. Tlf , . T 1 1' J V "- ' VI I ,wVit 0'. J,i('L 'v.ff ,rf "VM',,. " PSf '''- 7 f' ,- ' '"' .' . .t . A"' V -vV-rV , UiwIBU fcw lfe& & r ism H' I PROPAGANDA 7WW My fettf Amerlea nWfor. lb uvrmany Know tnsi iny nr dck oi ths President to a man and that tliflr nopfl and sympathies ato nil fur the came oMIberallnm In Germany. Directly under Hits matter, neparaled only by n small liendllne, "Iltinil at til BRITON ASKS WAR ADVOCATES NIGHT BOMBERS A in nr it o i a nno omccr Sa'8 u-a Flect c0 pla"a AID OF U. S MBOR Would Soon Knd War "OtfTO BERLIN," GOAL OF NEW JERSEY GIRL !Found on Prisoner 8t" r.'fils:1 Ni:V YultIC, Jan. II. -"There wouM i tti ( 1 IT.. T ... 'If t I .... yf i imi I.a mifl1 Inf f il.ii fnr' If f lirt I T?..l 1 .. m..l.. XT.r.. TT.a Xfeantviii ih ,,.-.. .7. i,j i 5 luuu-u it or-vicioiv ,u is h- "" ' "" "' ""' " " " '" incuy ireuion muiou nwjjua i How Soldiers' Spirits iKfiWKftJSSl snRC Scnt to Worken by -tahEririrriu'S;! to Follow Amy Into Cap- 4Are UOOStea tuiional rights. All patriotic Amerlrutm U. IN. baiTlCS 'over tlio enemy linen, nconnllne 14 tli ','-J tnuat be alarmed that, with the country . ' .1 .. 1 1 i.it rinf.1.-. ! - .. ,..,,.. . l 1.1- ... 1 Hfl9t.l IIVII . JKSUHIIrtln "WIVMV. ........ EASING llATE HYMNS tho tk' by mobs, arc mnsiiacrc'd l.o FV . . 'causa they work for a llvlnc. are beaten . ...... rt-.r.i:utcii ital of Kniser Ifftlll th. l.tif nf lrtl 'ji.l.j..ll.. t.t....i:ii. in I for crime la nu'lll-f. until the rlrht In ( v... it o Q,,,...... travel, to work and to vote Is free. Amer-1 i rom u. J. sources t ,. -,n,r. .u.,. ., ,rnr, inneil Prom Airnlancs or (ho blersln? of Almlchtv cJod. i , . "Why doem't Mr. Wilson mako the 1 .. L'tllted Slates n Rufu tilm-A fni ilfttmrrfiev J' By HENRI BAZIN before he undertakes the tok of 'liberal-1 indent J.lfnlnO Jhi&lfc; J.etlfr ". wnnmnyj Auifrfroi .trmi I franc. There arc other nrtlcles BlnlltiB that , THM AMKRICAN AllMY INTIIK.'"" tonA Khortaue In KiiRlaml In "ills- D. Dec. 1. i"rrB(iiK, nnu mai "iioiispwivci iir .4.,. . , .. ....,.,. .on. "" 1 ." tor puppiien,- linn, u"- AUOUK Ittlteil llWlil i. llil.H vl'- HAni..L.n '..... ......... Ku .ommntl ..-. J . . . .1f.1n.. ll. ' .......v- It.-lltllllll. .!.- " ieiiiiy iiiiiuc i .cm 1 . !' within the Merman 1 and alKnldrant inn of almllar nature annies. ilintii.ii m. in fi.n nrirh. i.intulu. fp.it- aervlce not only attempts I"-' Ins to emerco Into the'Htas, .iIIIihukIi It m to llochn eoldlera a to Hie by lli'tlon ami tradition suppoFed to rulo the wmni." anil In another par.i biapli Meak in comment upon l.'-boal inurderlnRS of tht "apeecli of tho cllb anil totally uiirellahln Winston Churchill GUlllnR tho Hilt lull public. " 1li ilntn nf tli. fiti.t- it Vii-Mnhpr T. nnil It ban 11 lubber tttamp "Paris'" on alin of thla "Aufklarunc" Ineluderf top corner first paKe. I have tiirnetl t in. t 0,1. ...riK.i. .nntt.r "ipnf. I o er to the liitcll Iccnoo (.ectlou a . nieri. !lyto make them Knbscrlbe 1 tho ran hcadtiunrterH. with deK'rlptlon ni to There is an outline 01 organization HELP NEEDED AT ONCE,llin'1 oC tho nrmy Bvlnllon enBlncers' lilMnlon, beforo the convention of tho ' u...uit nf Aiilrintr.liUn 1-?nc!tiperM. There BulIiHntr Of Ships nnd EqulppiiiB of I . . of n,rluIICI1 t,,0 Amerl. can army In Kurope, he said, obfervlnu machines, combat jmuhlnen, pursuit Armies Ksscntint to Allicil Succcsk lly KD L. KEEN I.ONUO.V. Jan. II I'h IpteiextM tf Die wtirkiiH-u America, ns well na of KnKlaud, planes nnd day nnil nlRht bomblnc ma 1 chlnen. I "Tho nlKht bombers 1110 by far the . I most ffentlve," ho B.1I1I. "They fly every of 1 clfnr night, ranuot lo roadlly pern nnd ire ' can drop (lares and carry from a ton to A. bound up In beatlnic tho Uetntnn army It cannot be done except b wlHInK co-opetntlon of men In tho workshop ii.ins.a tli '"iierican t.overnnieni nas cominriii- co-oeiaiioii 01 men in in' won.snojn " ".". ,, ' deeretl co..l," that the IMioat l havlnc ' wlt.i tho men In the Ileitis. ,"r"l"r llM-renMiiif hU ni.tst . tu.liatic up- exists In the !,r,l .v,'r.'.:,,:,V".," .lr1i,.,"1, , Ae" f Piovnl of 1'ie.l.lent Wllson'8 otullt.e of orlid Mates that "tho KiikIIkIi fleet Is , , u, h, ,. v t,a, ton nnd a half of hlKh explosives. Thev nro very destructive." ( !. V. Ketlerliiff. nf Dayton. O elected prfFltHut of the Kclety. TAX COMil'X'TOK STIKREI) (A plttttoirapll of Alias lHel.lll Johntion nppears on the bnrk pace.) ATLANTIC CITV, Jan. 11. IteJolcln'S In tho fact that her tleslro to be of Mrvlco to t'nclo Kam has been Krantcd, .MIkh Kvelyn A, Johnson, a member of A prominent N'cw Jersey fitmlly residing In Toms Itlver, Is on her wny to r!amp LoKuti, nt Houston, Tc.v., for nctlve war hoipllnl duty. JIIkh Johiipon, who Is it j;inilii.itii of thn liiirses' tiallilliR ft'hool of Mercer Hospital, Trenton, confided to envious fl lends who saw her off at the station hero that sbo eipects ultimately to "ar was ' rlv Hern,, "If our boys call 'net there and I know they will I tlon't i-ee why our KlrNnr,n!4, with them," the, Intrepid Jersey B-rl aald. "I want to get aa close to tho firing line Just ns soon as I can, and If t do not follow tho boys over the top 1 am Rolng to do my utmost to ptny very close to them until they reach the goal which will spell peace." Mls Johnson nan a very nttractlxo personality to back up her desire to see leal v.ar sertlce. NO STRII'ES FOR DRAFTEE FightliiR Men Only to Be Drawn From Thcso Registrants AVASIIINOTON. Jan. 11. Draftees placed In Class 1 of the selective serv ice will not bo Riven commissions In the non-combatant nrnm of tho .service under a resolution adopted by tho War Coun cil uml approved hero by Secretary llaker. It l Uc announced purposo of tho War Department to draw flRhtlnu men from this class of registrants un less there Is a substantial reason for ex ception In Individual cases duo to spe clal qualifications of tho men Involved, Further expansion of the commis sioned personnel of tho non-combatants tirawuiR iroiu will bo made by 1II.VUUliltl--l . .. . ...t . should not ko Into thn Kaiser's capital I men In tho ueicrrcu classes win.ro UUI.K men nro nceucu. M. P. member of tho lliltlsh War ib- "pay, NEARING ASKS WILSON TO OUS M'CARTHY Pacifist Leader Says Marshal Threatens Him With "Hemp Picnic" NKW YOltK". Jan. 11. Atroidlfig to his own statement, .Scott NearinR, who has been dismissed from tho faculties of two universities, ono of thci-o the University of Pennsylvania, for his radical .views, nnd now is chairman of tho Peoplo-s Council of America, has called upon President Wilson nnd At torney flenernl Gregory to remove from ofllco Thomas D. McCarthy. United States Marshal for the Southern District of New York. .Veering fays McCarthy has mudo to 1 1 thy attended A meettnr if 'the Council on Tuesday night, at which. tr expressed most freely his opinion; of. eaiinfi unw ..w.- , . . "I am goin-s to put It to you BttaUh&yl "You nro Just tha kind of bird 1 want,'jj IO RCI. 11 ' " J"u 1 Wl, send you so far J'oU will be a lon!J Hmn cettlng back. One thine mores if '4 this war larts much longer there mv 3 bo hemp picnics In Central Park on, fl Sunday mornings for Just such. as von. 4 People won't stand for your veiled di. 51 loyally. .They will lake you out u,i hang you to tho handiest tree. It wV' 1.. n. th nu un officer of thn la.. . ' t nrevent that, If I can. But I don't ! mind telling you If I were not an of. fleer of tho law, aworn to prevent dl.. order. 1 would ptand on the fringe of the crowd and clap tny hands." T11 a letter to McCarthy announcing the action ho had taken, Nearlng said. "I take It that you, a representative of tho Department of Justice, are the llrst citizen of New York to 6ugge8t publicly and specifically a resort to mob violence. In the present ttate of the' ..j 1.. it,., tirnss statements iinjioi;- , nun ,.!.... ..f tin. inn-. ' t.iilillr mind such a suggestion ! Iiv-.t.. '1 atlve of over 1 v " .,..',, ,..uU t 0(.rt violation of tho i.t Wl iy 01 mill' w""-".'- -- ". -j particularly kof the war from tho point nf view Sly embraced In German prupa ,' but outlines the iterlls of defeat ilma to stiffen tho dciilre to win .Well n to .virtually compel the ? men, to contlnuo enduring hard- Inet. sent this word to the American wot kinsmen todaj "ThU je.ir will be the tcslliiK llniu for tin' tighten! for freedom," II, 11 ins tie clared. "(ieimany'M I'-bnals Mill make their la.lt ureal tfioft before America Kels III. (I'eiiiKiny'H nrtules may atluck 1 111 Sue You," Delinquents Ho Tells I iiffn hmmm MWIIIIBIi'lBE" ' iffllWIi illlllHIIKBHIIIMllir llllJ'lllllllirailllllBIW'BIWBni'HI WANAMAKER & BROWN Manna i!iiiiui:iiiiiiiiiii gbiiiiMiiiiciiiitiiiiiiiiiiinxiiiiHiiiiUiiiiiiiiaiiiniifiiiiiniM llililll!lill!Cilnniiiuiiguiiiiu:iiiiiiiii,nii:iiuiiiai:iui:uiiniuiUi!rau'jiHiii mi whero I found it. c running sequentially down from at lieauquaricru in scam to juiiu th more Intensive orgaiilzatfuiis. r. headquirters, divisions nad lesser . of troops. tllable men" are chosen from each ny to carry on tho propaganda. JntJer the head "Private Instructions ,th following. W'Eetlmato tho state of mind of the lerior so as to be able tn combat It. S'.'Make It evident that tho mllitarj- In- teat stands- first of all.' Kj'Make the future ,nf submarine wai- aiana out, VfOinoc persuaue nut convince. "Strengthen the desire to win aim willingness to near everything. JtJnder the topic "Subjects of a Few itures' are the rouowing cryptic ii'tin- v gangland." yThe Belgian mentality" rwhy does the war last so long ' aJ'Heassurlng men as to the ledemptlim l.fe.1. mArlt.t -:ilii. ,tf tlin lnuti " 2dontlnulng of propaganda work diti- f'recreatlvo cutertalninents." ffAlong other lines there 1 4 evidence that nany ttlll nourishes the Hymn of STI.Ml'I.f.S OF WILSON HPUWtl U. S. FOILS CONSPIRACY OF GERMAN AGENTS ! Evidence on Aliens Pointed to ( Reorganization of Sabotago Plans I WASIIIN'STON. Jnn. It. - Unverii- ment ngenLi havo illsootcicii a tonictttu movement to reorganUj iJcrin.in sabot- ' ago and antiwar propaganda In this country In tho arrest of ti score 01 , more of aliens. Th. movement was broken till and 1 enfiuy activities now are lirllircd tn be m-n In tlm fit Id- -and thi toiillned to sporadic cases tarried on latter will have, utter nil largely by pro-t.erman sympathizer without guidance from 11 central head-iniarlets. This was illsclosea neio uy novern- ICI'I.P.MiiNT. Pa.. Jan. 11 Tax Col lector Joseph Zubey la going ti collect tin. iits Iiitc If he loves ttery frlentl. He has Issued tho following terse but I M fil-r-iftll tint I. .- ' 'lli...,. In In, .In til. Ill l?n.flflO Kt lit tllll. I 5? the Fiemli. tho lltlllsh or the Italians I t.itiilltig for mill In laxes mid nobody 'B Id iti-i.'it fiifn ti ttliln tttn iav( I ti !.-. i.e- t ....mil in ii-ntit tit lifit 'I'lite hiii1t(T ti 1 ? 11 niiut 4"i " t,iiiiii urn ii' ai 1111 ' ' 1 rr' ill 1 ' nuui, i" i ', - "! utipni four months. 1 wbool and poor tlltrlrt olllclals lire ,,.,., , ,' , , .tailing for money. I'm no bank uml 1 ' ffoctlte Ameilcan help must then ,,., n,.t the money. 1 now give nollco bf tu tint Held. 1 hopo t.'teiy one tn the I ti delliniuentK to pay up at onco nr I'll working ranks In the I'nlted States will I suit tverv last one nf yon. You elected wo that, mi far us I.-s 111 his linwcr. tro 1!,5 cola-dor and I'm going to collect hn TV lit rontrlbllto to tliitl bfln lietha I them. thern In time. ' I speak as olio vvhit has hoi1!! 111 the Lulmi -Socialist inovcment on this side of tlm Kutrr ftf thirty ears. Jlv sym pathies un ail villi the working folk. I am one of them m syinpathv , with their ilaini for the fuller life, but know that cver thing Just now mu'-t bo subordinated tn winning the wai. 1 ; lthe Allies that it inny not be for ten In tho slightest degree that tlm nans are still the same as tu 1871. the Kamo also who perpetrated tho tiles horrors their record shows In da war of devastation, violation and asstnatlon. Tho song leads as fol- ewsr HYMN OF HOmtOItK ons of fiennany. to arms' Forward! lAfJE This Is the hour of Joy and glory! n artillerymen of ours, the mighty can- F& non your Invulnerable brother. Is K,"J calling you: was ho not made to ity& renew the world? M. ruirineil 01 uum, sec: uu jitr inr 'Xtr conquering force, even unto death HJ! let there bo nothing to restrain you. herover you turn you enter, wherever R, you enter la Germany. L, horsemen of ours, spur, rear, sweep Kill atl ... k.r...L .. A..,,H unl. S'ifl- of your horso Is like winged vlc ft; torj". That timid flesh you tram-k-tSf pie under foot Is. made to .fatten -.-.5 k. n.1..n . 1. n ul.i.1, .... .,A.. ..... yt, tiiv iiciun uiai niiuii tnz juuin ivim ment otliclals. who declined, however, to give all (he details surrounding a Ftrlrs eldea. Upon a German private tap- of measures teceiuiy lauen to itievem d In the Italian drive was a brand-' the rebuilding or 11 uniueu enem) epj edition. Copies aro being hent to system. It Is known mat anoui tinny tiermans anu a tew i-c.ttHiniuvian nir been n nested mi su'idclun of complicity In tho new plot. Tho Germans havo been Interned amf tint Scandinavians cut out nf the (tiunti. Soinl- Amerl-can- 'in- under siu-plciuii and ate being clo.Hly ivatthed. Liquor Sales to He Itestritlcd IIIIVKP.LY, N. J, .Inn 11 -A jail teiin and a heavy line avv.nl any person who nidi. 11 "jig-llstml" Iti'V-eily toper tn tliieneli his thlist untler Hie teruv of on orilliiaiii-ii prtsentcil tn tin- il'i" ennum-- ' Inn. Tne 'jag-ll'.l ' I. creulctl by the Mayor fiom names sninillnl bv tin- chief of police. The oldlnm imivldes 11 lino lino or a n'netv-d.iv Jail term in IkiIIi 111 11 peunltv for giving. Helling m- "1 hopn President Wilson's i-ptccli will del'veriiig liquor m u person of Iritetn stlinulatn the innn In the woikMinpg to peratn habits. ' i do their part b working duilng tin ' next few months with nil their input and nil their strength, sn that mili tarism may be tlethtoncd. it tanm' be done except by willing to-opcr.iimn of the inin In tlm workshops Willi I'n mil this nlthoiigli Uu to C.itl v Hi. hi.'tvlest pint of the burden "The viiliU' nf Prisldtni Wilsrn" ,bpeech lies lu the fact that It n nfllrniH tho common uIiiih of tho demo cratic party of the 1 nltcd States with their alliilS nil tills Side i-'f the Willi". making iiiiiiiniiii cause with 1'n-niiii l.lod tleolge's slalemunl "Itegarillng llusla, It cpn .-"' .:, the vvliole tho lnlinl, not nnl.v nf A1111-11-ca. but of Ilrltniii. The people nf tin couutiy have nothing but the nmsi Mini ly feelings fot the llusslau li.nplo. II Is our wish, as well as I'lisliltin Wil sin's, thai older will cmne nut of tN. Ing chaos as t,iiecdll as pnsibl. , ... that the KukkI.hi people in.i;. enjoy t-i derly denim ratlc iu!c BARGAINS IN Men's Shoes VTTi:MI'TS to ttiM.Ml.wii'ATi: .... 11 . ...,t - 1 1,. ti.. er.im,i in ' It. is our wis 11. as wen as 11 -, mat tee ..?.',.!i"r..V.,i',Jt,rJn.UWt... Piovlnces of Hussla should 'no. I bt-enmn tho appanage nf Piussiau 11. Ill I tarlsm. "II Is our wish, ns well 11s hl that 111 tho future demociaey should be carried ' In tho light of day, so that every pii.iili , will know to what thej are being com mitted. "It ! nur W'Uh, as well as hlti, thai Indicated Hiatal few leaderf. whose Iden tity has not been disclosed, but who are (believed to be neutral subjects', tiled to jcommunlcato with a number of agitators. 1 located mainly In eastern seaports, In .Industrial centtrs and In the exlrcmo I West, to develop co-opeiatlon among , them. I s.iuutuRi! was to nt ctmtiucieu sj.i-. ,,, .,.. i n, c,i, n.-o iiiid.r tt-rmi. lematlcally and piopaganda fos peace , Minll,nK ull t.Xch-ingc of goods to mu or dissemination of pesfclmlstlo war ie. tuA dvant0Kt lllu, thnt coinpuIsnr porta was to be stimulated under dlrec-, mm,irv. mrvlco be no longer a Might tioii of a it-cognized head. ' civilization. Hundrtds nf self-appointed spies are' now believed to bo at woik In the Jihlli'l. in .i.i. .N.niu.Ns iuui nuiia. ........ .. . . ofGermany. to arms! the. creal United States, but olllclals disclaim that . hour has come; they woiry much ubout them. Many are aoes not cnti. it passes ami cnanges !, to be members of tho Industrial ftorsiiVe-orlainH? --"' '??! IlrtVO Ut'tH iouiiu lu till 1 1'win 11 ivur rtcatlons. drawlngM of alrplunn or truck lories to thft t laver. See tlieti liow Vftll fan cathitr inL'tiiPf lllinii flm sT hrrniif nt vnnr ehitoiI tVitlmrlfiiu! M'.. the life of the world! lOP NOT TO EFKEUMNATff PITY :Jj. FOR WOMKN AN 1 f'HILDItKN sr 1. 11.1 1 tin nvj.n ur i ur v.i- QUISKFD WAS AI'TlCltWAIlD VICTOIt. WHAT IS VICTOItY WORTH IFTOMoItKOW CO.MKS RKVKNOKT. WHAT FATHUU WOULD YOU 1IK IF YOU l-CILI.UD YOUlt KXIIJIV AND LEFT ALIVK HIS SON? of Germany, to arms: Forward! wnute. wnatter. overthrow, rierce jf --- a $4J50jo -3.151 $6.00 Shoes J 1 "" r m "In bliort, it is our wish, as well as his, that the ualt'ns, great and small, live their own way and develop accoid ing tn their own bent. "In the concrete application of tl.otc principles to too niuinenvs prnuicnis we rill. , . .1 11 also agree that Flench teiritniy should 1 HeSC UlC tllC l'Cal "OOOS parts, inllroad maps showing brldgra lie tettoreti ami coiupeiiHati-d fur, and 1 woi'th eVerV IlGllllV AF thpiP uat tuner small I'.iinines wiucn nave . , . . " - and other Important points, plans of Industrial centers and shipbuilding plans. Although the danger of allowing this Information tn reach tho cut my. particu larly when a multitude nf details might ho assembled Into a significant whole, been ravaged by militarism should be lestoied to full ' f 'tnilal, economic and political exlsteiic "We are In this war togethtr- the freo peoples nf tint west and tho fre not minimized by olllclals. it is felt that Peoples of Kurope. We oil this side aro nnd l.ay Waste, Hum ! m 111., KIM. Kill Hi roau 01 non' 1 es onen Lerom von." I ilh'an outhouse close to a garage where esponuents cars are quartered I ihd tho other day a torn copy of the Jnentai Times, "an Independent cos olltan newspaper," as It Is helf-ln- but In rea'lty ono of the tvnc fpubllcatlons printed In language for- l.to Germans for propaganda pur M. This sort of paper was spread sdcast from airplanes, prlnfed, of In Italian, beforo tho German live upon Italy tils evident that the Continental which Is priced at "five cents, ity-nve centimes, 30 f," with "cor-t Bdent In Copenhagen, ltotterdam, holm. Sofia, Zurich, Constant!- I,"' with "German offices lierlln w. Huburger Struase-IIamburg, Monckl f-iStrasso SI," Is being surreptl ir distributed throughout the Amer-' dXatmy lone left here and there many of these persons aro acting indi vidually, hoping to sell the Information to some enemy Interest. In the enso nf seveial nf these men c-ught In an attempt tn leave tint eouti tr 011 neutral ships Inspectors became comlnctd that the welo only udven turcrs and not paid sjiles. ifllclals explained today, that It was Inexpedient tn mako public all facts con nected with recent discov tries, Inasmuch as there still is danger of a reorganlia tlon of tho sp fysteni which was in di ctation when tho I'nlted States cntertd the mi. ' I.INI) TO JOIN I.A110R HOARD rairylng a great burden, ami we want help speedily and effectively. "My message to the Industfnl work ers of the United States would be that they should lurry on this building of ships and the equipping of armies by which those armies may bo ninth- ef. ftctive in Ihirope." 1'lace $3,750,000 Leather Order WASHINGTON. Jan. 11 fontraei for li.nco.noo pairs of half soles and 7,000 out topiets Tor heels havo been let by I he stctlon on pplles of the nil vlsory commission of the Council of Na tional Defense. Tho half soles will cost Jt.SOii.OOU and the topi. ts Jl.:50.000 original prices and then! some. Thousands of pairs all sizes dozens of styles ' in gun metal, patent leath er, mahogany, cordo, coco and tan call. iy Now's the Time to Buy j 919-921 Market Street 1 4028 Lancaster Ave. 41 (10th and Chestnut Sis. l -74B-48 (iermantown Ave. ss 5G01-0G Germantovvn Ave. ,jp Uranch Stores Open Every Evening , Market hi. fitorr Open fiat. '.ig. Sj Ex-Governor to Assist in Mobilizing Men for War Service WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 John Llnd, ex-Governor of Minnesota, will become a member of the new advisory commis blon to assist Secretary Wllsqn In mo bilizing labor for war service. ft Id .m1a.at,in.1 VI- T.ln.l lelll ..,.,.. . r'jt would be picked -up by Amerl- ' sent the public on the commission, which ', joiers. will Includo also two representatives of 1 yi.ntn.. .....I,.!, t.. .1.1-., ..... I,.. . . . .....t i.i... I g ACM-uitift ui 111.10 .. -riuitittu "til iaoor, two Ul coinillficu .11111 luuunti' jtv, witn tne suuneaa "nave tne 1 and cue economist. Xo Sense of Humor?" It fl.il.i . - - Wo artleVs puriorted to have been 1 German Spy Suspect Escapes ', o upon me same page or an Amer. ... IM, . vt-iui-n i-n 11 i,iii, newspaper." one entitled "Moral . N IN". J"-, i;-, ' for German Liberalism" ord ""'.'"'fl'.'.' .".".,.'"." other "Federal Lynch ltw Is De. auinonues as a sum eciei. on, spy Jjy WjnOCB. BIIU WHO HUB PUIU IU IC ML-ltC 111 Utl- EVwte It verbatim, the "Moral" ar- I mnn clrc,es nere' naV cr?p eu' .r JIIK t WIIIIUI4IIIIUVIU wj 'Ull jmiiiwutfi giraiai U Ant: r, FAKK V K. LITKRATUniJ tnovement la on foot In America 1 the liberals In government who BW meet the same charge that the Ins class makes In response to the t a appeal to German liberalism, ;bo said by the partisans of that the American movement apt to foment' -discord In Ger- I to weaken the system which Ik- Germany if -not conquering present German system Is ner- r superior to all other forms o ni 1. must, or course, rouow ; German liberal's demands si t German prosperity and se Any attempt to encourage these incoming from a nation now at : Germany must he suspected. kes, we oelleve the inovc- brrsnued by Otto Dutz and 4We, -bo til Americans of Ger- fir It is given the support (to,reclve wholeheartedly by all aericans, win nave an effect f, which any lover of Germany nr. Miiicsa nu trvro u tnicjt- er of the Germany of the errtany 'of olood and Iron, iod TJie German language IMKrtal responsibility In this .tne outDrealc of the Uu- t .has. given the German eta and .policies unmeas H. .and' unquestionably has that - Government's 'hands 1.,' These .newspaper pre rutins: tno opinion of Have .been more Um liberal pres of Ger- iMiton have som- MkTtUstlwd aud oppn.d war of the United Justice. States Department of 1 ii . 11 asFn:!1: .8 rvl' 4-sI) sgsi . . llgsr , New Vvy WS Sryl. I Vr Thin Model Guaranteed 20-Yr. Gold-Filled Octagon Case; 12 or 16 Size. This very newet model Elsln moTemeot la n thoronghlr relUble and crurl time- n blerf, sod flttftt tola the superb iO--r (sld. alien rss nisKra sn vzrepiianstir aiirstiif. wault. At tbls remarksbLr loir prlrs or ItIO.OO o ire tettlnr a Terr .pl-ruJIil s1im. 'HpoeUI r.nd prompt sttentUtn paid l nsu pntvr. nril tor ii-pbs riWB. Guard Against Infection ItSHSilD ss The natural inclin ation of most people is to belittle the dan gers lurking in minor flesh-exposing injuries. Neglect to take pre cautionary measures against infection of wounds is most often due to the absence of reliable antiseptics. Always have ready for every emergency a bottle of f (VAN DYKE A powerful, non-poisonous antiseptic, which thoroughly cleanses the .parts affected. It destroys the harmful germs and prevents complications. The removal of poisonous ingredients through a special process pr preparation gives Glyco-Iodine a deeper jjtiituuiivc jjuwct tuiu proiungcu , antiseptic action. Glyco-Iodine is especially pleas ing because it is quickly absorbed, leaving no permanent stain. It never stains nor injures linens. A bottle from your druggist today is the advance-guard against s'-tous results from your- next ac cident. Two sizes: 4 oz. $1,00; 2 oz. 60 cents. Each bottle hermetically sealed, assuring full strength, full .quantity always. m TINCTURE AND EXTRACT CO. FUItMUi,ra. JL sBsHfifiEsssl A Great Clearance of Our Women's Apparel fTZ J. ..J Ii- Ms A.V J M4. ,' l.o is.1 i - ,VS' ; a-A . .. 1. 1 0 irii y-v...i' f I 4' I II- Ui !i I i ti iw Pcrsiana Coat $16.75 Quality $12.75 I ! ! i m t Velour Coat $22.50 Quality $16.75 .AM $47.50 Velour, Seal Collar $35.00 Begins to-day and will continue until a complete out clearing of all our winter stocks is effected. Prices that unquestionably signalize the highest values it is possible for women to procure in Philadelphia. We let them speak for themselves. FINE PERSIANA COATS OF $16.75 QUALITY $12.75 They have plush collars, are fully lined, and, as every woman knows, they are the best gar ments for those that require more than one season's wear from a coat. Sizes up to 44 inches bust measure. $16.75 FOR $22.50 COATS OF WOOL VELOUR' At their regular price they were one of the season's most popular sellers, and at this figure we will sell them by the scores tomorrow. Ample selections to be had in sizes ranging from 16 to 44. Browns, greens and navy blues. $35 for FUR-TRIMMED VELOUR COATS Regularly $47.50 Perfectly wonderful velour coats. We know of no more splendid opportunity for women who need a coat to finish out this winter with the added advantage of having n now coat of correct advance style for next season. Browns, taupes, blacks and navy blues with seal collars. SUITS VIRTUALLY AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES $7.75 for Women's $15.00 Suits $11 .75 for Women's $19.75 Suits - $13.75 for Women's $22.50 Suits $17.75 r Women's $27.50 Suits $22.75 fr Women's $32.50 Suits $25.00 fr Women's $39.75 Suits So priced with utter disregard of what they cost. It is a safe assertion that these ficures (without a single exception) do not represent the cost of the cloth and trimmings that go to make the suits up. ALL FUR COATS, SCARFS, MUFFS AND SETS REDUCED In no season that we can remember have furs been so absolutely essential as a protection against Id. Furs now may.be had in our Woman's Shop at prices not likely of duplication again for years. FUR (COATS 19.75 67.50 PLAIN MARMOT COATS... 87.50 MARMOT COATS..'. S67.5Q (Raccoon trimmed) 125.00 HUDSON SEAL COAT 79.50 (Short mlsseti' model) 165.00 PLAIN HUDSON SEAL COAT 115.00 SCARFS Black Foxes start at 12.75 Red Foxes start at 13.75 Polret Foxes start at 29.75 Taupe Foxes start at $35.00 Lucille Foxes start at 13.75 Beaver Scarf $18.75 Beaver Novelty Cape . . , i$39.75 Hudson Seal Cape 29.75 Jap Kolinsky Stole 555.00 Squirrel Cap (Natural Gray) $25.00 MUFFS Hudson Seal ,.'..11.75 Taupe Fox Black Fox .-... Raccoon Beaver , Skunk . .37.50 ...$14.75 -.10.75 , , .S18.7iS ... $25.00 80.00 NATURAL BROWN PONY COAT 49.75 (Plain full-length models) 175.00 HUDSON SEAL COAT..... 137.50 (Collars and cuffs of sliunk) 185.00 HUDSON SEAL COAT. .. .139.75 (Jap mink collant and cuffa) 250,00 FANCY HUDSON SEAL. . . .175.00 (Self-trimmed fitted model) MUFFS Australian Opossum 12.75 Polret Fox 35,00 Lynx Black ;.. 18.75 Squirrel (Natural Gray) 19.75 SETS .Polret Fox m75 Lynx Sets begin at 45 00 Red Fox begin at !$22!50 diuck r ox Begin ai Raccoon begin at Pointed Fox beein at Georgette Fox begin at Taupe, Fox begin at Cross Fox Set Squirrel Set (Natural Gray)T. nv.io uyea uaccoon sets .47.50 . .22.50 , . .75.00 . .79.50 ..59.75 ..$89.75' . .$45.00 .$19.75 m ;ji t --- Entire stock of street dresses and evening gowns very radically reduced To avail themselves of the better opportunities to be had in this areat out.elainn ,' ing purchasers are advised to visit the Woman's Shop (Second Flan? wZ SSSS' fS?1 - " - ui-mun; ub curiy ua possible. , Wanamaker & Brown WOMAN'S SHOP MARKET AT SIX J