-- in ; i fi r .', ma !!' URGES USETOFAUTOS ' $ m r.PT cm a per i?nnn People Should Take Advan- ' tage of Nntural Highways, . j-t i-IVY"1 ft says uommissioiifr vjicii FARMER TO CONSUMER , HA.n(inn Pftfliir-tlnn la Hlir . XrOIlBu mnv .-.... . --o Factor in Situation buggests Signboards to 'Bulletin Produce ' ItAHHISUUnU. Jan K. Tf the peoplo of rennsjlvanU utilize the Mato's n-nural hlBhwajs In th tranrwrtatlon of foodstuff-) ami other implies. uln& to frnctlcal advantage the hundreds of thousand of motor vehicles, they can nave much of their proportionate share of the nation's war debt, according' to an Idea advanced by State Highway Commissioner J Denny O'.N'ell. Ho pointed out that this State possesses not only one-tenth of tho men of the land, hut that its resources eceed a. tenth of the wealth of the country and that the .state1 war burdem will he heavy. He fcileJ: Tennsjlvanla has In the nelBhlwr. i,n.i f 3",-,. 001) motor vehicles, of this number the majority are pneumatic- , tired car, hut not M)-callcd 'pleasure iars' by any means. I presume there aro . total of 40.00U truck In the SUte. . yearly 20.000 cars are of the solld-tlred ""The" number of automobiles owned by farmer of l'ennsjlvanla 'will run close to the S0.O0O marh. "With the trementous molorv energv found In this great number of cars rf ill clashes, l'enni-jlvanlnns have it In their pow er to decrease the cost of Tins pertatlon, particularly of foodstuff". ni'Y IN" COUNTRY" 'The car owners of relink Ivanlj, when they motor into the louiitry dls tilcts on a pleasure trip, should tal.e ,v i vantage of their presence in the reRlon of actual production and nal.e their nurchasen Of farm products I think it would he a (splendid Uca were the fat met of l'enusj lv arila. to erect a bulletin board In front of theli lorr.es on which to tell passerKby Just what they have to sell Motorists pass. Ire by could Kan these boards and if J..I.....1 .iftlMae wptn nosted could Rf in nnd liurv them. Tho farmer,- of- course, in tlxlng the price of his iinid nets, would hear In mind the fact ihit he was saved the eost of tiantportatbn to market, m iking a reduction to fit that condition Jn these ilajs of perfected automobile m.uhliiery, the motorist s range Is limited onlv hv his own desire as to the distance he wants to go Con srquentlj. while the farmers closa to the congested districts may not ho able to Minnlv produce at ptlces e heapei- than maj be had In town, the car owner, hi the course of his average Journev, would find conditions he sought and the firm products ... , "Perfected automobile machinery en ables the fanner to pick his own tmrhet. But If the town and cltv owners of au tcmoblles will go only to the farmer for their products, he will be saved the an nojanca and cost of going to market In iranv Instances and will he able to lit vote more time to production. ' wrnc nui-D for tradesmen "V wide field Is open to the honest tradesman, who will take his one or two ton. truck and gather un farm pro duce. He will he able to sell more of It, at Ies cost. Johil Jones, with automo-j blleless neighbors on each side of him, I will cut their cost of living If he reniem-, bers their needs when maklne his own I purchases and permits them, through his own careful bujlne, to oecure goods direct from the faim at less cost than possible In town. ' "In my minds' eve I see the main hlghwajs of the State being put to these practical uses. I seo regular transport trains operating between the towns and cities .1 we the cits man. who has taken his wife and children out for an hour on two's Hde stopping at a farmhouse Hiid miking his food pur chases direct from the producer. I see the Government ma.ll ttucks collecting foodstuffs and bringing them by parol post to the towns. I see permanent thoroughfares of sufndent w Idth bear- , ing a great 'portion of the buidens now being borne by the railroads And I see an end tc u great waste" Thrift at the Show Young women aie belling thrift stamps at the Automobile Show, the center, e hlblt space In the building, directly f.te-1 Ing- the entrance fiom Twent) -third audi Walnut streets, having been set aside for ths purpose by the show committee. The booth was assigned to the national ' war savings council. Its activities reflect those of the how Itself thrift, For thrift Is tho real note of the show, all arguments to the contiary notwlth-1 landing. The fully equipped cars from $500 up manufactured te run nnd run well with every conceivable device avail--! able to Keep down upkeep cost and in crease mileage and bring the road travel, up to its highest point of efllclency this ,ls thrift In Its best meaning . "The great est good for the minimum monej" Is the present-day maxim of the manufacturers, ' and were c are not warning tnose who predict that the fehow of 1918 will tee the passing of the old attribute of ex pense attached to an automobile. iiB & -4 kR luMl sua f "-JbB Hvi L v&s sjt VT i H J i HiV c IHHI smB IB H Jsi.1 Bvvi Ba xSrsnssi iH IWsf-s JUXAi v-rtv- .-T ? f w '(ufIi? Q-BB VDV HBl ri JZH (u. j 9fr 69 w. 1 I i-ot-i v j v v ' Aj . tt' -isB&jb jtlitLJ2ut MtKIBSjKrtSBtSKBtKK$tSfsBnSIKBBtKw.triki sjr r a'9MsMsHbMmMbi f liiVlSBHBSHiMRMBsas-K?-i N'V'- -fsilss-aAatiBistBMsisviTNIsMWO .. r- t Bd--vLJtvvid3 i i Sf $ -JlMP-fr; t , -7-,,,,' x', tj sMttwWK At !?, mh-i kii??.. s' .Ligmammtmamjkjj ljfffmnm HANDY GUIDE TO The Hooth . 38 10 . - U Car Abbott-Deri olt . Allen Auburn Middle Briscoe Hulek , Cadillac Choline! s Ch-upiHe' Chewolet Cole Daniels Detrolt-Ilec-trlo Dodge Dotrls ....... Flat Ford Franklin (rant 42 52 i'O 28 1 41 ns !l'i II IT. 43 S7 ., :i 31 Iluvtyies .13 Holmes -,-, .i 81 :; Hudson Hti-iiruilille JlfTl-tJ , Joiil.m KIiib Klssel-ICnt ! 4 47 r,1 Z2 I.exiuglun ; Velle SO Mhellv .t white 33 l.ocomobllf u winiui, ' so Accessories V illicit us llcnoilln ilubber Compain C'uhall Mtor Supply, Companv (jeoigp Cairoll X On I. H.iveiisim .t Sons I (1 Uunc.in, Jr, CoiniMiiv -n Haul. Dtri A. Shearer OmniMiiv .7, A-S All A. (Selsscl & Son A-'J7, A-2S A. K, Jawer.. y.Tt J II McCullouqli Son A-11.A-1J Manufacturcis' Supplies Conip.uis A-B (!eort;o W. Xock Company , A -.3 A -24 Pierce Auto Supply Comp.uiv .vsj II. O. Itoberts Klectilcal Supplv Onniian -3".,A-3fi Supplee-Hlddle Hrtrdwnte Oonipanv -i Tiavelei The Oumpanj .i Exhibitors of Cars Com etui. c,,M Hooth Automobile Sales Curpimttlon. . . .'. Oudlllac 2S Haker, Hauch i I.inff Hlectilc Oomp.un ...p.auch A. I.atiK F.lectilc .. 23 llirtlett, .1. Ciuwfonl , Hetiolt Wectllc 10 Hell Mntor Companj , McF.irlui ,. ... 40 Iilddle Motor Companv lllddle 42 Higelow -Wllley Motoi Oompan.v Pal(,e ...'. ."-' Hlocksom, S. H , Motor Companv Stilt 17 It. 1, P. Motor Companv lleo ami I'lemlei', K&13 Dowels 1, S,Compaii Ubcrtv, Col" A. tlianl l..l'i Hulck Motor Companv Ilulck . ID Chalmeis Motor Companj Chulmei 1 Chevrolet Motor Company ohevmlet 3S Harley, Samuel, Motor Company .... .Mercer anil National. .43A.4B Haste! n Motois Corporation Standaiil 11 FannlnB-Mathls Compan Mnrmon 33 Flat Motor Company Flat , ." Foul Motor Company Foul .... 21 Foss-IIughes Company Purce-Airow 9 Clliard Automobile Companv Peerless 29 Gomery-Schwartz Motor Comiianv Hudson ... 31 Urleb-Thomas Motor i Company.' lltlscoe and Kistel-Kar.. u2 Herbert Hrothers Chandler. 41 Hupmoblle Sales Corpoiutlon. . Hupmoblle anil Holmes 53, Hut ley Motor Company Nash and Jeffety 4 Johnston,'!'. S , Compan.v Hcrlpps-Hooth , .2 I.a Itocho Brothels ; Yelle 30 luisou-OldsmobllH Companv Oldsmoblle 34 Locomobile Company of Ameika Locomobile IS Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation Maxwell , 11 Mitchell Motorcar Companv '...Mitchell "........ 3C Momoe Motors Company Monroe 2il Munay Motor Sales Companv. Murray , '.. 36 McCurdy-Bralnard Company Ionian 47 Oakland Motor Companj Oakland 7 Oliver Compuny, lnc Daniels ...."..'.,'".....,'.... 14 Ovclland-Harper Motor Compan.v Overland r.7uinl38 Packard Motoiear Company "....Packard '. 27 1'arker Motor Sales Company Kins 7. 33 Philadelphia Sales Corporation Studebaker 19 Pullen, Hodney S Mllburn Hlectrlc 13 Itogers-I.fxlngton Motor Comp'nv Lexington E4 Itowan, Henry A., Jr.. Companj Hajnes 48 Saxon Motor Company Saxon 43 Schumacker. J. Harry, & Co..., Dorrls 37 Shepherd, W. V Allen 10 Standard Motorcar Companj Abbott-Dettolt -44 Stanley Motorcar Company Stanley Steamer 21 Stewart Automobile Companj Auburn 23 Stoever-Hunnold Motor Companj Stearns 22 Sw-ec-ten Automobile Company Franklin 12 Tioga Automobile Companj Nelson B Thornton-Fuller Automobile Company Dodge 49 White. Companj, The...'. White 33 Wluton Companj, The Wlnton 30 Murray owners are priyileged to choose1 their own body and color designs, thereby being assured of a car that is distinctly individual. i MURRAY vMOTOR SALES CO. 833 N.v$road St s J.J.KancJr. ' ' " 'EVENING PUBLIC THE AUTO SHOW Cars Car McFnrlan Mnrmrm . Muwvell . Hooth . . . -'0 . . . 5.1 . . . fit Mercer 43 Mllburn '' Mitchell Motiroo .1G 4( 4 4C 6 32 ? ! 13 I .14 45 23 S Murjay Nusli National Nc lson Packard I'.ilge .......... Peel less I'leice-Airow . I '1 ornler Oakland OUlmot)lle . . . Oiertinil I'.ulH'li & l.anc Ilio .' V.;, Strlpps-llootli,,. staiuiitti .,,;. . 11 Stanley Steamer. .'. ..V It Httmns .rff.... '..... I'J Studebakrr 19 Ktut 17 Hooth -i4 Al" A'-T -'.ii LEDGER - .:PHADELrHiA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, MnTIMTAIWC HI? PA A I lTlVfUlllillliS llr lAFlLl n.-r.n .. . AVRM RV fJA2 MftTftR Coal Famine ould Be Much Worse Without Autos' Help ytr. E. MOSCOV1CS Vke President orUtl t Mriiion t'n Few even of those most closelj Iden tified with the nritorcar industry iom- lireheiid how miraculously the pahsen ger rar has conserved vast amounts of! coal fvt Ain't lea In this J ear of her , III st fuel famine Without our cars and the Useful work thej have done this , coal nun Id have been consumed In trans , porlatlon work by steam loads and bj ehctrlcallj driven trollej and Inlerurhan cars I aclng tho pel II of International coal famine the work of tho motmcir m saving com turougii consumption of aasnllne for tl.insportallou woik has been of stupendous value tn luitn.uiltv ineie aio mole man uuu.i-uu pas- senger tars in Atnerlui, to saj noth- lug of hiir a minion trucks rignt now K r.acii one oi mese ears, wo mioiv win aveiago huuii nines a jear on u cun servatlve estimate, tho average cai uf 1 1 1 COME t carries three passengers for virtually every mile It travels. ! This means that our p-ir-senger motor I hlcleg have transported 12,000.000 pas- sengers 10,000,000,000 miles this liti"'r )'" " f"" '" i'' ," Jar, ..All the coal the steam roads, the simple tlty trolley cars and tho Interurb.-m cars Indianapolis, a cltj of u quarter of 'would have consumed In transporting thco ptescngets had been saved for America and our Allies Take It another way Supioc those 12 000,000 passengers which were car ried bv motorcar had ridden entirely hi i.i llr old trains flftj passengers to n cat. It would mean 240,000 loaded steam pass-cngcr cars going clear ncross th continent with the lS.OOlflOOO pis- sengers Think of thepoal It would take - 1 to haul 210 ,000 passenger cars from ?ew York to San Finnclsco' , local In- cllanaopolls lajlruail official tells us tint I 000 pnsi-engeis, oi fates) would have rid It would leinilre 100,000 000 tens. It Is den In street cars They motored be slaggeilng and fantnstk' Yon say-i cause thej liked It and saved mat This 'Anjhnw. weren't the 12.000 000 motoi- same jirocess hnppnis right along In car passengers traveling those 10. 000 - i oveu" other Amerksu cltv vvhkli is iv 0OO.OOQ miles needlessly" Wettn't the motorcar-owning cominunlty If an hv cais leallv pleasuio iars"' That is erage Amcfiian tovn of a quarter of n the rub Theie Is the girdeiv variety of inllllon ran conserve 2,000,000 coal-con-Infoimallim looking at the motoiear uinlnit street-car rides tonslder what through the wrong end of tho mlcrc scope Von. let us look at the lent farts nf the case it cltj of ish Tlw cltv of Ii-dlan-ipolls f bonus, not below the nvei.tge , vincrlciii ntv hi Coiintv. which Includes the cits and ,-.-.,. ,.w X1I1IIUII few thousands of -.uburbinttcs and farmers has some ,!0.000 motonais his been estimated there ale not a thou i 100 000,000 tons or eoal they have every imd chauffeurs In the vvli lc Its Ours'jear they ilia ake out of our lives the tele- 1 phone, the wireless, the automobile and the aero plane and instantly we retrograde 50 years" -John N. Willys r -smHQjP' The Thrift Car Built to Give Lasting Satisfaction in Appearance, Performance, Comfort, Service, Price Liyht Four, Model 00 . Touring Car...$79S Country Club. fSio Roadster f7S0 Small Sedan.. $1S40 I o b H. B. Harper President - Ovierland -Harper Co. Temporary SnJetroom 14, 16 & 18 S. 21st St. TO OUR STORE era Of driven for 1 1'learure, Just ns millions and millions 'of passenger miles on American railroads 'a minion, nas lmu a. normal census growth In tho last few jears. There has not been a boom, but there Iris Just been about a normal mouth Of late It has Inctcased bejoud this a trifle, wo think. Nevertheless our Mreet-car companies tell us lint thej' carried In the last Jcar 1.100.000 fewer patsengers than they did In previous jears In the otillniirj i nitre of tviuls the 1,400,000 passengers nctu.illv lost by the street-- r toinpinle and the COO.000 which s.'oufd have Ik ell galiifd (2,000 the entire countij lould lonserve In a P1,r "ll" 'llu Ctts msteail or Is Jl-Ulu """-" "-a"apons possesses The next time anj hoilj Inlks to vou a tell him about the 1( 00O.V0O persons " - -- . carried 16.000,000,000 miles by these It same Ameilcan moloicars, and of Eiyhty-ficc Four Touring Car $9J0 lis a e&mmuhlty of owner drlv I course, n. lot of our cars tire di Roadster $91 3 loleio lax Fiee JVcf nbecf (o chuiiye " 1918 jV - BACK-TO-LAND SLOGAN HAS BIG ALLY IN 'GAS' JlovemeiiL Toward Atre Fos... All V"' " v n tM , , , -, , . tered bv Motorcar A Fact Known to Maker and User A new agent has entered the field to hasten the suecess of tho old slogan, "Hack lo the land " H Is the mototxatv Gasoline, wllch knows no obyacle to distances, N linking together the wlde-npart places In the regions from whleh beckons the slogan. This service of the nutninobll'e Is recog nized by motorcar maker and fanner alike 'The automobile is patent to the most wholesome und fruitful movement In the hlstoiv of American domestic life the me ' movem---u ium inn iicre, sum j. said J, u0it. presiuent or tne uort Motorcar I ounce ; sodium nitrate, one ounce! MHsV ompanj . - -- ----... . free from tie pollution and congestion ounces of elties to live healthier lives in the fresh, puie air oi the open countrj , good lesuits are many nnd oliWous (better homes, rleaner surroundings, Im Eighty-Jive Six ( Touring Car,. $1130 Roadster Coupe $14S0 icllioul notice. Sedan i K - t't proved-"' he'atflir at a fbst below that" of.'ul In ucComillshlntrthat'OneVoYfi the motorcar has proved the,ela.l It Is an essential unit In our trar lion system. Inflexible steel ralla j not lane 113 place. ,. 'I Is pertinent to look bejond ow ' ier to tie piofenioni farmer wi hundreds of acres The successful 1 Is an Intensely practical man. He' I first to the utility of the thine he 1 He etijovs the luxuries of life only i the family next has been oronerlv tm errd nnd Its future safeguarded. Vfljj tell sou that his car has rrade hlhv better farmer In his busy life tin counts, nnd the automobile has brou his sources of supplv miles nearer.. get 'there and back' Is a matter it mlnuteB as compared with hours lnj.tl uajs oeiore cars came.- To Extinguish Garage Fire, The private gal age owner ma J be sli to know that ordinary commercial ai lunula Is ti valuable fire extinguishes Another formula for a liquid which dls-'v courages combustion Is common saft, one V, u, i ammoniac, two ounces, magnesium chloifc'?! .... ,.,v, v.i. "un. . niiu uv.. hnvi.t. I h solids are dissolved In the water Still another efficient solution" UK The made of twenty parts of common salt, nine parts or ammonium chloride - seveiitv-one parts of water. u. .(HIS, I fl6S0 - v "3 '.sJ i ti?:3 ; am -W.X fi-l bP4 s il - TeUpben . leut 4 let "" - " . a .! ''tjti 4 Booth 36 at the Auto Show ijiLTy..gii 1 fei'Wv.;-t-A': ,,.