Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 16, 1918, Postscript Edition, Auto Show 1918, Image 25

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Mass Production by Industrial
'Machinery Spells Victory,
Motor Master Declnrcs
c&ted a few factories for tractors and
other Implement! that farms need.
"Our brunch assembly plants for mo
torcars Jiavo proved to us that tlio whole
of a factory does not have to be con
rested In una place. Una mother plant
ran fend the patterns, raw castings
and forglnRs to doicns of branch plantp,
each employing 2000 or 3000 men. He
signing; and management will center nt
tho mother plant, bo that supervision of
these branch plants will be simple.
"A part of this national tralnlnc nrniy
of young men can be moved to places
where blR vork for the nation Is under
way. They can build dams, straighten
rivers, develop Irrigation work and nld
In constructing good roads that will
bring our people closer together. In
1 this way the workmen would always be
kept near to the land,
"Tho United States must save Its la.
rord, whoso master mind Isibor power. Transportation for armies
nnu supplies is a uasiu nccu or wartime.
Itallroads alone cannot handle the
freight. The Hermans are leportcd to
have moved recently nn nrmy of 800,000
men from the eastern to tho western
front by autotrucks. The l'ord plant
can produce 2000 one-tun trucks daily,
and Us production run be Increased In
a few weeks to 3000. Knch truck can
haul eight soldiers with full equipment.
"During tho first month our shop could
furnish trucks to haul n nnny of 480,
000 men, thereafter for 710,000 men In
each month, Kach workman can manu
facture a true); in fifteen days.
V are ready to furnish tho Oov
Jlilltary Trolnlntf nnd Shop Practice
Should Go Together, Ho
rcognld by tho Uovcrntncnt In war-
making, as in carmaKinn, won iim
chlnery as containing the key to victory.
Declaring that tho victorious nation
will bo that which concentrates most on
tandardliatlon for quantity production,
Mr. Kord, In nit article In tho Inde
pendent, offers to lead tho way In this
mass work and suggests wholesale adop
tion of motorcar transportation as an
aid In tho war. He advocates extension
of preparedness ami discipline after
peace comes.
Mr l'ord writes as follows!
"Wo must think more about tiiacnin-
Ten-Year Record Shows Mo
torcar Aiding in Rond
ery. If this war Is to be won, It will crnment ,hcao trutka nt shop cost with- I
r.. won by the nation that knows best otlt rrom j wlu tttIt0 ,, ,,r0(lt Uam
how to uso tools nr.d machinery: that anything produced for nny liovernment '
knows tho secret of quantity production during tho war, I despltu the prollteer I
through standardization of one model, (who makes money out of the ww
I havo been disappointed to find our! - r - -
flovernment planning different slies I
"Ships can bo built raner, nciicr ami ,
cheaper If standardized to a single
model. Ono model makes possible pro
duction In enormous quantities, reduces
eost and Improves quality. In tlil.ii
standardization lies the secret of Amer
ican Industrial power, nnd o need our
Industrial power In this war.
"I'rom a distance I thought the best '
work In Washington would be done byj
rlvlllan aids. Dn my recent visu mere
I havo seen something of the army ofll
cers. They have a discipline and train
ing that are needed by the country at
Urge. Their Influence khould spread.
"Our Government must never abandon
the barracks and army camps hat are
being built.
"When peace conies the world will be
ready for disarmament. The people will
nnderstand the wrong of killing each
other. The Oerman will reo that the
American and the Frenchman ho went
out to kill are just as good ns he Is, and
the American will feel the same way
about the Ocrmnn. too.
"Then wo must develop n great na-
Liberty Loan and Y. M. C. A.
Campaign Officials Also
Praise Auto Canvass
The motorcar, whoso motor ambulanco
cousin faithfully serves the American
Ucd Cross on the battlefields "over
there," contributed vital aid to tho Hod
CroBS "over here" In tho Christmas
membership campaign Just ended.
Had It not been for tho automobile,
according to Dr. Charles J). Hart, chair
man of tho campaign committee for
tho Southeastern I'ennsylvunla Chapter,
tho drlvo for "ifollar" members would
have been handicapped seriously.
Similar praleo for tho motorcar wn
glien by Walter (', Janncy, chairman of
the exccutlvo uoinmltten of tho Liberty
Loan campaign committee, nnd by dl- i
"Wnlllc" Herbert, of Herbert
Urothcrs, is ono of the youngest
men in the nuto trndo in these
parts he's only thirty-four
but he's likewise one of the most
successful. He's so optimistic
thnt ho couldn't help soiling
Chandler cars if ho tried. The
way ho figures out tho prospects
for 1018 sounds reasonable, too.
IIIr dope is that the Philadel
phia district ought to prove tho
best nutomobile Held in the coun
try this year. "We'ro begin
ning what s going to bo tho big
gest year Philadelphia has ever
known." says he. "The Govern
ment is spending billions for
wnr supplies, and 50 per cent
of tho cream of the war orders
will be placed right in this dis
trict. That will nut so much
money in circulation here that
not even New York should be '
nblo to compare with us." ,
Many salesmen who gave their services i
freo to this work covered territory both I
In city nnd country lth motorcars.
They were able to seo more pcoplo In a
shorter space of time. N'o ono as
slighted. Had It not been for tho motor-
car many farmers would not liavo been !
reached, I
The big drlvo made by tho Y. M. C. A.
for tho soldier boys was niado In au- j
tomoblles. Iluslncss men who gave a
few hours of their tlmo each day to
this work did not miss tho time, for
they were always within a few minute'
rldo of their ofllce.
The automobile has quickened
pulse of the New South.
Tho advent of tlio motorcar In the'
southern States has resulted In the
building In ten years of more than 80,000
miles of surfaced roads, of which 45,000
are composed of hard material, gravel,
macadam, brick, concrete or other hard
A motor census made Inst July showed
the following cars nnd trucks In Dixie! i
(IN, 70U
.' i.'.1.4Mll
. . . i -,7:.t
4u,nno '
Florida .
Of.irwla .
Kentucky . .
.uuI'lAniv .
MArylnn.l . . . .
Oklahoma , . . .
MlnHlANlptll . . . .
North CflrollnA
Kouth Carolina
Weit Virginia .
"Don'ts" for Autotats
to llelp Win the War
Tho automobile Industry
laled every line of manufacturing In the
South. It has inado the whole South
move faster.
I The South Is the mat Let garden of
tho country. All of the cotton, more
than half the corn, a large part of tho
wheat, rye, unbt, fruits and egetables
,1110 grown In tho South.
What Women Arc Doing
' Mor than $6000 has jut been raised
by tli war vervlcn committee of the
j lilen-l'ltrn du Ulesse of tho Women's
City Club of N'ew York.
I Tho comniltteo Is to furnlfh eight
motortrucks to carry nourishing food to
I tho men at the llrst-nld stations at tho
i front In France. Two of tho trucks
hao been sent abroad and four women
chauffeurs will depart plmilly.
The money raised will be used In pur
chasing the other six motors. One of
the ft licks for which tho money was
raised Is to bo called tho Hdlth Cavell,
after the English nurso who was exe
cuted by tho Hermans.
Don't leave the engine run.
nine . to prevent freezing
when machine is stopped at the
curb. Put non-freezing solution
in the radiator.
2 Don't engage clutch sharply,
apply brake harshly, nor
round corners) at a high rate of
3 Don't fall to have small cuts
in tire tread Ihut reach into
fabric sealed immediately.
4 Don't overlook non-skid
chains when streets are slip
pery and take them off when not
5 Don't adjust non-skid chains
so loose that they fait off,
nor so tight that they won't creep.
6 Don't neglect to keep nc-
curate record of tire mileage
and buy the make giving lowest
cost per mile.
7 Don't keep engine racing
when stopping in traflic.
8 Don't be careless and drite
with spark advanced as far
.ir possible without causing en
gine to knock.
9 Don't forget to inspect oil
lex el in engines, amount of
water in the radiator, and pres
sure in tires each time before
leaving the garage.
t f Don't take the engine
" apart just to see what Is
inside of it.
11 Don't fail to learn what
A care the car requires, how
to make minor repairs and ad
justments, and how to get the
best service from it by taking n
course in the care of a car.
piers, In plcrslieds and warehoutu, Pen
alties for the use of cars ana terminus
Co-ordinate Truck
Coitso Jo P7A't0 Bttire ood8 " considered for the
OerVlCc, MB rieut Immediate future tf not for th pres-
. ent. This insistent demand mat tner-
Continued fr.rtTfi Twe I ctmndlse be on the continuous move Is
toward botterlne transportation condl- "'j'" the motortruck to ewUtttng.
tlons. I ' U"P nt
liven bofore the railroads were taken The rural districts are dally becoming
over by the President certain ltcalltles nearer and nearer to the city markets
wero put under shipping rules, tending by means of motortrucks; there Is hard
to divert short-haul trafna from the rail- ty a meeting of an agricultural society
roads. Tho Philadelphia district com- today that Is not adopting some reso
mlttee on car service, composed of rep- lutlou IcoVIng- to the spread of good
resentatles of the three trunk lines i roads as the chief solution of the quicker
serving that city, as early as December and more economical distribution of
1, 1917, put Into effect an embargo on foodstuffs. Would a certain berry
nil rail shipments between points within grower that Uvea In New Jersey, forty
tho city. Obviously many snlpments miles frcm his city market, go back to
, should be made over the streets, not only ' horses, after he Ms used u motortruck
to relieve the railroads, but to speed up that takes Ms produce to market In a
I such deliveries for the mere convenience ( ttw hours and gives him the day on the
to business. There are undoubtedly cer- frm? No. Indeed. The farmer who
I tain carload shipments of great bull: that nM u,i motortrucks is fast converting
in normal limes suouia do rm.Tia dj- his tielshbor and between them tiny ate
rait even within the city, particularly diverting many thousands of tons of
where the shipper nnd consignee both iiaunc t0 the highways.
havo sidings. To move some of these . . ,, ,,. ,,,,. ,,.. .
loads over the streets Would congest', T" VLVS1 ut,",T ?" J "??'
1 :....,- .., . ii.. too. t nele Sam Is pointing the way : the
I "s-"".' ' nJj ':: ""5" '",; ,,,, Br ! lo,tomce Department has Instituted
Iiclti made In all our large cities look- I Prri
Ine to tho Immediate removal cf mer
chandise standing In freight cars, en
post motortruck routes con
I nectlng country districts with the large
cities. These Government trucks are
already runnlaf ' 'e
the fittftlr eaa eWoW"
The atrrlce la net a vntart Hi
the utilisation ot a trintpor
that lias already proved Ha ;
Ity and it Is hard to prophWy;!
limits this service will ts4
benefits that It will bring with: I
thing is certain those tint It
theso motortruck routes wlp hav
demonstration or motortruck
Today, as ntvtr before, the, re;
fulness cf America, must find a..1
overcome obstacus. It behoov
man who ha goods to shin to tr
those goods In such a way a ll
irioute me uuruen cr trans
lover every possible carrier.
and wattrwaya must be used .
htlhtst efficient possibilities,
loads that rightfully are '"fak
loads" should travel over the 'trial
The rolds must In every l6aa.I1
built, maintained and kept openteTj
tins growing nreu. it win mean
toward speeding up the great bin
of war now, ami In the future srhes '
InaAa of rifles ATA tnnvlnv fcltltftv-k
tiitther the blessings ot adequate tnMsV.'J
portallon will amply repay every ,erti3
ana expenditure. rf 8
No Gasolene Shortage
Summarizing the gasoline situation, as
regards Its use by American people. A
C. Bedford, chairman of the petroleum '
war service committee, recently stated j
that there was no shortage of gasoline l
for uso In this country. In f Jet, ho con
tends that stocks of the fuel are lucrcas- '
Ing, and will further Increase before tho i
heavy summer demand Is encountered,
i .. VA.itAO J.r ll n o,l, Ml, 1' ' 4
tlonal army for training all our younir., "- wi : u,u.i. . ..,. . ... ,
men between tho ages of eighteen and I campaign for funds. Sw ft volunteer
twenty-one. We can bring them to. cars enabled campaign workers to cover (
1 ... .".1 ..., -i.i.- i. . I territory undreamed-of by other means,
puifT Iran .... ll IU I . u,r n,- i ... . .
thousands of additional persons.
In the Ited Crbss work tho motorcar .
linn lif.f.,1 llaf.,1 In lltn l.'it ffiw m.ititl.a 1
Tn this service army tho Government , , .,, , ,. . ,,.,'
linllaiA untivll'O It i1nsAl n lninni,lniit I
They should have a few hours of :" " "" " """" " "'"
A largo amount of tlio Liberty Loan
success was duo to tho automobile.
ter tlmo to tho barracks nnd training
places provided by the flovernment.
"Voung Americans need dlscjidlne.
this service army tho Government
can teach them order and train them to
gymnasium and drill and live or six
hours of work In a factory every day
Near each encampment there enn be lo- '
Spend Winter Outdoors in an
Coupe xJ v
Glass -Enclosed
Puts a Summer Atmosphere in Any
r Touring Car
I Insure Your Health and Comfort
In Stock Ready to Attach for
D 35-44-45
HHaqIh I
Oakland Ford ' f
34-R Touring 0ft MM
iloino wlHfMa
Mk Dealer-
at Belleme-Stratford
Truck Show
at Maxwell Showroomi
1617 Chtttnnt St.
85 & 90 cc.
I'lt nerfe'ctly. no rattle, drop, ventilating windows.
light, doors In top and body open as one.
$83 to $200 Attached
If you do not want a u Inter top. Investigate our
lurtalns, that open with, tho doors. Itadlator covers.
Keystone '
Auto Top
Fairmount Ave.
We manufacture de
mountable tops for
all makes of auto
mobile a ; folding
tep, Victoria tops:
eat and raillator
covers; bod I es ;
painting and re-lialring.
"The First Cost Is High; the Final Cost Is Low"
OOD TIRES are the sort of tires that give
users oleasure, comfort and confidence. I
They're made for service, and they give it in full
est measure.
Every material that enters into Hood Tires
is the best that money can buy the result is a tire
ithat shows its quality in action.
tin m l T?M. Tl
' many extras cmer invu
Show-time talk has too
much poetic license,too
much discount in it Tnis is
a call to 6et down
to realities.Our
task is a real one;
our grip on it must be more
tnan guessworK.
crease in every man and woman's personal efficiency demands time
saving motor cars, hundreds of thousands of them. The cars must
not be - wasteful. The choice of the right car must not rest upon
arsis -the job on hand has
room for nothing but realties.
I he imperative need ot a
great increase in national
efficiency demands an in-
We have the proof that, as a
this sturdy, always -reliable car
help in the task we are all facing,
is the most efficient in the world
S Double-Cure. Extra-Ply Fabric,
,,Extra Fabric Quality, Extra Rubber
-Quality, Extra Comtruction all of
Which mean Extra Mileage and
' Extra Sjtfetv. No Blow-Out or
ft ; Bunts with HOOD TIRES.
km m
his ul s
pi . tin ui n -i a ii;i 'V I
'ine Lowest rev mue co vm v
, Tires on the Market i?f Jff
, The Auto For Work
,-w-HE 1918 modeli have larger wheel base;
loner, easier epriug suspension, lower
center of gravity, wider roomier Interior.
Greatly Increased strength, yet no increase
In burden on tires and gasoline. Prices
(Detroit): Berllne or Sedan with wire
wheels $1195 J Berlins, artillery wheels $1095;
Touring car with all-weather top $865;
Koadster with all
weather ton $830.
Touring Car $745 7
.i. ,ri
no '
The Truck (or Efficiency
THE Maxwell one-ton worm-drive truck
has ten feet length of loading space; has
the axle and bearings ot a two-ton truck ; and
specifications exceeding 1 ton strength;
wheel base 124 inches. Wholly a truck design
in every detail. Has the famous Maxwell
Engine, the most efficient in the world. The
best of the one-ton trucks is the Maxwell.
AH body styles. Price ot chassis, l.o.b. Detroit
$985 STFj-" " " " a tu
J t C"
ddpjD to tne verv un-
L- usual bodily comfort of
the new Hupmobile is the
comfort of low cost of opera
tion and low cost of main?
Owners report f rom44states
that the car does average 24.;
per cent greater gasoline!!
i . j ir j -o .. 6.i
mileage, ana 10 to 10 per;
cent greater
to 18
tire mileage!
Hupmobile Exhibit
at the Automobile Show
Blue Room, Space 55
Hupmobile Sales Corporation
441-51 North Broad Street
; .
1 ' F ' alj3
i Meii-..M.BBlMsasiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBaBlsiitfsw "I $&
SBKSggSmWMmmESBBBKttKUS I II JsjsjsjsjsjsMSHsjHsjsjsjsjasjasjsbsl'
i SeslHHHsVSSsfiiSk I lcSsBmwmmmWmmsmSBBmWKsmmmm'l
I It' ,$
Help National Economy With a Republic
Fleets of Republic Internal Gear Drive Trucks in use in all big indus
trial centers where efficiency is more important than ever before speak
volumes for their superiority.
There's a reason for it.
Unless they were mikinr food unless they were earning money for their owners
these firms would not be using REPUBLIC Tracks.
Right here in Philadelphia Republic Trucks are proving their performance effic
iently day in and day out their allaroundthoroughness substantiating every claim w
have made for them.
And remember this right here in Philadelphia at the "S-H" Station Republic
Truck owners may secure the same service that would be possible if they were located in
Alma, Mich.
Swain-Hickman service, however, is not confined to present Republic users. If you
are thinking of buying a truck, or more trucks than you now have,, our transportation
experts will gladly advise with you and help you solve your delivery problems.
There is a Republic Model for every line of American business ; beginning with tht
? 4-ton special, sotd complete; to Model V 5-ton chassis only. The others are:
Republic Model "10" ae-ten, stake r express body, seat and low top uicladed.
Republic Model "11" one-aad-OBe-hatf torn, chassis only.
Republic Model "A" two-ten, chassis only.
Republic Model "T" three-aad-one-balf tea "dreadaaagbt" ckassis asdy.
PRICES F. O. B. ALMA, MICH. Phsass Race ZSS1; Sprues 55(6.
: j'ra
' 4
2117-19 Ludlow St.
2116-18 Market St.
i ;
Service Statioa
9 & II Fair St.
mas -:
7n Powers Company
m 3
Distributors of Hood Tires
Wr fnWl
" i- . t M ',
..'. j-;.
' 'J"
, al -' Jftt&V iV -
5 r.
"' -
$830 (!F- Sgr