VRr'rr -o- -iJ3 l . . , V.i H-wV',1, 'EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1018 AN'S WAR WORK HERE AND ABRO AD-UNCLE SAM PLAYS HOUSEKEEPER; TALKSON COOKER LEAFLETS ON FOOD-SAVING lCH HOW TO FEED THE FAMILY i ree-Cent stamp will tiring une to iou, fed the Lessons Range All the Way From i rVwrimocil frv TVTaHncr Sfmv .1 I VUllUllUUl VV lUUUllid fVYT .V "EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK" IS SLOGAN BORN OF "WOMEN DOING TASKS OF MEN War Has Demonstrated Her Equality in Shop and at Bench, and Amer ica May Profit by Europe's Recognition of Her Claim to Same Level of Wages OUR GREATEST OF ALL PERILS Atl ee on pmcnttw wdtcine tcltt In alien hy Doctor Kcttoag in thla coU linn daily: but fit no ta uill diagnosis or frrafment of ailments be attempted 'crsonal ourrfM on health tdU I tromptly anauerrd 1 postage is tnclosnt. Start the Day Right With a Good Breakfast rRUIT CEREAL JIILK These make a meal NOURISHING EASY TO COOK GOOD CHEA1' of foods the Government asks UH tO I'.lt It ttllH how to tuaku Hip . I to bo wondered Just how many ttrn of homes realize the op- JUes (that lay Just vrlthln reach tiliree-cent stamp theso days. It, Mfre&t rar of ours neVcr did any-1 MO, it cowu tcacn inu IIOUSCVVUC I tfa feed her family. ?fer in partleulai to the erj I'llttlt war food leuflcts put out TTnltofl StntnH T)pti.irtmnnt of illluro and the food admlnlstra- 1'y They aro released for tlie iientit , ,.,,,, Kfomen who want to be helped In lchanB0 i th .,j tint tli famll Mill j fciWirtlmo management of their I uko ,t i nll Uimo nn i tent In thin It costs nothing to send ror sorie? of lealliti 'Ihcte Is one entl ' 'tied "Food for uur Children", an other, "Do You Know O.itmcjl" ' htlll , N ou speak of war food botnc ',....- n You Know Lorntneal?' E4 housewives Just naturally think ,.j un .t,,, ,. ,ts helpful ns . &eornmeal and Immediately bocomo I ji,,. utlici I mercBieu. jiui niusa mug ivuucit Ant nf thu loillutH may Ijt- nao irru a't simply treatises on any one pur-. bv .i,,,,,!. hnmlliie to the United States Btar kind of food, although thero U I Th.nni-tm.iit nf Acrlmltuio. Waslilnc particularly cnllshtonltiR ono de-' t0Ili u L' . and aklnK for them. . to cornmcal. They are genuine, - Jn-Bpoken llttlo talks about cverj- Al'TlHt nil. tin re Is nothing m Mb In tho food line. And they edit- il and noble as to nae life And to Kte a woman on matttr3 tint txttnd ive food la to i io llf nov Ton- -tho way from feeding a school i slderlnK this, doesn't It stem rather J . to uslne the five groups of food ' criminal for uomon, not to tuko ad , Ht ought to appear on each d.rV antngo of ecry foodsalng pun nu. 'l lunched' Nono of tin in ore 1 lunchol I M-t . idly At tho tips of the lingers of tho I Unit! is one leallet, Number , mtn who head our food committees fcthat ought to help nny woman whojaro llgurts lh.it tell only too plainly , reaa now 10 cui aown ncr meat now ioiik irar ucai " " i It Is calkd "Make a Uttlu Meat long our meat tion't l.it and tho rest pfe'a. Long AVay." Anotiur Is called ' of tho ltal foodstuffs, If wo rtonU stop "Whole Dinner" In ono dish. Tho using m much of them It Is on tho formation contained hero ought to strength of theso llgut is that all plans jgJpSUr- ft1$WL toj & v - - i;dv I 1 fTJ -1 M II - II l" IM lOMrjOr4 TrfC OMNIBUS' "XApY"iRIVCfE.S ARE AKINCi TMreTV EIGHT SHILLINGS' ( A- m IowmATPI?! JHCN OOHNNY COMES rf.CMlNO home ML'UVWAUt hip job BVChQ- VMILU "WOrltM RCTVjraM TO TMEIIfe HOMtS WHEIM PUACE. COKACff lly J. H. KELLOGG, M. D LL. D. EXIGi:NCli:S of tho world war are teaching us great lessons which we "night not othcrwlso hao taken llmo to learn Ono of theso lessons Is making eleir t us the fact that tliero Is a c1oio re Iitlon belv pen ln and sanitation, tli.it the ilrealoguo Is in fact a sinltary code ail tint looso morals weaken tho firing lino mnro certainly than do enemy shells mid ljillcts , ( -exiial Immorality, nccorrtlng to the statistics gnthered from mllltaiy liospl- i ii Ins irlppled manj moro men nt the front thin hite gas bombs, high ex- iIoles and nil tho Infernnl In'trumnits I ot destruction hurld by tho guru of i tho enctm All nations it war hio btn compelled 'to ncognlZ') the fact that Irmmralltj In I an arm Is thethlif bouilo of Inefficiency 'and sin tho great cause of tlcltnesu I I i Austrl i the number of soldiers suffering from cncn il dlcio his bc coino o greit that Hecht has proposed that Instead of plating tho lnrcttea pet sons in 'iopltals they should bo formed dlers get their Infection If elvll aj.thor Itles did their duty, soldiers would not bo exposed to Infection. . . Military commanders may I n '7' " ; latit than they should be. but eMl au thorities ato far moro derelict In duij .Vow that tho facts nro known, tho op portunlty has arrived for ft great moral disinfection movement. A general moral housecleinlng or the whole country Is demanded Tho worK has begun nnd will bavo tho support or all right-minded people. QUESTIONS AND ANSWEHS Right Arm Becomes Mimo of tho body, and there must not bo urdL. pressuro anwlieie. 'lh.i proper corm hould bo one that support- and uplift, mo eni uh uw.v.i. Trcnucnt l'ainlintr a Does f-equent flntln do nnv hatm u ono doesn't hurl hlnmlt In ratlins? A iiu I coll water alwsjs revives m quleklr. r. i, c Thcro Is something ry wrong Wik j on ir jou would not hao frequem fainting spells, 'iou should consult a phjslclan and find out Just why you hv this troublo with jour circulation and have tho lauso removed If possible i N'cnous Breakdown . . ii . ...... r n u enr iiriii eomlnJ numb er"l"l Y tov rJ inornlne nn 1 Is it lst for n man sufferlns Jrom r.ervou, II Is snnomm an 1 painful Mils J . should I eat? .... LIS. Thero Is evidently somo piessure tint Work In tho fresh air, but do network Interferes with tho circulation 'i nu to tho point of phi slcal exhaustion. Toil w ho w III .!... i.i n....it ,. ithslplat1 probably suggest mnss-igo and electricity it h dots not find somo causo vvhWi reiiulres other treatment Anemia Ooull at.etnit I.- caused lTJ,';)1M'4"'jt Th,i celebrated WHIIsni nunier. must build up your nervous strength prmlti.itU. A nlaln. nourlshlnir ill slstlng largely of vegetables, fruits and f I ceicais, ia wiiat yuu neou. i (Copyrliht) of I vero nnemli Ho Is an authority on anemia Ho Ins a record cf many eases ot even pernicious anemia (which Is tho molt serious form of the disease) due to foul mouths, and which lecovered . ..i.- i. ..i.., Mi niq rlnnnetl find Kent Into ifglments and armies and kipt In cIcan Jc .ff, jns esses of anemia duo jYor Frosty Wash Days ? Knglnnd, contends that continued tib-1 ,0 rcel0 to t. dothes and causo a tear sorption ff bscterla nnd their cretlon when rcmmci, lhl3 ca be M0ded fc from tartir which forms nbou tho teeth. f t toMns tho pins In salt and water will not only caue rheumitlsm, heart I trmlito. Kinmseli disorders, etc, but so-. First Steps tho trenches nt tho front, where they nilcht rcctlve trt itmcnt vvlillo at the f nun Hum rendering some civlce otvvlthst'lndlng tho awful Fltuitlon In tho nrinv, statlsilc s auout civnnns has leveiltd tho a'tounding fact that tbeo diseases am morn common among to pus in tho frontal sinus in a. caso ft catarrh Maternity Corsets Can l rroieetlve mother V ear I ma ternlty i.ire t nlttoul Injurs VllS 1 There nro somo mitirmtj forseis so i Likewise on tune work, when Iho omin . the civil popuni on linn in warm i , . , tfn, lhy nr n frmfort to .,nnmili.l,i,i il.. mk of a nun The armv , bid as It Is Is not lnd I f0" A , ... .,' .;.,,.. i. er.,,..,n. In fact, It Is from tho civil population tint tho sol- Trance follow , d Kng.ind's . xnmplo . as our civ II enmrnun't. I by granting equal lay on plueworK I Tills Is not the end 'I rado unions bivo Imlorscd thn pilng ot niunl wages mid ! women, but the con-ct must be frequents modified to wilt tho change In tho shape T..e a desert nst nnd cheerle's Ptretch tho nur'ry lands. ho could gnzo with vision fearless Oer thoso trackless sands? . Though thero waits a shelter peerlesj Mother rcichlng h uid Kves alight with exultation J I.lps tint slniic a shout , Just a llutt'ilng hesitation Just n sl( h of doubt Uaro and launch a generation H .Sturdy logs, step out. liurges Johnson. , ill 'down not only meat bills, hut tho Ei4Tnral household "debit" "Instead tt Meat," leallet No. S, tolls nbout the any foods that can tako the placu of for food salng nto made t'oopeiito with them. Spend u three cent stamp nnd learn how to eo-opcrute. it vuriM.a eau no Tute?r. IsVVvUCH WOK AS f MAM mow i.op4C vviLL legbOSTPIV CONTINUC TO tkV MEN HICHCR, WeVGCS? ?I1I2N" Johnnj .mc- minhlng hnme industr mi. n gills ' i Kpl. iiU.d rt &t nmo to uh this Is s lid to be the most fimch-iiiRklnc l'lilltlcil i conoinlsts veil- , turo that tho equal wage envelope or the laels of It wl 1 Inve nn ro thin an- ' ! thing lse- to do with woman return to I ner noino iiiitr uif .. . " "- .v..i...- W .... ..Irni.Ti.s lde.1l tit.rM.tleM fi.r 111 t 1 .ibtMS. neilCC III Indllytr5 hn will v mf lis 3oi nuK-oi ; ,.. ..,,.. ..,. A,,,rr.-it, Mnineii. i:nrr. I I I .1.1. ...kill 11 (IIIIIUK I.J'UIITJ mill . .rn l.irn ..... "- ......... - ---. . I tourse ilovvers iall for tho factories Hut llsli women, Itali ms and l'rendi ones i Hut abo the din of tho armor tlm niuil wages that wis another tiling return to their homes whin pe-ieo Amerlein worn in is buckling on tidaj I jr ,iaq jisdime Cabrlelle lJuchene, comes" theros a tune singing Its .1 mjstle jru of 11 famous 1'r.tieh architect, who Kurope. after three e.lrs and o half tune, full of bono for votmn, but full I led the woman s light for cnml w ims ir. f watching war. ssvs nn Illrrt and witiUon sulmltteJ to IM Jrvarimmt irniit t- urlllen on une We c . of foreboding for Johtmj It's the song lier countrj Hart of tho stoi can be lUMI II v l III) 1MK "l U ik ilim I I t4 inntcin i :,TH WOMAN'S EXCHANGE PM vapT n:u aid tlantd iilth thi mime ut the Urftrr. pclal vurrici IiX; thote ode I 0f t,a eouil-w Ige envuope I rill nftt r y&e!ovari init'd. It Ui undrrttvu I t) at thr alitor rfoe m t rcMarlIi I ulorit t- fitlm't ,,;.,,,.,,," ,7,,,.,,. 1,,., .,. in iaCc Wiftirrit'id J" commuitlcoHmu tor II.H rfrpnrtmcnt ioiiW b- addressed oj olloi.t. Till, Jinn whleli is eiiiplojlng women ill piaec veJMA o KACIiiiir.. .leiiini? i-nciic x.r(cr, -imiacipfiiv iu. oi men is sponsoi ins ii I ... v. c ivnnn.i... To understind tho full Import of with whleli this Intrepid woman plac aidul 1'irls ' 1,'qual work, iqual wags, ' it sild to even working mm ''ajrJ rAWMA'S u lOUAl h 1UU1IIII! v,f i,,,u m o tntlim when women i tint pissed Hut this did not quite till n feil. In baklni apple what delicious lllllnst 1. Mhat eiperlment In women' nar wort. llV f(lrco nenssltv an given the mid- th" trli k Jt wis the smashing blow be used that eliminate ine use oi t wns reeenuy eontiunei! in u nirae cins- 101- jjy 0f d,e r0.id wo liae to go nil 1110 ui'ine-iiu i ....iiiii.i ju.-uiiiu ii-u i.i tf lege in ii touinern Male." waJ to Kurope to llnd out i lounu a ne ij 1.1 .ubb. j . , ... . , ,, , . ... ,, ' To tho outsider tha stor of womin's 'If woman ru. do twice is much woik I i- I J. What decided ihunee In liaikcrounu I . ... ..... ..-... ... ..i . .. i i i .. n, .i . ,i.t. wtr ., i .... ......... nlienomenil use in in usiry mui.u n u iniu in u oi.ui, ..uu iu iu mis f. . SA71.ft fan Itrrlvtlt un nit lilove from ' nnlliml In Ihn nwtt r.ikl.Ii.mil.l. ff.til.ir.U II. il I I"11""1" ,l ... . ' . . ..... .. .. ... . .. , .. ., .,. f''.JL .t . . i . ,... v. . 'sounds 111(0 ii strn.e irom .iiuhiiiik woik uh ii lower waj-u iirui mu maw. hrto( n nn.tlfactorj odor. I re i redlctrd to be u f ivorlte sprlnttline nn- ))Ut the ,ntatej imm this Is nut how long will industrj continue to pi fLfii terlnl? ko yrom i"lanei) come" tlm ikws to us I man hlghci wages for doing less woik Kg"Hi. What Is the food table of Midi iraik- ISJsSJT . ... a t.... -f,-t .h.,L a . 4tini it fitfintin fl. Wliwi retundnc from .. .lame is it tlutt tlio lioMinincin. nan ki. ii piui.iwe- .. nroner for u .1,1 In In.ll, h.r ...rln,r In!., to tho sUUle.l WOrKllMll in II ine w om ill the hnlise! iK ANSWERS TO SA'IUKDAY'S INQUIKILS S.l . m ..a..,.. spam riilns' I 1 tlnrianil. Ilaaiili.n ,! .1 . il. .. m l,TsSi DrvTrni irnrii iuitTi m., lr,.rv inunniuusi tiiauntri wi ,'sr.sU treat follow.! nnreud the'po- Jo.ephlne. later wife o' the srrnt Napoleon i J ,,omM, .lt work In what Is eillcd a. larse pa.. In an oven at n sHaar iwnaparte, m. lueen wno ro.e iron, the tllkl, ,,llaP!,ws ln norltroom ii-m it... . 1..-..A -sit ttia.su In nlaraW. I nnbltlnn nf ltillllnaF'n nnnponlloa tn that enml u"rl" . ..... ,'JB V "i iim.v . t potltton of int. liner' npprt-ntlcr to the rojal tot. UhMi N-polfon itmrrlril Jo-fphlnr p.gVosa it was foun.l tin ro ere just hr rdurutd llurteiKe nnd h.trr murrlrtl In r hlm.four Uomen who lia.I managed to nine r r(jro tliclr wny in ninune niio thousand to hi hrothrr. 1ouU ttiK)troii Holland. lh inarrlacf nn un unhuip one and Ilortenvt rmlfd hrr duj In rllr In Kntlnnd, In iirrtlUtloiiH fmm ht th Tn door open during tun drjlnc I nd do not rrmote the pottttoeM until pr tkoroochlr dry hiiU on tho point of MHfif t cook. l'oiaiorM irrairu in im hnld br boiled In nn eitru quitntltr , redaced to n imito nna niieu witn i or tarnlpi. . ' ' . Xrrnrulnic ?KmDtT keUliun bottles tan be u-m-,1 -. ' iiv- ... . ,. t , . ... djt MfWm If bole. punched !",';, " w "" "w" Emm Mtow top. fl(M "" ii urnir im utim Dirrwi tin iirr ?V4 esrated with oil they wilt not nit or riwa form, vihetlur or not nhe wear clove. when left, a ther otteil lire, more iioueler, clove tintlouhteill) add i tlniNhlnc r .xposrsl Ui a toot hed or out-kltil.rn s ?J Baked 1'otulocH in 1 urnaic inaian .Name tor lloat Sfsr rfltor o r.ointiu 3 Vaoc " tailor ot llonm a rape ' Dear Madam we nave ruuna a mi io .r. ,iMi,un-itin .m o-i in n.e a usi .J?-rLj....i ... ...n. it win ...t.rA.t (.tl.fr of tiainra frnm wl.l.l. T rut k.iuk. ...ia ...i,. I suv of It. llntea t nf I alilnic polalns In 1 able fi.r a inotorbnat I would like to have a I am) yee nui mrm .i iu ,-u ....... w. ........ .... uun...ur. in. .....r ii.ui.iii hk.) ' .... r..,ninjitil n hu. eoal' They oll printed a 111 of Inillan limn, nrw. (help at'Yry aatifactorll) lure and It eeina . meanlnre. tut I mlelal I th rapT ant mj to think that w are Ulllna two birds am writing to j.m ,II1 you klndlj lt me 4n. alone. in oiner u w.ic.t ,i...in i,..a iniuiiiiau.iii hf nuun a h senile, an t u low I put a piece of iron uratlri; ov.r I ve are uuxlous to ulve rur boat ami boat- I ..t a aiono cnicn oi uthi.. ,., .v ""-': ..uuw ii.inra i- n Madame Durheiiei vuki. t aigulng Idlj .. 1... I.aa l...i lietmltt.d to shorn ills I f.1.1. l.i.l 111 r lliroreq before lilt ill lit Vwork bench with him during tho war bast one branch of Industrj It hud period will go back home after tho bun found that a. woman iould uriu wii l'toin England eomes tho i-torj 1000 hobs In an hour and alio was raid that (.killed woil.mm am lighting tn lift centimes, or ten cuts, for that lioui A man uruieu ouu noics in mo same period of time nnd was paid fifteen In Kngland where skilled work was in cents It was .1 f.ninuiu aigumeni. uikuu Tomorrow's War Menu Plenties Dar iini:.Kr.M Apple S'luco Hiked Oatmeil .mil N'uls i '011(0 t'orn Mutllus U'NCIf !ein Soup orabam Dread I'icserves f up Custard UINXllit liolled llvldoek r itli i:,g sauce Creamed 1'otatoes llnd t arrets Olive and t'elerv Sal.nl Cranbcrrv I'm HVKI.D OATMKAn AND Nt'TS Iho Ingredients are two cupfuls of cooked oatmeil, one cupful of rushed I peanuts, one-half capful of milk, one leaspoonful of vinegar, one-quarter tea- Ized labor began to bee the error of Its I spoonful of pepper and two nnd a half wuy If her wago wasn't brought up to I teirpoonfuls of silt .l... ...... . ...... .. ......1.1 Ka li.m.irlit .If.,, ,. 1 Mli tr.rr.ttiA n ml lnl(. 1m n ffmitdil jArj lliliiiaiic,iiiui,n,u,, w .',.. ubi.h u. .. , ... &wnb.... ...... ....... ... e..... i. i...H l.i.fo ono lomr tirht Hut in ' to hers Orginlzed labor fully realized I pin fifteen minute This Is enough for hplto of all this tho mjstle tuno Is sing- the i rroi of its wa I five persons 1 nlted Mafs 1 oml l.enf. Ing iloveminents have giantnl tho nd while I'nn.ii wis thinking It let, Xo f equil wagu envelope, and because of this ovei, Ikigland woko up to tho responsl- workmin nro oiginiiirg lo iiuni. nuu nui oi puiuii ..nn. .. . ikhii. "!. (if all thu grants to women In Indus. Iho nsult was the forming ot tho Mil tr since tho beginning ot thn war tills nltlon oini n s C'hntei 'llils provided no douot wis tne gieiiosi inner tilings npiii pi nn juihwoil nn.i ..u nine .Mi lioicrntmnt vias loath vvoric to all women einpiujeu in i.u- K bearinc oi same.. .nlp.r...r,..-, .,. .,... ,. WI,M , ..rror.....a ... - , ,. . .,... . ..,,,. ... .,.rloM contiolltd bi tho C.overniii.rt Vl .... ..- -- -- - - -- - - note to the hrldul nxtmiie. IN THE MOMENT'S MODES How to Keep Fruit In kccylng fruit, let lt bo i-pread out sepantely In a light, airy plice, no two pieces touching eich other If piled, together or If utored In a dark or dimp place, It will decompose rapid! j t -i ' I M -' ' ' ' - - r ' every .liy as tho war proceeds a new Y& -----"- ww v - . equ illzatlon of t ilarlcs occurs In tSlas- ."", .a it. j. j. ii. gow women conductors are now mnuing i r s. tvvctitv-elght shillltikS a week ln Lon don thu ' lad" omnibus drivers are miking thlrtj -eight (.hillings Of all lndustrlil con essions slnco war . ... .., - - - We Sell Millions of Pounds of OUR VERY BEST oc lb COFFEE The volume oi' our Coffee business runs into figures that are staggering; hardly believable, yet the fact remains Ii amounts to many millions of pounds annually We are just going to ask one question and then allow you to decide. Would thu intelligent American homes, -who, above all other people of earth, know a good "cup," continue to use it day after day and year after ear, if it were not all tve claim for it? We think not. What do you think about it? Out of our roaster today. Into your coffee pot tomorrow. . ONE PRICE, ONE BLt-ND, OUR VERY BEST American Stores Co. EVERYWHERE IN PHILADELPHIA AND THROUGHOUT PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY, MARYLAND AND DELAWARE " " -' i " 1 " I " I "If v fl M ' J ' ) S'S'S'S's'S'S's'S'S.SiS'TSiSiSis'Sis'Si J 7 --------------- ti iii ci ir- - - ,a ! The Black "Picture" Hat Is Deservedly Popular p irr crv wuccea(ful I ft vooa pian lin t ou think I The Indl.ni nam-s lo I.lt,li.uu refer ' t ra Itli Lbil i It 11 tl ulifi Inl oi t,. ., ....!. ( 1. A rr , .- nric jnv.ivt:u nun ii Hiti ru fjn io iianiinK L' JMMM wetio wwr inw " a bwi ii- 4 cant, 'n.e f0lliiii.. uImi Indian alt managers of homes bculii to nimth, will probabl ho a. Ilttlt more - . . I ...,l4.1 t ...!.. s... iht coal shortage nerlousI una looic ' -" i ur nmwuudi .uij eca, . for a and imuiu to 6e fuel . ZT ' '""'' ?.: ' ," "? " ",' 4l United States will ho that much Isan or Mhia, intaiiliic Icnlfc Tlplhhli .1 ,Tr .a . as .. .... T .An.. l.a.na. I.- .. tlie f"iU OI 1119 IOUI luiilliiu ii" iiit.iin nwuor, nuuiu ne i, tl i appro- .Mm K. A. we do think J our plans '""'V ,r .' ,,. pal , , " ou , win . - ' naineil tho teat Wjta jml thn Imiisn I (cod. Tliil the tvvn words would go well to- ,,)-r ..thi s Ketlirr Tlits Indian words aro from jjl llllttl I'S Iiuujiliajis: W1U l.ulBU'lk'O III IMP UUI.OiaK t Editor ol tVoinon'a ram: rv Madam W 11 jou pleas print n htoil tllH f nrrisniinflnr alnabls column what Is meant In bulk r ' Ktaaa-e (oodsT I mlaht add that I am To the Editor o ll'omar'a Vaat i rch Interealea in Uie answers Tieaina Il, Madam I met a younir mai list WJM sroblema that i.ar frorn tlm ?lm,r ,uh wllom i haj u,rrepon1ed tor1 I id rour wiuiiii.. ........... .. bdoui ma jears i nan rver Known lilm : or rougluiee loous aro inose inui i dui nau ruien to mm tnroupu oiner rriends . . . . t .. " ' .' .un, n i 'ii i fKiiiirni:r JaV'the dleestlon and absorption ot . Mure I met him I have round out how i 1 ... .. . ., I foollph I was to carreinoril with nn I .11.1 Md ln body UeansinB in ini class jol kI0Yi. l have Unon.1 his letters for ....... j ., fihrnuv inrta i.f ocd. i about four months He stepped writing- for Itwluded Hie liorous parts oi cse a tlmp ,u, hm, UrtM ,galn , reciVPI Sand irulta. particularly rnmacn, one nut lonir aeo. un m picture ineioaej, fiT, '""" almost coaiInK me to answer hla letter I' toe, cabbagr, melons, etc. i.oarso ,io not like him but I do not want tn be t, bran and nulla aro also Included this a love affair. I vvojld wriia to him . uui iiq inn as i aiu in ioe wiin mm 1 ifase tvll lnfl KhAt I shoulil iln I An tint tiant i . a....?.. Ln... .in, n i-i.ii'i enemies ana nouia not in na neina rnenos BJ inwiwuiib wiw k ,,, I Jurt as 1 would be friends with a Ctrl and srested in looa prooiemB it. -iii write lo her now and then. JI H potut Blgn hen all hou-ewivei mistake tn starting up a correspondence with u stranger, du vou not, dear little Blrl? The ery best thine for jou to do is to btop the correspondence entirely I would write him a polite and Kind little note, sailne that jou think jou both made a mistake In startine the corre spondence, not Knowing each other, and that you Intend to stop writing to him and wish him to dn the same. Tell him ou hope he will alwajs be jour friend, but as jou could never be any more to him jou have decided that lt would bo better to stop writing. (IK. I Soup Lore rjt Woman' ' Tocr flam Will tou please Eiva in our rip for a plain rice sour, also that can t quickly made? How E tKey boll? Doee previous soak ns F iAid is there anr harm ln botllna: r Tnanainr you ior I requesi win r-utri5i hanklnr you for the attention l wm rceivs, . CONSTANT HEXIItll ki a plain rice soup boll hilf a FC rice in boillnr water for twelve iV Then drain off the water. Pour i rice a quart of stock or ot milk ' tlmmer until tender. Hub a nful of flour Into two table- i:of butter and add pepper, ilt -and onion Juice. Thicken with this lleturn to the fire. it a, boll, but do not bollf I)0 way to nuike beau oup you uae baKeu beans Jmr not only helps, but It to soak beans before using t the roclpa; 'cupfuls of .beam for eleh( alraln juiu cover wim two RaT water una let bou until tender and broken. Then s,wter m wpicn tney ore ila-sievf nnd return to f aiquart of, stock In which it' m btn oooKea, Tnen tir that lwa, Veep biepded ana Mrrt . hurt tlwi soup, 'tut- Ui tM im juuiitKor int inttaw iaaaaaaaBaBaLaW' asamaak. 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaaLaaC X3 flaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaaiHc N. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH t Proof of the universal popularity of the black velvet "pictute" hat is supplied by its constunt reappearance each season. It can be worn by the woman of less than five-feet-four stature profiling its brim does not run to extreme width. And for the taller woman, or for the woman of more than averago ptoportions, it can bo worn in virtually any shaping and with tho widest of brims. Tho hat shown in the accompanying drawing is of black panne velvet, simply but effectively trimmed with black paradise. Jobs for Young Alan fc the Editor of Woman's rage: Pear Madam Once more I come for ad vice Thla time It's for a Job. Do ou think I can set a Job a an Insurance arent? If so. where ahould I apply for the position? X am nlnetter years of aire. American born and hav a pretty fair education. Also, is there a school where one can learn to be a telegraph operator? If so. kindly state whera Ita location Is. I will be very trateful it jou will publish the answer before Jvnusry IS A- D. V. There is an Insurance journal pub. llihed which conducts a column ln which advertisements of youtiE men seeking po sitions In this business are inserted free. A reliable; Insurance man tells me this present a 'very irood opportunity for boys such as jouruelf to set started. There are several good schools where both men and women can learn to be come, telerranh onerators. One conducted by a large telegraph concern which ex-! tend the free course places the operator at the end of (he course, and, in some eavnsen iniuur peaiuon woicn Little Finger Rings We s h o v probably the widest assortment in this city of dainty little finger rings with precious and semi-precious stones. One of green gold, open work design with a sapphire of good "size, is excellent value at $7. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. Summer Delicacies in January That Reduce Year-'Round Table Expenses THE old theory was that to serve "seasonable" foods out-of-season symbolized luxurious living. The modern housewife knows better. She understands that by so doing, she is aiding to reduce the cost of living. For,' thereby, she is helping maintain markets that offer an inducement to conserve perishable foods during months when they are grown assisting to keep down the average year-' round cost of table requirements. HpHIS is far more than her, acceptance of the Food Administration's plan; it is far sighted common sense. How Housewives Can Help ''pHUS, she is making possible the building of cold storage plants in every locality adequate reser voirs for storing foods when they are produced in plenty to be distributed later when they are needed. And she is willing to do this; for, she has come to comprehend the real function and significance of cold-storage; she understands that foods which go into cold-storage in good condition will remain so that the foods which come unfit out of the cold-storage plant are those which had been held too long for sale before being put there. And she knows, moreover, that foods so stored are not held indefi nitely that the steady piling up of interest and in surance charges demands that they be released to the market long before the next crop. Perhaps, this year, when foods are higher than usual, housewives appreciate more fully the service which such an organization as that of Armour and Com pany provides. For, not alone does Armour collect foods at their choicest where Nature produces them best, not only does Armour transport them under refrigeration to where they are most needed, but Armour also stores them scientifically under condi tions which are ideal and which insure perfect keep ing. No Feast-No Famine npHUS, if you will think it over, you will see that what Armour is really doing for you is to equal ize the national food supply over both the country and the seasons so that nothing will be lost so there will not be a glut at one period of the year and pro hibitively high prices at another. If you will consider the facta carefully, you will find in them the reason why for assured quality always, it will pay you to ask your dealer for Armour's food productt;. tir& 'RODUCT& w ARMOUR a(d COMPANY CHICAGO 41 I u) - r , 'ts tv i-- ...it. M.'S r. .