Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 07, 1918, Postscript Edition, Image 11

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C question Jia ivaisea as
Pullman Securities Gossip
of the Street
V' milKHt: 'wuh consltleriililp- dlNctisslon In the llniiiir-lttl districts on Hut
iiruuy fin iu wiic.tiicr mo ruiimtin (.-oninuny wits liicliiilcil In tlio fiov
inliiirtit's ntan for tutting over tlio nillrnntlH unit for compcnuiitlnc tlicm
on n 1'1h 'f llirro J cars' itvcritRc ijrt cnrnliiRN. Nd one arcmetl poxlllvo
on llip matter. pniclul. of the I'cniiHylvnntii Untlroml woiihl not pxiucm
st mly brinlon. Tlio tblrr reprcRCiitiitlxe of tlio IMillmnn Comniinv In tlilt
, i r (
. Itv..'fiM .until fri tin In . Wnulittii.lini
....J i'I,7 l'l-t I-"" " "' ""- "" ,."
1 Vn'sK&i ''ititif erYy."iiaj nn Men uti t)P, subject.
,-i,K-'' Tlio lroHldcnt'M pruclnniatlon woiili
i- rnllnian Company Ih Ini'lmiod. n.s
n.s it
f AiCo-f tjijt'tforp.r.yooiliiiw'
j. ! States, " take p'ossckkIoii
aUJtirrcpf. ! 'k eunnlHtliiK of i
earn, prlvnlq enrs niirf private car flncj etc.
.r lt,l Kencrnlljt lioJIovcil'tlmt "pilvntc ear llne.s-' Ineliidos tho rulliimn
Toinpany and that to place the company on tho mine basis of compen
sation .a life' railroads will have a very perceptible elToct on tho stock,
wlilclfilmii.M., proven,1 ,lllir of dividend of S tier cent. The Vullman Com
pany owns and bperutes extensive plants located In six different cities,
nlth general olllces In Chicago. Its capitalization is. $120,000,000, with
tho same iiiiionnt outstanding. There Is no bonded Indebtedness. Its
surplus for 1316 was 2,780,607. AL tho close on Saturday the stock was
quoted nt.tOO'i. a 'decline of 7 points from the closo of the previous day.
ln,AgUBt last It sold up to 140. It Would seem, therefore, that Gov
ernment control, K It Includes this ompniiy, has affected the stock
When Will Governmental Control Cease?
( 'lie f erring tp that part of the President's address In Congress on the
aiibjecj of the railroads, there Is-a good deal of speculation being Indulged
(n .as to. when "Congress shall thereafter authorize" that governmental
control shall cease. ,
The President wants the control sanctioned by Congress; he wants It
to continue during the war and until Congress shall thereafter authori.e.
The general Impression created by these words Is that private ownership
alter .the,' wnr is something In' the distance. It was this doubt as to tho
future thnt was given as a cause of the slight roaction In railroad so
curltlcs. Slimy potential buyers were ready. .It Is said, to buy If the
details were 'satisfactory, but were held back until they would examine
tlio matter more closely. .Many lire awaiting the llguros on earnings
anil expenses which tho (Internment will Issue after the contiol of the
raids Is ussumed.
There Is no Information as. .vet slating whether the I'Vdcral plans
call for a. monthly statement, nt present, or whether reports will
be Issued nt longer Intervals. v
. .
Tho November stuterncnt of the Lehigh Vullej Itallload Is Illuminat
ing as to what may be expected from some railroads us to the Covern
nicnt's basis of three years' net earnings. A gross Increase of net for
tho month of JIi7,C37 was converted Into a decrease from net as com
pared with tho record of the samejmolitlr the previous year amounting
to $375,7!l. Operating expenses increased SJIO.CHO, and of tills $400,000
was aleyuntcd for by additional transportation costs.
A well-known llrm of New York brokers Is authority for the state
ment thin under tho system of governmental control u saving in expenses
amounting to $."UO,000,000 it .vcar ni.iv l.e expected. The ways in which
this saving may bo effected, they say, are as follows: Mconouiy in routing,
economy hi loading and unloading, In space, In number of olllces, In
handling ct'nploj'es In numerous departments of work; also economy in
purchases and in standardization of equipment and rails,
, TJils boars out .lustlco Urandois's wcll-rcmembered statement that
morctlian-$t,000,000 it day could bo saved by (ho railroads of the country.
If theseprognostications prove' out In practice, tlio Ciovernmenl will soon
be pjllng up n surplus from railroad management.
The Change in "Trust" Sentiment
There scorns to be a reaction In public opinion recently In favor of
whal aro generally known a,s the trusts. Sluuy who aro now speaking
loudly for tho trusts and Inveighing against the Government for Its years
of persecution and suppression of the trusts overlook tho Important
things' which tlio 'Government tried to suppress, namely, tho mrlhuih of
(ho triist'organlzcrs.ln their, building up of tho trusts. Wo have been
trcated-.liero In Philadelphia during tlio last week to a rehearsal of thoso
methods as pursued by representatives of tho Meat Trust, methods which
most tit us had considered obsolete. It might be as well for somo of us
to review tlio methods by which tho trusts were organized before wo
blaino' Congress or the Government for shortcomings on these lines, nnd
then to ask ourselves whether, after
applied whlclwwo uro now udvoc
squeezing of rival concerns by t
been 'aiming nt In the vast.
Apropo.s of tills. In Ills rcpor
Insurance Company, Gcorso IC.
railroad 'situation ias been -greatly
tho decision of tho President t
men't nnd control of tlio railroads
cHlcors-who liitvc.for theso many
now realize that effective results
'and co-operation. If the new schemo works out satisfactorily It must
hover bo forgotten, that Its success will be duo largely to tho fact that tho
Government Is sanctioning and adopting tlio very Hue of policy which tho
railroad heads have long advocated, but which tho Government has dc
clareUjllcKal fpr. them. For. more than ten years the aim of legislation
has been to jgauip out 'trusts' as Inimical to tlio public welfare. This' last
govenimentiu. act .vrcatcs tho greatest 'trust' the nation has ever seen.
Tlilsf'fuet must b 1)orno lii mind In
Tin-ruet miiHi iiouorno in miiKi in mc luiuro wncn uio su
ernmerrtj cpntrpl Is usil, nn if ilojnbtlesa will he, us tho basli
of KoVernmcnfal bwi'icrsh"!!).' Tho nlinust nxinmatlu peine
' (-atust 'Cfltcleiicy la- and always must bo dependent upon the right of
'InteMscnt' combination has now' been vindicated and reasserted by our
hlg'liefef afitliu-rlly:" ' '
,' 'r.-'Jdo'skc,ijjhp4ny?Was Iho only one that leeched n clean bill of
"'"hcu'iln fWm''tho,'-'rHughe'Brt Investigation in 1005.
'&& $1 'VVuMi? Utilitu Notes for Week
aN'Ufthcrji .4ljU"KIccJr(e Corporation, roports for Novcmbor gross earn-
, ' ViM iU"i.w.v u.,.w.... , . , .........
llfcs of Jj3tf99.-l6,rbfr'l.nv'rcafo over tho forrospondlnB moi
loVl ier ccSitjSR't'cat.nings, $161',E68.34, a decreabo of 27.38
1... i ; ..'! Z .. ... n..,ln.l KmAml-.Ar 1( rrrniiu mifllltltval iulVi
tho- tweK-lTmonths ended November
'art Increase over tho preceding' year of 23.02 per cent; net earnings,
$2,387,463.76, a decreaso Ojf 4.48 per cent. The company explains that tho
docrcuscH a'ra.duc, to' lho fact tha,t tlio principal part of the, railway prop
"ert'y 'vva's"ldio toril,week during Istrlko of street-car operators and to tho
,pontlnued high epst.of, materials land Jabor,
, Tho' Oklahoma, City division of tho Oklahoma Gas and Kkictrle Com
pany .reports that for tho .week ended December 21 It distributed r.31,810
kilowatt hours 'of electric energy, an "lncreaso o'f 71.0 per cent over tho
, jwircrnnng W'eekiOt lSlftLand tho division greatest weekly output.
ftufiSfirto (Wtrcase'S liaVe Wen nUthorUeOtby the Public. Bcrvlco Com
mUsriii'Jnaalilngton for (ho iHipet unif-Cns Company, tervlng
li? ercuj'jmohomtsh u'nd Monroe, Wash.
Tho' Metrojibiitan' Edlbon Oompapy,. nj subsidiary of tlio Itrtadlng
Tranali'and Light Company, announces that Increases of 15 per cent in
iW'r'alqs on all classea'o'f Service, with lho exception of houso-llghtlng,
went ilnioj effect on January U
.;, : Greater i Confidence in Rails
Hankers und brokers ure. snerally of tfio opinion that should lho
war continue for ono year longpr tho Government will hold, on to the
railroads or at least ono Vckr after the dose. In order to fully determine
tlio problem of ownership, ami this opinion ban materially contributed to
,;grejite' confidence on the part, of. Investors in railroad securities.
s.ytAUnjMnveBtment housea-whlch gpec'lallzo In rails expect eventually
to'd6o"railr6aa sfecurltles self around not less than A per cent basis.
There in :o- doubt entertained In b,est Informed quarters on (he railroad
situation' aaUdi the stability of prloes or of the future confidence us far
i .'aSfj'tKe'.'Goverriment is concerned.
st22jup'ass. the railroad blll'aa it, Is
Si Sfiifci,1ly' 'P al1 railroad sefcurlles will be. supreme.
't.'i &Pfsitaea! it Jacurrent-opinlon J Hnanclal circles in this city
: iiC''j..-i-i:.4.'J:-Aa l.i.. .M-iU' 'ftriivrt.tlan lbrii wUJ.
. ", , , .
to jprooaDle meet on
m..1 .... .,,,.. I.. ,1... li.tll,...,... ,.,ti. i..
runt no 1IIIV 111 IIIU I lllllllllll iiiiivcm III
il Mi-eni
to mulic It tTpnr that the
t htn
IllMjn, I-'resldcnt of the
nnd ipsutno oontrol
transportation ml the
rnllroadH ice)lnB and jmrlor
all, It was the trust principle rightly
(he future when tho success of Gov-
Is of advocacy
clplo that the
IllUlllII Ol jllMU Ul
per cent. Kor
30, gross earnings were $6,306,489,43,
The belief Is general that Congress
in a few days, and after (hat tho sense
Mk or the ,,K,llHtl.- ..I...H and unfair COU, UAMI'KIIS UPHUATIONB rr,.,-. r; lnfi v.,,1 frlimls MANN J" M' ' iUiful'Ti' , Kttl CKI TOKR IIUI DrM
ho IniM 'rcprcMMltuth CH that tlio law lias JIcAdon mmlu iml'IV lol.'Kraphlc re nf .Klnrjuc. Harri. .. U.latlv and frl.nrta WpVo'S Vri?,vo,l Vt Int. IVrnwaod ini.' ' n.laili.a .nd . frl-iid.. m.inlwr. of lnd;. vltrd in fun-ral. l . I P in . Is I.. Vr!CWir-il l-V mE$&
t tu the policyholders of the Uonm Life top ilcnenil. -aI... la h. New lork. The Churci,. lv..chMl.. ,o ,,. ,. ,, oly - . ' '" -; 3ii" " ,, ' l.n.V prl;.-'. North .vjar Hill in. ll.n..in. ..ji m n,r;r.i ..ninH, r.. m m . 'uVZZZZZZZZJISX 1&
Iclo. president of tlio compmiy. wild: "Tho report roll.mH.: ,.,,. ATK'' Vl..- TawAlW?. m,l S" ' : '""""' "' '"' "' l""ura ta"'''.'!.;;. '. , ....,' 2K and eul.!..- W '
" M.tiiiiiiiit trtu 1m increnMiiic nt iinlnta i-. I. ....' '.."'. .fv' .' '"."-i" L ''P. . . tcmum voa viati nocp nod tikttieh uKiiu1 . i&n iv t Norrlstovvn -3t.K7N ana CUISinv 4A ,!
clianKe.l within .ho last few weeks I'.y cast ot Pittsburgh and Huffalo, luit thla , iiViaiiVS'"'.." frkn.1. ItiiltM to "run.Val i.a ilRii 'inn ,.M."i' .Inhnan,' All,. cllllV: i-r of lZiZ . !'. 'and. lair i:.lj.r.l ll. liar , HAitl.lIS. M. HlAlli:, :;$ F""""' 3S! BooVI.I and ,.!,.! apUihitJ M
o..Mumo throi1Bh one heud tho ,aBc , J? due to .m 1 rold Mher '.V"' W!;,r1 TCliS, 1, WlV W!tMW .Vll ".1 .ff'BIH TSariInf K'K '" 3SM S. J. LAWRENCE. M.n.. W
!. It.iM hlBliltlcant thnt tho Covcrninent li i .;.. ,,,ri;r.. uhlel, I.Ja tin. .., Houborouirh. Int. prUato, Wi'.lmln.t.r , nnl.nii. rfnuirm in... HI. MoiilM-a . !'.rl .'"'". "'d.. J p. m.. Ia u ll ' Hr.UkS. Jan. ft. JC iin. '';"' nV . . , ZBf.JA
year been tho advocates of competition, ceaMlritcd curtailment of train pervlce. I nBCK-j.n . 'R. AMANI.rs ni:.'K. aKl ' ,'ANSCBll,-Jnr ?.a MAUY K . "vit. of ' in" p.iv.i;. " , , ,,,,.,, , , iwatu.a and' fri-nd. InyltM lo funerul ATMXTir CITY. N. J. '
' "Th.. ii-iminiiirar unrvii'D In lie int? rn. i R tunri n.U ., mwi trlnA t.iwltnH t,i ..,..' ..?"' V'VV " la ... mtvu'l'tT. lorn C ul fill. Wftliiut nt . .artl.ai W'mA t. in 1 IHIT IlurrlSOll St. ' 1 . .!ME"
CI1I1 b0 obtained Otllv bv C'Cntrall2.ltlon ,.. .,.,,! w-hAr..i... nnualKlA 1m u n rraiil l-ervlre. Wed.. '2 n iii . 4LMH IMne Ml Int. !,.i Vl.L1 xt-ri.. ".?. --.i .? ii-il. VIIVMIP. V wife of frnilk Maxwell. I frankford frlenda mny rail Tuea., 7:31 to ja-sV stt&L. fm
I "Situalioii Critical unci 'Anx -
ious," Food Administrator
Cables Herbert Hoover
1 II.1IIHI lllinnilda, llrltlsh fooil control,
ler, lu n cable to Herbert Hoover, the
food administrator, nindn piiblli' here,
iiuiys: ,
" oaipulsory- rationing of
I foodstuffs Is probable, and I
cestui Inl I
view llin
situation with grave anxiety.
I "I have repeatedly said hi public and
private that there Is no rri.soti for lm-
ttiieillatu alarm, iillhoticli inera Is every
reason ror strict eeoiioiuy and precau
llonnry nunsures. Tlifse statcineiits have
In some Instances been twisted Into a
declaration tint (lien Is plenty of food
lu Kngland and Trance.
"Tim food position In this country, nnd
as 1 understand It in Kram-o also, can
now without any evnugrratlnn bn de
sctlbed ns criticnt nud anxious.
"As I am now unable to avoid com
pulsory rationing, I fear It will have
to come with lonu mnui-s
of people
er'ln vlr -
awaiting In the severe wentbe
I tnally every town In Ihiglund for the
dally necessaries of life
Unload Cars or Pay
Fines, Says McAdoo
, Continued from Piute One
of tho scarcity of labor, the Inevitable
weather, tho Irregularity of trnnspor
i tatlou and the consequent frequent
j bunching of cms. Nevertheless, I am
I convinced that the total Inconsequence
and hardship on these acounts will
be far smaller than the Inconvenience
Hiid liaidshlp which our people as a
whole ure suffering on account of tlio
undue tying up of iullrti.nl equipment,
l and will he very small. Indeed, com-
pared with the monace which the wide
, spread tying up of equipment causes
to the health and comfort of tho peo
ple nnd the successful conduct of our
vynr operations.
' "I therefoie appeal to every citizen
to accept 111 ii spirit of Hearty
ojieratlon the Increaseil cnarges wuicn
will be Imposed, mid I especially ap-
i peal to every shipper or consignee, as
u patriotic dut.v. to employ every pos-
t slide erfcrtand expedient (even though
! it Involves unusual and special nr
I raiigement and additional cost) to load
and unload freight cais with the least
possible delay, III order that the cxlst-
lug congestion may be cleared up !
, fore the new demurrage rule goes Into
' effect.
Tho ordtr follows;
num:u NO :t
Ml tartlets by railroad.' subject lo
. the Jurisdiction of the undersigned,
I ale herebv ordertd and directed fiitth-
I vvit'.i lo publish and (lie, ami to con-
llniio In effect until ruitliir unitr.
tui-irru fr,.,-Ho until January 21. in
I wherein demurrage rules, icKuiaiions
i and charges shall, be changed so as lo
A--(t) Fortv-clght hours (two days)
Ireo tunc for loading or unloading on
all commodities. ,
(i) Twenty-four hours (ono .!.
. free time on chis held for any other
purpose pennltted by tariff.
1 II Demurrage charges per tar pi r
, dav or fraction of a day until car r
I leleased, as follows: Throe dollar.
for the Tint day. $4 for the sisimd
day anil for each succeeding addl
, tlonal day the charge to be Increased
$1 in excess of that for the preceding
1 day until a maximum charge of $10
1 per car per day shall ho i cached on
Iho eighth day id detention beyond
free time, the f barge thereafter to be
$10 per car per day or fraction thereof.
These charges wHI sujietstde all thosa
named In existing tariffs applicable to
domestic freight, and specifically con
template the cancellation of all aver
age agreement provisions of cxlsthig
No change Is iiiithorlzed heieby to
he made lu demurrage roles, iokuI.i
tlons and charges applvlng on foreign
export freight awaiting ships al ex
port points.
Ppon request, (be Interstate ( om
merce Commission has Issued fifteenth
section order No. 225. authotlzlng lho
tiling of tariffs to accord with this
ordei to been le effective January 21.
1018, on one day's notice.
Carriers shall immediately tile said
tariffs with appropriate state commis
sions or other Stale authorities.
Dated Washington, this fifth day of
January. !MH. W. . McADOO,
Director (ienei! of lianroaii
man persons aro returning home Hfter
.lm linlldnvn ronRhlerHttln -.erlo in ro-
V.i i
"A heavy foe IbroiiRh the rlttsliurgb
rtlatrlot, accompanied by r low leinnera
Hire, la greatly lulerferlm .lth ewllclr
! Ins operations nnd train moveiiienls,
I which, with Iho hhortar-e of labor, rau.ea
loaa of ground thero. Tho labor situa
tion in the. rittnburch district Ik acute.
"Ther. la nlnntv nf roul :.t Ilnmtitmi
i rtoade, but ships aro Mow In unloading.
l dim to thn sever,. w.ai- i,,l ll,- ...
l-."i-1.. .i. ! .',, f;oruiKo ot wotc;
... Muia.j - ,,j tn ,i,(.-uiiiik in,' tinrrji
npe ration
of railroads In that district..
ni.rl rtii ...nnril 1 1 ufiii' I'ltllllitUIIW frOlll l"H'U in Jlllieru , 1 liur. , .' H II, III.. BOn- iilrt funernl n.n1',n''ft I nunrn. i.n. i . .-,.,.. v ....... . . uin..,.i, ni. - , v V. T7 :'j-.-. .. 'SWJM'n
r!i.S,A"!:f ' ai..m";,Vi,ri): i-!;irw.nf-":r- ,'Ssns..W'riy. 3w &. .jw.-j:". "-m?i . .!.v'tuV; ."S"r,Ar S-Tvii;"..f"n! "K&iVzti'V .:.'i.v jr- .rm., 3WN" vA-ri- :M W1
- . . i arn ami aie jnnn K-. itecK. nceii L'L'. i-ji tii.s . t in ii n. in. ' uinrs ni in-' i. 'iii. i u.,ii-n im,.h. ,...,. ., irpp nrinver. w in i.nvii . -, ...., , wMM.7TrsssrTTssmr''vH
"A blloriae." OI Mllur ni eilKllie-nouae Due nnlkn nf funeral lll lie itUen (H'.AHV Jan. II. CAT1IAIUM:. lfa nf nve. l.iijlntt, 1'a men maaa i nuri-n oi inn HHatlve. nnd friends lulteu to eervirre J jMll'rrPJ LL"U fjTyTaWW
termiuaiil is pirveiiunK t'UKinvn iroin i nt.in 11,1.1. .vi iieinwam t-lty. Iei.. .Ian. .lartlii ni'.ry, nr lleiaiiv,. ann irienna in inn rtn.vi., ... ,.ni,., ,v - ,ii, i. m . ii., .. .i.u ri m. v, ,..". B wjj LJ. 19. M m Bftl
belnc turned uroinntly and ki'IIIhk Imelc ' "r- I-'KANK lini.Vll.T.i;. mrni Oft. riela. Mte.l to fun-ral Wed . h a. in , rt.ldenr.nf dral J em ,.itoiiiivii . ,'p"1 Aul" funeral, . , . . I In? lr Iwll lUM
I Into Ktrilr.' Ihea ami friends InMled In funeral .erilie,. .nn-ln-law. I! K Kollt. Iltrvin. I'a. Illch MellltlirlJ. Jan 4 KATIIAItlM. A . STKVI1NH -.Ian r,. FUddenly. nt B722 i IVAAI I'll ill-l
"rt i 1. I..... .1 ,,.i... i, . , Delaware Clly. IVI Tues.. 7::lll P. lu He. max Pt MnnliH'a Churrh 0 a. ni. Int. New daljahler nf lain Jame. and ,Mrnrlo i-i,pt.r nXf KAT11 V. , d.uahler of IM A - kl A VAVJH
Tile lullimpo l.'IIIIIKS or (mills llnrvn nna ,vm , ,.r,ial,.d t cnclleii Mills Cathedral Ctm. Autu funeral Millrlde (ne. Tlnntyl, IIelalle and ff lends, fhomaa I' and Adeline H. Stevens Itfln- ... ... v stO
been rcdllC'd (ill aci'OIIIlt of colli lo ex- Cem., Phlla., Pa., Wed., n. in. OI.KNN. Jan. ft. at Wllllalnstoll. N. .1.. , Sarred Ileal I Hnelely. 1 M. Sodality nf m, n, fri'lid. Inlli'd to funeral aerire., ,, AIIRT' .1XY . . VM
pedllo tram-porlatlon nf coal and food- lil.ACK. Jan. a, i:i,l7,Alli:TII a . widow HAVIU A QI.R.NN, need 72. Ilel.ilie. and St. Ann'., lm ted tn funeral. Tuea., 30 vv,d ., B ,,, ,, srhultr Uldi. A"M Hi" rlaor. o: rough wlnttrl
slllffa. llmlilirKUPS anil illMTflnnH lllo f raM If lllach. aced 7 ll.latlvea and frlenda Invited lo funeral atrrlrea. Wed. a in . r"'" " itale,-., Jamea I Mr- IlrM, Bn, p,mn, ,,,, t. nrlvate. lit. Jill" Vor''la artaU.t Wlnl.. RMgj
r.npW;i,erVVeP ne.eiTJary a"-!d f,".- .!",',? '' orTv ' a,?r".;,n.h3K'.V T. Tn ,7r"Jl!.-"wK s.;i.h X!?,M .O'.T ;;.'- - . a. o. Tue... 7 lo v XR -d .delightful ,S
.I-""" . Thn.ii mnni ne .in.Ti ru in. i ......- ...... .-... . v rii-k't-r in.. iiinivv.i u'ii rir .inmivmi uni, ,i.i . , a .ukb w. -.
If OU I.N l'lTTSHI'KCII IllSTIlir-r IIIItMINailAN'. January ft. tnls. MAI1T. ...OHBIli:. Suddenly. .Ian ft.'I'MIU mn nt
turo 111 the coal regions Is B below zero I IMS W. I'nrlfle t , Tloca. Int. private.
I ?J operlte.onana",S tr"B uni ''m.T.'n.il.rMnnVi:.?,"'
I nairiperins operations. beth and lata William llnjle. aeed in. n.la-
in inuiana unci .Miclilirau there. Is
serious dllllctilty. Thero Is u henvy accu-
mutation of frelght.at tidewater nnrfo
Shins aro available liiiilahnrfj, "iJ"V'
nii aro uvuuauie, out luhor for load-
Ins them lfvery scarce, as also Is labor
for coal Ins,
A Day
TTitt U all ,1t costs tn nave, art)
abundant supply of pure, running
water uuaer niun preiiur wntr
ever and whenever vou want tt
wben you Install1
Affords anipiV tire osot action and
ajtvea you ' all the advantaea of
eity water at a fraction nf thw cost.
Iow Initial cost. Requires almost
r.o altnilon.
Write tor booklet No. 41,
Plumbing A Heating Supplle.
II lo 60 N. Mb 81
ana a,rrh Street
I Americnn r
and Krcneh
tied in Church
Where She Worshiped
, PIlANCi:. Jan 7.
l-'or the first time. In history
I'liltrd States plavrd n part In the na
tional celebration of the birthday of
Josn of Arc on Sunday. Prajers were,
offered up In all of the. churches for
victory and for the safety of the Amer
icnn and I'rench armies.
Al the little hamlet of Dotnreim .
. i where I'Vance's national heroine was
born, the American anil French II.iks
were Intertwined across the nltar la the
church where slm worshiped and saw
the visions that saved Franco. Tim
Stars and Stripes were also dlspl.ivrd
In front of tho font where .loan of Art
was baptized
There was an Inipiesslvp lellgiotis nnd
military ceremony. A battalion of crack
French line troops was drawn up lu
front of the little church stsnillm- nt
attention v Ith presented nrms, whle the
1 tolling bell nimnunreil tho celebration
or tun rites within.
Tho villnge was crowded the whole
day with pilgrims, msny being news,
paper Correspondents who had come for
many miles to worship at the mint's
.iiureh. to pray for thn success of the
Allies and for the coming of another
who shall deliver France In her hour of
Many persons who were unable to gel
iil.i., .!, ,i,. .l..i 1...-1. .t ... :..
",r '".' ""I".-! niii'iiiiiian in toe
snow outside until a volley, tired across
a little cemetery, containing many newly
made graves, announced that tho cere-
mony was at an end.
High masses were ssld In
churches throughout France
American and French dead.
Dudley Malone nnd Miss Maud
YounRcr Speakers nt Wil-
minginn was busy yestertiay with meet
Ings. The largest was held In favor of
woman suffrage In the Majestic Theatre
where there were delegations present
from Pennsylvania, New .lersev and a
number of other States Mrs. Florence
Haard llllles presided, ami the speakers
vveio Dudley P. Malone, of New York,
and Silas Maud Younger, of California.
Daniel llatc.hellor, president of the
Pennsylvania Peace Soclctv. was the
speaker at the open forum of Hie Social
ists at SIB Market street
In the Slajestlc Tlieatie List night
there was a meeting of the Voting Mens
Hebrew Association, at which tho asso
ciation presented a (lag containing fottv
onn service stars for membeis of the
organization. David Snellenburg, head
of the Wilmington Merc of the Pulladel
phlla department storo llrm. pieslded
S , i no speajiers woio i uiteo Mates senati
Saulsburv. Mayor
Law sou
nnd 1 abbl Samuel :
Scranton Firemen Form Union
SCItANTON. Pa , Jan. 7. Membeis of
the Scrantou city llie tlepartuient are
now atllllateil with the American Fed
eration of Labor. They have organized
a local and have obtained n charter
from the International organization.
News of the firelighters unionizing
caused a stir In municipal circles.
Ice Too Thick: Cutting- .Stops
WILLIAMSPOUT. I'.i.. Jan. 7. The
recent cold wave has caused a general
suspension of Ice harvesting lu this sec
tion owing to the fact that the lee has
formed to such a thickness that It Is
Impossible to handle xlt.
AKOimX - Jnn t, UKORdK AU'OKS.
iiKftl NI Hflntltrii nn-1 friend. HsMfinnv
Mrothrrhood. inltfl In M'TiIcp. Tum
v m.. '-'.Tin Hi. Altai... et. Int. private.
Vi). tnnriiinc
AI.IaKN Jan 0. I'laATIA t:.. wlf ft
I'Hrnptt V A1N. IteUtUrs a nd friends l
vltril Xn funTHl. d. I P. in., 7UU Oiford
tr . Fox I'taBP. I'hlla Inl .'rival, Ivy
lllli m.
rf John J an1 Mar A Anthony. RpIw
1 1 nnd frlfnd!, .loth WhM I'ounrli; Htonf
mnK relloahtji, lnllfil In funfinl, Turn ,
t v m , rirfntB' rptt'nr. i41 1 Orav'n
Wrrv mad. HrUe" Holy Trinity Me
morial Chaf)I, '.'LM ainl Hpruro ata,, U p. m.
' Int. Mt Morlah fVtn. Hpnialna may ta
viewed Mn to Id t. in. Auto funeral.
HAWUI-;. At reaMnro. Narberth. Pa .
.Tan I. iti'.ultui: 11AHUIK. Fuiifral and Int
1 prlVit:- , P
. ''SlVT"''".-1 '!
norn iem mumy
Maryland, .on nf Jin
IlIItMINClllAN, January a. tnis. MAHT,
I Jielatlvea und friends are Invlteu in attend
I he funeral. Wednesday. HMi
her husband's residenee. .U'l.'t ri. fith
Soitntu requiem in... al lho Churrh nf Ht.
Vernnlra at 10 m ni. Inl. Holy Hepulihre
ni.Ki;. -Jan. fl, at .11 N. Peach t..
CATIIEHINi: C. III.K15, nelallve. and
friends Invited to .ervlce, Weil
I """r 11. Hair Hide.. ir:o Che.lnut at Inl
. Private. Ilematna may l viewed IS'.'O Cileat
.1 nut .t.. Tue... ft lo fi p. m.
noSI. Jan. n. SARAH J. widow nf
Jame. Ilond. aKed 74. Ilelallves and frlenda
Invited to funeral .ervh-ra. Thura. . - p. in .
no'tlrta and friend., children nf llnlv crn.a
School. Invited to funeral, Wed., s:3U a. m..
mothcr'a re.ldenee. flMft Chew .t. Solemn
i requl.ni mn.a Church nf the Holy Cross III
i in Int. New Cathedra Cem. Auto
i fun-ral. v.wirann .vuio
HRKi-SMKR. Jan. d. RARHARA. widow
ofojaroli Rrrsimer, aftsd 2. Relaltven and
friends Invited In funeral, Wed , 1 ti m.
resident ot fmll Lampe. Jr., 1010 Ucnner
st., I.Awndsle. Thila. Int, private, Mt
feare Cem. Rf mains may 1 vlawrd Turr
afte 7 n. tn.
RRRJIIT. Jan, I.. 1AUX H RR101IT (nee
Rudolph), wife of Thomas l V. Rrlffht,
Itelatlvta and frlenda Invited to funeral
strvlces. Wed.. 1 p. m.. 1717 W Mfliit-a-nmsry
ave. Int. Arlington Cem., Camden,
N. J. friends may call Tues., 7 to 9 p. m,
MATH IAN A. imOOKMAN. asd fil. RIaw
M.. Invlt.d lo fun.ral ..rvlct.. Tue.., 11
.,.-....- 1' V -r T .:- -.."- . .
a. m
----... " . . ...... ti..i jl u.. .hv.
tn.. man.. 1,1 .1 nrrir ii.ii nui. ......
nd loth a..IInl. Mt. Mnrlah Ctm.
HURN'H.- Jan. 4. JAMCH A., husband of
Kllla M. "urns ne niley) and son of late JhVn.-Jin, 4, hichard W , hus
James nnd Barah Durns. Relatives and I v;nil0f Alwlltla Ifartnftt (na Iiosa), seed
friend. Invlttd to funeral. Tue.., 8:30 it
i:?n itnddln.ton t. II ah reaulrm niM
fur. la.lv of Ijiurde. Church 10 n. in. Int.
Ki liJiiii-'s Cm
ill'rtTON Jan B. ALFRED ll . hu.band
nf Ellrab.lhIlur on ilela tin, "i b fri.n"..
u-iomlna- Trlb. No. M. I. O R. M ami
i VmSn I .5,. N. llbn SI inviui
1-Vi rhi,,.' n''m. aa ti' ,;.."2
v ""."' ."".:,;.." . " '.T. ." .". " 7
uiouce.itr Liiy. iM. j. int. Arlington
O. P.. No. 34, Invited to funeral, Tuea.
a:so a. m,. iia jvoit au itign ma., ni.
Monica'. Churrh, ITth and Rltn.r ta 10
u, m, Int. Holv Crn., Cm,
flAMVIIKLL. Jan. 0. of pneumonia., VIR.
(JINK FULLER, .daughter of late Ch.rle.
run 'ana n.orga. wwranv ..vajapb.ii.
I'.m namiini nnv iir ncBru irni. t"r. .. -'. . - . .- n .uu n ... w ii. ,-" "- . ...,----- --
iiuMVELL. Jan. B. VERNER SIMP- '.'"rn Iilr.t. aged 7n. HeUtlvea and friend.. Hrjn, Mawr Flra-co.. iiivitea in lun.rai,
BON aon of Mary Langd.l. and i.l. lier-I '"'!'' Uolljol 81. p;ot,,'. Church. Invlt.d ' Tue..'. H a. m.. i:."Penn at.. Itryn Mawr, Pa.
,.';' h riu.vr.il und "5 RflatKa. and to funeral, Wtd tsaiii n. m.. d13 Walton Hniemn reiu m ma.. Church of Our Mother
frtTnalS ""t- of aood 3oun.el 0 a. m. Int. HI. D.nl.'a
Vhura.. 1 P. tn. Htrvlce Ht. Andrew, "".".'rn i Vi '" r"nd HouU" LynTT r.n 4 MAHT S widow of
KrJnr5hdC.,m'nVM.an3aUtm,a"V;ilVend e'v' '"W'"' ' J,?'fN' 4 ' Oer0g.iwTTM7lfIe,,n,; &"&,& nluilV"
l.rnwoodC.m.Frinda may can ved, ev. r.tharjn. llMin. R.lallv.. and friend., and frlenda Invlltii ro funeral. Tuea., 2 v.
49. Rtlallvta and frlenda. I-hlla. L. O. n T s ,1, i T..'.'. 1',' 'K I "ffiiecinw t.. b ruiini.ixK wife of
I'lVTt tW 1. k tllti' r J....LI..
of Patrick and Map-arel : Cant I In. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. Tu;.. , 8:.M)
in, rrnifirnr ni imn-niF, in an inin si,
an, ! Hni.mn ri,,ilm nam Ml l-T.lit nr.l'a
I'hurrli. tn . in. Int New Cntlx-rtrM (Vm,
-vino iimerni
, CAItTKIt -Jen. (1 joil.v. Im.h.nrl of
liuli-i Carter (tire Prnti), agea fts. IM-
I live, nml frleeii.. memlm. of Hru'.el cr-
rt Vrner.' Mutusl tlefenee noil llenfflelnt
Af.o.. Ixienl No I. Imltrrt to funeral, Illi'i
7th .1 Int. r-rlvnte, tlreenmount Cent.
Itemelns nmv bo li'vH Tus. ovo Auto
t t-AM-;i - pro ,i, ja.vii;s, nusiinmi or inie
Annn ('.frv. Funernl Tin-... S.an n. m., t3l
rreneh .1 lllith r,-nulMn inn.. St. CdvMtrii'ii
Ctiurrh Int. prlv.te. Holy t'roe. IVm Aulo
CASI-.V. Jn. I. MH-HAV:i. t... Iiul..n.l
of M.ry Cn.ey (nee tinrvlni Itelntltp. eml
trlenii Invited to funer I. Wed , S..1( n In .
1031 n-n(h .t Soli-inn roqulpm hUh in...
hnmsrulnle Conrriitlnn Church lo a m. Int
Holy t'ro.s Com. Aulo .orvloe
I'll V.MItr.ltS .toil. I. JIIIIN. liualiHivl rf
t'tnlln- cinmlirre nml .nn of Into .lohn
I'hsml'era np.l lloli-ccn Sleel. KunerHl. to
u-h'r! ri'litli-r. nnd frlrnrl- nre ImttM,
We.l. 1 no i. ni . 112" S titlnnna .1. let
Serm'oiil ''"'li Auto .rrtli-. l'rbnils inMy
.-ill Tn - iifi.-i r, p. in
tit writ Ml! .inn I JOHN .1 lui.l.nn.l
of c.s.i-Uie i s,tnIIr tnee Kolliheri lieln
Mii inil ftlr-nila Invlteit to fiiiii-ral, Tue.,
s n in. 2in; Klininll et foi. nm reimlom
mrt.s S. Anlho-iv'n cloirrh P .10 n in Int.
Si Men 's c nt.. !ttbirniuh Arromii' (Va.l
P.P--S rotl- AUto .ervli'r
Cltt:V - Mti :.. MAIIV c Clll:VV. oRfil
"7 llelalhei, nnil frteivla Invited to lunrirl
.ervlres Weil , 12 .in )i tn . resilience nt
broll-i-r m-ltw Theoitore lltitihs. .ts.i l-nson
.' ''!?u,n;-.,J v'"i '
7urit'!qtM.VN !t.oi I
linn , n.vpi .rrvlcc.
ANNA r! . ndlow
of Pi-no-ll Churchman. Itflntltra and
frlenils Invite-t to s-rvlee.. Tur. , 2 p m.,
oilier II ll.lr IllUc 1S20 Chestnut at.
Int. private.
CO VTK!'. .tun. 4. MAItT II COATUP
nelails nnd friends Intllrd to services.
Mon 2 p m.. Indlent Willows and SlnRle
Wnm -.'s Home, ar.l." Chestnut .t Int.
VVo-illonls C-l.
COVII'tlKf'ttl) .Inn. 3. at 27SS N Judsnn
si HVUVII P, . wife of Pitrlrk P Comer'
ford end ilaUBhter of John and Catharine
nt-'i"f lielatlves ami friends, n. V. .vt.
Sndal.iv. I.eatue ef Saered Heart and Altar
sneil f. or si t-ommn.t s . nurrn. inviieu
, f,,,,r.,i, Til-... n m . parents' rest
dnre. soil VV l.ehleh ntr solno-v lilnh
jn; ffiJf! ''.vu'to'fim-rai. m' ""'
i-onavi:u. Jan. ." AdNKS J conv-
Vr.n tor .lohnsottl. wlro or Jotin XI t'onn
TMMHra and friend n
ited to
nril Tua . S P
nionenter Tit. N
m . 220 S Klni; si
.1 lilt Cedar tlrn
COX -lai, .-.. t,tR V widow of Adn
A 'c. Bfl 71 Hflatifa ainl frtinM In
. vltrd to funeral Tuit , II a in., pat lorn of
.1 mni II Mnrrav A Hn. rt2 Mrk-t at .
Camden N J- l1- nrivilf. C'd.i- lmv
(Vm Krlerda may rail Mom. h
t'UVin -.tan .", WILLIAM I'HMO, need
1 IMatUen and frlenda lnlted to finral
Pun 'Z " m.. realdnre of ton Willi mi
Crnlc '2'12 (Ireenwlrli at Int Mt IVare
( Vm
iTNNINOHAM. .Ian d. at Mnorrrtnwn.
. .1., HUIXH1UT. Wife nf Michael Cunnltu
ham IteUtltei nnd fr1ndi lnlted tn ru
ntral. Wed.. S a tu.. I.Umw Inne Moorca
own. V. .1. Iflth mM of requiem nur
I.ady of dnod Oouni-el Chiinh 1 n m Int.
Mt Carmel Oetn AutOf will met 7 n m.
irolle from Camden at (Imrrli nt
s jilow nf Thonina D. CunnlnKhain ncd 7l
P.elatKen nnd frlendf invited lo funrHl.
Tua . 7-30 p. m.. oii In law reld-nr
Iewj Mlnaln, 7 Pnydr a.e . IMinutn. N .!.
Miii aervlrea In M. I t'hurrh, (ilna-ihrtro
N J . Wed . II A in Int Olnasi.mrn, X. .1
rVtN Jim rt MICHACU hunhind nf
1 Marv Davln, Ked '! IteltHiea und friend
tnlte to funeral Tuen . T a. m pa flora of
V .t Carroll. LM t N Ith t Maaa of re
milem St Aiiauatin'4 enure, s m it.
Holy Cmm (Vm Auto funer-tl
IK tlllt KK ---.Nn. tl. i:m.A ltOCKIKH,
widow of William 11. le (Iruff. Iu" nnttic
nf funeral will be kIiii.
DKNO Suddenly. Jan. .1, nfimiltT. liu
hand of Cnlrnrln Denn (nee lToftnaV need
! ttnl.lt I vet Hiid friend1, tntdnve- nf the
ivita Kile Work, inrmhers of Men't l,encu.
Church nnd KiiTidaj achool of KranHford
Ae Uantlat Ctiurrti, Invited to funeral
aervtrei, ftlon Up m . Snoti n Monmouth at.
Tnt private. North Cedar Hill t'rm
UKVANTOV -Jan I. 1112 ltrandvwlne
at. Hf.MANNA CATHKniNi;. widow nf
Thndore Uevanlny. aned S. itelttvea and
frlenda Invited to funeral aervlr-ew, Tuea.,
1 n, pi , parloin of H. V, Krankenfleld Sona.
:.3nn vine t. int. nrUato. Cedir Hill Cem
I(irlHi:UTr Jan. L IMflMP. aon of
lnt Ch,irlen nnd Mary Doucherty, aced IU
Uelatpt nnd frlenda lnted in funeral
Turn . H'.tn a. m . rrnldenre of brnther-ln-Iaw.
11. P I'ord. tr.Ittl Taney at CJ7lh and Tanker
ata . Illfth maan St UiItM'h Church 10
i. m. Int liol Cron Cen.
widow of .Tnaoph lherlrk, aired j.t Rel.
tlwi itnl frlftiiH lnted to fuiicral aerv
Irrn. Wed . 11 h. m , 321 S. I21U at. Int.
prlvile Omit flnwen.
I : VAN'S At her irnldenw. (lullfnrd Mmmr
Apiirinn-ntd. Iliittlmora. mI . Jan. it, I'.tMA
, I , widow nf .Toe! Ilvnna. need 71 Mela-
iKm and frlendn (mlled to wniwH, Tluir- .
,.'" m . Olher il italr HMtr , 1S2K Cheatnut
rt. Phlla hit private,
riaATinN. January (I iniR, JAMHM .T..
beloved huabrmd of Cllen Kenroti (ti"e
Harry) HelatUea nnd frlndi, alo Arrh
blfshop 1lnn fleneral Aiaembl, Fourth I)
Krre. and Holmenhurg Counrll, No. 1281, I
of C- the Holy Name Sorlety and H. V. M.
Sodality of Ht fiotnlnlc'H I'arleh, Ifnlmea.
burc. are invited to attend the funeral,
, Thurs.. S:flo a in . from hla lato realdenre,
iWA Nor Hi Camnt- at (lnc.m. Solemn
requiem inaaa nt tho Clnifcli of the Holy
Chill (l.os.m). nt in a tu. Int. St. Doml
' tlle'a IVm. HoImdmn? Auto funeral.
widow of Anton llernard Kllemyr. aiteil "ft.
Ttelathea and frlenda Invited to funeral
ervieea. Tiii . 2 p. m . .ins Krankford avr,
Int private. North Cedar Hill Cent.
KIbllllll. Jan. 4. .inilN ConTNCT
riSIIKIl rieimirn. N .1. Itetatlven and
frlenda Invited to funernl arrvbea. Wed.. 2
. -'to iirmiienorn at . niverame, . J.
private. rtalMmore intera onv.
CUIT7.. -.inn. 4 JOHN'. Imband nf lute
T.villu M VrlU (nee Slter). need 7.1. llela
tlven and frlenda Invited to funeral cerv
leea, TiiM,, 10 a ni . aon'a realdenre, MS
W 'I toga at Inf. pri vnte. WnMH'. Ph.
1 rlnd"! m hII Mon . 7 to 0 p. in
llxs. and frl'nds Invltsd lo funeral. Wed .
I -an p. m. Ifto.i (Irala .1.. Nlretnwn. Int.
IllllKl'ln Cm . Ma funeral rar, l'rlenda may
nUKIll'Suddenlv .Ian ft' MMII,. ain of
William nnd Anna (Irene, naed Ift 1ta
thea and friend. Invited lo funernl. Wed .
- p. Ml. 4100 Oermantown ave Inl North
wood Crin Ilemaln. may ha viewed Tuea..
after 7:.1i a m. Auto aervlre
I OIIIINTIIKR. Huddenlv, In New Tnrk rlty,
Jan. 'J. OAltl. ntlKNTHl'll llelatlvea and
I frlenda tnvlled lo aervlrea, Tue... 'J p. tn ,
Oliver II. Pair Hide , ISL'O Cliealnut at. Int.
1 prlvat.
I UAIft:, Jan 11. WILLIAM V... hushand
nf Kinma K, Hale inee (lirrord), aged H7
Itelallve. nnd friends. Invited to .ervlres.
Tue... p. ni.. ill I J. 'Wlldhnod ave. lla.t
Lan.dnwnc. Pa. Int Arlington Otn,
HAMMER. -Jan ft. MARY IIAMMf R (r.eo
iiummeu. wmow or r renericK iiammer.
Relatives Kiid friends, (Uwanes- CnuneU, .No.
i.', u. oi i-.. o unteer i oiiih-ii, ,o, i.i.
P and I nf l. lnvii.,1 in f.m.r.i .rvlr.s
Wed.. n. n, "?na l.r.n .t. Int.
, ,-iorhnood (m. Ilemalna may bo vie
r",Av-r.-'r 7 ' ,m' . .... .
n.UAM-V--;!." "'.a.1 ?7:n '.'"."'.'".'.r ,
RUL1.A, daughter of John and la n V rg
Bn,)v. Nc;(lc(. of tuntnl lnUr.
Norlhwood Cem. Ilemalna may bo vlentd
HANI.n.s: j.n. . math. m um.,u. .
Thorn., Hanlon. RelalUe. and friend. In.
vlteil n funernl Tluir 1 -an n m lllft
VllllnghamUn,'f.al' Frnk"f'ord. Itii. "prlvaV."
Fnre.t Hill Cem Auto .ervlce.
HANN'ON Jan. 8, JOHN J., hu.hand of
Margaret lUnnon I tie. Jjavlln). air.d 4M.
l( a,! fn a.nl f.Unl. D !-,... ....
'ranch. Nn. n.17, Irish Nntlonal Knre.ter.j
;i, .,". in, ,v. u. ii., imntu to runerai,
lues., 8:S(I a, tn.. .1(107 Melon .1 Requiem
high ma.. St. Agatha'a Church 10 a. in, Int.
Hnly Croas Cem,
lianiJiA.-Vft. J.n. II. SlliJHJAll 1IART-
aged 7.v Ilelatlvea and frii-nd.
Ahavalh Cht.ed Hoilety Invited ti
I fnH..l rt.. tn. . -'.,..
iirim, hub, 4u , m,, jmriurs OI AllOlpn
reed. SHn V. ITth int it ro.m.i
i r
-. -
Cem, New York. Washlneton.' Atlnntlo Cllv
"nl outh .lethleliem panera eop.
v.i and friend, invited tu fun.ral,
Tue.,, 8:30 a, ni., fv.ldtpe., Oakl.wn ave.
i .'"" " ". m-. rcaiaenre, viaaiawn ave.,
'"."'.'wnnil lt)kynl, N. .J. High Maaa Ht.
.ionn-a tnurcn, colling. nood, M. J., Ill a. in,
'n'' Private Calvary Cam. k Omit flower..
Auo .in.r. Friend, may Vail Mon. ave.
. "ATNEH. Jan. ft. A.VNIB M. HAY.NUH.
1 i'l'llv" and friend. Invited In service..
I Tuea.. 10 a. in.. Oliver H. Hair Illdg.. 1820
I'h.itniit al Int Mt Ua. .1. rm,
- r.s-ji ,"'K ;,..-".,;" . ,..
ward Church 10 a, ni, Inl. N.w Cath..
dral Cera. Auto fun.ral. Om It flowers.
HORNKR. At Uurllnglon. N. J. Jan. S,
JOHEPHINK C. ,wlf, cr Iavld V. Ilnrn?i
ahd daughter of lata Thoma, J. and Ellta.
b.lh Water. Itelallve. .nd friend. Invited
IU tuntrai. rr.iienre.r Kngl. av... ill
;t ; i "I " ."."jr.' lA" vS'V "v' inmop niTurq in lUTiprni. o.,rt , in. ' m laourn' b nurfn iu n. m
il'.i T. . riV" Tim,uU! niu'i "iTmn,prnji- reniflonc. 2.VK1 F.I nwnrtli t. hoi- i ('row m
rAnti1fril rrtnHa HI JDnifri I'hiirrh lu a. m. tnn h ith ... ....... ua ihtt.H'a 1 ...... -..
Inf IMr cross tVm , I n " J i a 'l t lol? Vre Wm" " 'n,v -J""' '..KIl!K1n,r:7.Vf..,Iw.'S
I'.VttNliV-jMi. (1. MAIIV. l,lw of An- Aut" fun.Vl. ' ' 0 , f'.J" f'u,f"!;'iS'urlrt"!V,Vo"MV. t-J"
I nCrl rtr;v Carwv. Itlihe sii.1 Wi.l. lmbr,l JENNIN(IS.-J i iiF.HtlKllT, .on .M ,,, hj fcaVrM ffl It " (JwIM. "A'
'""' in funeral. Krl.. 1:30 tn.. -his N llu eh In. 'lii lUnimnin ena i.l,.. ii i;nm. ..,,1 .1,1 i1-...:.. 'IV" n-iT...i ,. . n s
i.-i v tan ii i ni' u r. nr rianrca nil .-".' " : . .. ...", r- H1!"!1!" wmm.w amHamiv m mtumm'c.ti
I .- ..-. ....-......,
, 1IUUUKH, rtaushter of Jamea J and Mollis
!l. Hushes tnee MrOlnlrr). Relatives and
mentis ItlY ted In funerAl. wert..S
4r H..t,.n..
lk.llHB,A ll.l. fn t4
iieimiven nnif
friend. In'viteil to f'un.rej
i servlree, Tliee,
a p. m., tmrior or n.viit
(I. I-'rnnkeiineld Hona. .122 N. ft2d at Tnt.
i fiend outhwfatern Vm. Auto funeral,
JKI.T.T Jan. I, at Chattanoopn. Tenn.,
CI.AUA H.. widow of the Hev, A. M .tlly,
of New Wtndanr, Md , aped 7,1. nelntlv?a
and rrienrta invited lo ervteea, Mon., 3 p,
ni , inner ii. u.iir nidjr . 1S20 Cheatniu rt
tin private,
jnNNINHS.- t Pvtnora. N J.. Jan 4,
THKOtimtr: Tl'CKRIl. husband of Klla
.Tennlnua tnee Klrlh) and aon of lale Captain
nlehnrt .lenninen and Naney (llorlon) .Ten
nlnca Ilollnck of Itlverhead, T. I. fervlrea
nt rraidenm of Fon. Theodore Harja Jepnlnai.
327 tUrflrld nve., Palnivrn. N. J-, Tuea..
upon ir-nval of fiitf. train from Market at.
ferry, Phlladelithla. Int. private.
JOM.Y. .fan. o, THOMAS Muband of
Ha rah A Jnllr ared 7o Uclat1ve nnd
frlendi Invited lo arrvUea, Wed.. 2.30 p. m..
2 N 2d al . Parity. I'n Int. Kernwood (Vm
Auto aervlre 1'rlenda my nil Ttie., 7 to
l) p. nt
JdNI.S.--.Tan. ft. MAKUAHI.T, wife ot
Irvaar Jonea and daughter of late Patrlrk
nnd Caiharlnn Kelly UrlatHej and frlenda,
l.adtea' Aiulliarv, No in; Knlthta nf St.
John, Invited to funernt, Ibtira,. S:30 a. m..
232 Chatham at aSobmu reoulem maan St.
nn'a Churrh lo a. tir int. Holy fepulehre
iVtn Auto funeral
KAKJHN At Miwtrmtnun. N .T . IMmt
Month .Mli. AMflS II KAtOHN n,eed 7f,
UeiatHen nnd frlenda InvlIM to funeral,
Knurtli'dav, Plrft Month Hth, 2 p. in .
Ptlenda MeetlnR Ifntia, Moofeatown Train
leaven Market nt. frry, Phlln,. 12.30 p m.
UNi: Suddenlv. on Jmi 4. 1MV
CATHKU1NK KANK Ilelatlven nnl frlenda
of famllv ure reapertfullv Invited tit attend
the funeral. Tuea . 730 a in . from her
aiater'a realdenre, Mr Annie (t'Ttare, 317
N inth at . Phlln Mann at the i'hurrli of
the AMutnptlou at f n. m Int. Holy Cmnn
iVm An'.i fun rnl.
KIH.r.K.lt Suddeilv, .Ian 7. JKNXII1
TVMm w'fp "f 'J Krank Keller. Notlre
of funeiHl will 1 lveti from her lale ral-
ilenri. fto N 1,1,1 f-i.
KHhSII -j-Jati. 3. l.liriSA. widow of
Chnrlea Ktinh lleltlvei Hiid frlenda in
vited to fnliM, Wed . 1 p m . 020 K
Woodlawn at . titn. Int. private. Crdar
Hill Ceni.
KK.NNBV -Jan. I. A1.1HN" IV. .liuPhand
of Dornthv Kennev inee Pnrker) Relatives
rnd frlenda Invited to nervliva, Tuen., 2 p.
p.. 73 J. Phll-Kilenn at.. (Itn. Int Ivy
HI'l Cent, frlenda mav mil Mon. eve
KHUN. Juii 3, JIHIN N.. hutlmnd of
I'mtr. Kern. Rehitlven and friend. Phlla.
tanclca. ,rt. 2. It. P. O. i;. . nil other oruanl
rntlona of whlrh he vvaa a member, Invited
to f-jnernl nervleea, Weil . V p m . aoiio
tCirit Iniiton M Int. North Cedar 1 111 t Cent.
Heuntnn nn be viewed Tuen , after 7 n. m.
KHRHHNKIt .In it. JOHN H. huahand
of Jennie C. Kerahner Renldeuee, h72 N.
Ui'ith f l'e notlre of funrnl.
K1I.K1:NVV Jtn 3. JOHN A huatano
f late Itrltceti Kllkenm Relnttven and
fft'lda invited lo funeral. Wed . s n ni .
331 Mirnyunk ave . Wlnmhiol'rm. Solemn
tiUh reouleni iiiim S-. John the Tlapttat't
('bor.Mi in a. m. tnt Wentmlnler Cm.
IvIT.IaT.- At Moorealown. N J., flraf
Menth rtth. MARY II. K1M,1.. widow nf
.Inneph H. Kill, need 77 Retatlvea nnd
feirtnla luvttd to fiiMer.tl. fourth day. Klrat
Month fth 3 n ni . frlenda' Merlins House.
Mooreitown. Int Mooreatown.
KIRK. Ian. 4 at lnt renldeme, Runne
meib. N. J MAIUIARKT K.. wife nf Henrv
J Kir-w ated ,"s, Retatlvea and frlenda, Mia
lon Wofkera. Invited to funeral. Tuen.. 1 p.
m . renldence of daughter. Mr f lorence
Johnson. M Laurel at Int. Kernwood Cenu
friend mm t'.ill Mon. ee. AUto nervlce.
KI.KI:ki:m Jan. 3. WILLIAM KLf,K
KIM.t). Sr aced "I Relntlven and frlenda
Invltetl to funeral a r U en, Wed,. It a. m .
Iii Ml N 3tlt at Int. private
Ruaan Lamb. Relatlven and friends lnlted
. .... t .....,.1 n.ri v.irt ... .n..
LAMP. Jan r. jajii. nuniann or inie
residenee. Jamea f laiTih Solemn requiem
in tiiif-iisi tunrin.. " '- . o..... . ..... -..,...
mass st .in.irhlm'i Church in a tn. int
New Cathedral Cent utn servlra
LHK. Jan. (1 MARV LIIH Due potter
will be it-Hen. from 1034 Christian st.
LtimnnT Jan. I. CATHARINH. wife nf
John P. Llebert (nee 1'lvnn). need 10. Rfla.
tlei nnd friends Invlleil to funernl. Tuen,
S-30 a m., 2."23 N Hancock et Solemn rs
qulem masa Churrh ru the Vlallntloti 1ft n.
in. Int !iew Cathedral iv. Auto funeral.
LINTON, first Month 4tn. .Slxth-dav, at
Mnorestown N J. ISAIAH W LINTON.
ned 37. ItelatHea nnd friends Invited to
funeral. Seronddnj 11 a m . 21 1 H Cen
tral nve . Mooreatown. Tnt private, Ablntr
ten frlenda Ground Train leive Market
st ferr;.. Phlln . n-,14 n tn. Trolleya leave
Camden eiry half hour
L1TTLK.V - Jnn 3 -t 321 V VoRdep ft ,
DVNIKL. huahnntl of Helen LI it lav nnd aon
nf lale Daniel and I'llrti Little. Notlm nT
funernl Inter
LOCi;iIART - Jan. 3 MARV A wife of
John W Itockhart. aned 31. Relative and
friends Invited to funernl aervlrea, Thura ,
t p m . I03 Woodland ave , Sharon Hill,
Dejavvaro Co.. Pa. friends mv mil Wed.
rVe . R to 10 oVInrk. Int. Mt .lotl (Vlil.
LOfflirJIARDT. Jnn. 0. of dlphlh-rln.
CIIAHI.KS JACOR. son of Chnflea nd
Doroth (tire Rltter) IttTelhnrdl. iiKnl 3
venrs 10 months, Parents' renldenrr, 3r,7l
Calumet st.. fnlla nf Scliuvlklll. No funeral,
LOl'DKRRACIv Jan. 4. HCNRV, bus
hnml of Lillian V, IMid'rbaik. and son of
fleorr and late Mnrcfiret Lniiderlmi k, nired
42 Relatives nnd friends, phlln Lodse, No,
4- I. and A. M. . Washlncton Camp. No.
277. P. O. H of A nud employes of Prvthou
ntary'a ofTlce. invited to funeral. Tues,. 2:30
P. in., 1 fit Porter si Int Trinity Lutheran
Cem. frlenda may cill Mon, rv,
MACCADDEN. -Jan. ft, MARTHA, nlfanf
(lenre Marfadden. Hired 0'1 Itelntlvea and
friends Invited to funeral servicer. Turn., 2
p m., Il07 Cetlar ave,, w. Phlln, Int. prl
vale Weat Laurel Hill Cem.
MacI.AItf.N. funeral prlvnte. Mon . 1:30 p,
m . 3417 Howmaii st . K.ilta of S'.huylkllt.
Int Ivy Hill Cem
MACIIi: Jan. rt. WILLIAM, vnn of late
Leslie and Mamaret Mnsee, Relative! and
frlenda. penn.i Lodee No 1. I O o. P.
invited to funeral servli-ea, Thura . 2 p. m..
1712 S 22il st mi .vii 1 'rare i ent It
nulns m. be viewed Wed . 8 to 10 p.
Aulo rmtersi.
MANN. .Ian. ft. AN.NIi:. wlf-of llmaiiurl
M.intl and diislilT nf Into .lullu. and t'alli..
rm lltusl. fnrmorlv nt OjiiM!. Il.lallv.a
nnil frl.nds Invll'il In lun'rnl rrlrm Tuc...
' p In ITfl" A at . Oln-v Int Oikland
i'vtn llAmalriH maj m lrwdl Hon . H tn In
M.-AN-AI.I.V -. .Ian I. IIRIIHU-'T Mr.
AVAI.I.V. nred 711. rtelatlles and frlenda
Invited to funeral. Tues.. S.no n .m.. re.i.l
v niniv
u, i-AI'IM'IITV ...l,n IV MAIIV. widow of
I'iikIi Mi'Calfertv and dausld'r or lale Hugh
and Annie Crna.ln, nf (Jlendon. County
Dniiefsl. Ireland Relatives ami friends, ht I
lialrlck'a ll. V M. Modality bulled to fu-1 '
neral, Thura. . fi;ftll a In., aunt a re.ldenie. i
Mlsa llrldgel t'roln, lft3f H. 'Jllh al.
Solemn ma., of requiem Ht. Ilabrlcl a
Chunh lo a. in Int. Holy cross Cem.
CALL, husband nf Alice Martina Mv'Call and i
mi hi 141P nil mm anil .1 n I .. iv'.ii.
'. .7.. ........:.. ..,........ . ii. ...ii
n.i,n... ... i.i.11, i.n,.n Trlh.. No.
'tl: Heihei ii.i... i. o. it. M. Invited lo
meet Tue. . 12 m.. 101 1 liutl.r t.. Cht.ter.
Pa. Herv re. nt llethel Churrli . p. in. int.
L""the ini.
Remalna may b5 viewed Mon,.
iV iUf'iv t .. i..Tr t MerrAY
. McCLAT Jan. . UTI. . Zriiv
;."".:",' ,," , ,..'' .. n.,i lllni,
oed 71. Ilelatlvea and friends, rnrl lllrli
niond I'reabyterlan Chure-.. Imlted to ru
r-eral. Wed 1! p. m . S0.;il Illchmonil .1. int.
McDKVITT, On Jan. 3, IMS. TlMi-A. I
l "ire late HernarH Sirievill, tieiatl.ca ann i
friends Invited to funeral, on Mon. morning
. t S:3n o'clock, from Ilia re.nitnr. nr ii.r
' J''"'law' T.r;;dnwn.0r",n.i' Co ' rV
eronnn ave,, l.ansaowns. pel, i.o.. I a.
1$.?!L '"noW rZTclm
, 7tlVrc0 ,0 1 cl"-k" Int" " y
I ittnilnf' " Tan '. KRANCIH hu.hand
. .1iI?J-A."h:-ri1.''-. ..';, i -a.A:,i..i:.i. .5S
'! I"l,?3 v I uti I HID .iiiuiaiir l"'""""
rrl.mls lnvll.,1 tn fun.ral. Tue... I)
.on", re.ldenre, Frank MrOlade, sntn Mnora
.1. Requiem nia.s HI. Anthony. Church
IO.fl.0 a. m int. Holv Crn.. Cm.
MrlNTTRn. Jan. 3. MICHAEL JlelN.
ttiik. husband nr Kstner jicintyr.. una.
i Uvea and friend.. Holy N.ina Hoclety ot Ft,
I l.llab.th' Church: Cavan C F, and 11. So.
nrwi fiTi u. ni, i, . .,i iiaiiaiii-v
R ranch, No. ftBT. I, !. H. tf.i Tonalr Tribe.
0. 41, I. O. R. M..- Invited tn funeral,
Tut... 8:30 a. m.. 180d N. Lucknelt at. Sol.
amn rtuul.m m... Ht: nili.btth'a Church 10
a. m. Inl. Holy Cro.. Ctm. Auto Inner. I.
mckbbveu. nuddtiiiv. j.n, u, iiuuii.
nu.nann . oi laie. ju.rj- i" '"' rn"v
Mclxetver anil
'of lale Hugh and Mary MiKeever. una no.
, lire of fun.ral sit en. 1325 ? ,llln "'
I Phlla.
, MANUH, aged 4ft. Relative, and friend.,
Rev. J. 'j. Ollrlen I. c. H.U.. Holy. Name
Hoclety nf Our .Mother of (lood Counsel
. Churrli . 1tv Va f. A n 11. I. II (i M..
' v."- "..'.. 'iVii. 'nV'i.., ir." rv
Frederick Mucklow, aged 14, R.latlvta and
rri.na., u, r. inrn.y ncn.i i orps, no. ,n,.
viitd to runtrai aenricta. wra.. 4 . m
ISO N, Ald.r at. Int, rrlv.te. Mt, Mnrlah
tm. Remain, may b. flawed Tu..,. 8 tu 10
'UULLIN.e-Budd.nlr, Jan.
Raw j
flwyTll .
frlenda Imllfrd to fiwol. Wed.. :1 a. tn..
resident of brother. Mlehsei J. Mu'llr. 3tS3
n. r..'a at., tivernroo. Min mi" jnr VT I'
IIUi Jioir
Rurllnrtop al . tltoiieealer City
N. .1. III.U
maaii hi .Mary a t'huren v
m. Int. St.
Mary a Cent . , ,. ...
JirmiAV.-Ian 4, MAiuiAiirji i.. -nf
John K Murray and dnuht-r of lnle
Mlehnel and Johanna Hrenan. "TW'?
and frlenda, 11. V. M Sodalltv Saered Heart
nnd Altoe and ROaary Soet-tkn. Invited to
e..,i T.. n m 4tm.i t.nneaater ave.
I I Solemn' requiem mmo Churrh of Our Mother
Inf Sorrow v a. tn. Int. Katnedrnl m.
MMii.N Jan, n, .viviumum. V'i. VI
Wlltlnm J Nlnton, itelattv-a and frlenda
irvlled tn funeral aervlcen. Weil. 2 p. in.
aon'a realdenre. Itolert Nlmoii. 2010 Tulip
M Int 1d Kellonn Cem
O'RRIK.N.- Jan. 3. HANNAH. vlfe of
Dennin oltilen, Ralatlvaa and frlendn lit
Ued lo funernl. Wed., .;S0 a in. huahand a
resldenrn, 1H2T Jtnntrr . ,-oipmn inj m-n
maaa I'htirrh ill I lean lit a,
k;..,itnliea .. Atltn fnnri'ial
O'CONNOR Ntan 3, JOIIV T. aon ot
late PatrhU nnd Morearel O'Connor aped
37. former!, nf Mahnnoy CU. P.i, Jtem
tlte nnd frlenda Invited lo funeral, Tuea.
H 30 a. m , 3214 Chestnut t . W Phlln.
Solemn requiem niaa Chureh of our l.adv
rf Victory lo a in. Int. Holy Cronn Cem.
Auto aervlre.
O'lTARA Jan . 1713 N. 2tli at .
MARV K . wife of John OHam Notteo nf
ftinrmt later. . .
PANCOAST .inn. ". AiaiA. a . num-pn-i
of f.llra A. Paneoant. Relatives and
frlenda, llnnnenv I.odse, No, 32. f. nnd A
M. , CnurtlHtnl Snundra Pont. No 21, H.
A R. Invited to fervlna. Wed, 2 P, ni..
Sl23 Aapll at. Int. Mt- Pea re Cem.
PHARSON -Jan. ft nt 1307 Christian St..
Dr. JOHN S PIIARSON Relnllvra and
frl-nda, all orRnlxntlona of which he wan
.i inrmtier Invited to funeral service!, Wed,.
2 p in.. Oliver II. Ilnlr Rlda.. 1H20 Cheat
Mil st. Int private,
nilPHR Relative nml frlenda Invited to
services. Wed . 2 p. in . Oliver 11. Jlalr
t!ldc . 1V20 Chentnut sl int private Re.
innlni mnv In- viewed To-s . 7 tu 1 p. m.
t IMHUCi:.--.fan. t f.Xt.MA J . dauchtrr of
late fHtile1 W. and Kitiiti i J Plree, mred
23. Retatlvea ntul frh-nds invited to funeral
servlrfB, Turn, 1 p ni rjldnce of broth-r-ln-law.
Cecil Canon. 2327 N IMh at, Int
Chelten Hills Cent Remains mav be viewed
Ion . a in to p. nt.
PRlTCHARI..--lnn , i'ILLAH. vvlfr of
Herbert Prltthnrd, ai:ed U. Relative and
friends Invited to funeral services. Wed,,
2 p m . 21 W Lancaster hve.. Downlmi
town Pi. int. Norlhwood im,
RHnWOOD -Jan. 4. f.LT.A A . wife of
Wllllnm r. Redwolid Relative and frlndn
Invlttd to funernl. Tues . 0.30 a. m , R34
(illve st Solemn hitch main of requiem
Chureh of Our Mother of Sorrow 11 a. m
Int Holv Croan cem. Auto funeral
of llarrj Rhodes Hiid daughter of Sarah
und In tr Jamea Slowle need 22. Rfl.ttlven
niul frlenda invited lo funeral. Tues,, 8:30
a in . revldewe niothrr. Sarah Slowley,
lrt3 f.dnund at, Krankford Solemn r
nulem blah masa St Jnnehlma Churrh lo
n nt Int St Domlnlv's Cem .
R10PATH Jan. 3. suddenly. MOfeKi.
husband of tlnchel f Rldfath. nurd IH
RelntRea rind friends, franklin Lodce. No.
134. f unit A. M . Invited to funeral, Wrd..
2 it. tn., 130 Harrison ave , (Ilenalde, Int
private. South Lnurel Hill Cem Krlenda
tuny rail Tuen,, 7 to 1 p in Auto funeral
Intid of Carrie Robinson (rie (Jorpas), ltn
tlen ond friends invlteit to f-jnernl aervlera,
Wed . 2 p m.. (1337 (lreene at., (Itn. Int.
private. Omit flowera.
ROKIHO, Jan 3. AMELIA d.mqhter of
late Hivld and Christian Uoedlir Relatives
nnd frlenda. members of Iho Altar and Ho
st ry Soc. nnd Confraternity of the ftlcaaed
Sarnimept of St Alphnnsua'a Churrh, In
vlted to funernl. Tues . 1 n tn . 17J0 P, 4th
at, Solemn hlrh requiem maan St. Alphon
us s cnurrh v an a int .Moat Holy
I np&nLimi Upfu5V5,AVfr' ,. .
ROONliv. Jan 3. SAftAlI. wife nf Pat
, . ..... -' ,i.i.Y tt.ll... -A
, i n ai".isrj s n.-i" iiiiiuinif. nnnmra mm
rrienis invited to funernl. Wed . H 30 a. m..
1017 H. Pnsajunk nve Masa of requiem
nurrn 01 inr yvnnunriavion in a. m. 1111.
Holy Crosn Ceni. Auto funeral
ROWi;N.--Jan. 4. HAMCfL. husband of
late Hll7nbeth flow en (nee Ceetl), anil son of
lata William nnd Crtilmrine llowen, axed 70.
Relntlven nnd friends, Cot flrtch Dahtitren
Poit. No. T 1. f I A R. nnd members .of
33d Ward Rrpuh.f Ctub, invited lo funernl
service, Tues . 2 p J" . renldeme nf sonln
taw. Wllllnm Pr.mer. -H07 fmerald at. Int.
Oakland Cem. Auto funernl.
SAMPLi:. Jan. 4. JOHANNA IL. dauRh
tr of late John and Antiln Sampie. Rela
tive and friends. Hllsworth Temple, No. 3,
O, TJ. A.. Invited to funeril nrv1res. Tuen.,
2 p. m . residence Mrs, 8nrnh Devlin. I3firt
W Cambria st. Int. private. North Cedar
Hill Cem. Remains may be viewed Mon.,
nfter R p. m.
SCHA1RLC lan. 0, CltniSTINA. widow
of Chrlntlnn Schalble Rel.iiltn and frlenda
tnvlled to funeral service, Wed, 2 p. m.,
reaidenre of sonlnlaw, Frank W Huahen,
3111 Westmont st (31st nnd Dlnmond stn.I.
Int prlvM. Remain tray ha v'eweil Tues.
"snnoi.D. Jan. ft. SARAH V. SI'UOLD
(nee Myers), wl'c of f rHiiria I", Sebnld
Relative nnd friends. Pleased Vlricln Mary
Sodality and ly-nRue of Saered Heart of Our
Mother of Sorrows Churrh. Invited to fu
neral. Thura . H.30 a m . 7(Mi N. 43d at.
Solemn hlsli ma as Our Mother of Sorrows
Church 10 a. m, Int private, Holv Cross
Cfin. friends may view remains Wed., 7
to ft p. m, Rnltlmore, Md.. papers ropy,
SHKHTZ. Jan. 4. HARRIET, wldnw ef
fleorcn W Sheet z. Relative, and friends
Invit-d to funeral service, Tuea., 2 p. m..
430 n Wntnut lane. otn. Int. private.
daushtep of Alevnnder and Rhldn L. Skll.
ton, a?e. 21. Relatives nnd friends Invited
to services. Wed , 2 p. tn.. Oliver H, IJal
l.ldc. 1420 Chestnut st Int private.
SIlfSTLR -.Ian. I, OKoRUH II.. ann of
late Oeorne Sinister and Marv Humphery,
aped 31. Relnttvr and friends, feltonvtlie
12d Wurd RepuhllLuu Club. feltonvllla
H-H)nters' Asno.. tin Red to funeral Wed.,
3 r. m.. 123 W Luray st , 1'ellniulllo, Int.
Hreenmount Cem. Remains may ho viewed
SMITH. -.Tnn . ALf Rf.D W . hunbnnd
1 of Sarah A Smith. Keln liven und friends,
Metropolitan i.oiw-, ao. 1.0, i. ti. o, K:
M.Imi TrllM., N'n 7S. 1 1. II. M.j Fourth nf
i .lulv Loflci1. Mi I'm. I "I I"., IllvltPil to
fun-ral nli, Thurs. 'J p. n; . s.,11 w
i I'liniberlaml .1 Int private. Ml. Mnrlnli
C-m. Auto funirnl. Ilrmnlns.muy lin i-hciI
Wr-il )' .. ,,., .,..,,,.. ..
n . I I til. t nn. ......a... im.iBi.iii ii.
11:30 p.
Mnsuolla Cem. Auto
ft. JANI5 8Tr.VK.NF
.Ithn Htlefai, aced s" lielallea and friend.
Invited to funeral service.. Til"... P. in.
nn'l realdenre, llenr Woerlhle. IV-'3 lllalm
Hun ave. Int. prhale. areeninnunl Cem.
S'rOCKMAX.-.Ian. 10. IIUIIII eiulA.
MAN. aced ."I llelalhes and friends
Thnma. II. I'altotl lnlge. Nn. llftO, I". and
A M . I'linlaklllrn Purple llllards. I.. O. I.
Nn, 74; flilploea llalduln'a Irolnotl4
WorkM, Imlted lo funeral. Wed . - p m
nauunirr a rsiurnrr. .lira, .viiiiiiin -,,ni.r
i ...A .. -.. . .- ,-. ... ..,..,. ,.
arn. kju n. iirnara pi. nn. .ii .nurian nil
' t rlend. .may
view remains Tuea.,
Aulo runerHl.
STIIAIIH Jan. ft. HATlllAltA. widow el
.Tolm Htntuti. aired 2 Relatives and friends,
Fifth Reformed Chun h and Lndles' Aid Hoe.,
invited to funeral servlren, Tuen.. 1! v. m.,
2HiX I. Cainltrlii st Int private, North
wood Cem. flense omit flowers.
ATl.XNTIC I'lTV. N. .1.
ltucs uo on uy onerir.g
the three treat war neceMltlef.
In a great hotel, under expert direction with iu reiuluct eliminitiaii
wane, 1 1 oo people are better led and kept warm, with a total i
of lei. FOOD and COAL, and with the helD of much lew
than u required in their own homes.
a direct contnbuiion to the War,
neaun u noto more
often it in her. Gutf-itretm-tempercd, gtrraicLuMa-ii
fret froln du.t or dirt, and laden with th. auuv
outdoor hcalth.ivinx recreatioru
amuaamtnts are equally bcntficial.
BTnivoeirf tV.. -.-'
"f H. ilamnton HtrtnaTrlftMTI
'rlenda Invited tn -ftm-raT r
a. M Inn f.f as .-.L i kJ
ard ve.). Inl. prltpte. Ood'r
iiemaina may ne Tieweq to?. ttwv
MTmmr.-U.tn. J,'"OKonaB. up.:
lale Mary Hlrnbv. ated M. . ReinW
rrieno-t invited tn funeral rvic
i n. in., Mn-ii'inri reaidenj
Urover. 110 V. Mntnmenalnff
r-'lvata, Mt Morlab C?m, JKriendf 1
i u" . "iier ' ? th.
SWOPfi..-Rnrldenlr. Jnn. 3. ORG
nU'ori-.. nretl 73. tlelnflven and
Camden I lee. No. 13. K nnd A. M.
oen laonrje. no, 2P3, ij. i o, n., Iff
funeral. Tues., 2 p. TO.. IMft COfJJ
Camden. N. J. Inf. nrlvnta. IfnrleH
Friendt may call Mon.. 7 to 0 p. nv,
erriren Mm evenmit
frank Tnltwit. Relatives nnd frlen
vlled fo nervlrti. Weil.. 'J tv m.. Ilatl
nve., Cotllnsdala. Vn Int. lit. MoMftHl
criens may can i uea. eve,
TAT11R. Suddenly. Jnn. ft. MAW
J. widow of Jnmen Taylnr (ne Cr
in lain en nnd mends invitert to tuner
mih, Tuen, p. m., Brtnin-invT a
RiehaM it, Veo. 112 Marlhorouih it7
prM. North ixiar mil rem.
1 THOMAS. Al reaidence of aon. Wur
, Th.tman Primes, ra , jan. ft, Tr
TltOMAR. aned U1 rtelntlven and :
Invited to aerHees, Tlfs. 1 p. m.. OllV
Pair in?., 1R70 rirsimit st. rnua. .
prlv-t Wet laurel IIUI Cem. r
Ttrnvtrti1 jn a vnvrcA M . ilaiii
t Mnry nnd Henry Thomer (n M
need 10. Relaltven and friends, memo
, Toinut Itdlea nf tha ITotv Family, crnttll
i-'f Simerin- Thread -nd Yam Co., Invltrt
funernl. Tuen., ft :3ft a. m.a narantr.?
d.in.e. ?lit3 V. VnCk nt. Ttenulem mM
St, Ronlfaclns's Chureh 10 a. tn. laU '
vnte, vioai iioiy naPinfr em.
bnnd of Katie Jl Thompaon tnee ia
llalt'A. anrl friend. O. M. S) Itrtl
viAitv l.iilte,! to fun era t. Tuen.. Ad
tn Jiii.1 tllanrri ne. flnlemn rea litem I
Oi'.V Mnther f.f Morrovva Church 10 5ei
Int. Cathedral Cem. tiji
TISOALla -.ian n, jynfai'tt li.. i
Inie (lfrnrd R. nnd Louise Tltdall.
liven nn'l irieiuiw ii'ii"i tn luncini. imm
R:HO . in . SSlft Powelton ave, HlchJ
nulem masa Ht. Junes' Church 10 Vg
Int petnfe. Auto funeral. iJ2
TOOMKS.-r-Jaii. 3, JOHN WF.8LK1
- i ..iU A... I lute Thnrnm Tnrtmat
23. II la then snd friends, . Waafeli
Camp. No. 30. O. S of A., invited
neral, Wed,, 2 p. m . toother re1
42..0 Illrtflre nve,. j-nna oi ncnujiniu
Mi Vernon Com friends may call
h to io ,p m . !ti'
TRANCHITK.LLA - Jan. ft. Ffn A
TRANOHITKLLA. husbnnd or ww iwm
and father of John II. . II-tf M. .
Marmnra, Hnclely of .Maralcorft.r. BSK"
f ii..n. fifri,. lnviiMi tn fun.ral. T1UM
nil lrfmi .(. fil.njn '"luljrii m",'Sj
l.mty nf ilnod i-nun..l Churrh 830 a.r
Inl Hnl- 'rns tm. . , ,,,,?
VAN tYKi:.-;Jr.n. ;i, ui.imi.r. "..Jij!
nf Inl- Thnnm. v.. .nil Kl.nnnr J. Van Dj..
lifl.tVe. nil frlfn.ls. ljns Trlbjj'Wfc'
J11. I i, II M.I ivy won, no. WTO
a t.. Hrnnia t AHNetTlOlV. Hfl.
.." t 1 imitAri irt fonernl ervtee.?i
Tuea.' 2 p. m".. hrniliar'p "i1,?nT'SlTCS3
1". Vnn llvke. rt iiicnmonn ei. 101. " tsi
unn,k iVm. rtanm1nn mm he lewed MOWw
a .. 4.1 n tnln funarfll .1 j4lVt
" ,'.''. Vi:"i: WiiriV i WAMllllaaW
. v.. .. '..... ... ,.-,.. 11 w.i.h n. 13. 11
I ni PIS I. ll i -inuir. ... ..... V,.iilS
lln. nm! frmls. fiarrwl ll.art and. AltjMS
Nnrintl.s nf Kt. fn.nn.n'a i;nurcn. iiitiim;
, rt,n.l Vr,l.. :.( n. tn.. 141S 1M
a. iliro.il rt. .nil Krl a v..). Solmn,rai
null-in mn.s Fi. Hl.ph'n Church 10 ,-. I
lilt. I nv I rnss i rin. nuni miiri.i, 'i--l
wil.Tlill. 'all. . HOIIA, daucM.ri'Mrl
Inl. Wllllnm S. nml niu.li.lh M. WaHafJS
tl.ltl. nnd frl.n.i. invlurt le -ftimrtaQu
.frxlrcs. Wnl.. 2 p. m., parlors r R. HMi
rnntl. Sil'.'l (Ifrmnntnwn nvn. int. norMi;
nivni cm. . ' ... .."!;
u-ATmiv. in rm An. jv. j.. sakahj
WATSON In.. I'pl.jr). nd 00, widow .'I
Psnlnm n wntsnn, iiiaiiva ana xn
in.u.,1 tn runiriil. frnm ClAVton. N. tS
Til'. S.rlns at hnu. 1 0 n, in. R.mafna
m.v h. lviil at ll.nil.t u.m.. llaaoan.
nlit. N". J Cnn.jranr will ni.et M -ma
ni. tr.ln nt Clnyton,N. j. s v
1VIIITK -tun. IV. IinnKItT ti. WHTTK3
....... .1? n.lnlll-.. ami frlanH. tft.aft Oa.a.1
lyirrlnn rhurfli of K-n.lnatan', Invlt.d taW'i
runrr.l ..rvlca. Wd 10:0 . m DavldK-
,,-i., ivi.O" . 111., Lf.Tia
i Brn.d and Diamond ata,5"
mum. may 1 Mewed Tuen.ai
. Jv-!l
II. Shuv cr llldz.,
Int prlvala. ' Jt.mn.lD..
7 Ift M n. m.
MISON. .tn .1. WILLIAM J., haaband,,'
ri juii" i" i, ,m-u, iiri.i,,;. una iriwaWi'3ju
p.lm Unit isir, liltr:rt M.nayunk, tn-m
Mt-il In funeral, "fnita., a:30 . m., 41 flW
Aiiirn'ii '.. iiiixuiirpusn. imifmn .quln.,.
liin.s r joint in.' iiniiiisi v.nurcn MV a.ui;.
Int. lmln.lr Cm. Aulo fun.ral. ,. - ijt
WlN.tll. .uani-niv. jsn. i. IIAIIRT
liuslinnn ni nsiiu r. ninnir. nata ni.
il-r.r., -tnnp P.chln at,, Roxboroudi,
nn, r nt itircrni. 'i Ali.l.
WHtllllT. Jn. ft. CATHARINE C. wlf- C-,
nt s.mu.l (I. Wrlaht nnd dauaht.r of.latt-ij
John ana i ninnrinn iinrr. n'iaiivaa aiM.
rrl.nas inviinu tn lunprai, luri., m:f l
ll.-.'J B. fl.v.l.nd av-: (lSih and Matt a
.,. 1 llt.h tnss. nf t-mt!m R(. TliMMuia'jl
,ttiirrh n:.10 n. In. Int. Hnlv fr.,. rMii
Allln IU11THI.
opm all ear. Dry air. FlnacanMT,
comfort for Ion ror short winter rtit
Max, . DbbIiTaviw Dkvalala-I D A 1
Through Pullman. New York and Phi
Tm In service rs fur Koiitti aa Old
Comfort was never better I
".h -' r fltHmmlni- Toot. Golf. Sa
TT foodCuiaina. RvaryEuropeaa
Jiaji iiatu ana iraauntoi, writ
OEO. P. AOAMt, MaMBsr '
P" Prtr Mr.V-r
Mr. filer's In Acker', 12th ChJatatV-
Cook's Tours, 223 H. Ilrnadi V. R. R., -SWP
1 ( m3 Cheat n u ( . M. J
line Uolf the Winter Thro a
Hotel St. Charli
iiiniiiin uru.ii
: scri-xiMTig est'
' Wpalminafer ' av. near Ceach.;il
I water. 110 up uuly. 12 up dally. Chaa.;!
Food. Caaf and SrVic ud
which needs all of each that k caai
than ever essential I
i. ri
and, her tndof,'
V .'.,, .. ., ':!
. -i
iiliMa . mwi tnimn,
o,,N..J...Tuea. 4 V,;
ll. m H
nn.t t -xAWBt, .and uu