Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 08, 1918, Postcsript Edition, Image 4

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    ggy v v - - - EVENING PUBLIC? LEDaER-lHniADEUHlA. TUEdXt, 'JANUARY 8."' 1918 l ,
-JM- T
-r" trV,
lr Cites Figures
A. S. Knebel, Executive Secre
tary, Tells Aides That "Serv
Split Lip and Cracked Elbow
Total of 6 Weeks "Losses"
in France
rAdmirable Health
vat Camp
m-M.1 ' - -
Mfcp tI
-Nurses Soon to Care for
t, Hookies in Hospital at
War Post
Artist, whose studio han been
set up at Camp Meade, where
he is busy modeling two tablets,
one for his company and the
other for the officers' headquarters.
IP D1X. WrUhtMovrti, Jan $
to pplke thu rumor that tha
I kt,Cami Dlx. are dying In twos
i every day and that tne can
to liavlns a hard time com-
pldemlcs, Stajor General HuRh
linas m&ueu ucmai uicu uu
submitted to him by Colonel
elshteen deaths have occurred
i camp was opened, and or thefie
i eulclde. one died from a train
eleven from dlvease and three
'natural cauwj. Only about 700
tare now reported III, and this In-
every one ho has reported to
leal omcer for treatment . 1'ietCO ClRV&ra. lnlatltrvman.
r liwenij-iuur ia?cc u. intrant
en reported, and this shown that
'Dlx la far healthier than the a-
i elty, and the soldier boy Is recel-
better treatment than he would
life. I .i..i -,.,r ... ,- 11 .1. ..
report was submitted o General , "mr "'"'-" '-' "--"" "'-
following his vsU to the liae ""'n" " carrj a ruie .uc
I and was Indeeil Kratlmni; Ktlsrr. thev are also given the oppor-
Ma are aallable there for treit- j tun,y , )cn nne nrt TI)C recognition
nurses are expected as soon as of h's ' " " h fact, ,th,at a.,r'nlU"
Is Modeling Tablets for
k quartern arc finished
nel Lincoln r. Andrews is wen
with the type of men attending
(leers' training camp, which form-
delnhla sculnlor. Private Pletro Clavara,
of Company K. 315th Infantn. Is now
busily at work In a studio which has
been set up at Cimp Jlcade. modeling
opened jestcrday with an address' ttto tablets, on for Ills company and
onel Stokes, of the 311th Itegl-
has Instructed First Lieutenant
A. Glbbs to hold a competition
' tho companies of the 311th I'.'El-
-,to determine which has perfected
peculations prescribed by the man-
Interior Guard Duty.
Hortenso Uoneu has been as-
. to CaJnp Dlx as a Traveler' AI1
er and she will meet all trains
ng on "Wednesday. haturdajB and
the other for the officers' headquarters
Private lara's talent became known
at camp when lie volutarllv offered to
model and preent a bas-nllef bust of
Christ to the V M C . building On
December IS. the day of the presenta
tion, the sculptor was unible to donate
his gift, as he was confined on account
of the meaflia quarantine A commit
tee, ronsltlng of William V Cochran,
a wealthy social workir who Is giving
his time to recreation work nt camp, A
I- T l.i.lfn. nMfl T I! Wnllntl. ffimnllv
Mays, fchc will make her headijuar- rcCeUed the but with an agreement
at the Hostess House and lias been mt lat(,r BUt hBn i,0 mounted In
Tiicro ujr iuk iimauciimia unite ,i, , ...imiil,. nnsitlon. and become
op .Matthews, of the episcopal . a penilanetit part of the hall
' -w Jcraej-, win iiKeiy mii lrlate Claara was formerls an as-
slstant to Gluseppl Donito, the sculptor,
on South Broad street He studied both
at the School of Industrial and the I'tnn
shanla Academj of the I'inc Art" Ills
work has won great mirk
Cliara went to Camp Jle ide about
flo weeks ago, and Is expectant of being
tranfferred to the "camouflage" corps
Dlx on January 20, ns he will
m a cluss that clay at St. Georee'H
arch on the I'olnullto road
Ivo thousand cigarettes, the gift of
tan Domingo Choral Society of
aelphla, nae been distributed to
Eboys here through the Knights of
Try Plan to Curb,
.wlessness and Build Up
Men in Merchant Service Not
Allowed Ashore Without
Them, New Ruling
HANCOCK, Augusta, Ga . Jan 8
easant times aro In store for those
Jot tho Twenty-eighth Division who
i. slick strictly to business, for the
era have begun to take the matter
Ir own hands and are preparing to
tho fellow who tries to snirK ins
or- who does not obey the com-
. cheerfully and who Molatc any
' Dm armv regulations
IJut as In civil life, whero the wrat"
atho community is visuea upon oi-
era of the will of tlio community
j public Indignation rises to dlsap.
Kor of the action of Home offender.
?lhe mtn of the Twcnt -eighth 1)1- j
tni nlan to correct thowj who are not ,
KWAlng liy tho policy of tho division or '
Owing tho rules anil ii'kuiiiuiib ui me
ny and of the camp ,
ho otneers say inai nrn um im-u
ehes take up tho matter of uia-
iM and a croup spirit has been
KMited which ostracizes offenders from
ctable military society." 30 per
of the problem of discipline has
I, solved Company, battalion or
nitntnl snlrlt to do the right tiling
J mot to tolerate the wrong thin.
fx say. Is the very nesi lactor in
soting gooo uincipiiiic.
He men of the division have taken to
iMollcy with encouraging xeal Offend.
Mat the military regulations ocraslon
KVMspIcasure of their comrades Tho
i say that to ue outlaw eu irom tne
or even any unit Is the hardest
ra soldier has to bear, and as a re.
ew relish the Idea of going counter
' units' sianuaras.
res aro given to the onenders
hout the division not so much
lid pain upon them, but to teach
1 the lesson of not committing the
; again. The method Is reaping
and as n conKcquence there Is
ked chango In the number of of-
Tlio division Is rapidly assum
complexion of u "clean slate"
'A. vv. O. Us ure decru jiIiib
number of prisoners has fallen
'almost nothing.
General Charles II. Muir. dlvl-
t commander, completed an Inspec-
f.tlie baso hospital yesterday. The
!y of the rugged warrior misses
Macs that are not un to tha mark.
?ho expressed himself as highly
With the situation in that part
camp. He wag accompanied on
spection by Colonel William J.
ton. division surgeon, and Can-
( aeodore D Heal, his aide.
.v, ,
Producers Open 'Bureau
-.'Interstate Milk Producers' As-
will open an information bu-
ftho benefit of the public at' 721-
Buiming, in about ten das.
Acting on orders Issued from Wash
ington, Chester KurU. mrvevor of the
port of Philadelphia, has announced that
In future all mi reliant sailors will be
required to have Identlflcition cards be
fore being allowed to come ashore here
The Identification c irds will be Issued
by the Collector of tho Port after pro
duction of satistictorv ivldenee of the
nationality of the sailor, consisting of a
passport, an Identification Issued b a
foreign consul In ilcu of a pisspnrt, or
a continuous dlschnrgo book dating hick
for : length of time sulliclent to show
that tho holder! Is not an alien enemj
Certificates of Identification must have
the Bailor's photograph and signature
attached, but posheHslon of a certificate
will not relieve the holdei of the necessity-
of producing ivldcnic of his
natlonilltv, should It be demanded
Sue to Test Armory Title
ItllADI.N'G, Pa. Jan 8 Ilavmond H
Casper, a member of the Hamburg Ath
letic and Military Association. Hamburg,
has started an unusual equity proceed
ing here, title to a State and National
Guary Armory being Involved The
respondent Is A, K Hauler, another
member of the association The armorv
Is at Hamburg and wNs used b :i gu iril
fompaii) now In Camp Hancock There
is a question as to the ownership of the
ice Is Keynote
CAMP JIHIDK, Admiral, Md Jun 8
'To lender teal service to the men lu
khaki secretaries of the Y M C A. at
Little l'enn and 111 other army camp
must have i proper conception of Cn
dignity and significance of their work
They must fee that they are a part
of the nation's- big war machine ann
feel that no service, however menial, l
beneath their dlgnltv '
This Is the advice which Is given f
"V workers at Camp Meide bv A
Knebel, executive secretarv of the east
ern department of the arm Y M c A.
........ nc. l.'n.l.,! r,.,. inm nmtilh ha-
been grappling with the tal of finding
broad-gauged men to serve the organlts
Hon In American cantonments and In tl I
huts across the sea It Is n task thi
onl those In direct loin H wun tne or
niMl.oilnti r!iti ufttireflnte for 11 Mel IPC
men who ate willing and able to assume
the maliv burdens tnat mil upon m
shoulders of aYmj 'Y workers Is not
an eat) one t
Secretarj Knebel dlseuslng the work
of finding such men admitted that n
few of his selections had failed to meis
ure up to the standards prescribed, but
asserted that the big luajorit) of secie
tailes were making good
We have had to send bai k somT
secretaries to the places thev fame
from, he said Rt a M C A on
ferenoe here 'These mm vieie ent
baik not because thev lacked brains
but becau-v thev dldti t have the r glit
phllosophv of the work in winch tliev
vwre engiged "
Manj suggt'l'ins dealing with the de
velopment of the "Y work at Little
Penn were ndvanred at tndav s l t
Ing and .ludson McKlm. camp director
if ' ' artlvltles who took i prominent
pirt In the conference, sild tint It hid
proved so helpful to the workers that
similar conferemes would be held fre
quentlv That the work of the organlntlon and
particular!) In the educational Held i
assuming big proportions Is being tm
phasi7ed i Kh d.iv In the I'nnrh
clashes so in inv men are enrolled that
It has become necessirv to engage a
number of volunteer lustruitois from
Starting with a funi of lx men the
organlzitlon Ins expanded to the point
where ne irlv 100 seiretarles are n
giged and coupled with that force are
more than 200 soldiers who hive volun
teered to devote three (Venlngs i week
to the work of Instructing their com
rades Work at the officers training camp it
Little l'enn, whiih lias been stvled the
West point of Marvland will sfirt to
daj, when the selects who were pliked
to attend the hool are organized Into I
three companies i olonel McLiughlln
lotnmnnder of the institution has plan-
ned to orgjnlre two companies of In-1
fantrv and one In artlllerv
General Praises Work of Engineers
in Trance Favors Decorations
for Heroes
'Men will win the war and not a
planes was the message of Mtjor Gen
eral Charles M Clement retired, to the
members of the American Soclet) f
Civil Engineers In an address at the
Knglneers' Club, III the course of whMi
he told of the lesson learned during a
vMt to the battle front In Kurope
licneral Clement described the vvcil.
of the engineers In Train e width le
said. Is going fir towaid the vlctorv II af
will be achieved bv the Miles He tO)d
of huge relbf maps made from ph )to
graphs taken bv avlatois which were
closelv studied by the nglnecrs 1 efore
the advance at Viinv. Hldge was made
and how ph) steal dlfllcultlts that seoni 1
Impossilile of solution were workd out f
In advance of the offensive
High praise was given the morale of
the American trooira In 1 ranee and Hie
necessity of teeing that the men n ,
warmly clid before being sent abroad
was urged bv General Clement j-
WITH tiii: AMnnif'AV AllMY I.V
KUANCi:, Jan 8
One split lip and one cracked elbow ,
I this Is the casualty list for sit weeks
I at one of the biggest American dying
l schools In Trance
The old suspicion that embrjo fliers
were killed off like Spartan wokllngs
In learning to ue their wings Is belnr.
erased by bloodless farts from the living
In this sK weeks' period at this pchool
a dozen machine crashed to the ground
In every case the filer' pulled hlmelf
together after the shock und walked out
'of the tangle of wire ind splintered
wood, fiarlng mot to face the com
manding oftlcer and epl tin how It hap
ened .None of the midlines fell from
a nj gre.nl height Most of the accidents
were landing ml0iap J 1 1 which Inexpe
ilenced filers hit the ciound too hari
or at too great an angle nnd dumped
over Some1 filers fell u few vards but
olnlng down nnj-e first were not In
danger of being pinioned under th
The man whose Up wan split via
tos.ed headfirst Into tho kindling wood
of Ills wing after a bad landing Tim
tamos HUreeon took three stltrhes It, ilie
lip mil thiee davs In'er the oung"e I
teporteii again for fi ing
& Company
The Annual
Boys' Wash Suit
begins today-Suits
Chestnut St.
It's Surprising
what deterioration will
do to a house. It is even
more surprising what Rood
painting will do for it.
Gtt our cttimate no obligation
Rare Gems and Jewels
Locked in Safe Deposit Box
Styles of a former Generation
may lie TTioclernizer and enjoj-cd.
t nmnpATCv
IrMMtMyiiita Mm-iS ah1um Lu.
?; KJiiymcciB uium, sunirucioro
t-h, I IlilTHAI linir .IIIKK I rVI AIM11
W KtPAIRING h heatlar. plumbing, venUUting,
pjr ,NrtiV khi SttlBg, sheet metal work.
IwimUh, fcet regulation, T electric work, motor
m, Mecinc eievaiora.
ftLiffV'li JS" "! iltU. kla 1
MsM t kwa tower trade I utl
r ,-i , . .
mm muftrte supplies
Pure Chewing Gum
a Stick a dai
Gas consumers are warned
that we may be unable, tempo
rarily, fully to meet the great in
crease in the demand for gas, due
to cold weather and the shortage
of the domestic coal supply.
There is danger of some
burners going out when
the gas demand is
heaviest, and gas coming
on again later,
Be sure that all burners not in
Do not go to sleep with any
gas burning.
If any burner will not light, be
sure to close the gas cock before
you leave it.
Do not keep a burner lighted
unless some one is in the room.
If you -smell gas, examine and
shut off all burner cocks. Do not
under any circumstances search
for a gas leak with a candle or
match. '
- ,
MeJ&JtA&rtrtet&iH-. .
y w "
. a.
tyti 7