ommHM j-V'V. w J tt y&zw yi.Taniioinrlfi IQ1C January 16, 1918 WftUUHlJ J.V7, illO i " EiMBE-iF' .12 iLimrriinn ia uaui: vizvu il ft' 3 m v '.. ; . lixt VA v;ti .j f- ' -c - RUB YOUR EYES, YOU MUST BE DREAMING! IT COULD NEVER HAVE BEEN. THAT WAY! ViMV I !r...iim-W- r iii " r nvm ?-?3fSsLiLaki ? .. t .1 rf ! ry If HUM H, jw J iillillll 1 ; ' - --jf ?, ArfawH v mmmsm'mmssMssmmsmi rfsHI; ; p rrr SfSilSrSZrChXiAi". I gM Wm "IJBMMBWPIpIM 1 HIiMliHB!-?: ' "& IK lkJVVTnnnHrT-- i T TITHM rMl I 1 1 1 I ' I i l"W.MiMF' ! M I i n In n m )HPHSfBfnmiHn?'-v7nHHMPiR' riwry'.iiiifc1. rj ." 'i -nrtr'r-dwr7fe!wFV'a k MMMiMaiM ! JWIiiW llfiMTia lulu 1 VjtMiT wMM'n(' v AJVw5'Sl V . . tj rt 1H MffTnim w wuimaa.miiawM:;.!. -'. -. . .. . -v--:..,.,. .., WSHRSwSsfWSss "j ,ii Jwht- ;'?' j-fi-:Hj - fJk..t, .ta.,- -fl2'i', x'rr nji ' yj....i-y -. . ;vt. .i- 1 . ' -i a j r -is fc 7- -' " Ci9v m :f7Trr n 4 jyfimi.iM -uwip-AaF pSWfffvt ' mucJ m-,Jzi citel' "! M tt. " -.. mJH,. . ! jtsstmt!ssaesms& .TjTT-vir" 5SmS8SiSS5SSa5SFSii $Zv dim 1 Si ; sssingsigsaBessiBesssBsssiG , ,y,- "iSKSV. fer--?. M .jl'Mrl 111-' '' ' ' " ' 'm2 HBIKll' It mm ' ' : liPl s -ni -r jfc'r . b mH-;xKLiBWw j XJT v -.RSIRf.-'-IW "PL IIIA1 .vs' sswwa SSSSSSESSeSSSSSSSBBSBBa V f ? WSshBS3ESBSmnS3ESSSSSSS!BS H wpuU you liko to land at t!ie railroad station and find no automobile :nt7 And yet tho sea.coint? haeks on Ttrnml efrnrf nt- li i-iMif elinT.. hat you had to put up with forty-tlvo years ago, in 1873, when thir photograph, showing the site of City Hall, wats taken by R. Newell & Son. SStlSffiSKSSB! 1 M IBUUH 1 L Z.U2E. . ,f BIMd'TT' ' him YiM'-" mm . ,&jr,jm jprjfi 'M WSi, - !.-- .VtaTf jflETj 'vl iBsn SSSSSS8aSSSSSS2SSSg23 1 H n? llLM' " ' ' 5'TV se, H-JAi'MT.: Ui ijaHiBi... " wMl!Vvt,tt, ', t -';- fete.H j .. t (iJ:1(fc' I f T fWB jf ''TlWPMwSB txaitill' mmb liMaflftSli TlfS? me ' wot OTfflPIl &tea u vu.h.fiiR- k ii. vmamm.mmm i t - 7?.y jjfe """" i i QBf " J , ; scSr ,, .,'...,. l.Vi ,TStJjiv 1 1H. Tfr? Market street today, lookins east from City Hull. It't) tho cty sarna locality as pictured on tho left, but, oh, what ti difference! The eeuseles'? htreatns of passenger cars, taxis, motortrucks and flivver would make cm'ii 11. .T. Cattcll dizzy if he tried to count 'oil Wr ywmwy&OTgtiW? fft .- "V-' Hwvr. X . "I'TgK lfc . lilii H1 'Of J Sffil'JVWXi :;Sai&SiBBHW'SSli iinaiKiii RhBB9KB9J ?0S3iC7sHBB j!!BSfiRHHe99 W)iv fv--rr- -f iSM.tSfISS iUH' Trsa Yes, .this 1b tho coniei of Broad and Chestnut streets. You don't believe it? Yet George Washington Camera couldn't lie, even in 1888, thirtv years ago, when it tool: this picture. Can you make out tho stylo of dresses the women are wearing and the oop'e helmet? Oh, Rip Van Winkle' :m4Umm (uif 11 & jT' $j U-?zmczmmmL wkmmsmm The endless procession of automobiles so in? east on Chestnut street today and the two-way traffic on Broad street prove at a glance how essential the motor vehicle & to the lifo of the modern metropolis. Look at the next picture and see if you would recognize it as showing the identical locality. E .'-'?. 'i i ' I WH;m - fefffl til ; '' ..C fffSk 1 '' 'writ-m n (i"i. r 4' IBM f if9B -y - -'- - "- w 'bwJbk Vct7hhhbBb f i SbVBB'TBI:II 4J -i ap ; - ' H''. .BW''?1 S.yy" '?'? vp r-"' SHISfSSISSSSSESSlli 1 y?v i , , - v. I ' .ir - r-. " ' - r-. ft- J i..f;.'.; j " .'l.KA&.''. .. '4 s A- MfoKftafii A. y ,.-" ru fill rraffl -aSSBSSSHBEEagaES,. -sP . -- """ '' - N &f- - iHfflSSSt i.uwiiatfauaiiuuiBii:BfM) i&i ' 'i " mhiWiinKi iwi niBi i ipBBJPffiHSpjHSpjBMMr; rap!MmpMMBHMV. 5 i'PSA'fKS IM 6 ?, vi t a Is1 vi fcrJ"5 . s 'I ISM- Sltll &4 WBtrWSm riP WTM H TiTlB Tr -""' PaJBHBhonHK ipivW t&isL fc )' jlli"'"y. xs. -ssmM Hi X ?&B 2.d-&?(l:'S ' MiiBSBBKnBHHlr itf fSt 1tf& V? i lS.t,jt,Wl&X Vi T"y.Z?yrt',iV: 'a' ' ..-rt tL i' .' " ?.; Tt',nnet ".r-xT',' J'iJiV KK IS2SH3ESSSSSSSSSSSsSSSSSE5SSS! fho staff photographer vho snapped this picture of Broad street, looking north from Walnut street, for the Kvenino Public Ledghk escaped with his life after dodging 9,238,000 aulos. Now compare tho cceno with that shown in the oval. SS5(-i sfeffigaasigwmyyTOffi 9 i " fit A AX 4 t V jf; 2Z5 IS it I rT3i!SwiSiSZ S5? . ,yi.4 -Jj iBTfyM"JB . I There thev are- tho bicyclists in 1893, let's nay, as they rode up Broad fctreet past the old Bellevue Hotel on a fine summer morn ing twenty - five vears ago. Four of em and not an auto In sight. This was probably a busy day, too. Kioto b VflllUmt. liromi It Estl. 1 9hbVhbbV1IW 5 -MMHMiflBHS'AI4.' t,lr" in (Vmtjjgrilj v- 'V :t';t ?3B,'"ii!l, tBJI, 1," hM wSliffVaPHHBJi'Sm'' ?. ... ' , -31 V ji- wwJoMijiJiw ihbbbbbbK ? Jbhhbbbbbbm & wwj-ri msmmik ' itHsiwiaifli My MMmM - - iMHfinSH mwW WiSmiW-imM. wBBoll.KS'iBSIBBi'BBfl 1 1 r;:: : :!::;tlw? f 111 TTl!WMpTCyrJ" 1MM 1 S7maMBKt,i'Rn i,iBBBBBBBffVT,ifSBKsSBBBBll''Bl jilnd'liere, ladiea and pentlelnen, is North Broad street in 1897. A girl who is now driving a 700-horBe- owraquMgee lor tho emergency Aia toiu-us toaay mac sne distinctly, remembers being taken in Mr astaara - . W! I11!1??1!0, t" P!C?ni ? d?eS. ?"wj-tnth the usual automobile traffic on North Broad street. Tho traffic nolieeman at J1 'nama-to.rldo oil one of theso .hoise-drawn busses ,of twenty years ago. "We don't w' fc""" ui "4Vrtu pv,Vi ,'i"m" J" , w somotning iiko aooo motor vehicles pass that corner every day. And that's only one of, M rtJ?UM " fe-Ljrrhr., , U-i , .... JM . " Philadelphia's streets. Wo wonder what, a photograph token in the ynr;lM8 will look like. Jsl M 1 fcplv.V 'Py9rfflf? HW - . ' V' -" I " ''V ' ""J "" " " L "f