 191 8, with com
parative amounts held In stornito on
(orrespondlng dates In 1 31 C nnd 1017.
Kkrs by tho cise numbered 100,030 on
December 31, IMG, and Incrensed to
1ST 257 December 31, 1917, while on
January 31, 1017. thero wire 31,934 cases
In stornRc ns nfjalnst onl 14,550 on Jan
uary Jl, last.
Ihn nmount of broken ccrs In storage
bv jwunds was: December 31, 1916, 60,
934; December .11, 1017, 1OO.7G0 ; Janu
ar.v 1917. 31,110, and 1.3.S53 on Jan
uary 31, last
Tho amount of cheese in storage, was
1, 111,711 pounds on January 31, Iset.
an nRatust oCT.Bd? on January 31, 1917,
and 817,912 on Decimber 31, lllti, us
apilnst I.tCl.S.IS on December 31 1917
Poultry and butler show decreases In
slorauc Theie wero fi,G14,C45 pounds
or iiiuier in HinrnKO on jeceinuer ji, ,
191B; 3.061,043 on December 31, 1917;
2.390.43:. on Jnnuarv-,31, 1117. and 1,-
66R.I7S on Jnnuaiy St. 1911
lfiirt! a nr.1 nin .... iw.mh.. at. mir-
The figures on poultry are 11 IflS.CtD
pounds em 1'ecember 31 1110: C 712,134
nn December 31, 11H7: 11.013,300 on
January 31, 1M7, and C,lC7,00j on Janu
ar 31, last.
Figures tin freth meats nre December
31, lMfi, theie wero S.B71 7R1 pound l In
stnrtge: 12,718,031 nn December 31,
1917; 7.8&,27r. on Janunry 31. 1017.
and 11 lli!,127 on .Innunrv 31 Inst
Thero were 1,237,020 pounds of freh
lisp n storage nn December 31 .Din
2,051 17,1 ,m December 31 1117, SSI, CO
on annuity 31, 1017, and 841.613 on
.lanuarv 31, last ,
Mnggic Teyte, Sopiano, and Arthur
Shattuck, Pianist, the
Maggie Tejle nnd Aithur Shattuck
vteio the slnis nf Ihe last of the Ilelle-vue-SlrntfnitlH
hen'on of morning musl
cales given bifolo an appreciative all
dieme In tlio billrnom eif Ihe hntel jee
tcrdav 'Ihe winsome soprano, who was
,ti espci lal f uorllo here limine the Cam
panlnl nnd Hippo operatic regimes nt
tho Metinpolltan. capably ilcmnnstrated
tier fitness fnt recit tl work In w ell-chosen
and delightfully interpreted selections
Her progiani Included Scliindlei's "La
Coloniba." lobelia's "Ilocca Dolorosa,"
Illnibeini H "l..t Sera per lo l-'rescn," llor
odine a "DIswonnnse" nnd (.ffcctlve speci
mens of Itusslan songs, Ciiipentei's "Sil
houettes" and "To n Voting Gtntleman"
apd Crlst's "Mlstlitoe"
The plaiilMlc art of Arthur Slialtuck
Is familiar heie Tho Amerlctn virtuoso
was In eiellcnt form veslerday. plav-
Ing vtlth fine technical clarity and sym
pathetic realization of the moods of his
I v .tried ofTi rings aVinong theso were
Ihigcne D'Albcrfs Suite in D minor,
Kameau's Gavotte and Variations, a
illiilinis intermezzo several milliners nv
I Hh.,-- and a spec,,. Jar ,,,
the reienade nnd minuet from Mozart's
' Don Giovanni."
"Lodolctta" Metropolitan's Xet Bill
The nct opera bill at the Metropoli
tan will, be a novelty to PhlladelphUns.
Thn circling on Tuesday evening, Peb
rinry 19, will be Mascngnl's "Lodo'ctta,"
with n cast Including Caruso, l'lorcnce
H.tstnn Ainnto and Dldur Mornnzonl
will conduct.
Is Germany's
'"v V
, art, -ji TinMitfii
Mrs. Gabrilowltsch, Daughter "m
of Fnmous Humorist, WouIJ -Enjoin
Publication y
s' IB
Mrs. Osstp Gabrilowltsch, daughter, W '
tho lato JIark Twain. Is seeklnc an In
junction ncalnst tho publication of
volume on modern science and phy
losophy about to bo Issued by Vrifi'
James H, Ilyslop through the AmerlcM
Society for rsychlcal itesearcn,
Mrs. Gabrilowltsch does not obje
particularly to the book Itself, but
particularly io me uooii i.scu. uu. "T.vfi
does object to tho announcement thf 3J
tho spirit of her celebrated father wHUffi
n,U.... U. .. --I.I ltm ,l.a nrmtmlfMM2.
realm behind the gravo through th Vt
pages of tho book. "..'I
In tho January Issue of the Journal .'i'j
or tne itesearcn society, l-roiesnor 'j
llfvlnn KQVa lia. anil tun women me- .. S
rllitnis n Mm ftnvn. nf Rt. Tuts. an& i.
a .Mrs Hutihlngs. havo held frequent Kf'j
conversations with tho spirit of Mark'V .
Twain and hive found the celebrab4 v
liniiinrUt In i, atiiSn nf Intellectual tor-
meiit because of the dlfllculty lie Is hav'--Ing
In getting his momentous work Into
print Ho Is now greatly relieved btj.
causa he has found u means of comt
munlcatlon with the world he was forced
I,, inn. n K.fnrn !, I.a,t 4ln.A tl Mil fill.
: ,- ,", fc. .,., , ,kk
l" u.i r -
"""'l, : ,.,m i..J. it.i ' i
-',ine V"1" writing. Professor Hyslop ( tf
S., ,,... nnv..it-if.,t, t,i..4 18
. "' -1 .".'": ":i?"l? ".".il h
ner marriage to tne ceicDraica jnuiini
whs Mies Clara Clemens, Is r.ot tB4
pressed In an Interview sho unsympa
thetlially rhaiacterlied Professor Ity
slop's assertions as "silly, foolish, stupid
and i.raz " and announced that she had
asked her attorney, Charles T. Lark, p(
New York, t6 prevent tho publication of
ftlie work through an Injunction.
Lutherans Roost Fund -t
All Lutheran congregations In Phlla.
delphla wero appealed to j esterday HO
I'ontrlbuln their sharo to tho $7E0,00O
war-work fund being raised by that
Life and Trust Company
of Philadelphia ,
H'c arc prepared to assist
in the preparation of
for the year 1917. As
heretofore, this service
will be icithout charge.
;; i
a -f
- m
Je, who heard them.
vve vm Nua.a.csp sor rvicrtocvi , g-f j
-V J.-W-,
"V.- . .-i .'
iM'j A
v r '''tf-
-.... v.". .