WvnPV - vsAW r,A'-t r SCTJ -r ''"wv'J-.itit ).)' T..w f V (.'. .' ' r . " ji rsM :,'vSEr. REPUBLICANS TO FIGHT' MILLION GERMANS STRIKE; FOR WAR CABINET RILL EVENING- PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. THURSDAY, JANUARY .'11, 1918 DICTATORSHIP THREATENED , (oiitlntirtl from Pair (lni FiitTinsp, (Icmncratlxntluii of h'ltite Insti tutions ami pattlrltutloti of voiknien'n IcIe-RHlci in peace pourpailcrA me re ttnttletl ! International eperti hero an lilshly BlKiildcntit. It Is licllmccl the PIT TKI'C ciintunim,. . ........ "cxt fo,v ',n5'K "ln r4"l tlie real extent Oil Alt IS SIIOWSITUATION'"f ho Ocimim illlllctilty nn.l ivlmt may . , lo Its llnl cfTctt c.n tlio Kalscr'8 ran- ,,,... . ! ''net of tin; wnr. quinary committee Sides V th Cen. Senator Wndsworth Propar- ing to Lead Support of Chamberlain Measure eral (Jiowdor Af-ninst K.Ncmpt- iiip iuwi Who Pass 31 Years W.HIII.(1T0. .t.m 31. Tlie l.cpiilillciin liarniRe cm War pp. pirlment ilelayn Im ii,i,.,. ,ilv In the .Senate. Xtnnpimin im niliern are pre panne (.porches lc.lminl to throw lic.tw MipjM.it ,,. f , i-i,,,,,,!,,.,,!,, ..',. cabinet hill rxen hefoie It roIi out of Committee, Senator WhiIhwoiUi, or Now Vork, will prohalily lead the nttiiels. He Is illuet InK IiIm Pro on "the faulty pynti-iii. de lays, hrealidowna in rllleleney and ".nit nf co-oitllnutlon" in the, War Deii.irt ment Wmlimoith lian picii.ued ehihorale charlK, hIiowIiii; how. under tlio inpsrnt Hystem, thete arc threo noolIlel.il lioards gi:ni:va, .Inn. 31. AicoidliiK to a ll.ixle dt."iatch prlritetl hy J.a Hulwc today, thero hac been Lack of Coal May kciIoua lonrtleti hetucen Hoop and all litem In Ilertln. with c.niMttleK. Dlspalehes fiom Vienna neitctl that MildlcrH Malted the recent HtrlUo incvc niont, many AiiMrlnn otlleerH leadlnp. The!o o.Ticers, It win declared, ton: oft thelp Insignia ami Joined wlili their men A' dlrpalch to the Denioltrat declared "a icwilullon. not a nttlKe," In lclRiilns In Antila t'r.icilr infHMBen leported that the local niilliorllleH Here iinahle tu hmppichh the HtilKvrM. anil that tioopi Hero nr tllnK to aid loinmlttce of littiimlmiiiu operators and, niMrimiieil III Fruet seion liee 1'ttYnlll-n Alt f lirffui-fl r'"lr,.v '"'I npei.itorK, Joblirm and . ... V.;,1, M. - aU , ('initialled from I'.icr One day. other point of fuel .mimpllon inny bo oidrred to lednce npuniioii" to the tnlnlmuni It It liroh.ihle that nri.v retailer In t'hllndclphl.i Mill he rripient ed to tlio nlmont IiIm tnilie I'elUery equipment for iloiucMlo ilrllMi), lluiiw holderti may In' cine that prrtlilnK will lie done for their Intel cute." The amlnacltp flluatlon in I'lilladeh phl.i wai enned foineHli.it by the de- i lively of Ifi.nnn Ioiih of i1onietlo kI. i..i... i. i, . ""'""" """"i lively or ifi.nnn Ioiih or nontetio Kl.en l?nZ. i.- K l,,lt!il,,!.,,,,,w,ll.',1V,,'"'nil ,n-R01' """, of ""'"' -M "' "" trLhnf.iJ ".1.C';;" '.. V"i W.iir ''."Vl1" ! I'" tHenty-ronr honr.t. With no re "'Z r i,i ni "C" "f N' n' V,1'- rerve on Im.hI. I,0rter. till io.il. hleh 0MnlV,,,:!'J'c.,:'::m,l,nl,,rcn,f 'h0 Ih n d...V leeinl-hreahlnK fhlpment for council with no clear-cut lino to define the, Horlj of any of there oncaiilziUlnui Anotlicr than shows how tlio war cabinet, comhiK lictueeu tlio T'roldejit ! nun tho uar-niaKliiR nuenclen, combines Kcver.il month", niniply melted nav In the f.T'e of the crciiT demand for fuel. The M. A. llanna t'omp.my ipportx conilBUnientH of 00rt toim of doineiitip ppieseutathei of the lallro.uH' i adopted rpFolntloiiK at n pprrlnl meel l Iiib at the M.tniif.itluiiry' Club late )c. ! terdaj liriitPHtlne at the "effoit on tho ! IVlM Of I l.n 1.V.I..tlt r.l..l i.tl.illili.t.nllnii coinpnhcil laiRrlv of Inexpeilenceil men to hiiudle the IiIkIiI technical tinnlncut i of coal d:5trlbullou " ThlH htcp Is In coiifoiuilty with the movement to MihMltiiln for the pieirnt t adniluMriilloti a commllleo or liriepu men to be Krlecteil by the National t'n.il i Ahci l.llloli, the .Vatlon.ll I'oal .lobbeiV AFMiclatlou. tlie ditei'tot general of tall- ! to.idH and the furl aihiiluMrator. Ileolutlon:i adopted at tho Hrt-m.i i 'piv: f'lIM l V'llf'P inen'H i-ectit meetliiB licie wcie an M-l 1,n ' ",lj ' ",ll,ul PROVIDES AVAR FUNDS In one, body nil the rimcllon.i of the ' M'M "V1 -.::",? Tl" ,s,,rn"L " Lf"! iiH thno uiwiTlrMl ones and mlilH to that i " ,"' , "' ' "" " "'i" co-ordination tho authority or law. M"01'1 rnl; IIH' inn'Pany cmphaslr.ea the The lommltteo ineiinnhllf contlnup.l I I'lctlKo n wn by . J. Itlchaidi. prel its ImestlKatlon. Iloniinl t'oriln. or the Tnt ",r "" '"'"I'an.v. to Doctor (.arllpld. aircraft boanl. I-. to bo lecalled ror fur- ,,,Mt ,""' -l,-v"( ,,rp0a urc ,0 ''c kUc" "" ther tecthnony. Ootlln, It doelopcd to- P""--""' tuteiillon day. c.uno out stroncly before tho tom-i NI'AV Rt'I.tNO ON AMfKCMIINTS inltteo In faor or the ar c.ihlnet and ,fC!. heailnc rioin fuel admlnlHtra- Ulrector ot iniinltlons plan". I tlon olllclals at Washlncton. State l"uel Senator Chamberlain said today he does not know what will icsult fiom hW confereneo with .Secretary of War ItaKer at luncheon cstcid.iy. In wlilili HaKcr accepted tho principle ot co-oidluatlon plans, but fioHiicd on i'oni;reslounl ac tion to force the reorganization. It le eloped today that tho military cotninltteo has taken sldei with l'root M.'Uflial (Jeneral I'ronder iiKalnst IlaKer In tlio matter of ppmptlnK men from the diaft iiK they p.s the hkp or thlrty oiic. linker wants this dono and Fays It Is provided Tor In a bill now pendliiK. Tho bill clearly does not provide for It, and the committee today refused to amend It as Baker wished. U. S. Trench Raided; Two Sammees Die rontlniird from Tntte One as he stood at the cry entrance to the colonel'H dURout. Tho colonel had Just entered underground. The Interpreter war. cloo behind and was In the net of descendhiB the steps when struck. The colonel rushed up to find his companion mangled and dead, The only American officer Included In the list of recently wounded men Is Cap tain Kingman, who was shot In the chest at closo range by nil Ameilcau soldier, who mlitook hint for n Uoc'iie In the night. Captain Kingman was crawling over No Man's Land In a night lecon nolssance and In the daikuesi an Ameri can soldier on the 111 Ing step ot the tiencb thought he might be an cnem. Discovering Ills mistake, the Saninieo hurried i out and helped cany tin wounded officer In. MOItALU CONTIMKS I1H11I Tho moiale of tho A.aeilcan troops Is hlirh. unit all tho men ai e awaiting un oppoitunlty to piove theli Ijf 1 1 J i t .m , jmm !l Jfi. j " ?jll I;, - vV t ' r ,'f ti yv".. iv, Jr SYLVIA SOLOMON She is lending money to Uncle Sam to help it the wiir Administrator William Potter ruled that "all amusement places may be opened on ruellcss Mondays." In making this ruling. Mr. Potter said: "This Includes theaties, motion picture houses, dance halls, billiard and poolroom'', boxing bouts, i oiler skating rinks, etc." Tho protest or the I'nlted lluslncss Men's Association against possible ac tion bj the national fuel ndmliilstrntoi ni tiering shorter business liouts (111 a, in. -5 p in.) eety day in Hell nf heat less MoutI.i.s, was made public today In the. form of a letter to Doctor (Jarllrld from IMnnitl A. Noppel, president, and Charles II. Von Tagen, secretary, in pait It leads as follows- "This older Mould be extremely dell I mental to the tnteusts of the locality small-stoic Keeper and Mould be to the Interests of large ilep.utmcnt stores. The greatest amount or shopping nnd purchasing Is done on l-'ilday and Sat- I unlay ceiilngs, Tho larger pioportlon or wage-earners arc paid on Krlday and Siturday, wlilcli compels the houseware to make her purchase larfiely n the I etnlnBS or Miesc daya, 10 put Pi roiv an older that Mould foibid f .all lo cality merchants In Hie Hrpe citlc such as Philadelphia, to temaln opn during the eenlng, and particularly Friday and Saturday evenings, woull causa lire paiahle loss to this mea: class or mci chants and Mould divert their trade to the large department stores. "Tlie I'nlted Business Men's Associa tion or Philadelphia thcipfore desires to lodge the strongest kind of protest Mltli jour administration against an or der lestilcting the hours or business so that tlio smaller meidiauts lannot do business In the evening. Our association lepiesentH approximately 15.000 mr chants anil 10,(100 taxpajcis or the city or I'hlladelphla and mc fepl that our troops is otcKt should be given the most sei anxiously i 0U(, consideration." drastic order cm tailing the sale of lows: Itesolvetl. That. In older to tomedy present roudltious ami In bo of m.tte llal attl In helping to win tlio Mar. the entile ittal Industry be put lt.it K In the hands 'of tho operators anil wholesale distributors who werp actively engaged In the business In duly. IM7 That. If n'tpsvai.v it; do so. sutll i lent nititiej be furnished by the (lov einnient to the lalhoads to lepalr old anil aiquho new motive porter, cais and equipment. That all c.us rtiulppcd for hauling coal bo lint limit In the coal tiatlo as bug ns they ale needed In this Indus try. That no further priority oitlers be peimlttetl to be Issued by any one without first getting the approval or tho railroad company, acting under the director geneial or the tallro.ids. That, geneially speaking, ffod, coal, all iloveinment supplies, etc. bo given picfereittlal treatment by tho rall toatls, for the icasoii that a number tr railroads have dlscrlmlnatpd against coal In Hip past and In tho Interest ot higher ri eight latcs. That the v.ulnus shipping pints bo lived. Instead tf allowing (ongestlnu to pile up at any particular poll. Pennsylvania Congressmen at tho n.i- .Small Female Solomon, Sorry She's Not a Hoy, Undci Inkes to Finance Uncle Sam A youthful lender or money to I'lule 'sum Is S.vlvl.v Solomon. sl ami une-li.ilf l.vp.irs old. or l.'T Noilli S.ilfnid stiPel. i Like tlie rnmous biblical king, who had 'the same name, slip Is cr wise A little ghl walked Into a potofIkc I substation tlie other da. , "I would like." said she. "In sec the president or this postofllco." "What ror?" a cleil. asked her. "I want to buy a Liberty T.oan liotiil . Stmnp, ami every other d.iv 1 will bring jou a quarter. My tl.uldj and m.v m.inluii iBlve me inonev o save In my bank. T twaiit to lend money to the (iov eminent. I I am going to help this war." f "What do jou know about the war?" Mie pouted. "I know a lot. even IT 1 am little" sho I said "Ami I wisli I was a boj. I'd go 'n war" . Tho little ghl was Sjlvla. tlonal capital asseitcd themselves as de- f?nf '71fH Zflfffl termlned to tlue-li out thoioiiBhly iel1Jlulv M ctw olHto in Heart ot City matter or Pennsylvania coal shlpinentH diverted lo New Kngl.ind when Phila delphia Industries were on the point ot closing down for lack or fuel Continued from I'jrp tine a wtecketl condition. The doors of both MEADE MEN TO GUARD BALTIMORE FACTORIES Rookies Called to Patrol Waterfront and Big War Plants till a Staff Corrrsi'Oiirfcilt CAMP MIlADi:, Adnilial. Md , Jan. Ill Dcpllo the snowsioims and seveie gales the war machinery nt Utile Penn Keeps moving and inanj new expe tlences nre scheduled Tor the selects. Perhaps, the most Iniporlnut thing on tlie program ami one which will give Hie men leal win tasli concerns the work of guarding ltalthnoip's wnlrr- front which Is men.iied by I'd man spies mid IiicpihIUu les Two tlKisdoiis flies, believed to hive been stalled hy (Soman sympathize! s. have in turret! on the wuteifinnt duillig the pips, nt month, and V'edPral ollloUls o an atleinpt to protett the shlpbullillng iilantt'iinil (lovetimieut warehouses have nskeil lb" War Depaitmcut for t Amp .Made soltlieis Mlhoui.li the war ihlefs have not 1 1. it lied a ilellulte decision conteinllig the linml.il r men that will be detailed fni Ihl civile, II Is piobihlp, atcord lug to C.unp Meade olllceis. that moie than Rflti men will bo drafted for tlie WOlk Aiinouniement was nl'o ni.itlp that Company J. of iIip Sftltli KuglneriH lias been onhleil lo tlrlvolr. Va , wheie It will Join an Piiglneeilng oulllt that Is being tialuid ror ialho.nl coutiuUloii In 1'iam.e. That ill Mug a four-mule leain ip fiuiie.s a skill that the average teani'ter iIops not posiess was made plain todaj bj olllcers at the leniount station anil In older to piepare men for such work a special sihool for teamters has bicn opened. SCIKHlii I'OU TilAMSTIlltS As usual a big bum h of Phlladel nhlaus vveie selpctetl for the sen he riom flip SlStli Infantry (PhllndPlphla's Own), tlio following iiipii Merc pk ked to attend the school' William Cojle, Thomas l.vcis, .lnseph A. tthati and Charles .1. Wntle. all of the supply com pauj The supplv lompauy or the .11 till Infantry and all-l'ennsjlvanla outfit fur nished the follow ing: IMwaid Meie dilh. IMwaitl Swrenp.v, Matthew b'o gait.v ami Mlthael Cojiip The r.Olth ammunltlnn tialn, width Is nr, per , ent rhll.idclphl.iii furnlslied. IMwaid .1. Sehwarti!, Arthur Sehappell, Donato Moilptto anil Kmnrlo .1. (Jlllesple Thp rollowlng eight men were sent to the school from the 316th Infanttj. an .ill-Pennsjlvanla outfit: Samuel Dugan, ilncoli I. Ilajlierger, Paul D. Putt, ltob- I ert A. hacrone, John Pomonlo, Hair- driving of mulc and horses, tlio men will he taught how to load nnd unload wngoim and .irlous other wrinkle that ate In line with the general themo of army efficiency, ' Alatiiifnclurcrs and business men hho (niploy te.inutrrs lose vast sums or moiiej" ever)' jenr through tho In rllleleney of their drivers," said one of the Instructors. ' Loading a team properly Is an art, and mie Hut pajs, for an efllclent man who know how lo load n truck nnd make every foot of spaco count Is tho man who Is ninth while." A number of transfers! have been an noimted, width menus that tho camp loses several moro good soldiers Prl vales John II. l'Y.inkentleld, HlGUi In rantry DEATH OF 12 BY TORPEDO 'MrM?' EXPLOSION ACCIDENTA 1. Nnvy Bureau of Ordnnnco Dismisses Idea of Alien riot Trib ute to Victims WASIIINOTON, Jan 31. - Knemy aliens nro not bHlcetlti) hnio catiscsl tho explosion at tho naval torpedo sta tion at Newport which Killed twelvo men, : according to tho navy bureau of onl- nance today. "Tho reporls iccelved by the bureau nf ordnance," snj's the statement, "show that tho explosion occurred In the dry house, located In tlie former bomb proof 4 NCWH '' ll.urlson II. Kilebcl, noltlt Ran- "tiuse. locaieu in me lonncr nomn prooi. Itaty Train, nnd John K. llovd. SICIIi '" w,1,cl.' .-8'00" ionni" '"?l n.e'" lufantiv, vvliu aro skilled median! have been sent to u signal corps detach ment In Washington A. T Melcalf, nillh Inrniiti.v. is tiausfeited to signal mips unit at Hampton, Vn uml Ser geant Hernnrd J. ti'ltrlen, 30 1 tit Sani tary Train, has been rent to tho School of Mllltaiy Aeronautics, Princeton, N.J. William I,. Iiiobe, nuth Infantry, who was Imlucleil Into tlin military servlie through crior. has been discharged and left tho tamp for his home III Allegheny Comity, Peiinsjlvanl.i. IIKLAWAKi: SOCIKTY MKI3T.S Koimcr Ucsiilcnts. Now of New York, Klect Odicera N'lJW YDRIC Jan 31 The Delaware rioiletj ot the City of New York held Its twent.v-iilnlh annual meeting In loiinee Hon with n luncheon nt the Machinery Club, when the following Delannrrau?. resident In the city and vlclultj-, were defied ns olllcers and members of the executive committee: Piesldent, Clarence Hodsnii, first vice president. Thomas Cairelt. sei ond vice president, II. M. (Irani; thltd vice president, John T. MiCr.itl.cn: secretaiy and tieasurer, Oscar M. Prrttjmnu; executive toinmlt lee. Krank P. .Mason, J. Latimer Tat nail, II V Pontes, C L. Ilonhani. IMwJu S. K.ur.i. Wesley Mceloer. Jacob It. Van devcr, Albert 11 Weber nnd Lemuel i: Qulgg. FALLltfSBAl Stillwcll and Wgnll' From Pennsylvania, Retired From Servi - -wm AL'tlUSTA, On.. Jan. Sl Oenenil Krederlck W. fiilllwell ifrt bert J. Logan, stationed nt CamJitj cock, nflcr1 today will no loiifcel"" service Hit re. TJrcuuse of reoij mi.de publii (Jeheral' Hllllwei(j.Jfi1 sigiieti, wnnn i.enerai Iigan l.srM for physical tllsabllltv., Teinnnrartlij Ing In their tonimnnds until lhefr woitblness. courage uml solulerlluess. ii.,,,,,- .n ..mnloveH nt ,nai ..,n..,.., i. The sector Is comparatively quiet, and tvveeu the bonis of fi a. in. and C p In no sense Is It considered an active j , went Into efTett today, when Kuptiln onc. notwithstanding the iici.iMlon.il tomieIlt u( i0Ute Jtoblnson iiotllletl lalds. the foity-tno polite lieutenants tluough- For the last rewdajs the weather lias ut the city to see that tlie older was been very mild. At night theie has rigidly enforced Supeiltitendent Itob becn blight moonlight, but this Is usu- Insou staled that the edict was In the ally followed In the caily moinlng hy iiatuie of it request from Mr. Lewis heavy fogs. Camden's coal situation Is still crltl- ' cal, only six carloads of fuel ai living . .....-,.-,,-, r.T nn a rs I '" tl,at c,ty J'terduy. All the coal was 071UUi.0 til riiilion tonslgned lo ono dealer .fiid was dls- ,d- 100 families n ' Last Camden whose supply was ex- WASHINGTON, Jan 31 hiutsted. War Department olllclals weio cm- - plinth: In their praise today over tho nwmnm t nr, ....... manner In whlth tlie latest Ameilcan COAL SIIORI AGE HERE tioons to come untur (leinian llro ac nnn Of rfr7V nJVfViT'iVOiT' ' inuuteu i;y nun on orti-rs of Kuel r iii o'oiii im ul,u" inlnltlriilor Slaats to FT. OGLETHORPE RAIDS; M'CLELLAN'S COOKS; 100 Men Transferred to North Georgia Camp for Service the toncieto filling or the safes Is scat teieil all over tho looms. K the lohperK lived blankets to muffle the sound of tho explosion, they must have taken them awaj say Lee and Lanstlale. as nothing was left, not even a tool, to show they had been theie. Tho police had been notified, but had not nrilved up to II -it) a. m. said Mr. Lee. who also said be had been notllled by tl c polite to disturb nothing until thev in rived. Tlie loss lo the building, fixtures and ' fuinltuie will iuii lo a lonslderable Iii:.UQl'AliTi:P..S IILL'i: AND OIIAYi figure, say the victims They are at a mvisiriv (,,, MrM.ii... vn.,i ' l"KH ' understand why nothing was Dl ISION. ( amp McClellan. Annis-, h(nri, a). the o(c(, ,. , l)UV) ,,,,.,. ton, Ala., Jan. 31. , f Walnut street, close lo two theaties It Isn't that Foil Oglethorpe bus gone and the two explosions must have been In the wholesale bakery business or that J'lfJ;!, " "' thej aie going to have a. stupenduous spread of any kind over theie. It's Just because bakers nre needed and In the call Iheio have gone close to 100 men fiom tho Illue and (Iray Division. These men, who come fiom all States coutiihut Ing to tlie division, have been In train ing at the field bal.eiy hele for seveinl months and the.v have been turned out great biead and p.istij- cooks Camp McClellan won't be without bread because the real bakeij- company Is still heio and will commence forth with with the organization of a new class. A number of regulais weie in cluded In tho-e who have gono to Koit Oglethorpe for assignment where needed, but the names of Ihoso who belonged to the Blue and (Iinv Division aie given as follows- safes aie shattered to scrap metal, and '".""; "n,lcr " " ana "'"'m 1 Hesldes instruction In the cue nnd Wintry Record Left as January Memento (oiltilllied from I'aite One ' removing the snow of .Monday's and last night's storm l''or the Hi st time In several jears , the West Jeisty and Seashoie Itallroad I Coinpanv kept g.ucs ot workmen ut iv oi I; all night long clearing snow from i tho ti.ic.ks between Camden and Olou-1 I cesler Otlltlals of the company said , todaj that with so many woikeis going! ' to the various Government plants It vvai necessary to keep the tialiiH iuu- 1 iilng on time i Ice conditions have cleaied In the . Delaware P.lvcr on tlie New Jersey sldo between Camden and flloucester. SRJSITIHI &B. COUGH DROPS MMM4krV sF 'L. trTSnKrtiW 5 No advance Take better care of your throat this win ter. Smith Brothers' soothe and protect. At druggists, grocers, conlcetion trst also news and cigar stands. being dilcd exploded Tho total weight or the nniouiit of fulminate in mercury tlpstrovpil was 1Z, tiounns. "?.,.. iu.it, in ill., ,(riiir- rimiii .. nu ccsors arrive, nre Lieutenant Cr..u kllletl. so I hut there Is no reason to pus. iJ'rucB (lamblo for tleneral Logni peit tlie work of an enciiij'. The work- i''..,'.11"!1."11 co,0"cl '''elclicr for CJti men of the torpedo station resumed work on detonators Inuuedlatl.v', not withstanding the dnngrr ut that class of woik" Hear Admiral Karle. chict or oidnancp, extending tho hiircau'H sjmpalhy to tlio rainllles of Hip victims, praised tlielr conduct and exprcssctl conlldenco Hint tlin personnel of the station will rise pipi.il to any emergency that confronts them. Admiral Knrle states that It must be appreciated that the men gave their lives for tlielr country in a manner de. seivlng ns iniiih priilrq ns If they were. In the trenches opposite tho enemy forces. PARTED. NOT DIVORCED Separation Denied Couple Who Went Their Ways After WedditiR POTTSVII.Li:, Pa.. Jan. 31. Th Court has lefused the application nt Mis. Janet Dean, of Tnmaqua, for a divorce from W Harvey Dean. The grounds weie unusual, ns the testimony showed that Mt. and Mis. Dean weie married on November IS, 1915, and parted nl the church. No explanation ot this was given. t'nder the law, husbnnd and wife dare not bo In collusion to get a divorce. The Court did not express an opinion ns to thl. rlkS tBKf S a Purchasing Orders W mA W "sfcW r , M Aeceplfd m H . $1 Georaelte fir JTX CUT -ft ft h WAISTS CW W irin WM tSt 1 nel . IV ' Ilotli (.eueraf latrmi.uli,. u fmmlsu burgh, and General Sllllwell. who Is frotK' oviniuuii, unvn oecu nero Willi tlio XWsWi) tyelghlh Division since September,' Jvfc& is wltli genuine regret, inmiv nWWl7 aid, that Camp Hancotk steea thcrn, Jwl TWTc. WW A rpTJCiDI&! """'xym Official Forecast " tsM WACIIIVilTrt., t- iA1!'! .....jiomu.s. Hill, lijl' Tlio southern storm divided nnd lest' energy yesterdajv One portion was ovarii eastern Tennesseo and Kentucky fa "3 nil-lit nM.l ... ... 1 .. . .-1 ....... .,.. ., vuitr n-s central near nafroRJ teras, hut the. whole disturbance hSktl moved eastward and off the coasLlfRi caused rains In the South AtlantloBtrttaaVS and snows In Virginia, Marjlnnd. NiutSrtB ern Pennsylvania. Delnwam nnd VeSvl Jcrsej-. High pressure overspreadsrt1ie Jg whole countrj' except h far southweft,'iH Mild inAsntni. t ik. j a.. tj-J fiil " "" h 4nu w- icmjicrHiurrs nava v.b fallen In tho rpnlrul A-rilUvrt nnA itim&Zi hal.o ickIoii- '''j'X4 .Trrnov Tnlt nt..t f.n)rf. nl.itt ... icll'i day; moderate northwest winds. V'r'iS Kun WircleHS by Wind Suj 'I'll A l litrfa ti Piii.nfl.n b.j . - " Hint thrro ivIrelcH hlationa cScDond UuoiPa windmills for power. K -fc)J ?a All Atlfo nnrl I J 923 MARKET STREET ss saun SKIRTS New fttylrrM pocketl, Ionic lif etc. C AI F of nRFt trr ! 5 Entire High-GradeStock of Dresses; CorDorfll Ia Id Itou1 ItnItlmor'k cor- poial llnhart Kauirn Nftwork l'natpn I (leorifp A I'liln, Karnp , JunifM Uuopk 1 fUIllmor" JuIfH .1 Klmlnie Nvark I'harls I'owler KorrMUUl. Ml Vlt?r ,f (pltair. INItoii i:ilfi II Milton. Nor folk; Jnliift J. ntdlrr i'Hintifii. U'llllnm J MiDotinM, Ftinv I'll. Hciirv Nlshtti(tisl'. and agreed that the Ameilcan units had - I pter.n: ..u'V.vJ. " o-ph' j'Hu..n siiovvn memseives wen ivuimj- in an in. ,.,,,,,. , , '.New Hiunswak N. J. Aiiiert .siIiumi tho traditions of the seivlce Uio I'lilladelplila coal shoifage will be ' llaiKcimiuk: I'lurles 1.. AshUv. Itlilinioml The casualty lists fiom this UU-st , '"', ' '"V. ,",.'. ',?,'. ' e ..T.T" . V S'ntooinMrt. n: j" lirmond . "iiVown r 4 or o in or.i nr. a r nultted thcnibelve.s. They lead with the , '1"'" " "' r lslJlj deepest Inteiest tlie story or the fighting 'LAN TO OUST G ARFIELD I MU'I.I and ngrecd that the Ameilcan units had ' """ '"UU'3' U nr lLlljU 'aterjon: Old YOUR (any ni raid have railed to come hi as .vet itr..i.tu. at nasiiuiEion, iotia, u It In assumed that they will be sent ' "Peeled, as pait or a nation-wide forward by General rcrshlng as bOU1i i move to pace, the .National Fuel AUmln- '"..:.., .... .,., ..".. .. I Istiatlon hi the hants of exneit co.il men. as completed The raid. However, is believed here to have been a continu ation of tho fighting Mhlch lias been In progress for the last foi might at a number of points along tho line as shown by the reports of men "killed In action" Mhlch General I'eishliig lias sent forwanl. The repoit or the light also shows that .Secretaiy or War Baker knew what ho was talking about when he told the Senate Military AffaliH Com mittee that tho American fotccs soon would give a good account or themselves, Tho fact that National Guard soldiers vcre engaged shows that tho ltalnbow Division and the New Ilngland Division, which it was announced some time ago had been landed in France, have com pleted their preliminary training and now nre a real part of tho fighting forces assembled on tho olher sldo. Tho War Department still withholds any announcement or petsonnel of tho new units sent forward, althougli It had no objection to the publication yes terday of the fact that all of the tcized German liners had made tho trip across and all of them tarried troops. Hut It was pointed out that Secretary IJaKer told tho Senate Committee that the ad vanced units of tho ii.gul.ir army, tlio national guard and tho national, army were to have an equal chance against tho enemy. Ah a matter of fact, olll clals said today, tho prcssuio from tlio National Guard divisions, which me topi, pletely trained, and tho National Army organisations, which nie neally rtady to be sent across. Is ciy intense. Through their olllcers, their political sup porters and tholr homo communities theso various organizations aro Im pel tuning tho War Department to bo sent overseas, and tho requests aro being granted ns fast as shipping can bo secured. ltepi'Xntatlve J. Hampton Moore, of I'hlladelphla, Is scheduled to speak In the House today on the subject or the thou sands of complaints that the Pennsyl vania delegation In Congress have ie reived fiom constituents In this dO'and clsewheie In tho Slate. Adjournment out of icspect for tho late Senator Hughes, of New Jersey, prevented Hepre kentative .Momo fiom taking up the coal issue jcsterdiiy, A rerlcs of resolutions, demanding that the authority of National Kuel Admlnls. trator Garfield bo transferred to expert coal men and that all shipping ports In cluding Philadelphia bo used to pre vent congestion, were drawn up by n lliuoktinl Vernon H, Cui-lirdn. Portsinonlh Va. : tieorgs V,. I. ox. jiuena v Ists a AdulpH DeinbfrB. Midland Park. N J .tusmh lKlaitos. Itiiltlmnre; WIIIIhiu 1' Kdi emerer. renireillts, il1 ; Matthew Kill, elinmunn. Newark. John 1 . Iflsctn New- , ark: J'red tl. Mnultun Ilaavllle. Vu I,en Janttmth Newark! Charles Kekter Sum. mil. N. J.: l'Hrlton,M. Lane. Hractley Heart). I N. J.: AtirUMtln' J. I.i Annspoll: Howard l Mcl.'rulken, Jersey City: John J. Mm kill Newark; J.ealle II itltklns. NevvarKi Harry MorettH Iloboken l'i-ter .1 Ml.ol, Haiti morel Thomas It II O'Connor. New Ilruns. vvlck. N. J.: Charlei. usrane.i. Newjirk. I'rank PfeUer. Newark: Hobert 1. 1'rvde tlreen Hprlnss, Va i l.eorsi. VV. Rau. Nortli lleruen N. J.: 'Ihonias J. Sawer. Tree, holil. N. J.: Joceph J Uoliertion. VvaanlnK lon. l, C. . Holwrt Srhtoa. Kaat Oranite Jonepli Sttilosrer, Haltlmnrei Joaeph Shcrl lan. Newark; John M. tlhernian, Ptioebus. a: John II. Hoinniers. Ilaltlniore. David, Tarnslroni. Harkensncl;, Tldward A. Tavlor, Jrey I'llyf llattheiv II. Ward. Newark Charles V. Tounr. Ifoboken; Joseph awa. , tnwkv. Baltimore: William 1' Jolirinn, Nutley. N. J.: Orry Marten llllltc. N J ' John 11. Wlnsnr. nalllmore; William Kon. rad. Nan ark: Ward H Murray lialilmore John M, Jlorgan, Orante N, J. UNREST IN LUMBER CAMPS VinOINIA. Minn.. Jan. 23 A iuad of deputy BhcrilTs depailcd for tho north woods to co-operate with a detachment it the Fourth Minnesota llrchnent In l IircvrilllllK u llliuuir.i uituiw" ,.. t. F.f it timber workers. .ft: Rumblings of disorder followed re- f cont distribution of I. W. TV. literature, B. "T v,vnl aluelhn.n nt T. Yv. r. llteenlurs Ifll 'Printed In Seattle, through lumber (jV'eatrips between here and tlie Canadian !iW border, according to me auiuoruies. -ina l,junrcst is most pronounced among' the v 1000 employes of a larrse concern pro f3 ducliig timber for Government nso, re- . -vporla received licrp said, i I OliHid iiavi.been sent to Cusson, and J 'detachment? uf tioops prph.tbly will bo oiiicicn to lilNDiuB. iitiiiiuji aim r.vc. leth. MlniL. because of the number o'f Vi. lumbtrjiiektf'.Jrlf ting mtd tliose towns. BEGINNING Tomorrow Final CleanUp Sale MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES Final sweeping reductions. All our splendid shoes which we had reduced are further repriced for a quick clearance. Average savings are now from $2.00 to $4.00 a pair. 1200 pairs short lines of Men's and C Women's Shoes, also Women's Evening v Slippers, our regular standard $6.00 to $8.00 values ' ' 3.90 NlEDERMAN 1 Quality Fjrtt 930 Chestnut 39 S. 8th mN.Sth , This New Grafonola for your Phonograph OLD MACHINE ie or condition) Is Worth Money Today Trade it in at a L1BERALALL0WANCE Tlia (irafonola toward this improved latest model Columbia Grafonola. II 2 m z if ml jPk. ! tW f I I LWaMallV'ITsiIilililiima I vv.y anDlUA.k t mull eM,e lie )VAHH9BVaVBB7lUBBttM. m hlne AAaHafflHF:LB-s' sV i-roraette VAHBK mmMto IHn 5KHsal kmkW "n 'Ml' ( sivh an ves 7 iVW3 yuAv w I m Flom J. Steelman 8c So'ns 726-28 MARKET STREET manufacturers of .$10 Spring Dresses. . $5.00 $15 Spring Dresses. . $7 98 $20 Spring Dresses. $1000 $30 Spring Dresses. $15.00 if iv oprnig cresses . & S. 0 f"iS5 Dresses for ALL occasions the most distinctive high-class fl inuiicia. xutsuiiiui- wicn nunareas oi our own wonaeriui dresses included at savings most extraordinary. Values $10 to $50 No Money Down Your old machine makes the first payment if you order today Easiest Terms for the Balance No war tax no interest. Order early this offer for Thursday only TheGrafbaola Shops iyCO.T07LATfJ 109 Chestnut Street Opan Saturday Until 9 o' Clock $ m4 10-? 15 -16.75 -'19.75 -25 The Imnortance of Earlv rhnnsinw: -- ,, -.wUU... ,, rinnnr Hn Tnn (Mnl1l., 'il vmu.uiutiuuwuuiigiv i Emnhnsizprt .h II 1 Irna llm.A am ,1A..t AIM Jm..cam t... I. I "rMM mind that there arc not many of a kind, and while cll.i dresses in the lot arc most remarkable nlue. still 'I some are. more fetclilnj; than others and, or course, will 'tS he first to lave. i'm This is not a clearance of old shopworn mer chandise. Every dress a brand-new spring garment purchased at a great price con-; cession! We share the savings with you:' HiKM'ir it.M;.ii;.T a.mi r;i;iiM ij.ooh i .flat! ; -j3 1 2 Children's DRESS SALE! SALE OF .$10 TO $30 PLUSH AND CLOTH 3, i M w- Vl W.'ll mil folVX. yttitr nunhina' xjjw I 1 2000 Brand-New White Lingerie and Wash Dresses Values 75c to $2.00 llvrry neir tjle featur rholra of rilori, tleklcns and mattrlalf. Iliilntllr trlnimtd, and wll nindc. Yon Hill want at Jtaat n lialfdoieit of thno cute ilrrmten Mlicn you re tliem. Ami tip to j". Cofam-GrmfmntU liUll i9C UP. Xtftff, 98c 1 LiW '' - COATS 10 7 $ 15 19 lUemnt and Hrrond Vut No hnlf-heartetl mcasm-es po in''thts safe, for;, it is a thorough nnd drastic glctiraway. Evcry ' winter garment MUST no, mid u scries oi'ttA.w? lUrru SluUl Utty C.'oUrl '"'I'lli Mlilirtfif . . eH V'AMi ,'V' . '-St. ',, ."' i y H"Jli 'i yij "JT "x rmh- lWaWi'- .75 MM' I - k ,n ' 'faaHHaH MH ffil, . 4 4&B THEHOMR "neporia um .rrunry.,f "o oeen nxen JLJU&& 1' 1 "' , .M 31 in owia tr icnerai mriKcmw A I. .VH jf II i j i j fS hM:i t,. Mwliad ooBrmua.. .;. S'g..:.;,i4a "-' ,-s ' Tl ' iafeL.1 L&2fc4& .Jk AiVL i y iatiiatiJtiMSMjUj. LtiLy 'itii rifaifati ,firk fat ri ) if'li in buliTaJrn r,- mm i m . -t-t -t -h.-"' tT-, ' Ui' v j' ' SjaAnii .- .