Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 29, 1918, Postscript Edition, Page 5, Image 5

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'-V lt SSTjrv
Criticism. Not Stilled by Wnr
Secretary's Disclosures
Other Publications Tick Mnny
Flaws in Recital of Nation's
JsTAV YOtllC, Jnn 39.
rixccrpts from cilllorltls oC Undine
JCtw York rnorntne nenrpapcra upon
Secretary of War Maker' tlcfemc of the
Tar Pcparlment follow:
In hi statement to tlie Senate commit-
tec and to the nation jesterday Sec
retary Uaker laid stress upon the fact
that there aro more than a million men
In this rountiy under arms This In
explanation of tho epidemics of nlclne3s
reported, from tho different camp. And
these million men wilt be ncnl to franco
Just n rapidly ni they can he nulpped
and v,o can find ships In which to send
Secrctnry Baker's second appearand
befcro tho Senile committee came upen
,, fateful day tho second of tho "shut
down" Mondajs, when tho Industrie of
a section of thn country whoso popula
tion oxceeds that of tho German Um
pire hac to stop for lack of coal, fehlps
In the harhor wait, new ships on the
was wait, our soldiers wait, munitions
wait, tho Allies "Walt for foods and sup
plies, our railroads nxo cut down In lh,o
d(ilerlcs tftcy cm malic all for tacit
of ioal. 'While wo lltcn to tho Secrc
taij'a fair words of Krc.it nccompll'h
imntH and jet Rrcater thlncs to tome,
wo may rtincmlier tho pirt f.n: l.o
plnvryl in bringing nbout this Manl
itlll of Industry,
There could not bo a more complete
and ocrhelmlnB nnswer to Senator
Chamberlain's clnrco that, the military
establishment of "America has fallen
doun," that "It Is a thlnR that docs not
filt." that "It Ins almost stopped func
tlonlnc," than Secretary Maker's testi
mony jestcrday beforo tho Senate Com
mltteo on Military Affairs,
A military establishment that has
raised and equipped tho greatest arm)
tho United States has ccr had, tint bo's
sent great numbers of troops to France
and lias 1,000,000 more that are rend
to bo. lias not fallen down; It Ins not
ceased to elst; It has not stopped
functioning On the oontriiv, It lias
done a work for which there is no
parallel In American military nnnals
Tho test of a military establishment
In the circumstances In which the Unit
ed States entered this conflict Is not
whether an army was ready to the last
button, as the Germans boasted that
they were when they crossed the Ucl
Klan frontier. It Is not whether there
Jiac been shortcomings nnd dclas. It
is not whether there hae been casual
rrors In Judgment or Incidental con
fusion In CNecutlon. It is whetlur there
were, plans commensurato with tho part
that the country must play, whether
there was energy In the execution of
theso plans, whether there was a dispo
sition to correct errors and profit from
mlstakesN nnd whether the military es.
tabllelinvht moved steadily forwaiu to
xne accompiisiunent of its objects
Measured by these tests, the AWir De
partment under Secretary Uakei has
written a new chapter in the military
history of republics.
Nevertheless, theio is one lesson that
tho War Department Itself should learn
from this unfortunate cnltode. which i
the necessity for fuller war publicity
nd for taking the Ameilcan jeople
completely Into the confidence of their
iiovernment in nil matters that are not
undername mlllt.ii seetets.
The meilt of Secietaiy Dakei's testi
mony before tho .Senate Military Com
mittee will be measured by tho specific
statements of fact which It affords, not
by any general denlul of his that the
War Department has fallen dow n," or
by any general asseveration that the
department he administers 1ms dono In
this emergency all that could bo ex
pected of human fallibility.
The country at largo will withhold
Its Judgment of tho hecretarj's ade
quacy or Inadequacy until It has heird
and studlpd all that ho Is able or willing
to tell; but tho final Judgment on the
main question will proceed from the
bench, not from the w Itness stand. And
neither now nor In tho recoid of his
tory will that 'crdlct bo colored hi
" pontic's.
When lie appeared before the Senate
Military Committee jestcrday to de
pj'iiniii miunii iii'iiiiiiiiiiijihii'i'ii 'iiiiiiuiiiiiyiiiiiiiiuiiLiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiMBiiiiiPiiii
$.50 Neckwear $ .35
Quarter dosen. SI. DO
1.00 Neckwear 65
tlimrter dozen, ft,7S
1.50 Neckwear 1.10
Quarter doten, $3.00
2.00 NeckweaY 1.50
Onartrr doien, tl.25
2.50 & 83.00 Neckwear 2.00
Quarter riorrll, S3 30
3.50 & $4.00 Neckwear 2.50
Quartr doren. $1.00
1.50 Mercerized Shirts 1.00
Silk Reefers or Dress Wear and Wool Reefers of Foreign and
Domesticrnanufacture are repriced afespecially attractive figures.
House Coats, Gowns, Lounging Robes and Waistcoats are included
in the' sale.
Jacob Reed'5 Sons
fend tho War Department, fierxclarj
I nkcr said little that Was new. little
that tho country had not learned froir
the Sccrrtnry himself In previous ex
planatory and dctenslvo Platementi
Tho country knew that franco am'
(Ircat Britain were, helping tho Amer
ican forces with artillery, but was Mr
linker on firm ground when he salt'
that our Allies wished to do so, be
cause they had an excess of artillery
and alstv because they Wanted ship
space for other thing than American
guns7 An h matter of fact, there was
no alternative, Our Ordnance Depatt
ment did not have tho guns, and It
would be a long time before they could
be manufactured. If tho American nrnij
was to fight In 1918, artillery must be
borrowed or bought from the Trench
nnd British. Congress nnd tho War De
partment bad warning enough, extending
over two jears, that tho United States
might be, probably would be. drawn
Into the war. jet almost nothing was
dono to obtain Indispensable nrtlllerv.
Nor was It quite fair of Secretary
Baker to saddle upon General I.eouaid
Wood any of the responsibility for send
ing hundreds of thousands of men tc,
the camps beforo quarters and equip
ment were reidy. It was not a delicate
way of excusing omissions and blunders
Tho country did not know that General
Wood had so much Influence with the
bend f f the War Dep-irtment. Certainly
the General, who was injured liy nu
explosion In France a day or so ago. Is
too far nwav, nnd not In po-lllon, to
glvo his own version
This Winter Hardest
in Last 98 Years
Continued from rate One
has It been. In fact, that many of the
"sieclnl" lecords have been shattered.
Similar periods of cold have not been
experienced for nlnctv eight enrs
Tho dilly nveinge temperature for
December and Tnuuary so far has been
2 i degrees This wss only exeeided
once. In the winter of 1Sl9-;o. when the
mtrcury nveinged nu even twentj-lhrec
degrees for each it ij of the two months.
The weatherman piused a moment In
his calculations, ns tbero came a knock
at the door of his office. It was n boy
w Itli a copy of the nfflclil forecast from
Washington, fold today, It snld, with
the lowest tempcraturo tonlgl t of nbout
fifteen degrees, continued cold tomorrow
and probably snow by night.
' Uncouraglng. eh? ' he asked.
IIo resumed his poring over the rec
ords. J'ortj -three ilajs In tho last two
months when the dnlly average temper
ature fell below the ireezing point, they
show ed
Another recoid gone to smash Nor
mally theio nro but nineteen such dnjs
In an entire winter season
Then ho turned to the records of th
snowfall A total precipitation of 34
biches for December nnd January, he
found This Is not a record, tho win
ter of 18118-iiO hemline down fifty Inches
of the downy tlakcs
Hut he found one snow record No
single month In the history of the
weother bureau since ls8t, when the
now records were first taken, showed
as much as January, 24 S Inches. The Geimanla (another Centrist mgnn)
closest to this was In Januai, 1891, also lefcrs to un "Ailhtio Ameilcan
when twenty laches fell. feeler logirdlng peace possibilities"
In December 1101 there was a snew- I and havs the result will depend above
storm that put down a total of twenty- all on (lie Wright of President II
one Inches on Christmas Dny and the son's Influence on (lie Knlcnto Allies,
day arter. but that was about all the' "Ip Mew of the 1 nppy nceoid he-mow-
that fell that season. ' tween (lei many nnd hei' allies in nil
The forecaster then closed his tec- questions of ivar alms and tactics,"
ords and glanced nt tho olllclal ther- ClermanU adds, "vie jn (altc II Hint
mometer. The hour was noon. It leg- Count Czernlii never Mould ltan hijiIp
Istered 30 devices, a rise of 4 degrees fills offer If lie Imil not been ccrlain of
over the 8 o'clock temperature. I our (internment's umctirrcnt e."
"But It will get colder." w.n Ills I Count Czernln's policy In ndmlnls
pessimistic statemcnL "Although the teilng Austro Hungaiy's foielgn nffalis
mercury may go a few degrees bigher
this afternoon, It Is due to fall to about
15 tonight." And ho ended up by saj
Ing that it was to bo cold ngaln tomor
row. Although the liugo bank of snow
standing on the stf-els form a big prob
lem for city rfllclals, trafllc throughout
Philadelphia was about normal toda. Of
course, theie vveie the little d(laS, but
that was all
Train service again is l mining to
schedule and the P. It T. Is experienc
ing little difficulty Sonio of tho snow Is
being removed bv tho city. A number
of teams aro working In the central
sections, nnd thlrt-five trucks of the
McCnnn Coal and Ico Company, Twelfth
htrcct and Washington avenue, which
hai a contract for the removal of snow
fiom South Philadelphia streets, arc
clearing up on South street near the
water front. Tho snow Is being dumped
lute rewcrs.
Tho snow howevet, Is not being cart
ed away as lapldlv as In former jears.
Obtaining the necessary men and teams
Is almost as much n problem to the clt
as financing tho operation. Director
DatcoVian, of tho Department of Pub
lic Works, has requested Chairman GafT
ney, of Councils' Flmnco Committee, to
appropriate $50,000 for the removals.
.No nctlon was promised, nnd some per
sons aro wondering where the money Is
I coming from.
Very .substantial price eav-
inis in Mcn'a Fine Furnianings
all high - class merchandise.
Its only fault is that assort
ments are incomplete ana lines
are broken a fine chance for
your investment.
$2.50 Soft or Stiff Cuff Shirts.$2.00
2.00 & $2.50 Mercerized Shirts 1.50
3.50 Silk Shirts , 3.00
5.00 Silk Shirts 3.50
.3,5 Half Hose 25
1.50 Silk Half Hose. 1 1.00
2.00 & $2.50 Pajamas 1.75
3.50 Pajamas 2.50
6.50 & $7.50 Pajamas 5.00
Trotsky to Resist
Imperialist Peace
orttnitfd from Tnge One
on war alms having been made be
fore the main committee which con
Unites to meet when tiio llo'ise Is hot
In session. The project for a oto
of confidence piobably enmc up In
'.he coin so of negotiations for the
convocation of the llclchstug, which
has been demanded by the llbeml
pnrtles since the peace negotiations
with Itussta were bosun.)
The statement attributed to Count
Cken.li.. that his speech on Peace pre-
Vlnusv liau Deen rommiin inleil In
t'icsidcnt Wilson has entnged the
Pun Germans. The statement, It Is
slid, vvns giceted with loud checis by
Its heaters, but was received with nil
outbu.st of ingo nnd contun.clv by tho
Pan tleimnns. whose fury It hi ought i
to u climax. The ide i of any exchange
of opinions hetwien Aiistil i and Aiihm
Ira is irltlilzcd bitterly, nnd, nceoid-
lug to Count Itcventlovv. can only bo
rega.ded ns cndingeilns (Icimunv h
life Interests,
A illspitch to tho Uxchnngo Tele
graph fiom Amsterdam savs the
Deutsche Tngcs Zcltung (Count Itc
ventlovv ' orgnnl openly calls on the
Gcim.it. peoplo to revolt ngalnst tho
present icglnie
"We. too," saN this PanGeinmi
organ, "hav o a Judis among us to liy.
He appeals In the led coat and mantle
Lof Germany's lnngnnn. Who will
save Germany from llieso traitors nut
tho Octman people-' H Is now 'Clci
n.ans help youiself. and Clod will help
J ou "
Allliniizli Ianiitrnr Willi 1111 is not
named In tlie iirlkle. II111 expression
(ierinanv's liaiicni.itl" is meant for I
",BS,o.r,.r. lPn,TJSow,. .pumr'oteothere
papeiTtha'tCo nt 0 Vtoede "n. S.V I" "'! """ 1Z "' T"
tniv of ili Tieisiiiv Is one of the W"Uh' 1"r .Milium lit the present 1110
in "L",?-,5.?".V'i,,. ,' ,0t,.,..2 1 mint which may later on l.o i-irtlally
Z U.,tA . T, . . .m,ce..r i 111 , ,,.
5 ! Ma' n Ch, 1
the Fmnernr that the lliilliii.il sllu.l
tloti of (irrmaiiv was such that a fur
liter (levelopment of offensive opera
tions was Inadvisable.
It Is .cpu.tcd f'om Holland that the
PaiiGeiman Kieun :i"ltups, of Heilln,
has been suspended for publishing a
violent article under the heading "Alls
tila Must Be Abandoned."
The Koelnlscho Yolks Zcltung (or
gan of tho more consor alive wing
of tho Catholic Centet) considers
that Count Czernln's latest state
ment strengthens the Iniptesslon
that ' threads nre being spun lie
tvvcen Vienna nnd Washington If
we iccall that Chancellor von licit
ling, as well ns Count Czeiiiln, dealt
specially with Mi. Wilson's message
If Vienna .eckons on the possibility of
a jfonfeieuce between the Ccntinl
Poweis nnd the Untente nations bj
wnv of Washington, this Implies that
Piesldent Wilson's fomtcen liolnts aio
not to be lcgnided as his minimum de
mands "
The newspipei add lli.it a loiiinlelr
iigieemeut exists between Mcnii.i 11 ml
Ilerlin regarding minimum demands
(which the Central Powers must attain
Ins been Indorsed by the I orelgi
Liberty Bondt
accepted a caih
at par.
Mail orders
promptly filled.
That We Cannot Quote Items
For Tomorrow
' But We Do Say JThis :
Affairs Committee of tlie ItelclisrntlU
which Ins adopted n. vote of confidence
by 14 votes ngalnst 7.
In replying beforo the Reichstag
main committee on Saturday to n
speech delivered by Count on West
nrp, Conservative lender, the German
TorclKn Secrctnry, Doctor on Kueht
mnnn, said tint nlthougti Count von
WoMnrp lin1 pot usrtl the word .in
nesntlon, he ndwented the sclzuro of
tcirltory, based ( n military successes.
Such nn attitude," the Foreign
Socrctniy continued, "Is impossible
from the outset for the present Im
perii! llov eminent, In view of till Its
pilnclplcs nnd Its past." He added
t.i .. HiA.. khll.fti .1 IrYjtuAttftrtA 0
','"-"' "t 'rVv tlnS il,
'""'" . -:.".. . " .". ' .... :
1 run remember" between tho political
nnd military lenders In regnid to lin
ir.al.v's nlms In the Uast.
Hoover Asks Laws
to Back Him Up
,, , fr, i-nr one
I .. ., . . ,.
all ovei the rountiy beciuse no oignn
I711I distribution could be iffeiteil Tlie
giculv got the sugar nnd others went
"As to conservation measures tiroes
nrj to apply to oinmodltles needed
for tho production and pieservntlon of
foodstuffs. 1 may cite the case of nm
111011I1, which Is critically neccssitv to
maintain our told stoiago warehouses,
In which must reposo over Ki00.000.000
worth of food from llmo In time. The
production of ammonia In UI17 wos
nbout 130,000,000 pounds; of this the
dimnnds of the nrn.y and tnvv for ex
plosivo purines aro istlmntid to us
as being 150.000 000 pounds per annum
"".". l"" " '""". '" .''''.'" '.
i"'""' hv meieised pioductlon Yct I
a J;-, used b, a.. co,,(
, ,& Jl I
alcoholic drinks, household nmmnnla
etc 1 think the War Department Ins
rrcognlred that the mnluteninco of the
cold stoiagt warehouses Is vital to
tho food supply of our people 'and that
they liny, the.efore, themselves bo
obliged to reduce tho amount of ex
plosives nnnufactured anil thereby pos
sibly Jeopardize our military jiosslbllltles
until production cm he built up
Let Us Clean
We will clean it as only
experts can and make each
piece look like new. The
mountings will be examined
and you will be advised should
the diamonds be insecurely set.
This service is tendered with
our compliments and your
jewelry returned in a chamois
jewel bag.
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
Mavfeon & DeMair?
1115 Chestnut Street
Opposite Keith's
Are Sellina
WE started the sale with $125,000
worth of merchandise. So there
is still tremendous variety of
kind, style, price. Without doubt
every woman can find the fur she
wants at the price she wants to pay.
This merchandise is all our regular stock,
the fine, beautiful quality, the smart, distin
guished styles, the thorough making that
insure furs that will give long service and
impart richness and distinction to dress.
The Sale includes fur coats of Hudson seal and other
desirable skins; fur sets of many kinds; separate muffs
and scarfs. Prices range from the quite inexpensive, a
muff or scarf, for instance, at $10.00, a "fur coat at
$68.00, a set at $19.50, to the most elegant siKcr fov.
pointed fov, cross fov, Hudson Bay sable, mink and
such high-class furs to be found on the market.
Once more we remind you that wholesale
prices have advanced 50 per cent, and even
more on some furs; that linings, labor, every
thing that goes to the manufactme of furs is
higher. Because of fuel shortage and unusual
weather conditions furs arc in greater de
For all these economic reasons, it is the best
of foresight to bug furs now.
It is shrewd foresight of the highest
order to bug them in this Sale at one-half
and one-third below present regular prices.
Charge customers may have purchases charged on
. K.lle t.nt fnrrlt 1. if itrsirrrt. N
ilLLluO 111 iiLtiUill
Representatives of Entente
Nations Assemble for Con
ference at Versailles
PARIS, Jan 2
llepresentatlves of the Untente coun
tries wcro gathering todav for another
session of tho Supiemo Allied Council
at Versailles. Premier Verlnndo. of
Itnlv, who has Just at rived from Lon
don, nfter ronfeirlng with representa
tives of the Ililtlsh Government, said
that he Is In complete accord with the
peace ptlniiples tihl down bv Premier
I.lod Giiitgc In his lecent wnr alms
Tho United States will have no politi
cal representative at the sessions of
During the transporta
tion crisis we arc main
taining a DAY AND
NIGHT service1' for con
verting pleasure cars into
trucks with out' TRUX
TUM unit.
This assures a com
plete internal gear axle
drive truck within 24
Practically any make
of car can be used.
10th Street A Glenwood Avenut
Your Jewelry
P u r eha ing
agenta' orders ac
cepted with usual
10 per cent al
lowed. Repairing and
remodeling at low
JANUARY 21), 1918
the Supremo Allied War Council about
to convene In Frnncc.
Colonel i: M. House, head of the first
American war mission, Is In this city
nnd Is expected to remain In this cottn
irfy. It has been expected for some
tlmo Hint Secretary of State Uobcrt
Lansing would bo designated to pnrtlcl
pile In thess confetenccs ns tho political
and diplomatic member for the United
States, but pressure of Vvork here has
' ' - ' -" ' . gsaa-gsMtpHf Jsf
' "'!' i 'ii I tmmmk'' M
crsy xssslPSp
Wk&, fer
Here's a Grafonola programme that
will make jour next dance the talk of
the town. Ltt's start with "Otcr the
Top," an up-to-thc-minutc military
medley onc-stcp. AoOUy
ChirLChin - Chinan
Then a fantastic fox-trot that
ou huntinc for our faoritc
On the back, "Do'mz His Bit for the
Girls. " It will make ou do ours.
A6008 $1.25
- Jmx
A fox-trot medley from "Jack O' W?$ luMlt U ( &
Lantern" that no one ccr sat out et. V-OT,' f &wM' 173 f W
Introducing "A Sweetheart of My XJW n r&iMskl YfmJ M
Own" and "Along Came Another (( V v tf&tfH JW&X&M
Little Girl." It will make them come ( J? y- (I iS 7WW
along! A2448-7So l Jr V VnL
The Handi Orchestra's Jazz Dance'BIues"
Old Mr. Jazz has been out-jazzed by the delirious novelty dances that Handt
negro orchestra records exclusively for Columbia. A2419 and A2420 75c each
New Columbia Records on Sale the 10th and 20th of Every Month
food Will Km the War-Don't Waste It
You get this complete outfit immediately
1 "Jewel" Grafonola, mahogany or oak. 1 album holding 34 selections
10 selections of your own choice 300 needles, loud, soft and medium.
(5 double disc 75c records). 6 special fiber needles. (
Total Outfit $50
on easy weekly terms,
Place your
prevented Mr. Lansing leaving Wash
ington in the coming confcrenc'ca all mat
ters of military policy will be passed
upon by General Toskcr II, Bliss, now
In Fratjce, nnd designated for that pur
pose by President Wilson. Ont matters
that deal with financial and such prob
lems tho representative of the United
Slates will bo First Assistant .Secretary
of the Treasury Oscar T. Crosby1, In
rhnrgo of nil financial matters In Europe.
- anr - jjj
ill set If .
partner, (l
Choose this fine Grafonola
order early, tfs our supply is limited ,
1109 Chestnut
r i
Ninv Yoitk. Jtmiiistm i
Chamber of Commerce tmr tut
movement for the'tereteUMM 4
tions department In ther tSeverntiMM.
In a resolution forMMed "' to 't '
the United States Chamber ef CMUMUty 1
tho New York body requested nht
referendum' vote on the Project be telMM. s
Tlie cha-nber will consider a MrsMMh.i
luniorruw 10 uojcoic uvrmany,
dally after the war- -'
J" z .
cows came tome
liviera Girl Waltzes
Next we'll have a whirl at these toe-tickling
waltzes introducintr "Just a Voice
to Call Me Dear," "Will You Forget,"
"Man, Man," and "Life's a Talc."
They're good for at least three encores.
A&010 ji.25
Next the great Western war song played
as a rattling, rapid-fire one-step by
Prince's Band. Your soldier guests, will
show ou how to sing it. A2424 75o
t ill".
fli 8
V S-.9
' l11
tt , i
it i
O '
S 4H
- y
i Vi
ii.ji .
9V '
a: '
S -t.'
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hit. "'
. ,u t. .
..": ,,...1;.,, . .,-... .,'j.. n.,.. ,,.': I Hf 1' 1 - 1 V1l -lilHHf - ' .- a ,..... , .1 'h. . M.....,.lU.ft.-tAtt,ttSlMiSi Mi .faWiliilllflllltlft itlrtil tf Hiia 'i'' ilM
. Ull.J i.ii. .......... -, .. .
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(V ,.. ii irtn i tnr-irtfii ir-r