a$Wv. ' PICTURES 9 'jsi1 a -r jA4 ' t"" - . . -1 ?V' r Hwt ..VH - - p-(i" uenmg C zt AND SCRAPPLE Muary 7, 1918 . - "'( A Lj5 M meoa WUUll 'M I I, iTlf """ i.i. WILLI! TROLLEY By FONTAINE FOtf H SKIPPER I I'M , ' sf SURE 1 HAD BOTH J T ( Of THEM ONVHENV-? - V, I PASSED THAT T j ( BIG STUMP.. W,- . . e- ft i One ofthe SKIPPERS GREATEST P WINTER WOES IS TO HAVE SOME WOMAN GET ON THE CAR AND THEN DISCOVER THAT SHE'S LOST AK OVERSHOE IN THE SNOW CCopytlslit.) 11 AnnfWr Ttpfinitlnn K'"Whaf8 an optimist?" g"An optimist la a person who'll m jnto a restaurant wltliou: a bob his pocket and figure n paying Esse the meal -with tho pearl ho iflMpes to And In the oyster." iXiemdon Opinion. $, CHEERFUL CHERU5 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi :Utep my joint Hrnfc daaly bending tunts I do. ,re&.a me doors or kukailn wm mmri it'fc.v limb en too. MIW n r- His Peculiar Way lfenry He may be a great jSrtkt, but ho has a peculiar way FS4olnK things. Sappy How's that? (Henry Ho says he painted his teat masterpiece on an empty ch. Cornell "Widow, is-f Propitious Moment IBl BMSOiil, f tHr old lady Can you show me ".wny to the railroad station? A THEATRICAL SLUMP Faastnjf Show. Showman (Inside show, to mate) Any good utartln' now, Bill? Bill Not yet, there's only three dead "cadi In tho stalls! Sweet Reasonableness Tho Young Lady Across the Wa E " The Tatler. "Wet do them generals 'aye all the brass on their 'ats for?" "So as they shan't bo tools for orflcers, er course." A Beautiful Career A lady bank clerk had completed her first week, and a friend aako.i her how she liked tho work. "Oh, It's beautiful!" said tho girl. "I'm at a branch where nearly all tho people we know have accounts, and t.i t-o nice to see how littlo money some of your frlcndi 'javo In tho tank." London Opinion. SCHOOL DAYS rftb3TaifcrW L?ttfcdfe- .!& "" lT ir4 vui- &.. . iTw-Vfi lTntsap, A.14. iluintCj SLan Snow tfe DDt- ii i 1 1 1 ii.i r Hteal 111 t R roMitins The young lady across the way says the fats ore another thing that must be conserved and so her mother has told tho cook to fry everything In butter until the war's over. Really! li , Iftr,. tntri of frifcj r-The Skdch. "Did -that cure for deafness do you any good?" "Itather I I hadn't heard a word for three months, and the day after! J I I took that medicine I heard.jTronV I , brother .r BUtr,f fJiT. ;p' ., HITHERTO UNPUBLISHED PHOTOS FROM THE MAIN WAR THEATRE ftV t ' Sf ii S f & C -SSS ' . "V -Ji - T ' ,S JVftV ' WHCMTintiiHiCH iBt -1 I num. t; ;. in r ikABiHrrBi'H 5-'; . S3 ? . i ,-.-1 JHT ' " If f'f . iiiBJR H MAMI. F w.. . urn ; vv'a-x,. flBB B f (1 J BB WJ& . . " f .mr- aaaBBBBBBBBBBB ,t -r -v'.. ---Hi -.fc-.;BBi;. ..Bgr. aaaiaMiMFg-! i . - -tarn TV. .ja . . rrencn uuimtrs xcnangmg,fc,c "Compliments" 'With a German '-Bes' Light Battery Across "No Man'i "r Land." Note tho 'Explosion of .a j Shell Directly in Front of the! French Crew. Showine That'l the Huns Are Dangerously '1 Close to Having, the Kange. French Pictorial Press ort Attractive Little Building wncrein Are uousea mo Aine i. ,f ti icans Who Are Doing Red Cross f ie Work on the Sorame Front jn -i l' France, Proving That Wher he i ever Woman Goes tho Homelike 4 lldf Atmosphere Goes Too, Not 3j Even Excepting the War Zone ,2 !3. i Trench Pictorial Tress . vS , i uiil . ftJK''l 16 ,: -mm w ' ' .MBfBBWIaBBBVBVC ' f 4 ,v,,ii " " iw niiiM i '-"l -.' .lBenvAiMaMfiiinrniftfinii '"'' -, r -- -- ' " JHKJHHHBBBSnulaBHVlHKLBHHnKpLlaBn rf.v-4, VJKI ....f f - t.'j.'k A. kaAfHBHBT JlBHBBBBBBBBBWBBlSBBWiBBBBBKjBlBBBHBVnBBBlBWtBlBVBBHBraJBHjB v, s ' y nij ...... ' ' .r, s jBLJBrBMBBBjBWBMBKBKiiBMffifrBBMBMHBMw3BB 4 Ji2JBFpSLfldlRHBBB9BHHHb , iBHBHnBVIIBBHBBniBBBBBH ''vSnRKn; . & enHHHBHHKmRHEh Vk rfv '?' Z''. jg iaiHB5BBBBWjaBBBB"BBBBBBBBBBBlJBPMBMiBBMBPTBaBMBBMBr .K . PHbBBLBB. 4HC9BttBk 1V i&aBflwBEvV9IBBBfl V, ' mmmmmmm, iii'i r ,..,.....-..- l)HiMItartlMI '" "-SMbjmiiii i tuMlj&QEKKKtr 3 -- ... JfcJ. .,... i . ijljaiaiBBBaaBiBJamjM i f , j . I i" net! lum en Remarkable Photograph Taken on the Deserts of Palestine, Showing a Company of French Soldiers, Who Aro Operating With r.in.,i ah u , , , inC to Their Campl After Doinir Patrol Duty Near Jerusalem. Note the BarW Z. .?S ZS&V -A1.Ien s "& TJT , Camp! After Doing Patrol Duty Near Jerusalem. Note the Barbedr. Entanglement. Ton tKighTofToKcr"811 kxxa "g&K , .- " . '.Frwi notorial Prtw rtt'. 4. ....-. . '. i . ' lW'i .'"'v t vf"V'. ' - I . -, .TJ .i-, 'T..i'; jS-VStS rr-ci :.rz.tww'"jfjtt . 4 JF.M. 11 i -...tfV .J- . J ...".- w K.- dtt'aJ.ViiTTiJ - 'C. .' !-'J. -.i ftijdkk . . ,. a.!. r. J" . -. . J