Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 16, 1918, Postscript Edition, Auto Show 1918, Image 29

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Landed Year's Record by Hit
ting Up 110.4 Miles
an Hour
The announcement of the Atiietlian
Automobile Association contest board a
short ttmo aco that It would not sine
tion any moro races until after tho war
put a damper on prospects for auto
racing In 1918, as tho A. A. A. lias here
tofore alfts controlled main speed
On the whole, tho twnty-slx Import
ant races of the jcar just past neto
conducted oer shorter distances than
In the p8t, these twenty-six eentH rep
resenting" total net dlstunco of 390
miles, something lesi than a 100-mtlo
average per race, and a total ptimc of
about 1140,000, rr un aprnice of ap
proximately $5400 per rnce, IndlanapolU
iias about tho only city that was out
of the ear's progrim, haln(f conccled
lis Memorial Day cent on account of
the war. Itaces wero held on nearly nil
other spceda)S Sheepehead Bay, Chi
cago, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Omaha,
' Tscoma, Unlontown and rroWdcnce tlg
trlng In tho 1917 card.
Two races wero run ocr tho ISO-mllo
dlntancc tho hharonvllle sweepstakes at
Cincinnati, on Memorial Day, and the
Chicago Derby on Juno 16. These crc
the really big races of the car, purses
and number of s farters considered. Both
were won at a cranes of better than 100
miles per hour. Cooper's Stutz covering
the Chicago track nt am aerago of
1Q3.15 mllca an hour, while Louis Clc'r
rolet's Frontenac clipped off tho 150 at
Cincinnati at 103,18. Chevrolet boosted
ths speed In the Ilarlcness trophy race
at New York, lipwever, to HO.t rnlles an
hour for 100 mllen, tho fastest face of
the tar. Do Palma's Packard approached
him on tho same speedway with 110.1
mllei per hour for the first heat of
twenty miles In a match race, with Old
flald as tho third In a trio. De 1'alma
took all three heats, and Chevrolet had
to laUe third money.
'Jho twenty-six races developed an
awraire speed of approximately nlnct
fle miles per hour, a faster average
than In any previous jcar. Whllo there
weie, aa usual, numerous accidents on
American ipeedwavs In 1917, there waa
only one fatality, Conrad Harmon, In
experienced as a race driver, was Killed
when his car Jumped oft tlio Tacoma
track. Sixty-seven drlvern and thirty
five makes of cars wero entered. Foreign i
competition, because of the war, did not
enter Into American contest. The Hud
son, the Packard, driven by Do Palmn, '
Oilfield's Golden ngp, the Iloamer, tho '
Miller ind u Pan-American were the (
new American cara on tho speedwajs
this seaBon.
Cooper made a Aery creditable show
ing, lie started In flvo races, and
.t...J a tlMJ, lt.nl l. ,1... 1I..I.
J.ltftl-CIA VXIj bllllb ...Ol Ilk kllU .MUltll
4 race at I.oi Angeles, first In the hlg
Chicago Derby, first at Tacoma Iibor
Day, third In tho Unlontown match race
July 4, and sixth In the Cincinnati Slmr
onville Sweepitakcs. Ills prize winnings
for the jear amounted to $14,100, only
De Talma and IouIh Chevrolet wlpnlnc
mere. Numerous West Coast favorite")
wero out of tho pima this jcar tilto
gttther, for reasons most attributable
to the war.
1 Vs
Mrs. J. P. Temple, of Chcyncy, Pa., in her new Stanley. Tho car is a familiar visitor at tho
Temple superintends the lailroael construction.
Metallurgist Work Tirelessly
Produco Perfection of
So much Is heard these dajs about
scarcity of alloy steel, Its virtues and
so on, that It Is Interesting to note
how come of the leading metallurgists
In the, automobile-producing business
regard the situation. Ilobert Abbott,
chief metallurgist for the Peerless Motor
Car Company, points out that the
virtues of alloy steel are due only In a
reMtlvely small extent to the alloy It
self. The value of the alloy depends
on the ue made of It by modern and
correctly handled heat treating: proc
esses, he says.
Tho metallurgical laboratories of the
Peerless Molor Car Company are
famous throughout the Industrial world
nnd tho data on fllo there, resulting
from nearly a hundred thousand
separato txperitnents and determina
tions, li Fald to havo been ono of the
greatest single Influences In the develop
ment of formulas for motorcar and
motortruck steels.
Hog Island shipyards, vherc Mr.
Be Careful About Kerosene
A surprisingly large number of motor
car owners art using kerosene In their
radiators this winter. Kerosene, of
course, will not freete, and will doubtless
provo satisfactory for a time, but let a
few mild davs come along. And the kero-
rnft arlinrjit. m.v tnA tht, Mntn,.
healing up quickly and smelling to
heaven. Kerosene, also, will soon rot
the rubber-hose connections and set them
leaking, but this may be obviated to a
certain extent by taking off tho connec
tions and shellacking then. Inside.
Protects your
from damage.
(-;. i-J.-v- Jife'Lilsssss V lv
II w Wr
Frederick 11. Mills in his Oldsmobilo looks prepared to get along without railway
' Good Gas Times Coming ,
The United States Senate has Just
passed tho bill thtowlne open for lease,
thousands of aero of Government oil'
and mineral lands that have been tied
up for year?. This will Increase the
oil and gaHollne supply greatly, so the '
bugbear or shortage of-fuil Is again dis
sipated.. It is known that there are mil-1
iiiiin ui B,,.,,n v.. ..i uiii. tuiiu ui II11I1- I
West which may bo developed soon, and
motorists need havo no worry about tho
Percy L. Necl hs been in the
automobile business in Philadel
phia ever since Hen Franklin
walked up Market street with
two spare tires under his arm
(they wero rolls, weren't they?)
so you will probably recognize
him in this picture in suite of
what tho artist has done to'Tiim.
As head of the Automobile Sales
Corporation, which makes peo
ple stand in line to got their
Cadillacs to conserve space, Mr.
Nccl is the original conservation
expert hereabouts.
Oakland rianneit to He Useful, Not
a Luxury
'The OikHnd Jlotonar Company is
offering ItH Senslblo She not as a lilTUrv
but ni a nerespltv on the grounds that
It meetH the requirements of the busi
ness at a tine when tho transportation
question l m of very grave Importance
Kconotn of operation bus been ono of
tho llrt alms of the dehlKturs, and Ihli
wo aro NitKfled his been secured, to
Kothrr with tho smooth operation of u
.lis g-'ijH . S Vertncr, manager of the
Philadelphia Vrunch of tho Oal.lnnd
Motorcar f'omp.u
'In order tn sli'e un Idea of the line
and tho cars that it comprises, .wo are
exhibiting at tiip Auto hhon a stripped
chassis, cut awuv tf show moving parts
u Senslblo Six rotdater and a sedan
, Tlie sedan Is what the makers call n
I 'unit bods,' and is Koniethlnn new Just
! coming Into production All iars are
shown In Kindard finish, all bod
models 4to mounted on a Mandaid six-
cv Under hassle. Tho ongino Is rated
at fortj-four horsepower, the vhccl base
Is 112 inches
'Owlns to the limited how space we
arc nlo eshlbltlng at )1S North Broad
stteet otliei cars nf our line, comprising
a town cur touring car, londsler nnd
ic idan, or winter top touring rar"
WORKER I present, tho organized services of the
motortruck Industry to assist In rrllev-l
Ing the railroad freight congestion were
unanimously offered to tho Oovcrnment'
nfllclals at Washington It was gener
al! v believed that, particularly In Con
ner Hon with short-haul trafiic, the mo
torlruck makers can bo of Inestimable
service In our war' program
Protects It from strain and you from
disagreeable bumps. The
Is dticrtcdlf kaova as
"The National Ouatdfar MotorCar
At One Stroke!
The Direct Air-Cooled Franklin Car
eliminates 177 complicated Water Cooling
T ALSO does away with at least fifty pounds of
water, seventy-five pounds of radiator, to say
nothing of pipes, pumps, plumbing and water
jackets. -
Extensive use of aluminum takes an important
part in this weight reduction.
The Franklin engine had valves in the head
thirteen years before automobile designers in general
took them up. Another way in which every ounce of
"actual going" is obtained from the gasoline.
The Franklin is the easiest rolling car in America,
and where there is the least frictional resistance, less
power, less fuel is required to propel the car.
Take tires. Franklin scientific light weight, with
minimum unsprung weight, gives tires the chance to
live their natural life, not to be pounded out before their
See the new Franklin types at the Auto Show
(Space 12) and in the Empire Room of the Arcadia
Cafe, Widener Building.
Sweeten Automobile Company
Distributors of the Franklin Car
3430 Chestnut Street
(Note An increase of approximately ten per
cent on all Franklin cars will go into effect March 1 .)
Offer to Help Government
U the convention of motortruck
manufacturers held In Now York" on
January 9, with 1J0 representatives.
I;. ' ' ' miii . i. . in i i
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H ppiar267s p"k63s nil mill
' HIIIIIIIh Puncture-Proof .Tubes flll
Why the Guarantee Is a Failure
WE Goodyear Service Station Dealers wholly fail to understand
why the careful motorist should be taxed for the tire abuses
of the reckless driver.
it' )
Eniovs) IncrAasinu At
f ! Ar'',Wft t 'X III iMlff'T ' . .1 '
Booth 55!
I y' I I
v-i 1 I ' 1
V ' I 1v.Jft.'VX .VKi W'WW
The Ro
Blue Room
ton Motor Co.
I J'JV"' :' ".t i '
x f vvin
This is precisely the situation which exists under the conditions of
the definite mileage guarantee.
The careful motorist, in the price of the tire he buys, pays the
cost of the guarantee and derives .no benefit from it, since in his
usage tires deliver him their specified mileage.
The reckless driver, who by his neglect fails to get such mileage,
is recompensed by the guarantee largely at the cost of those motorists
who do not profit by it.
It is this inequality, this unfairness, this disregard of the real
causes of tire mileage or the lack of it, that is working the sure
failure of the definite, mileage guarantee.
It is this putting a premium on carelessness and a
intelligent use of tires, that is strengthening the
in the minds of thinking motorists.
penalty on the
suspicion long
a, ".
The knowledge is becoming universal that the definite mileage
guarantee, such as it is, absolutely must be paid for.
The bulk of progressive car owners are making it clear that they
had rather see its cost be spent in bettering tire quality than in pro
tecting the diminishing class of drivers who least deserve protection.
X,?inei!.",burr & Co- Market and
H ayne Ave. Garage, 0728-30 Waj ne Are.
Vulcan Supplies Co, 1118 Race St.
Springfield Ave. Garage, 5015 Spring
field Ave.
Pcn"a. , Garage & Snlce Company
of Philadelphia. 329-335 S. Broad St.
O Brlen & IIoover,'248 N, Juniper St.
LocuBt AUto Supply Co, 1411 Locust
This sign identifies the Good
year Service Station Dealers.
W. F. Keer (Auto Supply Co, Inc.),
1800 Frankford Ave.
Dauphin Garage, 1131-33 W. Dauphin St.
Thos. Goldberg, 1316 Vina St.
I.. S. Hall Rubber Co, 804 N. Carlisle
Ennia Tire Service Co, 4328 X. Broad
' St.
V. A. Knnis & Son, 1310 Raca St.
Ennls Tire Service Co, 2300 X. Broad
I J'XbW.
Goodyear Tires, Tubes and Ac
cessories are always krpthtstock.
Ebert Motor Co, 2425-29 X. Broad St.
United Auto Storeu, Inc, 905 N. Broad
and 33d and Chestnut
1 C. Hornbeck, 210 S. 17th St.
20th Century Garage, 4222 tf. Broad St.
I) roadway Auto Supply Co, Inc,
Broad, Tassjunk Ave. and McKean
Whitehead. 231 N. Juniper St.
M.,ber C?? 2008.10 X. Front St.
stahl s Garage, 4839-43 Rising Sun Ave.
Sloan's Garane Md & Baltimore Ac.
Won Goragr. 335 S. 20th St.
E. Groves, 4218 Brown St.
Hale Motor Co, Inc, Wayne, Pa.
Solar & Broek. 12 E. Market St, West
Chester. Pa.
Colonial Garage, 28-32 E. Mt. Airy
Ave, Mt. Airy, Pa.
A WStftr-,9 v II,8h,nd A--
Qualltj Tire Shop. 22 E. Lancaster
Ate, Ardmore, Pa.
lOOlj0ir 19
ssB HftB Sr HUF M lJr LaaaaLk SaaHaaV .aniaaa! ,HaHaaaa
mmr- n i n u ra m;
Sre Qur Display oh Ledger Central Balcony
See Our Display on Ledger XJefilval Dalcony,
t 1