3T : . 'TwwfinBwmv? r.. -. - 7F'7?vT"7 $ 7a '&?: JiTr r E ; yrrwmw w mwmmmsn ,,M-; wttKS-TV y'Y L :.! HCVu-xv '.h.' . r - - '" v''fP8 EVENING PUBLIO EEDRmitADELPillA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1918" " '?' - ""ity . ls ; i, , JUST GOSSIP ABOUTPEOPLE .. MILITARY DANCE NEXT WEEfc foge Rummage Sale Will Be Held in Penfield Build Several Persons From This City Will Attend Ent& ing Thursday, Friday and Saturday of This Week. tainment for Tioga Girl to Be Given in Washington An Engagement of Interest in Various Cities v a ffiliFPOSI' von know there's to be finotlicr rumniQKo sale nt tlio IVmfleld illdlntf. I Homctimes vvonuei- vvnni on :th wo would do If that I'enllelil Ilullcl. . ll ...ml .ltllt-l AlH lift ftlll41fl 1 r I01V(T nuur niiuiuu vi - ivu.vu ,i uM be pretty had, wouldn't It? Tor tlio irltablo women, anjlio-.v, for certainly ion new liavei been Rood to tliun. This la will open on Tlmicday of till", week. Certainly 11 Eimi 10 nnto a ijik cuicMiciur , .n tho wull bo that when I don't feel liisajli'S January 10 1 can Just look up ad nut down Tluusd-iy limtcail ) Well, to ontlnuo the Hiibjcct nt hand( the hcnefl- ry of the lunimage j1p tlili time is not . i .. 1 ..i , , linu1i,'lAi-l 111 nfiilinli J0 Iietl tlUSl tiyi. IV . iviujiviiuii vii'iiun avium, and wo mun all admit that an Erphanaso Ii a worthy cutiso Indeed, And auso wo Imvc an buiic crazy over won;. . ,. 1., I .... .1 nllrin In . I.t ...Ml ..n.. Mff lor ine FUluie-ia uue r..ieiio n nu rnifuii K-hy the llttlo lamb at homo uliouUl not thought of. I l)elteo tno school ror bhrlstlan Workc.11 Is nlo to benefit nnd rlous works of tho I'resbv terljn hurches. fMrs. !! Wohson Altcnius Is chairman of he fale, and nt ulie linn proved Iieietofore tow efficient ulic l In her ciiKlnierlns of fitteral such nlTairh tho ultimate micecs V the sale Is an understood thine f . . . . TS woiideuui whut jou can kci ai mese rumtnaKes! At 0110 held. ucentlv 11 iet- '(aln biMe von know and 1 know who nanted an odd tluli or two fiir'lipi HUhk om decided to look in tliuie, Inline heaid at theie aro Noiiictlmei quite koiiio bar bains at tlieo sale. Well, mv dcim, she f bought two polld mahoKanj chain for $1.60 itch. lt'n tine tliej vvtio coored with leather and bad biabs nails and that tho backs had been tilled In with leather. JJut lej3 jou, It took her Just about two das to pry the leather filling out of tho backs, 'kndnancr the marks off tho wood and pol. 'ill it up. coer tho mats wlh a beautiful ild brocade, and behold! two graceful old- .fashloned open back mahogany 1 hairs hlch would graco any llxhiff loom. That same mnaii onuo picneu uui sumo Cf tho locllest old glass bowls of a ilch, deep amcthjst glass, for which sho paid iemetblng llko twenty fho cents, and stood them on her- tables with a tea rose or two and the effect was aitlstlc, to s-a the eiy least. BE.' 01 ESIDIIS JIis Alttmus, the committee on the sale Includes Mrs. William J. Clothier, Jr, Mis. Kdwnrd Drowning, Mis. William I. rcLean, Mrs. Hai'clay H. War burton, Mis. Alba Johnson, Mis. Richard Norrls, Mrs. Perry Allen, Mrs. Thomas JacRson Jefl'i leq and Miss Itlaucho ltatisey. t From all l'o heard about it, they will have one of the most wonderful collections et. Why, my dears, those women liao tctually got u plano-plajcr among the latest donations leceUcd. Tho department tores won't bo In it with the sales made these tin co dajs. for tho Palo will go on Into Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Iiillio Clothier and Mrs. Jeffiies, the Utter tho smartest-looking of the n 0 Dob ion slstcis (for sho. Is,MrrsAJtemus's eldest liter, j 011 know, and tlio mother of pretty Mrs. Albeit Ilosengarten and Mrs. Pear- ion Pcarce), will h.ne adepaitment deoted to all sorts and kinds of brlcabrac and ornaments. Mis. Ildward Urooks, .1r, and Mrs. Aubiey Wtlghtman will hao books, Mrs. Johnson will liao tho lunch counter and theto .no to be men's and women's clothes for sale, cast off hats, caudv. Mow ers, Jewehy and goodness knows wjiat else. I think I'll tun in caily mid to to avoid the rush. Majbe I can plcl up a. chali or a highboy or pel haps some pallor cm tains or an old high hat J oil neer can tell. Xp.VOAGnMliNT.S ciowd on lis apace, Wr- don't the'.' Nell Itjctson's, which was nnounced yesteidaj. Is interesting to four different cities, in tint who has Hed in Chicago, Boston, Xew York and this city. Bier engagement Is announced b hoi Bnother, Mrs, Aithur Iterson, to Mr. Vic tor S.ilatoie, .1 noted sculptoi of Xew t'oik. Her mother was nmllle Uoile. of his city, a daughter of the Hte Mr. John lorle and a sister of Mis. (J, Holde Now Is, Irs. Arthur Hush, Mr. Adolph i:. Boiio nd Miss Sophlo Uoiie. .Nell's father was Mr Aithui Iljeisou, rho was one of the bravo men to go down n the Titanic that his wife and children nd other men's wles and chlldten might saved. At that time tho Ryersons were lastenlng home fiom IIuiopp, whither they lad gone 1m account of Mr. Rjeison's lealth, to attend tho f uncial of their son. Arthur, Jr., who had been killed In an utomobilo accident several dajs before together with Lewis Hoffman. It was a Serrlble expedience and Nell vas one of hoso on tho bhlp with her patents und, In act, If I am not mistaken, was tho daugh- r aiound whom her father wiapped his fBeoat as she stepped Into tho lifeboat, as lie eared sho would suffer so much from tho Id. After a sad 1 etui 11 to this city, where Slmlllo and Kuzanne, the elder .slstcis, had een introduced, Mrs. Ryerson and her ildren went to llvo in Hoston and then ck to Chicago, vvheie tho Rerson family as large business lntcrcHts. Suzanne, .fter having taken a course in bacteriology. a at present In Prance, where her cousin, ophie Norrls, of this city. Is also, hut iophle is working In the Red Cross canteen. he wedding af Nell and Mu. Salvatore will. ke placo in Chicago on Pebiuaiy 12. tHE news of Mrs. "William Cochran's 'death came as a great shock to many ho had not 'even heard that she was 111. ri, Cochran has been employed in one of Ihe large department stores, where she Ected as a buyer of things that are unusuaf nd beautiful She was to have sailed for -utviiu touay, ana inougn tno naa a very evere cold on Friday was obliged to go 1 the Federal Building to get her passport. flie trip gave her fiesh cold and pneumo nia, developed and her duath occurted on aturday night tit her home, 2127 Sansom treat. Her two sons, William, who Is a eutenant In the army, and Peyton, an am In tho navy, were with her, as she Id notified them she expected to sail for trope today and they had obtained leave I o were with her wheu she died. Mrs. an was Miss Gentru.de' Cannell, of itty, a, ulster ot Mx. Henry, Hobart, William Cochran and nephew of the late Mr. Travis Cochran, or this city. Her daughter, Anno Coclunn, married Henry Rlttenhouse about sl jcars ago. Mrs. Cochran's f uncial took place yesterday. A CIIIUAT shock to the financial nnd so ilal worlil was the death of IMvvard Brlnton Smith yesterday morning. Mr. Smith had been 111 for several days, nnd 011 Satuiday It became known that his condi tion was consldei ed very tcrlous and his sons were scut for, Albeit, who Is n captain In tho nimy. Nod, who Is In the icsctvcs, and Jack nnd Ocoffrcy The bjmpathy of all goes out tu Mrs. hmlth and tho four sons, for Mr. Smith was indeed a fine man, a devoted husband and father nnd will be sadly missed by tho tinny who knew and apprechted his Worth. Mis. Smith was Miss l.auin Jenks She is a. daughter of Mr. John Stoiy Jenks. of Chestnut Hill, nnd a. sister of John Story Jenks, dr., whose wife was MKs Isabella Morion NANCY WYNNK Social Activities Mis David KiirIMi Oallun. of S l-m-iilckon avenue and Mnmrd stieet, (lorninti town. will 1r. nt bom,- on Ihursdays nf tlita month aftei :i o'clock .u cauls have been sent out The WrdnoMliv Musk Club will line Its fltst mealing of the sesson toitioiion after noon at A o'clock at tho Art Villain e llullil lug. The meeting was to b.ivo been held us usual at the home of Mrs. riiffoid Lewis, nt 30 South Tttcntv -second stiret, but owing to icpilrs tlmt aro Btlll being maUo to the ballroom which was damaged by lire early In the winter, the club was moved to the Ait Altlanco Building. Among the olllceis of the Wednesday Music Club nre Mis. Cllf. fold Lewis, .Miss Elizabeth Wallace, Mis. Luther Counidl, who Is chalrinau of the lirogrnm lommlttce, vhlch Includes Mrs Sydney Thayer, Mrs Charles Randolph Wood, Mrs Henry t Thompson, Mis. Tlnd dcus ltlch and Miss Kllzaboth Wallace. Mis M Arnett and Mls Kleanor Ai; nett, of 2110 I'lne street, will be at home in formally Tuesdays of this month f Invitations have been lsued by Mr. mid Mrs. Arthur Henry Uonsor, of TOG Market stieet, c'uiuden, for the iiarrlago of their daughter. Miss Alice Helen Uonsor, to Mr Prank Atwood Starr, son ot Mr, and Mis. Prank L Stair, of B.'S Linden sheet, Cam den, which will take place on Tuesday, Jan uary IE. The marriage will take plice 111 the rectory of the Chuich ot the Immaculate Conception, at Sixth and Market streets, and be perform by Monslgnor J. Bernard Mul ligan, rector of the church. A large tercp tlon will he given at the home of the brides parents after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Haines, Sr, of Cvn wyd, will give a dance on I'rlday In the Rose Gardens of tho Bellevue-Stratfoid in honor of Mr. Haines's birthday. Lieutenant It. . Bracbman, well known In University of Pennsylvania athletic circles, Is now- commissioned In the Dental Corps, U. S. R, nnd Is stationed at .1 Western avi ation field. Mi. .lolm tvlialeii. Ji , of Rhode Island ave nue, Atlantic- City, Is now stationed at a sea port town on the Atlantic coact Mr. Whalcn has many friends among the l'hlladclphlans who comprise Atlantic City's summer colony. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. HatrK of 2210 houth Twenty -Mill d street, at a being con gratulated upon the birth of a son, Donald M. Harris, Jr , 1 Private George Smith, who was home on a furlough for the holidays, has returned to his training camp. Private Smith stayed at tho home of bis brother, at 1810 Noith Twenty -third street, An annual dance will be given by the Klrkwood Country Club at Dance-de-Dance-land, Twentieth street and Montgomery ave nue, on Thursday evening. Professor Daniel I", Shea and his orchestia of thhty musicians vclll furnish the music. Congressman John R. K. Scott will lead the grand march. 'Ihe annual dance of the Wlan Club was belli last Thursday evening nt the Phllomu slan clubhouse. Tho affair this season was given In the fonu of a masque dance, nnd h I x t y guests attended. Pilzes were nwarded Miss Mclba Buxbaum, Mr. A. Kpateln and Ml. J. Pomerantz. The Wlan members aro Miss Pearl Burn stlne, Miss Matilda Lev It. Miss Melba Bux baum, Miss Helen I.eblang, Miss Helen Schwartz, Miss'Hamia Cnterberger, Miss llettte Klshei. Miss HaUle Prledbaum. Miss Clara Meyers, Miss I'loience Loeb alul Miss Plorencii Wlrkinan. A package paity and. dance villi he given by tho membeis of tJio Carnation Sewing Cir cle this evening at tho Certral Talmud Tor-ah, SH Cathailno street. The supporters ot this movement aie as follows: Miss Besslo J, Porman, Miss Ray I'. S. Hlnsburg. Miss Bella ft. Kappermari, Miss Anna Kapperman, Miss Bessie Lukoff, Miss L'ssle Maria Res nick, Miss Bessie Odette Resnlck, Miss Pau Una Cordelia Pram, Miss Augusta CI. A. Leonard, Miss Matilda Rosenthal and Miss Anna Whyte. president. Mr. nnd Mis. Joseph P. Rocder, of 1637 North Corlles street, gave a party on Satur. day In honor of the tenth anniversary of their wedding nnd to say farewell to their friends before going South for a month's trip. Mr. and Mrs. Roeder will attend tho. automobile show In New York, The tse Club, of Tioga, will give a novel subset Iptiou dance this evening In Tioga Hall, Twentieth and Tioga stieets, for the benefit of the American Red Cross. Ihe club, which is composed of high and prepar atoiyi school graduates, expects to realfze a sum for the Red Cross. Jlr. James II. lltzpatrlck, 2.'39 Spring Garden street, announces the marriage of his daughter. Miss Marie Prances Pltzpat rlck, to Mr. Prederlck Ryan, of this city, on Saturday afternoon, January 5. Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Ryweck, of 409 South Sixty-second street, aro receiving congratula tions on the birth of a daughter on Decem ber 29. A dance was given on Saturday evening at the Philadelphia Cricket Club by five young girls who, are raising a fund to buy wool for sweaters which they will knit themselves for their friends In the service. The ballroom was decorated with tho national colors, and the affair was very suc cessful, over thirty-five .dollars being cleared. Those who got up the dance were. Miss Jean Scatchard, Miss Grace Law ton, Miss Janet Bowman, Miss Lillian Pollard, Miss Mabel Pollard and Miss Helen Lawton. The patronesses were Mrs. Thomas Lavvton, Mrs.' William Scatchard, Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Pollard. ' . . Itcne if ,' th fltttJf w.l.,V!f ertl4l and prlaUd In tb Erenlnt 1-ublle Letter unrUM tktr art written en. M, I tfca pantr iM are utut, wiw ion .t.V - - v. s i.isVi '"'s JF2 MRS. H !' sv W VHHIIIIIlHi' -i 1 v s H m 1 MRS. CUAIG BIDDLK , vtfB? II SMALL AFFAIRS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Luncheons and Suppers Order of the Hay as Entertainments in West Philadelphia Miss Cleanor McCnrey entertained on I'rl day evening at her home, IIS South l'ortv thlrd street Among the gucN weie Miss Katlicrlne Brady, Miss Maig.uet M Maher. Miss Anna Denny. WIIss Man i-air, Miss Constance Burns, Alt. Ihneison Tre-uj, ill Muck Bryan, Mr Jack Denney, Mi. Ralph Connellv, Jlr John McCarthy and Jlr Hany Lin as JIIss Isabel Cronln entertained at luncheon on Thursday at hei home, Portleth and Wal nut streets. Her guests Included JIIss Ileln Gla3c, JIIss Mary Hardart, JIIss mii Rice, Miss ICatherlne Quiun, JIIss Katheilne Jlo Gettlgan, JIis. Ignatius Dalley, Jlrs. l'aul Monaghau, Jlrs John Horstmann, JIrs Prank Trainer and JIrs. Waldo S. Pehllng Mis Jlichacl V. McCullough, ot 4T1S Windsor avenue, entertained on SuncHy eve ning In honor of her niece, JIIss Jlary Carr, who returned to sihool nt Sharon Kill yes terdav. The guests Included JIIss lleriilie Toland, JIIss Cleannr JlcCfWe JIIss Anni McPadden, JIIss Katherlno Brady and Jlr. I'lank Jlurray. Jlr. John McPadden, Jlr. James Ilaye, Jlr, Krancls i'o Mi. and Jlrs. Charles McPadden, Jr of tOJJ Walnut street, gave a dame nt their home on Saturday evening In honor of their daughter. Miss Anna Jtcl'adden There wcro about foity guests present, mostly of tho school set. ' JIrs. Prank Thompson, of 2S Delaware View avenue, Tienton, V J , Is spending a few days in this city as the guest ot JIIss Gertrude Bachler. of O0J1 Carpenter street Jtrs. Thompson will bo remembered as JIIss Beatrice Jamison, also of 'Iienton Jlr. and Jlrs Joseph V, Corrlgan. of 1039 South Plfty-flrst street, are receiving con gratulations 011 tho birth of a daughtei Sergeant Joseph II JlcCarey, of 118 south Porty-thhd street, has returned to imp after spending the holidays with bis family.. Lieutenant George llendrick has had leave of absence from camp and has been visiting Jtr. and Jlis. William L Wall, of 1121 houth Torty -eighth street, for the Week-end JIIss JIargaiet Lainorelle, of 3110 Baring street, has bad as her guest for vacation days JIIss Sara He-id, of Greensburg, Pa. JIrs. John Donnelly, fonueilv of 40V) Spruce street, has taken apartments at Chat tanooga. Tenn , foi the w Inter JIrs Don nelly will be remembered as JIIss Katherlno JIc-Mahon. of this city Jlr. and JIrs John Riley and their small daughter, JIIss Allele Riley, havo given up their home in West Philadelphia and have taken apartments on Riverside drive; New Jlr' and JIrs J. Jlelkle Pglln, of the Ploy den Apattuients, at Portleth and Locust streets, entettalued at dinner Saturday eve ning. The guests Included JIIss Helen AV el man, JIIss Jane JI. Kglln, Jlr. William C. L Hglln and Pr. and JIrs. Archibald C Kglln Jlr. Harry J. O'Brien, a former star of the Swarthmore College football team and later a coach of the De Lancey School foot ball 'team, Is now In this city visiting Mi. Joseph J. Pogarty, the well-known basketball player. Jtr. O'Brien Is nt present engaged In business at Charleston, S. C Bits From Camden n Informal dance will be given nt Mor gan's Hall, In Camden, this evening for the benefit of tho Knights of Columbus war relief fund JIIss Gertrude Parker and JIIss Agnes "McVeigh are In charge of the dance and will bo assisted by tho members of tho Knights of Columbus of Camden. Pon era's Jazz Orchestra will play for the dancing The annual euchio and dance of tho St Anthony Society of the Immaculate Concep tion Church of 'Camden will bo held In the Catholic Lyceum, at Broadway and Pederal street, on January It, to raise funds for thofpoor of Camden, who will be nlded re gardless of sect A number of handsome prizes have been donated for tho euchre players, and there will be prizes for spe cialty dances. MISS DORaTHY.NEEDS J -tttBHWstllB 1 f'mmmmmmmmm. itVkH BBBBBBBBBJ BBBMk B 1 "" bbbbVttbV "fT'ft1 bbbbbbbbS I i W' ' t bbbbbbbbB W? MLr:' 'CmmmM -H ' -Ww tHHIIH Kj1bbbbbbbbbbkIbbbK;'M KMA& 1 1 tjjib f r KMF" nfWr ' fcO 1 - v II " .-a " rTaVv mi WtllW. x ' Thoto ly riii .t vv-o. MRS. WILLIAM O. ROWLAND A group of fashionable women who nre always seen nt tho opcia. MANY TO TAKE PART IN "DR. OPTIMIST" St. Francis Junior Aid Working Hard to Make Play for Con valescent House Successful Piepnratlons aro now well under way for the annual play and dance to bo given by tho St. Prancls Junior Aid In tho ballroom of tho Bellevue-Stiatford on the evening of January 25. Hiery year the members of the junior auxiliary give a large entertainment for the benefit ot St. 1'iancls Country House for Convalescents, which Is situated on I.ins downo avenue, Darby. This year, on account of the Interest which every one Is taking In the many worthy war charities, the members of the junior aid hive "redoubled their efforts 011 be half of St. Prancls House. The big old-fashioned houso at Darhy Is maintained solelv for tho purpose ot re storing poor women nnd girls back to perfect health. JIany of those who lome nre dis charged hospital patients, others arc mothers convalescing after ihlld-blrth and still others nto overworked and undernourished girls from the stores nnd mills. Already a large Increase In this type of case has become appaieut and as the war continues St. Kian cls Country House must bo prepaied to care for even mote women whose health will break down under the double strain of at tempting to do not only man's work, but woman's too 'With these thoughts In mind more than 300 membeis of St Prancls Junior Aid are sparing no efforts to make their production of 'Doctor Optimist" a splendid success, Ihe otllcers of the junior aid are President, JIrs Joseph A JIcDevltt; vice presidents, JIIss Lucy Call and Miss Agues Levis; re cording secretary, Pdwardlna Walsh; cor lcspoudlng secretai, JIIss .Marguerite Jlac Donald, and treasurer, JIIss Ruth JI. Israel. The board of managers Includes JIrs Tiank V, (low en, JIrs Prederlck A. Nathan, Jlr. John A. Donnelly, 'Mrs. Joseph 'lnnne, Miss Jlary V Kelly, Miss Anna Murphy, Miss Rosalie Hoban, JIIss Agnes Bergen, JIIss Gertrude Baihler, JIIss Gertrude Ztne and JUss Prances U Sullivan. Some ot the young men who are assisting tho members of St. Prancls Junior Aid by taking parts In the production are Jlr. Jack Lynch. Mr Charles Hobin, Jlr. Harry J. Plemlng. Jlr. John J. Kehoe, Jr., Jlr. Henry JIacNelll, Jlr. James K. JlcShine, Jlr. Jlar shall Vunneman, Jlr Jtartln Glynn, Jlr. Richard Sullivan, Jlr. Herbert Xorton, Jlr. T. 12. JIack, Jlr, Thomas Cunningham, Mr, Arthui Hirst, Jlr, Pinerson Treacy, Mr. Ken netliHansen. Jlr. Robert Pent, Jlr. Howard Pent, Jlr. Walter Bertrand. .Mr. Barry JIc Donnell, Jlr. Kdwln Druedlng. Jlr. James Doyle, Mr. Tom Haltnn, Jlr. lklward Nalilll and Jlr. Oeorgo Gorman $300 FROM BENEFIT FOR FRENCH ORPHANS Dance at Philadelphia Cricket Club on Saturday Afternoon Was Successful Entertainment Ihe the dansaut which was given on Sat urday at tho Philadelphia Cricket Club for the benefit of some little Prench orphans was a wonderful success. Tho ballroom was crow ded and the small gioup of girls who got the thing up as a means of raising funds tor the support of these little orphans were fully repaid for their efforts by the large financial returns, which amounted to about $300. The ballroom was festively deco rated iv ItU holiday greens and the flags ot the Allies. The Chestnut Hill Academy Orchestra, which donated Its services, played very well. Tea and cake were served to the patron esses, who included Jim. Hills Ames Bal lard, JIrs. 11 W. Clark, dr. JIis. Franklin S. Hdmonds, JIrs. William Harmon George, Mrs. Edward Prime Goodell, JIrs. Robert T. Hooper, Mrs. II J. Salrno, Mrs. J. Ruther ford McAllister, Mrs. Joshua Ash Pearson, Mrs. William Supplee, JIrs. S. M Swope. The dancers were served ice cream and cake for their refreshments. , The dance was ended by the playing of the "Star Spangled Banner" and all stood .at attention. The group ot girls who planned the dance are Miss Margaret Masters, Mist Julia Day Lee, Miss Margaret H. Hamilton, Miss Anna Katharine Bournonville, Miss Miriam Cros by, Miss Patricia Aull. Miss Kdlth Mossly and Miss Marna L, Hrgar, Mr. Philip Stanley Barba, of 3107 Coulter street, Germantou-n, who went over to Prance with the Princeton unit of the first American expeditionary forces, returned home In time to spend Christmas with his Dtrenta. Major William P. Barba and Mrs. AURY WALX HARRKSOX MUSICAL AFTERNOON AT SATURDAY CLUB Canteen Lunch for Members of Main Line Club Will Precede Meetinjr This Afternoon 1 lie x-ilmda) Club of .111e will glie a uiUsHil nflitnouu Indue under the ato-pkes if Mis Pierson Conrad ball mini of tlio intiMi' ei tlon Madame Vdeli Bow no Khbv the noted sopinno (f New 'Vcitl. will be tho soloist She Ins reomllv letumed from Italy, wbeio she sang at the foremost opera houses AI.nl inic lelrby will also bo the soloist at the Treble Clef concert at tho Bclleuic-Strnt-ford Januaiy 30. 'Ihe musk ale- villi be preceded by a an tei 11 lumhcon foi the rlub members Jlrs Chuiles (!, Tatnill Is c halrin in of the lunch louunlttee Jlr anil Jlrs Ihnest Iiw and JIIss JIarv I.'iw have leturneil to Rdgefleld, their flat e at St Davids, fiom a visit to Lieutenant Ldward Live, aide on tlio staff of Hrlgadlei General Poore, and Lieutenant Bernard C Law. who aro both at southern training camps Mi and Jits Arthur Jlortou WIIon hive dosed Sliadshli, their pl.no nt Strafford, and tiken npiitnients at Tenth and Clinton stieets for the winter Mi and JIrs P Williamson Roberts, nt Villanov.i. are spending a week In .New- 'V ork, where they are staying at tho Rltz-Carllon JIIss Dollv Du.ine. of Phllidilphlii, spent the week-end with JIIss Jlurlel Hnelge and JIIss Doiothy 1 lodge, the sin-ill diugbters of Mr and Jlrs Cainill Hodge, at Glyn wydd, their homo in Radnor JIrs Walter Kemblo A arrow-, of Straffoid, has been spending a week with her parents, Jlr. nutf Jlrs K Kmott Hare, 400 South Twenty-second stieet Jlr. and JIrs v. llllam A Wlcdershelm. Ji . of M. Divide, villi le-iie. this week to visit JIrs Wiedcishcim's mother, JIis Clnrles Walton, ut Palm Beach, Pin Jlr and Jlrs Hurry Pollard Converse have returned to their homo In Louisville. Ky, after spending several weeks with Jlrs Converses parents, ill and JIis. Wlllhm L. Austin, at Ilosemout Pretty Wedding Took Place on Sunday Afternoon The wedding of JIIss (icrtimlo llettmati of :G40 North Thlrtj-thlid street, daughter of JIis. H. Bettm-in, and Jlr Joseph Shaffei, of this city, took place mi Sunday afternoon at the homo of the bride 'I be ceiemnm was perfoimed bv tho Rev Marvin .N'athan, I) D, of Atlantic City 'ihe bride who was given In, mairlaco by hei brotbei-ln-1 iw. Jlr -oln-man Wilson, was attended y Jits Nellie Reuben as matron of honor, and the hi Ides maids were Jlls Hither Shaffer and JIIss Nellie Leopold JIIss Leonoro Unlpers. Miss Cecelia ZacliulUs and JUss Lenni VMIsmi were Hower girls, and Master hidncv llnl peis was ring beam. The best man was Mi, Jack llettmati, a In other of the bride JIIss Bettman wore a gown of white satin tilmmed with sljier sequins, with a tulle veil She eatrled .1 bouquet of white roses Ihe matron of honor nnd the bridesmaids were dressed alike In frocks of pink velvet The (lower girls wore' white satin dresses and carried pink roses 'I ho wedding was fol lowed by a reception After a short wedding flip Mr and Airs Shaffer will live at 115 North riility-llist street "WHAT'S DOING iTOMGHLE j -erVfe-TY Kvnngrltne lloulli, Hhutlon Vrnie leader, talks at the Salvation Army auditorium, Broad stieet and Kalrmount avenue 1'ree Opera, "M. I llialietb," at the Metrnpolltan Opera House. Broad and Poplar streets Ad. mission charge Home ami School league iiireln, Slilppen School, Nineteenth and Cherry streets Pree. Order of I orrlxn Warn, llelletue-Sfrat-fold. Jlembers l'rayer-week olnf rioncr, "tliurelita on the Hill," Fifth B iptlst Church. Pree Town Jleetlng Tarty, Hotel Walton, Execu tive Committee VVciirx (lull Dimif. Ilrneflt of ltfd t ro, Tioga Hall, Twentieth and Tioga streets Subscription Lecture, "suntihlne slid nkurdiirn," Strickland Glllllan, Wlthersjioou Hall, 3 o'clock. Admission charge. Mothers' Council. Dlecumlon of Unliernal Servlco for tho Government, led by Dr. Andrew Thomas Smith, Doulko and Long in stitution, aermantown, 8 o'clock. Members and guests. lecture, "Iteiouitructlon ot vVentem It arid The Russian Republic," John Willis Slaughter, 'Association Hall,' C84U German town avenue. Admission charge. Meeting, l'ennlvanla Bars (lub, Adrl phla, 8 o'clock Jlembers Meeting ot .Norlliwot lluiluri Jlen' An soclatlon, 2336 West Columbia avenue. PYee. Joint Meeting uf the 1'ranklln Iiiktltute, tho Physics Club of Philadelphia and the Illuminating Engineering Society; 15 South Seventh street. Jlembers. SIETHOPOLITAN' OPi:A HOU.Si: JIETROPOL1TAN Ol'FRA COMPANY, N, Y. TOM011T Saint Elizabeth r'"' &.r ttton. Mttsentiif r. MM. VV hltSlBrJ! aVd RuJiJk Pchlegel. Con , Mr. Ilodan.ky, Sat. 1108 Chetnut Mt. Walnut U!t ; ruc 07, L I TTL EI-v-k .,0. run AIRE v.ivj 4IVCii Comedy by Arnold Bennett Author of 'MIlMion.rf' lTtb t D Lancey Vhon. Loc. 6041 Next Week- -ine uoeiora uuemma' CASINO The Golden Crook wtmut t sth st. wjth Biy Arlington 3.0 O MISS EVA BOOTH AND MRS. SAMPHIj TUCKLHt OX. of 1839 West Tlopa stieet. will leave ior vvnniiington, l'. (.', the cnu 01 tno week nnd will be nccompanled by their daughter, JIIss Itae Pox, In vv hose honor they will entertain lii.inv Washington friends ut the Shoreh.im Hotel Miss Gwendolyn Miller, who Is 11 student nt the Nation il Park Semi 11 iry . JIIss .Mabel Jlagraw, of Ventnorj I.leu teniut Jo'eph llaldl iiud l.leutcnnut Caleb Pierce will lie nmong the young people fiom Phllndelphli nnd the vicinity who villi attend the milium dance to he given by Jlr. and JIis l'o nt the Shoreham next week Iho fiiultv of tho Vntlonal Park Seminal y villi entertain the Phlladelphl 1 visitors on Sun d.u Jlr and Mrs Prrdeikk Hogg nnd JIIss Louise Hogg have removed fiom this section to V01 non, N. Y JIis William Crispin Clark nnd her son, Jlr. llllam C Clark. Jr, of North Klght eentli stieet. havo returned from 11 vlit to Paulsboio, N J Mrs George Stockmm, fonueilv of West Tioga stieet, who, ve Ith her daughter, Jlrs. Wllllim Raudenbush, has beon spending sev eral years In Denver. Col, has returned to "ling 1 nnd, with JIrs Raudenbush, Is visiting her daughters. Jlrs Geoigo Rapp and JIIss Rmma Stockman lbe members of the British Kmergency Mil. vi ho meet on VVednednvs from in to 12 o'clock In the morning and from 8 to 10 o-elock In the evening In the Protestant Ppl-inpal 1 liunh of the Rourn ctlon, Broad and Vinaiigo street", are turning out uuantl tle of standard surgie al dressings Miss Ann i Simpson Is chairman of the morning seillou nnd Mis William Row bottom of the evening woikeis Tho lattei is assisted by Alls Bowman vke ihalimaii, und JIIss Al beilsou, seeictarv and tie.isuier Owing to the gnat diniHiul for the dicssliigs tin woik eis hue specialized along that line In addition to the uld work the membeis have made sweitirs and prepared comfort kits for Christines gifts for the men on the church honor roll These Include In the I nlted Mites navy Jtr Harold Webei, Jit Joseph Scott Jlarlon. Jlr. George Washington Guest. Ml Robert Gill. Jlr. David Greber. Ml. Wilson J. Kite; in tlio nrmy, Ml. George Gi iflev Lower, Mr George Vletb Jlr Hoiaee Drebel, Jlr Hdgar T Simons, Ml, Prcibrlck Giaeber, Mr llowaid Webster Jliuuier, .vn Charles Miller, Jlr I,eo Smytbe, Jlr George Mench, Mr Thomas B shotwill, Jlr. Panning Buiklcv, Jlr Ashby Illy the Paul, Mr Nor man Bowers. Jli Benjamin H. .Marshall, Mr Oivls I) Dantrer, .Mr Paul 1! Do-- Jtr Howard Vlutch, .Mr ('hallos Prav Lone., Ji Mr Robert K S Jlllllngton, Jlr. George W Henrv Conrad. Jlr Joeph Seaman Squire, Jit John II Sln7helmet, Jlr John Davis Paul, Jlr. Harold P Krift and Jlr John c Stevenson Last evening the membeis of the Voung Men s ( tub of the church held theli monthly meeting hi theli looms in the parish house Mi. Cbailes II llnny, tho prildent. made nn Inteiestlng aihlress on A Hi.OOfl.Jllle lilp Thiougb Russle and Siberia ' llavlng Just ictuined fiom this trip, Mr Hciuy h ilc scrlptlon was V(ry lvld and of engrossliig Intuest The secietary of the club Is Jlr. J W Hoinby Almost every day onoiears of some splen did work accomplished b a kind-hearted woman who hears ot men In the servlco veho have been overlooked In the distribution ot comforts not supplied by the Government. Mrs. Jlonroo P. Llnd, of 1723 West Tioga stieet, read In tho Public Ledger, n com munication to the sporting editor, Jlr. W II Hum Rocap. asking for sweaters and books for the men nt the lemoiint depots. Assisted by her daughters, JIIss Jlabel Llnd and JIIss Lauta Llnd. "she at ouco started to prepare Christmas gifts for the men There aro firty Philadelphia men at this depot In charge of a sergeant Candy and tobacco were sent to all, ten sweaters were forwarded and as fast as sets of knitted garments can be se emed thev are sent at ome In a lettei sent by theseige.intto'.virs Llnd, thanking hei foi her kindness, lie stated, W e uie all hoisemen in this depot, riders, mule Ivlneis, 01 "mule skinners', vie me In the paddocks and on Iho wagons day 01 night as tho call may come, and perhaps are moio exposed to tho ele ments than the other boys. So when vie watch the loads of sweateis, wristlets, 10111 tort bags and woolen gloves that aie dally being sent to the otier men, v.. wish some good angel would nuke a mistake In the nddiess and some viould eoiiie to us I us suio you In the name of the boys that vie did not expect to be called upon to wilte this viae, as we can make more of a success lid Inp'a broncho than writing a letter Should vou know of any one who Is disposed to re member us among those selected for sweaters or the little needfuls not issued to a soldier, I assure you that anything addi eased to the Remount Athletic and Jluslcal Association, which is our elub heic, will bo acknowledged and given to those most III need We have a place icidy for the books we hope may be There me llfty men fiom Philadelphia at this depot among many who lull from the South or from western Pennsylvania. JIis Llnd will gladly forward any knitted gar ments oi other articles sent to hei Jlr and Mis Solomon J Hess, of 35J1 North Twnity-llrst street, have nimounied the engagement of their daughter. .Miss Rose Roscnthil lies', to Jlr. Abe Pellheluier, of this eltv The iit-homo on Sundiy afternoon, January 13. fiom 3 to t. o-clock. will bo Informal , ..,,, ,, The lecognltlon services of tho Roi Her bert Agate, the new pastor of the Temple CHESTNUT ST. OPERA. HOUSE ninrciiov vinssita smunhRT VeiV I.OCL'8-l 3S50 LAST 5 NIGHTS MATINEES WED., rill, nnd SAT. MAT- turn "ow ?-Ic.at WONDERS S1.00 Toe .-iCIc KN SA'l vi-vr VVUIJK AVOTHKPi VA INlIirt l.AUDKN SF.NSATIOV PASSING SHOW OF 1917 LYRIC Stan Wed anil .Sat , : IS i-nliirs S 13 LAST 7 CHANCES to m:n RAYMOND HITCHCOCK in "H1TCHY-K00" with LEON ERIIOL, IRENE BORDONI lenseln Msrllneltl. Joiephlni Whlttell, 8lvll Aon Clio Moore. Amu & W Inthrop. vtlicn POP. MAT. TOMORROW BESTSEATSL$I.50 .m;XT MONDAY bllATH TIIUItSDAr ' DONALD BRIAN In THE MUHlOAb COMCDV HUCCUSS HER REGIMENT lly VICTOIl IIEIIUKRT and WJf. IUAItOV rv..ing, I Wednndny Mat. I PaturUay jut. BOO to J I Ut Bests 11 I lleatfieami.M AT-lCT PITT n'- Monda, One Weak Only. ADEiljl 111 SLIATU THUItSDAY OUVi:il MOROSCO I'reaenta EMILY STEVENS ".ft'g ACAOBUY OI" MUSIC Sal. Aft., Jan. 12, at 3'. Violin Racttal E L- M A N M'p, MISC11A Now on Sal. at lleppa's. Prlceat Tarquet lloxta, $1 tit llali-ony Uoira. IB, 10: Tarquet, IS: Parquet Circle, Jl.r.O. En tire Flrat Hftlronv tl Family Circle 71c Trocadero THE 1-AVX ROZELL ATOt-atUCro nuCCANKERSi and , TTr Baptist Church. Twenlv-aeconel and T(o''il lrect, will be held on Thursday evening. i.K Addresses will bo mndo by tho Rev. aeorg" JjJ 1;. i.ee, n. n, the Rev, H, H. Htewart, thp Rev. Robert l.ltlcll. the Rev. Samuel MoWll-' : llims, the Rev, (leorge I). Adnma, D. D an1 Jlr Agale. The musical program will be.dK. rieted by Mr. Percy 11 Sherlock, organUt.t?S nml vv 111 consist of selections by' Miss El 1 .Miller, poprnno; Miss Mabel Anderson, con-t-A tralto; Mr. w. u. Mocr, tenor, and Mr, Howard II Mellor, bass. J Hnch week n few- Informal entertainment f nre given, for women must have some relief; , from tho great slresi of Red Cross work ahd.!; many ouier nicrioiio una cnariiaDio acie. r; . ., . . .. ... . ... s t c .irp, eieorge v unak, oi ouvi, iNonu A weniy. j.if, llrst street, entertained her card club mem. ber nt luncheon last Thursday. Her guests were Mrs. William Harrison Doughert), Mrs. Herbert firming, Mrs. John McCracken, Mrs. T. .1. Mcllvnlnc, Mrs. Harry Rowland, Mrs. IMwnrd f'rneer mid trs. AV'illiam Raldnln. Mi. Walter tl. Hinds, of 3D44 Nortli Ai i. lllevetlth street, irave 11 lilneheon todAV for H." J the members of the Clover Sewing Club. Her 'J yh'll guests included Mrs. Amos Oclkler, Mrs. W."j turn., f -minliiclintti. tra Alli.rf T. Tlnat. A.iVi J " J l 1 - ...w.. - ....... , -,, Mrs iinrry senman. Mrs vviiuain Aiaricn, s 1. Mrs W'nltn- McCurtlo, Mrs. A. IX, Smith, JjW'"; Mrs William While. Mrs frank Klnny, Mrs. ' $' , iinani irciiincy, .eirs. iv uiiani irwin, jura. Wllll-im Sherwood nnd Mrs. Hnrry Yeager. Mr William Rrlnkworth, of 1E23 West Venango Mreet, will give a luncheon n Tburscliy nt her Imnie Her guests, who are membeis of her eevilng ilub, include Mrs. Harry l.iwrenie, Miss W McBrlde, Mrs. IUrrj Uteihaltcr, Mis. William Lamond, Mrs Iliny Murjile, Mrs. J tllaes, Mrs. O. K. hnoilgr.tss, Mrs fdward 11. Cobb, Mrs. M. CI. MiinlMiu Min lklward Mtrcer and Mrs. Joseph Haldwln 9 ft MAllKET KJio tf rm ., , prnnET IF &ll&SimJi ABOVE oZfe .tti i. 10: yffMMs ii:iBA.u. 'm. to Mx 11:15 P.M. Sg'i, III1T MIOVVING T111H WEKK 0U GOLDWYN JIVVi: THE HONOR OF rRESENTI.NU MARY GARDEN is linn Hi-pitnvn: achieveme.nt "THAIS" lrom rmtol I'ranfc'n WonJfrful PUy, LbUAI IHtLL8 I'UKVAIh P. a l''a7c-e 1JI4 MVItKr.r 8TRLET Al.li mis wi:i.k 10 A, M 11.15 I. M. WILLIAM FOX Presents JANE and KATHERINE LEE In 1'lrat IShonlnc of ' "TROUBLEMAKERS" EVl RV A1TERNOOV AND HVENINO STARS WILL APPEAR IN PERSON ADDED ATTRACTION' MACK SENNETT'S "Taming of Target Center" ALT, NEXT VV EfcK D. W. GRIFFITH' "BIRTH OF A NATION" I'HIST TIVIE AT OUR PRICES ARCADIA 'CHESTM'T tllHOVV 1BTH 10 15 V M. 12. S. 3 MS T.M5. V-45, 9-30 P. SI. ELSIE FERGUSON "MS!?-,- ROSE OF THE WOULD VICTORIA StAItKI.T ST. Alioie tTH PEERLESH FlIAt EXCHANGE TRESENTS FIRST "THE WHIP" Stupsndoui! MlOVVISfl iiliJ "" Spectacularl COJIING "DLL-E JEANS" COMING PVP.KNT MARKET ST llclow tTTII IlCUlJl i TODAV OVI.T Ilex l!u(.h s "THE AUCTION BLOCK" romurion Emll Mevena In "Sleplng Memory" MARKET AND D)l JUNIPER STS,. ?, 4 afiual V aViaCJ ) Tl CON-TIN'UOI.'" 11 A. si. to 31 P. JI, BOBBY HEATH & CO. MAIIEL UERRA. OTHEItiJ. CROSS KEYS MARKET Ilelow 60TH VjIWJOO ULilO DAILY S-15: EVO . 7 HOWARD'S CIRCUS AND OTHERS BROADWAY "If" KN'TDER AVE. DKUAU ' rt DAILY N1GHTLT Norma Talmadtre "secret of the iNUlIIlU iaiiuwutt STORM COUNTRY" ' IJll. Cillll, 1 HUM 11U1.1.AD 1 .M 'jyiinjijii OTHERS. M B. F. Keith's Theatre -fe . . iAfi Naval and Military Week! . I angdon McCormlcU u spectacular MeloJrEmA ,"lT7s "ON THE HIGH SEAS" Urciucht th .utJ!fnc to It IVet, vv W. J. (Sailor) REILLY Tli fclnsliiK Jackla of tho U. S S. J,llcbltn. Wm.-LeMAIRE & GALLAGHER-Ed. A .crrnmlnc llllury Tract, i LEW BRICE and the BARR TWIN$.M$ HARRY COOPER and Other Stars ?W Coming Next Week ELSIE JAN1S fMj KUUAD ""LiV. 8?.S.'MatiT.i,ri,w. mt?f Ullb bMINiNLK $$ in llooth TarKlneton'a Jojoua Comaely MISTER ANTONIO But beats fl.Stl at Popular Mat. Tomorrow. r'lt tjAUlVlVjIV i,i. Mai. .marroJ'y.iA Tin: cojiudv or imttu.a and lauohs' yrgi TurnisM4thiM hEATS PI MAT. TOMORROW !,, vj, . . i 1 UUIVL.O i jutlnea lomorrpw, 2:V DAVID a. . EL Sr WAWK K XXi david. ." ' tr7$& in THU MI IS 111 MASTOP 'A i ... jh. T nP.TTsT MD AND LOCEBT STREETS, j& IjUUUOJ. Mata. 1;S0,3:30. J!i-a. C : taMM GERALDINE FARRAR &M i aarrifE rITIt. 0-fiHTta in tt -a4 j wis i crnp ATein Otn. Ave. at Venanco. X. o? BlHft;vuM.Dr,ir,r,,q,B, gt Jn "The Seven .Swum"; TrirrtVt!-'. '3 "JW V.W .in1 ' YWl j' :-52 W m v hi w c "'5.H 1 2JS . t i v-a Vl .m J &; 5 v Tjrs r'rv& ' & a.t ii ifi :MI :w&$ (. i,a H MlM-NKbV-B)MtKto! m Starab. Mr,' WI" "?' return nit jtj, 8AtVATUUAnMr AUDITORIUM ,1 M I . wwm w ij r.i i x-vurt TUB itVtf; yti w XJ-J ru