.rv X' V iTm I.' EUSSIANS REJECT SEPARATE PEACE Refuse to Accede to Teu tons' Demands, but Con tinue Negotiations HOPE FOR REVOLUTION PKTKOGUAI), Feb. 7. The people's commissaries arc re nortcd to have sent nn ultimatum to (he British embassy demanding rec- ognlllon ol M. I.ittinoiT, no1shcik ambassador accredited 10 ionaon. If (ireat Britain continues in Us ' refusal "stringent measures will be taken against Ilrltish subjects," it is declared. rivriKKiitU). ret) f owocii) riu"laii ilolek'.itcs to the ltrcsM-I.ltovt.l cnnferrnie iin.iiihnously rofusnl to ac cede to the Teutonic delegates" demand that a Fcparalu peace lie ulBtinl Im mediately! It ns o(Ilc.l,cllv announced l.r, todav The ncffotlntlons ure con tinuing. The Rrealer pnrtlon of the Tluvslan urmlf' want Pc:lcc reirirille- of terms But the tloMiMlM mloptlnB a "win or but " policy ure determined to surrender 'to (ifrniatt nnlv n a iai resort They are linplnc that n revolution In HumanU or iKillv In the Central em pire", IH i"11'' ,'10 """nllon or tliein The HoMievlM are counting so trnnrlv on .in Austro-lSerinaii revolu tion. In fact tint they arc already plan to leaders of the wlallsts In the Central Pmpltes the task of representing Russia In Ilerlln I nine to cicickiio .tf nf renresenunc jiussia in iieri n "riem.- uri uniA un ,. , i' ind Vienna utter the wnr They have'un esteo Incendlo al magarzlnl BdMt , Sfctii IJebkSedit. the Germany radical, I dagtl nustrlacl per deposlto dl munlzlonl J. the u In representative at Berlin ' I'resso San Stlno dl Llvenza a the IWWmii rcii. ui iai . uuun, i .,.. ii n .a ntin nailer, wruu.i The Germans have cut the wires to Foreign inner icrar- iciiiciierin iinlir Secretary Tchlcherln MhpT.n,i - elcBates an , cxpla nttloii of lhe(.crman cieie(,aus, an cxpia nuion for the cutting of the wire. Minister Bach denied tho Germans were respon- slblc. declaring their own wl.es were out. ,,,.,.., , , Tihlclierln leplled tint the explana-1 Hon was 'raw," and that the severance of communications was unquestionably j..iiKoritA " Thousands of war prisoners aie starv I Inc In Itussla us a icsult of cliorganlz.i- , .... e i,.,n.nnrintlnn. It m.k ileelnrea MUM VI ...... .--..... -- todaj. nuslun olllclals .ulmltted their-; fear of an upil-lng , , , i,.!.,,. m.,.i Commissioner of Prls-oncis Mentrl - I.I I.. ...I.I .t 1 1 ... !, hOVSKl NH'i H .wun uvmiu ,. n.iv the cotfequencc uilslnfi from the seri ous situation Lfforts to move FUpplles lo the prison camps and t transport prlsoneis to olntr) where foodstuffs have been btoied have failed through lack of train facili ties AIlQTltl A AMD fZFIiAt A1JV AH a i ma uu Ktnnnuuvi DISAGREE ON POLAND Zl'ltlCH, Peb 7 Austria and Geimany have failed to i rmh an ngrcement on the division of' 'Polish tcirltorj between them, accord-, Itzlo (In m.ui newspapers reaching here ' todav It Is undeiMoiid that Germany wants i the linln.slil.il and mining legions, ullov-' ing Vii'-lrlc to ictalii only the arilcul-j tural dlslrli ts " The Iikal Anelgci and the Tageblatt I sneikcln awed tones of the plans fori Teutonic camp ilgns against the northern lines In llussU and jui tin weslern front Thej repoit that (Juartcrmaster General i l.udfiiclors" liislsled upon and obtained his own .i) In ellroetlng the Austro 'erniui opeiallons against the P.usslans. I ALEXIEFF LEADS ARMY OF 35,000 ON KHARKOFF PirriSOGltAD. Pel) 7 Oeneial Alcxleff, wild J5.000 "shock Irenps, is reiioited tn bo marching upon Kliarkoff and Voimiesh He Is occup) Ing Hie railroad si itlons en mute Oncrals Knledlns mid Alcxleff and former War Minister Sivlnkoff, althougli appaientl) uniting In oiganlrlng an army to oppo e tin- Hnkbevlk Govcrn menl, are said to be on the verge of a spill 'I he old and joung fossicks He chimin: npail and arc reported to lie faring siu mined clash The Uolhhe vlkl aie gaining the suppoit of Iho Joung Cossacks rtolshevlU vhlniics ovei the Pkialn lans are icpoited A number of sta tions and positions in the vicinity of rostoff have In ell lake n by the former. An irllllery battle Is raging between Ilackmaeh and Nlezcliln. In which the Hol-hevlkl me eniplojlng sou ,g plln The Pkraluiaiis me lepnited lo have retrealid after blowing up a bridge nerosH the Dnlepei. The commander it 1'oetheiiro was capluicd and sentenced to death Patties between Holshcvlk forces nnd Polish leglonailcs me continuing FRENCH EDITOR DERIDES HINDENBURG'S BOAST "He Will Get to Paris Like Uic Crown Prince," Says M. Lauzannc Von Hlndenburg'H boast that April 1 will see him In Paris at the head of his army Is derided by M Stcphan Lau zannc, head of the French Government's Publicity bureau In New York, who came to Philadelphia to attend tho cele kratlon of the 140lh anniversary of tho first treaty of alliance between America and Prance, at tho Acorn Club. ' M tauzannc. who Is editor of the Paris dally Le Matin, laughed when ho I spoke of tho German's boast. "Jtemcni- , oer how tho Ueimaii Crown Prince' boasted he would eat his Christmas din- ' nor h, Paris In 19H7' ho asked "Did! he? So. need we fear the Germnu rrn. ' slvc?' , Although France has suffered greatly, Jc said, she Is still strong and able to "git to n military victory "Franco "till faces elghty-oua German divisions nd holds two-thirds of the entire front. Does that sound as If wo wero ex liauatcd?" ho asked. ANTI-U-BOAT PLANS STOLEN Theft Laid to Man Arrested by Navy Secret Service NEW VOHK, Feb. 7. Two blue Prints, of secret devices for use In com bating the Hubmatlne mennco are al leged to have been stolen from a firm 01 manufacturers nf marine 1i. Kraphlo apparatus here last week byj Gillian .cuimrMirv. un pmnnv. mm VVflS flrrestAfl Knltlntnu l... nnAM j,tne Naval Intelligence Bureau, This ' was charged in tho complaint on which 1 is who nom yesterday for the Federal Grand Jury under $5000 ball. I.u carsky was employed at tho fuclory us tlerk. Th bluo prints have been AZIONI DI ARTIGLIERIA AL FRONTE ITALIANO Gli Aviatori Italian! cd Inglesi l Abbattono Altri Cinque Aeroplani Nemici INCURSIONI AEREE, II Vapotc "Tuscanln" con a Hordo , Truppo Amcricane Sllurato Prcsso lo Costo Irlandcsl ruhlhliril ml IIIMrlbutril Under I'DIIMIT Nn. 311 Aiithorlrrd b net of Ortnlirr I), 1017, nn fllo nt the I'oaloffir of rtill nilftphln, rn. By order of the I'renlclenl. A. N. IIL'm.KSOV, rofttninvter Clfncr-I. IIOMA. 7 febbralo Delle potlrle Rluntc dalla fronte dl hattaglla e da quanto e' stato ulllcl.il mcnle conmnlcato si rllcva chc un'au- mentata nttlvltn.' aete.i c dl artlBllerli artlRliem "m'C : erl 1 altro. I si e' verldcata lunRo tutto le anc durante la Rloranta dl I Intriml ilnetll .11 nrtlrllerln si vrrl. . -- ...i .1 -I... vi.,,,i .1.1 ncarono nel puntl plu rlstrettl '"I nrenta e lungo II Plave, mentro I rlpartl U'lncurslone della fanterla splegarono I una straordlnarla ottlvltn' pplncendoM I fin presso le poMzlonl occupate daKll am- , ,i tro-tedeschl c rluvenilo a lalturare mol- tllnil prlRloulcil i Tattlvlta' d paito drgll aMatorl Itallanl ed liiRlel non si llmlto a qual- he hettoro, ma fu Intens.i In ognl punto della fronte. i:ssl sorpressero e bom- cieua ironic, isi eoiinfriu uuiu- tnrdarono emcacementc truppe autro- tedeschc che si trovano in prosslmlta" dl I'rlmolano e San Cllatomo dl Vcglla, ad ' orlente del delta del Plave. e caui-orono "' .-, -". ....- ....... wK...u.u... p,.. T aMatorl sostennero parccchl scontrl oii,lor,Le ""'.. w mrreij acvisor. - - - - condlzlonl atmosferlehe contlnn- ' activity the Senate Military Co.,,. essele buoni come on st mlttee went Intc executive session with J ?7erirbynd U e' ?ag on "il ere lere ' k'"tary of War Ilaker and army offl- l 'Xonle Itallana U ambi J , sa"fv ""' Talnr for hnowl- j;HialrncKrt"K of the scope of the work under aeree ed opernz'onl dl fanterla die po-l"1'", ....... ,ranf)i ,Unnto prima, condurre ad cstosi Critics of the Wnr Department, who C() iml,0rtnnll combattlmentl Coiiilinc cijUalllzed their remedies Into tutt.i probablllta' le urinate Itallnne ed Um munitions director and war cabinet i r.n,.iir,o-nii ftanpnet nttnpnnii ,,iin bills, declared that the President's nc- fronte nordlca. Inlzleranno nlterlorl nrlonl per (.cncclnre II ncmlco dalle pol- 'rlone doinlnniitl v.rso t llinltl ,i,n , planure venele. ed Impedlrc definitlva- mente che gll Invasorl possano faie qual- siasl tentatlvo per un offenMva mlrantc ,.,,.,,'.. ,,,,. -- " ""' !' .,"".! "H Presentcmenlc, pcro', k! consldera Imposslblle che l ncmlco nbbla Intcn- zlone ill rinnovure la sua offenMva con-1 tro ritalla, glacchc' lo condlzlonl nl I j fionte Itallano sono materlalmento cam-' blite In favnre del dl'ent-orl I Gll av latorl austro-tedeschl, leri I altro, i poco dofo II tramonto, complrono una in- cussione sopra Venczla, Mcstre e Trevlfo dasclandovl cadere alcune mombe, senza pelo. rnu,arc tanil 0 farc Mmt. I-cco II testo del comunlcato umdile pubbllcato .led, dal Mlnlstero della Guerra in noma Le nostro pUtuglle d Incurslone tplegarono una rlmarchevole attivlta' nclla cattura del prlglonlerl L'n'numentata Intenslla' nolle- azl onl dl artlgllerla si verillco' verro I puntl plu" rlstrettl del Hrenta e lungo lo poslzlou! del Plave V'na vivace attivlta' aerea e' stata plegata lungo tutta la fronte dl bat taglla. Durante la Riornata dl leri I nostrl squadronl da bombardamento, In unlone a quelll Inglesl, nttaecarono con ottlml rlsultatl truppe nemlclie In xlclnanza dl I'rlmolano ed II terreno nviatorlo a San Glacomo dl Veglia Le nostre aereonavl causarono im eslecso fuoco nel magazzlnl dl muni 7lonl del ncmlco a San Stlno dl I.ivenza, cinque aeroplani nemleo furono obbittutl, duo dal postrl aviatori e trc clagll aviatori Inglesl leri. pocc dopo II tramonto. Venezia, Mestre Trevlso furouo nuov anient" linniliardate dagll avlntori austro tedeschl. Non si ebbero a vcrlflcurc d innl o vlttlme WASHINGTON, D C 7 Febbralo. II Departlmcnto della Guerra ha an nunzlato die. durante la glornata dl leri, II vapore "Tuscanla," con a bordo truppe amerkane destlnato In Francla, c' stato sllurato ed affondalo da un r.ot tomarlno tedesco nella zona dl guerra e preclsamente verso le costc uordlche dell'Irlanda II 'Tuscanla" avevn a boido tra uffl clall ed uomlnl ill truppa L'KO persone, comprese rapprescntanzo della Croco Itossa Americana e della V. M C A Flnora 191 uomlnl sono slatl sbarcatl nel portl Irlandcsl dl nuncranna n Lame. Non e' stato aiuora fatto noto II nuniero esatto delle viltline c si spera che ess0 pa llniltato Un dlspacclo da Londra, glunto sta inaiiet dice die 210 persone nvrebhe per ill, to la vita c'on r.iffondamento del Tus canla. L'ultlmn rapporto glunto a lyjii ill i dice che I superstltl sbarcatl amnion lane a -'1ST. II Vapore "Tuscanla" fu costrulto ne 191 1 a Glasgow oalla Anchor Line e pas so' pobda alia Cunard Line. Spostava 14,318 tomiellate. La Cunard I.llio dal prlnc Ipln della guerra ha perduto cinque del plu' grandl vaporl. CORNS LIFT OUT! . COSTS FEW CENTS Drops of magic! Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little Freezone on a touchy corn, instantly that corn stops hurt ing, then you lift it off with the fingers. No pain! Try it! Til " Why wait? Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Freezone, for a'few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard" corn, soft corp, or com between the toes, and caljuses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the much talked of discovery of the Cincinnati, genius. YsT JfntllH kit Prirenff. ZJwNiVV'liCo.,Cl0!lniiill,O, ,1,1, ' i: 'EVBtflKfe T fUDLiC4 SINKING SPEEDS UP WAR MACHINE All Departments Prepare for Greater Efforts Against Germany DICTATOR BILL APPROVED Measure President Advocates Being Fought by Republicans and Some Democrats WASHIXOTO.V. 1VI. 7 Shoikri! by tlerinnnv' dramatic Miol.e at America's transport lines, the war government today tuthrrMl Ituclf for the crcnteict effort It has thrown Into the war. ConRres had before It 1'reMilent Wtl ron'a request for unprecedented legisla tion KMni? him unmralleted powers for icorsanlrtitB and co-ordinating tho en tire Unv eminent wnr vvorl. The shlppltiB board announced forma tion of an Interallied transportation r0ninilttee to allocate tonnaue and speed I r?.n'r,nl f ,r00,,, a"'1 SUP""" l rancc. The war and slllppInB hoirdl considering a plan to restrict Imports (ind Crea0 service of neutral ships In tr.msatlantlo trade The shipping hoard put It squarely up to labor to make tho uhlpbulldlnB 1'roJ'nl"" "?"",,,- Administration Influence vvni thrown hrMa tnc ,ou,nB bill befire Consress In btllef that the f.ite of the shlpplnB program now depends la.icelv upuii the woiKets President llson npparentlv Is de- i""""1" ' nwl Il ""I'o inercueiisiy - - ." , . . . -" , in his request for legislation which lr- "'ally would empower him to break the fetters of peice time liws, reorganize Iho Government and create er disband - - , . . 1ureaus and commissions, as he sees ft s seen hj iiove to stop competitive buj Ing between he army and navy, em- power the war Industries be.ard to en- - ,. .., . , . . A , ,,,,,,, ,h( f ..,,,... ,lon ,,n" nl 1,a,,t a P"tlal vindication 'r them Thev s it is an admlsslrn i.v me c mci j.xecuuve tint n snihc-up .. Is needed "We seek bv manditnrr legislation to effect the reorganlzctlon the Presl- dent has In mind," said one of them. V L12l - ':HTlAur:l:l'iliA, TliolDAV. "whll the rrMnt seeks to do It through permissive legislation." "The. President wants to reorganize the whole Government." said Renalo Itltehctck. 'The Military Affairs Com mittee does not propose to go that far. We will continue our fight for the Cham berlain bills, because we believe the re organisation and centralization neces sary ran be accomplished without granting the President such bread pow. ers as he seeks." That the measure will meet the most stubborn opposition from the minority side of the House was admitted. These opponents, It was predicted, would gather strength from among the Demo crat. An ehment In Congress which sprang up when the Senate gnashed Its teeth In vain over the Oarrield fuel order Is strongly opposed to granting any further general powers tothe President The War Department fight spiead through both houses of Congress todav liepresentatlve Carter Cllass was ready with the first prepared defense of the Administration that has been heard In Congress in the Senate. Senator Shields attacked the constitutionality of the war cabinet and the munitions director bills He charged that they encroached upon powers given the executive department by the Constitution GERMANS THREATEN IJIJTI.H MAY STAnVK" -"'" Under Sccretarv for Koreicn Affnlra W Teutons Won't Shi c.M:,i vw.. Special Kindness AMSTi:ilOM, Peb 7 Under Si ere- tarj" for Porelgn Affairs llussche, of Oernianv In rtl-u.tn.. imt-l, ..,i, i.crmanj. in ducti'sin Dutch-American affairs with the Ilerlln correspondent of Hie ltniulel.hlin.tr ,iu..i i,t r--. the nandelsblandt, declared that Grr- mi tv) will not quletlv submit to the N consequeiues nf tb nmr.iT i,.r.ht the outrage vvhetebv the nemy position Is Improved and Germans' made worse vmih-ii-. in.- nuvr r-i-Lreiiilv s.uo counted on the fact that Germany would America, the t'ndcr Secretatv said not Bnow the Dutch to die of "hunger and cold Germany, however, he ndded, will not show special kindness to a countrj i where Its Interests are opposed Kensington Men Cancel Itanouct pl.nned for this evening, has been enn- ceieci ins-ui, r reunion or mat or- ganl7atlf.il will he held at Textile Hall. Kensington aveuun and Cumberland Ktreet TI1I3 was decided upon for the puipose of saving food Steal S.IGI In Jewelry The home of I. Pinnei nt r.Jl South Portv -third street, was cuteied In robbers this morning at nn eailj hour and vnluablc Jewelry was taken Cn- trance was gained Xo a seionci-story , .. ... room In the rear bv the robbers from a sine) Just below a window, which was forced Th Jewelry wns valued at J.-.fit, said Mr Dauncr todaj Helpful A centralized authority with supreme power to determine the approximate monthly schedule of requirements of all the departments of the United States Government and to control the co-ordinated production and distribution of Men to Fight Food and Shelter for Them Material to Clothe Them Guns Ammunitio n A irpla nes Rail, Highway and Waterways Transportation Ships for Transport j Money to Pay the Bills Promptly Directed and informed by such a centralized authority American Labor and Capital will continue to produce today produce more tomorrow and keep on increasing production daily to the limit of physical and mental powers. If the United States Government's require ments are systematically and co-ordinately scheduled to be ready when they are needed for use at home or abroad they will be supplied promptly and with a minimum of interference with the demands of our domestic necessities of material and transportation. The nation thus unified and the business situation clarified, all the necessary taxes can be paid and the necessary bonds be sold. The Autocar Company Ardmore,iPa. Manufacturers of "The Autocar Motor Truck" PERSHING IS WARNED TO SAVE ARMY FOOD Secretary Baker Wants Sol diers to Practice Economy Too WAHIIIXCITOV. Teh 7 Strretary nakrr has suggested food uinservatlon, by the American forces In I'rnncc. The American commander was nsl.ed to con sider regulations governing the purchase of foods bj soldiers fiom post esihanges and ftom the Trench people and to take up the subject of avoiding food wastes nt the table The Scctetarj h ublegram, given out by the food admlnlstint on In part reads' 'The Importance of the conservation of food and the desirability of avoid ing waste among our milium forces and the ever Increasing dinicut or supply ing food products to our Allies, nM well as to our military force nnd civilian population, suitEets the advlsabllltv of propigandi among vour forces In the matter of the ne(eltv of food either- vntlon Ailloti i lool.lnir to slmll.ir result has been taken up In division amp cnntonnipiitH and w.ii prl lhWX ... Instructions to jour com prison camps in elf of Issuing ns to jour command looking not only to the avoid ine of waste In messis. but also to a povMhln leRiila tlon of tho sale of food! tuffs In p st e- I'lmtitreR- V M C A niut tn(i-hti4 of Columbus canteens and similar places 'Complaints Inve been mado that the nrmll .,PnpiP ,PB f0d products to Americni soldiers are iharglng oxorbl- ,anl prlien and thereby Increasing tho ,,s, f ,Mn(: f01. ,nc prench people our lei'oinmrtid itlnus In this nntter a requeued MAitquis or DurrnuiN iikad . , His Widow U the Daughter of John II. Davis, of New York LONDON. Peb 7 Tho Marcplls or Dufferin, who married Plorence Pivls, of New York, died today Terence Temple Illarkwood, second Marquis of Dufferin nnd Av.i, who here III addition the titles of llarnn Claude boje, Pnrl of Duffel In, Viscount Claude- hove, llarl of Ava ami llarnnet rue- ceeded his fathei, tiie first Marquis in 1 Will Not Take Over Street Railway 1'Ml.' The latter was it one time Gov- System nf U I mils ernor Geneinl of Cainda, nnd hl ft.aicm Olj". I'0UIR motlier. the Dowager Marchioness, io 1 .... .... Is still living, has nil extended reputa- W VMH.M.ro.N. I eh , Uallvv.iv Di llon 111 lllerarj work and In various lector Moxdoo will not take over contiol public dnrltles The .Marquis who was ' r the strict railway ostein of St I.outs. born In Iieland in 1SG6. mirtleil Miss This was in ide plain todsy from sources Ploience Davis, cluiighter of John II I close to tho director general. Davis, of New Vork, the ear after he ! III the face of the growing strike situ succeeded lo the marnulMlc They hnve atlon, the St I.ouls Chnmber of Com tluee daughters nierce jesterday decided to request that The Marquis had hod a distinguished diplomatic career, having served nt Constantinople, Paris and .Stockholm, and hid been In the Ilrlllli Porelgn Ofllce since 1S"6. and In his earlier vcars he was second "-ccrelarj In th" diplo matic service tfEKKUAUY 7," 1018 AMERICAN FIRMS MAY TAKE "ENEMY" RENTALS War Trade Hoard, However, Must Get Lease. From Tenants or Landlords The War Trade Hoard, on January SI, l!U, has authorized bramhes of Amer ican corporations nnd other American houses established and engaged In busi ness In neutral countries, or In countries associated with the United Stntes In the war. In cases where a lease has been mmle without knowledge of the "enemj' character of tho tenant or landlord, as the case may be KIrst To reiclve lent from "enemies" or "allies of enemies" where refusal to accept the same will result In fnllure to collect the debt Second To pu rent to "enemies" or "allies of enemies" where refus.il to piy the same will lesull In forfeiture of the lease or damages Provided tint n report nf every such lease shall be mailed to the War Trade Hoard, Washington, D C, after the dis cover' of such "enem ' Interest Such report shall state the date when the leae was made, the date when the leae expires, the amount of rental paj-able, the name or names of Iho "enemy" ten ant or lindlord, us the i.iso mav be. nnd the n lines of other pirtlcs tu the leise hulgars make rules Edict Forbids Busincfs Deals That Would Fnvor Enemies WASHINGTON, Peb C Consul Gen eral Murphy, at Soda, Bulgarl i, reports It Is announced bv the Ministry of PorelRii Affairs that In conformity with Article 11 of the rcRiilatlons relative to trading with the enemy the execution of iM-ctml.il) and other obllgitlons with Prench and KiikIIsIi subjects Is pei mil led onlv when In favor of llulgarl.iii -uhjeits The p.ivment of msuiame premium'! loins, mortgages, which Ilulgarlau ub Jcits dehirn to settle, nro cited us ex amples of permitted dealings It Is provided however, that pajment bs IL n made In nulgat Ian mon,,s-even where the contrary has been agreed upon In the contract. If the agieements. how- ever, contemplate pajment In gold, llul- girl in gold notes must be the medium of pi) mem. McADOO KEEPS HANDS OIT , the sjstem ne placed under I eileral con trol, ns a war emergency incisure The formal request has not vet reached Mi I McAdoo. but It was pointed nut that even wero ho Inclined to complj', there Is some doubt as to whether It Is within his Jurisdiction to taKe such a step. ry SPEED UP THE WAR TO BE G. 0. P. SLOGAN Penrose Also Predicts 100 Re publican Majority in Next House WASHINGTON, ftb 7 'Speed up the war, nbollsh Inelllclency nnd eliminate tho Inelllclent " This Is to be the Itc publican batllecrv In the coming campaign. Senator Holes Penrose, Itepiiblknn national cr mmlttee man of Pennsjlvunlu, todav .mnoiinied Ills statement. Issued on the eve nf the meeting of the ltepubllcan Nntloml Committee nt St Louis, called upon Itc. publicans to meet In the spirit of h.ii ninny to plan the coining battle "The fact that the nation Is nt war Is no reason vvli the ltepubllcan party should suspend," he said 'The ltepubll can pilly Is willing to let the Demo cratic pirtv conduct the vwir. but the ltepubllcan part mut stand us the Pirtv of lonstructlve rrltlcKm ns well us pin rlli i n-opeintlnn " This Is the best vvav to speed up pre pirediirss which has been sadly lark ing" Penrose said He icdlcts n l!i publican majority of 100 In tho next Miu-.c of P.eprr'srnta- (IVC'S CONFESSES RODRERY .TtulRe Ilurmnn Sentences Man to Siv. Years W.OOM'sHlT.G Pa Pel, 7 Claude Sinltli who confessed In court to rob bing the tore of Simuel I.jnn In llenvlck ntid slid to In Implicated In nlher bin gin c In Columbia County was sentenced bv Judge llennin to not levs thin six nor more than ten j ears in tne i.isiein i-eniienllary n.i.l ,i... - " ' " ' , ",,! n,i ?, ,i.i, i i i , u rt,cVt'," ' ei.,M I ... " "" ' 'rom a Mlnnewita penitentiary only last J""0 Y PURCHASING ORDERS ACCEPTED 923 MARKET STREET nexpected Purchase and Sale of Furs s 7 i Ji? Red Fox Maline Taupe Lynx Natural Fur Scarfs Y I IHnik Prench C'enejr Itime Moufflon J IHnik Wolf I M, u nk OpoMiin Itrcl I'nx Taupe Wolf i Knnifliatkn lov V .Mlier Wolf I ( re Iai I lliitllrhl f.rn.v Tox $3.98 $5.98 $15.00 $19.75 nnrl up tn $47.50 LTir-2(y A Waist Sale i Featuring a Purchase! 9 $1 Voile Waists Hir.'ch's hac been famous for the wonderful waists they have offered at this low price. This is the best group yet, and evciy waist is worth double. Lace-Trimmed Waists Embroidered Waists Tailored Waists in a galaxy of styles most unusual. Two are ptctuicd. I A Big Clearance Winter Coats x vTrm liRlH ff ilMUlfri'- J iiif x weather Fur-Collar Coats .u'11. COL. SAVKRY BRADLEY' Wns Piomtncnt In Development Atlantic City Utilities v, vilj.x.lli cm, J'co, c. coionr .wC Snvery Ilrndlej-, n Phllndclphlan. fVj plnjecl n prominent part In the dcveleiK i3 of Atlantic City utilities, died nt a lafi 'C.ij hour last night nt the Hotel ltrlghlori; iftfi where he had made his homo for tht nPnn,- . . -r . t . . m N.kc . hivmci iuiil ill riir linn num. aj s. - if deceased wns prepldcnt of tho Pleasant-1 y ., vllle Klectrlc Light nnd Power Comt t pany nnd, prior to tho taking over W t " wniring srasuori! gns companies , oy y, tlarctice M Gelst, was one of the larg-'Hl est stockholders of the old Atlantic iCitrfJ" Gns unci Water Company v? & Colonel Hradley was seventy-four, i j'cars old nnd n member i er of the Columbia. U i Club, Phlladclphli: the Atlantic City it Club unit Hie Atlantic City Coun-J.J ntle Cltv .t. Yacht .. ...... .. . ,. . , ... .: . i uj . iui. in- in niii-u iij' .,!,-. sjiuu- 1 , lev nnd four children. Tho funeral . j" will be held from his Philadelphia rcl?T 'al dence, 2000 Pail, avenue, n '.i Colonel Ilindlcj' had not heen In goort,',v Ai nea III rnr nuire limn n. vrnr. lint filtfliu '1 condition did not become nlatmlng until j n weeu ngo IT'S A FIRST AID to economy in the kitclicn. Wastefulness is lo be avoided. 15cgin with food. Make second cuts equal to first. Make food palat able. LEA.PERRINS SAUCE THC'ORIQINAt WORCESTERSHIRE Use it in the kitchen. ' The Entire Stock of Henry Meisels The Fashionable Fur Shop 64 East 34th Street, New York at Half Price Puts of quality and distinction at the greatest savinfrs in many a year. Tho Fashionable Fur Shop, located in New York's high-class shopping disttict, only u l icd the best furs, and it is these furs that arc offered nt these saings. Up to $100 Fur Sets Jap Croit Fox Taupe Wolf Taupe Fox Cross Fox $19.75 $25.00 $35 & $49.75 FUR COLLARS ) $1.00 Hl.iclc Wolf. Kcnl Sl.unl.A tn Kit Coney, Natural anil ( r Auitr.vll.in Opossum. VI.3U 1 Hudson Seal Cape, with Mend ed Squirrel $LQ 7C collar T"c7 O I China Sable Cape $7E f( trimmed with tails O.UU Numerous Other Piece - Siv Georgette Crepe Waists $2.00 Lace or cm broidery trim med front. Large collars. 50c few tV K. 10, $15 & $19.75 Every Coat h Worth Double and More! Coats of such elegance, quality and style aro most unusual at these, low prices. ' The best sellers of tho season ibut thnnn-h thn winter is sevens and eold will be here for two months ,yet;lt wo musMake & r'o oro 'jori Fur-Trimmed Coals Kerami-Collar Coats Plush-Trimmed Coats Self-Collar Coats spnng siockv Get h,er". carlv totaor- row fo best' cnoicB' if. l,AkAH.AH an A .... V1... .'V . .-... w.,.. uqv.n lflViryLM T " .J .4 is n cl t' ii t U h' K THE HOME OF STYLE AND ECQNfijjYJ imwYsrea, , . ' , ,., T8 '.rte: -hVM tiC". 1 -st. V ,. ', M? v " I j, i -jvv , -r '.. ' ,'. :vrMAV ?' its: . & f