Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1918, Postscript Edition, Image 12

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1 i
, i .
Work in Cub Uniform With 1&0 Big-
ue Wins, 94 During Last Three Sea-
it 1917 Average, 1.85 Runs Per Game
CLEVELAND AM.XAXDnit. tlie mighty pitcher of the Chicago
Aw the last seven seasons hurting star of the Philadelphia Nn-
:uo team, again ktl the National League pitchers In effectiveness
1917 season, according to official figures published today. Ales
rage the last i ear In point of least cjrned runs per game Is
,15, three points ahead of Pol Perrltt, of New York, and ten points
of Ferdy Schupp. of the same team.
ttlng aside the plalnp paraphernalia of the Phll.idetphln Na-
big Nebraska Iron man closed one of the most notable pitching
yer rendered n big league team. During the scen seaous he
ylctory to the. Quaker City club no lcs than 190 times. In his
season (1911) he was the league sensation, scoring 28 wins. He
ped back for two seaons with 19 and 22 succcc. He then
fio 27 In 1914 and then began his SO-vlctory record. During the last
ra he has pitched In 91 winning lontests. his greatest record of 33
,de during the year 1916. lie exceeded the mark b' Mio gome In
exactly attained It the last enson.
I figures Just Issuctl show that the former Phlll linn mill duilng
n pitched In 4j games, 3o of which were complete performances.
In 3S8 innings and won 30 snme. losing 13, with nn nii-racc on
nd lost basis of ,C98. He scored eight shutouts, faced l.'Sl batsmen.
e 33$ lilts and 32 sacrlfke lilts: bit slv li.itMiion. env'e 18 bases on
d struck out 201 p!aers; 10S runs were scored against him, SO of
were earned. He made only two wild pitches during the seaon.
ng pitchers taking part In not more than ten completed came,
Is seen closely crowding Anderson, of New York, for llrnt place.
ef took part In 20 contests, winning S and losing 2. An uxeragc of
d runs per game is his figure. 15ley stood tenth ninong league
with an average pf 2.2S runs per game. Oechger was twenty-
,ylth an average of 2.74, and Macr tw cut j -third, with 2.7." U-tvcn-
a.far down In the going, his figure being 3 5.",.
Toney, of Cincinnati, stood nct to AIe in number of games won.
Cincinnati tvvlrler having 31r or four fewer victories. Toney burnul
league during the early stages, but weakened toward the cloe. He
hero of the season on an Individual feat basis. On ll.iy 2, pitching
Vaughn, he shut out the Cubs In ten Innings of plaj without n hit,
LVaughn did equally well for nine Innings, This was the oul no-hlt
fof tho National 'season, lioth Toney and Ale won double-header
'against Pittsburgh and Alexander against Uronklj.ii.
LEXANDUU leu the righthanders In strike-outs with 2ul, while
Vaughn led tho southpaws with 19" Sallee and Schneider tied
Bthe Consecutfe lctory iccoul with nine each. Phil Douglas
'tchocl In the greatest number of games, 51, Uarnes, of Itoton,
elng only one game behind. licndcrgast, who tomes to the
hillles In the Aleandcr-Klllefcr deal, Is recorded as pitching In 3"
lines, only one of which was a completed contet. He Is nitordel
hrcc wins and six defeats.
& The Old Order Changeth, Giving Place to New
"call to arms, which was met with such rcadv response bj the nth-
i of America, has made big gaps In the ranks of the active peiformeis
th.tb.0 same time ushered In an entire! new -et to tuke the places of
ent ones. Instead of dealing a deathblow to sports, the games aro
as before, the only dilTerciHC being In the personnel of the pnr
', There Is no danger o'f seeing our national games go to the how-
SJake Gray, manager of Spalding's, known as tho olllclal sports
er, sas athletics will boom this enr as the never have boomed
,'and Jake Knows what he Is talking about. He lias twentj eais of
ce to back him up.
i'l think for a minute that we are fating it dull. Inactive cnr,"
r tJasKeiuan, iracic aiiueiics, uascuiiu una louiuan win ue piujeu
! .... ... . ........
ever, ana ngnt now i uon i sco now we can supply mo leums
ament. The. big things now nre the army camps. These men aro
"exercise at the request of tho Government and they can't get enough
iThey must have relaxation and they take It out In play. You would
ed to know how keen the soldiers and sailors are for bacbill.
r other day I received an order for 5000 baseball bats to be delivered
I as possible. When ou say It fast this does not ccm much, but In
.peace we never have sold more than 1600 bats In nn entire jear.
Be order represents our bat business for three cars, and more nre
Cfin. Baseballs and other equipment, gjmnaslum apparatus and
arc In great demand, and I predict a great jear. It can't be
The people must play at something and the war will not cool
rdor. ,
It seems strange, continued Jake, rcmlnlscentl. to i-cc so many
ea, Most or my oiu incnui nave eieijurieu aim i iiium. iikim- new
nces. In fact, I have to learn my buslnes all over again.
pCAN see l.otliing but a big jear In sports this iar with basc-
ball booming better than ever. Golf Is likely to suffer, because
Mnany players have Joined the colors and there Is no chance to
In tho training camps. AVc are not selling as much golf goods
iWill Attempt to Promote Polo in Army Camps
fiS ...
laport directly associated with war activities, the countrj s polo
i are planning to put on steam the coming season. A big effort
ade to foster play in army camps, and at Camden, S, C , and at
Bern training quarters plans already are being laid to hold tourna-
the development of the game among Uncle Sam's bojs In khaki.
cation of the Impetus attempted to be given the sport as a war
he movement In question Is said to' contemplate every army post,
! ef those In California.
American Polo Asociathm has presented two flags the Stars and
the Union Jack to the Hurllngham Club as a token of respect
aory of the British polo plajers who have fallen on the field of
aptaln Leslie Chenpe and the Greeufeil brothers arc the best.
yers ,ln this countrj' to have made the extreme bacrlflcc. In
Jhe gift. Vincent Valentla, chairman of the British association,
"'the hope that tho day be not far distant when International
hes would be resumed.
i has been maintained well In Ungland despite tho fact that so many
yers have gone Into the army and navy. General Halg has cn-
1'the continuance of the sport, the British leader recognizing Its
military 'value, and hts Interest In the game Is naturally nccen-
LtVjew of his having been a player In his jounger djjs.
X ...
'annual meeting of the American Polo Association will be
In New York January 15, at which time formal arrange-
I (or the coming season will be made.
-. .. . . . . .
i Ban fiayera to invaae vie unuea states
l Mtural dearth of good baseball material- In sight the coming
. on account of the war, report comes from Cuba to the effect
l of that countrj' propose a drive upon American baseball In the
Kg openings, ine suuaiiou is renuereu at icysi piausmie irom
, although Cuba la nominally at war with Germany, no army
: and consequently no drafting will be done there. Both the
whatever minors remain are said to be contemplated In the
would appear to offer the best field for recruiting In case
nagera are sorely puihed for diamond recruits. The best
at in the world next to the.U. 8. A. Is to be found on Cuban
f fact that the players have been at the game during the winter
l enable them to step Into, tho harness In this country In ship-
tre to overrun America with Cubans, which started with
. ruah seeralears back, but which has fllwered of late.
i enanee or r uielirae to stage a swell come back,
I ' , - . . ...
Lfvert Mere ureuna man towns
I Om AtMattMf Young, of Detroit, and Wambsganss, pt Cleve-
i CeJikii, by common consent rated the king pin at
; 4UkU. .King pin or pot, these three all bare
CoHdM, aqd tor fewer games, which U some-
, far it tefka ) each covered more grpund.
National Commission Will
! Hold Annual Confab in
Cincinnati Tomorrow
Ilarelull felt the (irst effeit of lim
ited trannortatlon fac titles today when
tin mfeilng of tlie National Commis
sion scheduled for Clnclnnitl was post
poned for turntv-four hours or more.
Dan Johnson, with his revv tchemc to
dlvvv the world's series coin, nnil Char- ,
ley Wcfghman, the spendthrift boss of
the Cubs, vierc strnmled In Chicago and i
forced to lay over until a brave train t
was dl'covered to carry (hem through a i
lieavj novv storm If thfy,.ire succes"- '
fill In their queft the 'tuft v I 1 be pulled
V Nation il Commission meeting on
not be n uii.cs without Han nhnon.
He ulnnji lia ,uieihlne new to Hrlnc
and the mncnau- are anMotis to learn I
his litest dope Wecghnian, too. Is in'
Important pcronige, ns lie Is Mid to
have some $230,000 In his kick to i
1 .quinder on bill plajer. Itogers Horns- '
b preferred i
What's the Answer?
The llr.rnl)V can- liv t lie wav Is
Kcttlng tlrifonie Itlght now lt looks
like a swell selieme to Kepp up Inter t
In baseball, for It's a liitu that Itlcl.ev
and Malinger llendrlk will not put
Willi the jouthful lioitctop for nothliiR
les than the Kleld Miiftum and Lin
coln Pari At that, It Is a nice topic of
Tlie meeting will wnslle chiefly w ltli
t le proposed inodlfleatlom of the world 1
series and oilier tol-'aon lcelpt
,Oppo.e Division of Coin
Much opposition I" developing to the
plan to divide the plnvirs" shares aiming
the tlrst four ilubs in each league as It
Is (lgured out that under the new ar
rangements It will be polb!e for a rluh
not participating Im the big scries, but
pirtlclpant in Intireltv series, lo pull
down more profit linn t'ae participant
In the ' big slum
, AgTln It li believed 111 other riuarters
that It put n premium on medlocrlt
Just what plnjer who maj be 1000
miles from a worlds erles should mine
In for a piit of the reielins l not callj
Prefer to Camble
The plajcrs tli(uucl,cs pufer to
Kimble on getting the ijK not tluiil
having It cut to small Mt, huld the
oni git In a big series
Some pl.ijers even go so far as to
say that the cutting of tlm nlavcrs'
share, CO per cent to the winner and 4(1
I per lent to tho Ioc r. take some nf the
pep out of the games, and that the
-pllt "hoiild be wider, 70 lo the winner
anu an n tlie Ioir ' 75 and 23
l.mergeniv lnei lions in the lule-i o
tlie Iifg league" probabl) will be made
to tide the (inanclrl stilngenej that Is
certain to be eomlig along before the
I summer Is over A smaxh at the cost
I nf tianportatlon and hole I expenses
I probabl will 1 hinted at " litis which
learn the full weight nf big clubs wtll
be allowed to siattei the-n athletes
around lnteid or rarrjlng them along
on fat lailwaj and hotel hill- it mnj
even be that magnates will get together
on nmc plan to move from the high
speed hotels to some of lower clarifica
I August llermiann will lie icelected
rhalrman at the meeting, rumors of his
having a rupture with President Tentr
jot the National I-eaguc;, having no
I foundation In fait John K Bruce will
be reihoe?n secretar
f Hush novaji .
PUT Your hnds, X
in Th.5 dSou
Thaw out- - wSfiffMk '
Willing- to Distribute Dividends to Ball Toss-
ers, but Says They Must First Accept
Cut in Salary
Co-j'i:nTIVU baseball will be tried ihecl.s and that lets them out They do
. ... .. , , i i. ,.i en.nn Just enough wotU to qu illfy for the sal.
out In Philadelphia ncM season an n B(U MyeT t,)nk of j(jft
necatfe of the high cot of plajlng n little more than tlielr si are. They are
combined with the nervous feeling eall discouraged, and when the team
brought on by the war. this new stunt , hits the toboggan they take sollce in the
Is about to be casd to the ball plaei, thought that they are hclng paid twice a
and tliej will be given n chance to month no matter what lnppens They
state their views. If thev ncicpt the fall to run nut I Its, their plajlng p,
nroiioit on. all well and good If not. Ilstlcs and the) ml like n group nf ho)
thev will have to do It am way There burning to get uirougn wim an unpieas-
Is no chance to cast a negative vote,
Connie Mack Is the creator of the
most recent Idea, and II lool.s fair,
sound and reasonable The Idea Is to
nITer the ball pl.ijers their tontracts
calling for n slight amputation of al
ari, with tho provlo that they will le
celve additional remuneration provided
1 tho club makes monej In other words
the management of the Athletics Is will
ing to make the ball lussers partners
In tlie.r business and eHstrlbiite the
profits with a lavish hand. It must be
understood, however, that the scheme
will not be a howling success unlers
there are Forne prnflls to distribute
"I have been foiced.to do this e
pla'ned Connie, ' because It seems lo be
the onlv fair method of dealing with the
men .Naturall,v. thc will object strenu
oU"lj to tedured salniles and It will be
bald to make them see things the waj
I see them The cannot believe HsM
we have hoen Icslng inonc) The salaries
have not been cut because I want to cut
them, but because I have lo Cor jears
we have had a tough time nf It auJ we
can't take an more chance"
nut last.
.Vow In order to make trionev It Is
ni-cessat to have a gooej ball ilub
liver one knows that even the plajers'
thcni'dves If the nre to cut In on the
profits, It stands to renson that thly
will woik harder to win games They
don t, iv nnv more about money than
about tl elr salary arm. and their arms,
ire no more Important than their ee
sight Thus Connie has ellsoovcrd a
new 'vayto Inlerest the men pliijlng on
his rlubi and evir.v one will be Interested
to see how tlie: plan works cut
Proposition Up lo "Stuff.v"
This proposition has been put up in
Stuff Mclnnls. Stuff Is the best first
baseman pla.vlng the game today, and
reall Is entitled to nn enormous sal
aiv He Is better linn the $10,000 beau,
ties on other club", but be lias stucly'to
Connie Vails and the Ubieties sllicte
breaking Into the big show Despite
the tall-end aggregation with which he
has been plav tig for tlie last thtee
cars lie has kept his batting average
around 300 and his fielding cannot be
He Is a good plaer from cvci angle,
and Connie does not want to part with
him It Is said that Stuff has been
nfTeied $100 eiut of ever $1000 made bv
the Athletics nct season but this can-
v'r' not be verified. Hut It sounds log cal.
and the ihiiuees are that Milnuis will
listen to reason Stuff Is far from
being 'broke- lie his a good-slzd
bundle of coin stowed ana) In bank,
and docs not feai the future Cor thnt
leasoii he Is In ,i position to take a
rhanic w th the other plaers.
Basketball Standings
Thousands of Young Men
Under 31 Called for Mili
tary Service
isTi:iii-o!.t,i.uivn: u:ot i:
vv I. PC vv i I
1 it 1 nun orrcll n o
Vule ci ii turn Inrtmrulh n ii
Princeton o o mm e ohimbl u I
Tenlshl Dartmouth hi 1'rlrccton
I riil-in- -Corn-ll Ht lohirnltlii
-nlurdc Princeton nt I'cnnejHnli a
At lljrttnouth
VV I. P C.
St. Columba to Meet Gi-
rard Alumni for Amer
ican League Leader
Not Out to Make Moncj
"Cor that reason I have evplalned to
the plajers that the are al.ed to ar
cept smaller salniles this ear liecause
or prevailing conditions and that
ore not making this move to Increase rur
dividends We are rot out to make
nione.v, but to rut down our tosses If
baselmll goes big this summer the pl.t
ers will benefit for the profits will be
distributed among the men This Is a
fair proposition and 1 believe the plsiv
ers will aciept It They are asked to
take a chance with us and if we are sue
cessful they will derive all if the
All U linnt tr. rill la In lirr-al. nle.t, nn
the season lf we make $10,000 ve will Connie JjcU and offered to tear UK his
gladl share It with the men We are contract and sign for less nionc The
cutting rlejvvn epenses and at the same flrtfJiasiman believed he was licit earn-
llmo lrIng to build up a good ball club. Ing his monev, hut Connie told him to
ind If the men do their part we will lie forget It We remember one dav In
successful Hut It Is up to them " Cleveland In that sime enr when Mack
Should Hcrolutionize Baseball )ullC J"',','! "1 sc" McInnl!"-
stufiy then was batting about 170 and
The plan is a good one and If it gues worrlng about it U that time Mack
thiough should revolutionize liaschall said that he v.emldn't sell lilin foi a
There aie man pla.vers In the Mg h couple of ball parks, and Stuffy had a
who pla.v ball is-cause they have to In Jib on the team even 1 his batting
older to get their semlmonthl pa dropped to .00013.
'Stuff)" Is Pair .
Two jears ago, when Stuffv was In the
throes of a batting slump, lie went to
Has formqr "A" Pitcher Arrested
After Trouble Over Filling
Out Exemption Paper
Alleging "lack of control Mis tlob
fehawkei, wife of tlie well known big
leairue bill nlaver now nf the Wu Ynri
Yankees and formerly of the Athletics, ot "' that, but there was a veritable
has entered an assault and bailer ' host f .voungsters under twent vplavlng
charge against her hushind The occa- at the various cliih, anil public courses
sion of the trouble, which Mrs Shawke I . ..
Intimates Is llkel to develop into di-1 Inbule to "Unknowns"
vorce tteps. fc declared bj lier to have .. ,, rMlI. , , ..., ..
-- iiv-v. III4I1IV. lUll, UIl
lM)fTltl1 I.LOL'I
. I. PC
It tprworih ." 1 U r.ah'ton
I)ol).f.ii ".1 H I ; ! J 4
Intr No J T H.rrfU 1 "
KM t lcui 3 .1 ."nn QuaW I
ThuritlA Harrott Hut tern orth,
llntl 1 .-M.il 1 1 ii 1
Snturtlaj lobion Inter Vo, Quaker
Clt s l.a niton Monolp
k c.,inmi V i Mm ti imi i ii.i'i , ...(!, . t tt.ti .. .. .. illclAto tor Ileiinv Leoimrtl's cfo n. and
ftct upon American golf; indeed. I.oirnrtl a l ni UMM ,J .t mo XmA V V,;. "". 1 r . J !" r":3 V,:.. I.eu has earned his ctlt oxer cer fiten
IHPU -- -- -. . ' , 1t.l.
Tho arm draft has had a marked ef-
TK AM. the newsboS that aspired to .!o- l.cneh nml I'ele llermon ,.,u.. ..
I .! tn,,.A1 .. a In m.ln Dlli-,.aou.,.C l Hin HlMHlS Ih n liic- . a -.1 h..A .. j ' ' -1 rT . I
.slln, the thing the boMng world would be full &&? ,B5'S'll(.fflK1Krt p'rlSffiiSK
" C of new sbo.v champions Many nre called l?lr rnn In N lorn i.i j,,r"-"i".".- .'.
and few lire chosen In the draft and '.'' ''J '" roun.v Herman will hai
.....- - i ue i .. i.i. .i... V.!a ms tlll one venr when lhi,i.- r
fflAIATlvVT ouier ionus oi iiiuuein inr, .ti " ii"-- ini week rolls n round llet iwLV uiii.'
(Vt- . v-. ..- ... .-- ......, v., UI1IIUUI1 U J
J but few have succeeded There Is an
The battle for first place in the Amer- exception In tac person of I,ew Tendler,
lean llakelhal League will he resumed Perliaps i-nuaueipmas mo loK.iai ih.i-
j ,,, ,,.., , , . . 1 l,lllC(H.h . - ' , " llll ', " ",
"vuc ,. ,c,,.. mer E,nKie sporr lias i.een .. yT pmi.Ai.F.I.I'lll v t.KAHfi:
1 vv I V c VV l ! r.
V rs Trul si i Itlehmlson J '. Ill
VV llrnnch 'I 1 i "T iek Park I 11 513
l Dun. . . . " 4 .VI lrlrl I s, 1U
I VV. 1.. 1' I' VV I. PI-
SI .Tan-en s n i mm nart r l , 1.".
i, j ,oii Mioam i , i.'3
n vtion vi, i.i:aul'i:
vv i. i" i- w. i.. r c.
Wilson VI I nldlin Kait falls (I 1 "nil
4th I'unli. t ii 1 nun tllltcn . . n 1 uon
v 1 r iT vv l. l' ej.
so hard hit ' b tlie war, and, of course,
specialists in other games arc often
golfers, too
II 1910 there were tens of thousands
of .voung men under thlrtj-onc pla.vlng uarbf'jt
gon an over the couutr With onl.v
here and there an exception the leaders
of the game were all under that age
grown out of a quarul over the tilling known ,ii vers tl i, ,. , i , . '',",1
out of an exemption questionnaire Mrs ate "h ',, '. ,,,, ,L. i" ' u
.Shawke stated that she was not a do unlr , t, , V, ," , . Tht, "r' ,h
pendent and that she and her husband I CI?! -,. '.l''! "". "e Ban"
21 I'reh
Mark-t s.q T
si John . tl
al M 1 u-h ij
Temple I
Nlrl n li 1 h
"VVak-nll II J
Utstildc o t
take the poor The ".saints" are occu
Ping the top rung this morning by the
maigln of 50 point", cr half a game, due
to their t point victory over the Ilan
ictik team last week
While the Cilrard-St Columba game Is
regarded as the "bier' context tnnlirht
the pl.iers and followers of the leairue lahan
will watch the Hrotherhood of Heth Is. Covern,
rnel.Pnrt lllrlimmitl m.iti'i, .!,!. ..&
than usual Interest Tho Ilrnthcrhood tPt I-eonard He Is about lotlng age,
team, which startled the basketball fans married. Imrn in New- Aork and outside
list week b announcing the signing of or a spe"'K nqwiiMmr "" i-.-u
loc .Newman evnects to have Lew ocner ubiii ii" ; ! - c.,..,ir.
of the climb
Lew is due to hot at 01mpla tonight
and his opponent will be Willie Jackson
Nothing Is known about tills Jackson fel
low eiept that ho stopped Johnny
Iiundeo in a round and fought such i
chaps as Patsy ("line, Franklc Cal-
ltocky Kansas, Terry Jlc-
Johnny Meally and even
Joe Tlllter la one of the oent 1. a-
irl?: .":. -it1'.?'"'"" m tme"t.me 5"JoV;
n l"-llcllll
what Joey I, rhnmpion t Trn.llfrtt
i'S?" 'Vi' hl' "Jur,-, '" " brilliant Hltk
-lolinni Malnnej la ahnrlnc ' rome-harlc"
honors with Tommy far Poth toy, are
jcorlnc vlctorlca In lrB quantities and
i'v. r: "A. '- ! ma in PI lxUl Iinrt tn.
other lightweights worth while .,. "iuS'VnlVninJ'
.Malonu w u .. t7.., ".'"?'". -Tn?"e"
I All It ill-- l f
sugarman. the former fircStock star. The lw are nooweel lor si-c loiinus ana frilt n lrrChes nt the ei mupU Hn,i Tlean
In its line-up Not satlsned with hav- 't ' " -xriM a, famll affair-no yn-hu'lj-'li r;ler for thy 'jouVeeV" talent.' ,
ing Newman and Sugarman. tho man- '"a"" " '"'' "r ho" n Ic"'"h 4,0- rirtf'e'pVr'tM.V 'anef"!.1 mu,-'JeaPr-.".'
agement has announcnl ihit It i m. .vlll cop the honors. promoter, hut he miiim to u.r, S.t.
I .ew . n n't
iliad lieen quarreling for seviral weeks
. over th wording of the atlldavlt Muiw
key finally struck her. she claims, which
I attempt to Increase hln batting average
is stited to he the basis of the assault
Mrs. Shawke was formerly the wife
of Herbert Mason Clapp, now deceased.
Orlgnally the was Maiio La KJIr, a
iney ioveu and turned stealfastl to th
'"" worn oi war .nu whether rte'
carries them to far oft lands, to the
trenches of Prance, or to some clt on
the Ithlne, the best wishes of all (Ameri
can golfers go with them
It Is, of course, impossible to liient.on
half the names of the prominent gillf
ers in service, but in every golf ilub in
the country there are man, manv lock
ers whose doors will not be swung again
for a long time
after Maurice Tome, the foimer Trenton Tendler used to stantj outside Hroad
NOT TO RACE IN 1918 cenUr ",an If negotiations aro success- Street .Station and tell papers to the
' full Newman will bo shifted to forward masses Now he is a regular first-class
. I Although they are now-In fourth place, box-lighter with a first-class manager
Champion Harry .1, S., 2.0o 1-2, to .a full contest behind the Hancock ag- and A No. 1 reputntlon He recentl
Be Returned to cegatlon, the Beth Israel quintet ex-' put Jack Ilurso out in a couple of rounds
KlftPPll MpmKflfc nf KVsitlt11 T
Have Qua,if,ed for Air t 'TransS SEl "$
Stars Join Colors
Uobeit Gardner
his cDUsin Paul
Is in tlie artlller
ardner, also, but
One of the greatest trotting stallions
of the Cast, Harry J. . . 2 05-, by Ad
miral Dewe, 2.0t'4, will be among the
missing turf stars when tho 1918 racing
season rolls on The speedy little black
' t.a,u In Clnl.Vi ,1.a ...... I ,
,..e . Hilton ,t,u PTA3UII in ei uranu
spun tnai win carry it "over the top"
to first place,
Beth Israel Is not alone In signing for
mer Eastern I-eague plaers. Kube
Cashman, who has been a member of
more teams than he has fingers, has
been signed to play with the Hancfoek
i team nnrl In eTneeterl tn enals t.ts .tit....
horse, owned by Harry J Stoec'tle, of Wednesday evening against Y. M tr a
Wilmington, Del, Is to be retired to the i "Kid ' Slmendlnger. a oung brother of, head and shoulders above the local
the former lilg leaguer and a member crop of "3& pounaers. ieonard, cnne.
at Boston, and IJundco uoesn t seem
anxious to mlngre with mm Jackson
doesn't care how tough they come : : he
Is built for speed and action and never
falls to deliver no matter how fast the
going. Tendler proved he has the kick
and there Is certain to be .plenty of
'eni.slep Even now
inpti me i melltht ami if there la aniihlrnr
K"ln cl,licl,:ce"n,l"nelUr,s ceVSiln'W
rT,l.", V00 fsmllv refujfa lo be kept out
ai h"tH,.'tr: T 1."av '"" " Public eye
?U? "ir,"' ,,ha m flkbtlnB Moore, i;
earned with Kdd a llatea tn the Initial
l.,ou!neI,nr',ni.7.l?cnh,oSf c"i5eiI",r DrWn' ,'"
.T,'i ,b" ln IS? Navat Reserve were nur-S'-'
rrl Vr Chrlatms.. and ih holiday
lively boxing during the eighteen , or" a tut stuVea' hitw" r,&&"SS'i
iraiik and en n .1 tin... i .,..".. -- --.
New- TorK Poxcrs
seem to stand
I Ilunttr leaves for Crance
i i ry soon
The htoeckle trotter has c me to the
front In the last two ears wltln.in un
usual burst of speed When he made
his present mark of 2 05 s at Lexlng-
Ni:U'I'OItT. It I. Jan 7 rifteen
members of the Second Naval Dlstrlit
football squad Cupid Black's famous
aggregation of pigskin chasers have
gone Into the aviation service and are
rt present learning tv tty They are
Gardner. McAllister, rennock, Hlte,
Orem, Kweetland, Hlgglnbothain, Haas,
lUnard, O'Keefe, Qulgley. Hutchinson,
Callahan, 1'urdy and Murphy
Of the others who composed the squad
Barrett and Uerrish have earned mm.
i missions as ensigns and have left New
(Port. Black and Trier are In the mer
chant marine officers' school and
i Sihlachter, J, Dunn, W. Dunn and
Burns are In the school for officers.
Iiirl i:by, until leiently a stu
dent at rnns)lvanla University and
flow- at Camp Grant, Illinois, where he
Is a sergeant of Company I 3lld In
fantry, h(. torvarded his signed blank
for the "Mlllrose 600 Invitation." which
will be one of the features of the mili
tary events In Madison Square Garden,
New- York, January 13.
Kbjr won a place of high repute among
the athletic enthusiasts In the IZast
when he forsook. Chicago last ear and
came Ist to represent the University
of Pennsjlvanla.
It Is possible that the tie for first I
nu Meutenan, Kraser Hale ha, Ten on Kni ion "li. , S Z ?,l 1In,?u,,'"1..rr! ' '.
. -. . . :" - ...-..,, nun nn-iv, i'ui il in iiaru v nrnii.
1V tllA Hall I nlilrt Tae a A .a. vr-.
oi tne i.a .sane uouege quintet, has been ,
slgued by Port Hlchmond I
Baseballs and Bats
Called Useless Toys
Ktlllf. Jan. 0. "llaball mni k.l.
are ueeteas tn." l Ih dleluoi pra.
ncHiorrd l !! Itallau ruslama auUerl-
Ilea i lu l.larlnc a ban an Ike ImpartaUan
r tBe urllrle far AmjtlMn. In lt.lv
Keeetitly tlie Amrrlrana purcfaaiKrcl tha
few baaeballa arallakl hwa ml h
erderer mtrr from ih I nfleal State.
There afM la n ehortaf f bale.
, Thoraaa N. Pas, the Amerlran Am
baawdor. ka lieafl netltlaiinl I abulia
an eirmpilan at baarball rsjalpairiit fraaa
th raeenl law aaalnst lb laanartalian of
mn Miatriea ar uamrreaaarr artletea.
i."lgi'"T.e"" raiT it
uii-ii- ior inese iast five mnnths. r,,
els Oulmet is with the infantr all
Camp Devens, and tlie last I heard of1
i.eorge Ilran. the Texas champion, was
that he was In Washington omring nis
servkes in aviation Sam ItenoIds the
Trnns-Mlsslsslppl plaer. Is also hi avia
tion, as Is Itobln Hane. of California
Dudley Mudge, of Minneapolis, Is an
other bird mill
Davidson Herron, ly many conslC-i-ied
one of the inoit promising golfen
in the eountr, is now In service and eo
are the two golf-famous Corkran
brothers, of Baltimore Donald Ud
wards. of Midlothian, Is at Hockfoid
and Ned Allls Is In the artlller In
Teus. Hamilton Kerr and Howard I.ee
are in wie coast patrol and Ned .Sawjer
has Just gone to Washington as lieu,
tenant In the Ordnanco Department
I'ros Have Dependents
Most of the pros are over thirty -one
and have dependents, hut lime Bobb
McNulty, of Ia Grange, answered about
the first call and Is now- at Ilockford
Golf clubs are remitting the dues of
all those In service and ever thing win
be In readiness for them when they all
come home. Golfers form a great fra
ternity. Of couise the great body of golfers,
the sustaining golfers, remain, and they
perhaps are plalng more than ever.
reeling an even greatir necessity of
keeping fit.
Competitive Tfolf, however, has prob
ably lapstd for the period of the war;
with all the absentees It-ceviild have no
representative character.
nine cars old Measuring the Dela
ware racer's speed qualities with those
of other fast horses of the turf world, he
seems to have nursed his best work for
his later ears,
Harry J S has seen seven ears of
racing life on the tracks As a three-)ear-old
he was marked In I ls(.
The last two eam has unfolded re
markable history for the Harry J 8
auiei ituuerwoitii anil Dobsnn. fh
leaders, do not meet. Butterworth should
win Its game with Barrett on Thursday.
Dobson pla Inter-Nos on Saturday, nnd
the spectators should witness n ii-mi.
fought game, with the odds In Dobson's
The recent spurt of the reconstructed
.,iiv:n n icaui lias cansen enme
alarm among the leaders, and they don't I
.s the
registered his fastest ' n. .:.'" . ,," !"' """ :c00
mark of his career. :',. , " 1'i. " V"!"' .' '"?B "?
.- . ....,c n,o,o i nf. Trie riffM
Jackson, Callahan, Dundee and Iliese
hall from the big town; Tillman Is
really from Minneapolis and Johnny
Bay halls from Pittsburgh. The visit
ors have the edge Just now- and It Is
up to Tendler to protect our Interests.
A local elub is n.cklnz nn effort to brim?
cook and an old timer In Ilia uerv Ice.
.i eli it..' "' R ,frK rruard. now
?'. Ca.C ' and a real flBht Iiub. aajs It
vena the ureateat bout atak-ed anhero In
jears The pair slueeed for keepa. with the
velcran winning ot. ivkajo In the sixth.
.1,1,1 nnnlltee lurln l...,TeT.. . .,.-
thirteen already nceountetl for It waa tlinuzl t
la the latest lo Jon u lamp and N ,Mm.
nlcel nt f amp runaton. An effort la IWne
niacle lo match McAllister ami Mlk Olh
hoi a. Instructor nt Doilito. for a tan-rounder.
to i-ike place Ii Kanaaa City tha lunar pari
of Januar.
h.".: fS- ialSft the wlhn ng , Wd I g .. tea, Une"'"'.-. "
marvel hit up a clip of : 07 13 and for one of laB?Tear f Vorih,Tiilir
the season of 1017 registered his fastest ! TL V. lVtVT VS.Vi t"st " ' s
mark of his career. --OS.,. j nee'ves are Archive r.ta Pile ,1
As a racer over the half-mile tracks man. Is another Northeast plaver
Harry J S Is the champion stallion .
trotter, ills oest mark Is :.07i over ' ours -iruiy continues to play unheit
the twice-arounds, vvhlih is some light-1 aLIe ball In tlie West Philadelphia
nlng fast. League, and unless the other clubs
strengthen their teams the pennant will
be clinched many weeks before the sea
son Is scheduled to close.
NKW YORK. Jan. 7. Shortage of
coal In Brookln caused the postpone
ment of the league ches match between
Staten Island and Ocean Hill at the
Bos' Welcome Hall, which was not
heated. Tho teams agreed to meet at
Stapleton next Saturday.
PIUNCETON. N J. Jan. I, Coach
Keene Kltipatrlck called out the candi
dates for the Tiger track team toda.
Very little veteran material Is left for
the coach to work with, but some of the
new men show- promise of developing
Into capable athletes. The nucleus for
a track team at Princeton consists chief
ly of Krdman, a hurdler, and Itamond,
whose best distance Is a mile.
West Virginia to Play Army
MOnOANTOWN, W. Va. Jan. 7
Instead of plajlng Dartmouth and the
Navy ln 1911. West Virginia's football
team wilt be held to a game with the
Army, which has been arranged for
West Point on Oitober 19, and possibly
with Rutgers at New Brunswick on No
vember I Pittsburgh will be plajed at
j-uuourin uciooer iz, and k i, pr0b
Robinson's Son Is Killed '
mr.TUIORB, Jan. 7. Mlloert If. Itobln
aon. Jr.. tuentl-aeven. aon of the manager
of the Ilrooklin National baseball club la
dead vhere-todar of Injuries received tn an
u.uiitvwiiv arciurm.
Moran "Too Busy to Fight"
NEW- lORW Jen T V-..1. t
heaiyiretsht. has a.krd for a po.tponem.nt
of nlaacheduled bout with Fred Pulton II
- "s ',".'" uu.jr io nam January xs ana
has aiked .f- Orl.an. promoters to chanre
lb dm to l.bruiry -.'2.
Walter Trumbull Joins Artillery
KV "" "-, i.-'Anothee New York
SUITS $1 1 80
EEDCCXD niOM W. SJS aa4 ns
S. E. Car. fltk aatt Arclt StraaU
(penMsBctey aa4 astaslar CaOl 0 ;tmt
ii.- : (J-iiSP&xJSSim g kXraaiX. . V
Olympia A. A. ? YJK?1':
MONDAY KWKsd?ffilS$aft'?'
Al )lMn t. EMla Bates N
Harrr tKUl bin n. rrankl Canwar
U .H-n,
Eisenlolar v
' - Masterpiece
, Straight
lf that Indiana UaVv.lty VlU liffii'&ILV&FfiSg
... - f- I'll'i'
-QTT9 tlS.NLQHW & RQIiINi:o,ri.ar
H"":"-1P lW.i(
.ame -- - .. nj.