PWjS f-tet "'' V kft -. "i 4 ,j, ,awv5 iVl.'Ffl . ,V v3tM x-iUi rwi "f EVENING PUBLIC) fcEDGER-PHlTAriELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 1G, 1918 S'-ijft.-V'tV-,' y.'H i - ' t .ftf i &'n : L: ft ft turn m l w tf il 'A NATION'S DEFENDERS .ARE CARS AND TRUCKS , , i Priceless Service to Nation Rendered by Motor Transportation Todty tha motorcar Is In reality the defender ,of tlia nation. Vtry army camp purrs and thunders with tha sound of motors. Huge motortrucks convey supplies from city to camp. Motor trucks bear ammunition and men to the battle front In Europe, l'asenger cars tho same on which tlio publlo o'nee liunc tho misnomer pleasure car"- rush back and forth from barracks to bar racks and from CAmp to camp, carrjlnc the officers and men who, In da a gone by. vould hao been compelled to plod about on horses I'ollco patrols, flro ap paratus and ambulances arc motorlsed. The entire military llfo of the nation Is pul'cd by tho throb of englnei It umi UxIcAbs, trucks and passenger cirs that sacd Paris from the C!ermin, , and it van motorized equipment that helped sao Italy from destruction. Gocrnment oftlclals and army officers itiouM throw up their hands In dismay If called upon to answer the query: How much tlmo would lme been lost If jou had been deprived of jour motor equipment for mobllliatlon, training and fchtlns?' Tho question Is one which 'will not reconcile Itself with tho xequlre ments of modern warfare. Tho preliminary to the great wir, which gae the automobile Its first real opportunity to demonstrate Its alue to the army, was the Pershing punlthe expedition In Mexico. Here truck trains had their Origin, it was Pershing who first ordered Bodge trucks generally . used In hls.operatlons on the border and throughout Mexico. 11 y the time tho ex-' pedltlon was recalled more than 300 DrvlgA 'Brothers .ars boro the placud T. J? "A." . Many of tho cars are now being ship ped direct from the factory to CJcneral Pershing Iti Trance. A train of thirty truck", which recently made a te.t run from Detroit to the Atlantic coast, was I6aded with parts for Dodge Brothers motorcars All were for Immediate hlpment to Krance. ' Driving over roads that were cut deep ,Into tho mud and snow, through weather hat was ans thing but Idetl for touring, a, sW-cj Under. sKteen-passenger Stude baker 'bus steadily plowed Its way from .Detroit' to Baltimore recently, a distance of 619 miles. In less than hIx dajs Main taining an averago schedule of fifteen Inlles per hour, and driving only during tho daj time, tho big 'bus covered the dlstanco of C19 miles In virtually the same fcpaco of time required by a. light touring car. Tho consumption of gaso line for the entire Journey averaged levcn and a half miles to the gallon Tlio transportation of n train of thirty loaded nrmy v transport motortrucks, tinder their onn power, from Detroit to the seaboard, markn'a new epoch In mili tary transport In this country. 1 This fleet of thirty three-ton Packard hiotortrucks on (loodjear solid tires left Detroit In chargo of Company No. 2, Division Supply Train No 308, In the tnldst of a snowstorm whkh brought a very heavy fall throughout tho entire North. t The train was divided Into three units of ten trucks each, with a sergeant In chargo of eath unit. The trucks were drhen by tho toldlers, with two men assigned to each one. Included in the train are two 2E0-galIon tankers, which supply tho gasoline and oil wants of the trucks, nnd a kltihen truck to prqvlde emergency meals en route. "SThls Was the pioneer effort of the Council of National Defense to move military equipment -from the Central tVest to tho-eastern seaboard by mdtof truck. L'ach truck carried n load of military supplies for our armies In France. Thousands of motortrucks must be brought to the eastern seaboard for Shipment to our forces In France, and if Is likely that beforo long tho pres ence of motortruck trains on our hlgh wais will become commonplace. ' Hlx more United States ainiy trutlt trains, cuch consisting of thirty Pack aVds, will leave Detroit In a few das eh route to the seaboard. At almost the epact time the first army train was roll ing into uammorc, wecemucr :;, com pleting tho Journey overland from De troit, the Government gave the Packard factory unofficial notice to prepare 180 more three-ton and six-ton carriers for Immediate travel under their own power, 'iAs fast as the drivers, cooks, me chanlcs and other men of the personnel arrive from army cantonments and train ing camps the trains will be made up. The trucks made an average run- of forty-eight miles a day for eleven Uajs over snow -filled and Ice-covered roads. At . times they plowed through drifts sl feet deep. In Pittsburgh 200,000 persons ' turned out to see the trucks enter the Steel City. Commenting on tho first trip, officials say It has shown that army trucks can make better time to the seaboard under their own power than they can by rail In present traffic conditions. Another big advantage of the driveway Is the train ing of drivers, escorts and trainmaster for transport service overseas. ., Iiuick Workmen Patriots "As a result of the two Liberty Loan canvasses." savi President Chrvsler, of the llulcl: Company, "I figure Bulck workmen bodght more than $1,000 000 worth of Liberty bonds out of the J7, 000,0(10 sold In Oenesee County, Mich , where our plant Is located" Ihere are precious few Dulck workmen who are not creditors of tho United States Oov erhment Most of our men also belong tolthe Ited Cross, and every single em pire in the establishment knows that In his or her name the company sub scribed S10 to tho rted Cross war fund. Consequently, I have no hesitation in saying that the Bulck Is loyal and pa triotic from the top down to the bottom. Despite unsettled labor conditions, trans portation, tleups and heavy loss of val uable men through the draft, we have kept up production and- maintained a hlih standard In all respects." cWW rWW ES&3&&&SS& ll Frank H. Stewart Electric Co. 37 N. 7th Street PHILADELPHIA, J HskL, JM Hi r H'1 It 1 M inOUMaOMOaSmfafl ,, ',, ,",J - Jil'J! .,','!'! lily H9H('i '' - New Glory Upon Local Auto Men Continued from rate Two shells are being fired either at the poll or at the road most every day," wrote MacPherson. Two others wero assigned to a town where "heavy shells are continually coming and going." Later, under date of June 20, the diary of the section recorded; "One of tho narrowest escapes that a member of our section has had was experienced by Taliaferro today. Kltt ridge, accompanied by a, hospital dentist, was Just returning to.thejiost after bringing a 'blesse' to th'e hospital, when suddenly a number of 130-mIlllmetcr shells began to fall nil around the car It was only by a miracle that ho es caped." Their outpost was bombarded directly on JUly 22, n Sunday. "A great number or laomm. shells were sent by the Oer mans," saja the diary, "some with ruin. ous effect upon tho old monaster', others doing havoo to tho road. There are no bunuavs In wartime " Alexander, one of tho two Phltadel phlans In the unit, paid r visit with one of his comrades on clay to a Krench observation post. "While there a most terrific bombardment on the part of the Cermans commenced Not long after a report became cunent that some of. fleers were anxious to get them for spies Tho officers of the section went Imme. dlatcly to the post to see If something could be done to prevent the two from being sent to Paris as spies Come to find out, the 1-rench ulllrers wero look ing for them In older to Invito them to dinner. There are dangers constantly, either frotn antl-alrcrntt guns or from enemies' shVls Quite often the shells from an anti-aircraft 75 have whistled near enough to make the men sit up and take notice." The entry concludes with a note that Johnson, the other Phlladelphlnn, was among the seven members of the unit whoso machines had been struck with 'eclats," or filing bits of shells The diary continues" "The night calls nri 1 far the most exciting Tour men me nlxvnja on call When the men nt post have more work than they cin handle, nr It la tlmm-lit better to have an nmbulance around, the call comes to tho men nt tho cha-' lean bp and doti bill, dark with tho overhanging trees and the Bible nlglit, with sometimes the flash of the light ning echoing, tho flash and tho explo sion of dropping shells, they gn forth to me needy with some such feeling ns I Ichabod Crane must hive felt nn midnight ride. .Hut tho men havo nl-! wais performed their duty" ' I Of course they have "alwajs per-1 formed their dutj 1 They arc Ametl-I cans Imagine a America I resident Nah Motors fumpanj Imagine, If jou nn. n America with out motorcirs and ou will have an America seriously hampered lommer ciallv ran vou picture the rush-hour traffic, si familiar n part of our mod ern city life, transformed suddenly to a tangled Inn nf horse-drawn vehicles" Tho smooth deftness w llh w hlch the traf fic policeman handles tho nwlft-movlng '""'"' " wimiii do impossible and the ' ncompllshment, now ns a matter of I hours, would be drawn out Into dais SOLVING YOUR DELIVERY PROBLEMS Freight embargoes at all points, the logical outcome of freight congestion due to an unprecedented speeding up of production in all lines, puts the all-important problem of delivery squarely up to the motortruck. The concerns listed below arc expeditiously solving such problems every day. Whether it be foodstuffs or gravel, machinery or general merchandisethey arc ready to promtly "deliver the goods" for jou. inn? iiiraimranm hiii ran tiiraiiiFiiiiii nun if inmiHiiiHi iiiinwi m vmmm iiiuiiijs Mack-Equipped HAULING Everything Long and Short Distances Dailu, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly Contractu i RICHARDS, KELLY CO. 3607-1 5 Lancaster Ave. i'relton 8010 9DHEI IlMIUIIWIIWEIlllllliaiffl I MMIIllHUIIIII Hilt MUM The Trackless Locomotive 100 WATSON Tractors, Motor Trucks, Trailers The Bigger Load the Better The Blair Eastern Co., Inc. 1714-16 Callowhill St. bpruce 382G llace 5071 ' All New Equipment MOTOR .TRUCK HAULING, Long and Short Hauls WeeUy, Monthly or Yearly Contracts Solicited L. S. FILBERT 63 Widener Bid. Tel. Walnut 4770 Motortruck Service ANYTIIIXa ANYWJIEBK ANY TIME "EqaippedtoHiulEverything" Setltfled Caetemere Oar Beit Reference GEO.I.0BERH0LTZER Main Office Kiprete Office 2121 N. R St 21 Mark) St 1 " J Lvwt . MEUT. W. CLARKE GRIEU Lieutenant Gricb. who is a part ner with J. II. Thomas in tho Grieb-Thomas Company, sales agents for the Briscoe car, has just been commissioned an of liccr in the Signal Corpi. His partner also wears an officer's shoulder straps, making the firm's batting average of patriot ism an even 1000 per cent. Hun dreds of other local automobile men have likewise entered the nation's service. '"'Ice $3,50 Complete . X. Xamm... .bL md One turn of the key locks your Ford, covers the screwheads and grounds the switch so it cannot be wired behind the dash. I he Goodrich Lockswltch with Yale lock is Installed bv ic movlng tho plate that covers the regular Tord Ignition switch nnd put on It Its place. No thief cm unlock or un screw It ItlTIl VOH GOODRICH-LENHART MFG. CO. Widener Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Motor Truck BIG SMALL HEAVY IliiUlillulIlllllllilUa illllllllllMmmMIllllllWMI IIIIUi mm ining IF YOU WANT GOOD AND CAREFUL Motor Truck Hauling CITY. AND LONG DISTANCE WALTER SAVILLE 2824 N. Jasper Street ' Bell rhene Remington 0710 ALSO TEAMS FOR HIRE Motortruck Hauling CONTRACTORS Bird-Shuster-Groswith Co. 1407 Pennsylvania Bldg. Sprece 3047. Nlfet Belaoet 7402-W. CAIX MARKET IMS Motor Truck Service HY Tnij HOUR OB I.O.U P. J. Green & Sons CONTRACTUS TK.VBISTEB8 Office end Wareheu.c, ltO N. Delaware myc, IIAVLING FROM ALT, DErOTB MOHT niONB KEND. tS-J. LOMHAHD 4110 Motor Trucking . Specialty Service HAULINGCiEXPERTS WARTIME INFLUENCE SHOWN IN ALL MARES Effort to Cut Out Waste Wherever Possible Mario Motor Industry Today By CHARLES E. DURVEA Technical Expert That the automobile shows ot IW have a more or less military spirit run ning through them goes without sajlng They are the first wartime shows. The motor vehlclo biuslness had not won the attention of tho great publlo In 1108 when we had the Spanish-American war on our hands; hence thit period offers .. .iA.inn n triti.iA tin In fact, the acceptance of tho gasoline' car ns the proper one dates back only about fir teen jears. but wo may r " " cluslons by comparison with the prod ucts of that time. Tho splendid work being done bv the HK.. .- .t.iA m manv -ono mav al most bay nil lines Is being shown and - 1. Tiot Well knOW 11 10 the public brought out. t onservatlon attrncts more attention than ever before , as, for example, heaters for tho car burctor or the supply pli' or the air Inlet do much to make the fuel v.iporU I ..... r.iiiv nml ho Insure Its propel I burning and development of the l-ojver 1 that Is In It These vary from an elec trio coll In the carburetor bowl or mani fold to .i complicated stove heated bv the exhaust from the engine Neve before has there been such a variety c I this tpo of Improvement. And It I" 'most timely, for while we still hnvc I amplo fuel to take care of our need I even In wartimes, we are at the poln where wastefulness Is culpable It Is also being recognized tint therr Is no advantage from saving fuel If I the heat produced Is wasted Instead of rmoodrich IGNITION LOCK for Ford Cars With Yale Lock and Individual Key The same turn of the kev lint locks It also covers tho tcrew beads with concealed metal shutters : also, secretly grounds tho I'ord switch so no thief can wire Inck of the dash and get away with tho car 1IOORI.KT MOTOR TRUCK HAULING C. J. CARNEY! 1 1510 North 5th Street OUR SPECIALTY Long-Distance Hauling TELEPHONE KENSINGTON 179 TEI.KPIIONK MUIKET 40tg Hauling Contractor MOTOR TRUCKS AND TEAMS GEO. W. VAN LEER 302 N. WATER ST. IIIiilB MOTOR TRUCKS FOR HIRE 5-Ton Pierce-Arrows G. W. MINK, JR. 1101 Arch Street MOTOR TRUCK HAULING Stake and Damp Bodies; ca pacity, 3 and G tona. Hamilton J. Branagan CONTRACTOR 0IS&Ur 3954EUerSt. Sell. Tloca 7870. Ken, North (38 1 A. Night Phones Tioga Y$ w Da; or Night Tel. DIAMOND 7680 HAULING ANYTHING ANYTIME ANYWHERE MOTOR TKUCKS TO HIRE BY THE HOUR. DAY, WEEK Oil TRIP JOHN P. HORLACHERt 2203-05 N. 28th Street 1 CALL X.OMMARD t13 HAULING MOTOR TRUCK SERVICE Br the Hoar, Day, Weak er Month AlCAWAGAJlACte- being used. Bo we find an ever-Increas ing number of devices for preventing overcoollng of tho engine. Thermostats In the water pipes to slow down the circulation as the water gets cooler; shutters In front of the radiator to shut off the air draft when not wanted; fan regulators to speed up the fan when needed; water pumps that only pump when hot. and similar devices are now being used to keep the cj finders working hot nnd jet prevent them from becom ing too hot. Not In the engine only are Improve ments being made but the various de tails of the car body and frame and down well In front of the wheels deflect oven the tires have come to bo objects Lo air up and over the wheel Instead of Interest In their relation to less lucl. 0f allowing It to strike nnd retard the Bodies are being made better and light-1 rapidly moving wheel tops, nnd this or; and much Improvement may jet be results In appreciable saving of fuel nude In them The tendency for the in the motortruck particularly tho wheels to grow larger each ear seems great advances of the last fifteen years to lnve expended Itself, and with tlielnr. ..n. Then a few concerns wero Increased number of good ronds w heels tf medium else sive some cot and weight nnd seem quite sntlsfactorj The stream line, which In the past havo been developed because they affect Fgadesh D Q Hot Air Heater or Fords a D D D D D CMncroti TODCHAUST PI PI tHE. Crew Levick Victor I iresn, vann air. it win . . . comfortable and healthful. phes a steady current of jj D il "ygHRn in iniu u r r rsV I Will - I I !, I I i v r iji i xmmwri i OQm pat. PEiWWmm fL CAS vjprr a 7 rRH aiu intake Hoods n I 217 N. BROAD STREET Cp' Q ITt. 4rill ft.'iBi . WmPSH H . I J 113 llM.s1s1sj'i J m . VY .AUi.r Blffll liranntri i I H lifctonfttsfrfcrmft iTligajggJUlsWL'iaaf,IVin's.sTl usswrnissufmj Mft.d tP U Hiu I IVv afi a 36ti b Vr ittVSLf Si DESK p i-: '.$g 6 US ?J v, Im'lfflPwl'ff n sBHsi WSi It May Happen ffinc HsHKrHVTtaUf ktar CR,A MWUM mmWOkiV 'streets are II car Equip all four tires with WeedS Chains The ONLY 'Positive Safeguard Against Skidding D n Safety demands that all tires be equipped with 'Weed Chains. It doesn't require the gift of second sight to see why this is true. Rub ber slips never grips. It slides on wet pave ments and roads like a cake' of soap on the moistened, hands A Complete Stock All Suet For All Main Slrl" of Tlret For Sale Dy Gaul, Derr & Shearer Co. DISTRIBUTORS 217 North Proad Street Philadelphia lIlOUDSl Sim 11 f speed, now are recognised as equally good In saving fuel because at any con siderable speed they greatly reduce th head resistance to the air. The "ono man tops," now so universal, are more often seen down than In the past and this practice saves air resistance and fuel. Inclined windshields throw the air upward and over the rider's head with very slight resistance and are In common use. The self-starter saves fuel by permitting tho englno to bo tonned whenever the car la not running Instead of Idling to avoid tne cranxing. labor, l'ront mud guards which turn I experimenting with such business wag- ' oris as existed. These were heavy, crude and very Inefficient, nnd made doubly , troublesome by the lack of attention nnd skill of the operators In fact, one will heat vour Kord with pnre, ..... ... - ... moko winter ridinc in i our car Tho Victor uses no fuel: but eun want), fresh air heated by passing around a metal drum mndo hot by tho exhaust rases. Heats In 10 seconds. This sturdy floor heater is Neat, Compact, Noiseless, Odorless a fool-proof unit that fits any Ford touring car, sedan or town er. Its Brit cost Is final cost. Easily regulated to give much or little beat. It tanupt burn or scorch shoes 'or robes GAUL, DERfc& SCLOO SHEARER CO. O IX--OW&. s -"QTrl W-M -whirled on skicjrjing tires into a diiaitroui crash Stop endangering your life as well as the lives of others. When wet, always "chain your to safety." Takevno chances. Rubber lacks thr bite-and'hang-on ability to preve.nt skiddiriR whjle Weed Chains hold on hkea bull dor;, pre vent side-skid and drive slip Equip both front and rear t inre s with Weed Chains Do it today before it's too late. lid SEE OUR DISPLAY Gaul, Derr COURTESY, SERVICE AND AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES . 217 North Broad Street, Pbifc u reason for bujlng motoY deliveries then was to get rid of honu cars and expense rather than to get better, faster or Increased service Today the reverse la true and powerful truck In the hands of trained drivers and with splendid service stations at hand to render every GET OUR PRICES Selected Factory Seconds TIRES TIRE SALES CO. 1334 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA I 5 S niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiu'i'iiiiiiJummummmm RRntTmnTuiniiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiillllll linn mSm E3 EsS MmSm wESm EsS9:' . . . . '--- - t GOODSn QIt Carbon half a chance to accumulate, and It will encrust your valves, pines, cylinder heads and piston heads till th motor can't run properly. No pleasure In driving when your motor begins to knock. miss ana eacKnre. RaRPRHRHRaSSSMRHRRpRaRJRJI will clean thereuf hlr a badly carhonlzeil motor, tiut Ita beet use la aa a pre cntlve to remove the carbon aa ttaf. ormp. head i ln off trouble, rating: your motor from the permancntdamaae ot acratchrj and pitted metaT. . II AUT.nELI. Ii connected to your Traler-Jackct and Intake manifold. Every no and then, when yourearli atandlnr Idle, leave thn motor running for ten or fifteen mlnutea. with your drawn In with the sra. ii AKi'ULu.H water thacyllndera. Dy thefamllarvater-iaaprocesa (ItiO C-CO tn cjriinaara. uy the 4-211). theOxyaen In iiil, me uxyien m in Carbon to form Carbon thaexhautt. Simple, easy, quick, thorodih: noexpenae beyond tha email first coit. and your motor alwaya clean art new. Unqualified Money-Back Guarantee After SO daya' tie ir your HART-BELL haa net eome up to jxpteutlona In ecry way, you can have your montybaclc (or tha aaklnr. Factory Representative Here will b here to exnlam and dtmonttiata HART-BELL. Come tn and aak him aonw qucatlona. Gaul, Derr & Shearer Co.. Distributor 217 North Broad Street 74 More Light the Road on The Osgood Lens gives 74 more light on the road, due to its twelve selective prisms which deflect the light forward and downward. Beam is waist-high. No "sky'' rays. No Klaro to annoy other motorists. The road is lighted for full third-mllo ahead of the car. Full compliance with headlight laws. No dimming necessary. The Osgood Lens is tho invention of James K. Cravath, one of America's foremost authorities on illumination. Its new efficiency is attested to by other recognized authorities, including the A. A. A. Itself. Try a pair on your car and see the vast difference. Aik about !t at our exhibit No. A 7-8-9 at the Automobile Show. GAUL, DERR & SHEARER COMPANY DISTRIBUTORS . PHILADELPHIA IN LEDGER CENTRAL WINDOW & Shearer Coil ,! l? i(r care are conveying roett Tbrk to Philadelphia or eve I trf Boston and similar dlsUnoe i far below express charge and 4 little If any slower when th r time resulting from on loaili unloading Instead of many Is U Inner Tubes Guaranteed One Year II 0 I I vaive open, a mm atrtam or water. is converts Into live atea maa It enters ramllar ate: thABttem ui aieam unttea witn in Incandescent Monoxide raa. which la carried off by I 0 IQOO LENS B VaTHtONC DISTANCE TYS Ml D D D I I and No Glare! i. vM- $ WA n . ;.j - . i,.' J".. kjfca "U TiJ shrl -i ill i1 ttJ t'.i 4' i w w i: i i "V Jtj 1? news M k i.-t. m f :i-n X3Z 3M1 &x1 r -m MM m t' mi sltt: JBvKreUfc- UM t, RQURWBUUUDim leWtiVtnflrts: S ,l kJRmRHRs.. ' ''. mj