mmrarc: rcfe: -i1' , TW7ViJh '! " j'i! . ' fewJfV' H , .E"vif; ,'T ?" i-,,. 'Til ! rf . iwi ' Pl t-wl v 'fC, h,,- imBwg&wra :.. . TRIPLE RAID --- i i r Casualties Inflicted Germans Near Ypres PER AIDS ITALY Snow Blocks Teuton (hmunications in Moun tains of Northern Front ? LONDON. Jan. 10. i British troops are continuing their Hy Id the Ypres sector, successfully tna enemy a trenches at three nt. points. Inflicting many casual- Mtftd captarln a few prisoners and ;clne' guns, Halg report. They anaerxooK a strong reconnoitenng t Vest of Zandvoorde. near the (tlnee canal, which Berlin says broke . without attalnlnjr itvbject. rth of the Alsne. .on the western a of the Upper 'Coucy Forest, the at repulsed a German raid against a) small posts. That was tho sole Jon reported on the French front, Hill both Paris and Berlin speak of IMrjr artillery duels at many points. utrawn i-rince maae no eirori to r, tO'Jho successful French attack tor the Ht Mlhlel salient. -sra HOW STATE VOTED ON SUFFRAGE PENNSYLVANIA For tho, amendment: Vnrc, Edmondu, Coslcllo, Darrow, Butler, driest, Fnrr, Tcmplcton, McFaddcn, Klosn, Ilose, Brodbcck, Rowland, Hobbins, Sterling, Temple, Clark, Strdnpr, Hcslilin, Porter, Kelly, Campbell, Scott. Total, 23.. Against the amendment Moore, Watson, Hcnton, Pewalt. Lcshcr, Focht, Kreider. Steele, Morin, Crnfjo, Garland, McLaughlin. Total, 12. Absent Graham . NEW JERSEY For tho amendment: Bachnrach, Scully, Hutchin son, Lehlbach, Eagan, Hnmlll, Total, 0. Against amendment Hrowning, Ramsey, Gray, Parker. Total, 4. Absent Capstlck, Urukkcr. DELAWARE Polk, tho only Delaware CoiifiresBman, voted ngalnst the amendment. J t SUFFRAGISTS, IN TRIUMPH, SURE OF FINAL VICTORY IN SENATE Continued from 1'aie One logical moment. The fact that lie v Itli held lils outspoken support until tho very eve of the baltlo la regarded s but another bit of astute statesmanship. Had he tpoken sooner, his admirers argue, tlmo would liavo been given the southern Democrats to rally from tho blow iitruck at tho hcait of their .Stales' rights fetich, and Instead of a great Victory a tragic defeat. In all probability would have resulted. That these name southern gentlemen, however, resent bitterly having been placed In tho uncomfortable position of makcrn been misplaced? Had they over estimated their strength? Had tjiey left soma stone unturned?. Had they como this far only to be, turned back y a bitter- defeat that would mako them loso the ground gained by decades of strugglo? The gray face of Doctor Shaw gave no encouragement to the (lagging spirit. Her head sunk on her chest, her hands playing nervously on her lay, she was u picture of utter dejection. "I felt that I couldn't bear n defeat," the beloved pioneer i-ald afterward. "My brain was numb. 1 couldn't take n wnat was going on: WW BLOCKS FOE IN NORTHERN ITALY nOMH Jan. 11. Kwihter lias seriously Interrupted the ermar. campaign In Italy, If It has not kited It altogether. The snow covers mountain front to a depth of from ee to five feet Xonte Grappa, which Is the Central tot of tho operations between the PUtve and tho Ilrenta Rivers, has three 5t:of snow, while further north the no- ftrtttons occupied by the enemy are hurled in a much greater depth. The snow bar- la operating strongly against the ny, as they aro on the higher sum- FmK while the Italians are on the lower i around sloping toward the plain. SfROn Monte Grappa, which Is the doml- finatlng summit held by the Italians, and ton Monte rertlca and Monte Caprlle, fjiuarby, held by the enemy, the can- 'Bonade has decreased and there Is lit- LHe activity beyond patrol movements. tlfaat nf th fviMliim ) hilnv clpatina tithe mountain paths so as to permit the rittadr movement of supplies. Huge W tractor snow-plows are being used and Kstedges aro taking the place of trucks IS for ctrrylng rood and munitions. ' In addition to the Interruntlon nt the I immediate front, the heavy snowfall may lelose the enemy's line of communication "from Austria southward Into Italy. The principal route runs through the '48telvlo, an Alpine pass, and has n rail way down to Trent and thence to Trim- Solano, which Is only ten miles front jMonte Grappa and the fighting front. l-it la mis route wuicn nas ueen open )bs tn this time and han frivn tliA enpni f'dlrect communication to tho front. While the lower section Is not blocked, ? Indications are tnat Stelvlo pass, which ;W the vital link In tho route. Is blocked tpy irom ten to nrteen feet or snow. Th. vrnieivio is me mgnesi pass in r.urope, HiTAVHln ulna (tiniianml ., ..-..t ...... l.-;ncts the Adlge valley of Austria with -.ine Auua vauey in itaiy. Hnows in tnat iacetlon invariably aro followed by nva Ranches which further block tho valleys UMM available outlets. ft' inaications are that the enemy will sunaoie to carry on any largo opera- particularly on tho mountain or. dnrinr the period that his com. nlcatlons are snowbound. IS v T ' I 1 IBACHARACH PICKS FIVE LADS FOR CADETSHIPS Kl I ffrn irt ? nnhmll.. , .. li..ln. ".." .,"..... I.. ....1.u nf .'".""" :"'"". "'"-' 1" 1'm.iui nuin viiuiik miD t., .... .......... ( Bnnw ,B1)t night tieroro they turned their constituents or to the expresseu , tn(0 ,)ed at Ul0 iellla,lnrlerM nt 10:, desire of tho great leader of their part). Miodo island avenue, In a culmination the Chief Kxecutlvr, was evident from of reverenca for the great woman who !h (inTtnntllnn snOerllSS of tllO uebale. Mia ltnltlA.l for .. .. i.-.l ,.,- And yesterday's historic proceedings .in. i tury for the triumph the millions of himuso they lire women n. ii.-ii.i ahiIi'i but n IIP H..11.1..1.1 - . . . ... - .... .. ratification will not require more than two yeaiT." Miss Katzrnsleln had this comment to mako today: "A wonderful victory for America an well as for Its women. I urn deeply thankful to feel Justice is In sight." In commenting on the date, January 10, nf the passage of tho measure, Mlifl Katicn stein said: "I am thrilled to reca'l that It was tho anniversary of two slgn'flcaiit happenings. Forty yearn ago to n day since the llrst Introduction of tho Susan D. Anthony amendment Into the Ilnuso of iteprescntallvcs, and ono year ago to a day fclticc the first lltllo group of ilcketerB marched from Cameron Houso o lake' their Bland beforo tho doors of tho White House. Uoth events find their fulfillment In yesterday's victory. I feel every confidenco that the Senata will follow the lead of tho Houtc." Mrs. Kdwln C. Grlce. president of the Homo and School league, Kild: "So delighted that I havo no Btnte ment. This Is n i-hajlcngo to nil Ameri can womanhood to llvo up to Its highest Ideals. A gravo and r.olemn responsi bility on tho women of tho country. I believe It would bo fitting for the women of tho country to assemble In their soveru'l places of worship to offer IhankM and freshly dedicate themsclvcH w their God and their country." "Although woman suffrage Is funda mentally Just, I do not believe In uni versal suffrage," cald Mrs. II. S. 1'ren tls.i Nichols. "I am a very' oonsetvallve pofton," i-hc said, "and 1 do not believe liny uf the Ills of the world will ever bo wiped out by any sort of i-i'l,',l"i '" r "i" f tho suffrage amendment vote Is nat urally Very gratifying, but It will mil chango conditions ery much. "I do not believe In universal mfftago at nil, but surely bellevo that women should not be denied the vote simply I think the CONTINUE INCURSION! DEI SOLDATI ITALIANI Nonostante le Inlenipcric i Soldati d'ltnlin Cntturnno Prlgionieri Teuton! L'ARTIGLIERIA A T T I V A II JIcsKagfiio dl Wilson ha Dcstato rUnnnlmc Ammlrazloiu! degli Italian! turntl e1 un'oumcnUta nttlvlt.V dl nrt.gllerln si verlHca nd orlenfe del llumo Ilrenta, Sulla fronto nordlcn la ncvo ' en dutn per 21 nro dl segulto. Anchc le coniunlcnzlonl ncmlcho ud orlento delta regloiie del Friiill pono statu toinplela- , mento bloccato o In Unco icrrovlarle, verso I'alto corsn del l'.ave, sono Btatc ; Inlerrotto da valangbo ill ncvp. Hero II lislo del romunlrnto ulllclale, , pubbllcato lerl dal Mlnlstcrn della ; Uuerra In llonm: Published and Distributed Under Permit No. HU Authorized by the Act of October C, 1017. on fllo nt tho Postofflce of Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the President. A. S. BURLESOX, Postmaster General. the so-called "solid South Just a iiuicj unthinking one aro enjoying today. ipilvllcge of voting should 1' dceldiil bit less solid than It has ever beenj jrit Cn,ti w) wjt. ,)oc,r ,mlawi after mi educational lei.t lifts been beforo. Breaks In ths Tennessee iinii , Bnt lo the gallery lvte In the session ' passed. Kentucky delegations were viewed with ; after trouble over their seat", likewise I "VeslerdayV result In i-ritalnly ;i long a sorrow that was almost plaintive be- j nUrfererl u tremendoun slump In on- step forwniel," concluded Mis. Xlcliols tlmlsm. That llttln tlimi will bo lost or waned liven nfter the two uinendmentH to the ! In rcjoklng Is the opinion of tho nulfrngc amendment were defeated thlnus i-on- , leaders of the rlty It seems'. A earn- V.CJ.MA, 1 1 gennulo. , Dalle notlilo gluiito ilnlla fronto ell; battaglla si rllev.i iho poeld ell lion molta Imporlmiza sono I i-umlmttlmenll I the p eono v critical! In eiuestl duo ultlml I glornl a causa .elello e-ondlzloiil ntino,i fcrlcho u elella nevn eho ha epiusl total mento parallzzato lo nieruzlonl inllltiirl ' del iiemlco I lurmonl dl grosw callhro, ! Peru", I'ontlmuiie la loro opera rol bom- I Imrdaro In poslzlnnl occtnialu dairll um. I tro-lcdesehl, mentio lo fanterlo elevono i ,,",, llmllarei lo loio nzlml le rlcognlzlunl , "'"'"" csegultii da lion mimrrosl rlpartl. Tiill ileogiilzkviil d.i iarto drllo truppe llnllnne Hi eilfli-.iriiii prlnclpalmrntn "' "I Illllipi.lllll 111 .VSMRD, Hi ,i occnieniHii', ,1)111 gli Itnllunl mi a u. 'ice i ucmluo. Alciinl prlglnnleil li-utonl fuiono rat pa rli) lespmst'iu cause the men who believe eternal dam nation, more or less, to bo a "k punishment for those tampering 'With the sacred States' rights and the im memorial belief that woman's place Is In the home. , , Henubllcaii entnusiases naiuiuiu ".- tinned to look dark. The first umend ment provided u referendum to be sub mitted, not to the Stato Legislatures, but to the electorate. And the second tribute the success to James It. Mann, i appended the sown- ear provision which I'alo and broken, tho Republican leneler, I was successfully hitched on the prnlillil wh'j has been confined to Johns Hop- Hon amendment puseil on Dcctmbcr 10. kins Hospital for months with ailments J XAys dai;nt sl'KFIIAGISTS !?"rlbed. .M,.d",,.,",a.1C.- 2'.!. A"?r these danger lines had succoS,. houbo ui a. iio -"" -- -.. ,,... fullv been crossed nnd the nf the II H ." . " - .1,1. vi. for the nmenomeuu coming was against the oelvlro of his doctors. Ho was received with u tre mendous ovation, and without a doubt his actual presenco acted us u great moral breakwater to stop tho waves of doubt and hesitation that were breaking over many Republicans, who hated the measure like poison, but realized that vote on tho amendment got under way the nays began to boom with a fre quency that brought th sutfrngo heart almost to a standstill. A second rollcall was taken anil htlll the House was unsatisfied. Representa tives, unmindful of their dignity or of Mr, lloberts'a rulo of parliamentary pro cedure, rushed lo tho Speaker's bench palgn for the same resu'ts In tho Senuto i that have obtained In the HoUVo U thu ncM step In the long light for equal suf- J frage. A belief that not moic than two, years will see u nationwide ratification! of tho notion taken In Washington Is the I'onsensus of aulhoiltatlvo opinion, locally. political expediency demanded that per-I and howled their protestations In a pen sonal convictions oo pui nmue. nn ihi oi wusc. As the time for the taking of the A recapitulation was asked for and vote came on suffrage been polls chnlrm.i had did thirds, but a substantial residue. OPPOSITION GATHKItS VOUCH The opposition, however, developeel unexpected strength. An air of nervous ness seemed to sweep over the Houec. A careful diagnostician might have pro pounced It an unmistakable rase of "cold feet" or "stage flght." The tre mendous Import of what was about to happen seemed not to have been real ized until this time. The uneasiness communicated Itself to tho suffragists. Had their confidence In the given pledge of tho country's law- CUBA FACES FAMINE IN FLOUIl AND COAL Reported Crisis Jeopardizes Market ing of Island's Kccord-Brcak-ing SuR.ii' Crop SKW YOIlIv, Jan. 11. (iiavii ciiiiioniln condition!! throughout Cuba, due to a famine In foodstuffs and a coal shortage, were reported yester day In enabled advices from high otllclal t.Anq.v,A AiMnnl Hint tho granted. 1 lie Icnsltv or inn mixnenso , ,v Mvn.,. ...-... -. - I" iml ...... .... . .. . . r . .. i sfinrceM in Havnnii to tno e utian rsews leaders and their friends i.aei 1 1 ir . in . ce in.g -m "yw,,-,, " " . lcro s - flour 0l lho too generous to themselves in tno , ur. ........ .., sn, ,. ,..r. .v,- ,,,.,,-,, tho ,,.,.., of hr,,aiJ cllll(, taken. Hepresentatlvo ttaner. "" ''ul " . Kl,e.lker.H t,...1(jrnn yesteielay both In household and com nf the Suffrage Committee. And then the Speaker h Mu.Torlan ' . ' ,,,. , .,,. ,, ,,, ....... . . r.lnn ni m t lw rill rill i.irntil- Uie.H inui jtirn iri IW'U ' . .I,reU till iSS Z ynece7sirv two 'Two" hnd red and sev enty-four for ha- risen to hnposslhlo heights desplt,, the? hill have the tiecessarj two- ,,. Invrnimni innlrnl nf fnnelstufffl. bird Tho amendment has passed." It was thus that January 10. 1918, was made an historic date, as January 10, exactly forty years ago. was made historic when Susan U. Anthony brought tho llrst amendment Into Congress, tho Senate then. Pennsylvania suffragists deolaro they aro entirely satisfied with the way the Pennsylvania Representatives; "behaved," on tho historic occasion. Twenty-threo voted In the ntllrmutlvc and ten la the negative. Mr. Graham was conspicuous; by his absence. PHILADELPHIA SUFFRAGE LEADERS VOICE JUBILATION ? Atlantic Citv Concrressmnn MnVna E Appointments to Naval Academy rt- and West Po nt m By a Staff Correspondent svi niutiiuiv4it ! i.i iiiicc ijl AAttltMm tm tn 4 Via XTq unl A nsiUmi rtK 4 Ut viiv t'ini nvauciu; onu 9.two to West 1'olnt were forwarded to Lino navai ana miuiary acaaemics. re rt.r.1.. l.l- .-! ... r rT:tiwutcij Litis i nut iiiiig uy vonsiuaH lmn laauc iittcnurucn, oi Auanpc Utiy vtf TJie tnree principal appolntmenta to ir Annapolis were ; 'Walter Hockey, of Stone Harbor. jj -b ..ifttj. .i.u -iiuuicre avenue. :,aiiiiitii I iiv. ffv. Jack Corry, Rlverton, X. J. I KK 'no two principal appointments to ' m,,vivi xu.i.l were: uameuuH eiarrison. " t .Knuuiiv, .. d. unu i,ouis L-IMorck, 431 Xorth Rhode Island avenue, ljttlinllo flt K!Th alternato appointments for the ;KvI Academy were: First alternates Hugh II. Sloss, i . If OAPAJitn urn . T .T. MnnHna iinnn.i. KSU South Vermont avenue. Atlantic PaIw- t aiij r ... . y-" ,,- uvvuut:)-, jioorcsiqwn, "Saeond Altrnat .'C-u.a.i t t.. Ran, Palmyra, ', J. ; James A. McCar- rir .vw..w, ., j,; ejeorgo vv. buy, oouin .torin i-arouna avenue. At tlo City. tThlrd alternates W. C. Frecke, Miplo ". . -..; v.. j. jounson,, N, J, 1 Lloyd Seaman. Stnnn lTn.i.nH r.-J. ' Pj5 alternato appointments for the r""" rtcaurmy, wnero thero aro only gro Instead of three alternato places, "fFlrst alternate J. Harl Warner. overside. X. J. ; Robert R. Dorian, ti outh Sovereign avenn.. Ati,,n,i.. ,... i8eond ollorr,r.l I , ...V' lnIand, N. J. ; Fred Belgley, Vlneland, MVfP .appointments were made by Con- -...u... oocnaracn upon the recom BtUtlon of the county superlntend . of schools of South Jersey, repre .A1"1'. 'lwing an eiamlna- ?."" nowoou last month. US', CALLING TO MOTHER 'fiwallows Poison While at Homo on Visit iVPi crrctt , T;.r :...'.".-i,.r,a"' 1 1 Walter i 5?hn 'a u.""'1 J1 ow.. qn : ieTlsonln. ii"i:,,,""'"eu suicide It.-Tinldn !," V,'r""",. "" , .".As she reached t!i. h.iZ. c? hi'LU'i n" over- mot'ier. Oood-by." 1 then, fell unconscious to th. n.. ' "W?8"LJ5,pJ??"1 on t,,a Pennsyiva .SJ?"? twn Allenlown and W. City 'and was i homa on a visit. h'a fci.-, ":..v"r"".."".u. nir- iV.r,.V,T.tVt"."'"'tt.'.'."'. ". I I thUtaUeed the suicide. 4iv Klllg Laborer OWV, Pa., Jan. 11 Haaon ly-flve years old. aa ,.,,. Ties sustained when run down it loconrotlve on tlie Pennsyl Uroad. Jul ff was cutting tr track taifka on the Narrmrc I to; fbo locomotlvj coming. T Philadelphia suffrage circles aro Jubi lant over the results of the suffrage votes on tho amendment In tho House yesterday. Mrs. Sarah A. Steele, fur nearly half a century an ndvoeatc of suffrage, waB tho first Philadelphia woman to mako a statement. Shovsald last night: "I cannot tell you how happy I am that I have lived long enough to sco the fight through. It was Inevitable. H was a long and a hard light, but I knew suc cess would como sooner or later and my faith has never been shaken, despite many setbacks." Mrs. Steele Is the oldest suffrage worker In this city. Because of her ad vanced age, hcventy-threo years, Mrs. Steele no longer takes an active nart In suffrage work, but tho "old guard" recall hr as'one of the most sincere champions of the movement. She made her llrst suffrago speech In Marshnlltown, la , In ' 183. Miss Caroline KatzenMoln, secretary of the National Woman's Pa'rty, ban re ceived tho following telegram from Miss1 Alice Paul, national chairman of tho i party, who Wired: 'Today wo rejoice, and for tho mo ment that Is all we do. With tomorrow wo shall begin to press for the Im mediate passage of tho amendment through the Senate. Tour years ago wo lacked only eleven votes In the Senate. Our Btrength has grown enormously; vIcIctj- should be easy. It Ih not now a nucstlon of vic tory or defeat, but how quickly wo can secure submission of the amendment to the States and begin the campaign for ratification. With the otllclal support of every political party we believe that selling tit $1 n pound and more, with lltllo on the market. This crisis In Kuba's e- tence, e'omlng nt a time when the enuigic.s of the Cubans lire centered on the production if their record-breaking 3,rju0.00u-tn sugar clop, and urgutlatinus between tho Cuban tluvcrnment and the Vnlle-d States foud i iiiilfclrntlon are pt'U pending over the way the sugar Is to Im marketed Is made still more serious, t.i" cabled advices said, becauso Cuban rail ways and Industries faco paralysis duo to an Impending coal famine. "Wo are literally without bread at any price," the lablegram added, "and the coal hupply will be exhausted at the end of the present month. Tho United Rallwny.1 of Havana and tho Cuba Railroad have only coal enough on hand to last until February 1. If tho t'nlted States Gov ernment does not tako prompt steps tu see that coal Is shipped iiiinu dlatciy In . :"-.ttti i i--..i-oiis crisis will be upon us. all tralllc vll be stop sugar cinp mil bo lost to tho world.'1 I - "--M-M- M . . M ! (v5M232S ''? I Where are You Going Tonight ? Do you dance? No? Well, it matters not. Our Music and Special Supper Menus are quite an inducement in themselves, both before and after the show. s Janover Twelfth and Arch SU- CLAUDB M. MOHR. Mgr. it'ntraiice on lr!i St.) kjKuTi&uiiiiui-temaftft A l " ,Jl ' ' kbr Train Die wTuwi, ?i; j.. Jan, ii Tony i MeHnn hkait nttlftYw1 n iha wt lima n - aiui nna ainiaii Mt. lMkaiilAn'atHtl....l W WtwytyHiiviijiii i Kultur in Armenia How the "Christian" forces of, Germany joined with the infidel Turk in unspeakable atrocities upon defenseless Armenia the treachery of a German missionary the slaughter and slavery of 70,000 women and children Details of a national crime which, for sheer barbarism, transcends even the occupation of Belgium told by an eyewitness in Tomorrow's PUBLIC LEDGER ,y- .,.. . I. V t. & . I-i lottu delta nrtlgllerln general mento lion o' Inlensa, ma nd Intervalll dlvcniro phi" vlolenla nel scttoro ml orlento del llumo Ilrenta. I noslil rlpartl dl rlcognlzlnno cat turarono elel piighmlerl nd ovest ell 'ol ill Sotto o pinvocnrntit) mi lungo fui'co rrnxlonnrlei ela pnrlo del nemlcn. A (Iriive ill I'apadnpoll rlpartl neiulcl ell lavoro ed iiimatl fiiionu dlspeisl. Nelb; vldnaiuo ill San Dona' I mortal d.t Irlncea del ne'nilcu fumiii llilottl nl sllenzlii dalle iiostre battarle. II teslo del ellscorso pronunc a dull i Prc-slilriito Wllron liin.inrl nl Congresto Ainericn'l i, l.iunso In llomi vei .1 inezzaiiotlo dl tnercoldl'. h'enntnil o I)c- j putatl lessen) preniurosamenle I dlspacrl j ed ebbero pamlo ill iiinmlriixlonc per II I tisldeiiio Wilson iho seppo toinpren- nv.imento Mrlngera .In (.Ituuzlonv. In pronilneiitn utatlMa hlmarco' cho I Pirsldeiitn Wlls'.u o' stato rapace ill eomplctiiiei I'ldiuslone del prograinma irecedenlemenjo studlatn dal I'resldento ihl Cnnslgllo del Mlnlstri Inglosl. l.loyl ficorge, iho mint agll m 'onll per una. uuiiva soileta' tra le niizlonl eivlll del. mondn. I'll nlttii personaggln politico ha h- ihlara" die II ineirsagglo uel Piesldenle i i solli.vali) tin grando intcrcsse, nil into f missaggio HI p.i" e uei j-npu, elelln suorso ngosto, ' II Senutorn Tlttonl, cue fu gla' Minis tro per git Aff.irl Oleii ed Ambascl.itoie . a I'.irlgl, ha publillc.iti. mi e.piiMolo tlnl tttnlei: "''hi '11 rcspolis.ilille elella liuer. ra. In delta puiiliilcazinne ion. Ill tonl pretenth I fnttl elm ,montrano coma la Oermanla n. rAutrla lan' Colo responsablll elel conllltto. La I re; fazlono alia pubbllcazlot.o c Mala scrllta da Henry Nelson day dl Jlosloi I. II Mlnlslero elella Mnr na hn iom munlcato cho II Vnporo "Mllftzxo. elella .N'avlgazloi.e Ocnernle llnllana, fd : olfon. dato nel Mcdllerrano d.i tin mi tomarlno tedesco od AuMrlac. nel prlml glornl del corrento merc. II Vaporc "Mllazzo ltazzav.1 11,177 tonne late. Non so lb hero a reglstraro vlttlme. l.r a nlllllo at trasporto elelle mercl tra rilulla M York o potcvu portare un carlco ill 1S.000 tonn. University K. C. II. S. Club Dance Tho nntiuul dance of tho University It. C II. fli'l will bo held tonight at Houston Hall, Thirty-fourth nnd Spruce streets. Tho proceeds will bo donnted for the benefit of Calhollo Interests nt tho vaHous cantonments. Tho club 1.4 composed of graduates of the Roman matriculated nt the Vnlverslty of Pennsylvania. KlltBCHBAUM AI'PREHl i -. , . I'cnrs Inefllcloncy "by Board of i trol of Standards ;' Ineillelcncy In tho lloard for th i liol of Labor Mnnelarda may caun duccn prouuctiou en army cigTh ft uniforms, In tno opinion of d, KlrschLaunt, president of tho A, K rseiiDaum i.oinpaiiy, wnicn or.i. u largo plant engaged In the mntifi turo ot ..b ruuu street a .Washington nvenuc. Mr. Klrrchs., ' I... I.,., nl.,il frnn, t..L. ui.n guoj .wu...... ....,., oacnmrtoi vhcro he tesiiueij netoro the gtnj,. ,Vlllll.iry 4A.,....n ..' nil. Lice. ..,; "The miike-un of thn ltnnnl .- ..'i Control of Labor Standards tlw m. hers being of marked Socialist and par? fist Inclinations militates against hi llclcncy in liotning lactones," ta,j ; mirwiu,",", ...v. ... xj,nj, un0 mem her of tho board who has had anv .' tlcal cxpciienco In cloth manufactunyvl and yet tho board has autocrilliJ powers. 'I (II I eat3A P I mJL k if vno feel "run down" or lacking In Tim, JJT CERVA. See .V?,I?5' " "V:A. heST t aldi dlaejtl6n and howrefreikW vu.,..n. -,,, ji ..., .. ...A tni, i hrlnM renewed energy, now it auu oibcjuuu mu raw. It ii. See ! lfftWt tS most sitUIying drink you erer tasted. CERVA.Ii pure. oiwn toilcatlng. And has the good iaer nf hons. as imicen'. at druggists'. In fact. t all places where ?3s3l good drinks are cold. ..- . I IXMPIanufacturcrs ll.lAIUH bill Mill flKOCKRV til. liillndclplila. I'd CERVA Vorid'sBestBcver Community Stores We Serve fti You Save The Community Store Grocei is your neighborhood Grocer who has enlisted in a great forward movement, in the interest of your home, that en ables him by force of numbers to guarantee to his patrons Prompt Delivery Service Acceptance of Telephone Orders 'A Continuance of Personal Store Service Privileges Reasonable Prices , The purity of every article he sells 2100 Independent Retail Grocers have joined hands in this movement to provide for the housewife the effi cient store service to which she is entitled they aim to give every possible buying convenience to make their stores the purchasing headquarters for all grocery needs the store in your community where purchases can be made in comfort and personal interest attends every patron. These grocers have in nowise surrendered the ownership or personal direction of their stores. They are not governed by a central authority nor by an ordered rule. Each maintains its own individuality you deal directly with the pro prietors or their assistants. Their names will remain on their stores, but alongside is placed the COMMUNITY STORE sign-a reminder that your interest in yoconUu! nity demands your patronage go to your community grocer. Your COMMUNITY. STORE assures a high standard of Food Prod-u6ts-quahty foods, well-known and extensively advertised brands-at the lowest prices for which "good foods" may be sold. Your COMMUNITY STORE is working hand in hand with the Food Administration of the U. S Government, to assist in every possible way in the efficient and economical distribution of all Food Products. This is j the Sign L Community Stores weaerve m TbuSave &toLook for it! It means Real ServiceReasonable Prices, Pure Food Products-Fresh Stock, Acceptance qf Telephone Orders, Prompt Delivery j i n VJ iM-"i. SJ I tettf'j.ff -0 "-'.l1oV. . ,yi. t -' ," xp 9 f 1 . - u i , i1-iSbJS)ifrSirK.jj-t; r'Ui' ! .iWteriV,aA'JdL-. All-,. f ' . " " " ' v .rh.. 'Afr't r-LlS v.S.P-J