Mr llDGlAlLA&JIHtA; kATMffliY, jMMf k 1913 NAL AND LOCAL GOLFERS TO HERE WITHIN FORTNIGHT DETERMINE 1918 FATE OF GAME ,Would Tie Crape on Sport and Pigeon- lole It Until End of War, but Majority ravo r osiering oi jecru.uwuii L PASTIME WILL BE GREAT INTERNATIONAL SPORT WHEN THEWAR IS OVE nATT.AQ p.arnrst AND PRACTICAL WORKER, BOOSTS TRACK SPORTS IN PHILADELPHIA THE ANNUAL DILEMMA I Meetings which will hnve nn effect upon mid local (."If will I In this city In the net two weeks. .The t'olf Assncl itinn if I'hlln- , wtll meet In nnnual gathering ut the Hcllcviie-Htrntfiuil nn Vrdnc. aviary 2J. Two nights later tin- United Htntes tU( Association will tM the same hotel. The United .Stales I..imi Tennis Assoc hitler (national Rolf body, nitlng virtually 111 11 unit. 1 1st jonr did iinni mplonahlps and titles, As 11 result ot tliN the natlmiHl fcnlf bntv )! one tuurnnment, the pMrlotle open, nt the Whltrniursli Viitlrv , Club. The amateur nnd the women' events wcte rnlled off. The Officials hnve had n change of heart, mid this Jeai not nnlv "III the ship tournaments be held, but the titles will be awarded and t'ic I .will be listed ns usual. M while the two grrnt itnintmr bodies acted as one last j,ctr. I'icie N tftlnty that tho t H. 0. A. will follow In the footsteps nf t.i tennis 1tles. Tlierc Is not the slightest dnulit the golf pl.icis of this have done their shaie In the light for elcnioctnt from I'lillidcl tone 1000 Juung golfers hnve gone. Man of them are In I'miieo 'Hid are In camp or at home rc-uly to go abroad In addition to the ty Day tournaments all 01 cr the country, which netted Inge sums ?ttw Tied Cross, some nf the best phcrs In the (niintiv, havo pliived In tlon matches for the lied ('loss or the soldleis' tubaicei fund ere are thousands of golfers who have passed the eniiscilpllvo age ere are millions of dollars Invested In the 4000 golf 1 nurses tlm.ugii- he country. One of the duties ot Hmsr who .liv at home 1 to !. JtTesIdcnt Wilson, the decretal les of War mid Nuw 11 ml high Is hae pointed this out time and time again The golf 1 bibs cntinil to let things go to rack and ruin Obligations In the sh.tpi of u-ntnls ftaxes must lie met. Kvciy man who belongs to a golf ilun must P'iv a 9t 10 per cent on his cirl dues, and this tn In I'hll iilclplili alone v ill finto the thousands of dollars. There Is no better wax of illmiilullti; st In athletic cents than b. holding tniirn iments. Ti'c local so en found this out last ear. It Is not unpatriotic to pln m1' or ln-e l'nd one Is nut aiding the cnem by pl.i.vln.: In tournaments We ot afford to tie crupo to our sports. 6 Naturally, If the w,ar continues and we lire confronted b lo-i i.iMinll) ' should call off tournament pla but until that time ionics It seem that the bitter plan would be to hie tnuiiiiiiiaiits So fai as ifOlfcifl 1110 concerned, we liae biothets 01 sons m eoiishu li the Nn i Army, wo are bujers of l.lbert TSonds and thrift slmme, wt 11 Ihcie ly to the meatless and wlieatlc-s dijs and wc are doln,r whit we e 111 irla the big fight, Hut wc want icireutloii. R117AS It not Wellington who said that the luttlc of U'ntcilun w n fca,. won on tho llelds of i:ton-' Who knows, aftei all, but the Kgrcat fight In frame will bo won nn the golf links of Amcriui ind f Great Hrltuln? A lot ot us are learning our colleges h,ie In en pleveloplng the champion lather than the chap who looks up to toe ftchamplon. Wlij are all our camps ekv citing so inucli time to the athletic development of the 111611" Do ou suppose If Is incrilv Jrecrcallonal or that the army authorities believe that a snbllt who Is developed phjslcall) Is more tit for the Inid light than tho-e who have no athletic training? Western Golfers May Take Radical Action llolf Assoc I itlon will miet in ( fMrlfL. .Mnnln,n fl.n niir, IllllltlillllV HIV " tr Westci 11 ?xt week and there seems little doubt that the big lnsui(.ent bodv will e to run Its tournaments as usual nit eir Whether the westtrncM tako anj radical action remains to be seen At all events the bre.11 h n the two big organlz-itlons Is wlduiliu vear arttr vcar 'Ihc west do not believe they should In un wa) be dependent upon the Uoal Undent tlolf Club of St, Andlbws, and It Is iosslil0 thev nnv icfr.imc of the rules Just as (he hive done the stvmle. The U S. (1. A. :Ve that no nctlon should be t.iktn about the rules until tho war Is 'And they can confer with the foreign golf authorities. Many of the delegates will tome to this clt for the nnnu il meeting, but whether . vrlll attempt to put an innovations is something that It Is slble to get a line on Just at the present writing .. 1 n F f l.l lir.. C .,.... Pjr naseuaii tnituuuutv ua it ui upn (OSn who assume that the malntcnaiiie of based ill as .1 spoil dm In,; Uie progress of the war is mauvisui anu are um wm as to the proved value of pudllc sports In tho-e lountrics tint now lbeen nghtlng for three and a half jears neland Is. of course, moio nearly uic me Liiiicu .i.ues 10 us xjiuin Hvltles and affections and sjbtcm ot athletics than nn other country nditlons there are neccssarll more In point In that rountr.v, at the n'lnn of tho war. the cry against the malntinince nf public pla was f greater than In this country nt the present time With the p isslng of I? howev cr, the need ot keeping the homo mind telicd and intert lined fcecome more nnd more apparent The Incident .1 few d.ivs ago of a fcwd of 60,000 attending a soccer game In (llasgow mikes it pliln how bily the people want sports during wai times 11 ml now ncccuv 11 is to oy that demand nnd to encourage spoils in evii.v vvav tThe conclusion Is Inevitable that the United States public needs bise ?the coming season, and that especial effoit and sacilllcc should be 1 by promoters of the sport to keep It alive and to furnish that part a public not called upon actively to particulate 111 tne war service to frthelr minds refreshed and huovant i ... HE fact. Is that war blstoiy In this rounti pioves that the good old national game thrives on war. Tho Civil War in rcalitv was 1 actual origin of the game, the Impetus given pi ly by the soldiers iking It a sport. Then It was carried back Home anil tllsscml- Sfnated generally. !s5$ Baseball to Become International Sport f .Si .i . , tc ... l,n null Wnr miidf 11 Miinrt nf baseball, the nresent colilllrt alses to bring about a result that has long been desired by Amcii- notcrs and the home sport public. Ills league teams havr been road and. In fact, around the world on missionary moves, nnd the 1 been played Informally by Americans In both Knglanil and 1 ranee. ulng a foothold for baseball abroad has been slow. the millions of Americans In ormj camps In I'rnntc, In each of li tlie game Is to be placd, the sport Is bound to become popular. Just everything American. And 11 point that Is going to appeal hcavll to iltlsh In making the game rival cricket and soccer as populir sports fondness of the Canadians for the game. The Canadians, In fact, had d- welt broken tho ground for the Americans to cultivate, for tliej en playing baseball In their camps ever since the war started. Mien the first sign of spring appears abroad this season the rrack bat will bo heard "everywhere over there." American soldiers have , along the needed equipment, and unless tho war blows up overnight to last through tho summer they will wage nn effective campilgu ;' general education ot the soldiers of our allies, who will then ills- lha came generally alter tne conmct. A ... b'iCIAIi Washington has warned that the war stialn Is bound Via bo severe this ear and that tho maintenance of nil blanches K)nerlcan sport Is not only desirable, but necessary. Tho I'rcsb 1'Ancl US warjCJUCIS nuc pusmvciy iuuii;ii uiu icii'a, anu nils 'fcliould be patriotically accepted and adopted. b Uuggins Begins to Answer Questions in New York- 3ER MIM.KIl HUtiUINS. has arrived In New York nnd bo Is a busy person trying to give tho newspaper scribes satisfactory 'for the local baseball public. The New York nubile, or at least af It. Interested In the "innkecs, Is alwaja seeking Information. , A.-,-. .1 .!. . - ..I--.- I .1 . , ... . . query Milt lime 01 me jirui tiinujn lawii.ti irmiea ure licing bring a longsixpccted pennant winner. There are always two of players on the Yankees ono that tho public want's (o see I .ne that It won't stand for losing. There also are pluers on rthat everybody wants. The all year-round c.uestlon Is, who can upon to take Ray Caldwell In return for a real ball plavrr or C n'to the perennial Caldwell Inquiry, Jcw Yoik fans specifically just now, according to report. Just what the' status of the Ml la, 'what U the chanco of losing-Hoger I'ccklnpaugli and on foot. If any, to guarantee a regular .300 hitting outfield h Approaching the situation diplomatically, Mr, Ilugglns Is come tbrough with the assurance that TecklnpauTh would la - VwrlliMi Chan llilu lliar lu nnlhlniv fnrdipnmlnw lituf ,, t.trr ta atttoiitbte sjnong.the rumors current In the '.V QTi r I CflMe WHCRC rue LiMKl 1 ,ietMptNI ; I ARt? Cpoojdco witm vburc WHwr 1 OLD fALS Voo CAM WORM- SToLD ToU JSk, AM Timc. The SUM - Mice 1 1 MwK ' AND WAR" IM FIORIOA MMMlWl4bh amd Calipowma- nww owjc ,T a8$"y'yy?-i WAV w ""r- sw-wg'-maam ' COLLEGE LKAfiill. OPENS TONIGHT Penn-Columbia Game in Weiglitman Hall Starts Title Cage Season SKUIKS KNDS MAUCH 1(5 g?7?"5 ft? SOLDIERS IN BIG CANTONMENTS OR IN SERVICE ABROAD MUST BE PHILOSOPHERS TO GET ALONG Cold Tents, Long Hikes, Drill Routine and Other Trials Are Only Part of the Real Bigg-er Game of Life Promoter of Meadow brook Games Puts Local Track Inter ests in Limelight 11 KOIiCUT W. .MAXWIXI. ONI! nlcht about sl vcars ago tho olTlrhls nf the .Me.iilnwbmnk flub worrnifreatlv pt ttirdcd II was time In git bnsv cm th1 aiiiiuil Iwlonr trail, inert and sninn ImMUr was nciibil In Inirct snnii 'prp ' Into th work thor ough HMrch wan flide bv Mi low In, president of the club nnd nlherw at U'aiiai lakrr s, anil II was admit to 1" given up as a Ind Job when some one tic bod v knows who ll wn? but It was nine one "poke tip and said ' Wliv not hand the Job In ptllis? He ( reins to be a hustler "Who s Inllis-" c line 1 iiicstlnnliig ilinins . ' Oh he works In I lie store Home pi ice ' was the rcplv It was agreed to look up tlie new 111 111 hihI give him a trial, nnd the deed w is done Th's was the introdin lion nf Siinucl .1 Malls, hecrctarv of the Mculovvhrnok I'luli and the most lecent in sklent of tlie Middle Miami.' division of tin U to track nlhb ties In t'hll ulelplil 1 Itue that meinoralili 1 veiling r Mill is Iihm I if en unite si lice and his tip. 1 mipl linl more In Hut llm of work til III IIIIV IWIilitllM p, 1 OIIS I 1 Hi. It sW SS SAMUKl. J. DALLAS , Picsiilcnt of Muldle Atlantic Division of the A. A. U., who luis kept It nek athletics nlivc in this section. ,i a 1 1 ill is as he looked Mot 1 vn v one si Vi 1111 en- Hie I ile Mike Murpliv the credit foi ininlug the cMllisuInn tint iilllnlriu Ik hllf tlie vktorv " The acl igi in iv inn lurk throtiKli theagp. but it was 1 p, t t lie r r with tlie. vc li ran Itiiuci mil right now It niav lie 111 il n sie iking of the Venn li ikrl!ul i mi cclilcli npens lln- Inlrl eolleglate League s isnn vvlth I'lluiubii In Vv'clglitni 111 II ill iniilklil The teiMvprs of the lltil and nine are chuck full nf coutliliuce but Mid spirit does not dorder nn Hi it sporting imniie nvrrcnnhdi lice 'lln Qll iki rs frrl mho th it Ihev ,111 going tn hlni llm i w nikfrs In llie li i.killi ill engige inent and this in .iltc of the fill tint tliele Is nnlv one vctei.m of Interiol Irglati. gamis 011 the c Miiliiiiation c'lptaln I .oil M 1 1 1 tn tint hlrrllug fin ward wlm Ins mcii two veils nf i-erv h e on the 1 ige luttli Hi 111 Is the nnlv one on the sipuid who his pliveel li lgin gone- befme The otln r four mem bers of the te.1111 St innaril sccmv Peck and Mivls are freshmen of list jear Three Straight Wins 'I he confidence piolialih tonus finni the fait tint the Venn plivns luve survived three ginies this hct"iin wllh oiit being in anv dinger nf difial dm I of tin vlitorlts was nvtr the Navv in In tot which pn vlnuslv bid inn I Ihniitgli two full MMMins withoiil a 10. vne c ' I'iMih .lorilet held 11 shoit piaetlie In Mall list niglit hut tin 1 drill developed Into more of a shooting I icontcct than a 11. il pi .11 tic e 'I he main Idea was In hive Ills pintcgcs movei 1 the iiciuiiic nf i-Imctlng which wasi 1 il. n .i-icl Home whit during the lilli f of the ChrMin is Imllil ns 'I he Intciiollegute 1-1 heiluh whlih was fmnieil afti 1 nun h wraulliiL. was annntiuitd list nlkht 1 nc m iimiii n)nu with tin I'onu-C'oliinilil 1 t um tmilkht and ends with a Inttk ditwicu n I, and Vilncctci at Princeton on Much i lln Monda night Martiuoutli appalls at Princeton ind nct Satuidiv ,ic plivx Mdrtniuiith 'I In sp games will he th 1 llrst intercnllrglite crflitists for tin Tigers anil the Hlu. sine tlicv aliolls1M I sports lift Spring whin Mnrik.i 111 teird Hie world war I Dales I'nvnr l'cnn al Start I The schedule favors Prnu in tin be ginning In that the QuaKeis I'liv the llrst three games nn their own court 'Mils sliuuld enable the Ited and lllue to get off to a 11 lug slart However to offset this, the pupils of 1,011 .Icurilct must iil.i their time last games nn for eign lloois. Tho complete schedule follows Jmiunrr .1, l.ilunil.ln ill IVnns Ivanlit f, lliirtniouth nl I'rlnrrtcint II, ( uritrll ut i o lumlilul I.', Vale ill I'rln. rlim m liiii)ltiinlui I.' rrliirrleni 11 1 loriirlll I'l. nle nl l'rnn Itnnlii 1 ."ll, 1'rbirrton 11 1 11lf. I rlinuirs II. Celiinihln at llurlinniillil 1.', Ilnrtmnulli ul Cnlurnlilsl IVnnkcliinil , Ht toruelll II, llnrtmniith ut nrl II, IVmi msIihiiIu nt oliunlilu, (ornfll nt )nti IK, fornrll Hi Iliirlnioitllil 11. ( nluiiiliiu ut rrlnrftont 22. ( nrnfll Hi PrlinnjIcHiilicl H, nle Hi tulumlilut (nrnfll Hi I'rliiiflnn. Ilarlmoiitli ul IVunnhuiilnl -P.. Iiini. vnnU nt nlr. I'riiirfliin nl llirtnioivllii 7, (nluniliiv nt (eirnrll. vlurrh . IVniiMihiuilii nl II irlinnutli, Trine-Finn ill tolunililfll A. i nlumhlu ul nlei II. I'fiinnjltniiiH nl Prlnietnn. nr nt or nrlll II. Ilnrtnioiitli nl (uriiflll III, Vole- ut I'rlnfflon, V" v X v nl. i llj CltVN'II.AND IlICi: ff Tlnl in llieilll the lliliikluc llliiilll lii UL Will III .11 needs nf aiinv life iltlin cnuli mpl lllllg l-eivln llllilei lln I'l ib thinks of sue iter uniforms simes bots woolen hehuits and n wide u ilctv nf nlhei things tint might he needed .Vlske a roinpli le INt of theve needs ind t leu vou will tn i ul lulfwav I thlnllglt for vou will hive lift nut one of the nioM impottani ingiulients We ri fi r In a phlloopliv- a phllonphv that w ill take i sle of the v Inlenl w leni II III It i sure to follow nit neti Hiiuetlilug men thin a stove and a few pkns of wood to gel up tlilitv uilnuli In fine In a mid li 111 plti 'led , Ihe edge nf a w lu ll r s d i(mi .imiI iii iki i llie wit mm a Ihnilg'lt nf i until nut Vm tie oil ..inn thing mnie thin i mil- fnim and c 1 htm. s and a swritn to f.iielln i ndles inilliil nf lit 111 ilisi Ipllue and Mudv 111 n i In et fill fi one nf mind iii need a phllosoplic which will overlook all the atinov, mtes and ilis lotnfnits and inutltie in a view nf giealei things In vmid- serving 'I he I'l ig and w lulling the wai hen the solilh i Ins arrived at the point white these iv tew, things are the nnlv ones th it c mint hi phllnvnph Is1 i umpli ted An Kxainple v lien Is one IIIiisii itlon tint in i licit up the discussion a lilt We tin Into a II. men int Jim link finm I'lance Some um luouglit up polite mention of the cooties' ptcvaliut In that bat-, Itud but still vail cut I mil i 1 "Ihev are Ind In- nnntKed ' but thee still no theli tijcs" ome one desired t ktioiv whit lie meant 'Vou m iv I... ill sn d the lleutrn ml Mail, rw.iiih iiniiil. that llns wen I neccss.irv to a elog tluv kept hlni finni I a vol. Hut elation of Ids efforts he was umnltnoiMv i in e i (he wNcst move Hi it ntg itilallou iver lias in ule Pallas l i liuslln lie did not wait to be eongratuhted aflei icirlvhig un tie e that he was the new Mcietir nf the Meadow brook flub fix cirs "ago but tool, hit his init worked late ut night and In i shoit time mastered all ea tne details o his new po'ltlon Inel Ideas and It was not long neinie lie put them into effi 1 1 'llie Mc adnw brnok tuilnni meet hiiante liloici populii rnh veir and the ntli nil mi e , was hi greit that the ainioriis Imauiel Inn sin ill and a Icrger pine w is lnploil foi I'onventlnn Hull was an Ideal pl.n e tn si ikc a trail, meet md Mill is went aflir II It was considered a hopeless task, but the Keerctir tin cllv was sin -eissful, nnd prepiritions were mule to I put on the biggest Indooi cainlvil evir lirlct, in Pltll.idelphU It will be lenieniliricd tint I'nnven tlon Hall wns an teje il place fin ever thlng but a track meet There was no track, the seats were al range d like those at a bnnd rotnert and the heating fi cllltios were c oncpteuoiiH b theli ah. sence t tlrst glance one ce old picture the athletes Jumping over chads and , running Into pnls and Ihc peetitnr freezing to do lib 1 'Guess wed drtter build a track for lug Sow Id r righting In I'rmie Is no dog tin 'iontli'1 that lie will meet over theie will uuilotilitedh kiep hlni finm Ihlnkiug adoiit things a whole lot worse than cooties gns shells .md shrapnel I'm eximp'e V oldlei he et vvlth 'cooties' oncsn t dothet inueh about shells g-vs, slnapnel ni anv thing ele nd lliat's just as It nliould Ui I'oi thev are the things that one stioiildii t think about If In cin'flnil something e be to ponder adout Which Is just wheie the coolies have their ue " 'I lie ficneral Idea The above outlines the geuetal Idea Most dbcotufeirts, nni wav nl auntliet h ive their list s I'nrine thing Hie In-cic.-uc the value nf the ordlniiv coin Tpiinslinnf ors' T.Piit-iic Mnii'lins. lnln... ' " I With Ten Clubs in Field, the mi et lllln-s ovil , . "That's a gint Iden bill vvlieie vrill miii pnl It he was iskcd We i in llnd ii pine ' was the reply, and the pine was found Mill is nuuiig niiollier suipibe when le leinoved Ifii'H chilis from the floor and s' irlid to build a clndei track This was an lunov itlon. but little was thought of the icheine dec disc nT the ennrmoiis i os Workmen vvi le dusv foi moie thin a week, and when tlie track . . . , . , i. tin i was le.nlv M. I'" mil i" en f"-in "o ' "'I ...!.... ,.. .1.. ..111. lllrt vv n u aie vim khiiik hi .i" .,i... triik aftei tlie meet is over" Mill is was ashed "We II thmw It avvav ' he leplled "Hi vou mean In i iv tint vou ate pending V.nn nn something which will he useless aflel cine hl,lllH IP-C" ' es. and we will in ike enough incmev to piv for II and show a pinllt besides ' 'I he n eauii the prolikiu of heating the pi ice Theie wele no steam pipes tn be lled no) w is tliere an e tlgltie loom Miltas nvciiaine this dv renting all of tin nlmnnilers he i mid llnd and kieplng them full dlast until ft n e Im k nn tlie night nf the meet W hell the spectators arrived the h ill was warm and c ov and thev suffered no Incon venience V crowd nf Ifinoo itteuded this meet and the attrtidance has In en glowing lirgereich vear In Plin the list time I'onvcntlon Hall was used more th in 1 7 fifio crowded into the place and the Overcomes Appar- ently Insurmount-' able Obstacles and Takes Chances pillce were forced to close the doors, lacst ear at the roinmerclal Museum a crowd of II "0" attended the gsmes I Mnrics Track Sport 1'optilar Since lifl niore than r,7,onn persons have attended the Meadowbrook games, whli II proves that Vhlladelphlans art willing to support track nthletlcs pro vided the are run properly. Ilefoie Pal las tool, charge of nffalni, llie annual meet attracted only the homn talent with a few stragglers from ,NW ork and New Jersey. The new secretary hmt Mime new Ideas, however, and In 111-! Invited college athletes and prop 1 school stars. This seemed to be a wild. 3 eved plan and the authorities did not think much of It The colleges, ion, weio not anxious to send tennis, f0 only I'niiiell, Princeton and Penn wetc rip. iiseiitnl Hut the move was a popular line, the college men made a big hit and Malliis. Instead of chopping evcr.vthln after being slighted, ciccteieci to put hlj I pi in through He explained ever.vthlng to Hodman. Wanamaker and was told to go the limit. The secnlarv in ule a trip in rvew i;nj tinal uml convlpced aIe, Harvard, Mart mouth and Holy rross that their teams should appear In thn Meadowhrtolc gimes Then Michigan fell In line and was followed bv the University of Pltt. burgh, Catholic Pnlversllv.'lieorRetcwn, sviai use and others Now tj'w liack i cmi lies prepare their men for the nn nu il Indoor meet and the entries art growing each ct.i S'nmucl 1 Mall is Ins been the tavlor nf track athletics 111 Phlladelphl i. lie bus staged moie meets than anv one else anil now tint he Is head of the V the rport should bo morn pop ular lie Is not a KHLtlonM He Is a boostei, fill nf enthusiasm and goes through with even thing he undertakes m) he Is willing to take e dances flcr spending tljno for a track which wss used In one meet and then throw lug it awav, Mallis began to mike pi ms for another 'I think a lilt a" board track will he letter next vear," he mIi1 one dav 'How much will It cost." he n at'keil Oh 1 think we em get a HOOM one for $3100.' lie leplleel cince more he swept tlie other Mead nvvbinnk officers off tin li feet but In the end he man iged to convince them that Im was light 'Ihc track was built, but Dallas dldn t throw It awav Instead he had it in cde in sections and has ued II c vei since BIG DOINGS LISTED FOR GUNNERS TODAY SCHOOLBOY FUMBLES foils nf c xMcme The cltlen who enters an ,111115 or the soldier nlteadv In it who makes up his mind tint a cold tent once In a while a lirteeii-nille hike a Itfng drill routine and various older trials and tumbles and aunoances are on! a snnll put of tlie game will oon find life cheerful enough 'I he ntic Vliu doesn t sdjust bis mind or Ids plillnsnpliv to this status Is In for a bli ak e senee iul the best p,rt or It alt,Ms how ipilcklv a mm who in ikes up his mind 1 an mine to the proper adjustment with out anv great wiereh The wrench 11111 .11 live liter In the form of 11 six-Inch shell but vvhnt nnv happen In the futuie is alwavs a minor detail against the Job j oil hive nt band It wis Old Irv I'nhli who fbst s,,i tint 'wii was a vast anesthetic" liniihles nr illtnMcis 111 il In not mil time would liud with ciushlng effect have no such effect in wai fm the lea ion tint the svslem Is ahcadv pirtiallv stunned bv ihc ovc 1 wlielmlr g piescnce of de 1II1 the Feature lltVI'sllOOTI RS' I I.M.I , S WHIM, lurcf Is rninti, i.ii,reil VY llmlnclein West hester W Idles . I Hlisilale l Vleudow sprlncs lliiis,limd 1 K, l.lrn Wlll.m I he.lir I mnileii I trurvlecc "1 I I I I I II IIH'I 1 i;i 1 ipi Ills 1 11: I llll I! 1! I'll liPl I Pi'l rnn's st in in Wilnilnctiiti l't IViiiisclituil 1 Killlrnail I If-t-nlnlh strret and Wnmllilne nveiiue. l hesler nt hester. I liexlrr. Ijinsiliile al s. s,( Whltrs, llnlmrsliuri; film linn. . . . . . . I nniilen nl Vlesitnw snrliiEs. Sprlnsflelil, i lenrvlrw at l.len Willow, Itiivliorteicli. MciXichol Brothers Form Basketball Team line nr llie mo.l miUir the orilliurj feihirrs innnerleil with I nilril slulfs tirni knurls mines fnim ( unip Vleuile In Hie fnrm nf liiisKrltmll t this inmli mm are four MiSiilml hrnlhrrs. nil riiire Murs, uml In imnnlrtr Hie McM.liol lle Is llnniiv, wlm Is ,111 Hie I'eini frrtiinnii trnm. I ditie, Iriiik, llurr uml Insriili lire liilliinril ul Vilmlml I ilclie Mils nulla! 11 nf Hie IIIIVIll inllrclnlF rliiiln liiiinsliia Irani nt Irnusvliunlii. ami. slriinie tn stale. II in. Hip llr.l I III,, (nr Itie Ite.l ami lllue -line Unix (SI. when "P."'. '." "" "I" t'nl won Hie Hlle, Ml 11 r Hie 11. Mi lint, iittruileil Hie I nl jerslt). The (lrt nimeirunre nr Hie r 11 mini- li M, liiil , r , ,tlt. null Hull Vli, mil, evenint:, lHiiuur It, when llie.e i.ieiiiliers of llir lule srl,ulir jHiurs p. VlrM, ,. fn,, ,, lrr) '.'." ."i"'. 'I "f ''"'iiselvuill! Itl.e HftspitHl I llll NO. .'II lUltsrTN. WEfGHMAN HAS EYES ON THE 1918 PENNANT Purchase of Tyler Completes Matchless Set of Real Pitching Experts Wnrd Ifrsign, Ited So orfice HOSrOS" .lin I f Herrmann of1 Chicago was elided fee refai v-tieasurer of the Huston merlc in League base, bill dud tonight kui 1 ceding Hugh I I Waul cif Sen mil. Mi Waul whore, tains his financial Interest In Hip , U, 1 resigned bee, turn of oilier business eiiuii-n arcc or sew vork w it-elected president SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS E' MMIi: MrtiOOUTV, tlie Western nildillewelcht. who boxed t-vcral times In Australia and lost Inlf of his houls, but fcrtunatclv contltiued to 1 please tlie masses, Is Home laivvarus bent landed on tlie coast mil lie trnveled 'llrst c'nss to (isuicosu, vv m , wnciu n 1 sp'tit the nllda)8 with Ids peop'e IMdln was iiccompanlrd bv Ted Moon, I star steeplechase rider of Austral a, who is coming Hast to look ovc 1 tho t ill f lituatlon and then will lllcel conllnun on to r.ngland. He will do gelling nearer the real sporting feature all the time the game of catching tho Kaiser. Mctloorty wob under 11 serious opera Hon Just defore lie pulleAl stakes for home. A Phlcago scribe saw IMdln at the train and Mj's that he Is looking dandy nnd Is the same stvllsh dresser and puts up the same dashing appear ance, IMdlo speaks for himself as fol lows: . 'nvldenlly when I arrived In b'rlco I was misunderstood. I'm quite willing to do my bit for my country, and as Soon as I am rested I am gulag to take a. phslcal examination lo seo what shape t am In. My operation was cpiltc serious and left mo In rather poor shape, but the sea xoyaee did me world of good and I am feellnK llns mm. Im willing to do an) thine that may be asked of me," -Hy BILL BELL- Mc; Australia is badly crimped. Ixis narcy'H death put u crusher on tho .rnthuslasin of the naljves and many serafwera ,. nave? deserted I'labliv was about the nnlv ni,,,, to attract anv attention sas iMdic MeHnortv Is tw.iiiv-ilght jcirs nlil and weighs IfiJ pound e llarr (,'ieli niav get Hist chanco nt lilm and If iin beat Harrv Im would be line foi a dilo with OMowd ,0 llnbh) Hums, Hi. Ilnltliuor., l-r. ,1 1, l-rlalll In l kept Inw) here tr , hillll aflr tlie f.-hlon of llm Mil Wllllauii I al iH-at ('union ami llie liauln,,, KenVJ'tm '",f ,'hi c-ntur HeniMii best Wllllsinj hut llrr man lu his (dory iluen not novni lo i.inir,ar with Ihc Willi nn win. In hi, ,uv m.uJd uou me mtie MiiiwHHii ni,,,,; ,'; i";;,Med Rir Urunnl In looklnc after Jik Jln'ar roll's Intercnta In tl o Weal lUv louili fellow hluiaelf In day !,,. slenia rlUki with 1 h LMlon Hjiii 1 lui. Uf l ii'ii (j. f,"r.a.l."l'."n ro""d "'M'1 "'t'1 Soldier llarl He l.l thn rUle lo he January 1 1, if lunik-id will accent the club olfar rkutcla (u allow Hiiro anua aoun Tlie Wnore fanill reall la In n ,!, , llalf. rankle. Willie. nMy hiiiI I'h hu i en their heat ila)s ami now tt U Al. Jark llrlllon fimght t unity HinrH In mil Hill an 1II1I IVte llerinull Jack loat Ills n hihI 1'cley won lil Herman on aeten licula. eleven were nualeelalon ronteata, one a Uruw and another n knockout, Vllke (dbbolis liaa rlaltneil draft eki mptlon on the rounl of a wlfn niid three children Alike tiaa een ilolntr Ida "hit" at Camp Dodire, Ilea Alulnea. la , !i hnvlne InMructor but anawere.1 the queatlcmiialre An army oltleer wac aaked about. iiuttllnfi Levlnaky nnd hla ilutira at 1'amp llecena. "Why. ea." lie aald. 'livlnaky la In char-. of teaehlna boxing and he, la dolnff tine )ou know that poilntf la eompulaory now-evcry soldier rnuat know hnw lu U11. ltoalnc hma wfhi on or ins moat imiKtfiani pramenta fiiifao .1.111 -, Cub fins tndiv ate convinced that tho S'orlh Side 1 did will davc one of tlio clisslcst pltrliltig staffs In tho loner circuit as the lesult of the deal which mule tie urge Tvler. the liostim snuthpaw, a meinbei nf I'rcd Mitchells team Tvln was proi ured at tlie ex pense nf t'atdiri Art WINon Second lliifemau I.iirv Movie and cash said to amoiyit to $I1 noil With Alexandei and Mouglis as Hie main right haudeis and Itlg .II111 Vaughn and T.v lei as the southpaws, the Cubs h nve four de peiiclildc veteians faiiei ldrldge and ,loe lloelillug and i vuungslcr or two will make till tlie second-string heavers Although the lirulna parted vvlth Wil- son the., receiving staff of the Cubs Is not weakened, fcr Mitchell has Bill Kll- le fer for his first-string man and I'.nvvd" Hlllott to hick hlni up The disposal of Mo le means that ciung Mete Kllduff xs. Ill be icgulai second bisemnii of the Cuds next season The Hading of Mo.v !e and Wilson, which leaves tho Cubs without a first diss guardlm of the kevslone sack, Induces one to believe that Weeghman has f-omo definite lssutancc of obtain Ing a belter man -eltlier Iteger Horshv, nf tho Catds, or Charlie Herzog, of tho (Jlants to take Movie's place. I'ilchcr YitiRlinrro Itcinstatcd CINI'I.S'.S'ATI Jan t. The National Ijasebilt niumlsslnn nnnoimced todav that Pitcher llarl "1 Ingllng. who Ins -i-ii suiiii.i nn uie ruFier or tho Wash Inglon Club nf the American 1 llcifguc n ,1 ,uiuiicnrii reiireil ptcer, Il The foiutli sctles ol mati lies m the 'Irapsluoters' League Is listed on tod iv s spoils lal'Mrdn liuuneis nr tin 1 tv and viiinllv will be kcenlv Inletestut in the events ns no other target sheets will be held outside nf the blg-tlme trap sport ' W ilnilngtnn and the West Chcttn teams aie leading the ten-club circuit with three straight victories apiece 'lo dav s matches for both leaders look like four In a row. The Melawaicans meet the r I! 11 gunmen beie, and from re poits the Wilmington niganizitloii will have nunc thin flft titget shooters on the lliing line West Chester hies to the I hester einiinds, whero It lias a initeh with the Munition Town gunners. Members of the two out-of-town clubs are shooting like wlzaids In three shoots nt linn elav a eich the XTIII' .1 riilladelhpl i sclioolbov 1 lec ted mi the Ml-tuerk.iii scliolis. lb I111k11i1.lll1hlt1a1nf.1t PIT in Intel lu Jake (liav s Sp millings MhletU M m mac fm llll List (llr two local Mholastlc stars, Kvctilt Sunlliv, lap lain of the Centtal High speed mer ibanls. ami Miwiv llngirs who led ScTthe est High nil Hie illideis, etei honorrd bv the crltks and selected fori the ir favorite event 'llie ilKipi'ointmi lit whlili the local i-cholastle fans aie dniind tn feci In reading lln all-stai selection Is soinc wlnt atonnl bv tin in 11 lad supiiiorlt which the Mhoollmy athletes uf tlie east ern ptepiratotv t-i bonis fhownl ovei the Middle West nnd wistein livals 'Iwclve uf the slxticii events wdc awatdrd to members of eistirn teams Although this cltv failed to produce nn uthlete of All-Aincrlcan cillbcr some satisfaction Is found lu the selection of Mukc Wilson of liadnoi High School, In the twelve-pound rhct-puttlug event, and Ml 111 Swede foimeilv nf Centtal High School nf this cltv but nnw wearing tin" coluis nf Metcersbutg Vcademv, In the c loss.cminti v tun s;urd0 has a vv ns been icgiidcd as cme nt tlie best lilll-nnd-d ile runt. on in tills eeetlnn and Hie new donot which Ins dcen conferred upon dim will piuve populn I'laclugC i: lliishncll nf lllll School, adnvn Mewev lingers, of N'ortheast, In' the riuartcr-mlle run nnv ptove unpopu Hi with mmy followeis of llie local stai lingers who Ins a tenilcticv to I lonk over Ills Khoulder when In (lie lead, fell In the Indoor cpiads last winter and Injuied his knee The wounded member 1 failed to respond to treatment for sev- 11 PAUL I'llLT was -o All-American 1917 litlerscholaslic Team fly 1RI.D W. RLIIIEN ran ,, l,,,r, lirriershurE . IIW v nil irilllem,. ai V." r,!!,:U' " " "!. Hene. iliil's I'ren. Ilostou, llll-iaril run I . II. Ilu.linell, Mill Silimil, I'lillsteimi, I'a, ., ""-' anl run ln.mli J, TulA, st. "eiieclh fs I'ren. Ilo.lnn Vllle run , W ini.lriiir. ( ralral lllih, Newark, S.J, ' Inu-milr run li pli Sullj. s, (nr. iliil's I'ren, llostnu. , I rnss nlrj Mini snrde, Mercer- luirif i idem,, Ijll-vnrit liiinlles H. II. Vlnasej. Hill Sclinnl, I'liltslin, n. I'l i -"'""."J!,1! , lumlles II. Hoters. Lake leirest (III.) ViiicJein,. Kiitinlnit- JiiniC, sMfr, Bw. reneevllle Viailein,. Itiinnlnr lira, ail Jump W. Iloncllnt, llniien llleh sdpHil, ( hlrasn. Pole , ,nlt T, , C.arilner. Hill vliool. lull. tin, n, I'ljltliis IJ-lli. shot . Wilson, Kail, heir lllth sihrnil Ituilnnr. I'm. throw hie I .iii, hummer I, ntell." lien ershciri; ViiMlrui,, I linn, Im: Hie ,11.,,, 1. Wllklnvin. Sh.llml, .iIiiniI. I irlhlull. Minn lliriinbic h Jurlln F. Wlliovrn, llak I'nrk IHch , Pool. (Iillutn. lause for the defeat suffeied bv Mercer' duiv Acadeni in the senior Middle At lantic champs list veat, winning the hurdles nnd finishing third In the broad Jump Tho twelve eastern pHccs arc divided as follows' Mrrcersbuig, Hill and St rienedlrt's three each, and Central High, of N'ewark; Law rcijcev llie and Iladr.or High, one eich ii.ii iiiu.icns. iiui. uncn 11 got into shape Oscar (" !".,.,. i . , j, . . Itogers stalled on a lainpage In the , the NVrthen 'fffi "1,,ra,1 "Irector of cuirter-mlle dish nf the' senior Inte . I nb'Nr I1,?. ' V ? '...I0?.1'. l?T??.i Atlanths on franklin , school, w ill" "li,u,a" 0J.'.12 scholastic Middle field, lliishncll took the lead nt tho start ' letlcs ci mo race Itogers sta te.l...l..lnn iAMll,i-nnl lu lr-l.llii. Ilu rivals b only sixteen Urgets W. lien on even terms with Huslmcll. five iliietnn has n lot of eonlldcnce a"ls from the tape, lie ookeel over his Heauchamp, Mcllugli llaudv, (JiUIn I'.eed hkellv and Jensen wlm are theli fivorlte shots Tho Main Line vvlng shots at West Cdester also hive unite a coterie of brilliant inarkmen lu (Icorge Kildwin Svvavnei. Mcimwell ionnel, Mace. I llflon. Wall", Smith and Storms There Is a keen race foi Individual honors In the Trapshooters League race Sine matches Is the schedule In the frst thice tests Heauchamp, of the WII ihlngton Club, Is leading the field of some ;nn trap artists with a scoro of 140 hits In 150 tries Ho Is being closely pressed bv llarr) Sloan of Philadelphia, ' who represents the P It I! Club, ami Is eul a single target bemud ilcaucliamp. me Wilmington man, vvno is tn, ware state champion Othci matches todav tint should prove good tests are the Whiles at llolmesburg. Camden at Sprlnglield and the IJIen Willow -Clearv lew shoot at Itoxboroogh Tl, .-.l ..i . .. . Hounding the third curve I when tebBa "cold t. ywlHrxere. r-". "..M.,r,r.l.V,.."lrln!: I'ut !?oro ,0 '' -rm. nniyu that wa" jury are sure to benefit. All of which is a good idea for some coaches of teams who have trouble in Betting their men out to practice. If tho sport hap. pens to bo football or baseball hire a largo refrigerating plant for a few da)S and rehearse the men In the plant. Di rector Cierncy will guarantee that tha men will do their work In great shape, because when u are cold you exercise to keep warm. Many experiments have been tried to get tho lazy athlete to work, but this Is the best of the lot. shoulder and. as usual, fell Several timed the winner In Hie wonderful time of 41 1-5 seconds, but tho olllclal tlm0 was given as ln 1-5. which cnuilrcl the rec ord No records of W Howdlng, of Itowen High School, of Chicago were pub lished In the Spiuldlng Almanac, but he must be a worder to bo given the honor over Captain Mellinger, of Central High School Severe! times dining the last outdooi season tlio Crimson and Hold leader leaped near the twent three foot mark, with Miiky Taj lor, of .soutn rniiaueipiiia a rew inches behind Hill Masev, of Hill School, under tho tutelage of Jimmv Wendell, tha inrm-i. Mela-1 Intercollegiate hurdlo champ, should be a star of the fltst ordci when he enters college next fall Masse) was the main ihc Investigation of college athletics which is to be taken up may result In f. I,1, e tor tne "boolboy athlete, as It will develop him after going to col lege, where often ho Is crowded out bv superior 'athletes from other schools and cities Many scholastic- ,inn nr.. ini in thO Shuffle through lack of cm,nrtnnllWT to fhlne In college. i.l SCHUPP AND SWIGLER SIGN GIANT CONTRACT Clever Southpaw Received nn In-1 crease in Salary Inficlder Schep- ' ncr Returns SiRiied Document ' ns pott- m;w youiy, jau a 'ihreo more of entering siri lee'f '." H 1",l""' O-nntK sent in their signed documents sVa'so'if ' "In'e'lnVtatln0 "yt, g! n'g "X ! VorK , 1 'dav innimlsslou savs: ",H the til ncrs ex ' Tn lrl rnslsted cr ferdlo Schupp, puliation of his failure to report to the "", brilliant left hnnder: Adam Rvvlgler. Washington Club laal lea, I.. n... I n ntmi- nil, b.e frnni 111., lTt.Unrull.. r nj j-resiueiu jiinor. who unites in Ids sUiu.Ing'''' ' rcvfc,orf'd " Marines Klect Bradley Captain wine iirau 1'rnnxvlvaiila, and Hchcpner, a .voiiiig In- lleldei, who, will make bis third train ing trip valth the club next spring. Srhepner Is regarded as one of the club's best Infield prospects. He was farmed out to Hoc hester last season, and llkelv Inllelder next llrst rial 11.,,. " li ':".T"' eouesiaie drew the Kama iiumtier nf volea riouE leriy i bo clever oung left bander received a llie alx fnrtl ciinnl u.l nu.ii . .. -i. . l . . '." ..... .i- teWr; VliliiTrywjnjKvor oi ll,",,,r. ,H,y "'"' Z- Johnson and Dreyfuss to Go South Scranton Forfeits Tranchisc IIIICAOO. Jan .1 The 1118 Khedulo nf Iho Iho major leaeuea will ,irHn up lu Mover Hall. Oa . by I'realdent Johnaon of the American la-aiiue and Harney Hrefua. I of tho I'lttavurgh .Satlonala ' "'"" Johnaon ami flrevfuaa will ei to IHiver Hall Immediately after the mreuns or in snctionai uommiaaioa W Clnelnnatt nan 4V U. '..' .:.'.. T." '-!'- i m iii n in or lln il,:" sea V"dler;',urV.('''.?..'lwlll be carried n- utility rftfrnoon Ht the Nuw v...i ' 'V.' f? I d.iKnn A ki lill mi liail liU MUlKlintf Jiradle) li ft wrmttrn r-niiiriut- ' i.( .Aurnn l Kil? Ii lu in.1ni,.n.i ... .! "r-- that thr ., i k :Y:;r:k :" r , ;: " r:::"r """ HOIt NTOV, Pa . Jan a - tlr-mui of mnt.nuf'.l rnior att?nlni hi owncri of the Hrrwntnn tram, uf IV Anayhtsyita Mint l.Nigu., Iu forfltiU thtr fraiKhltw ntpetlal incttlnit t -lh leaicut for KUndu haa brcn rallM In dltvcusa the quchtlou, Htranton haa 1ot SIOO to daO, I Import 4 lire IMt.llatloion wUJ alao be dropitsl ni) GRAND CIRCUIT RACES IN PHILA. AUGUST 19 Tentative Dates, Subject to t Change at Annual Meeting, Are Announced Cl.i:'i:i.Nn, O, Jan 5, Tentative dates for the grand circuit harness races vvero nnnounced here to. clay. They nre subject tc. chango nt the annual meeting nnd election of officers at Columbus, o, next Tuesda, Tho tentative schedule follows: Cleveland, week of Julv Hi- Kat.tni.i ino. Mich., week of July 22; Toledo, O, week of Julv SI; Columbus, week of August 3: Cleveland, week of August t2; Philadelphia, week of August 11; I'nuRhkecpsle, , V xveck of- August !fi ; lteadvllle. Muss, week 6f Keptcm ber 2: Hartford, Conn, week of Sep. lember 9; Hjracuse. N', Y week of Sep. tembcr Ifi; Columbus, O. two weeks. Basketball Notes The PandnlDh A A. .T,iniAva n ....' vvUhil.,ii,VJln,t "nd home '"1'Mball tearh ,J ?l l.nJn.lo-"rr,n" ,"m'a with leama ellhar 'J ..??i,i?r.""". I'"1 Clev.nter. inanaicer 1 ?".. ','"'J! "!? "' 'he Htarr Oarden Uerrra iM Hon Cenier, Seventh ami Lombard atreeta hiTt.'ihJir".". Ju"lo,r- a fast alith rliM VI lilaketnall team, w .h. u.r.. -.,. l ! ,r ii.'ir," ornwaj Harry Hears, man., 718 Itodman street. i.uh-Jm,'nd,'.0I"M Jun'ora dealrea haaUet. irn?nie. " honio or away with, any i?p fnik,r"a?'.' L.ul". "P'cier. niaiTaiter. , wiiiJiV""1" N'elBhborhoo.1 tlulld. I ourth and Oreen atreeta. The Alnha II baakethafl team, wanla uin In nr u el U Im, n A. r fourth alreet ('., r third and fourth clans : MalfltM train a as in na ah if 1 Trlmpol, manakrr, Ki South .1 SUITS $f180 OR OVERCOATS .JL JL OBDBII REDCCF.D FROM $W, ni B tt PETERM0RAN&C0.T,rr."' S. E. Cor. 9th and Areh Straati vpes Jianaay na SatnisUr CatU b'.ImIi j beginning .September 21; l.exjdgon. K , OlVniUia A. A "raa and llalnbrldit"' week of October C, and Atlanta, (la. vinsiivi i Jl.i'l"!.1 dwarda. Mar.Y! week of October 13 ' 7 "l U" ' "! .Vf.i'tlliV 7 ') Pelrolt and the i:mpro city rice ii.A;l101r,J1fl,,,' . Mi.l track, pear New Vork. mve dropped out Jnny m.'iIS.'," J"' iE:tnM ,"""" Si nnd their placeea will bo niled by Toledo ' WVul " i!jI S""' J"6iT - A bhni arc a ii risimgw,, j,.,,,. ' ... ..ibJUA llSaaT TC.J si-- Mmamamims