ummm .'mwjmjmjbp U.MMA ' Mmmirmmm9w(mFTsmWiWwwsimmaFW7. mvrzz&Mf&iiAmnwijm,i9jMmBmm .7 '-. iYfi'r v til , , ' ' . RA!LffAia a. u. a. k - -, .. .. ANSWMEU m MUTUKS Gasoline Vehicles, Helping Save Country's Coal, Afford to Transportation Relief By PERCY L. NEEL J? rrnl'lfnt Ctrtlllno Automobile Sales Corporation ff The motorcar stands forth as the L urealest single aid to all " various transportation systems of tho country ( io war time. Transportation has one of the hugest, If not actually the hugest. burdens to bear: and gigantic things will continue -' to be asked of It. v ' ttannot ho speeded up as labor can. Months are consumed In the production of new, rail equipment locomotives and cars. Tho rame Is true of trolley equip ment. Unavoidable delays are encoun tered In normal times. In theso times theso are Increased and aggravated a hundredfold. Prlvato transportation, as embodied In the motorcar, Is now showing as nevei before Its real Importance In our scheme of modern life. V while ago two women camo from a nearby town to Philadelphia for an aft ernoon's shopping. They traveled by trolley. About 0 o'clock they wero ready lo return home ati hour's rldo on the trolley. Kour cars left, bound for their home town. They were not able to board any one of them. Kach was crowded to tho landing step. The women were, forced ,to telephone a friend In town who owned a motorcar and who was glad to send them to their home by that means. ricturo that condition intensified a thousand fold In any city In the land. Suppose some authority should Issue an order that after 6 o'clock tonight no motorcar should bo used. Tho result would be confusion of the N worst and most !olent sort, Public utility concerns would llnd themselves utterly unable to accommodate tho leo ple.who would wish accommodation. In New York today, with elevated, surface and subway lines, all aro crowded to Mtlnctlon in the morning and evening, liven so, thousands of people ride to snd from their business In motorcars. The motorcar cannot be eliminated. It Is too closely woven Into our dally lives. We should actually be compelled to reamp our clvllliatlon If tho use of motorcars were suddenly to bo denied. Tlcture the results in the farming dis tricts. The motorcar has done vastly more than the telephone to put the farmer Into close touch with his markets. 'It enubles him to grow better crops: to get his product to shipping points In less time and In better condition. It enables us to have on our tables fresh er, more .succulent, more noisrlshlng vegetables. TRANSPORTATION MEANS I.IKE L ., M.v . . . r ..-r, ,, .j,, 0i,lyx o.v, io AUTOMOBILEfCLUB OF PHILADELPHIA "ON 'THE JOB' tig- W i fc i & .fc m i re v k. gAV Jm LaBiftBBBHNi sBBBBBBBBBBBBsVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflsBBBBBBBBBBBBBB HmBI AHH) BUIbbVi tVbvbvbvbvbUI' . uftawBBBH BiBiBiBiBiBisWasBasBasBasBasBasBllBBBWi L 'IbBBBBBBBI -' 'BstastastaVM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBvlirBBBsiiiiiiiiiiH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsiiiim. f ' .dH BwBBBBBBKBwBT xHbwH AwBmA' - ''iBBBBB BtSBBBW BBBbHH 4 i SHiBMBBBaBW.:BBBBl AV ..BbW 'bbbbbbbbbbIhbVPbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw 'MH?TBABBIm' BmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBml - BmBmBmBmBmBmm. i llf ATBmBa SBBaBBBvB N l Bw i i kABmBmBV RACING GAME MAY BE RESUMED IN OCTOBER Motor Speedway Association Foresees Speedy Com pletion of Oval wm u ties for the nursult of this snort and roruornllon orc-anlted under tha laws "of I rested In a board. 'of mMkn. 3 for tho comfort and nlensuro nf those tho State of I'ennsylvnn a. Is composed , Is president and ChsVlesiU'l who may desire to attend Is planned, A of members and not of stotkholdcrn. It secretary and 'treasurer. TheV football stadium sudlclenl to accommo- will bo owned ntul onerated by these ( composed of the following 'ml date the largest crowds Is also on the irtmbirs In tclrtly tho same manner as ' Charles J. Van Honk, William' ' Plans of the association, ns are golf the large nthletlc and country clubs, and sack. Charles t Itawjer, Paul B. S courses, tennis courts, baseball grounds wilt no far us iiosslble, combine the (leorgo W, Krout, nichard V. Mat) and a beautiful clubhouse. attractive features of both. Jr., Alexander Iviwrcnce, Jr.,", Tho Motor Speedway Association, n The management of tho association Is Ueorge Potts. Seven of the twelve directors of the Automobile Club of Philadelphia, nn orfranizntion which is always actively endeavoring to promote the interests of local car owners, nre shown in tho above photograph. Seated, from left to right, are H. Uartol Frazier. vice president, and Stcdman Bent, president. Stand ing, 'from left to right, are Henry P. Bailey, W. O. Grifllth, S. Boyer Davis, sccretaiy; Kane S. Green and George B. I.innard. Other directors of theclub are Powell Evans, Bobert P. lloopes, Howard Longstrcth and Dr. E. H. Sitcr. HARPER IS OPTIMISTIC "MYSTERY" CAR MAKE OVER OUTLOOK FOR 1918 ITS DEBUT THIS WEEK The automobile rnclng game may be resumed In Philadelphia this ear, after a lapso of more than six ears. If so, the races will be held under Ideal con ditions and not upon the tortuous road way of Kalrmount Park, on which they were held In 1911. The Philadelphia Motor Speedway Association hopes to have Its blir racing oval near Willow Grove completed by October. Hy It tho association hopes to draw to Phila delphia 260,000 lsltors Mch car. Tho speed that will be attained at tho new speedway, with -Its track two by fours laid edgewise, llltu a huge bowling alley and Its curves banked high In tho nlr, will seem phenomenal compared to tho Kalrmount Park races, 'engineers who have jiasscd upon the Hpeedwiy plans declare that a speed of two miles a mlnuto may be easily de veloped In Its contests. The speed pos sibilities of the track may be attributed to the construction of tho track surface. long-leaf jellow pine timbers measuring I two by four Inches are laid on tho edge I so that the whole track will be elastic and resilient and as smooth as a polished ' bowling alley. This construction reduces i to a minimum the vibration set up by' tho cars by the track surf.ue and makes ' lightning speed possible. Tho speed- I I way Is now 40 per cent completed, un- . jpj. jj10 supervision of Cbarltw 'W. John, i How Old Is First Auto? constitute only a part of the Ppecd- Acccrdlng to Krncst Kaut, a French I wa' wh" "" conttacted to finish It by , I 1H1I. New Overland Agency Predicts n Banner Year imi.H.ll.i . Iwi 1ma iimiln n nftlilv nf Hia Head Younitest of AH Models Shown la history f,ho automobile, more than six. Jtron "oyT .".n S fhJXed! i " "uuu way .suciauuii puns. n aviation 1 Held wiucn wm onoru e.cepUoiial faclll- the Holmes Air-Cooled Car What Is the Holmes Car'1 centuries ago n man en "horseless carriage ' : .., ....... ,. , ...j.,.1. .1. ..... i . .r , ,vusl Ui., ,c uu- Unlu n()W ,lm lMmt8 Cal. ,IlB um , look In the automobile Industry tyr as well hidden as n military maneuver; 1918," said II. 1 Harper, head of tho It was not shown nt tho New York show Overland-IIarper Company, who took i Until now" the automobile world hail ., ,,., , , , . t i ii been g cn no Inking of what Arthur over the Will f-Ovcrlatid. Inc., of Phlla- nolm, ag up , sh,nce he withdrew dclphla, Januaty 1 from his position as vice president and Mr. Harper knows the automobile i chief engineer of the Fiunklln Automo- buslnesR thorouehlv from nil angles. "" v-omiMii. than $400,000,000 What ho has done U to present to navmg ao.u .no.u v .- i-w y , lh Amerlca publtc a trlumph 1 alr worth of AVIlls-Overland cars during i c00ed cars the last two years as general sales man ager, and his forecast Is of the greatest value. "I expect to eo one ut the best years we've ever had," continued this expert salesman, "and tha best Indication of It Is the fact that In the few days I have taKen over the business of the Wlllys Ovecland branch In Philadelphia we have vbooked mote than $250,000 worth of business for January, with almost the entire month et to be heard from. Business Is good, certain lines nre The Holmes Car has nn air-cooling system which makes for simplicity in operation and durability In equipment. The Holmes Car, It Is claimed, w HI never freeze, vvill never strand Its owner by running dry. To the scientific sanity of Its operating principle, moreover, the car 'adds every advantage of economy, comfoit, durability and beauty. The Holmes Is a service car, designed to meet tho practical needs and desires of the American business man. Yet It It electric light were cut off In the o men 1)0 w(,ro not m the market lilies they would remain aarh, even before for a car are Interested now. Ibouglt there were enough lamps and "Business men who heretofore have kerosene In each one to rurnisn aaequaie i light, liven though there might be an ample supply of both, they would not be available when and where needed, i Production without dlatilbutlon Is futile. The two go hand-ln-hand. uimlinriv with the motorcar. Its"pro- ductlon must continue and also Its dlstrl nnenaceAd n l.antlt, nf cnrlrit-lniT line - running to more than full capacity, big n ,on(r ean Biemier Krace such as Is salaries are being paid and thousands ee(j0In' Bee this country outside of u t. ...aba n In tltfi tnnrl.'jir ... . ... . tha Imnortcd forelgn-DUIlt cars Ami not used cais w-ill find It Impossible to get along without them, due to changed conditions, and theso. men villi be In the market. "Indeed, the big problem Is not the selling of the cars M much us Is the delivery of them. Tersons who want cars Bhould order now. The.automoblle butfon. unless our whole mode of life Is I companies throughout the country have to be made over, it is an esscnu.ii m offered GO per cent of the use of tnelr the nation's transportation system. It Is piants to the United Slates Government an economizer of time, of effort, offor war emergency work, which will labor. It saves needed things, like coal. mean that production will necebsarlly be It promotes business. It enables men ( curtallea. -Men 'who delay ordering may to, accomplish moro In a given time, or not be abe t0 get their cars when they to perform the same work with greater I want them. efficiency. It links the city to the coun-1 yCSp t Me bIg business ahead for try and the country to the city more 1918, and the outlook Is most optimistic." closely and more firmly than they have been linked by years of steam and eleu- , ; trie transportation. 1 It betters living conditions, it pro motes public health.. It enriches prop jrty values. It broadens the human viewpoint of life. It makes the world a better place to live In. In short, the motorcar Is an essential. Its casollne consumption Is but one gallon to sixteen miles. w It Is therefore the family car, the car of convenience. It Is made In all four of tho popular models the road ster, the sedan, the limousine and the town car An Interesting feature of the louring model Is tho complete set of Ingenious drawcis for clothing and other nrtlcles set In the back of the driver's teat The Holmes 'Is the latest thing In the motoring line, for at the automobile show each car dlsplacd must have been qn the market at least a ear. In the coming season, however, 4000 Holmes Cars will be built In the big factory which covers 175,000 square feet nt Canton, O. MERCER A CONSPICUOUS feature of Mercer construction is a low and properly balanced car. This assures not only a greater degreeof comfort in riding, but much greater safety at high- speeds. ' Space Jt3, Blue Room, at (lie Show SAMUEL EARLEY MOTOR CO. (575 N. Broad St. Mniiufactnred hj Mercer Automobile 4'n. Trenton, J, Philadelphia, Pa. r. 'WW a Mi' . , ""''''''TiSlf&iHtill!" ',"' s- v!f .' X, ' iR' M.jJ. .fl il'"l' ll tf'tt'jl! V'fliliW isitwrn vsBjjiffiywfi " ' " .j-VfiT t. f 4 -' '' I aip" !,'. MM? i' KaiyjAjiwiMf f ir-tsfjiwjitrs ttiijiTjii&iiKBsUMiapTgj?Miiii Wl". jiify..' Kb i ti ''.. ' r.'u.i nF'rV' KSv. -I , 1 , jf t fliHl.ii ' I ,.7 1 1 ft t rtli 1 if p tWW Q. J'1,!".' ,T il, " 'TI, '."ftjf.', ;'l!l ft-. '' t -1 i t'i ' . L vs , t. .'1 1,. '1 lr f 1 "IS.1 Mi-it j,rt.'t,M inc '; H flf I' !l ., w JiliWfl i'1 ,(1i'i! i'!,i! i'.'H-J iilMlS .,, rv i . !!!.. '.'ST? mmn "''"Witt tvtim .t.' tin W', , t '..,&$, uiiia I 1 , ' ,Vi .!' i "5C 1 f. I.Tll I'Vil.C'l w m wwm wxzm W'iripir ",; riri'li I risf;i'!l'j'.S.i 11 B1HK itilB HHHH : LsiiiiiHP:sssBHHssiiiHssHBsssr:iHlsH Kl,Slft!ii 1 JisisiiiiiH slB 1 m I tm I I I BC,l'!:ili: BB I I 'I I J J I s(M.c 6 r ... . i,. -'i- ... i',li ."'.irf.'lli'iu J,i' rViif5Vil! ' i '.J- ,,i p i;, NEW AGENCY OPENED FOR GRAHAM TRUCK h Motor Service Company Will Dis tribute Attachable Bodies 1 Locally Graham Brothers, motortruck attach ment manufacturers, of Kransviue, inu , have hecently Introduced their product Jn Philadelphia after a wide distribu tion from their agency In New York, and the Motor Service Company of Penn- . dltrlbutors for this city, easte.rn Penn sylvania and southern New Jersey. Extensive plans have been made for this year by the local distributors, and ilthough the delay In shipments ' of several carloads of the attachments, due ti O freleht congestion, has held UO de liveries thus far, this condition will v wn oe overcome Dy me svonKtj ui '' large quantity of the attachments In the Motor Service plant 22-30 North Flfty-nrth street, which -will make It I pouible to have complete truens and "l parts ready for deliver Immediately V, on receipt of orders. A More than twenty-five retail dealers 1 have been established In the territory to bo served from the Philadelphia iffencv. and within n. month or two be- r fore the rush of spring business It Is j' expected that double that number of ' Htallers will be handling the attach- fi. ments In eastern Pennsylvania and iouthern New Jersey. Plans have alro J- been niada for a wholesale and retail , salesroom on Market street, , west, of Twentieth, which will be opened soon, f and from which It Is planned to deliver . t, least E00 complete trucks at' retail , daring the year. The Graham Brothers' k 8Mes Company of Philadelphia win be W tha Mn.M .mJ& .I.IkI. & ...tltntf dn nf ', ..v .,,,, uiiuci WIMVll V'a BClt.B ,.u v. M the agency will be conducted, the dls I' Ulbutora now belne; en'rased In com- tj Hltlnw Minna fn hnxlntf 1, firantktn ht Brothers' business conducted by an IK underlying company of that name. But jfrine siotor Service Company or renn U aylranla will cnntlnun to do all the Y assembling and to give all shop service c. V "s p'art. 1 ihe attachments consist of units, oodles and cabs, and by their use Ford 'X Chassis are converted Into complete ton j and a half trucks, and the largest auto- jrr.'noDiie chassis aro converted trucks wun Pi, carrying canaeltv of from two to three jC. tons. All parts are now painted a royal u ..wb ttiiu arc easily im ifc.,,e. t'j Albert Johnson Is in charge of whole-l-Vlale sales fnr (in. ,lllrlhntnrs outside J of Philadelphia. fc.( Farm Tractor a War Necessity , r rigiand led the way for the adoption vi ms larm tractor as a war nucniut. s Threatened by Isolation from the food 'Producing countries of the Western Msmlcnhjipa hw'lh. anhmopln.i h (nnlf jit Wolo measures to protect herself from famine. K V'The.MInlsler of Agriculture organized J, army of farm tractors, placed head- m, ?ri iwem ana piowta aay ana i.-Hht.for weeks' and weeks In the spring rJC,thfyear: When, the harvest was Pfstberca and England found she had Wotiihlfood to withstand any blockade ' yfUbinqrlnts for; another' year credit 7X1 m 1 "' l"l li jflgiMSrl, B5B lgAiiiBgV T-i---a WlllV WBKUSm i fjfjrfm A nf jjRBB-. 7Ininl y ' Br M v. I sllllllllH 'S! BKmTWfmC , iiwUv: '' ';: lilfiSsW k C TiBj, -,ifl Htw. fflllWs BsjHf feWMBiKSHft sss-PtSPefcswl et"5"wSbT SBBSBstiHlb Ul IllluiiJIII ijeaBssssssg,WsssL2BBBRJWH f a WWsCsimssM I II -1 sHBaZaHll I Ul 111 1 lit TilUI ll'J VlssVi.llllBiKliliSSKLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. rSBiaaHt IfE8 r5 slilislliillHli IlllllikSsUI P V 'i1V.iiiikMsiV'issiimslllllllVi K?wjl alrolo 'Olnsillllillllm li III '-?xilSi!i$Mm$f ' tS& '$!&'& B BWt tmlRm I2S31 t BIGELOW-WILLEY MOTOR Ca 3jj BljlSHHQ 304 N. Broad St. 1 EB3wFl VrB UJJ Bell Phone, Spruce 1410 Keystone, Race 4290 Bs&B(i5bsbbS9 S39p3!li..E3E!5LiJ PAIGE.DBTR01T MOTOR-CAJtr COMPANY. DETROIT, MICH. SrrnE-sDB3SaaH,L9 "" r "" I g j i r - rmmBSmr7mmSBi JH ' ' IMMgBIlLiiiiaFdt j, E iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiMiiiQQariiirifriTi tiVfh to the tractor as the most llvjj;,re.p'on of warfare yet dls-1 g Most Beautiful Car injhneriaal Revelation "the Show .sV 'm imtmtgpftff VmamiXlSm WJIM 111 1 iSl mmii il iij CTWKH. fSSj wsesm It, 14.. I 1 , " I; ii4- l$M XSm tf ik' aw ;w L!- oSisaitne same experience, une lUinufsiCTurs KUfMisea insrw wsy. T .'A '""',, " , ,5.. "3 MMissBa jjjg&Ai; ' iirflJIJfHn 'ii. sllllliiltstlisillislllW' '. i 5 J. il i' "I". t Kttt Vkl iL. -i' T ty t