Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1918, Postscript Edition, Page 9, Image 9

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    . 4
TIPS FOR THEATREGOERS AND FILM DEVOTEES I Colvin on Keats New Books by Philadelphia Write
."CHIC" SALE'S "TUBEY" two Hamiltons at the treasury a "nuaicir maidot a BIG BOOK ABOUT THE
nv Itmnnnn...,. VARIED TALbMh ,m., -, . -r a-ri-Cz-wT
Original of Comic Character
ization in "Passing Show"
Dwells in Urbana
c'hurlos K'hh) Sale, vvlx, . .ni ii.we
tho mo!t mirthful apeilHitv of The
faming Show of 101 "" nt the i l.rstntit
direct Opcr.i House, n.lniltn tint hit
old horn player nerlian. tlie funniest of
I.U rural rlinrJi'tcrlrnllon n not an
Imitation, an tliey call It in vaudeville
Imt ti illrei't copy from life. The 'nrtisi
who Ih ically a "tuttey lapr." i an
afipil relative of h'ale'K fathrr ami In en
viltli tho family liack In tho limii lmn,
1 ihana. 111. When Clilc was Kcttinsc his
net togitlicr ho thought of ohl I'ncle
lllrani, vvlnuc chief ilolltfht n hit "coloa
on the tutioy," usually Introduced with
a fen- pcnthlnir rcmarKx anent the
"Iietnocrntlc party and tho Imomc tax '
Salo tool; lncntory of Hiram's Idlo
f tin r.iRlc. nnd having had n fe le
t.ini on the "luhe ." was all teady for
the folo "Miir.-MnC Through leorla."
will) v.irl.itlu.n and double stops." It
Is a fajlns of lllrnm'ii that he "Is not
inn. Ii for tai'hnle, but n bear for en
durance nnd speed '
Speaking of lllram recentlj. Oik- said
' I wouldn't fall to do cxi.oll.v ni he
dues I Know every one of his iheumatii
nioriuentH. everv Fipieak of hts voice
When t last plnjcil t'rbau.i. I Invited
lllram to f-ec the lietformance and lie
was tickled stiff. Ho wanted mo t- let
him play tho part that evening so he
could tell the audlenco what he th'.tiRhi
of the lcniocratli! part." He illdn t
mind mv efforts to leproduce his 'tuliev
solo only he claimed he heat me ub k
at it
lie was nil thioiiKli tlie iv il War
and it was then he learned to 'horn on
tho tubc ' Tho hoi u I use In "The
VaKsinir Show' Is tlm one lllram ummI
nlien he was with Sherman In his march
to the mm. Tho only way I was able K.
cet II from him was by purchasluK a
siliei tuhe- that lllram saw pl lured In
n i.italoKue and on which he had set his
licirt And lompateil to his old one
Hiram says 'It ain t wortli shuck" ' "
nsJVJBy m '" m
HHnH&onflHBI tf ! U .-. cMi
1 w HHP JrWiH
"jrmia Aseu.rn.Kn, With, Gillette, Is
Spanish Dnncer in Iter Own
Mii-s .Muil.i AicaraBa. who plays the
Kremh mild with William (Ulletto In
"A Su.eessfiil t'Blnmlty" at " Ailol
phi Theatre, Is an expert lldtr, swim
mer and faiuy diver, hesiilM beltie an
a in
The Youth Died Before He Was 26 Years Old,
but His Fame Has Been Increasing-
for a Century
imerpieter of her tiatlvo Hnantth
s she also collects old laces, man;
- . I t .. . t.t 1.a 1 llAh ItlAtllAt.
ni in n nrri' itii i ni " iimi,i
(liveii nil
OiTOIt .McKAHIti: stood with his1 hUivlxcs of iieii.ui uml lluiii.ui liter-
lie was nturo. hut the llutneis ami llotaco.s
... 1... ... .... 1l.. C-T11.-. I. ..u. ..! t 1 it 11 Httlri t.1f.f
il.ui.es she also collect old laces, many ; t tiblilnif Ills hands nn.l looKlnu ninv, int. mo i.iiiuu.iiimj ui ,. iu,.
Suddenly his thoiiKlit csiircssed in musical mii-
' ... . - . . . . .. t ,. . Iklil t . It.a i.ll.lllHllin fltli
a tinted rrnnco-ltatlan opera tltigfr of fuco llKhtc.l up. Ho had cmiKlil "IKIH kuukc is a umum i un ........ ... .......
I i . . .. .1 t .. ' m nt tt llllllHIll ttflllfl
her time ine of Miss Aecoragas mot in u. larRO Rleett uooic on me iuuip. ( " " "" .. ....."
beautiful hen looms Is a mantilla once .o you hnvo 1'olvln'n 'ICeats." he1 "I Kiiess yon are rlRht.'
owned in the KluB of Spain's favot lie . exclaimed. "I hnvo wtmleil to lool; tnlttcil.
ni.it.idm, while another Is u silver- that liool. ever slnco 1 liranl that
in.iiiiitisl stlleito tiretcnted to her mother I 1. nr,Minrnllnn." Kahro i-niil with tho tiuthurltntlvo man-
In the late monaicli of tho 1'enIniUi.i.
1 l,., ' WHH
. i Von seo the connection, don't yon 7"
".Not lIKo Keats?" And liP turtiMl ...,, BcnlU.,ncIli r uull, ailvl.u
on m with the light of battle In lilsi , rM(1 , Collln boo,. octor
eye. "1 thoiiKlit you knew mo bettor, ,,,.,. ,...,, ,.,., nm.,.nv. ,.veH if
Mien i vani to bci m ,, ., , ,.,. ,,, , iit.t
ir.th. IllunrsUd Nw Votlt Tht
t'onturj- I'ompinr 12 to.
lie was crowded Ihia a small lompart- rot the least plea taut cliarncterlitlo-'
tnent In n train with n lot of other prls- i delightful book.
..ners and supplied with neither food nor T1U; .l)ino'nAnft. Ih T Jforrli Lent.
water ior twenty-tour nouis nen ire
nrrled at WurzhiirK he was once nion.
croKiled Into n room too small for tho
number forced to Ile In It Ills ben
line inailn of pl.tnlis ami tho inattresk
wns it sack of busRliiR filled with stnrw.
The food was unpalatable. Tho condi
tion of tho prUate soldiers who had been
captured was much worse. The few
Hermans who were Inclined to treat the
prisoners with humanity dared not do so
The nflk-ei s book Is a damtilni: Indict,
mint of lei many
wnrvnr.M ani a I'ltlMivntt ni wak,
lly tlti . Xvlislige i.rtt. er lllustrsted. . Neiv
).iri.. itrtrc II liornn i'mpan. II 23.
A Philadelphia Pepyi
i no siuuent or social history, urowijj
ItiB through tho libraries In the yfjf'
20:0, who discovers Colonel ThonWi
Kkelton Harrison's "Homely Diary ot '
UlpVimat In the East, 1I0T-1S69," wlfl
exclaim with delight at tho treaurS;
he will find burled there. Wo are t9
near tho time and too, familiar with th" t.
customs which Colonel Harrison d'
scribes for us to appreciate hl volume
nt Its true alue. T;ie Colonel wan cohsttl
TIv.iirIi not n believer In the occult,
Miss Mat la AsearaRa. while recently
plajlnp In Wnshlnnton. cnt to consult
an astrologer there. Sho carried con
. ealed In her hand paper on which were
written three questions, and. as the en
tered without an appointment, the as
trolocer. without any prevtou.1 litiowl-
edge of her ald. "Vou are Maria Or
teR.i Ai-carasa" Tho questions were:
nrt llae I chosen tho right prO'
s. eomi Will 1 be. an unusual sue
"Vou don't ilk Uio ioeti ot that nor I.n nsst.mcs In tho pulpit. Then his
til rcl-headed surgcmi'8 apprentice.-," twlnkW. "ion know. Just mid 1
toA ., , Mvn cmo of thoo who liked Keats
ironprnl on.l illrilnmnlln -&. (n ?&rtt
THE ADIRONDACKSf,r " of Mctcinieyv. Adrom-
isirauon. Jie iook Willi lilm to cair,o.
tha habits nn.l tnntinn nf lli'b.ir nt A
Of course ho Is riKlit." Iloi tor Mc CltllVlll of U Mountain Region .man of wealth accustomed to the fcest
o... f....it. 1... .. ni.:i,l.,l "' " "H wire entertained ana were
iil'l r ui ill u u t. iiiiuiiui
phin Teacher
than that.
f read
ho has to borrow 11 from me.
1 off the perpIoxltlM of my work I R u.ouU, (1(J yul j Owoni l0 forf;(,t
ad the 'Odo on n Urcclan I rtt.' ..,,... ,. ,,.,., ... ,,,.., voll...
'or 'Tho i:ve of St. Ariu-h and there pM , J)U10 ,cl.lulCi TuUo Colvin
nro times wuen noiiunR ins nuo iny, . ..,. . , -,. Ilf K,...,
mood so well as 'Tho 1'ot of t.ill.'
i ami tend them together. When you
I rci iiirouRU you viu ihivo ii.icicu
iiforp;" 'Vrns-s studyinp; tho fine portrait of Alexander Hamilton
which hangs m Secretary McAdoo's ollk-c in WnshinKton.
Grand Opera Artist in .Musical I'arcc
Mine lnlnskn. the IVrrj- In "H.ne
n Hfart,' was adxlsiil by C.iruo to ro '
to rails nnd study oico culture. She Will Ho Seen at Opera House Fort
followed his ndxlce, and pent two yearn
thete Sti S.imiko heard her sitiK and
iiRaRed her for .his company In "Sari,"
the tuneful Hungarian operetta. She
iMii.nncil with "Sari" for about elirbt
months, then became' n member of the
'hlciRo liraml Opera. Company, sliiR-
Ins In that organization with nucli no
Keats writes tho kind of poetry that
fiausues my yeaimmr ior uouuiy unu ; rnpt.,ntni, rp-im ...iii, n canabl.
'""rimd unlit . to SUe up drama for ,,,y,l,,ra an'1 Iuslt-'-" BuWo and will bo a better lawjc,
,,, . "I rougratulate ou, doctoi, said f01. jt."
Mis- M.irjga aj the drst to 1. "'"11 arc human after nil" (IKOIKUJ W. DOl'GLAK
answets were In i the ftfflrmatlxe. aii.l ot , You ,,on.t think I JOHN- KKATS. Ills Ilf.. snd rootrv. 1...
the last in a decided negative, notwllh- ... in. n,i, , rin... ami ..n.r imiui m h
Ftaml.nR the fuet that sha has lonR been ,at because n man Is a cicrgjinan ne .y ('i,tn ;,, York Ohurl.s firriim r
a student of music. censes to be a man'."' s"1"1" " '"
me'dmni-.iVtnVlln'R LT' "niavo known some clorRymcn who ' R ,
tii. urn lozn Pipe cieanei and pietcndcd that they weio no longer 1 OU1UI, d ;UUUClll lN-Utllt..
twpM twunds of Mr. Gillette's f.iorItc ! men HUi tho lest of Us," I admitted. Tho AtueiU.in publisher ot l.zra
sinokini; tub.u i o (which was not. how. , , , , . ,, , I I'ound. fonictlmt's called a l'lilladelphian
etc, ol..ln,,l t.tin, the "lur") She ' Ullll w0 llil'1 hc0" tMiinK we" has JsMied a lltlio book of appreciation
U.lil picucil up luo hook aim was turn- or Ills ee ny an anonyinous iiiimirer
lliR Us tnRC ' II henlns with a quotation from an ar
tlt'lti by 'ail Sandburg, In whh.1i I'ound
"Humph!" enmo from him. and he , ,a cllieil the kiiih of the iwentlelh cen
looked tho illsgutt that tliuro was In ' tury. It ton. hides with tho stntem.ni
his tone. "This Is full of silly torn-! that "when nn one has Mudled M-
tt i . . .... t .. t..i. l'ouud'M poems in clnonoloplcal onl.i
myriit. Heie Is tho, htt.ry of n flRUtl , ,ll(, 'natirtinl .Uwtrll. Iiml ;.-aUm,
between Keats and n butcher boy. i,e (, irepaied for Hie I'antos but in i
Colvin fays that Cow den Clarko wroto' till then. It the leader then falls I.
I i. letter thai KVnts fouutit tho bo.v Hko them, be Iiuh probubly omitted rome
because ho was abusitis a puppy or a
has. m.iienver, htarted all tho other hi
tiles .it A suicessful I'alamlty" com
pain kniiiltiK, which she does not seem
to think has adilet to her own popu
lar In
Altogether. accoidltiR to the press
I ..Rents nciouut. the youiiK Spanish act
rtss is a lad) of arlrd Ksouncs
ni";ht Henco in "Over
the Top"
Willi tiie ciiiRln.il liio.idw.iy last
headed by U.l Wynne, Juatlno .lolmstor.e,
IN A DOUBLE SENSE Moie Iteauty Competitor
- Admirers of I'ei:ev Slunor. the screen
nf .'Turn t,i Iho Pifrllt" t Star. Who is now t.invlnt' UM hnnn.lnnl
1n rnnr-il iindnr ' le '" "l0 IatPst I'Atl1" "tM- "Th,, 'H'en nnd then In n footuoto ho tells
ii9 vt.m.i.11 uihili- Hotiso of H.ite." hae sent her photo- its that when Clarko printed the story
stuuj. Rrapn on to w aHiluRtot. to be enteie.1 iln .i.i it llM a kitten and makes no
btep lu bis prome, "lid had better ro
back and it trace the Journey"
If this Is Ihn best tha' Mr. Pound's
aduillers i an llnd to s.iy of blm lie ma
In tho campalRii that win deeldi) the
allusion to a puppy. Now -what Is
liretltl'St olrl In 1,. Imoun na ,1,, i.lt,,. 1 USIOU lO 11 111 I I) . .l.v IM.itt .-
1,.,,,.. ltniumi ia ih. lull in u niliiir ine.nest. Kin 10 He Known as tho ar . ....
lcgj lloland is the lauj in wailing ,,(k 1nsural(0 ,.,,,.. Tlp fnrtulml(, ti,0 use of wanting Rood while paper
ot tho "Turn to tho lllRht company ,,,rk ,)f ,10UMlllB uf photographs from to tell sudi tilvlal thlnk's as this.'
CrnlR Campbell, Joo I.aurlo and Alecn at the (Ins rick Theatre, In a double , all parts of the rountrj under the dlrec
or birds aB i.alll-curci, Jiur.i-' llronton, "Oxer tho Top,' tno .Messrs. , Ecnee. On the proRrams siio is hot down ( on or' a ooaru or artist judsies will
.eo and J. .1. Shuberfs musical icuo'ror t,o rolo of Katie, tho walthiR inn
Who cares whether It was a kitten
n canary bird or a
At...,. f!.ir,l,.i ltMlkn. In Kiipli tw. - . i...... ..! ......I. .. . ......... have hep ntntlln tolioilln.t no An ftrtn ...,t 01 u luilipi oi
ablP Voles ,., Ilan-el. Musetta In f-Ux , ' . ! ' '" " I .-."" V ".: " "1 ..r; I "r. .?' ftnH, l"U " . - -ndars In .onuectlon will, th soldiers- monkey? I don't see why lutelllR.ut
p,,, ir. i,i. -..uv i., a... weeka direct I ........ -. , i.....i r""" '" '"nneciion Willi tlie soldiers" inonic .
nnhenie, ' Suzuki hi "Madame Hutter-i" , , ., ,. . r . """" """"" ' ' " insurntiLe. to be Ulstiliiuted iin.ong the men will spend their time digging out
tit. Mebcl In "HaiM," MlRiion, .. ' from Its long tun at the eort-rourtIi I for n tl0 otilfr women roles or the camps and naval stations. MIh ShHiior uc.ll kmv things utul then putting
.lausset- In "llnrfnT.in." and Meg Pige In jStteet Theatie in New Yoik. famous Sm,lh-llazatd comedy, kite l has been leferred to ns u tjpe of be.iuly '. . ,' , ,, ,rl, ,irit , ......i,.
Kalstaff on April 15 ..f this year ' Ml Justl0 John-lone. who has be- n,n, w.,lili.u f , r a ch:fnco to dl,tltiM ' ,'"'" Pcrfc"'-. f' uld un- ''' '" l,r'nt' " 1''K It of
Mm.. Vax.ofka gave a u-illal at the , . .; ..,--. . , , , ,, ,. , , . u. , ,i, doul.tedly IIruio consplcuouslj In t )e ably full ot such stuff, not ot
lllnols Theatie. co n, a star since her nppcatanco In , RUSh he --r !. In reading of the lllla, ,,ors!oil ot 18 Jm, sUghtcst conseuuen.c and In-
this attraction. Is renerally acknowl-1 ,.Be of ,.,01 or,t. aiiVnys llnds that I "" ... . , ,.. ,. .,.. .,.
edged to be one ot mo prettiest Rlrl. -ono day the hading lady was 111 and I , ..... ,.",... V ? , , , , ,', i'L.m r.r le id
on the stage. Two jea.s ago sho wns, Mls3 .s0.and..S,. tho ui.deiatu.1y. Jumped Cl,al" ' Abraham Lincoln Films Uolf " to mdo.Man.l Keats o. le d
..., r !.. ...... ....., . .. us to a lienor .'.iiiiicciaiiou u. un
.ii" "t ... iii". ..uti.oic oi an mo- ,
Norniuu Angell to Lecture Here
V HHn llltTldl ltll Llllllll. l)offirrt llirt
iii iiiii ii .iiihiu .--ii..t ..vi....- .t i
Cnitert.ii i:tenslon Society on Wednes. a member of Hie chorus In a .New "oris
tlav eenlng, J.inuurj 30. at Witherspoon musical comedy. Hr beauty attracted
Hnll on Sui'. ess in Our War Alms." Mr. ' t,c atuntlon of tho Messrs. Shubert and
Angell was iccognlzed all oxer l.uropo , s engaged to act as hostess fo-
Mlss So-and-S), tho undeistudy, Jumped
Into tho mlo and drew an enormous
salary cer afterward. '
I'crhaps It Is duo to tho almost pa-
and the Continent befoie tho war as a
most advanced paelllst, but tills lecture
will not be antagonistic to tho pteseut
war, Mr Augell wis ono of tho earli
est advocates of America's participation
In the confllrt. and ho will bo heio with
me mil lira-. ". ."" 'i...., ..ur.,.-, .,i.i., f,,,. -i,..-, ,, it,
inent His object Is to contribute toward """' " -." "
. he formation of HUch u foreign policy She dai.fLS admirably and her raft con
that Allied victory will rinlly liave the tralii v.. ice has chai.n and expreshlon
unlit., ..it rnsult for wl.ltli tho war Is bo- Ti. tlui is under flvu je.irb' contract
Ing fought Ho will point out how fa- with tne Shuberts and at the conclusion
nr uftcr-the-theatro Institution which
bear., tho namo of Juatlno Johnstone's
Little Club.
In "Over the Top" Miss Johnstone u
said to bo .given an excellent oppor-
tlon picture achievements will be fen. I poetry. It Is the kind of footless In-
tured ns an added nttiactfon nt the foimatlon that candidates for tl.c do
Arcadia Theatre tho week of Kehruni v .i.,.,i.,. t i,hiina,itlif dlr. nut
tcrnal care that Wlnchell .Smith and 11. when the Paramount Corporation . ,,,,,. u makca me
John I,. C.oldcu evenlse over the mem-!"111 nm "18 "r of a terles of ten "'"' ""; -
hers of their 'Turn to tho Illcht" t"0--' "ture under the title of -n.e agree with my university classmate
hers of their Turn to the Iticht . Hol, nf n,mocrncy,.. fllch t,1)m,(te , ' . nbandoned his tudy for tho do
company that Miss Uoland has had , itself and each tehlng a dian.atlo .hap- re0 nnJ ,u.en asked by tho head ol
out j-cam. opponuimj to b..un- woat rllr tc. ... t.lc .... 01 .turanam Lincoln. ,,. ,,,,.. ,,, ,.,..,, i1(, U,1H work.
iieiijunun Liiapm. lite Impersonator of "" ""' . . . ., ,
Lincoln, will bo the star In this Keiles ' Ing what his objections to tho degree
Mr. fliaplti has given his life to the weie, replied, 'Most of the I'll. D.H.' A
poitrayal of Abraham Lincoln on the , lc,i lnan can ,,enil his time better."
lecture n atfonn. m tit utiurn n.i ., l " """' '
the screen. Cor nvo ycais ho was en- ' Doctor McFabro smiled tolerantly.
entertained by the dlsthiRUlshed peopje
of the city. His diary Is devoted chiefly
to n description of the functions which '
ho attended. He tells how the tables .
Imagine a kertloti of woodland w llder-1 ero arranged at the dinners, what food$.
ness larger than the stato of Connecll-' Bn'' v,w? "tT "ejved, whether they
, T, ,i . in. ., ,t,,i Xlc,e f00'1 oi" " He tells of his own
cut. Rhdltd and lacc.l with a thousand unlform ,, n i,eutellalll commander ot .
lakes, shouldered Into tho i-kles by hun- ( tlio navy that he wore at some of tho
dreds of mnutiialn ranges : then follow functions and how his Loyal Legion
the win.!. rings of tw cong. nlal nature decoration on a red. white and blue rib-
. . .. r i.,..ii,r i,,..r... ii.r..uL'ii ,'"' 1'U"K Broun'l his neck, attracted at-
lov.ts mi a fi. InatltiR Journe through , .....i-- ... ,,. ,..,.. ,.:, .,,, , ...
(Jrand Ariny badge, which he Bays It
equal in distinction with the Iron cross
Tho fact that the diary was not written
for publication excuses any of the
amiable and harmless vanities which It
records. Tho fineness of Colonel Harrl
son's character Is Indicated by the ab
sence of unfriendly criticism or comment
on tho scores of persons whom he met.
peoplo fioni Philadelphia and other
merican cities ns well as from the Eu
ropean capitals '
rli,,5,?.".,HKUv.nIA,!V1' V DIPLOMAT IN
mi: i:ast. tsui-isim n momm ait.l
ion lUrrloou. forn.fr .lliilnmMlo sreat
ami jsinrul nenrrsl uf th ttnlttd Stmtts
Jo lh Kl.rUltsI Cou.t of Cairo, Tltypt.
Ultl. a foreword by sura Vorke Kten
son. M Ii.. l.m I oftltler .Viintnu tion
pulilluue. Anil nllh llluitratloni, Dolton
llousl.ton Mlnlln .'omiaii- 5.
He. name was llaibaru. but her
fi lends called her Ilabs. Tho flret vol
nine of the history of her life and a4
entures has Just been written by Alice
lloss Culver. It tells anions other
thing how sho discovered the parentafe
or a young gill and In ought her Into a'
small fortune that had been left by hr
dead father. Tho scene of the story Is
laid on Mooso loike. In Maine. The
supplementary characters nro the coun
tr people, vvholesomo and friendly. The
story ends with llahs and the helreis
on the threshold of new adventure,
which nie to be deecilbed In another
could do In an emeigency, but her va
ried experience with Maude Adams In
"Chantecler," with Henry II, Warner In
"Tho ihot.t llreaker," lu "Tho Whip."
Twin Ueds" ami other big successes
a sketcli by
tallv easv It will bo at the peace to1 t tin lour of "Over tho Top" she will . .... d , er aumraby for any I Wt .. ". ."I111""' 'T,,,1 So" vt Ueinoe-
.Bcrince bv bad politics tho things which ' bo Matted In another Xevv York muslcai I ,ns "" , "er au,n,ra"1 Ior 'ln racy." which now, for the first time, will
JhSiSldlei will have won for us , comedy. MKcy that may arise. i bo exhibited to Phlladelphlans.
well pi.iy to be delivered from fils
friends Poetry that has t be "stu.llcd"
to bo appreciated M fatally lacking
sf.mewluie. The tasto for poetry, llku
the tasto for f Hies, .in he cultivated,
but when poetiy lovers llnd a man wilt
ing ern- that Is h erratic that they
hava to force themselves to read It lu
the hope that they may some limn learn
in someintng
I Evening Public Ledger Photoplay Calendar
trnir..! In liml.-hitf "T., k?.. .. .. I ..... ..... .... tfl lilt,, it. tllCV UhUall.V 1
....... ..........., ... ..u.. ... tvci.ioc- Vnt. ilnn't navo 10 Cl-OSH IIIOSO IUI" . ... .. ..., i ,.r
- - else .i.r I'oi.ii.. w..ji.. f,...im iii-iiniiiui
ren Saharas unless you enjoy that sort things lu his earlier style. He may write
of an excursion," nald ho. I more beautiful things, but his pio.luct at
the present tune neais ai.oiu as ...urn
relation to poetry nH tho i-ketcli of blm
tv.iv i..nk end ir.uiti' .r ilii" extnlvf
guidf.i "f natuie, and v..u have T Mor
ns Iingstrtth -. booh io. ' The dlron
datks." con emenilt .tnw.lt.l into a
nutshell j
Hut th. ic is a aieat .1...1 luo.e to sa
about this delightful travelogue and
about Mr. Lougstreth himself, for ho Is a
fellow l'hll ulelphlan A Kclioul Kaclter
by profession, ho has the adiulrablo
habit of devoting his vacation months j
to camping tilps. Ignoring the camping
grounds nearer home, ho llrst went far
West nnd North. Then be discovered j
Hi.. Adtl'omlaiLs In 1 SUP. and has been !
t'oing there ever hint e Ho has explored j
nveiy part of the mountain.-, camping, .
.ano.'lng, sailing, motoilng. Wilklng,
and ho expects soon to levlevv the re
gion fioni an airplane.
As for the book Itself, it constitutes
at once a guide to the loniantlo Adiron
dack region nn.l n history which treats
of It from the days when tho Indians
weie Its only tnuilsls to the tlmo ot
Tiudeau. of Stevenson, licvvey, Warner
and otheis who roamed lis woodlands.
Tho authors sivle Is facile nnd en
gaging "A poet lovts the forest most,"
iui.s one passage, "a tamper nluajs, a
lumberman for keeps. '1 lie mantle of
the Adliondat'c Mountains selves tlitm
nil." This pltasaiiinc-s of diction Is
1IAIJS lly Mlee Hos Colv-rr lllutratloil
hy the lions Idaone, I'ltlUJiphia. Xa
Peun Publlitilntr Company 11. .'3.
Miry tlsnlfii. la
Hosi.ua llil)"!"!"'1' "V
Tlio Secret tlHI.lt
.lulhitl Kllinef. J"
Tha Widow s Mlnlit
Charles nay. In
Tl.o Weaker Vtx
Mm. Marsb. '"
The Cindtrella Man
Viola thviia. In
llluo Jeans
jack Plrkfor.l. In
Tom tfawier
Vlvlnii Martin. In
A Pair llarbi.rl.ui
-ilan Martin. In
Kunet Trail
Julian r.ltlt.se. In The
Clevtr Mr. Carfax
O. llmrv's The Count
inil tho Wedding Hunt
Wilfred l.ueas. In
Tho Judumcllt llousa
Marguerite Clark. In
Thy t-eyen Swans
Vule!ka 8un.lt. hi A .
Hlili Man's Plaything
Cilads Urorkaell, In
Por Liberty
June Klvldte. In The
Beautiful Mrs Uenold.s
lldna Ooodrlch In
An American Maid
Mary Plchford. In
Tho Little Princess
P.obert Warnlek. In
1 ho Mad Lover
Pnilly htevens. in
Ahua Mrs. Jmop
Charles Illehnian. In
Over There
l'aulinn Prederlck. In
Mra. Uai.K's Defumo
Lthel Clajton. In
Htolen Hours
I. Ktuart lllarhtona. In
The World for Halo
Laat ltald
Madce Kennedy, In
Nearly Married
All-Mar Cant, hi
Treaauro Iiian.l
TheJa Kara. In
Tho Pox KldJIea, In
llabes In the Wpod
The lllrlh of
a Nation
Alma Keubena, In
I tsive You
Ilnld Markey, In
Zeppelin's Lait Ilald
Norma Talmadte. In
Qhoats of Yeaterday
The World
for Bale
131111a Hurke. In
The Land ot I'romlae
Mary Hard, n. In
Ull.t Petrov a, lu
Julian LlthiBe. hi
Til" Widow's Mlaht
MarJorie Wilson, In
Without Honor
Vivian Martin, In
Tho Pair llarl.arlan
Vlnlu Djm.i In
Ulue J.ans
Tjrnna Powers. In i
Tho Planter
Tjrnnn Powers. Ill
The Planter
Pauline Prederltk. In
The Hungry Heart
P.ihel ltaromnre. la
Tha Eternal Mother
J. llarnev Sherry, In
Viola I una. In
The Winding Trail
Doualas Valrbanhs, In
Double Trouble
Constance Talnia.Ise.
In The Hunennoon
Thed Ilara. In
i;iM Clavlon, In
Stolen Hours
Kitty tlordon. In
liiamonda and Pearls
Illlllo Ilurhe. In
Arms and the Olrl
ulaa Petrovn. hi
Julian Kltlng-e. In
Tho Widow's Mlalit
MarJorie Wllaeu. In
Without Honor
Tlicd.v llnra, In
t-onla Marltova. tn
! A Heart's llevenno
Ann Murdoclt. In
Pleaae Help Kmlly
Trono Powers, lu
Tho Planter
gerauo llaiakawa. In
The Set ret (lame
Lthel Clavlon. In
Stolen Hours
Win Kuaaell, til
In Had
Una Cavallerl. In
The P.ternal Temptren
Itol'.Tt Warwhk. in
The Man Who Porit
Constance Talmailae,
In Tho Honeymoon
llohert Warwick, In
The Aml t-'asa
01ada Ilrorkwell, In
Por Liberty
Vivian Martin. Jn
Molly Lntaaled
Jaek Plchford. In
Tom Sawjer
Dlainondi Pearls and
A Deaperato Chance
"I see you havo a lurking sympathy
with Owen," said I. "Most men who
havo anything to do feel tho samo
way. Tho number of old maids of
both hexes who Hko It Is few. Hut.
Owen, you must not Judge Colvln'H
l.ook fiom a hlnglo passage. Thero
Julian Lltlnite. in
The Widow s Mltht
Ann Murdork, In
Ths Imroater
Marguerite Clark. In
"Iha Seven Hwana
Sonla Markov. In
A Heart's llevenao
llllll llurke. In
The Land of Pronilss
Ilex Peach's
Tho Aurlton Pluck
nouo-ta Pilrbanks In
IK aching for tlm Mo"n
Pauline Prederlck. In
Mrs. Pan' Defense
porothv Philllpa, In
llroadway iMit
J Htus't Itlacklona. In
The World for Bala
Hath Itoland. In
Th Fringe ot Hotlety
Harold Loekwond. In
.Th Avenging Trail
Viola Dana. In
The Winding Trail
Hmily Steven. In
Bleeping Memory
Norma Talmadre. In
Secret ot Storm Country
Th nirth of
a Nation
Nell Stilpman. In
Th Wild Strain
lle Ileail. ,
Tha Autllon nlock
Harold lockwood. In
Th Avenging Trail
Hill perguaon. in
Hoa of th World
Plorenci. Heed, In
tlenrga Walah in
Pride pf New York
Normt Talmadge. In
Bcrei of storm Country
jrarlorl Wllaon. in
Plamea ot Chanco
Laal Jtnld
Alice llrad). in
A helf.Mada Widow
Julian KItlnge. hi
The W Idow's Might
Ann Murdock. In
Tha Importer
Marrvierlte Clark. In
Th Seven Swans
Sonta Markovs. In
A Heart's Iteve.ise
Illlllet llurke In
The Land ot Promla
Plorence Heed, In
TZ 7, TT ', ployor'.s daughter. No ono knows who
Whlto and niue mood his father's father was and no ono
accotiinaniliur this nolo beats to art.
Yet tt is posslhlo that tho man who buys
the book 'of appreciation today will be
thanked bv his descendants for having
tecured for them u llrst edition of a
volumo which hi i.eveiit-llve years may
bo worth Us weight in gold.
Dr. Steele's Vacationing
.., llln tlm mm nlinnt tlin kitten L'XIIA POIND Ilia Metrlr nnd P..ttr.
,t.u ...w.v ..... --- Nrw Yorl- Alfred .V Knupr
between Us covers, hut they nro in-
significant lii comparison with tho
vast mass of Information worth while
I that It contains. Tho hook will prob- Tho P.ev. Dr. Havld M. Steele, rector
ably remain I "!, " K.jSSSneVf l5 tho.uly
tlvo biography of tho poet whobo first ,,3 flist book of vacation c.pcriences.
book wns published Just a century ago. has produced another one Tho first
book dealt with a tour across mo con
tinent. Tho second one, while It has
four chapters on western scenery nnd
The Hlgnlflcnnco of It is wot Hi consld-
i erlng. Tho pages of tho book, jou
i . ..... ... .lour tiiaiH.'.;. .... .. r.in
see. aro largo ana inero aro iiuoui plncrs of nt(,reht, deals thleily with the
1 CIO of them. Tho man about ivltom pieasuro resorts of tho cast. With tho
I they wero written lived a llttlo more exception f the Whlto Mountains and
,i ..., ,., n i,.!..-. irr wis tlm Ncwpoit, which he mistakenly calls the
than twontv-fUo jeais. Ho was tlio ' )f flo(U lhlan(I nU thc rnBle.n
son o: tno cmei iiom.it hi .t """"" j,laces lie visited weie In New York
livery fctnble, who marricu nia em-
(La Veil lee des Armes)
Trtmlited from tlie Frcnck of MAR
pkrcjr. Introduction by Dr. Jokn.
Finlty. 4$ih edition in France.
l)r KltilV fain of thin lnnDlrid haale
In lovlnr hU introUuctioti: 'A onl
imnnee irum me fnriy cnainer wun tbtir
potty, liomoly inotltntn nnd their ilnipU
tllttloiruo tu th ltter Lhuitr. alt
Frntu moved by Wndertitnj and broushti
buddfn1y Into on reat fumlly; "
neinnnneiB mi(M. into m pur nam ori
iiiuvtrnai puennev, one cun nuriiir rert
Hip bloody tot nnd tho traglo folly or
war. umi rrnnro nan t a lieu to tnia
WUIee d Arirn-n In u caus tbat exalt
errv defender " j
VI ".ii V Postage Extra. Alt Bookttortt
E. P. DUTTON & CO., 681 StkAye. NX
Third large printing in 13 days!
The Bolsheviki and World Peace
(Runian Foreign Minitter)
"The most important and sensational
book of the war"
At all bookstores, SI. 50 net
llu.il A l.lverlKbt, Iubllihrra 10.1 V. 40th ht evr t urk
Kmlly Stevfna, In
Clara Kimball Toun.
In Hhlrl'v have
Ollv Tell. In
The L'nforacen
Kilty Gordon. In
Plamonda nd l'tarla
Viol Pana. In ,
Th Wlnilltt Trlt
V.lale lrunn. In Th
Hl, of Jtnnln Cuahlnt
Willaee 111.1. In Nan
ot Mualo Mountain
Kv.hior Olrotr
Th llelglan
3Iarr ClanKn. In
heaaue llayakaw. In
Tha Chut
Jfau Pnth'rn, in
Mlia Utctptlon
Sonla Marknva. In
Tin I'alntnl Madonna
VVm. H. Hurt, In
The Cold l'k
Marguerite flark. In
Kveu Kwaii"
William Hr'. 1"
Tha fllmt Man
Klal Ktriuaon. In
lloao of th VVorld
Emllv Ktevena, lu
Norma Talmadte. In
Ohoat ot Yeattrday
Th World
for Hal
r.thyl Clayton. I
Tha Awaknln
TlieJa Dara. tn
Th B Of PkwJ
William Uuncan. In
Th Tenderfoot
Dougla Falrbank. In
lteachliu for th Moon
Th Dlrth ot
a Nation
All-Star Caat. In
Treaaur laland
June Ulvldae. In
Th Stront Way
Norma Talmada. In
Ohoata ot Tuttrday
WUMam H. Hart. In
Wolte of th Rail
Charle Ruaatll, tn
New Tork Iuck
Theda-Hara. In
Th Hoi ol Blood
All-Star Caat, In
Treaaur laland
Clara Kimball Toun.
In fehlrley Kav
Macl'te, In
Tha Warrior
Tom Mir, In
Cupld' Hound-Up
Charle i Hay. In
Th Hired Man
Monlu Ixiv. In
. Th Awakenlnc
riouala Katrbank. In
Ileachlnx for th Moon
Th Hlrth of
a Nation
Charle Hay, In
HI MothT' Boy
Nell Ehlpman, In
Tha Wild Btraln
Norma Talmadae. In
Uhoat ot Yeaterday
William 8. Hart. In
Wolyea of th Rail
8eau Htyakawa. In
Tha Secret Clam
Theda IUra. la
(ro lion ef Uloo4
knows, cither, who lilt mother's
grandfather was. Tho boy wan born
In tho living quaileis ot tho livery
stable. Yet It Is admitted rveryvvhere
today that hts fame Justifies the pub
lication of bo larco n book about him.
in Nan i Anil why? 1'rofessor C'anby, of lale,
In an artlclo In tho Tebiuary Cen
tury, cite a contemporary poet who
confessed that lio would rather have
written a certain sonnet than have
liullt the Brooklyn bridge. Tho justi
fication of Colvln's book and all other
books that havo been written about
Keats Is contained In that preference.
T...l.. I..... ..... r.ncinn tli'lt t.'.ll llt'A
J-.. ,..,....... 1.1 IVCtttP lll .... J.WV...C ...w ,.,.. ...w
The I'alilled Maiionna oil(r after tho Urooklyn brldso Is but
llohert Warwick, in a momoiy. Wo do not (lucatlon the
iha Mad lAive'r i jiroprlety of long UloBraphle'3 of John
Marauerlte Clark. In I Marshall who Interpreted the constl-
Peven Kaana ' f.t.inn nnd v vennt them tn kIiovv tho
bourco of Marshull's ideas about tho
Win. H Hart. In
Th Mlent Man
1'rankltn 1'Arnum. In
Tha rirhtlnt Orln
Tor Liberty
Watlare lUM
of JIuilo Mountain
Sydney Olrotr
The Ileltlan
Mary Harden. In
Nell Khlpinan. In
Tha Wild Mralu
Mr. Vernon Caatle. In
Vena-earn I Mill
Oeortr Wulah. In
Th I'rlde of New York
Kiel 1'eraruaon In
Hoa ot th vt'orld
Oeraldln Farrar. In
Tha Deyll fitono
Clara Kimball Younr.
in Hhlrluy Kaa
Maclata, In
Th Warrior
Hoy Stawart, In
Law a Outlaw
Charle Hay, In
Th Hired Man
Ueraldln Farrar, In
The Devil Hlon
William Farnum. In
Th Heart of a Lion
Th Hlrth ot
a Nation
Htartrt at Lake I'liiiinplalii, Hlopn at Sara
toKa Spi ings. tours Iho Aillronda. k. noe
to Niagara 1-allH nn.l i.aitn iiiatauuua
and then vlailR the Thousand Islanils. Ills
dcEcrlptlou of t'hautaunua will please
tho Chautauouanu, but be haw so many
unpleasant thlnt's to nay about Saratoga j
Spring that It Is doubtful If tho Mayor
will order out the band to welcome him I
the lieu tiino ho goes there, lie writes i
In a pleomnt buojant and racy style,
which will mako tho book agreeable
reading for thoto who aro fond of litera
ture of this kind
lrat.rlptlva etui tharuraive atorle of Amer
ican eummer reenrt lly David M. ilerle
Now York: (I. 1'. 1'ulnain'a Hon. II Go.
German Inhumanity
Tho brutality of tlio nermann ton aid
their Iirltlsh prisoners has been notori
ous from tho beginning of the war. Some
Idea of what they did to them can be
obtained from the ftory of an olllccr who
was wounded and taken prisoner and
(.pent Fcveral months in a hospital at
L'ambrai'beforo ho was able to bo iiinvtd
and then sonin months mom lu a Herman
fortress at Wurzburg before be wns ex-
. . ., - , i mailgou. ro ioiib lis t.iw rieuui. wero
nature unu jiuivuin w too a- tuu.u. . pe,rrnllt0(i to caro for him In tho civil
Government. Hut the Iliad of Homer, hospital at fanibral he was treated with
which men still read and admire, has consideration. hen removed to n aer
survived constitutions ami dynasties
and empires. The John Maishalls of
man military hospital the conditions un
der which he had to live were so bad
.hut it is surnrlslng that he survived, lie
Greece and Rome aie forcotten and, ief fambral paralyzed so badly that It
no one cares to hunt for them in what was almost impossible for him to walk.
"Darby the Yank" Fights With the Tanks
fcSrV: 1 i
Ma Marah. In
Th Cinderella Man
Charle Hay, In
Hla Mother' Boy
Norma Talmadte, In
Uhoat of Teaterday
William 8, Hart. In
Wolve of th Hall
Ollv Tall. In
Her Slater
Theda Dara, In
Tht 110 ot plant
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