Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 19, 1918, Postscript Edition, Page 11, Image 11

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    i-i o ' lEwtrif if "' tt ("nWUffl
1 twH
"Business as Usual," or Nearly So, in Finan-
cial District Criticism Rampant With
Notable Exception
ti Tinim: xvero nny consldcral.lo number nf hanker or brokers xveai lug
L fur-lined uxorconts Hying to keep worm In congealed olllccs yestordnx - '
in wui tuj irn-'j wen- inn particularly noticeable.
1'itcl Administrator Unrllcld's order may have hern In c-ffwt In the
big olllco buildings, hut tlie only sign xins xvliero tho usual "express"
elevatnis xxero riinnliiR on luenl schedule, with olio or In some Instance
two not In commission.
In many Instances criticism of the older was etltl rampant ami, n
ono huikcr return Ned. It It does nothing else It Is lrnklnK the object..
nt least "hot under the collars" without nny umigi tram y consumption
of fuel.
Another broker who Id In smpathy with the order'lieoniise. as h.
argued, wo who nro inclined to erittclzo have only n limited vision of
tho dllllcuHlcs which confiont tho administration, whereas at Washing
ton they know nil tho circumstances ond wo must site them credit for
having homo brains. And as for nil this howling about loss of w.mes
to laboicrs mid tho shutting down of the. wheel of Industry, bo said.
what noes it amount to compared with
"I huvo u son," ho said, "who gnvo
lilm well for 11 young uian. Mo Rave
lils-whole business career, for $30 u month and a place ut the front,
vhcro be has soilc, and ho Is only ono of million of young Americans
who urryluiiiK 11s much. Can any of these howler ngalnst 11 temporal v
inconvenience, whether they arc muiiufurturer losing ome profit or
workers losing 11 few tin!,' wage, nay they have given np unythlnir to
Compare with what these xoi'ing fellow are doing?
"I hear persons s.i," he continued, "that when llcrthrtny bear of
this fuel older she will howl with delight and say site ha Anuil. .1
whipped. To my tnliid ho will howl with delight when he heur the
howls of men who should be rcil-blooded Americans crying out against
their first tcmpotnrp Incoiivenlciice and will so, 'We told yon ."'
Banker Looks for a "Wobbly" Market
Tho principal of a lame hanking and InvcHtmrtit bouse, who ia looked
upon In the Stlect as 11 Rood authority on market condition, aald yes
tcid.iy that ho looks fur a "xxol.bl.x" m.irkt for tho next ilvo rtr l
week, with priced seeking lower lex els ut each recurrence, unless some
thing now cry much unforeseen happen.
Planning Next Liberty Loan Campaign
A campaign committee for the third Issue of Liberty llonds ia being
oignnlzcd In tho Liberty llulldhnj. at the hcudquarters of tho last cam
paign committee. Nothing very deflnllo has been -accomplished an yet,
bat it is-sald the plans and tcono of the new organization will ho much
wider and much more perfect than cither of tho previous campaign.
Tho hendquaitcrs committee will cover the wholo Stute, uml whllo the
iilans 1110 under dl&eus.Mon homo mlsKlonniy worl will be done Jn con
nection with tho tale of tho nw $100,000,000 issue of certllleates of
A mlvconceptlon Is prevalent a to the second lue of certHlrutc.
TIicpc wcio Intended for pel tons who wished to make provision for their
war-tax pjjinents mid can only bo used In payment of taxes. This new
issue, on the other hand, can only bo employed in ths pa)tnont of Liberty
Bonds and lannot bo used for taxation purposes.
Incidents of the "No-Fuel" Situation
It was said yesterday that a national bank In tho downtown section,
was notified by tho owners of the largo building In which it In rocatcd
that on Monday next the building's owner would irot supply either hout
or light. The olllclals promptly notified the owner that mich n pro
ctduru would brik their lease and they would have to boar tho cou
6co.ucnccs. Home financial men whu wcie discussing the matter yesterday said
they wcie Inclined to think that tho bank olllclals would havo a poor
case, as the viiforccnKnt of tho fuel director's order was something ucr
which the owners of tho bulldlns had no control.
"I am coming down In my olllco on Monday wearing threo pairs of
woolen socks that I wear whoa hunting In Canada, a pair of moccasins,
four flannel shirts and n fur-llncd overcoat," said 11 well-known .down- -town
banker and bioker yesterda, who had been notified that neither
hc.it nor light would bo pi'ovldod on Mondu) In tho building In which his
olllce Is located.
The olllclals of tho Koderal licservo Hank in this city had o special
ciicular piepared giving a full description of the new 5100,000,000 Issue
of war certllleates of Indebtedness, which will bo iccolvcd in payment
for tho third Liberty Loan. They wanted It rushed through and called
up the printer e.trlj yesterday morning uud told libit to run them oft
without the least delay, only to hear tho printer reply oer the phone
that on account of tho fuel administrator's order be could not tin 11 .1
wheil until next Wednesday morning
Western Pennsylvania lianli's Liberty ISoud Experience
Tin. lopiiMiitatho of the largest banking (jom-crn In tin. welern pan
oi tin- sii.iio was speaking .wMcidny about I.lbe.'iy loj.in bond.-, ami
rem 11 kill that his eoiicein 1 but right down on all bond anil Investment
b 11111 --, during- the last Liberty Loan campaign. One ilay, ho said, a
tiMoiinr, a we-U-known manufacturer, cume in with more thun $50 000
wmili Ik- had collected from his cinplojes for Liberty ISiinds and $20,00u
a'Uhtiinial which ho wanted to placo in good! municipals. Ho was
promptly informed that only Liberty llonds wcro lielng o!d and hu
ugree I to take nil In Liberty 4s and ho was a good Herman-American
Ut that
Ho al-o said that his concern had sent out a letter to all it cus
tnmeis with savings accounts recommending that they should draw them
our and lmcst in Liberty Uonds. It was amusing to see tho effect of
that letter, he bald. Many customers with Herman linincs came In the
first rush. -Some) of them v;ho couldn't lead KnglUh very well e-on-tuued
the later us an order from Washington, and tl.ey wanted to obey
in 11 luiri). Due numan naif sat up all night after she gut tho letter so
thai she would bo In tlmo the following morning at tho hank to get out
lot -aing- and buy Libera Hond.
Plan Regulation of New Issues of Sccuritic's
it s Mild that the (lovernnient will first tiy the force of moral
eoum ,11 and patriotic appeal 011 t' part of tho l'cderul ltescrvo Hoard
t ululate new icrlca of private ... 'urlilcs, and If that should fail thcro
nr. .1 niitnber of lillls now being drafted which would lie Intiodiiced in
C .m uss and pressed to tnactmout. A tominltteo consisting of Caul M.
uiiiurg, c. S. Hamlin and Frederick A. Uelnno, members of tho Itcservc
l'ard. has gone to work on plans for effecting voluntary regulation. Th
cmmittei's 1 ccommend.ittoTis piobably will be submitted in about u week
t" 1 no board and to .Secretary McAdoo. Meanwhtlo hundreds oft requests
ii spiclal npjiroval of contemplated issuos ore held up, huvlng been
referred 10 the board by Mr. McAdoo.
Money Stock of the Country
At coidlng to flguu-s compile-! by the Tichsuo XJepartment, the gen
, eral stuck of money in tho t'nlted States on January 1 till year amounted
t. $0 2'jfi UiS J71, a.i Increase of Jt.l'll.lJSt.TM comparod with a eur ugo.
Ti. t ,'ai of money In circulation on the first of tho year was Jj.HO.-IIN.IjOS.
nn in. rcaso of $679,-192,71 over January 1, 1017. Th6 per eipltu circu
lation based on an jestlmated population of lu5,000,000. la placed at J1S.T0
For tin- hmi' tho tncreaso In population amounted to 1,719,000, whllo tho
pci .apita ciieulatlon ilguro incroaficil $5.70.
Extension of tlmo for filing Incomo tax returns after March 1 will
be granted by Internal Itevcnuo Commissioner Roper in nny caso wnero
it is dtmunstrated that tho accounting dllllcuitles of a business prevent
completion before that time. This rule was dUcIoscd in regulations tie
companlng tho tax return form for Incomes of $3000 or more. Tho
forms will bo ready for dlstilbutlou today or Monday. .
In making inventories tho regulations provide that returns may be
made on the basis of cqst or maikct value, whichever is lower, and te
quires an explanation of which basis Is used. If real property or secjri
ties havo been held since before March 1, 191JJ, tho regulations rew'-ro
reporting of the estimated value on thut elato instead of tho original co:.t,
together with an explanation of the estimate.
Drown Drops Deputy Naylor
HAIimSDUna, Jan. 19. John Hyatt
Kay'or, of Norrlstoxvn, Special Deputy
Attorney General In charge of the col
lection nf e.natu of maintenance of In-
jano persons who have estates or rem-
I IVfl lirbn nn n net. Ins I Holt r(J m 111 MfllA
. wchard w Williamson, iiunttngaon,
rnmi,t,l.. ..ut ak. Olnra Tlaritt pt.
I formerly counsel ot the State Depart-
l d0fala. IndustTy:J,a, bM1?
what our young men nrr doing?
up a tine position that wa puim.
up hi future prospects. dlsloeiitii.L-
No Extra Clerk for Controller
NOItHISTOW.V, Pa., Jan, IS. A re-
e,uest made by County Controller Heeb-
ner that he bo allowed a new clerk In the
11c 1 inu b nu muu nvu u nvn Liciu ill inu
;.:..,i m !,. icon
I .. ..
cum.utiw t w.i.vv, -v ..,, w rivv
year was refused oy the County Com-
I . . . .. uil ,. ... l . a sr
Hatfield. Itepubl.can, xvas In favor
Krant.ng tne appropriation, wniie
w - . . .
.Ber Harper, llepubllcan.
Director Redeems Promise
PrUVimiollf ATnrln I 1
. ,y a,xv.i, V.U
' JJi'otherhoods -ROADS
IV.,;;,,,, ti.lr. n .
UlV,S,on Illto ' Int RcBlOllUI
Systems Expected to Sim-
nlify Trnlllc
The application f tho r.illroad
brotherhoods for inrrea-c(1 wngoi Is'
to ho left to it i Hi oiul wag".' cnmnils
nlon composed of Hccrctnry of the In
terlor I'rnnklln K. I,unc. chairman;
Charles ('. Metiioid, v. .Kentucky,
I member of the IntiTstnto Commerce
Commission: Juilgi J, Harry Coxing-
lion. Chief Justin, of tho Supremo
Court of the IHstil. I of Columbia, and
William It. .Wlllcuv, of N'oxv York
. AdvlivM from Nt w YorK raid that Mr
1 tiiunn. 1....1 .. i , .. ... ..
np lleiiuhllcan National Committee to
,. ... null ifpiKlini Hi. I mil, 111.111 01
take up till new work. The reslgnii
Hon I not to take effect, however, till
Kehruary is.
The (.ommlHslon wa selected bv
William II. MrAiluo. dlrertor gen
er.il of railroad. In m cordoni o with
an agreement madi l. him with th
head iff the- brotbi'ibooiN on ,l.inu.ii
1. It Wn ilerltleil tin 11 tbnt I be up
plication of the workiis lor imti i -furmiilated
at (ii.clanil mi lic.inil.ii
1 olid elenled bv the 1 ilhoml-. I.i..h
tho 1 lovernnient iismunni nutii.i ..i
'transportation, would t... t ik. 1 m
Th,) cummiaaioii wnl liu.-li-it.
present wages and working eoiiiliiniiis
and report to Mr. McAdoo on th. 1 s
tent to which the nnvcinineni -li.-ual
iok1 to the brothel boons. Then bad
, been Mllaht doubt cxpiessed that sunn
increases would bo granted.
President Wilson bent tho following
letter to each member of the commission-
"May T not nf'jie ou of my appre
1 latlon of our acceptance, of the ln I
t.itlon extrmltl to o. bv thi' dhector
senersl of r.iOi(.iil lo rnrvo n u mnm.
ber of tho hnihirtint comnilswinn he h'is
unpointed to tmiuirn into tho iiuestloii of I
r-ri.?. u.'-.JJV.'""" -'"'i"0Je ni ihc
"This 1 one of the most Important
problems of the mnmcm and I nor tin
of the unselfluh ami disinterested sei-l.-e
ou hae so pntilottcutly undertaken
to render.
' With warm reguids,
' ''in.ll.illx mid -lneerel your-
' W.iUI'lltjW WII.SUN "
Mr M.'Adoo also announced flint he
had iln Id. d upon a it-glotial organiza
tion oMhe ralli-ouds Tho line nro ill.
lil.il Into three, groups, with a ilbeilor
of ttaiiNportatlon for each
Alfi'.sl II. Hmltli, of Nen Vink. in evi
dent of tho New Vol It I'ontral Inns.
will leimilti in ihurge of eastern trnlllo,
.'. II .Muikham, president .,f the llll-
nol ivntial. will direct the southern
group, ami it. ii. Ashton. prrsiiient of
inn i nil hko iiiiu ...riiiMi-sii'io. ioi.
headquarter In Chicago, will be director
of the Weil em loads. Mr. .Mnrkhuiii
will hno bis lieadijiiiirtei'ii at Atlutitu.
and Mr. Smith will remain In .New
' Timni: nnrnrtiiTH in ror.Tnv
I The I'liunlry' transportation syatam
'is divided Into the following groups:
UAHTlirt.N ltAIMUAi.S--Tlie romts
'In that portion of the fnftid Htates
.1... raiiismiiH. It will lieuln It work at
ones and will r. poll to the director gen-
eral. giving It ic. .iiniu. ndatlons in gen-
era! term as to . hang. s that shou 3 be
made. Liain this lepon 1110 uirecior
Beiier'l will make a dulsloii
"In dealing with suih .1 complsx prob
lem us railroad a.s the power or
the commission must be .-rv broad If
ill- i;wi,ntn ...- la la.
i It is to report a sallsf.u l.uy result. It
Is authorlred to make 11 - m rat Inves
tigation of the whol. tl-ld "f railroad
1 labor the niuiponsatloii of msm-muim in
1 the servlco of the 11.II1 .ds, lie relatinn
of railroad wages t.. wngf-. In other In-
dustries. the coiidliloii'- In dlff.rt.it iai ts
of the country, the spo. ..I emergenty
lespeeting wages whl.li exists at this
time owing to war loiiditjoii uml the
high cost of living and the iilailou be
tween dtfferont classes ot mil iui,,
The creation of this nuniiiissliin Is
tho culmination of u l.u ge number of
.oiiiplulnts mid deniaiuls i.r employes
which haxo been pending berom tne
' railroad munagcrs lor .aie t inu past.
These romplalnt an ' de.n inds wero
brought to tho attention ot the director
general shortly after th. ii-snniptlon of
the operation of the i.iilnuids by tho
ilovcmment. They canie In 11U fprmi
from xarlous elassen of lailnuid labor
organizations and frony, x irk.us giouns
of unurguulzed onniloyo of tho rail-
; loads."
Although Mr. SIcAdoo has mado no
onnouncenient of his policy, It W gener
ally bellex'ed that a nunibu of wage In
creases will be allowed.
Transportation ot eo.l was pushed
by railroads, but weutlur conditions
.through the cntlro middle w.st and
I fennsylxunla still inndc nioieiiicnt slug
gish. In an order to lallwuy presidents
of eastern nnd $outhein terr.tory the
I director gone-al refcrieil to tho fuel ad-
1 ministration's receiit oidu- and added:
"I urge and dlt.cct that eicrv possiblo
effort no muno u ine niiinwu. it. uii.iu
coal and to co-opcrato n, the limit with
''tho fuel administration ir ihe nccom
pl.shini.nt of the desired end
"1 hopo that the oltlcers and employes
of the rallroadB will do their part so
effect liely that there may l- no further
occasion for- Ititeri option of the Indus,
trial and normal mililtleb or the nation."
Sir. 5Ie.Vdoo Issued an appcul to
peopli of the South to make special
Uteris nexi jeai- 10 .a.ow t..u- uwu
foodstuffs nnd ax old hauling It Ji am
oilier sections.
Religious Hrevities
nellglon. Transient, and Kternal." will
ha the topic tomorrow morning of lha Itev.
Hrrdrrlck II. Qrlflln at tho I Irat Unitarian
AtCtlie Unitarian Hoilrty of llrrmantown
lh Itrv. Ilogrr H. forts a tomorrow morn-
i ma will apeak on
ilii.i.iii-u tjuuiiiir..
""K-'0." fflrKVlSK. M ntoh.' " "" '
win ve ino topio
The annual aervlee ror in ttujent
tho rltv I" he. held .norrnw mant at
a ur . - --;--- - - - . - -.-
!...... .. ... . .. .Hn..D..r. ui.......
t4lJ rtn Dir'ei itmuj '""' ...,"
v "VermS, ent; T'l strensfh and th.
' v ..' ..:..! . i . ....
I and .a-t of liko Jllehigun nnd the , p.t.j here two $eara ago. has Just been .anii ,. j.-iter will not reaeb there for , :: Mi:n -Jan la. 1ATu1!,,l'.il?ea.?, ' .-,'K,.u.,.iTJu" ..i"..'"'.''!.!!."' "'.',? ! ''"' '''"'"" l- lGjwI"' Churci, lo Lcig2
tflAUntffiin"MMMto' by the New Jersey htato Hoard ll.ln days Sleunwbl.n the soldi., rtiY 'WAVti KJirti J," 'Ji V1",! ,Z a.' Tl?. ! TiLS'WrSB- I '"sTj.r'.Mfud.l'rX Jan 10. tM
Xl!!a 'TAZ fubllo l-.ll.ty rommUalonrr. Tho r'THv.r XrT to -- 'IV.V,'!' "J:.W,."i 'Ail. , Z "'i,AV;S.n'T m-.,.,am p. li,.-' IS S
II,W.1f,U,.t ,NV,-V.d,rn,d"w;,s,,.,:!'V;u .H.U -r the Trenton Helavari, ' Z, "?, &?'. C M !.. j)er,t. s'f. "" '""' u?MS&W&Vu ' B' Clls & t Sf 'Si
the Vnvlnlan ISnllway itlv. r llrklge I'nnipany. for tho sale of f.o. the othei l.i receded iotPiluilibi ' .. '"".'IEU -Jon IT. Ai'.NE It . wire of , ,,( iilih and Saidtailon Iniltcd to funerut ,, , lN (,uh 7 an tn o sn p m. o," i
HOI-TIIBIIN llXll.n..AI.K-All load- what Is known 111 this illy us the ot .londel.w.y o, ma... K' Zu' WttVVlXl&, ;:,h-,T2'V Inrard'''; U,1.,nn,'r.uu.eA,i JHWSF&tiSn A5w.Kr4S& '
111 that ip.itio "if th I 1 ll'd Ht.u.e -loMer In law ire Ulver bridge" coniu. t- ' Lilttr that miulie otcr. tbhty day.i ' tniji.d lo rum rat ..rii.ea. Mmi., 1 p. m., ,,, ii,ureii nf imr La.li i.r Mer.t III a. in "irine Thoi.ipa.,11 it"iamr 1 anil 1 frlrnda.
south of the Dim. and I'.ilom.u- niei- inC j,outi, Tienton with MorrlsMUe, Ta.. lo dellvei .11.1 oidlnarlly those to soldhr , 81?. ..HVC"1- ','. "I'.i "mVhv a .iki,, '"i.. .'..-,Vi'i',r"t. aimv lrSTivi'-'" .t a- ' l" a. "... V.f 1 Vr . or-rrd Ifurt C llj Cathe-
a,.u . asl of the Missis; .Pid imer -V ... , lipr,.t..., by the commissioners. . nd'oftl, ers on ,,s....l duty away fro,,. , rl U'lfil J'a"...".. A.llSS"?tU! I ,h,;vSTaf-i7uAdnn;e.f,!.r"rNL!na,,lr.0V.f,A.r or" J !'." "a lTUtnr;&unC.
th. t inrap. .11, .1111 I'm., .m 01 ' .1 The bridge anil all Its appiiilenaiurs uiiiip or dilni..n.il liiiidiiuiirters, or let 'Lvn.hi n..l 12. JM'iilii a and friends in. kihiimb ami frl.nda Intlt.d in fun. rai. 11 Haunnor if Veteran, tntlt.a to tuneral.
'Western and the VllKllllan. UallWUS , . .. . .. .nnmiinv l th.. tits lllltlliu Insulli. ienl n.lde.su vlled lo fun-rul Men S HO n ni rjar-nta Tiea, s 11 III., huabnnd a rialdm.... luin Mn . s .111 n in. 112 N Wooo.'ock at.
and also tho-u in tlllnoi-and lnd am e- '"' .to'"- ""'I' ", "" oniIJ1,nX o the 1.1 nimig iiisuin lent neiurvss. re.id 1.., ...jp. Mmurose i i.-.tih ..ml curl.; M,in -t iiiirh renuloin nmaa our L.dt ,r solemn r.mii.m mutV Cathedral 10 a. m.
tending Into those Htutes fiuat points hdnt l'.-niishaiila and New Jersey. It should iwiulre from ,.n,. to fnui , Man at ) H..1. 11111 r..iuiem maaa ni.nei of ,, ,.un,i iimr, h. Int. Holy iron dm. tm Caihe.fral I'-m Auto funeral
south of the Ohio Itlv. r IMawaro ItUcr Hildge I'onimlasluii for dajs for letters to go from most points ' "n,TrA?on"f,n, .rTi ' A'i,'l'l' i,-'',N,VnU''irs' fI'iancih 1 im.ia.nd JICIINKM Suddmh Jan 111, ANNA,
WKSTi:itN UAlLIUiAIW-All roads 3u..O... The p Is acieptable to tho In.tl.e fulled Btates to New York' We l Uli?T-& 18. ANVI.J imil.L 0,HA,,Vs'l- Mkule' VtldMK L',,,l"f',"i. nd. rienr;Jm7nAnna',"rrN:inrt-d".uYiV Lad
not Incllld-d In I he uli. delbiitlon. uud (.eiin!iyiu,ii1.i Itulhnnd Company, which, will say thlee dices a an at. urge, tH.n wife nf Thnnma 11. 1 olllii.m. Il.-I..t.t.s and llrtn,,i i j.erM.... Mon . an m . r...i..ne. ,f,iend tmiied o. funeral. Mon S'JO a m .
rrr.; rVrs'Tt-ak- ai&iftTn ind'of ' ""- understiaod. h,s u IM..ta, MwM an aM'i-age of four ..a,s I con,,,,,..,. .Wu fTcJSX'Tli'- $SvlW frfti.' S, n"e?'.,rJVe,,r:r'or SX&tf loT"rS?
ihL I. ..n m.111, noli 1 Klii te line .0 the ' I" he bridge. before we run g. t a ship, to take It. ienul.1.1 nwi . l,.ir. Ii nf tn- Atn.t lr..l..u. Jffitim ru. a. aft. . i ".B,rii .' ro
ftw.'meV:.".''. -.:.. ' Jl.i" MlJl-hSj This is the llrst of the bridges ... That . It.g It up ,0 ,, ,.,. Seien "'j JJJIW"?u""f. "nXl vtl 'K1. w.LIXvll ,J&lT'-Sin-ciSl& Br lV vlSh. MToSrbe0rt
1 Hi. r from th . dilo l!ir to the llulf of purcbue.l by the J.dnt .s.nimlssloii and days inmc oil the o. ran In fourteen and I...V. ai..l ". Uet.ni. a ,u.. rrl.n.la.oo S,!rnei.l ." I. IblitlSJa un3 fil.,Slt lT",'Vii1inl . .'i Tut " ' ffi dTrt.nua
Me'i". eXcniliiK those llllnoli III- 1IlaU fWl the oommls-loii con- allowing a week for delUeiy In France , milted n Jiimral .. nl.-a. h.11 , J p m. i,oda No. r.4. I. n n M . employes ..f Ah- n"?.",1","1', ",," 1 rervier. Sat 5 pV nu,
l!Sml'an,d,',indi..n;.' Ininde,! "south'! """"s lh" ",";";"" "f "," '"""' '"'l 'm tWeB,' "")H f"- t""" lw"H- "iad' -V" 'I'l'irr.!::.""' ' ' ' oVuneb'aert .' ."flTTS pU.na;2,02.,,,r:L,;,,1 32V r'.iCe ar',,,,1 Cr.r fj. '
1 "".?. "...,.! .., ,t k il .1 alo-g the uppir li.-l.iwae.. Itlver mission. , i-iisoituvi: Jan. IT. w,tl TKU V son mm r i:,.i il.rmantoe-n. InJ prliair 1 ril,!-i.-Ji-I'u 11.1T1 iti. ,.n,i friend? lnvltwi
hi, torr.tor. as uboxe stated , n,mlsi,, has ""' are sbippliig mall u every liner ".',',' ,,n,Vi,lUis',Ht,oii',.,,'V'' "fuV.'.' ,r!,,'uf';,r,'tl,:i '""""" may bv ,K"-' , ' ffi' "1' 2? m W- J
HcADUO KXI-I.AINH AIMM SM 0 ttXBal.l... Jol.n A. Cn.nph.ll. or ImnHport w- can get .0 take It. and , fi "i VS" ,,.rK r'.ldenle".'., Vun.?"V.?.' "WiM " JR.. 1. HA.: i: Ok. Put. denof .en J.f Tnnd Ann...
In n'nnoiineiiii: hi- leetlorls for the cu.iernl niaiiager of Hi.- IVciimn f(. losing no time III that illreellon." 'll...ini.s Fitptitrli 1.. :I7 W Tlnau at hoi- i,,ni, wife of 'Ih.mna MoKaddiu Itelailtes t,'11ll,,;e "tmuina may lo hw ,
eommlssloii. Mr MiAilm. made the Ml- Uric Company .,,,,1 member f ,,,,,, The fostofflee 1 .epartineni has been ; '"",' "i.JS.flli.hi'o'c.'Sr''' ''''Urih "' ::"il m '"t,!? ie'.fAVne'"' SaVah' liuu'm' ''''ANlLIt -Jan. 18 ANNIK. widow of
,rinjl!utem.i.t' 'Draft Uourd No .1, In elmrgn of oil ""di"K letters to franco at tho rale" ' ,'" iJ'.t.s-Jur ".T"UMtnv cct.t.LN. , :..iIh il.liuimh.'.r."vT.Wh: XTr Wd'and I JV";,,, .'"leVa" TuTi "I" n?!
The coninil-sli.n has been appointed I ttslstrant. appeals fioni Hou.b Jersiy. of almost two million a month for the aued L". IWaJU-a are tmtted tn funrral. l'-.l;Vre nie '"'I'r'jate . , , ,. rltal Bt int Norih Cedar UUI
..,..'nT :..".. .1. Intr III. .mil Iu nr.....knl nf llu. . Il. . i last two months Men . T I. Ill . US'-1 AnilllhlK.. at e lUwie In . Mb r.INUblt -J ill 111. UBfillt.l. W , lm- ,.,
..ertli ,,r file lini.l lino 1 OIOIIIUC Itlte.B-- ... l.-e..iee. r,..' I.isl.iii. e - Hill. I Air I .ri..,iir wt ti,...,. . '. ... . . .. ii 1' j.t lul 1.1... -s J ... Tl. mi In. lit v 1... t lelveil Mm. ite '...... . . .... ...- . .
tun .. t"- ",.... -,. - :- "ri . - .-... t ..a mass M. Ann .nurni s 11 ni no. i-ieas- pnuo, .11 1 lie sar.in an izinai r. ...in .... ... 1 Tl'LL SuJJtnlv Jan n lIAIlitv "
liii l.n .Itrr.l.llt . .IS-.S of lutior UIMin ' .nn. .,,.uili,. ....... .,...i,nillll,. V 3 A..l,. f... ... f 1 John i.n.l I'llarliilte IIlI no. r lletu- .....,.-..,., .. !.... .. Tull r. l, nl.l inH
of .WJIJ ft ta.hVo'uT"1 " "'8V"a uai'1'ut M WilneUnaer" the Uev John UoVlc' . the capacity of the ift xvlll be greatly j pWTtSi
.nd!"ory P.""n ' th,,,,kp.VrK1',Ur'.R,, Kov U K Calcy and U, McCarthy Uhould bo ready for use vtitrdn a few li'L&11M5'11m.,,int 8mjb,MSSL IK?;
itJSSlSUitUSS'Z V"1 ft . IJ-U tlata arq ready for the MW.asiT
1 . ...jt.tiluBLik-... - .'--.'J.ifcV....... ..laa- .- JLi - ..I im,.i,si-i ''" '""HxniSttr ---''tt( ....-iJi.a-.. .?.. .
vStm $frr v
$&' 1Syi
fclllNu I l I.r. SAM
I'livale Matthew 1'. Jiomlirow.skt
(ubnvo) is attaclicd tu the Held
nrtillcrv at Camp Mcntlc. While
nt St. josenli's ColleRo and later
nt Temple University ho was ti
student of IitnKiiui'cs anil now is
tcachintr Kniilish to foi Dinner
nt tho Maryland cantonment.
Keiow is l'nvntu i;dwanl 'l,
Kooli, of Company A, Nine
teenth Iteiiiment Knglnccrv,
with (icncrnl I'orshiiiK's forces
in France. Ho has clinri'u of the
canteen ami post exchange of
his company.
l.tfl,v I'ttlitiiK Unnril 'I'-il.-iw
JeUsei LllllUth 1H1.1UI 1 .IkOS
First Step Toward Aboli-
tion of Tolls
TllK.VTu.S', Jan. 10.
The llrst leal step for the abolition of
tolls on the Del mare Ithcr bridge 1h-
tween New jersey nnd rennsvlvnnlll
...... ... ,,
and the Inking oer of these bridges
Jointly by tho two mutes, since leirlsla-
- "
1 m.i i- t-t. vTI(WVI llt)l.'tj
1 - '' u' A I IU.N Al. I Mih.it
"ftoo America Firt" tlio I'Jctorinl
nnu vcroHl ftca aiauo uy
K, Jl. Newman
Tonight's Iticcthur Includoa alne-'n ,...
the cliolr of I'hrist Church anil -ml
..... . ..... . ... . " . "'
dresses by the lit. Itev. Thomas J. Onr.
land the Itev. Dr. Floyd v. Tomklns.
the ltoi'. C. I Washburn, the Ilex", ltob
ert Norwood and Walter A. Unpin
cott. Jr.
'omorrow night the speakers will be
uev. J. i. nan, superintendent of
Inn nuuiriirnt inr the i.rnleel wn en. .. -- .'.."'. - OJ I'aulala.i.. . I 1'jn.rm ami, i p. i.uliie). i.u.i e. ...n at. . n. ainnun , nVea and frl.n.ta Int nl in funrral. Tuea.. - i
I to llurope. ' TO ,' , T llauVe li. I .lit'e, and friend in.: hMI I.IJSn -Jan 10 '' "I ' ?-X ,'"",, ',' V ,' ' " '
It ,s to be regretted that nn use I "I will take this matter up with thai J" .;',',;. T $ 'M"r'.""Minn".'.... 1. w! .'.ndsin " in"" u,e,f:i ')'. Men . I XJLLIM. -Jan . "LU.
mad.- of the wonderful naturally pro- rhomber of Commerce at -once. Wo' itu i .. ' .. 1..I il..n I'oii.tllle Pui 1 1.ai. . in M x'ol.n at., xierchanttlile WJ"r H.V,, r Bt ft r SlflvV.
aucd stream which arises from the huxei always been solidly behind the I Train i,l"'X - I'olunil.U At.-. Station S.IS . I N J let ',lr V.'A.n'nV';". .'" , "" ' '" S"d frhSd. inxpA "
gesers in our Yellowstone Park Italy I 'shlp-xla-Phlladelphia' plan. I WPJ ',, Vv -Lm'Ciuw T S. J. J.n? IT ''"illLLH.-ji'i, " is" ill lLk'nUTll '15.. trlf. , J-wrjl', VonrnTrVvtewlnaveni Drinl'
bus soiled a problom of sup. rlientlng brlnsf It up for fr.sh discussion' at ! RaLLM: PV. wife r ll Tltartl'rva .r ,Ioeph Mills tlelsttt.a and friend;. "rr1r.anlow" "-"rner "t,ul "''' lBl
the st....'ii w h'eh arfce. from ,,,, . once, and IU . .that our solid sup. " - "" ffij.'i., r'ir'e &.A' r'v TuXX" ..'nd" fiW" .'Wrr I rffij'"-", a&tfWiXS
and superlnats It, thus furnishing both . port will be behind the movement." 'j rrTnids m..: .ell 4S3 N U.iir.h .. , i-,.un.ii. N,. t. i. u. it c. n.vlt-d lo fu. W '"r.'1;. S'c "Lfiieiidainuird' loVunrral
pow.r and heat to towns Theso t-cy-, Mr. Trigg suld thero are many reu-l ,'..m ..... Sun T , 0 v. m Int SI d- .al rM..-. Tu;. , ,s v m asJT N. Tih , SiPvi!.V'lTu,S l V in 43 "rklrmount ly"
aers and the neixly opened .luckson's , ns for tho shipping of fielgbt from1 DITtilllr V-Jm, 11 flOSK widow cf ' , 5K.?-Ji.'n.''lK. AM?lu:w xv'. hu.band "'' J,1"""'V ,N'r.th,n "'' C'iZj',t.i mr
Hole furnlalHd the chief Interest Iu the Vhilaiblphlas tilbutar territory through i Jol-ol. Ii. lile ... iliailt". and frlen In- , r ir Moi.k 'ne'e M, .-"..k. . , HelaMirs ' ". Jl'mi-M i '-Jaf' 7s wvttfiT' w'ATt,
first of a series of travel talks gixen k.-t ' tl e poit ot New- Vork. J"' rt '?,I1V,!.nr",xvi llam Il.l"!. 5l tT V " ,r'!;n:!"', "tijaMM'Tl,!' .r'n, ' ' ""''' hu-ba,,.! "..r Mary ' W.rd.ll Sle:
ev.nlng at I h AeaUetby of Jluslc by. "Among them 1 Ihe matter of habit." '.. r s i Holrmn ma.. oV rrouiem, 8t 'v, d'm1 ,'-',..0L", I,u "ijfh'at " Solemn hfah rrl , 'oi.oush, llrlatltea and friend, mlaonein.
Olobo Trotiei 11. SI. .Newman. 'li, added '.shlpi-rs have become tte. Joa.ul, . Chunh u.30 a. m. bit. liolv iv,,., r. . d n ;ol H. eiuh m p 'AerNo0' "S"
The iniilii themo In this lecture was euM-med to shipping by xxu or N. vr uein. -Suddenly. Jan tt. ALFT111D ""'l',K lot;'. ".' ' ,'s i LYiTIA it wife ot "' l: UV,l;r'lx..tuufr""1 rrrvl7", ft'.',.8
tho ehou to instill into the mind of, Vork. and have followed up tho . .is.' M. J;T''oin: fe ""1 Ad'iS'j" A'Jrj 'ftal
the traveling public the beauties of our rJ " there u.e llnanrtul reasons. i,,",ir.. lldie. Me. 4jT. r. and A. l . , xited 1.. ui,-ral pKTnVulW. ''.n"." Sl,n H '" " m - ..-.-.. .v.,
own natural nark, und creations of . Th ""''. " Y.u"! ! SS--- J"Js, . '"?l fi. ..'.. 5" ' IIim" ."'La."' " t ..rJ A, ierVI.e"" - WtV'F" '.,.SuA,."iraP
lure a iiaaiiiai iiiobo 01 in.; oxcriy uu- """"-- -''-" " " ijat-l.tdi... Pa. Int. Itlsliboru lero H- mihiiai - itu 1; ..r......... . .. uu.-
xertised lorelga resorts. A eonlrust In h shipping through New- ork. 1 Jaalna roV bt l wed Hun. a. Autos win I Laud ot Hannah 1. Murray Ilelatltea and
ptou'r . would havo greatly '.X'l 1 pit Vork also has made a gieat SK'tSii 'rSlHl"' I feW &W Ma.K.a'.ba JhSreR's
over this point Tho clour eiiuiiclalloii eanualgn for ll'e fielghf. Then, ukuik. J 0jJ;,n.v,.i7i.v li.n 1. bLSVV. w.fe ofn in. Int. Ml. 1 uliury Cm.. Ilarrlapurg.
of Sir Newman mado lha lecture cspe. I ' l" locution of the main ollicca iur." 1...1.1.. lit 1.... iwl' ".!; a and ,,nJgVrYJiI!iui."iT,,'pvrLVV J dauantrr
dally enjoyable. There were many cau- ' "f many eompanles In New Vork. Thl. f rJ, "' ;:n,"M' hn'rVilouiSrls' I ...ni'fc.'VwV ' ,"','
fully colored sti-reoptloon views us well1 I- done mainly. I bellsxe. because, it Is S.',",'.'IS.W at ' ll.sh n.aa. V. , rSu-beiU'. V: uTSa m"''
as.aonii interestliiB motion pictures ofi"" luhdI'lB liolnt nf tlin inujorlt) of church lo a 1.1. Int. N.w Pailwdral Cam. $; (J- X&rnS 'rem maaa I 81 ,l Aaatha'a
the grandeur of tho playgrounds of the , h" toniea buyers. Influen.vs nro A"'.,.,!"JJlV.n l; j,,Hn. ...n ,.r .,, I ct M. 10 .. ni Int llot crow Cam. Auto
1-nlted Btates New views of many of brought tr bear on the men hi the' main j J ff Krilu.'.. i, ,eo McNameei. . 'vn-n". N. ,,,, nV t 1S AUTIirn.
these gace an added interest to those of 1 otuces. and the goods goes through New Itelallv-e ami fr.ei,.i b.x.t.d fun. 1.1 1 ,,,','id of iatl.er.nV N.l..i! ami son of
the better known subjects. A. 11 P Vork. M'b"',',,1, ' nwleli' at aolSmn L.a of riijSJm I ll'l" ."l1-1. 'i n" s'-''0"' " -?; "",;
iC 1 A: "Hut thl Is no time to talk about such jfl riiSPCrX luJO m" InLiathl" !,U? No"l iiVnWMw'lt.'
things. That was all right In trc Hays dr..l ,' in. Auto eurnae. I r' VstmV sihT Im. rrrn-'
31ISSI0N JIAKKS BIKTHUAY b-"" " nar whc" U WUH a m",r .,fUJoli'n tireTeJra"n.-J I 0..ch.idind a" I wood Cera. Ilemalu. may h. U.wed .Muu.
, of 1 ompctltlon. It Is not a competltlxo iuiativea an.Wrlend.. meinl..ra 0 the Ton. 1 xe upoiiopm l.u.
1 1 ..! .. ... - .Hn..UH ... . ...,.!.. nf iha Ul.aae.l Matramant and' H Iti.LH Jan. j., ejt.uiiui. M., nu.
. .. 1. ... .t . .t. . 1 .,ii nn.iiM iiNiiii. .,..11 ni... . im,. Ti.ru it, .wn.i e.vt, ,. e .....---.-. .---.-.-..-.-..-- . - .. .........ii ., , ,
Galileo Holds Three-Day Services , "of i.18.Ha nation to the i,;.t (&iS,SS!SSSSJSt fi.A W'BS J "'end.".' SK .f"K!.'S Sri? "tK
lot IJIst Anniversary ndvantngo. Wo must forget that there jjn.l.JQ . m nis pnVl"irUedi.mtr ' nin's ok".' a" ' Coii.n."w:i.'"N " J Int'
exer xvas competition between ports. ",! li,u!flf!, r offii ll". m,r ' pm.i.. Harleurh Com. Priendt may call
Tho twrnty.flrst anniversary of the We must get the goods to Uuropo ns ui.TONlIR.li--Jan IT. ANNA It .widow t.un .j... "'"r ,u ,,... ..,,...
founding of (Janice Minion, at 3l-SJ nulckly as possible. . yf Jam m I BHj nh'ad riaip., un.J fALLLX -J-n 'ffi-f" rl taf
Vln., street, will be celebrated by three 1 "That Is why I am anxious to haxo Jnena, invur. Jn( irhau Auto Tr.u7a,r tgiuuc'-iio Ic'o
days' special serx ices beginning tonight. , the L'nlteil States authorities tnke ud- ,,.rvi..o , ,. ,..,,... hK. , ir ?uS?l i III ii glxe" .
in which many prominent inlnl'ste'rL nnd xantage of tho excellent facilities o SKMt o'XULt.KV -Jan Is PUTi:.. J ....band
laj.ni-iit will participate. Tomorrow our port Wo shouki i.eelvu here nil !;""'uj f,irnd. Curt t'alrmount, No. 41. of lat Anna, o' Mallet Lu. noiler ot fu-
nlKht the services will be held I, si ' the frelgM from Pcnnsj Ivnnla and from JJ.'if A.. Inxlted to funeral. Mon . 3 p tn . neral v.111 u. uli.n rr n rr.ldene, of ton-lm
MttU?C lro,a,,ri''p.scom"!lV hur!. 1" the Wo... What wo oJ Jh p,.," nVUy'oo'i W-alW V? ultV riur 1T0J
.ii,.., ,.1, ,i,..i ,.., hi. .....i , .......iii. hen. after reaching capacity '.tm ..lulu """-" ' orri .i . MATILDA N . widow or Thoma.
the mission: William V. Walker, J. u. iMcKean street, and one at Kenllworth
Slartoll and Dr. Henry Faaux. Theiiire.t. These piers can be erected ut a
1 a.Aut a.i .nit nr i xiuiii.Ai. ',. a-i .
,.---,-.. ,- v nurcn
" "-" v'c 'bi.-
The smlcci will conclude Monday
... . a 1. . .. 1 . - . . ."
llnrLy Days Are Needed
. i t . rt
to ncacn r ranee, oav ,
with the greatest possible despatch anil
ii th. me properly addrcaseil tliei-e.l
on r.'iwm why it should require nior.
than tlilrt j ilu ot the Utmost for tlieh
deiiMiv. ' s.i 111 Asn'stnnt I'ostinastM
lift n1 titto l'racgcr today.
little longer time nm tie rrotiirrd
uieie I- n tmn.it in the inlilres ti
In to nhnt ininiiiiiiy the adilicvsce be.
longs, nr If lie ha been usslgneil to
niie other oiaaiilz'itioii, or If the ml.
i,i In ni." I.i:in;ii .-...r..... ,.,.1 ,
m ... . 11 ".. ..IM..
h l-nesir who lea Uierll..ii nwr
tilt iikiIIh ilia 11. .a. Ia. I....
......... ... '
Corporation of the t'nlt d States Ship ltlin uml rrlsn.H numbers i.f Altar wiSir' v rnJ.i in,. fliTrett'i nVlaUna
t !"": m Tho liltretor mrntlone.l J" ''"'V,1?''!'!":, 'WrZ;,JZ. h nViTrUVMVvltJa tj tut,V"i
explains the sYSTfcMi,!, !',t,ro nr-un -""" -"" ?"' jiVr Jff KuS'ri. Ossv , rst ST Ut -h'AriY'ci't't
st I notion or i-onlrmt They Iiiim- n tm.i , IL; Srrulehrs ; m; iSt n-i. iti r """ km'' A.m r
"' l.fiBo.SJC ton. They will add to th . "liSXtlP.Ati:2S'P,!l':, QWIN.S'-Jan. IT. KI.IZAIirrnr, ifhirr
n. . . r,.,mi,,., etlMent work of the l'lillad.1,,1.1,. po.-t I t'l ".iSHtf'itlX: nZltiVn ?SS! f.'V'IiVVrlr'Jl!. 'XtuXW'uw ?
Mails from the I 'lilted Mlate to the MM ItTMJVItS JSS"'. ViirVr.i'nw'n'm 'mitTSt I ' 0lttn,hWX? ,&!Xlru? '1 m. 5
Midler in Kraiu me i,,,i,, h.nrii-i i:i.lAViitIli:lH-K i! ST V iVli. .... ivir liiunli III... in Int. St. fet.r's ,K""L A'JiV'Ali llV.rfJ ,!,,I.?.t.m' '
uier or otiicer im bn-n Chen sonm ne- Ifi'ims . .nirut i.'lui In' II..I m fum-tnl 1IATIT.MAV .Inn IT. ItoliKIlT KNix of .nn ln-liv. I'nlrl. k Murlh.i, MH2 Tr"M
. lul ill lull iinav rrmi hi nan .nmnu... i ." '. I.' ",." ,"....JI,,,.', ' W..iher-ln- i IIAUT.MA.N. non uf Lite Ji.lm nn.1 Ann ! .t . wi.snhl. knn tilth mats t John th;
...7.1 .1, JrJ . i-..,..V? lompatiN Ina. John Iji nn .nit. s i.nrrtice .1. ta. itlh.iH.le llmti... , ! lis li.iiies ami I luuti.t' Chur.li 10 n. in. Int St. John'
and ikes imt return for some t'me to 2 ' !",l"Hr,'! " '-'Ufti I". Int. Ilob tilrn.li. eiiii.ln. nf I'mrmnunt I'Mtk. Initt.r ivni '" "-' "' " 'u .
the iKiliil where Ids mall I being held ' lYi'pff--J i'ul,KiivniMt -if. nt '" faneral eri... Mon. in n. in. 210.)' mrilli: -Jan It. KDWA1U) A. m el
"In no histanru should more than , Chrl. lrJli f Wv S'""' ' ""',N ""' I ,Wati,."P,;nJ,BlfrKU5? Inv usf'to 'i&XC
loity im be newJ.rv for the delU-' ,'r,."L,,'.".l"",. nn.is. i.i.mt,.r of l..,ai- ' ".?',. . ,. T.-...,. . . , tun 1 i. . " isth at. int. North
.., of a le.,. .,, ,t I, posted' S3 h?SV.r,Wa"
.nnnot mnitlMi of nnj ilrciimstsnees fun., a . in.. IM9 .V. aim it Int. private, and friends in. tnU-r of KarraBut A.n 1 " 'V ";-rJ",f', '"'eh an'l TlRSrtnMt rtiUch
uhero a loB as ninety 0.,,s oU.,1 1. -tSWTtfw V ..KAN XfArfi ,n.,.,WljVhn. ni! J," KrCnVi ' .-, ' $JT&
i...e.irv aae.1 11.1 iMutuV in.l lil'iiil" iml". I to fhunh .f Ilolv inn.furter imti and I'linn , ii",r. h ,,'!,. "l',',, rc"v- S"- t?S iaT
"' "l """" "l-"" w,ne lif'Mi nf ll-rlhu n,l I...,. .Ih.. fhrlatlan
nii m ill soldleis in ri'iiiiee that Ihc i
il Msiem ut the finiit is, "rotten
I'l 1 lr Olltllll.ll t KlHlMlll (1f
.1, m'tioiK tm.il from the flillril Htntos
the tuns in France a follows:
"i;iii htt.iM p'eked from boxes nil
over the i.l Kiel II HtUte for the III.'II
it th. Ii ml are B.itneied at ono puhit
iu .Niw oik, and those from the
utsl.in Stutes In I'biciiBo. At theso
1 wo olUccrt tlle me assolteit. talttils
Kning to each I'impiiiiy arc plated to
H.ther in one bag, s. al.-d and tugged
f..r that tsniiiiii. Letters with In.
sulllclotit lul.li'ess ale all placed to
Belli, r. put in bags and sent direct
. .. ..i... i ,i ... .. . i.
to the slatl.stl.nl humiU at (lenernl
I'ershitig's headnuarters In Prnnr-e..
whiTe cjih iiian In looked up nnd tho
tetleis sent al"iig to lilm at whateivr
i point bo Is located.
To handle tills soldier mall wo have
established In Now Voik the greatest
dlsli Uniting station Iu the I'nltvil
Htates. Kotir liini.ll oil mall clerks nrc
thero distributing m.ul all the time,
so there will be no delay on tills aide.
Me oct upv three IIihii In the old
I'r.iw'ford.slinipsoii Building In Nine-
' teenth slieet. New V.nU.
.Mull I hat ; propel ly nildressed
Rues 111 the bags In New Vork lagged
for tho .oiupany or oilier untt. It
gms on the tiaiimrt to Prance, then
Is tiniisfeirrd to the l-'rencli railroad
nnd sent to the front. The mall ad
dicNKfil tn bug to the companies I
delliered by the malt carrier to the
.'.inp.uiy mull orderlies, who distri
bute It. We deliver only to tho mili
tary orilcilles and not t tho men
P rsonully. The mull larking suf
II. lent address gnes in bulk to tho
statistical htirt-au, whrio It Is sorted
and distributed.
1'iiossiMi ur i.urrnns
1... T.h..h,... et.1.1 ...a ..r.nn.M ,1 , .
.,... e ..... ...
"" "" i'l"ai"i ' iwn uiau w.i
was that lettel iross null nther and
take about thirty das for HelUery. ,
...... i. . ..11 . a . i .. t
v in mi n t-.ii uriiH irnin i ma nil i at in
, ,,'".. -
Trade Leader A ids
'1 i n 1
iOOIll I ()' I OVL
Jtim 1 ii t lyi v
' '
,.'11,I1(d fr..n Parr One
.. ..- ..
' shuuld ne .eiii , .ui 1 ........-.
f the Iit-partmcnt
... , U.
llld Kerrles, this
lespondenco With
t.lreelne CKHier. OI
..r Wh.iixcs, Doeks ami
r'cnltod'' urates Shipping Hoard by
. . al... l.l.... a.. 1 . .. la.Wfal li.tl 14 hAIIlll U l.tltW ft
iriinc un lihi Biiiim iu iiuui nit it,,,. .ia ... ''!. .."".v. .... .";... .' . i i
MSl lor theng n'vmSl
1.1..1.1, una nf these lifers, it Ilia foot I Sn'!."". 11.... in, 11. a . f,,n.r.i
Lr u,i;.,i ktreot. Is threo-fourths com-
lnieted. Two are
......., Ttv,. liru now manned soutll or
. 1 - . , ... ntn nn 1. rnu. .1.
-.-- , mntinnin 1. fwii
co3t of nlxiui -.xt.uu cucn. t.io ue;
coat Of IlbOUl j-.vuu.vvu cue... J..10 ue-
.nnrtment now liaa nRiiauie n,uyy,vyu
.partment WW axanaoie tu.ogg.tiiiu
. ior me puii-wt.
tiers Thero Is rerv Indication that
Mif (Invc-rninctit ivlll farllitnto tin. carlj
1 oinplcllon of thrsi. piers with a lew- o,
uiiiitiK to hip shipping cilhliiity.
lit along the lieliiwari
led. Many of tlieui an
il with freight stored for rlilntmii'
011 tho tiert l)at. The Uinernniuit
ould add to It good work by sending
-ip n " im fi.Ri.t awny muni
to nmke rootn for mom
iiwi.r wrbntrr-H inter m ad-
..-.-, intiiti ( i tii i y, iin,"iir "l
lUNMsTRn-Jnii it Aiiii if- ..!
!?.. I l..i.rintrr. daiwhl.p of l'irirk ami
ITM. t aimhfW. ltrlHtlvm nnl
innt'n in imttrnl, Mon , 7 .l r
i." :
qut.m "inN t t Ann'H Imi.h 0 a
Int. , u iiilifdnil i cm
VP'TT,.."1 U .JOHN AO.I Of IrlTr
.iitnn hiiii i.iuhuiII llarrrlt HHms
l.s.l.t. - Jan IS .l.iSKPlt. hu.liii ml nr
.... - - -
jir iim.. (i,e Hi hirnnel ra), ''il 1
li. 1...11.. ur tuue.ul lll b. kImii. from
' "" wi lunriui mil u kih'ii. it'jiii
f I "n ..' -HlMm VT ....
IIKltrXl'll MuiMenli J.n IT. .Kills' J
lliria.li n
X..1I.I). ... i .-..
uml tiiiiols hull .1 I, fmier. I. Tu..
2 1.
lllnlh.'l a rci.il. II. e. llal.S II tllev at till, i
ill., mount l '. in UeinulnS nm bo Vli wi J
.Men. s n. In ,, n,
HUIAi'K Jan lit. ..t Mltronl. t'lka Oo .
i'r f ",' S. u,o tiinjnnn,, "iiin Vlti!llart7oi
Wilk.a llarre Pa. Kuiernl ;rrlees nnd In-' Ill'NTnll. Jan 10 MAllllAMVr A. CA
lermetit hi Mllr.inl Pa .I'll. lIHh Inst 1111,1.. ntr, i.r Thnmna J. Ituntrr. Ilrla-
las K Jan IT. KAI.I.U! I" . wife of llciiiv ii.,. unit ftlenila Invil. il to functnl. Mon.
i. Ileik. ami .lunula, r nf William II. id i 3ll a. in. 'Jim . I". re al lllsh man
II. rtlui Junior ILlatlvca and frlmtta Invltoil ur reuulfin I'hur- h of Uplrhany iu a. In
in fun. r..t lnn . 2 . m.. parrnta r.vi-1 tnt Ibity .'resa rem.
.Unci. Iflaft Sniilir in Inl ulNorthwoml III'S'TSSI N Jan IS SIAV HllPi:
I'em. 1'rien.U lna 11.U ttuil. cle. AuloWi;i.l widow nf ll.iwunl 1 Hunt. mall,
aortee lleliillioa ulnl Ii lend. Inilteit tn rerM. .. ,
ItltiKiM Vinrliiml. N .t , Jan. IT. Wl!.- I Men . 130 . in, -Ml N I'.OIli al Int.
t.lA.M M HHUOM, use.l '. U-lMllv.s im.l I nrlial.
frlen.la linll.,1 t.. fnnrril a.rvM'r, whli h III TToN Jan. IT. Wll.l.lAM Ul.s.
will lie I10I1I in KeliUers' llonir. Vlnoland. WiiltTII IKIII l.u.l.aml of l.llllc llronlli
ei J. S'nn , s.a n. nl. inl. .Mi. nun
, l'...n .. N' .1
1 HUiiWN Jan. IT
N:;iH lll'.OW'N (lire '
isiaiori wire ..t lioinrt nronn nciaii
innil frl.n.l.. memla r. nf l'rlmilililp fir.
J?o JtVh.A1'rt;"ia"Sf'-J;
I Ma lor) wife nt Uoht
rt Itronll Itclatlv.s
Tldh '
til I. It. til
rANI'IRI.Ii Jan 111 HAIIAH A. .'AN-
KIKI.K in, U.lln. lf ot Jain.. ia.itlil.1
llel.itli.s ..nil rrlenil. Invlle.1 In funeral.
Men. s .. in .aui Tainnt al . I riinkferil.
Holeinu i.'iuiem mi... Alt H .mis i nun h.
llrlil.-.l.uik. II :tn ii in ml. t. Joiiititmn
Cm Aiitn run.rul
i'AVTWI.1.1. Jan. Ill JiiSlll'll 1. . aon
id Int" Ml hu.l nnd Ann .'indwell llilnmra
nnd rrl.mls iniiil.nea uf M.ajre tt Whllu
i'ii invlled to funeral Mnti , s 3o n in .
..lo n neuiler si. s..i. nui re.tui. in ui.r.
l,nl r Min v i'hurch 10 n
'ath(.iil ..in IUii.hIhh may l" k'ed
Hun. rt.. 7 11 ni. Auto pmlrj- .,,,.,,.
fAH(!:v. Ji . fcc-i Mi iTUlUvn iitul filtla
.... -'.
iltlfiHl til rilllf.rill Mt r It I K. Mttll . M V IU.,
lUf IP OI UtlUUIIUr. ! VII'MIUIUfii it t-..
Mii.-noi.n-n. int pnai'. Duioni tuuiu., wei.i
, lut'e, i in p iii , ,
' CHAI'lN' At hl home nt CurwrnUleuv
. v f .ft t,. i" iniiv niirr
i. I . nutria. ttlll. ll. awn. a .' ..
.. ... . 11.11 N Ml.UIHH KT .1.1 ,11 t.li.l
i'em. friend-. m.. .nil Sun. s I 10 p m
Aulu ruiieral .
ci.ir.NT - l.u IT l.tlNJAMIN I.r.M-
, lnj. as;..t : v.a t "' " ' " ,.
' .- . . . .. t n,
I ill nnrn .ohki it iiii l.i i iiuiiniiini . -.
oj rnu
rMtUAIM Jan. lrt 11UXRT husband
lIKNnT husbnnil
i r K H(ii rini I'ltrnmn n'" niiiiiiu ttiiu fi-m
nf licit' !Imim and Ath.,rhi' CttTABli. J -
2" rtelatltis and rrl nila. .inplot,
' and II. Shop. Port lfclunond Intltr
1-raf j. . su ,n ,.,.1,), ,.,. 0f
in law. Mr. Margaret Smith. 2MI A
... CI. I...... V. ..III. II. IWi.Mw t 'll.lffttl
lomim s mm iri nai. uipifjjfp tu i
fu in xu
Si if lllli
iui. n irii ('hurrh of fUe
VatlUlV il
IU. llOiy V.TOI5 wm
Anto funeral
of Illlitnetli lVndt fnro liouah.rtvl Itela-
tit, a and frlrnda, rmnlovea ef llal.livln l.a-
J nnnt"te XorKa. Court Amrricu.. P. of A..
I Invited to funeral. Tui. S 30 n 111. Mil!
Jin. 1R, WAI.TBIt J hual.and
vS-Ai -'f,,, "M &Wl!Z.
Mon.. 8S0 a. m . lioo S. Ki at. Hoirmri
ma.a 01 rr.,u.r... .....-. -. --. .....-
I "aTAOlll'lL-Jan 10 "maiiva. qal.
1 A9 !:;l' (!,,lB...i.,.c.li".n)a "A&aI 3ilmV V.-
Hodallty ft t. Monica' fnuirli. Inlte4 to
I (imitaHN' I . imninia i. ."" '
. unera.Mo n. Vau&,Kr Kffl5Kn m
, runerait
I above ii.Mi. Boirmn resuin
phi wo St Kd-
ULUi'Iiini. At HI. J.i.enn iioam-ai ; .iiiuri. n ".. .innmiw '" ";:, . tat. rraldne lTtl H, Lee tt.
Jan. IT. UllliltOIJ II llfllfliKlt. 'latl I TO'O.i ''.' S-i1'1 1 ,'i1, , ,i, h .- Inl nrlf-'J ."woo. Cem
and friend. United l... funeral. Moll . tl 3D n Ji l " 'Nip'"" 'NanV" jihnaion ' (fue Hi'IllMMIXllVIl -Jan. IT. Jl VXIMII-
m funeral aid. "f I'rank A. llo..kv 1T2. yr 'i.. it, art an.l Jan e J uhn",mnicr,,,0'f JAN si'lllMMINUKII aaed St Itelatlrea
illn.rd iim Ili.iul. in in,... I'huii.li nf lle.il I Muni r IM.itPia ana Jr. nl.. i inlK-ra oi niehinon.1 I-od.r. No. 2S0.
11 a. m. Int. Neiv I'lthr.lral I'em. Auto L ,'".,' "''',' n A,.n,hl N 18 A o M l 1 and A M. hulled to tunera arrv ret.
funciiil. Il.niaina mat bo Menul un.. T f. '.".'. K'M.llS'r,,: .. ';!,,. ,,,. ,L Vnn -J ., m . 30il N. Lawrence tt. Int.
ll'llAl'N J 11, 1.1. 1 , naril ss ' unrm 1 ' ,.:,-:,. Arthur Kruf: and dauahter or An- I " It.' at lea ana rrlcllila invtita lo lunrra.,
Ifrom tale re.ld.nee Hat . Jan. 1 i. 2 3d P. m. '' ur A r, nu rj('V"li liVlll. i..l ss. Itel". ""u.".. 12 3(1 n ni rrsl.leV. of hu.band.
-Nt'.v...','.r.1i,i,.n,d 'ltall!, !,"',r.r," P', a,T TO.v.'.-o tn'a nnd rrlrinle Invlled to run.ral. Men . Tuekrri.ui. N. J Int Tuckerton Cem. At.
.V,,.UU.,.,!, J".n '.". W,A!'. IUA.N!f.s T an n iii . ts;M N. llilh st lllah mass St. la.'tle City papera eenr.
.IIIH'I NH llieo Itand.ilnh). widow ot All- .Uulnlh m thunll 11 u. in. Inl Holy Cross I SMITIMIAOK. Jan 18. CATIIAIltNT!,
Ilam Ctl.ffhiK. need III Uelatllea anil i t-,m Auto funelal 'wife of Joaenti Smllh and dauahtrr of Fred
friends Inilt.d l.i funeral aerikea. Mon 8 I,AItnl UK su inle. Jim 18. 11.MIL LA. , .,i, i, ,. ""Sr'S ,,,V.Vn?n.J . Mli-im..!. m
utrrt.Wi flMJ'n! J11 1 -inil.v
1 rt.mt huiiTil et IH.11 Oi-tler I
iifttifM fJ 3i. It. Iitnis nn I frl-nd
i.uiiomrk Court No. .ill r r A mi-
nt Atlsnlli; ItrAnln in A'l'n Mi-
htil lflit"il to futirral Ttl A
.,i-,;i ot th. iJurnM llfan Su m. hit. i
vni.. r nV..R .. imiuni miv
I1II1S-I--IV J in It AWlll finttrPIV
nlull,.M ns.l frli-n.ll ltillt,.l In rnrnl
iien n j.i -i in win r, ;uin i. naifinn
r.iiui..n mrii si I'hurlMTii rhurrli In . tn. i
Int i.iii.rtrai i'i m Aui., run. rat rr!nj I
iiiuv i nn sun, I in ill i m.
1 Mi:i.t( Hua.lenh J.v.. til. WII.MaIT .
trtonAa tn. ml., r nf U'l Mm.. Il 1Int.. rt,-t
. ,. ---. ;!- -,- .. . Z wl. "" " . ","
' ! . t .... j t -. .:.! :..' .'."
firlnl Sml"lv. Nn 1 lmllt In funrnl Kun
uorkitmmen'H ucin.
n n in . nnrlorn nf II F Shru.!r ft Knn. i
!). nni( Anh pIi. .rinMi...N J. Int.
.""'"' t'"- "" "!'" .r"v
ii niiiitii .inn in ii. mi'iti. m iii
Henry II Uhit i'n.
lllltl.it in funrrnl
rnltfi Mini, h v m 1il.M N. Iluti hlnauii
im. urn hip BeniH" ni iinnrrn
S'.rl,.;i . I.iul,,rn'
Mt. (Wh TM..n, ll...a I'.. t: . ii . ... ni times II. van lltl.llt.B ttliu ir.cnn. ia
nn.l '"""'I'. Tim i.e, Mimig. i ii . Tin , II a in. ,r,. . tmrrnl i sin a m . r.jliJfnco
ims-ivvizii j.n in HAItltV .1 .n of
Thniraa nnd Nelll." Itultner liu-i Mi-t'ris
i.ii .l.,i ii. ite U v.. ni Vi. .a. ini.i
iai i HOt'il 1
t. Itelillvea nnd trlnula InMlnl
II-. ,u lion n .... ,. ... , -.i.e.. i iniriiiu
Solemn rs,ul..ii tn ..a SI Itaiiliarl'a
ti In u ill Ii.t Iluti Croa Ccin i
Mon s nil it in . Minn Tlnleum
rnn. 1.11
lll'NX .lull. IS 11SAIAH liuluiii.l nt
l'riiii. m Hum. iiL-Mil .1? It. I..I1..M ...i.l
frl.-n.ls Inilu.l In fum-rnl. .Mini, 2 n. lit.
r. .1(1, me t.f aonlnlaH, Jr.ae LntIaiMi.
"tint iv.lernl at. i"nnut.n. X J. Int. Ar-
LVe4,u" l "n ,l"m'""' "'"' "' '"d &un.
iiuinin inrnierir 01 1 noau. ipnin. o.iai.
and Irl.liiti.. Itliitnaa It 1'alteil I.o.Ik..
l'V.1. 1' and A M I'nurt llHrtrnm No. -.;
I . ol A. United to tunervl mrilira. ilun
11 till ... in r al.ln, e vt lir.ither-ln-1 ill.
Iromaa Uiaktne. Stute run.!. Media. l'.l
Int, J'eri.w.ioil C'l'lil. Auto tunelal Auto.
i ... ........ .. I- a'........ t-MI u
'" S".," ' i', ,"' m.,;,.,i, ," 7, .Ailin f". .
IKra, I
K.l I'I'MAN Ja. IT. OKtlltlli: anil nf ,
), nrim u, ie:i Kuultinan ltrlalln-i
q rrl.-nil Im in d to Tun. rut Mon , 2 p. ni..
r.-sl.l. n. o ut hrotlier lllrnni Uuurtinin .10111 1
I'rnnKfoid ue. Inl inliale. North Cedari
mil r , Aiiloruner.it ItrllMlna may tal
xiewe.1 Sun . s tn Hi . iii
Ki'iut Jan IT. JOHN It. .on of Jamr.
nlu MapKlu Ivorr. asi.l 2s. Ilriatliea ami '
frlelt.ls, l,ec..l I lilou, n l. IT. ll. or l
anil J OI AlllorKn. milieu in lun.rai
'm. 7 :t a ni . iiarrnfV rpnlrnre 17iM
Uroun at. IlUh maw Cliurcli of U10 Oca'
jMt Hnlv rruni iv.m.
iii:HLUU Jn 17, ItCUTItA. wltn of
, It. .!.... IJ.uvUr liwa ll. (hull iiPa.il ft Until.
... , ,.,,, fr. nria n tnl tn flinrn! ATnn. :i I
( ,n siHU r-ln-luu 'm riemc, 2M,i iht-
ii m tun bt . Hriufauurs.
i L." fcl l"u"ul"
Int llrot nmount
......lit: III... .1.1.1,., UT I.Ill.rill.
I.AMKT Jan l... lll.LA tine Keatina).
wile ..f William J l.aine IUIatlies nnd
rilanda, in. mlra ..r John .lamt.era I'hur.ti.
' no i ieu m lunersi ,"'".'.. ",,- ",..
... a,
i ami iiv i'
11tH utitl frlciulK iiiili d to furuTitl. Mill) .
i 7 3 u. m . frmn r1dtnct, D3J N AVntia
i 7 3" . m. frum rldpncc. n;j N AVatia
hi iir'ar i.inun t rnu uiruru int.f tttnro
1.,r Ht. MHliich'n "liurch H o, m Int. St.
u, nin. i i vni. ui iuihthi.
-mum.- umiiimi,' .,. us MiniAf Tt..
,:,; .,i -",. xti.L ;.i iV.Virhiir f
ifti.tUoM itiwi fFipnitai iitlttatl to fuiiprul
.ril... iff. J I. .., ' rt.UI.n' o of hu.!
Iiand ailT Catharine! at Int nrjtare.
l.qll,. Ii-ii..rul arvlee. nn,l Int lirltatr.
COCK ased r.T Relatives and friends In
tiled ,j funrral rrt leea. Tuea., I p. m.,
re.ldrnce. Herllil rd.. Preemtn Station, Han.
lonfltld N J. Int. llerlln Crm Prlrndt
may tall Mon eve. Auto will mrrt trolley.
1" pmin Iladdon ae.. Iladdnnflfld
rt.KS rtrlttlvr. and friend. IntlUil lo fu
nrral, Mon.. s80 a in . re.ld.noe of nlee.
Xllu l:i U McCailln. 2ui0 Almond tt. 18th
XV'ard Solemn rrqut.m ma. a Ht Ann'a
Chureh 10 a. m. Inl Holy cro.a cem,
PKTEItrlN. Jan. IT I -MM A wlfl if
Vrutlerlelf l.eleraen. tviaow- of Thomftl tier
retl inee BlyhoR). ai-ed nr. Rrlatiiet and
frlrnda. mrmbert of Htpiltt I'sne h and
snnuay Clenool. I.ani.a Ala oi urioranurar
Plllzenri Dlv . No. Ml. a. of T II T lt
h-k.r. .No 1!'T I. O. O, F Invttea to fu
nerai. aion - p. tn ttnn u inomision ii
Int f'tdar Htn Cera. Remains may bt
viewed nun. n iu iv i. n. ...
PIATT -Jan IS. auoitac -xv ...butbanil
fornlaVBtar uak'.. No. 4. I. O. O. V., an
atainaw ItecaattinAW. No, IT, L O. U.if lay
..... . ... . i .",.Viri".'u l.'.r.l.r"" V. ""S.: '.'..' "'"."' i.nl e.l i,. fun.rit ..rUr. nn Tura . at 2
t' I. I T I I1TI I.I I 1 tt IT ITI.l 1 III'TII I '1 . .V II
I hmtiii.
f'.i m r.. ..1 .....i. ii )
ntirmnts of Wm II Aiuribfi 19
Hrna t, tnt prlvst. , 1,
t'P'KBIlf.Vll --YK rtirfrlors of Th rl
nn"unc lih lffu rrt tht llKj
IK, i, f.,iu m.k.. i.iim I Plnhnrhiv.
.Inn. IX 10l Jnhn Ilrw. Dftl Idflli: 1
iun W. rrr
J.n 1 OKCJfctfl
IIHIIV ., nr !.!
"on of lt WllUStn , K. ,5ni
lri.lt 1lft dba.1 '1 Tl rtryllrA
-i"i nimofl.i si, ja.rcnanivinr. n. .
root.n In WilmHrton, tM . Thlr-nr.
first Jtotiih i.-.ts wim.iam. itoi4 sw'
"i iiUKin-f sn.i rtiniu invurq m '
" " ' suiriiini "IIl -li a -- .
. a.mm itur. an 17. IW'W" ". VK
tlf And frlenild. Ilrllto I0IaTi NO. nxw.
1 1 Ii i ti It .J . tunmrml aatPVirB.
" . ." L'vir" vi "-.'" " -
Il I ll I lnII In mn
'ns Urt HrtSlol. Va . Motl - P. "
Int. Iiriprnl Cern. ,.. ...-
,. IM-I.TrC.' . iii". -"jLS-iA: iSi
iiitii to runrrai. .Mon. j' n.. m i
:v. . .!". " -
i m ii iu luirrH . iuii o' . . -
"n ."' .m.iy iu a. in ini, ... .-.-.-
IIMMJ -i.n. 1'. I A 1 I1AO lVS..7f."
......... . . .. . . 1,V.-L. .tM
nf inn In-law. I'utrli k Murttia. .1
.w- . ........... -....'
to fnntrat. Js UralnaM at. Ml lioiu, i.
J . Him n r m Int Mt teniiv ; m
.?AfcS'Kl Jjn
" '.':
i .' , .' ,. , . . ... .... 1 .ri . m
frl.n.l. Inl Ivd to funrral Man.. TJO a. ju
ro.l.l.noe nf sen l.iwrenr. I) r!ft.rr. .-'
lew of JoSn V!
nrlatlira and
ti. r.. ., v.i in.llu lllftli mass or re-
.lul.in ,st. I'artbnar s Chunli s.30 . m. Int.
.rlir,e. New e'atlinlrsl Cm llalllmorr.
Mi" , nn arrt.il of in .10 n. in. train Broad
M Sta. Auto arnica, llaltlmoro paixra
""RrllAt'OT -Jan in. OEOnOR H., hll.
iMiml of Marv s'chuudt .(n. Mount). Rela
tiles nnd mends. Holy Nam. Boel.tjr of
rtiurih of Aai.lialon. I.lnwood Aa..mllr. No,
T A O If J" Camp. No. 10.229. Modern,
Wnodnin of Amerlrn Inilt.d to funrrnl.
Men . S.3H .. in . .1ln!H Jaawr at. Holamn
reoulnn inaas rtiurih of Aaeenalon 10 a. ro.
In" Hole Srri't'''lirr Cem Auto ..nice.
m'llI'MACItl It. Jnn IB. .LOUIS, tuts
t.alld nf Illlra rtli n. Ilrtta) and ton of
Mar and Utn Andrew tfrhumach.r. lignlM.
Il.lalli.a and frlrnda Wnahlnntnn (.amp.
No mr, !' o M. of A MHmrwa Trfha. Njf.
TI.. I l It M . Am.rlenn e'nulicll. No. SO.
.lr O. f. A. M . tnvlt.il tn tuneral arrTtraa,
hat 2 1 in. 13in W Hatlard at..(lBtlJ
nnd Iluntlnsdon). Int. private. Mt. Vtrnoo
i'em Auto run.ral Itemalns may u
le-d wrt . T to p tn .......
DP.lt til ln Jan. IS. 11118 e'HAnLTJS H
KnitAI). tinahsnd of Mary II. Srrad .In..
..... ..,.
I ' KeMimiVKn Jan 18. THOMAS SPHIP.
run. aou of late Matlnillltn nnd Catharine
,hlnr. r Itelallles nnd rrlrnda lnttrd to
fun.rnl. Tura, s.tu n m . sll K. 21et at.
ltiah renulrin tn.a St I'liarles's Church 10
u in Int prlinte, ,
MH'STKH Ian. tB. ADAM P. buahand
or LA VINIA Hlll'MTnit fnre e'aarl),atrd TS.
Itelalliea and rrlind.. Olli. I'amlr. No, 18.
K. U ii, iiii'ml.rra of Ilrthlrhrm Lutheran
riiurch. fnlled to fun.ral arlret, Tuea.. U
, p. ill al liie cnurcn, auin aim umiiiunii .u,
I iirinaius inn) i". .i-n-(i ...wn. i,,n. b .s
N. '.MUh t Int. private.
1 SIHUIV -HuWnt Jn 1), K. O
1 I.nV formerly nf 1.MT H IGlh at. I"
1 ml eninlon' of l'enna n. K. Inl
Ited to
fimrtil Hprttea. Sun.. 1:311 p. m, parlors
of T H. Chen. 1728 8ndr e .Int Krn
wood im rtpmann iiiaj no .oveu oau
vp. Auto scrvlcf
wlff of PnmuM
smitn. acp-i
,,-...... .. i.e
Tn.a . n an ,. ... nn r.im.non. .1. Illtti
Wadl Solemn reViii tm ma.a Ht. Ann'a
I rV"i,eh 10 a m VUir .d In? "trr
STKIN-Jan Is. ANN1K btki.N. daush
y o i:. . Tioca Ynrly Iti-n'flrlal Ana., TVv-
i rmini. WlllZern abo piiiiMoyw ui afuun .
( Cjnini no Works, nvlt'! to funeral rY
ice, un . ;i n m.. j-ia . L-uray st ia
14.1 W .nrnv at.
(Jrenmoiint i m
WACKKU .Tan 17 KVA. fuanujch.
1ttf( 'till 'Jiiit? RmMh iiit,v8 .Rnu
I Irlends lli.rmo..) ('nontll. No KM. D. of U.
I ln ltd to tnnirul irrtlce., Mon.. 2 P.n..
, t.,..C... ,'.',.- ....,,... ,.... v.. ------
jitltea and Irl'lHla invnea 10 arrticca oesa
Slurafn ate . Sienton. Mt Airy, Mon., Vad
p. m Int. prltate.
i.u rivln nHH llla Atulrh XX'atlcln.. It.Ias
lite, und friend. Invited to funeral, Wed.,
s 811 ii. in.. tiS.l Porlrr .1 Solemn tilth,
maaa of r.iiutem Church of tho Epiphany, lu
a. m bit Holy I'roea Crm.
XXUI.SU -.lan ll, JAir. ir,i.i&. nu.
hand of laia hilen XVel.h. nurd 84. Itelatltea
and frlrnda intltfd to funrral. Mon., :S0 a.
m r ami ni . nroiner-.n-.aw- aonn iiayaa,
i-j"l N. lllth it Holeniti reaulrm mate
Cliurch nf tho Urau 111 a m. Int New
Cathedral Crm. Auto arrvlcr.
Hamilton xxilcox and dauzhter of Mary H.
an.l isle lioueri niuuno.nie, iiriaiiv.a .im,
frlrnda. Relay Ito.t laidy Kareitert, No. IS.
Invited to funrral, Jlon., "T-.30 a. m.. re.),
dence of brother-in-law, Harry J Curran.
4x3 K. Indiana avr. Holemn requiem matt
Chun h of Aacen.lon 0 a, m. int. private
XVH.P.y Jan IT KLIA ACINUS, wife. of
XVllllam J. XVIIry Inro McDonoush). Mela-,
tltra and frlrnda Invited to funeral. Mon,
s :il a. in., rr.ldenct ot J, P. Connora. 31,
Clrrrn at. lllth ma.a Ml Mlchael'a Church
10 a ni. Int. Holy Croat Crm. ., ,
WILLIAMS Suddenly. Jan. Id. Jltf'
RKCCA A., dauthter ot lata Dtnl.I and
c.th.nn. XVIlllamt. Ilelatlrra and frltnda
Inxltrd to funrral trrtlcra. Sat., 8 p, m..
r..lSrnc. of nephew, Harry N. Cops, toll N.
&3d at. Int. Oxford Cem , Oxford. Pa.. Uuo.
XX'OLP. Jen. t8. UM1IA . VOI l
Ttelnfr.rdl. w.fe of e'harlr. Wolf, area J,
ltelatlvr. and friend. Invtted to funeral
Tura., SAO a, in . ,4318 Mantyunlt avt..
ItnttiorouKh. llMulem ma.a At Vl.ry'a'
Church 10 a. m. Int. Ht. .Mary's Cam.. Roi
horouth. Remain, may bt vltwttt Mon.. T
to 10 p, m. ,
n.latltea and frl.nda iiiv'l -J ti funaral. MoafJ
S-3U a. in., retld.net of aou-hi-Iaw. JuNta
xx. ora. Bum ti ana iiouitiu arvt.
wood, Rrautem Idsn matt at tba t
nr st itarutAi iu a m, prenteiy.
uainaura t rui. AUlo acrv.ev.
Thoma. D. Yannraea. ataq
Mou . 8 JO a. uv..
e 8t.MtlMir
Wrtenda ln Ittd to funrral Mou
i.ani Hull.. t lllh ln..a Rt
1 church Id u. ni, lut. Iloly Croat CtcaVAVUto
kfuneral .
i "AmiU-jan JJ JUBKl'll ejatT
hu.band of C arrle M Zaltar (nra Ilea.
,n toa bf Charlie and VItUpa M. TBlla
t icaunves ana iri.noi, jiiainiaa n enai
t,edie. No. SSI. P, atti A. M . PklkV
ti.i,oryu a. iv aV4K,J,teil.3ti. .wuiara.- m
p. LTa tfSflHHr9t orT(B"
i i . ...,i ........ r.ii iucu i uiai u.a anil irianna
led In funeral