wu'd'ipp ' " '.Li.wMpmiiiWUH'IMK t tlLll. PICTURES TUESDAY January 22, 1918 ,et am ND SCRAPPLE in) i.j i. i pi1, ii m, Tf s fa me juciiuig mu HOUSEHOLD IIIN'J By FONTAINE FOX tin '' '"' L JJ . " lllllll lllllli " J III I ciXK I When a gu&st II l P g HAS BROKEN A PIECE y? OF THE BEST CHINA THE kADY OF THE y'j&y HOUSE MAY FOUkOW THE EXAMPLE OF Sgjr'' THE FAMOUS ENGLISH HOSTESS WHO " AUWAYS PUT THE GUEST AT HIS EASE p BY BREAKING A SIMILAR PIECE HERSELF. $ MILLIONS OF ALLIED SHELLS AWAIT VAUNTED GERMAN OFFENSIVE 'THE CHEERFUL CHERUD 'I v;a.tch the little. st"6-r5 tha-i skine. 5o calmly through thej And wonder if the. folks up there. Are Fighting awful wars now too. S THK ADVENTURES OF ADAM AND EVE 1 Different "I'm going to turn you down." she said. Ho had an awful fright; Hut sho didn't mean what he thought sho meant. For she went to the parlor light. Awgwan. mjP"jA St, my f It Magic, Not Art 2SZ Itrr r; Th Taller Kva repeats with variations, "I'm so excited about 3. our birthday pres ent. Adam; I hopo you will like It and. oh! do look at that loIy dia mond brooch Flora Fluffyduck Is wearing: how I should adore, one,' et. , etc. A fiood Time Was Had by All- 'IIow do you Hku school, Johnny, dear?" "Flno! I licked two kids al ready fcr callln' me mamma's lit tle darling." Widow. Iconoclasts Club Theso reformers who try to closo up burlesque shows don't have much luck. Dub Xnw, this talk In tho Blblo about killing tho fatted calf Is all bunk. Jack-O'-Lantern. Starvation Diet First Moth Why so thin and emaciated this spilng, brother? Second Ditto I was shut up all winter with a young lady's bath ing suit. Not another bito to cat In tho closet! Punch Bowl. The Young Lady Across the Way I.ondcm Oil niL-n ' re ycr ono o them camouflage blokes, matey?" "I am, chum. Why?" "Well, will yer turn this 'ere bully an biscuits Into a beefsteak, pud ding an' peas?" Sage Advice "Ves, Oswald, if you do not want your feet to go to sleep you should not let your toes turn In." Cornell Widow. SCHOOL DAYS 1 Ths young Udy across the way ays sho supposes In times like the It's all right to husband one's resources, but she certainly thinks that ordinarily the wife ought to have D. good- generous allowance. Now a Thirty Years War "Did you know that Jones Is When tho Teutons make their Inst desperate bid 1 for a victorious peace, in their much-hcraldcd "push" on tho west front they will find the Allies munitioned as never before, with many depots of shells such as the above in reserve behind the battle line. Offlrial rsiHU-U Photograph uMt EtVj zr rTsiiBKiwBii TwBHP'" 1 iiIWti m)m M0kiBH(sii8N8iiRiiiilDCH HBJiK' QSrSSHBflisiHBHM. & i& fyifilaf" k sillllllllllllllm v The Naval Wireless School in Philadelphia boasts of the only authentic "Jnz?." Hand in any branch of I'ncle Sam's scwice. and they ure willinR to match their "Jazzcrs" against similar organizations which may be organized by other branches of the service. Photo From General Photo Strut e The commerce expert on tho United States Labor Mobilization Commission will be 0110 Burwcll S. Cutler, who hails from Buffalo. C'opyrlsht. CllneJInst. . r ' . .. w . . r; 'la.v;fy S5Wbd "yn&vna 46.1.. "fr - &i i. ' . " - -T -wvt. ipk t.r . ." ' . - i a i rr . ' --. j v, -r- 'ii2V tsa,.'' x If v. " t ..k' .yfcir; marrying Helen after a ten years' courtship?" "Yes, poor fellow. Too weak to hold out any longer." The Purple Cow, '. & vu wiiktitiSffl&Sffl& sSk!i'&tojtf ' ik& o L... L V- ""ai ; f?5& jt?;. j ' j - ' Tsa?;- .. . . " : " w." iwHa(ri! -v "'"y -i -,-j .',-vM(Wt 'SSR'' j 85- .-. j-- --). lteC'.' -''1&U v . ".. .i.iii u - - - ;" " j E, VvV "'iKirrt'fcii isBlSpi fife' i?W f tii' 1 'M .itfjplk- : This winter scene, along tho ice-bound Schuylkill above City Line bddgo cfsrIJl'tdtiSrent ouUook ml(laummer,.whcn hundreds ot heat-distracted Thila-