Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1918, Postscript Edition, Page 7, Image 7

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'n-'m-'my Krti0
Hfmfi't ppp(.)i,nnr!
Maud Warren to Speak at Red Cross Auxiliary No.
276 of Her Experiences in England and France.
Mr. Wain Marries Miss Lawrence
Every Section of Town Canvttd J
to speak at tlio next afternoon tall;
attlio Independence Squnio Auxiliary of tho
Red Cross, but, my dears, I cannot jet tell
j oil whether it will bo Monday or Tuesday.
Of courno It wax to luivo been Monday,
but then, you sec, ramo Doctor Garfield's
order to bhut down olllco buildings; so un
less, because It Is Guvcrnmont work, tho
room:) aro allowed to bo opened for the
women to do their lied Cioss dressing,
etc., tho day will havo to be changed to
Tuesday. I will certainly tell jou which
day It will bo us noon as I hear, for nono
of Us who bo to wot Is thcro and to hear
the weekly tnlks would want to miss
hearing thli delightful writer tell of her
experiences In France nnd Kngland.
THINGS Eccm to be so mixed ubout the
orders for tho llvo days and the ten
Mondays that a great many sttango state
ments set about, and ono which 1 hap
pened to nail yesterday was tho fact that
tho Alcott lunchroom, In tho Sheridan'
Building, at Ninth nnd Sansom streets,
would not be opened until next Wednesday,
This Is a mistake. It will bo cloned on
Monday, as the Sheridan Hulldlug must bo
closed, but on Tuesday tho lunchroom will
bo open as usual.
Whllo on tho subject of the lunchioom,
did j.ou know it Is gotten up under tho
nuspice3 of tho Pennsylvania, Association
nf Women Workers? They hao another
lunchroom In tho parish houso attached to
Old Chilst Church, on Second sheet, and
food is sold nt both these placo ulniost nt
cost. This is only ono or tho Rood woiks
attached to tills association, which nlso
mns Whltford Ixidge for the working girls
In tho summer time. Tho current eents
talks at tho Bio.nl Street Theatre on
Wednesday mornings by Miss Janet Rich
aids, of Washington, are held for tho
benefit of Whltford Lodge.
TT WAS Interesting to hear csterday of
J- tlio muniago of Ned Wnlu nnd Miss
Edna 1'itz-llugh Laivienee, which took
place In Washington on Thursday. Ned
Wnln, jou know. Is u brother of Mrs.
Chaiics Custls Harrison and Mr. Jacob
Wain. Ho married some thlity or mote
jeais ago Miss Charlotte Sharpless, who
at present, with her daughter, Funnlo Mor
ris Wain, is living in Santa Barbara, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Wain separated somo years
ago and subsequently wcio divorced nnd
Mi. Wnln has beon living In Vliglnla.
His brldo Is tho daughter of tho lato
Ocorge D. Lawrence, of Vlcksbuig, Miss.,
former piesident of tho Mississippi Central
Itallroad, und her mother was Miss Kdna
I'ltzhugh, of 1'iodeilcksburg, Va., whoso
ancestors in the year 1700 built Chatham,
at Fredericksburg, ono of tho most beau
tiful places i A'lrglni.i. Mr. Wain hlm
fcolt is a great-grandson of Ilobert Mori is.
tho financier of the Revolution.
T LOVH to study people, don't you? And
ono of tho things I lovo best Is to hear
them classify things, as it were, in their
uvvn minds. Tho other day I was sitting In
tho Bellcvue-Stratford nnd tho crowd at
tho front elevators was so great ns to hold
up tho traffic, as It were. I'eoplo entering
tho hotel had to push and shove their way
through tho crowds, and It was ns much
as your llfo was worth to seo or iccognl70
any ono you might Intend to meet. Well,
as I sat there watching tho crowd ono
woman approached tho long-suffering at
tendant and demanded, "What's going on?"
"Oh," said tho long-suffering one, "there's
s. dog show and a wedding this afternoon."
WH HAD such a delightful little Informal
time yesterday afternoon at the Char
lotto Cushman Club, despite tho snow and
bad weather outside. Mrs. Otis Skinner
gavo a little tea to tlio members of her
husband's company and Invited a few of
her friends to meet them. You know, Mr.
Skinner Is hero playing in "Mister Ante'
nlo," and Sirs. Skinner Is ns much Inter
ested In the work nnd the players as ho Is,
though she no longer appears herself. It
was Just a splendid, cozy party and every
one had a wonderful time.
Social Activities
Mrs, Harry Ulynn will entertain at the
Saturday Supper Club this evening after
tho theatre; Her guests will bo Com
mander Henderson and Mrs. Henderson, Mr.
and Mrs. Howell W. I'ancoast and Mr.
Brjco Ulynn.
Mr. and Mis. J. Lawrence I'ancoast, of
0328 Woodbine avenue, Overbrook, are re
ceiving congratulations upon tlio birth of
ft son, Thursday, January 10. Mrs. I'ancoast
will bo remembered as Miss Rillth Hvutis.
Dr. and Mrs. Ftancls W. Slnkler, of 1700
Rlttcnhouso street, nre icccivlng congratu
lations upon the birth of a daughter, Mil
dred Feareo Slnkltr, born Wednesdu, Jan
uary 16.
Miss Leta Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, James Francis Sullivan, of ".1C0 Wal
nut street, who Is lsltlng Mr. nnd Mrs.
Ferdinand Mohrensclieldt, of Washington,
was the guest of honor at a dinner and
theatre party given by her host and hostess
at which thero wero many distinguished
Miss Rllse Hepburn, of 1728 1'lnu street,
is entertaining on Wednesduy, January 23,
at her home In honor of Mrs. Arthur Meyer,
who will be remembered as Miss Esther
Mulford. The guests will Include Miss Jos
ephine Tomllnson, Miss Marlon Mulford,
Miss Lucile Morris, Miss Elizabeth Adams,
Miss Jeanetto SchaefTer. Miss Louise Bll
sack, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Arthur Johnson,
of Washington, and Miss Helen Thompson,
of Pittsburgh,
Mr. and Mrs. Leicester Knlckerbacker
Davis, of Langhornc, are receiving congratu
lations on the birth of a daughter.
Miss Mary Vlele, daughter of Mrs. 1). O.
Vlele, of Wyncote, Is visiting Captain Jos
eph Oreen and Mrs. Green, at Charlotte,
N, C.
Mrs. Edward H. Ilogera Is staying for
some time at Charlotte, N. C, to bo near
her husband, Lieutenant Rogers. Mrs.
Rogers will bo remembered as Miss Mary
Tho Rev. Carlos Chester and Mrs. Chester
have returned to Wyncote nnd are living
n Webstep avenue. They have many
friends there, as Mr, Chester was for a num
ber of years connected with Cojvury Pres
byterian Church.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Russell, of Ridge
avenue, Roxborough, have gone to Clarks
burg, W Va for an Indefinite stay.
The Rev 11. RldgeMloblnson, D. ., and
Mrs. Robinson have Issued Invitations to
th, marriage of their daughter. Miss Flor-
enco Robinson, to Mr. Harold Miller Trcen,
of this city, on Thursday evening. January
.11, nt G:30 o'clock, at the residence of tho
l'rldes parentx. Roblejn. North Broadway,
i itmaii, N. J, The ceremony will be per
formed by tho bride's father. Tho brldo
him bridegroom will nnko their homo nt 211
Jlamiden aenue, Narbcrth, 1M , nftcr
March 1.
Miss Ethel Pennington, nr luipont street.
UovDorongii i,a returned from an extended
visit to Wllkcs-Hairo. Pa.
An entertainment will be Klen this eve
ning b the Just So Plajers at tho Young
V, oiner is L nlon, Fifth nnd Ualnbildgo streets.
Tha affair will consist of dramatic nnd pa
Mr otic plas nnd will take place In tho
miniature playhouse. Enlisted nd the
public nre InMted.
Mrs. Jos.,h E. Wllllts will Ru, u UrK0
brldgo at the Adelphla Hotel for the benefit
of Base Hospital Unit No. 20, f the Penn
sylvania Hospital, on Monda afternoon,
1-ebruary 4. at 2 o'clock. Prl7r will he do
hated bv several of tho department stores,
rue captn'nH npiinluted to sell tickets for the
tables aro .Mrs George Hehfuss, Mrs. (leorgo
atilman. .Miss Martha lllaklston. Miss Ber
enice Borons. Mrs. Prank Craig. Mrs Gomgo
Whilvvell and Mis. .1. 1, rriu.
Imltntlons have been iccclicd In this illy
for the inanlnge of Mis, Mary Green Mac U.
(laughter of the Rev. Edivard Mack, and
Lieutenant Theodorn Thomas Patterson, I'.
S. N , of Camden, which will tnko place on
Saturday evening. February 2, at 7 o'clock
lit tho home of tho bride. 3nn South William
street, ij'olsboro. N. C.
In accordanco with Us promise the liter
no committee of tho S. p. cmti. of West
I hlladelphln. has arranged to have Poctor
Mnloff address the members and their
menus on niinuay nrtcrtioon at the nudlto
rliim. 3912 Glrard avenue, at fi-30 o'clock,
nn addiess lofrosdiment will ba
Mr. mill Mis. Samuel Smith, of oSJJ
Pino stieer. West lMilladelnlila, nunounco
that the marriage of their daughter, MlM
Sadie Smith, to .Air. Adolph A Kulka. of
New -ion,, villi tal.o place on January 27.
Girls' Social Club Will Have Meet
ing Tomorrow to Discuss
Important Business
The wedding of Miss .Mabel Uoud. of
North Vlneland. and Mr. Earl Welntz took
place on Monday afternoon The ceremony
was performed by the Rev Holmes F
Gtaatt. . i). Mr. Welntz Is an attache of
the Camden City Treasurer's mllce.
Mis. Theodora H. Polhemus, of t29 Pcim
street, has been spending a week with
friends In upper Pennsylvania.
-Mr and Mrs. John Haley, of Noith Cam
den, h.n0 returned home after spending a
few days with relatives In llurllngtou
Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson Dukes and
their daughter. Miss l)oroth Imkes, have
retumed tu their homo In llaltlmore after
n visit with Mrs. J. Harvej Knight, of Fourth
and Linden streets.
Mrs. G. H. Ifussun, of S10 IVail street,
has l etui ned after an extended visit to
Washington, 1). c.
Tho euchre and dance given Wednesday
nlpht under tho nusplces of tho St An
thony Socjcty of tho Church of tho linnia
Liilato Conception was a giand success.
The proceeds aio to be. used for non-ec-tartan,
charity exclusively. About r.OO tier
sons nttended tho affair.
A meeting of tho Girls' Social Club of
Camden will bo held on Sunday. Very Im
portant business will bo transacted. Tlio en
teitalninei.t committee has nrraugfil for a
good timo to all members present at this
Sir Horace Uurrell afttr a lslt with bis
parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. M. llurrell, of
42 : Maikct street, has returned to his
studies at Pennsvlvanl.i Statn I'ollege.
Tho marriage of MKs Hazel Shearer of
Philadelphia, to .Mr Oscar Tvvllchel. of
JladdonneM, was solemnized on Tliursday
January 17. In New Yoik. A number of
fi lends accompanied them. Following the
ceremony a wedding .linucr was served
after which tho bridegroom ami bildo left
on their wedding trip When they return
they will live temporally at tho home of tho
bridegrooms mother on Chestnut stieet
li-2l,HnlJi"llcy,Ku,,on' "f M"'""''l. Canada, Is
visiting heio for tv.-o weeks. He Is tho guest
of Mr. and Mrs. P. Herbert Fulton, of C"2
Penn street.
Mrs. William reliable, Mrs. Hesslo Hindi,
man and Miss Mabel Hurbagc all of Camden
vvcic tho guests of Mrs. Daniel W. Llngle. or
Park avenue, PenSauken, N. J.
Jtr. and Mrs. James Stevens, of 4S3 Kalghn
avenue, will stay with relatives In New York
for a few weeks.
Mrs Alvan Tnlman. of Princess avenue.
Is making an extended visit with fi lends In
Mis. M. C. French, of Glbbsboio, Is visit
ing her son, Mr Samuel T. French, of Cam
den for two weeks.
Mrs. Curran, of Camden, has been visiting
her sister, .Mrs. S. J. Curran, of Grovo street.
Chestnut Hill People
Staying in Lakewood, N. J.
Among thoso who have left tho Ice-bound
regions of Chestnut Hill for tho sunny At
lantlo bhores, nro Mr and Mrs. Herman
Denckla, Miss Pauline Uenckla nnd Mr. Paul
Dcnckla, who aro stajlng at tho Laurel
House, Lakewood, N J.
Miss Ilarbara Lewis has gout to Lakewood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Williams and Mr. Charles
Knox. Jr.. are at tho Hotel Trajmore, Atlan
tic City. N. J.
Mrs. Edward R Loughlln. of Princeton,
N. J., Is visiting In Chestnut Hill.
On Wednesday evening Company II, of the
Chestnut Hill Reserves, gave aUnoker nt tho
Philadelphia Cileket Club In honor of Com
pany A. of the Reserves and Coinpau II, of
the Oermuntown Mliiuteiuen. Inning the
evening very Interesting addresses were mado
by Mr. Garbarlno, of the Secret Service, and
Captain .Mills, of the police force, and songs
from the leaflets used "over there" were sung
and enjojed by all.
Paris Branch Acknowledges Receipt of
Thirty-five pases of Supplies
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of
tho American Red Cross has Just recelvej the
following letter from Mrs. C K. Austin, chief
of the American Red Cross surgical dress
ings service In Paris:
"We have Just opened thirty-six of your
excellent cases, each of which contained nn
addressed envelope for an acknowledgement,
and hope you will not think our appreciation
of your work Is any the less If we thank
you for all the cases in one letter.
"We have also to thank you for six other
cases without numbers, one of pajamas, one
of bathrobes, one of hospital supplies, an
other of flannel bandages and two more caaes
of ntscellaneous dressings.
In answer to your two questions we
should like to say that surgical rubber goods
are much needed, nnd that splints noces
sorles are needed also, but only if made in
accordance with tho latest Red Cross regu
latlons. 'We are In need of so many things In
order to fill the demands ot the hospitals that
we rely very much on your large and gener
ous chapter, vynicn aenas us aivrays suca
)TCll-IHaUG UlWMi-
f jttr- is.J
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Citizens' Patriotic Committee Enrolls Members
From Every Section of Falls of Schuylkill.
"Sob Party" for College Girl
rpiIII White Houo workers, after a short
Interval of rest from their strenuous
labors, started n campaign on Tuesday tu
enroll every lesldent of tho Falls uj u mem
ber of tho citizens' patriotic i-ommlttec. A
button will bo furnished ns a token of mem
bership. Mrs. James laivvson nnd Mrs. Wil
liam Gray repotted $G0 as tho proceeds from
tho movlng-pletuie entertainment given by
On Thursday evening Mrs. Marian U hallcy
Colo and Mrs. James llyme gave a similar
entertainment at Hip. Mldvale Theatre. No
war tax was levied on tho tickets, as tho
proceeds wero for war-relief woik. Next
week the most piomlnent affair of tho com
mittee will be the presentation of "Tho
lluiglai's Clulstmas," wiltten by Mrs. Cole.
This play proved a wonderful success at Its
Initial hearing Tho performance will take
place In Ameilii Hall on Filday evening,
with a cast of talented amateurs. Mr. Hatty
March, of tho t'nlttd States marluo corps,
who comes fiom Kansas, Is a capabln stage
director nnd will tako ono of the leading
parts. Mrs. Cole has written somo Dcautlful
lyrics, which aro sung by tho Chilstmas
c.uolers In tho phi. Mis. Illlzabelli lialley
Molyncux. who was associated with the
Creston stock tompany, an amateur theatri
cal association whlel. gavu many delightful
entertainments at tho Falls, Is a member of
the cast. Fifty marines and a number of
sailors will bo tho guests of tho committee,
and a ilnneo will follow the play.
Tho patronesses aio Mrs. John Hohen
Adel, Mis. P. II Kelly. .Mrs. 11. Gehrlng
Harkness, Mis. Lewis Reese, Mrs. David
Hunter, Mis. John Smithies. Mis. Roy Wal
lace, Mis. Arthur Harrison. Mrs. William
Fuguson, Mrs. William Glean. Mrs. John
Reardou, Mrs. John llrook, Mrs, Robeit
Crooks, Mrs. Reno reiherk, Mrs. Thomas
Walsh, Mis. Alfred Snowden, Mrs James
Lawsoii, -Mrs. Louis Rnsem.ni, Mrs. John
Kle, Mrs chailes Giabcr, Mis. John Stln
son and Mrs Roy Dyson.
Mr. and Mis. George Hamilton, of 41T.r
Rldgo avenue, cuteitalned tho membeis of
tho Northwest Association of tho Sons and
Kaughteis of Liberty last Satin day evening
at their home. The hostess Is a member of the
Engagement Announced of
Son of Late Composer
An engagement that Is of nation-wide In
tel est has been announced In New York.
Any one who loves music knows tho com
liosltlons of Lthelbert Nevln, whoso death
occurred In 1001. The announcement was
made by Mr. and Mrs. J. Sloat Fassctt, of
395 Park avenue. New York-, formerly of
L'lmlra, N. Y., of tho engagement of their
daughter. Miss Jennlo Fassett, to Knslgn
Hthelbert Paul Nov In, V. S. N. II . son of tho
lato composer, L'thelbcrt Nevln, and Mrs.
Nov hi, of HI Hast Fortieth street. Mr. Fas
sett was a former Congressman and a State
Miss Fassctt attended the Cathedral
School at Washington, I). C, nt tho samo
llmo ns the sister of her fiance, Miss Doris
Nevln. Miss Nevln is now In France, en
gaged In wai lellef activities, at piesent drlv
ing u motor In refugee woik
Mr. Nevln Is u graduate of Pilmoton l"nl
verslty, nnd Is now somewhere on a I'nlted
States tinnspnrt. Mrs Nevln Is well known
in literary and muskal circles.
Daughter of Mrs. Ida May PhillipB,
of Columbus, 0., whose engagement
to Mr. Alvin Richard Plough, of 6038
Chestnut street, this city, is an
nounced. The wo'nt; will take
pluco in October.
. MHHSKitf j:w w-mi
organization, wlileh Is eomposed of upre
sentatlves of the tvvent) -eight councils of the
northwest section of Philadelphia. The guests
Included Mr. nnd Mrs. John lllbbs, Mis
Dawson. Mr and Mrs. Knight Vvarien. Mi
and Mis. ll.inv Itivant, Miss Elizabeth
Hlldcbrand, Miss llelln Townsend, Miss Jlnbel
Levering, Mrs Martha Llpplncott. Miss Anna
Stemple, Mis Grace Foriest.il, Mr. and Mrs.
William 1'oth, Mr. mid Mrs Geoign Glngns,
Mis. Alice Schiller, .Mis. Lnilly Rose, Mrs.
Jennie Woodlngton, Mrs. Louisa Horner, Mr.
and Mis David Hastings, Mr. and Mrs.
Napoleon Yacho and Mr. A. S. Carver,
Mr. William D. Giindrod Is visiting his
In-other, Lieutenant Irwin S. Grlndrod, of tlio
engineers' corps, at tho camp whero ho Is
Mr. Thomas Kelly Is In tho I'nlted States
aviation corps at one of the eatnps.
The membeis of the High Sihool Club of
tho Women's Clulstl.in Association hava
given a number of unique ntcrta laments
tills season, and the "sob part" given in
honor of Miss Anna Welner, who Is leaving
the Falls to attend college, was nnother de
lightful novelty. Thero wcio numcinus games,
lefrerhments and many good wishes for tho
success of the honor guest at eollego, but tho
sobs vveio held over until train time.
The mnulagc has been announce-d ot Miss
Helen Collier, part owner of tho Mldvalu
Theatre, an acticss of ability and a former
col respondent of the Falls Weekly Foio
c.ist, to Lieutenant Frank I.lbby Valiant, nt
Seattle, Wash, on December 5, I.leutennnt
Valiant Is in tho Held artillery of tho No
tional Ann.
Mrs. Lucy llicwer. of 3423 Queen lane,
will give a coffee party noit Thursday eve
ning nt her home In nld of tho war-relief
woik of St James tho Lets Protestant Kpiaio
p.tl Chureb. The hostess will bo assisted by
.Miss Mary Grlndrod, Mrs. C. P. McDermott,
Miss ltesslo Hrovver, Mrs. William D. Grind
rod and Miss Ilthel Kdwards.
A 'series of fortnightly dillls for tho Hoy
Svouts Is being held In tho new pnrlsh houso
of tho Church of St. James tho Less by th.i
noutmaster. Mr. C. P. .McDermott. This Is n
new organisation at tho Falls nnd has about
fifty members. Tho enthusiastic members will
shortly stait em scouting tramps.
Women of Navy Yard Play Cards
for Charity, GiviiiK Proceeds
to Red Cross
Now that u Red Cross auxiliary has Veen
urg.mlzed among the women of the navy
yaid. the various charity bridge clubs that
have been meeting during tho last few
mouths Intend to oticentrato their efforts
for their own auxiliary. Quite a number of
the navy women belonged to tho successful
iharlty brldgo organized somo tlfno ago by
Mis. Rowland Veltch, of Hamilton Court.
Kach member paid so much at each game,
und tlio proceeds were turned over to tho
Red Cross auxiliary of which Mrs. Vclteh
Is an active member. The Idea was such n
prnctlcal ono that tho membeis of tho naval
set feel Justified In separating from tho
original club nnd donating their earnings
to tho Navy Auxiliary.
The first meeting of tho newly organized
club will bo held on Tuesday afternoon, when
Mrs. Claronee A Carr, wife of Captain Carr.
I'. S. N, will act as hostess at her home In
the yard Tho members of tho ilub aro Mrs.
James P. Helm, Mrs. 1 Schute, Mrs. John R.
Muggins, Mrb 11 Haldt, Mrs. Theodore H.
"Winters, Mrs. Raiuond S Koycs, Mrs. '. P.
Nelson, Mrs Richard i Meyer, Mrs. F. M.
Robinson, Mrs Clarence A. Carr nnd Mrs.
Rdvvln L. Cochrane. Mrs. Carr will also
have several extra tables at this ilrst meeting.
Mrs. Preston II Haines, wife of Lieuten
ant Haines, V. S. N. of 2104 Shunk street,
has issued Invitations for an informal brldgo
party to bo held on Wednesday afternoon at
her home. Thero will be six tables.
Miss Florence Dubois, of SC08 South Cleve.
land terrace, entertained Informally on
Wednesday at a small muslcale, followed by
supper. Her guests were Mrs. Emma. Sny
der, Mr. Frank Dovey, Mrs. Theodore H.
Winters, Mrs. Raymond S. Keyes, Mr. nnd
Mrs. W.lllam L. Scott, Mr. Leon Rosevvey,
Mr. John Welsel and Mr. Gene UasBett.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S Hayvvard, of 2512
South Colorado teirace, will entertain at a
small dinner party this evening at their
home. Their guests will Include Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ts-in, Miss F.llzabeth Williams,
Sir. Joseph McPherson and Mr. Wharton
Mrs. Morey V. Kerns entertained the mem
bers of her bridge club on Tuesday after
noon ut her home, 252G South Cleveland ter
race. The club, which meets every other
Tuesday, Is made up of the following mem
bers Mrs. W. T. Adelhelm, Mrs, Robert
Moore, Miss Blanche I.ane, Sirs. Harry Tyson,
Mrs. Morey Keins, Mrs. Robert Hayward,
Mrs. Frank Delaney and Miss Helen Foster.
500 Club and Sewing Circle
Entertained at Lawndale
Miss Louise Stanton, ot Argylo street, will
entertain the members of her five hundred
club at a luncheon at her home this after
noon. Miss Alice Taylor, of Oxford pike, will
entertain the members of her- sewing circle
on Monday afternoon,
Miss Oertrude Hammond, of Lawndale
avenue, la spending A few weeks visiting
friends in New York.
I'hnl 'S liv 1'hoto "Tifler-
Four nirls who will take part in the
piny to bo (riven nt tho Uellevuo for
the benefit of St. Francis's Junior
Miss Sarah Neilson Weds Lieuten
ant Crawford Madeira Sur
rounded by Uniforms
The wedding of Miss Sarah Clasjdo Nell
son, daughter of Ml and Mis. Lewis Neilson,
of 1921". lino street, and Lieutenant Crawford
Clark Madeira, P. S. A., will tako pliu-e at I
o'doik this afiernooii In St. Martin's Church,
Radnor. The bilde will bo given In marriage
by her father, and will bo attended by Mis.
Fitz-llugeno DKon New bold as matron of
Lieutenant Hdvvard W. Madeira will lie bis
brothers best man, and tho ushers will bo
Lieutenant Harry It. Neilson, a brother of tlio
bride; Lieutenant Frederick R. lira) ton.
Lieutenant Hdmuml If. Tliaer, Lieutenant
John P. Tha.ver, .'Id, Lieutenant Pitas Hugrtin
Dixon New bold, Mr. Francis C. Grant and
Mr. Louis C. Madelia. 3d.
Tho Rev. Genrgo W. Lamb, D D, lector or
the (hurih, will perform tho ceremony.
Tho bride, who villi be given 'n marriage
by her father, will wear n gown of white
satin and tulle, Dimmed with lose point
l.ii e. Mio will wear her grandmother's wed
ding veil, of nld point lace, arranged with a
eoioiMt of orange blossoms, and will carry n
bridal bouipiet of white orchids and lilies-ot
the vulley.
Mrs. Fltss-Kugciio Dlvon New bold, who will
attend the brldo as matron of honor, will wear
a flock of light bluo broadcloth, with a hai
to nialib, nnd will enrrv a bouquet of pink
Tho wedding will bo followed by a fcinall
lei option at tiio homo of tho bildo's parents
at St. Davids. After a short wedding trip
tho brldegioom nnd brldo will llvo in Iltovvns
vlllo, Tex., wliero Lieutenant Madeira has
n bungalow.
A ver pietty wedding will tnko plaee at
8:30 o'clock this evening, when Miss Hllz.lbcth
Maude Grimmer, daughter of tne Rev Carl
1J. Gramme! and Mrs. Grammer, will become
tho brldo of Mr. Donald Fuller Torroy, of
Springfield, Mns.s , nt St. Stephen's Protestant
llplseopal Church. Tho bride will bo given
In mairljge by her uncle, tho Rev. Carter
Page, of Vliglnla, and her lather, who Is
rector of tho church, will lead tho marriage
serv Ice. ,
Miss Grummei's gown will bo ot white
satin and tulle, and her tullo veil will bo
trimmed with orange blossoms. ,Sho will
carry a bouuuet of lilies of tho valley nnd
sweet peas.
Miss Doiothy Grammer will bo her sister's
maid of honor, and will wear n gown of
orchid-colored faille silk, trimmed in silver,
and will carry pink roses and lavender lilacs.
Tho bildegroom's small twin nieces will act
as flower gills and will wear whlto organdie
frocks and carry small baskets of dllTeicut
colored tlovveis.
Mr. Torrey will havo Mr Ralph Col tun as
bis best man, and tho ushers will bo Mr.
George Minds, of Rainy. Pa. ; Mr, Woodruff
Hcott, of Springfield, Mass.; Mr. Samuel
Stauffer, Lieutenant 1). Norman Punier nnd
Lieutenant James M. Austin,
Following the ceremony a reception will bo
held at tho residence of tho bride's parents,
1021 Spruce street.
After their widding tilp Mr. nnd Mrs.
Torrey will llvo in the suburbs of New York
until Mr. Torrey Is culled to France.
Philomusian Club
Had Delightful Concert
The music committee of tho l'hlloniuslan
Club gave a delightful concert at the club
bouse on Thursday afternoon. The muslcale
was arranged by Mrs. Hdward Philip Lynch,
who Is chairman of this committee, and in
cluded some excellent artists.
Miss May Farley was tho soprano and
Miss Kntheilne Melsle the contralto.
Illlzabetli Gest accompanied the singers
on the piano, and F.tllo Leland Golz rendered
ceveral thai mine selections on tho violin.
Th Philomusian Club chorus, width holds
ichearsals every Saturday morning, and
vvh en Is composed of both senior and Junior
club members, Is planning u concert to be
given In the early spring.
Mr James M. Kellcy. of 900 North Forty
first street, has Just received word, that his
son. Lieutenant A. J. Kelley, has arrived
safely In France
Lieutenant Kdnard Millar, who Is sta
tioned at a southern camp, and his brother,
Mr. Joseph Millar, who Is training near
home, spent the week-end with their parents.
Sir and Sirs, LMward A, Millar, of 818
South Forty-ninth street.
Iltin f news for the snelttr pass Hilt be
rfnud end prlnlsd In tbe Ktmlnf I'ukllt
Vtittr provided ttur are wrltttn nn one old
ot I ho paper snd ro lined with fall samo and
(otophone number of tho oopder, so It moot
bo iHioolblo i Torlfr tho notoo. Addroao .
oioir juiiior." cTonins luwit oooxor, eve
lbouiui ocroec.
Women's Permanent Emergency
Association of Germantown Will
Give Reception Next Saturday
V laigo book lcceptlon nnd tea will bo
given on Saturday afternoon, Januarj :c,
at .1 o'clock at tho Fairfax Apartments b
the Women's Pennanent Hmergency Asso
ciation of Germantown. The guests who
nre attending will all bilng books, whether
old or new, to send to the soldiers In France,
and thcro will bo an exhibition of war
souvenirs and war pctrr.-. Sc-.cral joung
nurses who havo recently ictumed from
activities abroad will tell the experience
which they had whllo working In tho hospi
tals In Fiance. Miss Miriam Kane, who re
turned last month from France, wheio she
had been engaged In voik ninong tlio blind
soldiers, will bo one of tho speakers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fiances llutler Reeves will
give a dinner in honor of their daughter,
.Miss Mar- Primrose Reeves, before tho
last meeting of Mrs. L'dward Troth's danc
ing class this evening. Thero will be four
teen guests.
"Insects nnd Insecticides" was tho subject
of a lecture given on Thursday by Miss
Hmlly Ililey at the Women's League for
National Seivlce, Germantown, In its edu
cational campaign which was recently In.
Miss L'xley Is a graduate of the Ambler
Horticultural .School and her talk was along
the lines suggested to promote tho raising
of homo pioducts In small gaidens. also to
get women Interested ,aKllir ,' ,,
c-?r ! IpVrl'y
'llmgtX'ie:1' U" -SEE
Mr nnd Mrs. William R. Harper. CM
at"u;!fearT.r-aro ",end,w u--,;
i:-Mayor Rudolph Rlankenburg Is ,--
.rssc r,;r H,- '""--
Brnhms Symphony Replaces Mahler
Work Thadtleus Rich an Ad-
mirnble Soloist
The public has been freUentl, the gainer
by mishaps preventing the production of
novelties by (ho Philadelphia Orchestra.
Musical experiments havo been cast aside
and Mi. htokowskl has gone directly to fonts
of supernal beauty to find substitutions for
he works originally billed. Circumstances of
this kind resulted in a delightful concert at
the Academy yesteiday afternoon, when the
Second Symphony of Drnhms was given In
stead of the Fifth of Gustav Mahler The
Mahler composition has never been heard
here. Like many modern works. Its artistic
rating cannot bo accurately made now. Of
the Urahms No. S no such doubts are even
peimlsslble. It is ., inspired masterpiece
from Its romantic opening notes to its spirited
exultant tlnale A red slip ! ,e
book announced that the, change had been
mado owing to the delay occasioned by the
Orchestra being snowbound on its recent
western tour. a,m
Surely this Symphony In D should answer
conclusively tho shallow critic lam that
Urahms is diy, dull or unmelodlous. Notblmc
In Sehiunaii Is more tunely. more gracious
more simply and purltylnglv lovely than the
lrst thieo movements, which ate almost
lyric In character. The finale baa the
breadth and vigor of Beethoven, whose man
tle of symphonic mastery unquestionably set
tled on Johannes Urahms. Save for an oe.
c-asional roughness of the lioin cholrn In the
last movement, tho woik was admirably
played and Mr. Stokowskl interpreted lis
Bplrlt wiih rare sympathy.
The soloist was the Orchestra's authori
tative concertmaster. Thaddeus Rich His
offering was n novelty, a "Poeme" for violin
and orchestra by Hrnest Chausson. a pupil
of Cesar Franck and a composer who often
reflects the great lielglan's prevailing mood
of musical reflection. The work, which has
much delicate beauty and Is Inspired by
tender poetic feeling, is unusually free from
violin pyrotechnics. Mr. Rich's sound accom
plishments In the rantablle vein were elo
quently summoned and he played the haunt
ing measures with rich beauty of tone and
his familiar facile command of the mechanics
of his Instrument,
The program closed with a livid exposi
tion of the colorful charm and the brilliant
orchestration of a suite from Berllox'a
"Damnation of Faust" that Included the
"Menuet dea Follets," the "Danse des
Sylphes" and the "Marche Ilongrolso." The
last named Is that Infectious Instrumental
setting of the famous Rakocxy March, which
displays Berllox'a contrapuntal supremacy In
daxzllng style. The original baslo air Is still
used by Austrian military bands In the pres
ent war. But as a Frenchman made the
arrangement disclosed yesterday the ques
tlon of patriotlo propriety hardly arises.
The "Star Spangled Banner," with which
Mr. Stokowskl began the concert, was given
according to his new Instrumentation of tlio
anthem made recently when the director was
snowbound In Kalamazoo, It combines sim
plicity and dignity with new effects of horns,
drums and strings that are decidedly thrill
ing. Following the symphony Poctor Hart
rnade an appeal for support of the Orches
tra's Red Cross concert, i which wilt be given
In the Metronolltan Ooek-t Hints on f-tMiri.
i... ii.v .. ' "'...1.7 T '"--
, ogii vi nvi wvvu w ji x, w.
for Service Under Auspices of
Woman Suffrage Party
Tho 'Lansdowr.e women liave completed tho
work of registration which they have pwtt
doing under the woman's committee ot the
National Council for Defense. The work in.
this particular section was done Under the
auspices of the Woman Suffrage pattr Of
Delawnra County. In LanaCowne . le4V?
was appointed for each precinct, and under
her wag a coriis of about lSu" registrars.
These women then canvassed their particu
lar district and thus tho whole town mu
covered very thoroughly.
Mrs. S. Pancoast Levis has boen chalrmst, t
of the registration committee- In Lar.sdown,
and the precinct leaders were Mrs Oscar S
Klmberley. Mrs. William J. Hlcka, Mrs, Clar
ence Sill, Miss Mary L. Yarnall, Miss Anna,
D. While and Mrs. J. Lo Roy Smith
The Twentieth Century Club dancing class
met at the clubhouse on Tuesday evening
Mrs. William I. Lewis has charge of the
Miss Ruth Decker entert.ir.ed the five hun
dred club to which she belongs at liter homo
ust Saturday afternoon. Tfhose who were
there were Mrs. George R, Williams, Mrs.
Louis llartram, Miss Helen Taylor. Miss
Isabel Galbralth. Miss Marguerite lrrlnr.
Miss Mabel Busier. Miss Ruth Wundeilloh.
Mrs. Howard Busier and Mrs. Harry Babbitt,
of Snarthmore,
Mrs. LMn-ard J. Decker entertained ber
luncheon-bridge club last Thursday.
Mrs Edward Collins' gave u card party at
ber home Ust Thursday afternoon. The pro
cceds from this affair will bo used to buy
gauie for tho Lansdowr.o branch of the Red
A meeting of tho Woman's Home and Tor
elgtj Missionary Society of the Presbyterian
Church was held at tho home of Mrs. D
Morton Bond last Friday afternoon.
Mrs Paul V Lachemneyer was hostess at
tho movies at the Century Club on Monday
evening. She was assisted by Mr. and Mrs
William I Austin and Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Mrs Lachemneyer lias placed n box In the
hall of the Century Club. Into wl!cli every
ono Is asked to drop all their old kid gloves
Surely ever body lias at least ono pair that
are of no further use for wear. These gloves
ore made into kld-llncd vests for aoldlers.
nnd the money which they bring when sold
is used to purchase wool. So hereafter
milady will not throw her old gloves nway.
The Girls' Auxiliary of the rresbyterian
Church met on Tuesday evening ut the
Tho S i: Howard Mlsslonarv Society of
that chuich held a meeting on Monday eve
ning. Mrs Harold Wilson has returned from a
short visit to Boston, Mass.
Mrs Albeit Grllllth has been visiting rela
tires at Mount Holly, N. J. A
Miss Katharine Gerstenberger, of Rosette.
N. .1., has been visiting Mr. und Mrs. Louis
L Gerstenberger.
Corporal Harry 1. Pari en is spending a
short furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
T V. Farren. Corporal Farren Is with the
marine corps.
There was an earnest spirit exhibited by all
tho women present nt the Century Club on
Tuesday. The club had Its first Service Day
and maiiy of the members tame there and
worked all day, with tin eager desire to help
as much as possible. Mrs. Oscar S. Kim
burly had charge, of the making of surgical
dressings The Lan'downe Red f'rn fimnch
gave the club tho use of a. cutting machine,
which it has purchased Just recently, and,
with the machine, the women were able lo
cut enough gauze tu last tho workers at the
Red Cross house until next Tuesday, Mrs. '
William A. McVlwen, Mrs. Henry T, Kent and
Miss Florence Barrington had charge ot tho
glove-knltlng, which was started by some ot
the women.
At lunchtlmo Mrs. Charles Meicer Balleyj-
tea, and in the afternoon tho regular eft
meeting was held An address was made
on modern development In fiction by Mrs,
Walter L. Phillips. She spoke of the blrtn
of the novel, the development of twentieth
century Ideals, the characteristics of the good
uuvel and told most Interestingly ot the de
velopment of the novel in Russia. At the
close of her talk she touched upon some of
the writers of today and how their work Is
affected by the conditions of the present
Mrs. John Dennis Mahoney then reviewed
two of Kthel Sldgwlck's books, "Promise"
and "Succession" ; and Miss Grace Filter read
lilts from Hugh Walpole's "Green Mirror"
The music for the afternoon was furnished
by Mrs Alfred C Hatch. Miss Marian Mlsti
ler mid Mrs. Robert Hall Anderson. During
the meeting man of the women knitted
bright little woolen ry. res, which will bo
made Into convalescents nfghans. And, of
couise, many wero busy with khaki wool.
The Women's Guild of the Presbyterian
Chuich held an all-day meting nt the churcn
on Wednesday. Sirs Robert IXiwnlng Tay
lor was chairman of the luncheon committee,
which Included Miss Louise Van Zandt, Mrs,
John Gates, .Mrs. Culver Bod. Mr. George
Mrs. Herbert C Hays entertained the knit-
ting club to which Bhe belongs yesterday
afternoon at her home. Tlio club meets
each week at the different members' homes
nnd the women knit ever so many warm
things for the Red Cross. Among those who
belong to this club are Mrs. Hays. Mrs. Aus
tin Boyd, Mrs. J. Milton Hagy, Mrs. ITuroId 1 ,
P. Ogden, Mrs. Ralph L. Hays, Mrs. Harry
L. Henry. Mrs. Walter Dutton. Mrs. Robert
Downing Taylor. Miss Louise van TandLMnc
Fverette If. Plummer, Mrs. William O.
Hempstead Mrs. Clarence do Armond, Mrs.
William Meyer, Mrs. Frank Iv. Saxendorph,
Miss Frances Hagy. Miss Mabel "Phillips,
Sirs. Henry c Statzell, Mrs. "W Vernon
Phillips. Mrs. J. Llddon Pennock. Mrs. Fred
erick Kelly. Mrs. Brooke Kvans. Mrs. Noma
A Scott. Mrs Culver Boyd. Mrs. Bayard
Dickinson and Mrs J Keenan, Jr.
Mis Chester u'Hecket gave a blrthda
,a,-tv- tnv li.i. IIIiIa itanvlilrr Vmmft rtn Tues
day nfternoon of this week. The guests were
Hetty Kakln, Virginia Gulnand, Marlon Ra)
mond, Carol Mackay, Grace a'Becket and
Dorothy Cummlngs,
The Girls' Guild of the Episcopal Church
met at Miss Dorothy McEwen's home On
Thursday afternoon. The girls are planning
to give a tea soon for the benefit ot the
Lenten offering ot the church. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Balch received word
a few days ugo that their son, Mr Walter
Balch, lias arrived safely In France.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Herbert Ogden have also
heard of their son, Mr. Ray Ogden's, safe
arrival "over there," Young Mr, Ogden Is
with the ambulance corps.
Lieutenant James Kennedy, son ot Dr and
Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, la now In Italy, He Is
a member of the aviation corps nnd recently
made his first successful flight
Mrs. Charles Jenks Pilling and her daugh
ter, Miss Josephine Pilling, have been spend
ing some time in New York.
Mrs. Henry Kdgar Blrklnblne ajid her
smalt sop. Master John Ulrklu'-'ne. are
spending the winter with Mrs Btrbtublne'
father, Mr. Thomas M. Longcopo.
Lnttrtaliuncot by Willing USDdo. CuououK
o. New Century Lid lid, 15 o'clock.
Banquet, lienor birthday llonjainln, t ral-
lln. siunun (-rantum institute pj, -o:u
itesiAiirajii, mm oyjiACK.
'Knlertalawrat T soxatti mtu tram
yard, rniiudeipaisv tutus r i
tun T-"' t-va Uwo Itt'-
ydreVo u