-,.';? T JON'S VIEWS PEACETMUST GIVE JUSTICE WARMLY UPHELD i c..,d ,, ra,. , " ! . It tin rlRlit nml fair, mi art of Justice, rather llian .a bargain between soy- jlcmbers of Congress De clare Tiiey i ruiy ivepre- ,' Bent America's Ideals ,, RE,L PEACE ITS OH.TECT Gcrmnuy Placed in Awkward Position speecn win j,uaKe ,' Europe Think crelgns. AMIJIIICA'S POSITION J.V VTATl The Lulled states has no desire to Interfere In' European affaire, or to net ns arbiter In Kuropean territorial disputes. Shu would disdain to tnko advantage of any internal weakness or disorder to Impose her own will upon another people, .She Is quite ready to be shown that the settlements she has stiBRi-ste.1 are not the best or tho most emlurliijr. They arc only Her own provisional sketch of principles and of Iho'wny In which they should bo applied. Uut she entered this war because Mio was mado a partner, whether she would or not. In the sufferings and IndlgnltlcH Inflicted by the military makers of Uormsiivv umiiui n, . mut ercm-iti- r,t iniiin,i janil the rondltlons of peam will tourli her as nearly as they will touch II... ' ,0 w,,,c" H lniled n leadliiR part in tho malnteiianco of chillzallou. SUlP rAnnnl iaa Iiah .... 1. ... .. .. ..,. .. . . ' rhiractcrlilng President Wilson's ad- .. , , , "", lo "ce """' ",e caus" ' U"H "ar arc reiiiotwi; , Charnctcninib 1 ., , ,,, ' Us renewal rendered as iicnrlv n ,,... i. i..,....im iArrM tOIW m. "' "' - ." ,.,.. .. . . . . ' "' J "' .....- "i AZIONI DI ARTIGLTERIA AL FROME ITALIANO TEUTONS HOLD CHOICE BITS OF RUSSIA Gli Italian! Reapingono un Tentativo Neniico nolle Gitidicaric BOM BARD AMENTO AEREO , WASIHNOTON. I'eh II robllaptd nnd HMrlhntfd Under piiiimit No. .111 Anthorlrrd lij- set of, October , 1017, un-flte at the l'oitofnfe of l'hll. drlplil. 1'a. Ilr ordfr of Hie President. a. s. iiunM:ov, 1'o.itrnsi.ter (lenersl, I? -V.t. nf the Ccntial Powers, memoirs , lITcongreas express unqualified up-innel prot WASHINGTON, D. C. 11 Feb. It presidente Wilson ha dichiarato This war had Its loots In tlm ,iii-nf.i nf tiio rluht. nf email .,o.ir. of natlonalllles which lacked tin, n.,u nn.i tin. fnre in m,i, . i ehc non I nuo esserc pace nulla ...i ii.. i.. ..-, - nc """ , . . ... Iivviis reirnrded another IiIr step to-, , ' , " ,0 ""ermine their own allegiances and their own forms of ,rd breaking the Herman people away . Political life. CoieiinnN must now bo entered Into which will render such base espostn reccntcmentc dal ran- iccinere icucsco, conic on iicrtilng. 1IU w . .... . ... . ......... - - -. .. ........ -,,, from their h.mcraiis c i '""". "...Bs in posMhlc Tor tho future: and thoso cotcnants must be bached bv I H PWsidentc ha parlato daxantl ad i,T,mo!!tT!kIIrd position and "it "-, ,'M" ,0 ot a '''""h Uiat lo,c Justice and arc wlllhiR to maintain ' una commlssionc mlsta di oenatorl v L me that If r onn people pull to-1 ' c""t . rapprcscntanti col prcciso ncopo ell rth,r.TBdJirl HnotlaS aV.T"? he which mvl nil m elUeme"1 'V"1 tho P0"" 'clatlons " "ra Populations rispondcrc al rcccnte dlscorso che SdVn,XVro.e"hc,wlM to rc..rt aro to be determined t,v the on HmB . ronUMci. dluallll B, K T l.ao no doubt that It w III. i " """, , '" I,0rful C.oernments which consider themeles most dliect- ttecimInp. i.'. n r,.,Mpn.. bn KSVulon ImpclallMs cannot keep ;"?- ns Count von I lertllnn proposes, why may not economic questions i,,' rh-'l'.ii I ,A I.!.. aav from their people for many n'-o? tt has come about In ho ni.or,i ,m ir, i,im. ... n-.i J detto cnc 1 attcKRlamcnto dell Alls- months." "hi Chairman mooci, or ino nous Foreign Artalrs committee. t "The address puts tho wholo nuestlon f rtlce rlRlit 111 ll- uuura ui mu uci- '. rulers," said UeprcsinHtlvc Sl.er i,t Kentucky. "It points tho way to much better conditions for the Herman people If they will only grasp the friend- y Ameni.ui .i...i that Ju&tlco nnd tho riKhts of peoples affect the wholo field of International I tria ' PP0s, n 1u;110 le,1 Ge" dealliiff as much as access to raw materials nnd falr'and equal conditions of mlin,a cd ,,a lodato II discorso del trade. I ronlo f7prnln nifrtnnfrnnftn rbrt finn HKHTMNU'S INCO.NSISTCNCV SHOWN a C,,C l'Aus,ri'l ' sotto la domina- Count xon Hertllng wants tho essential basis of commercial and Indus- i dl "Cr""n T'3 n" """i ''"" ilM life to bo safecuarded bv rr,mn, .m.n. n,i ,.,... i.... ... ,are con ,n franchezza con cui or- ---- ......wi e -.. fiumnunc, Ullfc li.- . . '. ..rfiv t.e.i,ler (illlettc praised the ''i expeci mat to Pe conceded him If tho other matters to h ,1.irmliA,4 ,l""1 l""iri. 11 prcsiaeme mi .ir, ns ".mother xle.ir Miitemeut of by the uttlclcs of peace are lot handle,! in iho mm., mv nt iipm. i,. i. n,.i anche accrnnato alia nuistlonc dcllc f "te"ts nrtinirpo-eslth an ,,p. nccouiitlnjr. Ho cannot nsk the bineflt of common asuement In the one field nazlonalita' per dire cho esa dcc Mil IU iiiv .. - - Tovrcrs X fc Vih ir jTO -3f wwursaw i -j "-" Kf&st?cv o- .L 'ipi ! i " Sammee Killed by Comrades in Error WITH THi: A M K It I C A N AHMIKS IN l'HANCK. Feb. 10 (dela)cd). AN American prhatc, mistaken - for a Ilochc in the dark, was shot nnd killed by one of his own patrols Friday nicl't, following the patrol encounter with the (iirmnns. The prhnte became 'separated from the patrol, which wan seek ini; the bodies of those killed a short time before. AtlemptiiiK to rejoin them, lie was challenged by a sergeant. He suspected another umbuscadc and failed lo respond. The nerRcant llrcd, killinfr the prhatc instantly. 4& " ''IfSlfiM' i 1iH'"l 'WH I fl n wPmMi AAIIIIBillS- zghj :mnTA t- ... AV a."- -tt WgqP'j throw WILL MAKI3 IX'nOPi: THINK J, Hampton .Moore, of Philadelphia. nlil: "Tho president t Kpcecw is c.u filiated to make tho foreign nations think, epennlly AVstrlii-HuiiRary. t( whlrh ho makes an orRUincnt, and to Oermany. to which h slater IiIh poi- lion cleirlv anil lirmiy i un rreinem Larry Eyre's Spats Dragged Into Court ( nnlllilirit fri t 1'iiire One enuuali illiln I vain In Iip.ii the rase, so .IiiiIkc !.anilin, of Iain, abler fount, ion seiitnl ti. (?, nnd hiai II In Chestir fount. The da liefore the time s t fpr the hearlniT tlcrrj ai-1.nl a tluuKe of enue. eonteiidlmr that. Mnro 1II was the political hoss of fluster County. It was Impossible for lleiry to h.io a fair and lmp.iitl.il trl.il thi-re Lamlls lie tiled the ilianse of imie, und t 1 lllb haid mid sVarhtl, eounsi I fir lln. apixaled to the Supienlo fnmt Then1 tlm whole inattir was aritued tii(la. Ilirrj's (oiiiimI ivuti iiiIIiik that l.inills's ii'fusnl to ei.int the lenue chHiiKP was in nbuse of bis Imlli'lal tiouer Vow In dlseussliiK ll.MO, Mr. Scarlett IhoiiKht It would bo ptetty nlie to ills. Ilnul"li lietweetnMr. Kre ns an ordi n.uy cltlren and Mr. 11 le 11s a political bos, HI ho h.llll "I inn Mienkinc of him not ns th lndlliliial, luit as the political boss ' No initn in lennHlaua is more notorious In this lole than T. I.arrv Kfe As fot the man himself, I iidmlii' him As I ree blin In bis fashlon.iblo clothe.i, with a fancy st. his Kold-i limned e.e. elif.ses. awhiKlnc cane and I.lmhiirpoi ,,iin,..i ,. . mats, i-auntei Iiik Into the Itellevue. If he Is .silent about Ullcstlons of which ttftch the Interest of 1,1, ntlles ' T" 1 . C"V. ' ? r. !,n.r." ..'Jr'l' .1.;.... i:..... .,.-. -e , ,.,. .., St.atford. I cannot help but adn.lro b,r. " ri'"" ,4,lll,- ll.lLillKOl- HI rilKlllZIOIlP. ' nUilll-tlllllK llllIU MIIHL Ul l 1UIUIU' "ih, ,,. , .-- ......,, .-- ,.-, ..u. i . ,, lllnln nnnrh, lliti.. ,1.... ,...,, I. (l,..., p . ... ..I . nnl.. I. ...... ,. tA n.i . .,.-,,. I it... ......,,1 . ,.,,,. . I. ..., 1.. In..n.. out ... .,-....,,, , v,,w v.,u, ,, ,,1,,-v in .iiiauia uui), it. miiM, t)j couise, no ' "uiii ui iwimnfria inrono ire- !,. ,,lpt ,l. l,,Hl.n.. nl.n.,.n.i ll" r"i", ,'.m, . n.,,,, , ,,,i,,,- wlthout according It In the other. I take It for granted that ho sees that in clascun caso esscre risolta f-ccondo soparate nnd selllsh compacts with recard to tiode and the essential mate- 11 dlritto e In lolnnln' Hrl nnnnll. 'pl,heltrsrihe!torld''To I ? f l,w"ufu'tuw ,vo"1'1 '"y0"-'1, '" foundation for peace. Neither, ho m.y ' QueM. parte rlKuarda direttamente tKofV.heokootCemusllc m ""a,"tP "d "" compact, with ieRard to proMnces and , ,e B,plr,on, dell'Italia. peorles. ...tA ii in,i ,i.ni To me cie.iriv inai lh President sees FomethhiR more than ' Cniint C'zeriiln seems to hee the fundamental elements of peace wllli! ItOMA. 1 1 Pebhralo mere wlnnlnir the war. That comes, dear ejes and docs not seelt lo obsitire them. He sees that an Independent nnllf' notlilc glunte dal Quartler Gr r.ifir,o all neonlcs i after ' tho vi-ar." I Po,nn1, macl u" "C "" thc Indisputably Polish peoples who lie contiguous. I ntl ltillano si rilca die. durante la The heavj line ltiniiiui; from the Gn'f of Finlntul to Hro.t I.itovfk iiuhcato.s tho new boundary which the Holshoviki jienre imposes on Itussi.i. South of Ilie.st-I.itovsk lies the Ilepulilie of Ukialne, which has been recoKnicil by the tloimaiiM. The cessation of Inutilities declined by Uup.si.i leaves l.',(iS. sqnaie miles of llu-siim teniloiv in Teuton hands, with un cstimntcd population of 10,000,00(1. The Teutons also hold .U,ir.! squate miles of Polish territory captured from the Hussians. The popula tion of this tomtory is 10,000,000. to one another, Is n. matter of European concern and must, of courso, bo Klomata dl sabato, luniro ttitta la fronte -itttti a TJr r,T WT A T? TirTT'rrtXT conceded; that Uctelum must bo evacuated and restored, no matter what K' wMcnrona a7lonl dl nrtlellerla e cho ' JJfllv L v-' ' '' "-lv x Ljyj j.jxs sacrifices nnd concessions that may Irvohc; and that national aspirations ,1CS,U" importante cmnbattlmento el ebbe must be svittslled, evui within his own implrc, In tho common Interest of nil- 'ln rnr,n ,Me fanterle, e quail llmltarano i ope and mankind. ' la ,ol"o altMln" combsttha alio sollte PEOPLES DEMAND PEACE .. . . . . . . . .........1I--1I..1 ....... . i ... I tiun iiiiivo's nil- triiiirvijin MiaiitVU msi.-. .... 1 1. .. 1. 1 . .v i . miniiu n mi- n- m inimr hm- . ii do. iii.il tin iiinu 1111.111 n, i i .. u.. .1 j (i .. ...... .. i . -t t. iiLitii i i en in i piist iu , turn nn nr mnin ' i nrv iniiiiii' iiiiiiint'i nil' iint-iiMi.(i .-inn i ;n,;tt;o Uble before further loss of lite ensues -, noUl,, ,, llle nwnMy ot ,.1I1(,Uly Blply,nB lhem. ,10 lialura, f,e that Venerd" a .u .ontTiiwml nustro- Alllc" l,ubll','c'1 n intimation the " ; VibK , nulT not ? en." the , m111K that j irred the chief judicial nines rtepresentatHo l.enroot. uepunncan AllstrU ,,,, us,,0M(j to lnp purpote of peace as expressed by tho fnlted tedevehl tentarono dl effettunre una In- War Would not stop until the Cell- war. but would, on the contrary, prolonu I H lmt '""'' Most "K,'h " was the i7rK?L!,TiJl"?h?Cn! Mates with less embarrassment than could Oermany. He would piobably have ""L." .J' ""''"'!'. -"" tr' ' ' liruptr.I. '' . ,':-?! "". ...mnu; others, i, :'''!:,;' ' '" '.':1 " ""J- "JIT: frank way In whli.li the rresldent sent none much further had It not been for tho embarrassments of Austria's naone P Clilese ma furono resnlntl il.il ... 1. . 1. 1.. tl,..lllnH t i.Anl fljsi11ltl. . - . ,. i. .. '..... in ansner haek to IleitllnR spcincall, allluuces and of her dependence upon Clermany. tat In rcalltj to thc people of Ger- , Af(ci. nn wliecr t ,s poslbV fol. , pre.Idl del postl aanz:itl I manv." "It Is a rift 111 toe cinuus, poslb for either Government to go any s,l,l ftuther than this lomparlson nf tes Is slmplo and oblous I Chairman Stono, of thc 1'nrelRii Itela- ' tlons Coninilttee "It was a most is- ' cellcnt and well-timed speech." Senator tloie belleeit n "icni pea"e moemciit ' inlKht lesult from the fact I that the President pointed out that bis , Ijinmr S peace terms wcie provisional. rot final Senator Chamberlain, head of the I Military ConimllUe. deemed the speech "most able annisi.s oi ine iittiium. I of the (lerman nnd Austrian Prima Slln Wfrs and n icrv clear statement of America's position ' I'ossiiiii-iTv or riiAcir li Senator t'nderwood declared that It mi a very clear exposition of thc view- sint of tlie Ameilcan people and that (n.is no Indlc.itioll of "a liossihllllv W peHce I Tnt vi as iv splendid iuldre"-i and ought have an effect In the direction of Ipeace, declared Senator McKellnr. roi'it PitiNciPi.ns ov phack The p nclples to be applied are these: I'irst, That e.nli part of tho llnal ettleiuciit must bo based upon tho rsM-tilUI justlie of that parltiular aso and upon such adjustments as aro most llliel.v to brliiK a peace that will be permanent: Second 'lh.it peoples and province are not to bo bartered about from M.tcrclKHly to soverelsntj ns If they were mere chattels and pawns In a k'aine, even the Kreat C"me. now foreier discredited, of tho balance of power; but that , Third, l'.vcry territorial selllemiht Involved hi this war must be made in (lie Interest and fur'thc benefit of tho populations concerned, mid not as a part of any mere adjustment or ompromise of .claims amoiiK rival Slates, nnd Fourth. That all well tlrtliied national aspirations shall be accorded tho utmost satisfaction that tan be accorded them without Introducing new or perpetuating old elements of discord and antagonism that would be likely In time t break the peace of Kurope and, consequently, of the w orld. . fuoco del ' Italian! t'n liliniernsii Bfiil.irlrrine ,11 idrnwtl. antl eompi' fel cemento una incursion" I-ilto ints ill a corner, they meant Wlieieupon Scheideniann and his follovveis automatically aligned themselves with the Government. ntrea presso lo foco del IMave e boni bardo etllcaceiupnte, e con appariscentl rlsultatl, I rleoverl dille trupps ails trlache ' ceo II lesto del cnmunlcatn pubbll cw ierl. il.il JlliiMero deiw Hiferra lu K ma lattlvlta' combattiva lunRn tuttn, li fronte. durante la nlornata ill ierl. fu llmltnta nil n7loni ill artl Klleri.i, le quail furono phi Intense e frequent! nel settore orlentnle d"ll altl piatin ill AslaiTo e iicll'area occidentalo dl Monte lirappa Veneiill' sera due tentntlvl dl In- c-sioue, operatl dal nemlco 11 slid del settole tra lo valll I).ione-f liiese falllrono sotto II vlolento fuoco ib 1 ! nostrl vlellantl postl avanzatl. I'll forte Mvuadronn dl Idiovolanll I bombardo' con ottlml .Isultatl I rl- lover! nemlcl a Kevedoll prea'o U foco del I'iavc. Wl'tt i Hivj v w , - FIGHT TO DEW Only Four of Fourteen Men iri,"4 t'atroi liscnpe l roin Ambuscade U. S. BARRAGE IS DEADLY WITH Tim AlllJItlCAN AHMt IX i h I'lU.VC't:, Keb. 11, ,H ...,1ll ....A.. ... .1.. .1 L. (in ooiuiui ii-i'Mii uo iiic iiuuon o- Yi tvveen an American patrol nnd a larne ,i (lerman foice which ambuscaded It In "No Man's Ij Hid" shows that nit of ths Americans fnUBht brnvelv to the finish, notwithstanding the fact that they were pitied iigilnst odds and at tho dlsad vanlnfro of havhiB been surprised. 1'our Antsrlcans vveio killed, another died fiom his wounds, one other was woundid and four vveie captured. The Germans opened the field b velllnc; "Kamerad" and by the throw Ing of a Rienode. Itoth sides then opened fire The fighting listed about a minute and a half, during which the Germans con tinued to shout. complete detail of the encounter. which have Just been received, show mill ineie were lourieen Americans In the patrol, who suddenly found them silv.s surrounded by a large number of Germ urn , Aftir rounding up four men, the!er mans withdrew, leaving four dead Amei leans, two wounded Americans and four dnughbojM on the field. ' The Aim rle ins continued firing at the letreatlng fonns of the Germans as long M they could l. seen One American, attracted by the groan ing of one of the wounded men, went o Ills side and save bhn a drink of watei. Another started to crjfvvl back 'hioiiRli the wile to give the nlurm. Maihliie-gun nnd ilfle bullets In a per feet rain wen directed toward the enemv until thc Americans' guns started to put now n it barrage," Cries In Ger man proved that tlie American fire was well directed One of the wounded men had started to crawl through the entanglements hi front of tlie Amei lean tiencii line, but his strength gave out He was found b .v comrade and c.ned In A second Ameilcan patrol was qulcl.lv sent out It discovered the five dead bodies (the fatally wounded' soldier having died In the meantime) and one eiv much allvo American, who was King beside the corpses, ready to fight In case the eieimans came back to soaii.li tho ilead Taeie was considerable artillery ncllvlt on Saturday night, when one Ameilcan was killed and live woundeel by Geiman shells , The sector of the western front now held b tho Americans Is no longer under tlie command of a Trench general. Kor almost a we. 1; the Yankee soldiers holding part of the battlellnc have been under the direct command of an Amer ican geneial The war partv si.vs peace can only maik that w vs quite dignified and tie scouted bv lighting T.iev promise ' couched hi quite proper Jlngllsb, but the enrlv jie.uo If the people will follow pist of which was, 'Cheese It'" them ' Mr Scarlett "cheesed It" foithwlth Thus the offensive being pi epat ed by What the court reallv said was Hlndenburg and I.udeiidorrf In posltlvelv "Aien't ou getting outside the recmd?" G. rinanv's last card And only on i Scarlett, apparently realised that he .,.. . ...I., .t. .. I, ..III f.t... I. ...... .!.... .. ..... t. .. .. 1 -..... ..,.,.. .. I in" pioiin-i- iii.ii ii . iii ,o inn miuMHi.ii,- was, iiui li was tool, siwii. winie u . from GeimutlV is Stiyilli:, the Allies Pfiie do tlie pmple agree that It be lasted, record or no record ,. ... ,, , , . n, . n thn .i.rb. i..ieL- in ib,.! plated , The iwirt took thc ques-joii of the Alan llanos Himself After Worry are now on me iiv.ni it.ich, in mill , - . rrcnoh of Verdun and the Hi itl-.li venue change under advisement Over Illness and Lack of Work nicy win uiiiy cuuviiiue inu war iiinu . ot vpres bout ine iriunp ciru to fiRht. JudKiiiK from what cciy one TROUBLES CAUSi: SUICIDE the German w at party Rives up its Hehlnd them Vmerli.i bus ambitions for woild conquest, when '"'i" ,.,.,,! -tin c. ntr.il row ... ..... .. i, noire lit? they lire ready to milke un eeiUliatiie luive peine soon, one wa or anotner, or nt pVmitiy at the .Innuai show in Tren no-ici' bill until then the" will I'lL'llt ""' "iass, wm lorie tne uovernmeni s ton bud avvareleil lilm the silver cup do. piacc, mil until men un,,. win iis.ni . . . . . Trenton Times, ns bavlne fresh iiitral l'oweis must Vineland Men Win Poultry Prizes V1NIXAND. N J. IVb 1 1 J S Lodge has received word that tho Judges Illness, unemployment and the scrlcus Illness of his wife caused James Dradv. forty-seven enrs old, of 112 Mifflin street, to commit MiloVle this morning In the cellar ot his home b.v hanging. He was found bv his twelve-year-oM morning spltal. relentlessly. Us up to ri.mea, Gient lliltaln and the b.st White Wjanelottis In the Mute , 01) at nbot ; 30 , 0, lc this me Today thc masses in Germany and U. nutod ,.., nje ' I and taken to Mount s-ina) :i Austria me in a mood to listen to in. best Plymouth lloek coek. I where he was pronounced dead. AUSTRALIAN TROOPS CONDITION'S APPALLING l'loin the most dependable sources A geneial peico cictted upon s.ucli found itlons can bo discussed rutll Senator Harding declared that It "was such n neace can bo-secuicd vvu havo no choice but to co on. the bOEt message I'vo heard 1 don't see .hew iny one eould disagree with am- ONH PAUTY HI.OCKS WAY Tregirt tho speech as an Interpre- So Ur aH ne ran Ju,1bc' tlie I"IncI,le3 '' md as fundamental titlon of the speech of January S." said nre nlreatly cm r where, accepted ns Impeiatlve except ajnong tho spokes- senator Johnson, of California. "Those men of the lnllitaiy and annexationist poity in Uermany. If they have any- I'n dlspnrclo da Londra aimunzla che 1 i)av,e learned tint dnmestlo conditions llliluli.l r. .latin f!ia-.-r. n ,, u , .In .... 1m ' . .' il MlulNtem della Guerra nustrlaro ha In both cotmtiles urn appaling. ferl nlllibtlenln ltn nnmlinl'nln tya nii-iln i rlgtiardo alle opfrazlonl at fro to ita-i Austria Is threatened with dlMiiptlon. llano, dice cho vlvne'e attlvila' da parte Long priKOislons of wjnien and chil- uen nriiKiierui. si e vei incata sun am- ,r(,n !ir roininon. marching through piano del Setto Comunl e ad orlente del llrenta, A Mllano Itohert P I'eikins, capo della conunlsslone peimaneute dell i Croce i tho stroets of the cities, demanding bread. . Tho recent strikes broke out spoil- !,. ... ..,,,,,,,. i-uiiiiiliifiiuiir piri lOUII.-llie lieu I I TOCe . 1 no leu'lll Siliivi-s i,i,,in- uut -,j..,,- irnoieii aiarm nt uio possiuio entry of vvhere else been l ejected, the objectors have not been sufilclently numerous lloa Americana In Italia, e II generale taneously because the people desire or Influential to make their voices audible. The tragical circumstance is that Angeiottl. comandanto del ( orpo d'Ai- peace and ate huugrv Illness is ram- the republican upon u policy of tcrrl isVured t'v tic meJaic f eouldmi; this ono party In Germany Is apparently willing nnd able to send mlllTons "'? ." .S"lan"- ,l,nm, ",Rfa, hi U-'psnt. The death rate Is stendllv mount- lubscrlhe to all of the President's speech i of men to their death to pi event what all tho world now sees to be Just. oua'rti sejlone destir.n'.e nt VmAi. ,ii .. of January 8. 1 , delighted with mos, I . , ttnlllll . b(! , ' M)0vt,Mn,ln of ,,, ..eonlo of tho United State, If balla n 'c'rVe "". ell'J Z " ,Va,.h". f'.. "H"?. ''"I. ",0"' "T of toda's message and with Its modili toa of'tlirVorme'r" speech ""fi I M not say onco mo.o tlfat we entered this ..r upon no small occasion, J"""' " ";.' -?1" . PP ""- Mang malady popidarly Vnuaxi, at all criticizing a,,; f s.Xclf Mhhik to- and that we ,..,. never l.ir.i buck from n eouoe ehou tipon prlmlple. X u't Utoamlk -bresd disease." is taking o,T .iiultlmdes Jay's moro c'oely expresses America's Our resources are In pt.it moblllcel now. and wo shall not paue until they ,,,. ,rn ,,, ... ....... ,. v... '"m coal. .?"',!'... ..."".'f' Mail Tube Purchase to Be Recommended i Cmtlmieil from I'me One , RAID MESSINES LINE TIaip; Reports Successful Foray Belgians Wipe Out Enemy Outpost LONDON. P.b n A slid ssful Mid on German positions southeast of Mosslnos by the Australians was tepoited todaj bv I'leld Marshal Halg In ,'nldltion to Inlll, ting other casunl. ties, the Australians brought bail; tweut -eight prKoners In tho Meiikem sector u Pelgtan parol Saturday night suocessfully nt tac'eed a hostile post, killing tho cntlio Geiiiau gairlson and captuilng a ma clilnfi gun. IIRUMIIAURII AT PALM IJEACII , Ithouuht nnd America's bnn, lo .i, .,. . " . . ... .... , ....... .,.. . .,.. ,.... . "Po.aver passato lu rivista lc amhu- nrt. many deaths fiom the eold I and brines us much ne-irer to neiee I nrc "0,"7eu m lnc" entiiei. uur umiii-h nre lapmij K.....K " w.c iiK.iiing lame, n generale Angelottl e Mr. I'er- , Milk Is Impossible to procure, even - iiukn ui inuLii ill art r in peace i , ... ,., ,,,. ,,.., ,.nnM1i- nor lioln alrniiirtli 111 l.n nut kins 1 rerami.n nri lii.iirrnr,. . (.. .... .... ......... irOlll, illlU ill h" in "i v .,,-', v. ...,'.u.. w... .. ..v.w ......n... ..... fc,w ,,uv - - ..uu,.... jor IlM liao.e . Into this wur of emancipation-emancipation from thc threat and "attempted "na hemepaTato ranotJ-rTll '"i"'" I u ll, l",m'' "'"' 1,u,lor !""' a" mastery of selfish gioups of autocratic t ulcrs w hatcv er the difficulties) and ,a o00 a 300ioldatl II generale" Ange" fatSl ........ t.ii ..rn.iiin, ., auL-.J .,... ,. ' The rich rtlll live well, securing their lmiipooiui.., ..... ,. ...-..-... -'-' """. o. l. i,rll.erv nn.l tsnen.lnus orlees ie. I...1.....I, .l.ln l. .ii. nnnni-j f .nilenn.irlent ni-MOtl nnd run In i UU .10 OlSSe C11C, COn 1 alUtO llatft (bit ""," 'J " ' . '. . HI" II1HWII..U..MU ,...... , w ,- ...! .. ., ...... ..;-.... no circumstances consent to llvo In a woild gov ... I.ntln. . l,?it one on ii dosli-n for n new Intern trr..... t -.. ... .. i" '"-'" .- " -- -- "- MphklnV hc 'fougla iiSst'the roason nnd Justice and the common Interests tDAminnitintit 4iA . t.4... I th. ,ivtiw nf ni ii'iifpnrri nipn pvp'VW ifiin. unnut i nni new oruor inn in--3-' i hmuh hi uuuuir.ia liaiiaiia ii . . .... ...:,,... ,.. n. . . imn-i ',- - - ' "f - , , I, wll. bo without peace and human life will lack tolerable condition, of j jJJ.""0 arZV Sr&X MJS& ffi BUSINESS MEN INDORSE .cMstcnco nnd development. i francese ed uni Inglese. Ha vlsltsto tre i p, weakened Hi., slightest malad -takes lpr(1 WJ, n ,,,,, ,,,, motlon ,,,,,. lure show. About licion was raised. ni bv send 111- 1 he ! film es to neutral I In no Cenu K. Wnni a nt ! loi-i,l-i Tin. eined bv Intrlerne Tnrl fnrOA n':i ", ..i nun l a 0111 questioue ' - - ....-, ... . ........ ..,.- ei ned b intrigue and force. hH ..j .... . . countries. . . ' m,iT. Dinniln Sm.,l wi.. atlonal order under which ,.. ,,.rMns ,,. r.Mn.m,n,, ,, ' . Hut the masses are suffering Imrrlbiv - ' -- ""' of mankind shall prevail is lc sezlonl della Croco Hossa Americana iv"",le V,fnl' .LW"... "" ' ."'B.. ..:. PALM ISI.ACH. 1VI. 11 -The first ...... .... , ., ..,...,, I,. ..,. .11 .ii n ..,. . Jvcn lirn iiirj iiuiiiiki .' n iuru i. i.. .. r i.,-. ... . .n IL 111 II m SMlflMl, riiwii"), f( III MAIL TUBE PURCHASE Having eot our hand to the task of achlcvlns it wo shall not turn back., sezlonl della Croce ltossa Amerlc-ana. lh'm pff ,n n iitry , I hope that it is not necessary for mo to add that no woid of what I -"SrKS "& Th recommendation today bv a lolnt "a fcam ls ruueu as ;i uiicai. uiiii is nov me leu.pci ui our people. onamento e elell'eccellente lavoro che congressional committee that tho Gov-1 I havo Bpokcu thtij only that the whole world may know the truo spirit of I coroplono dette. sezlonl. i:gl U dlehl ernment purcha ) 'teni now Hearty nnnrov l'"Dg buslnesa cons. Inaudlte tube sjsteni thero has been u constant I ', ,a for .p .cl.vce of ficedom ' ' ' comm,T', d.nl.,,od.ei,chi..ln ,lan,m M opposition to tt from those luuidllnir I nnU Js f-eivice oi iteeiom prlgionieil Italian!. Gli ufilclall o lo Postal affairs at Washington. Tho busl- I guardle tedesche. senza alcun motlvo, ss. "Co waCe'd,,coi,:,':!!ni,,t"t,.vt1;" I distinguished audience hears , .tv.11 f,ie!.,rnl.dco,ri.,rltodne.,,e! It. .... .. ' --r.-. .-. the country reets In broad daylight Dlsiontcnt Is life In tho meantime two parties are strug- Governor Ilruinbaugh, of Pennsjlva- nla. Is an atrlval at the Polnclana, , where ho will pass tho lest of the month, Joining cjriis, 11 Woods, l,la Secretary) oods I elude so tho niip.inintlit Inlin A ..,... ..l,nt .e,i ei ei-v ivlinen mi.v knnn- tln.t mil- nnsslnn for Instlen nn.l rmu rar II morale oene iruppo ltn lane. K""t '-".- '"" 101 .-"lair, woo .irnv ru nun .ills. ,-. .. , , ,. iiiiTi iiu ii ill i.iv-'i t.s-.j . . .. w . v ...! . v-ui i-u'v.--. -w. jvu.u Hint i . . .. .... . . - .:-. ....... .r.. 1 ..lninn. itin .t m t.tpta i i nh I . . r .i... t . III opeiatlon meets tho. ... .. .. ...... e j. , o.i ....,.. ' irancesi en ingiesi e' eievatlsslmo. ,."''" ",u v" '".' . ."' '.'"'V .'"'.'" "a "1'" . u,"cr.a.rrl.Y:".s.'" al or nil nf ii.n...i.i,,i.in. lvr seiiKuvv.ii.iivi.i .- .." .'n. i.s..,,. u, ,,o.u, u., i ...i.., v-in-u ,t dlsparclo da Londm .lire !. ' eieatniiy seeing ensaeier nneau. is in-' Augustus T. Asliton, or I'hlladclphia. and Industrial organiza- I "et lu action, must bo natlsned. Tho power of tho United States Is a menaco j poidatl inglesl. tornatl dalla prlglonla tempting to bullbalt the nnsses m a I to no nation or people. It will never bo used in aggression or for tho ag. I passata nel campl dl concentrnzlone In ,,".., "' '.'..' ..'..'... '.'.. No ."kalini- ... . V-fltt. ..! . .... .. . A.tr..ln 1rih. n4te.. rtll drive through the rranco-Ilrltlsh llne. Tho other Is tho people's party, un- Iheie Is in skating todav on all of tho path lakes. its retention for mnnv e.iiw In last jear'a postolllco appropriation an attempt was made to cut out the ap propriation for tubis. Thin brought an onphatlc protest from business organl Mtlons In thoso sections In which tho fitem had been installed. A comml lon was appointed consisting of three penaiors and threo lteprcscntatlves to investigate tho tube syBtcms in I'hlla ojlphla, New York, noston, Chicago and M, Louis. This commission iceom nwnded tho retention of tho tubes, i Among others w ho expressed their approval of tho plan to purchaso tho Ostein was I.'mll P. Albrecht. president of Iho lionrse. uim h.. ...i-.,. vtry prominent part In tho fight for "- .vieiuion ot the tube sjstem hero W several yenra. "That Is certainly aood.nevvs." he said. "The continuance I' the pneumatic tube is the praotlcal ming to ennslrl,. If ...A ....... .m..t -., - - j .v, .. ,, ureim c-i:iciiv '" plan suggested from Washington. automobiles bo usd to carry tho "iall to ivolnts now connected by tho .e ,.cannot cmparo with the efllclency the pr(,cnt stem. which Is not anected by tho elementH or the, hun ea and one things which would hamper i aeuvery.'i FOUR BITTEN hy nnr. I' Mrs. vmia.i,. C...IH .. ...... n..... I-.. - iit ruiiiaiu;c, Ul tdlll riOUlll ns street, and her threo children, ntresa, twenty years, old : Frank, nlno Wra old. and Charles, two years old. i,f. . ru. Agnes's Hospital as tho re J of being bitten by a pet dog. Tho ZTW- lno ' wiucn was shot by a lluDOr. 19 b.lni Avnmlnn.1 1... .1.. . -i sriurlan of tlm iTniv.ru. n? n.n...i I-rL 'or to&cen of rabies.. , V' u"g. wmen nad always been gen- -. ...f,. muicneu me uaoy while h was neep, and later tha iti ovi. i.n.i . Bqulllance and 'her duugjiter Tho- - were Bitten whllo defending tho lrn. All four were given Pasteur "uu a uie Hospital. I-V..I. Sll li.ll.nl . .. t ., AND APPLAUDS THE PRESIDENT v. . I soldatl tedeschl 11 resplngouo con 'la UdlOJlClhC ! lllicv.1,111 isiuilu UCC1S1 e Minister's first appearance In thc Cap- i ferltl. Setto od otto Italian! al glotnu itoi slnca tho war declaration. They , muolono per ognl nccampamento la WASHINC.T)N, Feb, 11 The President's address was listened to by n more distinguished atsembly than that which heard his pcuco terms address on January 8. Tho entire cab Inct was present. Colonel House, sat with Mrs. Wilson and the President's dmnrhter Margiret ill the executive gallery. Republican floor leader Mann appeared on tho lloor for the first tllC VOle Oil vvuniuii nuuiiiKU was taken. thno since the vote Seated on tho floor Just below the President n3 ho talked was Karl Kead ing, tho new British Ambassador to the United States, who reached this coun try only last Saturday. The French, Italian and Brazilian Ambassadors, the Swiss, Dutch and Bulgarian Ministers and the Argentlno Charge had seats in tho galleries. This was tho Bulgarian followed every word with the closest at tention. It was plain that they all real- seteutto alio prlvazlonl ed al maltrnt tamentl. Alcuul soldatl hanno testl Ized that today's address may et prcvo J monlato cho vl souo stati prlglonlcrl the turning point In the war. Itnllnnl cho durante quindlcl glornl Applause continued for nearly two hanno ilcevuto soitanto due pastl minutes when the President took his - place before the Speaker's chair, ready i . . . to read his meirage. The Houso and ELLIS ISLAND WILL BE Senate listened In silence white ho an-I WATT TUTP AT?TME"NJqn UAUC alyzed von Hertllng's address, but' WAlt DbrAIlliMbN T BAoL applauded sharply when hu said no! peace could be arrived at by the method i Immigrant Stntiorf to Bo Used as the German Chancellor prop ed. " i n.m n. ceo Kverv reference to tho rights of small . Depot Until Hostilities nations was greeted with cheo'n. The, loudest applause came, however, when the President said that until such a Are Over WASHINGTON, Teb. II. The Immt $8,000,000,000 WAR RISK INSURANCE IS ISSUED WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. Tho war ilsk Insurance campaign to make the army, and navy "100 per cent Irisuered" ends tomonow, with tha announcement that final figures will show eight billion dollars' worth of In surance written by the greatest In surance project. Tomorrow Is the list day on which most of the men nnd the womn now in tho service on or before October 15, 1917, can upply for tho Government Insurance against death nmV total dis ability. iThose who Joined the service after October J5. 1917, havo 120 days hereafter In which to apply. Up to tho close of January 2t, ap plications for 14,486,986.500 of Insurance, had beep received by the Bureau of peace as America proposed could bo l gratlon station at Kills Island, N", V, secureu incio was nu cnuice out to go ' s to bo taken over by tho War De n," partment as a base depot. It was learned Risk Insurance from 5J0.492 men In With the transfer ot tho bulldlngv the service. This Is expected to have from the Bureau of Immigration to the. been doubled since then, The first payment by the United States Government under the. military and naval Insurance act to the dependent of a soldier or sailor killed In action was made to Mrs. Bettle Ingram, E04 Third street, Pratt City, Alabama, wld owed mother of Gunner's Mate Osmond Kelly Ingram, killed October IE, 1917. when the U. S. S. Cassln was attacked by a derman submarine. Fall From Window Kills Woman A fall from a third-story window to- day proved fatal to Mrs. Mary Steln- meu, a domestic, cmplojed at 1527 North Broad street. She was pronounced dead by Dr. Jos eph N. Asher, of 1335 North Broad street. ' War Department Immigrants will be examined on the ships. Officials of the Department of Juptlco and Treasur Department In charge of the examina tion work have for several days dis cussed plans to Include a system by which they can do away with tho land ing of passengers befoie they are finally permitted to enter tho country. Since tha beginning of the war ana the subsequent drop In Immigration the Immigration ofilclals declared that many of the buildings have been virtually, empty. Preparation now nre undei way to 'transfer the aliens held there under internment. They will be senv to the southern camps as soon as ar rangements can be made fpr them. It Is nlso nronosed to select a site on Staten Island for Immigration purposes pending the use of Hills Iiland by the .War Department. ' yiiBPilrw is S KJalflKillJ AIM B I ggaMggP Mavson & DeMair? 1115 Chestnut Street Opposite Keith s These Furs at Half Price! HAVE CREATED A SENSATION IT IS doubtful if Philadelphia women have ever before been offered such furs as these at such sweeping reduc tions. It is to be noted also that designers predict no radical changes in next year's fur styles. Buy now and save just half the cost of furs another season. 77ms s a Partial List 2 Nutria Sets, were 49.00 now 4 Taupe Fox Sets, were 59.00 now 3 Jap Cross Fox Sets, were . . . 69.00 now 2 Black Wolf Sets, were 79.00 now 1 5 rrench aeal loats, were .... op.uu now 5 Sable Marmot Coats, were. . 85.00 now 4 Red Fox Sets, were 95.00 now 2 Jap Kolinsky Sets, were .... 95.00 now 2 Taupe Wolf Sets, were 1 05,00 now 2 Black Fox Sets, were 11 0.00 now 1 Ermine Set, was 125.00 now 3 Sable Marmot Coats, were. . 125.00 now 3 Natural Muskrat Coats, were 1 25.00 now 3 Fisher Sets, were 135.00 now 3 Kamchatka Fox Sets, were. . 145.00 now 2 Natural Muskrat Coats, were 1 50.00 now 3 Hudson Seal Coats, were. . . 175.00 now 2 Silver Fox Scarfs, were .... 1 90.00 now 2 Mole Sets, were 195.00 now 2 Hudson Seal Coats, were. . .240.00 now 120.00 4 Hudson Seal Coats, were. . .290.00 now 145.00 1 Mole Coat, was. . . .' 390.00 now 195.00 1 Mole Coat, was 490.00 now 245.00 1 Hudson Seal Coat, was 550.00 now 275.00- 24.50 29.50 34.50 39.50 42.50 42.50 47.50 47.50 52.50 55.00 62.50 62.50 62.50 67.50 72.50 75.00 87.50 95.00 97.50 A small deposit icill treure purchase now for delivery later upon monthly payments during spriny aid summer. Mall orders promptly filled. Purthasliift agents' titters accepted uith usual 10 per tent allowed. Repairing and remodeling at low cost. j " M' , !."" r i S $ M m '-.f 3 M I 91 v. M V w :h VMB ftS ; .... .. . . t Vfif t ,f "X, 1 .!av .jvl X ' i,. C xh . . i 1' ' " M J' ,&v e .- A, -vto HC A it' Jit rv ',,1 :h&&&ud$M