BOUND rs Lay Blame for twin Price Upon k$; Farmer MPLY FALLING OFF MS?5 in New Councils . " jBbKSs v "MaMiiMaaipMM '''ju.waapiuiuii.iPi M !WPiiMVfMPulPiiwii,w'Puwie v.. 'ww"'"M - ,- , -. WD J T . 1 .""'- .. , . ' Y - ' .. "ll t. W V1. i-r. . a, s. , a ,- 7 : . ft ', in Effect Today Old Price NcwPrico Qt. Pt. Qt. Pt, edmllk 20c lie 22c 12c "AA". lCc 0c 18c 10c 14c 8c 16c 9c "A".. . do "B? ,,, . . ailed 4 . . r cent ! Kcn- Prlly sup- rMrtd) .... 12c 7c i3c yc '"'On purchascs-of od number of is, wnen csAiru -nun trut is by customer, dealer Is rc id lo civo rebate check re- nble for half a cent. ."Alt violation of the "fair milk fjiat" should be reported at once to WW 'Federal food administration, Bulletin Building. Jtts price of milk Jumps 12 M per cent y, when Hie ,tiew i-eqcrai ioo-t au- setrstlon "ralr-mllK ' prices go into ct and for onco In liln life tlio milk ter hsa an alibi. The, price schedulo now being used by tnllk dealers In the city Is aa fol rml ' ""Certified milk, 22 cents a quart and 12 Witts a Dint : grade "A A" milk. IS cent" ftr swart and 10 cents a pint; Krade "A" VssiHc, It cents a quart and 9 cents a at. and grade "D." thi ordinary com. J-ttWclsl milk, 13 ,4 cent a quart and 7 .4' i,sRrat a p,ni. mis scneame snows an ease of 2 cents a quart and 1 cent lnt on all grades but tho last. This ressct 1 ',4 cents a quart und 1 cent tit Mllki distributors In general are rctl- concernlne tlio new price, but tliey claimed all blame for this latest In- KM In th. fnmt of llilni TV. a....... had his profit Cut dnc-'nuarter of n . bo,!' wr? BWOr.n ln by ?.l!dKa hurlea..Y St. has had his percentage of profit Audenrled. or i.onino . court. -m. Ot to nieces" and wilt ren fewer M- " "le "'"". " " """ :"'" SJhrJdends on, tho expected decrease In 'nrty-one took their seats ror the. llrst 20.ume of business, iw .. "time. The Invocation was pronounced ... - .-., ,.., .,. Ceallhued fram fete Una beneficiaries had enjoyed similar occa sions In tho past. The entire public building had a spick, and.span appearance which was em phasized by the presence of frock-ccalcd followers of tho victors. Wltca nnl relatives of many office holders and pol iticians were In tho throngs that filled corridors and the rooma in which In augural ceremonies were under way. Tho sama was true of the galleries, of both branches of Councils when they met to organize at 10 o'clock. A spirit of good fellowship marked the series of the ceremonies, as most of thi prlnclpil wero political und personal friends of, years' standing. This was es pecially truo of tho new -old "row" olll- rers. Certificates of election were read by oid-tlmc friends to the place holders whllo tho oaths of ofTlco were also ad ministered by personal friends. -f councils nconriAN'izi: Indications that a more businesslike administration of municipal affairs can be expected from Councils during tho closing years of thn Smith term wero not lacking In the address of Dr. lid ward H. Gleason. who today- ontercd iiribii hl"J socond term as president of tho lower branch of Council". In serv ing notlco on new and old members of the body that tho public would hold thein responsible, tho president by inference suggested that the first two years of this Administration had not been entirely satisfactory to 'tho lax-paving public. Will ctery evldenco of sincerity Doctor Gleason near the close of his Inaugural I address said; "It will be my ondeaor during the next two e.irs so to con duct Hid business of Councils that the confidence pf tho citizens will bo upheld and tho public satisfied that Its Interests aro being conserved," This statement followed a lengthy resume of great municipal Improvements started or yet to be started, and a de mand that -public matters bo threshed out on tho floor of Councils by men sworn to perform their duty rather than by appeals to the public through tho papers and outside agitations. Chief Clerk William II Fclton, ac cording to time-honored custom, called Common Council to order and asked for nominations for president. The name of Doctor Uleason was presented und he was re-elected by acclamation. Tho oath of ofllce was administered by John II, Ualzley, the oldest member of the body In point of service. Tho ninety. s.v.n newly elected members of the tffatWijM ibis" " saiMHtaaassiiaiaiaiisiaKMaw -1 Mfik aHHIIIIIIiB& iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHkiiDi' iiiiiiiiiiiiiHTSj JAMES E. LENNON Re-clcctcd President of .Select Council today. c -V EXPECTSHIP WORKERS HOUSED WITHIN CITY llog Island Chief Thinks Lund Here Will Be Commandeered AVOID RIVER TROUBLES Head of Special Committee Will Confer Tomorrow on Question With Mayor Smith 1 Philadelphia's prospects for housing tlio many thousand workers nt tho tlov eminent shipbuilding plint nt Hog Island uro blight Char'es Tlez, of Chicago, general man- nger of tho Ktnergency l'leet Corpora tion, who today will lnpect the mam moth plant with (lovernment shipbuild ing experts, Mild ho believed tlml the (loverniucnt would not subject tho work men to the delay and Inconvenience of crossing the rltr to tlielr homes. "I am convlmed that speculative gen tlemen who have cot control of the 'land wanted for workmen s liomeii are doomed to i bitter disappointment If they expect to leap lnrgis profits, ' he said "Whllo I have no definite In formation on the subjrt, I am lertaln that tho Government will lommandecr the land needed rather than subject the AttMOURSCORESJffiNEY IN MEAT TRUST PROBE tneker Declares Investigator's Methods Are Unfair and for Purpose of Inflaming Public As an aftermath of the "meal trust" Investigation which has been In prog ress In Philadelphia under the direction of Francis J. Heney, and of the startling dlsdosures made In that InveMlgatloti, J. Ogden Armour, head of Armour & Co, has given out a siorchlbg Matement In which lie declares that I'ency's methods are "Insidious" and that they are m-eil for the put pose of "ptejudlclng and In flaming the public ' Mr Armour's state t.Vnt follows "L'ndcr an act of Congress passed a few month ago, authorizing the I'nlted States food administration so to do, the Oovernment has In effeit already av f timed virtual control of tlio packing business "Through tho affairs of a corporation It. I'hllvlelphla, which has no connec tion whatever with the packing busi ness and whose operations have not the Mlghtest Influence on tho cot of meat, tht press dlpatchcs scatter all over tho country Interviews with .Mr Henev, which both by innuendo and nnons nitty, coupled with Mr Hei.ey's lnnoent dec linations to be personally Interviewed, charge that the I'nlted Mate H plan nlng to have recehers lake over audi tun iho packing buslners. "Mr Henev Is Hie,T nf fi. -,,( ',. the Kedcral Trade foniml'slon and as KUch he should occupv and discharge his '"""" mine in u lair v(aj lie ims. READING AND P. R.R. IFRANKFORD ARSENAL 'CAMDEN'S COAL TRAINS ALTERNATING1 SAVED $1,148,000 FINDS STMTS ON Figures Submitted by Colone Every-Other Hour Schedule for New York Outside of Rush Hours Additional readjustments of passenger Bchedulca on both thn Philadelphia and Heading and Iho Pennsylvania Itillroads shows that they will really havo 'alter nate passenger service between Phila delphia nnd New York, as prophesied several week, ago, Tho roadi denied this, however. After the rush hour serv Ico In the morning trains will Kave about every other hour from both the Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and Heading stations, until tho lush hour late In the afternoons, when trains will run on both roads. I'uder this Invest ihango of chcdules, score of trains wero annulled, more than u hundred ceasing to run on the Pcnns)lvanla lines atone. Tho Haiti moro and Ohio Itallroad withdrew live locals to open tho road for coal. The Heading annulled Its New' York train leaving hero at 10 a. in. and returning at 3 '19 for the same purpose. Tho success nt the great attack on coal vestcrday made railway officials optimistic rf getting things back to normal within two or tluco d.ivs. and foodstuffs have the light of wa.v. It Montgomery Show, Economy I of Plant ENLARGEMENTS NEEDED Congressmen Costello mid Vnrc PIcdRe Themselves to Work for Appropriations for Purpose WASIIINOTO.V, Jan T Actual rav'lng of $1,H,000 In the manufacture) of rllle and nt tiller) am inuuftlon at the Krai.kford din ing I : 1 7 was made ill comparison with tho co.-t of the same material in private plants, according to figures presented to substantiate theil.ilm of Colonel (leorgn Montgomery for additions and additional equipment for tho arsenal during thn llscal ear ISIS. According to Congressmen William H. Vare and Peter ). Costello, who will endeavor to have Congress approve ap propriations for tho enlargement of fa cilities, tho Prankford Arsenal has saved since 1513 more than 14,000,000, ngainst appropriations for Improvement and ad ditions amounting lo f I.RZ4.r.TP The largest appropriation requested by the Kr.inkford Arsenal for 1110 would workmen to tho delay and inconvenience I however, assumed the powers not of crossing tho river to their homes" 'of the Federal Trnde Commission, but of Mr Plez said Hint the most t-crlous nf ' the Department of Justice, and, In fact labor troubles experienced lately nt Hog , U'V" , ' '"rnmeni itseir , .inO rood admllllMtr.lfinn in turn fr.aBAa tV, k. .!,,. .. .,.. - . f.f"" fcq ."" Mut it uic larmer. ino 'iJwormoUB Increase in the cost of pro F.'sWClnC milk has ca'used ininv nt tl. V fanners In kilt ,o h.iH .....i. n,u. 0.... . . . . . 7.. ."' V.VVIU. Il'l 1 ,,..t..l O-l.- Kttltul c,lulr,m ,.e .!-... &b,mK supply is railing off, the condition "vi'"'-" " -'"; --- ' ". Mlm Wttln serious and the nrnduetlnn ..f '"If for acnts was not carried out becauso f silk must be stimulated. Tho farmer ' .f ,he largo number of floral decoratl by Ulshop Joseph 1-. Merry, of the Mcth odlst Church. Following tho ceremony an organi zation was effected by the selection of officers and a set of resolutions wero to. patriotic, but he is also a business n n. The public 1 patriotic, hut it ;'ut eat. The food administration finds V.H alibi III the farmer. , SB,,. hm nMM- n, - . ji-v "? ",w iiui ainu rciuscs io nccepi nt9l v.,.. that prevented the free movement of the, members, OLD oi'Kicnns himji-kctud Under an agreement reached by nil. KDWAIin H. (5LEASON Ilc-clectcd President of Common Council today. Island was the difficulty encountered by workers in getting to work across the Ice.bound Delaware Hlver lie mid that decision In tho matter h.i been placed In the hauda of a special coinmlttte, beaded by J. Hoger l'lannery, i hall man of tho Oovernment Shipping Hoard Hous ing Commlbslon WILL. CONI'IMJ WITH MA YOU The recent warning of Mr Ilannery, who told n tomiultteo of Philadelphia business men that unless vast reduction In tho price of land In the Fortieth Ward ,i valuation of $3000 an nrn has been set aro made, the homes will bo ireeteii In New Jersey, loupled with Mr PIcx'h beliefs, makes tho tiosslhllltiCH for Phil adelphia loom large The business men were Informed by Mr Flannery that ho will hold n con ference tomorrow with Maor h'mlth, to whom will be left decision as to what Philadelphia, can offt r for the housing plan JIo let It be known that the special commission was Inclined to favor tho Philadelphia site, because of Its transportation and other advantages, but emphatically I f 1,11 llOt lit tli tlniA .i,.,l .. the manner In width the hearings are conducted, nor shall I refer to the fact that the pncKers are not representee! Olid are not permitted to cros.ex.imlno ' or to Intioduce testimony or to otherwise explain Hie motives or de IJ'loi; lb" tltltli nf tile witnesses Kelccte.I I by -Mr llinev to ond rnlor to his pte conceived and prcannnunecd oplnlnns I-ach day then- Ismio from the Inqulrv f,",m I'rets dltpatches that refer to the Meat Trust.' the -food combine which rns the public In Its grin,' and similar tiivfalr catch phrases, which can only bo construed as appeals to Ulr up the passions nnd prejudices of the pcoiile. Tho cost uf meat Is high, but herc r-re controlling economic reasons there. lor which can be readil) ascertained r.-il should b- by some govcinment.-il agency rvpl.ilned to the people An examination of the price, p.tld fnr 1,. i rani louay as compare cl with ft year ago disc loses an Inc 1 about 40 per ce nt Iho p.uke-ra todav nre uniformly Mralnlng every effort tfTiclentlv to aid tho Covernment in winning thu ILvur, ' . . N" Breater Injury can be done to the packers than to affect ! their credit by fomenting public dlscon- tint and spreading statements cloaked Willi apparent official authority that federal receivers are to be appointed , for tlio piopertles and business of the) packets. " Is thought tho released passenger power cover the cost ot an artillery caso tdiop to cost jrjo.'i'i'i. i ne auuiuoii 01 cms would ndd another Industry to tho activi ties of the FranKford Arsenal An ex perlmental shop building would cost illiJ.OOO. This Is considered absolutely necessary by Colonel Montgomery. Tho Improvements, request for which will enable Immediate delivery of thou sands of cats of Hog IsIiiikI material which have been blocking the trucks, causing a large part nf Hie iiial ton-gestlcn WOMAN BUYER DIES Fuel Commissiohor", a "Li Wire" Ollicial, Looking Art Distressed Consumers' . . i LOCAL INTERESTS FIRg PeddlcM liountl for Philadel Turned Hack With Wnrnln' llonrdinc Forbidden ?,'jl - v- I An automobile drove tin lo the l'n sylvanla. ltallroad ferrtes In Cartti crorsed In front of a wagon loided i roal and stopped ncross the ferry trance, Tho door t lha machine own. and a t-hnrt man. Inclined to stoutnei tnoklng a cigar, leaped out- "Where arc tiu going with that TOr he demanded of the negro driving team. " " "Over to Philadelphia to peddle lt, was the reply. ".N'othln doln'," briefly announcea I short man. "John, get .on that statcft drlvo this fellow back to my ,ff There's a family In Camden which hm4 that coal." Then turning to tho drive of the team, ho said- "Don t try thl again If .vou don't want any trexiMe! I'm tho fuel administrator In CanuM and I don't propose lo let the peophl mffer W liter J. Maats, fuel ndmlnlttratiiri of Camden nnd Gloucester Counties, had J appropriations should be made during . SSi,ed n personal ultimatum, 'ThecrMt. . m.j a a&i. iiuu . -.,.,'-., .",,"..- ,... ....- p, pjsurti ll pereonai uiLio'.eLuiii. .osirvi.j OV irvi." fV VnV tPt" ",l'1 '""u" "f IVI"M'' lir1, " 'ol111"" , fallen negro had nothing to do but re l bVL Uf U I tWirj i f ir nBlne hulUine 2"-""" ; turn around and drive to the admlnls.J Mm, Gcrtrudo L. Cochran Contrcnts 1'utal Illness While Arrnnfrinc for Passport Mr- (lertrude U Cochran, fifty ears old, 2127 Sansom street, member of an old Philadelphia family and one nf tho best known women department store biijeis In tho country, died last K.i tut day almost on tho evo of her departure for Kuropo to purchase gemtls Hr nrot-ptlon Inrreise-'l frllUks for Fnisll arms min'Ifnrture . ... I'nmlnic plntit . .Jt H!,l" Ff m Inff ... ... ,wrN . ... Itosets tunnels nnd water mains sinraies of artillery animunltton Two new mHRt4tlne.s . . . . cluanl houei'- ... ... tt of elouhl noln olntnlsaloli"! of ficers' eiuarters fe,nmn!l I'llllniC lilarshv lanil . . c'ariM.nter hep . . . . Two spts of ofTlre-ra' enjartprs . i.uniiier storenoui,- " I trntlou ofllce nt :!1I Market street, when I lon.oom the- coal wan bought and paid for by l lnirre,lnic newer plmil .sianllary lmprnenicntn . l.xtetiMlon ot iMrratks . IMO.OOO lien 12. .'.no it.ono Mi.oou liiei.orni I", ooo 10.1100 r.'.ooo rin.lino 0'i on'l in." ono lo nnn :in.omi 'ei", orio lll.OOII no.ciriu "Lodk at the ent nt tuA )jm ay. "It has- doubled In tho last fj years. Then, too, consider labor. ,W are unable to get sufficient 'help' mi-no iiKve io pay a greatly Increased VrfCO for What xve del ret. 'n nn isinta $JV afforded to keep cows at the old flture." (hrA ..a ..- V.. a t . ,- .... u. -. a U Uti" IIS IJ l1 II IT II. i J ..1 t. . I -a- -,. -the old law of supply and demand. I j"DV;," " 'C "An "x "j "!f" A milk elenlxr n-. I " . " : ".".-':" '--. v-lll- Htateel that the ftocero through tho first few- months ot tho Ilfo'ment would not e onslde r njvmpnis out of Iho new Councils but It Is certain to of proportion for the conditions existing go by tho board when tho first ndinln- in that section Istratlon meusure ruim counter to thn With Mr Flannery will be- Owen wlshea of tho Independent members or HraTiT.crd, engineer and archltei 1. who' ' Is In opposition to tho view of the Pen- has been working on tentative mans ,.,,,-,,--.-,,, .. . I rote-McNIchol forces. i for the now communUy for several VmK,V,l UUS iNU.HIiSATED I mi. .... i w e-eKH. MetnriMr nf tliei Amerltn, tt. i Mayor .Smith with political leaderH. all ...."" "'."'. ''""""V .'""'" """" ternailnnnl slilnhniiHi,, ivh,. i. of tho important old officers of the body n7 , ,,e II, c"l v initar ri a "re l" b" "l'""'""'! "' a fe da's , ho were again chosen to. serve for the new '.'."'V'1'" ' ,,,; " b'T" , ' 0"erntmiit announ.ement will be made, term. The head of the list Is Chief ,' )" ' " ' ';"' "T"..""1 '"""''f "'H i Kite con-lder-d alternatives to the Clerk William II Felton, who Is the "1.p" ,I.C".1 Pn7".l.P8 ,'lro "" ra" hlwk I Philadelphia .-.tea aro from one ,! :1 for the Wanamaker store, I-or car.s Mrs. Cochran had been einplojeel at Wanaiuaker's, Iter death was duo to thofepai,l!nn,,mon;a, . ,. ...- ..- Several elavs nco Mrs. Cochran, wh le " ul 1 ., - -,., , ,.. nree-nrtl .inllinplllnd ilnnin i-,, aslu ., t,.m sunenng Menu a roiu rooo in nil open w ...v., ,,. ... r..,,., Iu, autonfobllo to the Federal Building lo I "' Proper conduct of tlio plant, tho make arrangements for obtaining lir-r M1" following additions und Improve- assport, when t-ho reached home jinett- ",p,a are oesneei: mall snns anmiunltion storehouse unit cart hou Artillery eass shop cine rMerltneltn1 shop bullrllng. Clue storehouse for traeer nnd In eennlar ainmunitlon cine pier mill storrhouso . . mnnla set in. Mrs. Cochran Is survlveil by three children, Mrs. Harry Ulttenhouse, of Itydal. Pa, Petou Cochran, and Will iam Cochran, who Is a first lieutenant stntloiieil at Camp Meade, Adiu.rflt, Mil Mrs. c'ochran was Miss (intrude I,, c'annell, and of the late William I. Cochidii, wlio was a well otiii:u i.mpiiovi:mi:.ts m:siiti-:o In addition lo these Items, which the $17.-,,noo 4lM,0OO i'i.",n.iii O.lllHI ll.llOll oldest employo In the service of Councils. , having entered the municipal service as a page more than thirty-five jenrs ago Tho other omcern Include William. W. 'AaVll nn. u'lk.aprn - -'"- --.v. . nine, uriiivr PUK- ' n. ..t-t. . t, .....- L. .....- th eheerfnt lhmi.1.1 el t.. .i I """ "" "" i t .lcl.iroy, ser. Uon of tho production of ifk" win i :rS?l?Z "l. 17 raiM me number of cuttle sent to ... 7" ...'". "'."m""1 laughter house. This mean. .... "' ''c,ar' ""nogrnpner; hamuel Heatty financial legislation of every character ,i,,if ... ....-. ...n t ,,... ,.,..' .Inmm.i. 17 Till. f....l ..u ...1... I ;..r... .... "-" '" "".' """" """' "u- SWI..I -" r,.ro.iV.. .r. 7. . .. t"'u"" ""and accesslblo only by boat To reach1 S , ,!lti, of com.i.ilt.o them at this time e,r the year almost i Fourteen candidates for directors of lieaua and coinmltteo meinbera. mul ' i. iu. ,.i.i... .n..,..,.. ... Ph uOnib pi.a,,,i... -. , nlii. ,.,,!, i . .i. . ii.i . - ., tnn-wf-f no,-, iiiul .iiiiriKin. hi. iipi mi- - - " - uiiimrii:" .....,. .,.,, ,,,,i ul iiiutiuiiH linn in- re.ui of Survejs, said. "' I" ii'mi .w .c-i-oKlll(.ll 111 mo com- known rlnliinuo nf thin lli una ........I.. FOR COMMERCE CHAMBER I nfsoilall. Mrs. Cochran was a sister i .lira iienrv nonari urown. v iiosh tho founder of the Voted for at Klection, i Committee Chooses Candidates to Bo iwncT8.i.oT nuiieo as rramed, they are so vastly In I tho minority In every Instance us to virtually bo without coinmltteo iowcr i .xccuiess io say mo char.ini.blii of -.n r Willi Ice clogging "ilorsedion llcnil ror a four-vcar term have been ei...i..i by tlio nominating committee Of those on the Jersey side of iho Oelawnre I "a,ni"J fJj,"r',M 's' falwell, Sainu.I M iiiis means a qe. .Mu.alli .-ommlttce cleric: .lni... t. Iniportant comlttees Is retalne,! i,v ih ii ocer.. too sun-i .. .. ... ... . .- . , , ,. .. -. . .- ' v"' nenograpner anil clerk of F. "'" juscpii j-. uauney, u Varo lleu- w ,., i.iri qui, iii iii ucp - inn nun- . ., t,x.i.. i .;. .. .....M ,. . " I ixeny. tw..,. ,vno meal a u. turn Fr novnnre, ... ,ui. r,.i-. . - i nance cominiuee; I.W ! Frank S mone. clerks, and FrunV ir. W1LK DEALEU'ri COMPLAI-VT berger. messepger. h. shortaof htflk-his o'eer.1 nn,',. I .I?u",'-.?.,."lS?.?n,i"l!,' U I-en"0. nt milk dealer. ". "u,e. 'ntcr." ld a prom- nominated for tho nresldenev .o.ii?' ni muK dealer. "Kmrif v.n. at ht. . . .. : .. : - " wvvlts - .. . , . f. "T Bccianiscion, Alter T"-" - --....., nu,,.,,. lUlin -II BUOIC- ' .mu Jiowever, Jlobert Parker and I "nani iinu a law partner of Attorney central rranclH .siiunk Hrown, remains at the head of tho FWInanco Committee which again Is overwhelmingly Varo in complexion. The samo Is truo of tho Comm ttoo of HlghwaVH. which will bo ii..ojru mis j ear ny Ilobert Smith. . cere- I do not reme'mb.r cTar ln my whole experience where we vwne so close to the famine point. It certainly necesary for some nieas. Jr to be taken to stimulate the pro iHCtlan Of milk. Ilovfever. u. milk p5kIarB ore verv'sorrv to see It eom P7't,"In some of the Kuropean cities milk ei ""jriow selling at seventy-flvo cents a ,V.Vajirt xx. a.. ..... ...... .. .. w- ..v .- ."fc v..ii. nuin h concu rttsn here. We must also nrnviit. tniii L M JMtSi !! ! 0. .- ft.. At.. . WX -""i ir uo uy me army anil Wtor our allien- .To do this It Is abso- juieiy necessary mat everything possible Bhtflone to keep the supply at a maxl IJKUm. By Increas'lng the nrle. nn..- t. r,wwi .jo Kpi oow-n lajer. the usual mony of taking tlio oath by the presl- downtown Varo worker. ocni anu memoers was ended and tho reorganlzallon e'ompleted Mr. Lennon read an Inaugural address which, like I.K.SWON I'UIAbS FOIt r.N'ITY President I.eMnon. In his mlriress. Hlver and tho gorging along Ihe .Sdiujlklll delta, tho question of navi gation has given the Oovernment agents conslde.rablo tboiiL-ht. The new- nominees are A. II. Ford, J iiejm.i. ic ,iip i.xsriit TOIlS i liner crazier, .x ll (ieutlng, Kpencer K Accoinpanlng Mr. Pic on the lour ' 'ulor,J' '' "- Plumb, Tliomaa of Inspection today will be Itear Admiral lnancroM, Jr.. Joseph M. Steele and C Francis T. How es. d rector of tho dlvl. '"-"" .""'i' . '" onexpireu -.erm slonaf steel shipbuilding construction and Hear Admiral II. 11. Itousseau, ill- P. Miller. ,.; 0- -r. " . ...".li rpy '"" IUdc .with ... .1. .;... i-, . ' I. .. . '" 1'aHc are serving na dlie.-iors nt ., .stinont early today. Two men wero The,,ew"u,dnea8renAPCS''Foe,, .,' !'!:'.-"" t ".o Cooper I.os- TROLLEY HITS BAKERY TRUCK Slippery Rails Result in Injury lo Two Men Near CollinKswood .Slippery rails caused ry truck between t'olllngswood and of Kdniond H. Iloberls. who resigned I will bo filled by Daniel Whitney. The rector of shipyard construction. Tho trio villi examine tho housing problem, labor and management at tho yard with a view to s-eelng If mote progress can bo maeie. , names will be voted upon at the annual meeunt- January 17 ENTOMBED .MINERS ESCAPE p'tal, Camden Tht Injured men aro John Magee, twenty-tluco jenrs old, 2123 Pine street, this city, driver of tho truck, and Thomas Halter, twenty jears old, 11,1 Fern avenue, Colllngswood, Magee's nciper. ljotn men wero cut and bruised man with two ill ciiimren, vvno nnowHJ the diiver fifty cents for tilting tlio conn to Ids dooistep and dumping It tlut Mr h'tanls'H work was only be-1 ginning. IIo slipped back into his cirl and proceeded na fnr as Delaware ave.j nuc, when hc met another wagon wltbj two tons of coal headed for the ferries,! It didn't matter that a trolley crj was coming In the opposite direction, or that two or three wugons were trlngtol pass each other at tho spot. Mr. HtaiU simply swung his wheel "hard nnort , nnd stopped h; machine across tbe tracks In tho path of tho trolloy anil coal wagon. '"Where's that inal going"" he d4 uianded of the diiver "Mlstah So and So's," said tho drlvcr.a "Well, turn uround nnd go back toj my olllce. IIo got coal xesterday. andHL some ono else needs It moro than ho does.1 And, by lie way, If you dump any roti! In finv epllar tlnet lins rem) In It I'll hdn you arrested. Don't forget It."' 'J These two Incldentn huppened before if o clock, the hour when the fuel admin-1 istratlon 'offices open, but the Camden,'' fuel iiltlf-t.ll u'hh on 111. 1oli. Ami tV.? are but passing Incidents In the day's. work-. if i;ntoi:ua(Ii:s onks About tvventy-flva men, women anai ililHlreii of different veers" waiting In the admlulstratloii olllce whenl he arrived. Mr filaats greeted them! with a smile and told them they would?,! have to wait a short time or return later, when his Inspector will have reported the' arsenal asks J275,onn, M ni.-dui ,-u n i V0A' available, and then he will do whatC times, und because of the absence of tlio llc ''"' to relieve tlielr suffeiing. fl Haddouficlil same outside firms have been called upjii ' Tllft telephone rings, A prominent? lvn'li'u ' ... ,1,. .. .!. .. I.I..I. ,.. . ... ... 1 liollll, 'l.l.l liou nnlli ,1 .n.. .....I .. ...... -j .... .... ... .... t,,,r. nuiiii ..JUKI (ip more ICailliy ..,.,, n. iun an.. .. null Cl. iiono ill mo Arsenal iineler , u ' '" ""' 'euar anu wauls two tonst Covernment eontrol There nre five, i ,norp' tJlll' a ton and a half!" Mr. thousand employes at the arsenal at tho present tlmo and the eretlle.n of these new buildings would add to this number During the present ear the arsenal has saved tho (loveinment JBOO.OOO In thn mamifai-tuii- of rlfln ammunition alone Another Item of moro than a half million was saved In tho mnnufac. lure of Hitlllei) ammunition. jM speak- Vlllu The Motehouso for small arms iiui iiiuultlon Is considered necessary by Colonel Montgomery that conditions now existing, villi, h make It necessary lo store, ammunition In tho open may be telleved Tho old nrt'lllery case shop Is to be turned ovci for the Instrument department If the appropriation Is made for the new- shop. I.ast session the Chief of Oidnanco recommended this new ex pendltiire mul nt the last minute t entiled thn icquest to give the inonov fnr more urgent work Tin experimental shop, for whlili tin- According to the police, the truck wnK traiefinc til (ho Ifnllnn .b.. .1... i l . .... . . . , . ....... j ,.v ,,., in., iiiK (u in,) nrsenai I oiigiessmau motorman failed to see It In the dark. said: " He applied his brnke-i, but they failed lo hold, and tho car unshed Into the n.i. branch, .recited In detail th. !,.... ," harmony and to ii,, .." . . ' ' .. .'.'". ...;......"',"". .'"': ""'"' ".".. ' ,"'.a ' 'VC CaUKlIt ill Pittbtoil M no GcLI rr "' " machine The men weie nn efficient, working body for the next ' (' ' that during the next two vera, i homes for tho "plants cpiploics, o,. I Out by Aid of Matches ' " t rtS,taM two years and for a record of which each "'.l" l called upon to preside over phatlcally conlrndl. ted state-1 , H ,H'5 ,1"m',t'd- individual member might be proud. i ' """ . "' " "ny liril('- "' lako ment made before the .senate- Investl-i MWMON, Jan. 7 Five foreign- . , , , ,,.,., Here, as ill Common Council, tho old l"e bit Into Its mouth and bolt unv ...t. n-tino- ,.i.,..,iii,.. i.v Ti,e.,.ie,e : w... speaking mine workers believed to Im I AUlo and irollev SIcct Head Oil omcers wero retained under a working '"""".rnuon measures not apprmed In political agreement They Includo Charles ,,,,K connection he said "That wo may 11. Hall, chief clerk. Daniel V. Master- ' ," equliped for the work that lies ahead run, assistant clerk! Ham- Willi.,- ... factional elicerences m1ii.i,i .... .....i ,.' -- --- --. -- -d. -. - ... .!, .,.- num. ,,. iiiiiiii, .iiiiniiiiiiiiiiif , geant-at-armsj Custav Isinan, commit- .M ,ln" for maneuvrlng for nartlsn liver no shlni tills v auvatilage. The executive Bhould bo as- , "Twemy-flin vesse r,s,rU iiu .-iie-ouragcci tee clerk; CharleB V O'Connor, assistant clerk: David W Harris, stenographer. W e. i.s ,.,.11111.11. ""' "" "n or party ny strict attention to duty, zealous In committee work and with economy over In view. "An appreciation of the lesponslblllty with which wo are confronted should quicken our desire to bo mutually help fill and considerate of ono another. Thus .nay u.. respond in nnv de i'"it nn nnn io ri( , nt pun i ix.'iiiiiiiviii ( KTrlTl It' 'lilt n . - . . .. all limes lo ul,,.. ...... ...,"':.". f- trip Is to get exact miowie.igc ----- -.. i,, ji fU .. i i lit" nrfHi.rir . . . ric Is effective)' until February 1 only. "n" I"omi,a J- uu"y- messenger. cannot say what will happen then, but COUNTY OFFICIALS SWOItN IN lWwTdkBmbyompward'',hOUB,, ",C ,rt"Ul , Tlie '"auuri" ot '"derlck ' "oer inwuiu buii uo upward. ' . .,, ,n.. ... ,.., t..,..,,... ... , ...- Howard Melnz, the Federal food n.!- nnlv on. It.ftrlnL. nnv klnhin of nne,lii. Itrltor for Pennsylvania. announe,1 ' .is nllliouirh th. new nettr-lnt on. ,.!,. v ..y ueaier cnarging more than the ii -jair pneo- would be guilty of .ir and unpalrlotlo practices. The Ity for unfair practices un.i.r n.. er.blll, creating the food admlnlatra. (a IS000 fine or two, i i..n Skotk. '""' Iffiha "fair prices" established by llim0 frce f tl10 '' treasury. Deputy realization of which may far surpas tho Neither co tZZ-.u ..v... luiiow months und "."?""" ,,',,' ,.",.,".," , ' I ',, """"" "' '" "'ost sangu nc anions , tory. Wo 'SUBltiH nf niii ,i-n .... .- nort thn new nttlelnl In nlw dntleu. .mil In lis " s -j- i - .- .--.. .. diihbi un ov i.e. .--. - - - - . ... - ...... .. ... CJrde L. King, appolntnl'dlrectly from 'taking ofllce Treasurer Khoyer i.ia.Io r,o nu.iiBiuii. ixuinerous conferences havn "lu'ownc-inrni .,. uy iinpuriaiu ciiaugcs also been hejcj w)tlj many farmers ' ,n ,ne Personnel ot the .office. :. I Tlio otllces of Ilecelver of Taxes W. .BTXiLBIW MAIIOIN U CKNTS ' KrP"land Kendrlck were th'e mecca for v.-.o mnnv frnf.rnnl nnil n.r.nn. ft nna nf e retail dealer ta ullnw.rf . ma.i.. ..... ........... .,.. .. n....... ...... H cents. This is the same nroflt use irralulaled him on Iho einenlnL- nf n tie...- OX them PraVloUfl In 111. nnn,.i,r- ...... n. llin It.i.H r.f .1,. ..Itv'a .-...- ? Prices, the food administration' lectlng forces. The samo was truo when entombed occurred Pennsy'vi: ton Saturda uesa for point of safety. ono of tho men was held by n piece shield Her right wrist, was broken, but "It Is only just that tho Frankfoid Arsenal should obtain the appropriations requested, no! only for tho I'lmtlniMllcin of the present woik there, but for Iho expansion uf the, station. Philadelphia Is siliiatcd in u ellstrict morn favoiablo inn mauuiaclure of in ll.irv coal In more. St.t.tts icpeats It with evident delight.- .Mid how long will It last'.'" He Is IniJ formed two weeks, possibly three. :" "Then there Is no need to worrj'.lS Mr. Stints replies "We liave twenty?! fivo people here now without any coil.1 'Ii Sllggest VOU (-.ill inn ..),..! ..n., a ... a,M to a half ton " An excited manufacturer entered the' -- " ' inn, ,,,r,. .,,,,,. ,v n r. e'ntt.--. I pleiely out and will have to shut downltj unless w. erni it n-n. A ..... ... An . r,- . .. .. .. ,t- fit. .,. ,,, ,,r- coniracls" i "Will the contracts hcln win llis' war.' the Administrator asked vveii er, no tint ,, Uo mvo xiuvernment contrncts Hut snnlv icrelnv our stenni pipes in two tiiilldlnn when a serious mlnn cavej In a crash between an automobile l1"c, ,ha" "' othejl- city In the United :'""'. "8,t "-n'1 bmst We use coal for 'A In the Ilarnum mine of thn driven by Charles Hauiille. of u,,il States Mealing kid drying" '3 mil foal Company at Pitts-! nut street, and a trolley e-nr at Nine-I "" '"' a skilled labor tuaikil second! !'!'an ou got the p pes fixed?" '4 lay, after groping In tlio dark-1 teeuth and Page streets this morning, I '" "n"- "ccesa to materials needed in ' ,' "lo Plumber talil lies .-ouldn't get S ten hours. Ilnnllv re... )..,! n'Mlsa Kalherlna Huminers. of -.3'' i.v.,.. Mho inaiiufucture of iimniiinlii,,,, ... '"e pipe for se-veral elavs." ! lain street, was thrown against the wind rls, chief constructor In tho technical department of the Kmergency Fleet Coi poratlon, that the American Interna tional Shipbuilding Corporation will de- ear easels will ho launched lit' Oin titlflftln nf llaKa.nkni. " lin uit.l "Mr. Ferris Is not In close touch with i of r"al ,n,u f'"" "" M" f""1- Matches i ho escaped other Injuries and wnH dls- the situation at Hog Island and simply uml ,1P carntu proved to he Ilfcsavers ciiargea irom me women n Homeopathic ... . . ... ' " I fr,f Hi. -..,. e....u . .. -a...... .. Ifn.t.ltnl ., linn. -., a... ..l- ...1 . a .u-, ,,.., ,.,, ,,,,,, u. p, ..,,.- 0.. ,1(1 milled Hauptlo was arresttd, hut was elis- cnarged by Miiglstratn Collins, at tho did not know what he was talking about. ' ,or ."'? .l,lr ,f"ur ,"11- WI'e" they a city position In a former Major's c-ibi net and had only just resigned as a Registration Commissioner, he lad never before been a member of the first- 1 floor row offices. Present at tho cere-1 na,ne, fame and fortunes of iMiiin.i.i- mony wero personal friends, politicians P'lla a city whose possibilities for ad. ' ment great and small and members e,f the vancement were never greater and the Wo expect t.i have the full 120 ships contracted for within seventeen months. woi'i.i) spurn vp wimic "I do not kne.w what changes. If any. vie sha'l receiniinend. Our Inspection the ground of what Is being done. When asktd whether the manage. nf the sard vias satisfactory to him, ho said "No, I can't say that. an I say that It Is unsatlsfac- dld not come up fiom Wash- luglon with nny Idea of making changes 111 tho personnel. reached the Injured workman and cured the matches they lost no lime in finding Ihelr wav In ihe loni nf th. shaft There are two miners still un-' Klncttenth and Oxford slicels pollen sin-1 l'r f the iiicounlcd for, but mine olllclals say It1""" -Neitner tlie automobile nor tlio Is Just possible that the men 'left the trolley was damaged mine Ihrough anolher opening. Would Conscript Employer Conscription of labor without a eone spondlng conscrlpilou of cinplovers nnd their plains lias been characterized Impracticable In a statement Issued the Philadelphia Hours. 1.. ...,..i.. .-,.'.- Vi' .... ,.aiiii ,,j nj- oiuer arsenal, un equaled tianspoilallon facilities, ,t, by laud and sea, anil management which has shown cxtiaordln.iry savings for the rJoverninent. "livery effort .wilt b.- made by Con gresMuinn Costello, In whoso fllstllct thn arsenal Is located, and tnjself ns a mem- hit 01 me- .xppropriationi Committee in which me iienis will be considered to have the requests of tin. arsenal up. proved by thn department and Con-gross." CITY'S WAIt ItKSPONSinil.TICS In reference to the work the body may ----- ?Xz;iL,,; PROBING FIRE ON EDGE BREWER ON TRIAL tho war wc took upon ourselves the caie ,. . . nn,n ..,n I . -, UP UirSKAKKtUUlMi AS MJUKKK UN UKAF1 Mennonlte Pastor Ri'sIkiir QUAKKHTOW.v; Pa , Jan. 7 The Hev. Harvey Shelly, pastor of Flatland and Bethel Mennonlte congregations of i riKusie, mis iFsigneu neriiUM. ur throat i"r iviiiarn nau sinirv aiinnun...t i..... ,u ' .. Itn.....u I ..II, a.a,.. a . . I nla-h. tlaaa. ..a. 1.-I.... ,-t - - an. n t "" nc a"" win prooaoiv uo sucieeued I c, i. . , cL feiawaie inrantry.' by bj the ItCv. H. 0. Allebach, of Quaker-' x. ,.ftltU,', "'",,u" after going to Camp town. reintegrated: Annlston, Ala. was to he Delaware Regiment- United WIJ'M'NPTO.V, Del.. J,,,,. 7 -Ken. . inn uepeiinenis or those nhi, 1. . A gone to 'tho from.' and for this jear we ...... i KC. nniue a mm million dollars for ehfal , , .. ,.. .. ...... ,,u,,,ura iiiiti v, ta...a ,.,. .. a -- - -- ......... ,(,,..,- ,.,, -".a..... ...a. .-..n. ..a... aaa.a. nnail ' " -"- .. ..... IU,,Un ..Jf II1UIU i, A large local dealer claims that It District Attorney Samuel 1. fe r- ' "lorc. n may bo necessary. Our resnon. .: allirtue nt u .. . .... .. ... ... ..,.. ..... .ihllltl. i.a. .., .. . . . espuil- ..XlUBrier OI a Cont less th.,,, eh... .nnllv entered noon Ids new ler.n. Tli. sioilllios as a cltv iimi- i.e ., ... F.PrM"IS before. The, farmer norr ' ceremony In this oftlco Is fast groi-lng I "s those exactions, and even nrlvati.n- tV. cents a. quart and must pay to bo a matter of form, as Mr. Ilotan I under which so many of our people in. 1 carrying charges to Phil. a.i. ,1,1. was first elected to. the office In 1904. t dlvldually are strum-linn- .i .i ' ,,, 'A system of rebates to Insure the cus- ftnd has held ofllce continuously since, i be met by that fortitude, patriotism and . .(.in.,!, paying an extra half cent Jaao josepu -. iwrr uomiiusirrrci .ir.",n,u .yintii uas aiwajs distinguished len purchaslr.g an odd nnnfh.. ,, the oath to District Attorney Ilotan and J'hlladelphlans. ru Is demanded by the adminicle., his assUtanU in Quarter Sessions ,-4i. pianueu to nave rebate checks i-ourt- 'IV cereinoi.ics nem ii.irm.i-u u-- nen a customer buys one "' '""'" """''"i '""' """ 1 Of milk and nav. fn. it i. ...... ": ghan and many members of the ba fourteen cents. Hex Is entitled m V "tnL sworn n were William Find- t( .10 wo.w the 0", " "." ." ' " ' ""' ' 'V , "'" ' v ?, " " ,". 1 Z -.'.- - " I1.ii IIkaii n lexuatih H Tnll uti Ifihn II ! i .... - Hi-U)lln I IC iu ln"-u rv-"i - nun Destruction of Chemical Plant Jacob R. Baltz Faces Jury on Front Street May Have "Been Duo to Incendiaries lllKld liivesligatlon Is being made to day of a lire which dct-lioved the four- UenSid'tmou L'nd"" 1,""ad"-"'a uld Insist story chemical' piant of ' Vie" X.e.Tner Jfona. I ri,.S L n r7""'V ,nat ",10u,d I'- Brothers Chemical Company. 213 South ar The fmiJ?. h J" U'M"lWa I full and Front street, which is on the edge, of i Find! C. .' i. T r.Ulc' As " H w l"-"ht , the zone barred to enemy aliens The redeemable Torlialf a rent. -a....u,i.i,.uuij is aiso working lay Drown. Joseph II. Taulane, John II. Maurer, James Cay Cordon. Jr., Ceorge Cpehcme ot distribution statior. t I A' Welsh, Charles l-dwln Fov. Charle. iJmllk can bo bought .t i' '"..."! ' K. Bartlett. . Michael V. McCullough. r ton the casli-and carry nian 7,. ' "orris J. Kpelser and Franklin F. Barr. --.,. j . v.rry Plan, nc- ...,. Iil.trlel Attnmev's detect v.s. .Inn. wtabllshment of lh. new .,.,,..; 'W McClaln. Samuel J, Voung and Frank raU was celebrate,! I.. .??W.Jy.c Weldner. were sworn In by Arthur P. kn omclally moving If. iaT":"!" ' Brenner, clerk of the court iFtnanoe.Bulldlna- io ih. nt.i. . James V. Kheenan. Jiegnter or wills, .dfr'r.. ?Jr !? "'h noor of Lnother holdover, waa the last of the --,a.i, uuiiuihi, ji now occunlei ...... h-i.i.. n ,m..r. in ..,..., ,. Ku conwlCei"1' a"f ,l,e " tmnestone In office Holding by t iking up . . tne reins oi toinuia.!. ur . nu-v iuii - term. H wai the recipient of many iDeid on Wv v i "oral decorations and congratulatory .,.-- rf - . ui.crai 1,MinU Keller, flfty-lx year old. Kh TwentV-UiIrd trt. f.i. ...i rBdln- Terminal thl, morning- . Ti. i. unerai of a mil uuaoanu ana daughter tl Bernardy, ji Houth ElevI' K, was summoned to the eta- found that )! had dle(, , nrrni(y irom paralyilii of Her body wu taken to the ..taWlihment of Oliver XyBptlt I'Mtors IWohurcheawjn Tloja WI- fisMnu rpmiaraiy. The itMttr.JftiWATt, of Corn- orat.Mrmon aM KistreM .xnresslons from the politicians, who were kept busy maklnr the rounds of the 'building congratulating their suc cessful standard-bearer. Although the political complexion of both branches of the Councils changes materially throvjgh, re-organltatlon all waa serene today and no Indication of possible future troublo waa evidenced oh the aurface. The two thirds Vare control of Common Councils is smashed 111 the new line-up while the Vare ma jority In Select la questioned and can only be worked with every member pre sent at every Bes!on. In view of the stronr Independept minority .in Common' Councils and the increased strength of.the frlendsTof'the late Henafor Jamea P. UcNIchol "and at Senator Penrose in Dom ooaiei a- work-i-pfajilatlonaarement waa enter- xmn nnniKi narmony today J."1 vm.vmnn h t i,. . "K "" a "ght for other, many persons at the scene expressed the ..I.:.. VpL , ,,'. ,u"y l'0,lsesa our- (belief that the blaie was due to In selves. The IglHlature, meeting blen-'cendlarles. mec;,iXUntnofUhsI,,n!rnrnr.,,0rl "" fro' " bl"'"B H.emlcaU n cuflng tor I ',.' wl ,. ,d tale"1" made the fire c.tremely dllllcult to com of nil Uona and Lo mnere . ,,.omild",t". ! " O'" "reman. William Friday, and cornwate t.rob.e m , l 1l",lu'"rlal forty ears old, of Truck No, (,, over. nshouirfulss TZuJrA ind laU'n l lh rc,"'"I-nltt -tails as salaries. na ,,...-... . pltal. !,. i.. ' . .r." ' .'""'. "i cm- , pioycs. uours of labor and uh...n. . that It should give to certain depart mental of tho illy a mandamus power greater than that lodged In tho city Itself Is au absurd aa It Is annoying and embarrassing." Presiding Judge K. Amedee Hregy of Court of Common rieas I.'o. 1, was the only Judge .worn In today, the others having taken their oaths last week All of the Judgca who formally took their seats today were re-elected. They In. elude t I ' Charles B.MclIlcbael, president, and William C. Ferguson, associate judge of Court No. 3 j President Judge Chirles Y..A'udenrled. Court No. 4 i WlllTam II masks, president, and John Monha; asaoclate Judge of Court No. E, ' Travel Pay for Graduate Transportation, as well as subsistence allowance, will hereafter be made to students graduating from United States free navigation or marine engineering schools when ordered to a oorfrm- ,. erases, service', according to nolle, v.. iQ-jyd-y ,.Yn4tfek Lewis,, loael ohUf Tho fire broke out on tho second floor In a back room overlooking Water street. In' a short tlmo I spread to the two floors above. Tho second and third floors were gutted, The fire for a time threatened the building used by Dudley l. Cessler, also a dealer In chemicals, at 211 South Front street The firemen prevented the spread of the flames, but the large stock stored In the building was damaged by Kinokn. Tha loss Is estlmaed at about 110,000. Arrest Alleged Deserter I-onellness and a desire to see his girl were given by Walter McCullough, twenty-two years old, of this city, as an excuse for leaving camp at Wrights, town without permission when he was arrested as a deserter In Camden yes terday. Close School for Repairs The school connected with St. Joseph's Polish Csthollo Church, Tenth and Liberty streets, Camden, will be closed, It .was announced yesterday, until the W-'.JSl,MOtf.iibe. as Result of Effort to Es cape Army Service Charged with perjury In his examina tion for the National At my, Jacob r.. Baltz, said lo bt a large stockholder In the J. & p. Haiti lire-wing Company, waa placed on trial today In tho United Stales District Court- Ills counsel Is Congressman J. It. K. Scott. When Ualtz was called for cxamlna Hon by District Hoard No 32, Over brook, It Is said that he was told an ex. amlnntlon would be useless because of his assertion that he had curvature uf tho spine. He was permitted to go but wis later called back and given a phys- i leal examination. The examining phy. I slclan stated that the curvature was not serious enough lo bar him from the army. He was accepted. This resulted In iwo appeals being taken from, Baltz, on0 by himself and tho other by his wife. Under the law. Baltx's claim fevr exemption had to be supported by one! affidavit, and that of his wife by two. According to informa. Hon obtained by .Assistant, united States. District Attorney Sterrett, these threo supporting statements were not actually sworn to, although they, carried a notary's teal. Further Investigation, It Is said, has produced statements from the affiants to the effect that they had never sworn to anythl'v and that they had merely signed their names 'at the request ot Baltz. District Board No. 32 has placed Baltx's case In the hands of the Dis trict Attorney's office for action, charg ing him with falsely swearing that h,s wife and children were totally depend ent upon him. Baltx Is now subject to another call, through the questionnaire sent out by the Joc-a! bwird.. His answers to this have resulted In hi COAL LOST IN TRANSIT CHRISTMAS CEREMONY TO GLOUCESTER CITY BRINGS GREEKS TO CITY Five Shipments Diverted En Travel Great Distances o At Route Fuel Lent by i tend Celebration at Ca- Manufacturers thedral Here l'lve separate shipments of coal di verted to Gloucester City, X. J. by the Federal fuel administration wero ste len or confiscated en routo from the mines. It became known today, when two Gloucester manufacturing firms lent the, city enough coal to keep tho Gloucester waterworks In operation, Mayor David Anderson and City Clerk Harry Johnson, who for several davs have been endeavoring to get coal for the city, turned their attention today to mak ing efforts to discover who cot th. emi About ten carloads n all two carloads to the shipment were scheduled to be received by the doalless New- Jecev eitv Twenty tons, were volunteered In the emergency today by tho Welsbach Contt pany and tha Hlnde aUd Dauch' Taper Company, each of the firms furnishing ten Ions of coal, NEGROES HELD FOR ASSAULT Accused of Attacking Marine Dur ing Altercation on Car Frank Harris, of 970 Watts street, und Lemuel Martin, of 223J North Palethorp street, both negroes, were held In J 500 ball for a further hearing January It by Magistrate Trice, In the Twenty-second street and Hunting Tark avenue ixiuca station, today, accused of assault and battery on James II. Mllford, a marine stationed at League Island. Mllford resented remarks directed at him by the negroes In a crowded trolley car at Mldvale and Illdge avenues last night, and the negroes, one of whom It l alleged drew a razor, attacked him A crowd of infuriated men and women were inrcaiemng me negroes' when Po- V Tho celebration of tlio tl.e.i. -... Huthenlan Christmas, which began nf midnight last night in tho Cathedral if the Immaculate Conception, at Franklin ani', n.r;wn, "f"'". attracted members of that -fa tli to Philadelphia fr, ,t ,,,. tance of hundreds of miles. Tha cele bratlon will continue throughout the day today. The cathedrc.l ... mi.. a,.... ,,, nated whtrj, the cciemony -begun, and- ...-... v..v.,,, euaiiui IS. Sirillifra ... .1, ., conn tr .were observed In the center iilslo before tho hlglf tar waa tlie lit fant In the Crib, and behind 'tlila'u brl -'lUnt cluster of led lights. Tho attend a nee was so large that for hour before tho celebration of the masS iho building H-roded. A peculiarity "f Z mid night service was that It w"aa par let" with eXl," "'1 the mass! m. i .. . I l:, ran a" ''"icon and th0.1?:. i 'V; ?.h"!V "" nubdeacom l.u,,,. .:"'" r.8'" tn" Itev. J. " .imsiern ei ceremonies. John Minefield Delayed at Sea iveii. i in soriy," WnH Mr. StaatVa ete, comment "Vnu'r.. not mi essential industry and vour pipes mo not In con. dltlon to receive steam. Therefore I cant help jou. Then-' no others who need the coal mote." The manufni turer finally asked to' make application for kvut and was per mitted to do en, but was assured that no effort would be made to push his c.ilm until the domestic situation Is relieved. Ihen a mild-mannered in.iii, twilling me hat, brushed past the manufacturer an-J approached the ofllclal. "I wen', to the ai.." he Bald, "und the man slid the boss wasn't in. Ho said If I took a ton ho wouldn't accept payment for It. jto .said bed have mo arrested for stenl- Admliilsti.iior stunts dropid tlie let ter .11 his hand und turned with just a' slight suggestion of Impatience. "Well, you have .vour own wagon, don't you?" rh.. man nodded. Then lake It, It he icliis.s to accept .vour money let mo Know. For heaven's bake get It, I'll protect jou." Tho man thanked llni n nil liticil. k.i ..... ' . imioni: Dovo:n cautionkd I'DIU ou Ket Mr. Hlank?" .Stauts aKrii hiH nhflLvtimt n,l .. - r. "'"I I'Ulllltlri JJIUIH." si nent dealer. 4 The assistant declared ho had been '.'I .. .. ,,wo hour" 'Ut was Informed "... mo piiune was out or commlss on, 4 The administrator smelleil a rat. "Go. io uiamc anu tell him (o cull me. Up." ....V If.w "ll,llllM later Hlanlt called .r. iiianjc,-- said tho administrator. "I-i umierstand your phono Is out of com-'fl Blank assured lifm that It wan. ah h inaifpr nt u m. .,.. ,ZJL . '?" '"""""ctcd tho phono com.a ,m ii h'.Cp 0" '"nporarlly out ofl sue i l'"l.",' . J ""''"sland from my-ln-j HIPl'tOrM thnl tes.t. i..i.- .. . -ft." it t.lllfl right U one frnm .-..- .. if afid .rrL., S.ed U,ntl h""""'l " I'uvvedl Stall "t1 'a.l."n UW.- I'Ut wlthoutl mall. 'I reallio the situation ,. -l .', ...... 1 .. . --.-.a un ..-a- u,r" S"1"' ",,t tl10 fuel admln- '..-"" u"i "ate rree conununlcatlm that tVu" rh'in l UgK"t' "fnre. tnat ou chango jour order to th. t.i.". Z',S'2' !. !"" omy c.iH ....r w... o iu ko IliroHiTh A tnlpifmtrt fpfii.. !. ,. sentatlve of UnZuIZt ...... i. - .'. .""""".I nociety, stat iik that he would be unable to arr vo here b! n Friday to deliver a lee u , as scheduled. The telegram stated that the Ship on which Mr. Masetleld was passenger was delayed. U. S. Needs Stenographers The Pennsylvania Cltll Servh- rt. form Association has bee asaed by the Hnn-mi nf lira.. ... ,.,.." "f. me "cen dodging "h little b' ,7 ,7 e can get along much 'h...1.'" ciurt dodging and be frank, "nil I, That's alllj "Wr that coal to ,,;. vtJL . yU d' terdav iv,,7 .. yldy Jones yes. ;.r,.?' V7 W. It must g.t there """' "'" uy noon. Urown? An,l .... .,. ..v.-. '" WU' "'"hk. did you de- ' - . yr jones yes- must get there, hi- order ? I.'"" ."ro.w".T . W."' .M eoii.r .... ..:.-- "Vl " ". ion Jn his Jone's .".r, ''t'nl ?K: The Wldowl understand each ot,', .. " mm.' n ,"'",. ?"" ..What coa! I,S, .nn,. i. ," ic" u'aiributed and the. .".-il- SS. o Jwasl "orkfortheltedroTc. Liberty Loans. I,. ...!. V. 'V' Y'.A; , ueiw PB.,n,'ija4'iH-H-c)Ias. sub lulu. m.'.Ja.-i.a. SSWf BriS"ll! loW tt&ttiykSi ...'. " mti jMiminjjtirtu ."'"'. sa aiirerent