f ANDSHIP 1ft DISPUTED v :i rager Contradicts (Mnent Made By De Igner to Probers U JIN 1918, TESTIMONY 'island Can't or Can? J Disagree on 1918 Work '4i'V IK MY judgment it is not probable thnt the Hog Island 1, will deliver nny ships in I. I don't snv tlmt thev won't delivered, but I think It is c.x- wy improbable." Theodore. Ferris, chief constructor in the meal department of the rBency Fleet Corporation. .'-Wo can sen nn rensnn In lip. Mtirti that it will bo necessary to RMr contract, which will call for r l.Hra.uciivi-rniK oi luvy snips iroin T I .La' !!.. T-1.....1 . I t .. il. H . lluei. "'"'' jarci ny mo mni" 4le.of December. 1IIIH ." Wnltnr jl Goodcnough, general manager of , wtw inicricmi inicrnaiionai snip- i.WJiiamg corporation. '.A'' (Sharp difference of opinion. exists ttr.vy' ... wen meoaoie i;. i-crris. rliief coll ector In ilio technical department of ; Emertsncy fleet Corporation and kwlv 1'crrls tjpe of vcoodcn KM, and Walter i.odenough. general .. v ... nmanager or the American International A - .... ' Bhlpbiilldlns Corporation, as to whether Jr?tho last named concern will he nhlo to ft fulfill Its contract to deliver ships to Kli, Uncle, Sam this jear. Epf,fV Mr. Ferris. In statement made he. BL,ore the Senate committee lmcetlRatliiE IBMjH! aflilrs of the ShlppInK Board, de fesWoUred that while It was not Impossible, MR m: " "iiw ic .-An eiiic-iy imiiroiiji. c feS-.'ht the Hog Island vanls would turn Iwi, 'out any ships nt nil this jear. Mr. Fv K Goodenociffh nromntlv Inmup.i m uinFAmnnt fj,n Vhlch he asscitctl that ho could nee giwTearon w iiy inc corporation or wlilili ipc scucrui uimuiKcr vvcmici noi uellvcr JBfty fchlps to tho Government liv the Wi'Tdlddle of December .- fh ftfatAi.inn, f Al.. I'..-.!.. .. ,- FY lit reply to rlUegtldllS lirnlinumleil r lilm lift llV Ken.ltor Tllrnni tnlinofiti .t r,llr.... kt&KH.4 and Was bated nn Ilia h1lr tl.it .. I Fivr.s . -v.... . ...... .. Bf'W'Slow start had been made by the -nier. IW." Jon International Shlpbulldlne Corpora- 7 ttivu in mv Luuniruciion o us pi.iiu no u$ f MW tin Miacnn In .Iniikt l. .a it.. . yards hnti gotten uell undr way In meir -worK ffinpa win no turned out In a PatJetfactory inannfr nntl with n nci. $& Mr. (.iooderioiiirli did nut i-r Inin .) (! .In his counters(atfmrnt. imt mnUn.iMi W&i himualr tmrlllt 1. ...l . . . EWfrlll fulfill Its i outran and ulll de- h. Mirer tiny ulilps lo i ho no eminent this & atear. KZmnna tsr.Aivn vmustvr M. Kr1TTiAr rm a 'ttr rtr.r. ,.,.. . ... ? nivj iiT nciii ljmtn l itii ksk . -: ? CiCllt HOC Ishlllf umkliicriMpit hum. ii4fT8t"1 ,a,,t "'l11 ttK 'ho rlns-leaden sgtin aerious nouns wincli loon iilai-e on n. jirajii orinsmp incm from iiob Island to ?in cuy. Tlio causo of the rlotlnc was ?! failure to proldo heated cars for 'th men in rtrfn In uii.l 41.1 Lrii.ul jiKln consequence, to pay their fare. Sterne men arrested were II. .1. Uaskln. r.B. Kelso, George Borkln. Leo John- Israel Friedman. James Sanmle. 3jhua "Williams and J, C Smallwood. fflfi five last named aro negroes. t' ipe rioting began after tho train left 'HOK Island for the city last night, and feffln their anger a number of the men iet V? Sett ffl tlm Mat I.e. t l.inonu nt 1 aa..I.... Mi-y ., ,. -' .'..-. hi, .. ......... v., nn iiii. I5tfrm. A' train dispatcher telegraphed ?.- KM TMla,lAlr.ltl . .....I n .-... I . , -w ,...uv.l't.l Mill. .i .ll'l.lCIIIIIVIIC 111 ntty policemen was sent to the naltl- JnitM and fthlr. cljllnn nl Ti. .i...f H. f '" - " ...w V...V.U.. ... . .CI,J -ifll l , rand Chestnut Klrp.iK. in m..., n,a ..i.. fi.Tha.elght men named were pointed out K,ine conductor as the leaders In the ir ana they wero taken to tho I-'if. tlth and Locust streets Ktatinu . BUSINESS MEN ADVOCATE f IREE ZONE FOR THIS PORT KMW.1 " J3-l?j. - lMllM,rtt.K Cl7nl.i4nH Cl.n. l t !!!. :'rvv'"i iiciuocvi umina 1 IISMUIUUV if City Quilds Docks and iPftT' Congress Approves ff.T'.- .... .. . . . ia ireo sono lor tlio iiorl or Pliilailel- can bo had If autliorlty for It is Hlted by Congress, n"nd the building ,wi5 necessary ciocks Is under the diction of the Department of ixves, Docks and Ferries, according ;.a letter that has been written by ector CJeorgn K. Webster, of that artment. lo the PhlladelnhU Ilaar.1 'Trade. Th establishment of a frco port for aeipma is urongiy advocated by M5Tr business men. on the c-rnnn.i iii,.i ' Would attract to this cltv shins from fh'fH -parts of the world In search of out- ittj-jwB cargoes, under this plan cargcJ-s aSJ nad not been sold could be sent yrr.minueirmia ami stored In the fiee h until iney could bo disposed of with rt.the owners being rcciulred in tmv 1on thc-entrance, of the ginids Into eiport, . , TMK. SANDS IK W M.lNf: lA mr i.tr4"itrYi inn? ...... n gZf,l l" '-ni rUK TWO K?r " ' r Worsting Pair of Antue-onisbi liljflOrTcrs to "Substitute" for ifr"- umiAvi: n sanus, twents-nve veai-H nld William street, bad n. Ilnin ..' ' t last night with tvvo other negroes. epponents wero badly beaten and' lanueii in the Nineteenth ami i streets station, ! UW cell next to hhn W.m n ni-ir,, fatpr refusal to comply with the ave arait law. Hands asked tho tuit who his neighbor was. 1,,'that's a slacker." was the reply. Nk here, sergeant." shouted Kami kUfCr'n In here 'cause be 'won't FWrrm lie here 'cause I llghtu too v-vou Jen' Keep him here and let ;vaiiiJ I'll do do flglitln' for both i j ' ,lt was due to this appeal Is mil at mo nearing tins morn- Wj released. Tbe slacker "We . ... CROSS FOB WOMEN '-Started for Bestowal of rsration MHost Highly ,!- i rruni W.'yJajC 4f V iilovement tc! ventmrnt bestow the Vic women who have ner. tt brvry In .the baltlo i e.,ltUM)NU.c. ,Tlio ojt iiHHmwmn'Ai - i -- r v i. f ,' t v 1 HnnMHBvr?!1 ' :. v ... y." -'"w -m -,-., ?r: ""-? V "" ' $2,400,000 ALLOTTED' TO NAVY YARD HEIJE Appropriation for Drydock nnd Power Plant Among Estimates for 1919 VAKE SURE OK PASSAGE Proximity or Labor Market and Base of Raw Mnlciinl lis Chief Claims llu n Flnff Corrf inrfnl , WAyillNHTO.V. Jan I J listlin.ilcs fiirnlslieil by the Secretary i of the Trcasur to the" t'oiiiinlttce mi Appioprlallons for tho fiscal jear of lDl'J. which begins on July I. request for the Philadelphia Navy Yard an ap-- prlatlon of Jl.ino.noo for acMltloinl IIIIImB ......... A.... .... tt'llll,.... U ...... I proprli facilities onBie!fiu!'n William S Varc member of the Appropriations Commit, tee, feels assured that the amount will bo approcd bv the committee After .1 suncy of the conditions nt the .ird and Its iict-oinpllslimciitK dur. lug the InM half doen cars the IV pattment of the Naiy iihKs foi a Hat appropiliitInii of j;.l"y.,'0n to LOinplcln the hugu drjdoili wlilili Is being run strutted at the ard. Improicmcntit to ,lhe central power plant, made nci.esv.iry by the reeut monimutli iiildlllons at the I'lilladelphl.i yaril luaKo this Improve ment neoesaiy Another hundred thous and dollars Is provided In tho crtlnnte for trachs, streets and tcwers "Tho Philadelphia Nay uiil has reached the point where Its aluo us a naial fetation rami'H be denied." said Mr. Varo toda "f..t ear approprU tlons totaling $1 42H.OOI) were appioed by Congress for Improvements and ad ditions at the atd The cstlnial ap proved by the di'paitini.it for net elr exereils this by almost Jl.OOit.nno "The Philadelphia Navy yard li at thi seat .of the rinet labor nuiKet In the United State' the nearejt naval rta. tlou to the bull, of the law luateilal used In naval construction and tupplv i n.i i,.,. ,. i,. ,i. . ... ..., I.... u" ii" i ni ikj i"" nit inn tvjrii riiji" piles of I'tlinsj lviilil.c "With the cmnp'ction of the di.vdoiK foi whkh the Navy Pop.n tmi nt lecoin. mends an nppiopilatlou of Ji'.niid.cjon, the Philadelphia .Va nnl will bo able to repair the l.ilgesl battleship afloat "BLACK FRIDAYS" IN WORLD OF FINANCE Days Marked Some of Great est Panics in History Several of tho greatest llnanclal panics of the past have eoniineiiced on a Krld.iy. and this lias given ilsu to one of the pel superstitions of the Stock Ilxchange and bouises tluoughout the world that tho skth day of tho week Is fraught with III omen for thoo who undeit.ike financial operations on that da. The original "Black' Krldav" occurred I": cjrs ago. Ueccniber 0. 1715. In London. On that day the tidings ! reaehed tho metropolis that the Pre-' tender, ltonnln Prince. Charlie, had I Za .nD,erbu .",'"' Ills, fg'cti' .V0"' doners Immedlatclj made preparations to lly from the city, and a wild panic prevulleil It was on that occasion that the Hank of Lngland was be sieged by an army of depositors, and Jiacl Its closest call In all lis long llH tory. The cltUens were anxious to take their money 'with them on their flight, nnd the depositors uluiosl stormed tho great institution In their eagerness to obtain their money. In that cilsls tho bank escaped bank ruptcy only bv the expedients of plac ing "dummies" In the line to Impede the. progress of genuine depositors, and by paying the latter In small coin only, whlrh made tho carrying away of large sums a very dllllcult and hazardous task GAS FLOW FROM PILOT OF LIGHT NEARLY FATAL Mount Holly Woman ltcvived After Foiling Uticonsiouh Low Pres- Mirc Cuufc MOUNT HOLIV. N J. Jan I Pis-j covered arter slie nail rallcn unconscious In tho bathroom of her home hero early today, Mrs John S Haines was saved from nsphvxiatlon by Illuminating gas Tho dining room gas was tinned oft last ' night There was not enough pressure to leave the pilot flame and a heavy pres-! sure during -the night. It Is believed.! fniccd out enough gas to reach the slipping rooms Mrs Haines awoke feel ing quecrly, but did not'ic-allie what was I tho matter She called for help and I when her daughter, Miss Grace A ll.ilnesr reached her she was unconscious I on tho (loor A phjskian worked for half an hour before he could revive her I Then her daughter became affected by the gas and shock of fining her mother, and both am sick In bed Mr. Haines was not seiluusly affected Users of gas In Mount Holly have ie celvcd no formal notice of changing con ditions In the gas pressure YAOUIS KILLED 107 1 NATTACK ON TRAIN Number of Wounded in Outrage :il Pittihityu is Placed Jit Twenty-four NOGALUS, Ari., Jan. . Yaiul In dians who burned a bridge, wrecked a Southern Pacific of Mexico train and ' "re1 "pou eho victims of the wreck at jPHahava, couth of Guayuins, killed 107 men, women nnu children, according to latest reports today. The number of Voundcd has been placed at twenty-four Not ull of the dead have been Identi fied, but among them was J. II. Poe, Los Angeles. 'and Miguel Martinez, of Nogales. Fifteen civilians and thirty one soldiers havo been Identified, Albert Joffray, an Arizona business man. and Italph Sncvcl, cmplovcd by the Southern Pacific, were wounded. AMERICAN UA It ASSOCIATION Executive Committee Meets t'o Choose Plan for Nevt Convention The executive committee of the Amer. lean Uar Association met today In the Uellevue-Htratford. The committee In 'eludes Justlco H, I-etlle Mestreat, of tbe Pennsylvania State Supreme Court, and Hampton U Carson, former Attorney Otneral. Walter George Smith Is presi dent of the. organisation, which now. has 10,000 members, Including prominent Judges and lawyers fioin every State, territory mid possesion of the United States -The selection of placo for tho holding of the Annual convention of the MM 841 wHBinrw 111 be'Blven S.cT"We53B?JMWrVVV''l ' WJW '! v. a 3 - ayifi i irui it v- .. .ma-v a, , ir - v .i EVENING ."PUBLIC PHILADELPHIA LADS NOW IN FRANCE U WftEW2L71MWIMML' ,7X-' "fry"' rVScflBBMHMHMI j I. '( iam&wvmr&n mmmc tr'mFr.mm .iim tmijtmm ii . -.Mi-MMt wm:,m?MW M-t&mm-m iiB-:vliiiB'l 1 1 IfflSiahrtTH WI'TrP'rtHBHa 'this photuxiiipn, taken uist hctorc mess ut the mar. lies encampment, back home by Wnrrcn It. Unlinc of r0H0 Cheslnut street, who is the fron t row. 67 U. S. WAR TRUCKS LOST IN BLAZE HERE Fire Swoops Upper Floors of Quaker City Taxi Plant I Ire tau. id by an eplo. Ion of gi'o. lino In the four-story girago of the Quaker i"lty TaUab Compan.v, at Twelfth and Vine itrcrU, lift night resnlleil In th ilestrm lion of sivi.v- icven nutoninblle trucls belonging to the, , V ... Aineilc.in liiteruatloii ii Him imtiding ,. ir. ii.iii iinl for ti.miiortiiig inu ,,VsupX and a piupcitJ low of iipproslm.itely (liii.iiiio The third ll.r of the building was UM-dbv the shipbuilding. orpor.itlon.iM a ""a nuniber'of''"".;', were be ,g lenalied n the fourth floor also wci destroved The llro was held to the third and fourth floois M.in.v taxlcibs weie taken fioui thu upper floors on a large freight elevator and removed from tho building while tho llro was laglng At the oHl'-cs of the. American Inter national t-lilpbulldlng Corporation today It was stated that only temporal' In cii'ivcnli m-e would bo occasioned bv the desluictlon of the tlMycvcu truiks of tb (ninpan. In last night's lire and that no serious Inteiruptlon In the vvork of the corporation would lerult The com pany ariaugcd this morr.lng to hire ti licks to 1 olace those destroyed last night, and It was said that bv this after noon the motortruck service of the Hog Island concern would be normal No suspicion of Incendiarism Is en- teitalncd by ofllclals of the ship rom panv laid II was purely nccidei.tal. thev WATER WASTE 1IUE I'EItIL Lancaster Mayor Kindb Protection ,, ,, ... , l'rom 1'1'ozen Pipes Costly LANCAS'rr:n. Pa.. Jan I -r-Mavor Trout took steps todav to stop the wast age of more llinli S.onn.noo gallons of water every night due. to residents open ing their hydrants to guard against freezing of pipes. Water Department ofllclals admitted the water situation was ceilous derpllo the recent Inaugura tion of the new electric battery of pumps The pumping works, operated at top speed all night, failed to re rover what was lost through the open spigots. "A big ttrc may be disastrous, ' said Mavor Trout Ordnance Examining Hoard Here The War Department has authorized the establishment of an ordnance exam ining board In Philadelphia The board will sit at the Union League Appli cants, should apply in person after noon tod a Dr. Dixon Out of Danger 'I he condition of Dr Samuel O Dion Male Health. Commissioner, who has been serlouslj III at tho University Hos pital from a nervous disorder. Is reported Improved today. Ills phjsiciai.s sav that ho Is out of danger. Fdr Quick Sale $7 Mahogany Tan Boots Fabric Tops Marked this Week At the $4.85 llecord Low Price of Extraordinarj Opportunity There is not the shadow of doubt about the recognized merit and hu perlative style of these boots you can du plicate them only at $7 elsewhere The question is, Are you B o i n u . to get in line MUUaru httl$, an extra tnwrt special price in time to get yours at S 1.837 14.85 It's a golden chance for first comers. See them I Get yours NOT LATER THAN SATURDAY Economize Without Loilng Quality I i' 7 I L I 'II II I f I. f A li UA I v V.'.-.ji it! t 'V H' njWLAttflrWm I at ' iii't irm - -v LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, 4- g325um;7irrffirragrit?mmgB2SBs8 FIRE DRIVES TENANTS OUT IN NIGHT CLOTHES Itusineis Section of Bangor Thcal ened by Maze in llcstaurant ii ml Flat Building i riANGOn, I'a. Jan I fire tod.iv did $:i.im"i damage lo the rettaurjut I building occupied bv W. U, Worthing-, ton. and by Mrs A D Oberholticr and Conrad Ilorhe In flats abo'e The tiro was duo to a defective Hue on the Oberholticr fldo and burned Us wuy through the flour leading to tho restaurant and acrosr. the hill to the Kohe apartmrutn fhc flat otcupanta I Ucep boarderti and all were aroused. No lurimun- w.i save.., - "''-"'f ccape'l in i eir niciii cioiucu, ihiiki . . " '"'""" loHflnf The tire Hnnoum-ed by the Pennsv lv.inla U.-illroad hi the icntral section of town be- toclav . folh.jvn. ' ivvcen too iin.iunu huub.- uiki t-wn- Vallej . Ilolrl and thlcatened the l"" Ucctlon for n block. ' UHAITKB AND KRIKNDS HELD "Kough-Iloiifcu" Parting on Trolley Car Cmibcst Three Arrests A vouhk draftee with his two friends were placed under ?JC0 bail to keep tho peace today us a lesult of their parting celebration Thomas .! Mulliollind 1 .11! West Palmer ttrect. was euppobed to go to Camp Meade vctterdav. John McMill an, 1115 North Pilcthorp street, and John Long. U519 Uist Norrls street, started to accompany hhn to Iho North Philadelphia station of the Penns.v lv.inla rtailroad When they reached Lehigh avenue and Maschcr street they haflei a Irottov car As cars do not slon at j Maschcr street, William Marcus. Lie niotormaii. kept on going 'Iho three .voung men puneii ine pole orr tne wire nnd wnen tlio car stoppd tney Jumped I oil They had a few words with William i Comblngton, c-f a:3D North Mtlllmau street, tho conductor, and then went Into the car and began singing Finally one of the three, tlio trolley crew testi fied, grabbed one of the women pas sengers, 11 school teacher, and began dancing The woman became li clerical, two windows In the car were broken and there was all kinds of excitement as tlio car reached Lehigh avenue and Fifteenth street. Here Policeman Lavcn berg, of the Twenty-sixth and York street station, boarded the car and arrested the three men on charges of disorderly onduct and Intoxication. Magistrate Collins at the Nineteenth and Oxford streets station this morning re- leascu .uuinoiianu upon cuo cirance rur nlslilng bond and promising to leivo at onre fop Camp Meade The Beginning of Another Business Year Brings Up the Subject of New I NVENTORIES are in order now and the figuring of depreciation serves as a forcible reminder of necessary retrace- . ments of and additions lo office equip ments. Why not put the matter right up to the Van Sciver Store America's largest furniture factory-Store? Here you are 1 MM Ifl jfj J B, Van S VI FRIDAY, WITH U. S. MARINES "sumuwntru i rlun.u, wan ecm third liRurc from the left in tho P R R FURTHER HITS ' !i' " F UliiniiI1 tU ld NEW YORK SERVICE Schedules Pared Down by Combining Trains in Both Directions CHIEFS VISIT M'ADOO further changes In train tchedulet. be- tween Phti.-oVlphli and New V ir'-c. due to ,iIP lHuns 0,cr f t,0 iaroidt ,( n ,,uulry li.- the ;ornrwni. wi ru Tho 7 o'clock train leivmg Phlladel- ,,u passengers ' ' ?Hl: , f"r ;. .'7 J"'": thoso for the. in o'clock for the II o'clock train, thoso for the i: oVIoilc for the 1 o'clock and tlmsn for the '.' and 2.3Q will be held for tho 3 o'clock Coming from New york, parscngera for I the 7 o'tlcck train will be held for the S o'clock', those for the, :i o'clock for I tho ln-ni, (,oso fr th II o'clock will ! be put mi the Pennsj Ivaui.i Limited at 11:01. those for the p: o'clock will bo held for tho U"ns and tln.ro for (Jie . o clock for the " n. Tralllc and passenger olllcl i ,if both the Philadelphia and Heading ami I In) PenusvhanU llallroads are in Wash ington today attending coiiferi'in with William ii. M i'A dno, director general of rnlliuacK looking tonaid the freeing of niiit.y iiniii. p.iHveugii- I motlvc-i for Height scnlte It Is probable that on their leturn to Philadelphia additional cuts In the operating tchcdule of the passenger do pattinents of the roads will be nn- nouueed The Pennslvaiil.i has de. claicd that service on the Chestnut Hill and Uermantown branch will bo re cluceil within a few- davs, new fchidulcs i ow being arranged More than 250 tralhs. for most of which Philadelphia Is a terminal point, and others that tap the city, have been withdrawn. Whatever trains are taken off,,lt was announced, additional coaches will be attached to those remaining, so as to work no roll hardship to travelers and commuters. It was said the subur ban traffic would be vlrtuallj unaffected by the new changes Tho abolition of all branch ticket offices as well as many of the freight offices, and the elimination of all pas- senger and Height lolkltors will be one of the next moves, It was an-1 nounced ' Office Equipment assured of getting just what you want, and of paying fair and square, prices the low est the market allows. 'The reoutation of furniture specialists are always at your command. METAL FURNITURE We carry a complete line of Metal Kiting Cabnts, Safes and other devices, for meUl furniture Is In growing demand. It gives Are protection, Is sanitary, dust-proof, space-saving and lasts for moro than a lifetime. Let us tell you about our line, or, better still, come over and see It for yourself. Flat-Top Desks from $20.50 to $105 Worthy of pielal mention In this compltt lino l a lcud, quartered ek, (0-Inch dtik of ticelltnt conduction at Kl.te. Roll Top Desks from $23.50 to $125 This Includes, of count, oak and mahogany la virloui tjrlte and at tot; all big valuta. A poitel card or telephone' call will bring an ex perienced office furniture nan. to your place of business. eiver Manufacturer!, Importere.and Retailers Wwm' JANUARY 4. 1918 RUSH APPROVAL OF TRANSIT PACT Directors Meet January 21 to Call Meeting of Stockholders ALL KAVOK NEW PLAN War Makes Doubtful Date of Completion of New . System Italiflcatlnit of the lease of the city's high-speed transit llns. now under con struction, to the Philadelphia Hapld Transit Company will be arranged for nt tho next meeting of the com! any's board of directors, which will be held Monday, January SI The unification will bo merely a matter of form, as prin cipal stockholders have declared them selves heartily In favor of the past as ar ranged by President Mitten and oilier of llclals of tho company and Maor Smith Transit lllrector Twining and William Draper Lewis, tho Major's special nd visor In transit matters Itv ono provision of the lease nlnely days Is given the comp-im In which to acecpl tho agreement but only about live weeks will be icpilieil The d rectors at their meeting Janu.ii 'Jl will arrange fc advertising a speilal elec tion, at which tho stockholders will vole for or against ratification of the lease. Moro than thice-fouiths of the stock Is deposited In n voting trust, which will vote all tho shares In Its charge In favor of the lease. As soon as the form.-' of authorizing President Mitten to enter Into Iho agree ment have ben completed. Trcsldent Mitten and the Major will sign the leare and It will go to the Public Service Com mission of the State for Its approval That It will appic.ee l" a foregeno con elusion 1'espll" lh fad that when th lease I was appmved bv I nmmnn Council last I Mnn.lnv and bv select yesterdsv, the I opposition in the leare had apparently reaihed the vanishing point, soni" oppo. nenta of the pact may still be heard from It would be possible to attack the validity of tho agreement In the courts If nnv ono should have tlio desire nnd courage lo do so. Such an attack, how. ever, would not be likely actually to delay progress In ti.int.lt. since Ihc par ties to tho lease could by giving bonds obtain permission to piocced. llow soon the entire transit s.vstem planned bv tho lty and now partly under construction will be completed In a matter of speculation But for the war thcio would be no doubt of completion in two and a half vcurs 'I he war situation scarcity of labor and material, high prices, tho flov ernnji'iit's and tho Allies' heavy demands on Iho rnimtrj s rrsouices may delay some of tho work, though work Is pro ceeding on other parts. The Frnnkford elevated line Is under construction So are tho Uioail and Arch streels sections ol the ilellveiy loop and tho City Hall subuaj station Whether or not tho city and the com pany will seek to Increase fares to six cents Is another question that cannot be answered at this time Tim lease guarantees reciprocally f per cent return to the city on Its in vistinent and 6 per cent to the company nnd provides that If five-cent fares fall to leturn B per cut to all both parties shall Join In nn appeal to the Public fccrvlee Comniliiloii for pel mission to Increase fares. If more than 5 per cent is returned fsres are to be reduced No Licenses for U. S. Autos WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. All motor vehicles owned by the Government or operated exclusively by ofllccis or ein- piovcs or tlio ciovcrument may be used fcr oIUcIkI purposes- without procuring Mate nuionioiille licenses or Idcutlrica Hon tags, according to the War Denait incut Tlio machines will, however, bear metal plates issued l.y the Government lor corpi by whom purchased, giving the Initials- of tho denartment. tb lriinr. t s A, nnd the number of thu vehicle," IV this Store is your guarantee of security, fj satisfaction and service and our office a TEACHERS ARE URGED TO FIGHT GERMANISM Dr. Giirhnr. in Letter. Asks Them to Counteract Teuton j Propaganda Or John P. (lather, superintendent of tho public school sjslem of Philadelphia, has, written n letter to all the leachersj of the city urging them to leneweil' activity In "counteracting tho baneful j Influence of tho various Insidious wa3 adopted by iirrmnn for undermining our rlrnng. united, forceful determlna-. Hon lo win the war" ' "One of the most Impoilanl functional of the public pi bonis." the letter stales. "Is lo train Tor American Itlzcnshlp Now tint we uro at war It l more Ini-, peratlvo than ever that our words vvorki and Induenco shall bo energetically used for strengthening the hinds of our ilov-i ci mnent and Its allies. Any other 0111 c I of action would not only have, all elm, dangerous effects Incident l tho In-, fluonco wo havo upon our buplls, but would also bo III tho natmo nt a rtlsi loynllj wlil h would until in bu being leucherr " Strawbridge & Clothier Tomorrow's Golden Special 2,000 Silk Petticoats IlKGULAK PRICKS $5.00 to $7.50 53.65 The illumitiiitccl sin of the GOLDEN SPECIAL vill be found on the Third l'Moor to-morrow, nnd under it will be- a wonderful collection of TAFFETA SILK PETTICOATS, worth $-'j.0O to $7.50 (ns many of the $7.00 as of the $,').0() grade), nil marked at $3.63 each. All are in t-nutrt, up-to-date styles, in BLACK and BEAU TIFUL COLOKS, tonic, have Jersey top, the majority all-taffeta, with clastic vyaist-band. KcruIiu' and extra sizes. livery woman irlin irndit thin ahonlti tic stn-r lo see these Petticoats to-morrow. Ihlul Kloor, West STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER MARKET STREET EIGHTH STREET FILBERT STREET Strawbridge Six Thousand Yards of All-Wool Dress Goods This blorc became well and fayorubly known in 1868 as a. Dress Goods Store, and htill leads in this line. Therefore, this department has the honor of presenting an economy opportunity worthy of dcEigiiution as a GOLDEN SPECIAL. This is ji collec tion of 6,000 yards of all-wool fabrics of the most desirable kinds, including CORDED ("HALLIS. TWINE CLOTH. CREPE CLOTH, SELF-COLORED STRIPES, MIXED SUITINGS, also SILK-AND-WOOL POPLINS. Tho colors include navy blue, brown, rose, tan, light blue and other good Mimics, also black. Sonic arc -10 inches and sonic -112 inches wide fabrics in the corrcjet weights and styles for t pring. At the regular counters and on a special counter, under the illuminated Golden Sperinl Sign, to-day. l)out miss il $2.00 DrcnH Gooih (tl ft. JO n iwrit. . Aisles 11 anil 7. Centre Such Furs and Such Values are a Golden Year Wonder You'll say so too, as soon as you sec them, and if you have the bituation sized up cotrectly, you will know that, for moro than ono reason, this is the Golden Year to buy Furs: $12.50 to $160.00 Neckpieces $8.50 to $110 $18.00 to $130.00 Muffs $13,50 to $90.00 $82.50 to $120 Fur-lined Couts, $67.50 to $85 $215 to $775 Fur Coats $175.00 to $650.00 Included aro such fashionable Furs as Black Lynx. Taun Lvnv Black Fon. llriAvn Wolf. Taupe Wolf, Hudson Seal (dyecl nuTskrat)' Japanese Mink, Scotch Mole, Skunk, Raccoon and Opossum '' fr Kecoiul Moor, Kllbeit" stieet ami Centre A Wonderful Sale of Corsets for January of the Golden Year It i's.u Sale which brings to women the opportunity of buying, undcr-pricc, every kind of Corset they could require, There aro Corsets for dress and sports wear, .Corsets for the enhancement or ilgure-bcauty, and Corsets for the reduction of flesh or for abdominal support. Models for all figures: $10.00 Nemo Wonderlif t-and-Back-Resting Combined now $5.00 $5.00 to $7.50 Sirmrt Set Corsets now $3.50 $5.00 to $10.00 Bien Jolie Corsets now $3.00 $5.00 to $7.50 S. & C. Special Corsets now $2.50 $3.00 and $3.50 S. & C. Special Corsets-$1.50 $2.00 and $2.50 S. & C: Special Corsets-Il 00 $1.00 and $1.25 S. & C. Special Corsets-now 65c $1.00 to $3.00 Do Uevoise and Pansy Brassieres, 50c lo $1.50 xr Nev!PJAfXance Information On and after Februarv'a Nemo Wonderlift Corsets will advance from J5.00 to Sfi FrjO? Nemo Self.Roducing Corsets, from $4.60 to $G.OO; Nemo Corsets for v age figures, from $3.00 -to $3.60. i,orsci3 for aver- -l I PERRY'S OLD FLAGSHi WILL BE MEMORIA i Runrcsenlativc . Clark lnlrj duces Bill lo Deliver Niagnrij to City of Eric Hi n SlfljC Correiro"iee WASHINGTON. Jan 4 As a moans of preserving the lilstor! naval brig Niagara, Commodoie. Pcrrj flagship nt the battle of Lake UH as a perpetual memorlil. ueprescntatr Hcifry A Clark, of Uric. Ta., baa lntr duced n bill In tho Ilotl'o of Itcpr tentntlvcs to nppropflnto JU.OOtt for f pairs, pieservallon, rnro and mal triinnco of tho vescel Clark's bill provides that the Nlagai shall be turned over lo the city Of x:l whkh shall Iheroatter uepp tho snip imiir n that the old sea warrior w bo to all appearances In tho same co dltlon as when it went into nattio unil Commodore Perry. Plans similar to this have, been dli uissed for several jearH and It Is llkell Hint Congress will lestoro the vessel anM turn It over to tho caro of Lrle. It J probable, however. Hint war cconom will luevcnt the carrying out of Hi plan until after peace Is declared & Clothier To-day's GoldenSpecial Many Styles Many Colors ' (M O A WORTH rnlri 'loor. Market Street, Wasr n RI bllr C.11 role or api n tb nb hi wo he k. tli or IK lint cars 'm-tf Tin eil rcil ilei lml7 It's la mei nn i nb 'a I cert or t sel houi nfl tlllK ns co rs. Imln ul i' be Bee U. An wl cd tun 8" '18 vei Jl ii iti j M 'OSVHnKimivo sxastM... .-j 'tKUk':fMMX r r"TT 5iJ mui-