Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 04, 1918, Postscript Edition, Image 16

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Inlnir. Shipments Is
f ..Operation,, In
He' Lines '
urn fnarket In icoorlcit
I nniianyi.. nnnrdlng Au
I t-elMV 11 f tlm loon I ilia.
B'lHln ft I'm vrllh hiaiiu.
(hot I hey Kill iln mi
' wesent.
m lif HmUranno ..m.I
'busy, especially linrlery
Prlcei. tin. Itlcrlt mul
' io softening tendencies
11 thflt thei nr ntUAfUhfl.
Iri.n nhtnlnlnv .I,!.........!..
a- t --..a... ..... riiiiiivii, .
Wool market ? niilet, will,.
allies firmly lietil The quiet.
i naati nt thin time. In nt
'the fct thnt dealer nre
altOM'. Atllllllflll! lltt-il ....
.Hllojed. lArcpIl' fill tint aim.
In the iMi(tiiK-Hi ntiil piece
' ha .retiernlU" I.e..., ,,,,. t
frfra of wearing npimri'l have
Ufl ft fntlltltr ntT nf lm.tii.iu.
iWapufacttirers f men's nnd
mng nave i,nil n vcr, sail".
I Ahfl W Inlet Lnnanii i.t till" ("a.
R'und rult mnnufartuicrs have
inincinry anil sans small,
vortt contlnulm vni'w
Waist niAlltlfflr tllrrM tii.lli.i.1 tl..
P 'months n tlct Idcd fnlllnir (iff.
lit t lO IlPtllfl III1U Unmn
M)th In this mid Hip iloak nnd
ATP Ufllkllla itl Ifnlnnmn nl
.; present. Jobber of knit Roods.
fcft,r.'tl. Ilil. liuil .. ...... ...
B" " --- ...... . . " " J lin
.Mason. Jobbers of woolens mid
vacwaA nre, ulsn reported to have
tHt season's hu-ilncss. mid the
, to' reported to lie rtraillli nil-
Iron nin sictl market pieronis
Hfkl fnillll-nu ....! II. ...I l i
t , . a...... i mi iriiniiiii
MJC Interest Im rcRnrtlltiR tlii inannrr
m inc i.nicrmn. n innlrnl nf the
M Will fllTfff llln lli.ltlbf.... ......
JA,of freight continues In laigp
ions, mid Hip trniin"! Iiitliui
I llnM llPntl fllffllne .nin..lU..I..I I...
7-- --.. .ui.iiii 1 1.I,I1-1- IV
..tceme rold weather ,,f ti,n in.t
ttlortSRo of fp puntlniiPH In he
p lacior m llm situation Prltei
ifled firm mid tollcctltms shmv
irhardnnrn linn 1 . iiilmin i.k 1...
1 rnircnaeei rpprpspnlliic nil khkIpm
trlAl. nnd It in ttm imi.i-uui.... 1..
. . IMV'I'lll III
CVCleft thai flip liri.ur.ul . ....llil..
eontlnuo HirnuRlioiil thp wlnlpr
TrlccA remain (lrni 11ml hiIIpp-id.
relcctrliftt frtnir. fAi.t-ia .. .....
i'f bunlnc.-M In liolldav iiiapIIIp
I illSl H frnilll flpillllllil In linltkn.
eclaUlpN. Jolihpra mid rptatlrri
nnd tliatlllfiii fnrnru ... ..
lopcratlnc to ful capiuli) l'rlipi
pvncu iirm mm rniKitlniH fair '
AfllOlP Irniln fpiw.rlu .. I...... ...1
r, - . .-I-...... 1. iit.j i.ii
1 Of InirllllPHH 111 mIiiiiIa ...... Iu .... t
tko continued low niiimratiir . m.ii I
Keannldrrnlilo iiitMly In yiiiip'oinrii.
rl..lienttnfr nun ir l..u 1. .1.1. . . . . t
-',- "-. ".-... ....-. IIMIIM I f .tlHI
MMni nro bus). Poimiiiipf nn nnor. I
'to full cap.ulD. l'rlppfi .,
I t(pady mid inllpitlntm nimu- ..,,n
ttenipnf. 1
, ,iio ciicminu tnnikpt If fnhl .ir-
n utcrnRo iiiniiuut or 1iumIiips l I
f tfonp. nlllinuirli III Ln...n II. ... .1
R nordiRp In ntoik. duo in Hip uhp i
nrdycatulT rltuntlon rpiunlni tin.
rand wlillp conslderalilo iIoiiipk-
re upjiiR ninilp, prlppH itiiiMiuip
e 'nan lippn iitn.n 1
B, condition of tlio pa,ier niarki t ,
fciurern nnd JnMieiM report n fair1
.VI UUrllOPBH. MinaUBIl tilPlP inu
TnArkpfl InrlfnE- In .! ..-
i tflcen are Inclined to n chance"
'I lie diHiualli'
nln todav will
Teutons WilVOffer
New Terms to Slavs
t onllmioil from t'ate One
hno born withdraw n from nil frnuH;
tho trnnsiiurt pjulnn Iibt bcrn nllnwrd to
melt awny; Hip whdo mllllir." Hj'teni
l ill uiRanlitil Jtoldlrra debilm In
"tlirKrnd Innlot Hint Hip ninw riniKi'
ippxiR'clcd to IIrIiI iiinler iircci n' tillei
i'l" -.miliat'i'ii mi I iliiimriillrlpti,
1tlA imnnMliM ll. Unl.i.n.u.l I..Ih..ii I
.... ...k..l.ii. ... .....'n.n.l in mvtii
tirriiinii noii KUKsinii ueiPRtiiPH ionnipr- " "
Iiir Hip fulurn nf wnr iirlnnnrrn on lioth lout lici own deMlm
kl.lari .la. alm.a.l .. .1 n .. .1 I . . . 1. a I .. . IK. M ..I. mm. a. km a.....
nuirn n v 1 i-iivil .li'llll nil. Hill 1 III' " "u.i ii-ira run
ItllMnlan imiferpp- ileinimded tlm rlclit
to iiiite-lrletPd inniiiiunlmtlon with Su
rlnll-ta III Hip Central Powcrx. TliP
(Irrninn drliRatei ilrdiiiPd the wpip
not nutlinrltPd lo ituixPiit
Hierpupon wllliilien ppudlliR treelpt of 4
rurinrr ui'trin-t'oim from Hip Soviet
I'orplRii .Mlnlfilpr
. ii.iiii.il I... I.- in 1 i-it. 11 inipriiiK. 111 m i. .ni
.....I-...- .. Ul. .!. ... . . .Will
1.1111111111 n wirn nip ariniHiKP iietwppil '
IIuhkIa and Hip Central Power, In pac
mtp UuFHlnn troop from Prrrlan noil
oil (Ulldllloll t tl.lt Tllrlp iln llUeulue
with rpRanl to pprnlnn tPirltnr Iield
b) her.
It wa tppoitid tin1a 1 1 i.i t former
Premier A r ICpreiiHkv wan p'tpirliiK
n format ippohI of bla prlie" In Hip
txolutlon for irf rpiilallou to Hip Con
rtltUPtit .ieinl.l. iiiixiinialil) an Hip
find 1110x1 In till (iiitin iliril for in.
'I Iip HPW-)iapPl .Nouit.ixlH.'ti tod i ip
tunndril nlltorlnlh to know wbetlwr Hip
l!olfdinlkl liitpnd to iiMiew Hip war at
a tluip 'win 11 Hip nrnix N without of
lUern nnd thp wbo'p ofTPii-lM' nnd 1I1 -fen-he
plan la In a fliaotlp iiuimm some
foldlpra ilpwrted, ollipra wltbdtawn to
IlKlit at Inner fioiiti, iiiiinltloiit iilantit
tliiuldntrd. rnllwax'trallli' ipttopi mid
famine ndnneliiR on the front and tPat.' 1
..ONIiON. .Inn. t
turn of rent In ltu
In nil likelihood affect
n moment for a itrtftt
nAked. "It I
act of faith"
The fhronlelel copa fnribpp In Iln
Llirpdlttlon na to the Allied ponltlon.
In lew of Hie Intent development,"
Hip pilltorlnl n-nertpd, "It In now under
alomtliBt di" farto reroRnltlon nt leant
may lip Riven ot the llnlnlir.lkl Cm em.
Hip AIIIpiI inlinp innrp llinn p ulnnlnt 1 mpn
1 up 1 iironliie n rnrrpnpomlent wrltpn:
1 Clrrumntancpnobvloiiftlv" lmvp 1 hnntmit
f Into nn Hip rpniitt of ttip tinUlip. Ik
of n Rrrnt bnttlp.
It mnv menu, tlr-t of all. leriiriilllini
1 01 into 1
liv Hip Allien of Hip Itiinnlan llolalipvlkl dlmoverv
mnveinent, Cerlnlnlv 11 ncemeil likely
IimIiij to result In anollier Joint effort
iSfiM 6gr ISpJrSf i 4 'ii8;
of (Iprinnnv iliinlli tti. "I hp
Clermnn niPt.iod ban Iippm to rIvp with
oiip hand mid tako with thp otlipr Now
li Hip AIIIpa I., n'd Itunnln In workhiR .'., '...V'" '."'" Mn "rnnienl In awnre
in linn nn iiiintr tnnv nihi.ni. Ti.rnn
lltPrtlAllVP"! lllp-ptll IbeninpltPH llm lint
nhpvlkl or Hip flprmann will rIvp wn)
or therp will lip a riiitutp 'Hip flrnt
N hardlv llkelv In v p of Trotnkj'n
fledarnlloiH T.ip i-euind In posnlblr bo-
Hip l.u-lati-.''"'"Hl -nnl "iin In i:iin-lu mid tie.. ,,-, ,,,,. .,..,.. ,., .., ,,.,, ,.,.
i;;",;;,r'.: ;:xxr vmr 'cr ,.v.r,1 u.vt n,
v - 1.. ..... . revival of thp war If not active v nt
Itotnkv fiiivvaiibd ,,, , ,,".., V'7..' .,: ' "" . .."V I '""I n dpfennlvc wnr. rpnulrlnc .ler
111 tllllitll.tt I nil. It
inn iiicm fir me t ninpiPir nim iomwih'
Iiik pnmf nflcred nt llr,rtMt i1 (if
(It ininn'ff r-lntrlrr i.tinr,ntlntilxt pliinn
tt LI I.H ..... . t. .......t. l ll.l. -at I
liiiii.it ... ..I..i.n I.. tt 1.. t ..
Allies Win Ground
on Italian Front
i ontlnuril from rat One
Inactive, tho enemy KlvlnR chief Atten
tion to Air raldn. utile, continue nuilnst
Ilannatio, Trevlso and Mentre, near
Venice, without tiotub! daninRe or ens-
- ............... -. . ...... . ... imiiip- Thp Itnllnn nn.l Allied air fleet
ItVUhl'hNUKNT UIS.KAINEU maMng vlRoroun reprlntls. bomblnR
nlatlonn nnd troop rolumnn In movement.
pr.Tltor;i!Al. .Inn I. ' An Impren-lvo pulillo funeral cf the
l.-ci Isltjn In nikiiowledirp thp Indenen. 1 vlrtlmn of the Padua rnldB was ntlended
drnee of Ukrnlnl 1 wan renrhrd liv thp l,v ,,,! 'nVnl!,,al"V nn1 ,!o'rmnc1nt
, ., , , ,, . . omr Aln and a hiiRp toticour.p of people.
.ominln.'nrlen iouik lodiv '.-.. .1... - i ..,. .. ..
1 lip imp 01 iiiiiritii uarn,
Hon tho report that the new nnd more
moderate, termn were to bo offered tli
Itunnlann. Junt what thene new "ion
renvlonn" were to be wan not Indicated,
The ilelpirntpH. It unn unlit Ifiplnilpit T'or.
elRn Milliliter Kuehlmann, Count Oner-
nln nnd Hip full Unitarian and Turklnh
n ianp of a dpflultp brpni'i That
In vlrltmllv liupoinlhlp owIiir to Hip
inudltlnu of the ItuniKn anuv !er
mariv inav not hivp to wantp mnriv men
III lur (ffortn lo ptmtrntp ltiinln 1 nni
nienlallv In view of thin utter illnnr
Riinlratlnn of thp Muc ivllp IIkIiIIiir
foicpi "Hip llunt.l.ltovnk iirKotlatlonn,
however hive proved thli effoit at 10111
tiiPiilal penettatliin mid iioniniili ilotn
In 1 1 Ion In (i'ruutuvH lurtliular riiiiip
In Itiionl 'Die revplaliiiiH inunt .In-
vllahlv ntrpiiKtliPii Hip MIIpV renin.
Hon to wiirp Hip war miiPiiilttliiRlv to
11 vlclm.v
a ItUMnla ilmiiln iti d bv litruiinv
dwarfn ivpii Hip MUIpIi umii 1 nchenie In
iih v.iMiimn
l.llienil in .vniMpein like Hip ( hrniilitp
and the N'pwh IhiIIi hi Red vltlti.il m oc
tillion bv Hip Villi n of thp Itolnhpvlkl In
editotiil lomnieut todnv
' rp wp to lip tin (.lietil witumien of
tlil" iiioeiiintniin icmlllcl" Hip N'pwm
mi in to i.pep n ronnldprnblp force on
Hip flout and nl leant preventing Hump
eoimiierdnl exrlinncrn for vvhlih Oer
inn iij Itopen
"Hip nlternallvp of luicplliiK flei
mail tienip In In flRht " naIiI Hip Tlmen
lender todav ' t'nfuitnnatelv the arm
In nltno-t ruined '
'Hip PdroRrnd (onpsiondeut of thp
.Sewn rallied It wan rpllablv trporlpil
thai thprp wiip two dlstlin t lendcm lip
Hppiireiil innntiK Hip (lermaii deR.itpn
to Hip Ilrpnt-I.ltnvtk innfprpiiip (Hip
Kioup under lioetor llnffman, led Hip
mitiPXiitlniilHlH, and lCuehhiiami anil
Cpiln beaded tltn modi rate- Thprp
were fipquent dlnpulpn, hp nn-terteil, earh
time Hip mattpr IipIiir referrnl to Hi r
Iln Crernln and Kiielilmiitin thp din
liitili aHPrted wrrp nlwavn Hilielil
DlnpitiliPi from fiernmnv via AniKler
dam ntatpd that thp Central Powern
ileleRatCH are all rrtumlnR In llrent
t.ltvnnk and loiipled vvllli thin Inform 1-
wlirt nineteen
dead, ntretihed for bloikn. Thp funeral
proicnnlon pasned by the churchen and
nrjtiaren vvhero tnont of the bombn had
fallen Tlipre vverr many weeplnR women
nninnR thone who crowded the slrcetn
The Prcneh In their recent nutienful
of llunnln reprcentn the will f i.B ' operation on llonte Toinba raptured
tlfilnbPt iff ;,..,...,... u..ir lntorp prlnonem Hinn they had men en-
H'dnhevlk Onvernment It.elf Ku aciordlnR tn a veteran officer who
"Tim .In. I.I.... ... ..I I..I I....... 1 . .. .... a. .. .. .. . . -
. .. 'irvipiuii 1.1 in 1.111m iruiii- 1 11 rain, wiinen-eo hip llRm. I Tom llie lop 01 a
Pieniiniablv Hip roiimll of toiiimln
iirlea thai In ,n ineetlnR of the vnrloui
eneiutlven whldi thn llol-hevlkl nnuipil
In adnihilnter varloun eltlpn nnd Ktaten
Ian llldenpnilenpp tn vlrllinllv leinrt
for thp Connack rebeln Tlip Knrnllnff
KnlPdlnen revolt, Imwevpr did not
orlRlnnte In t'kralnli but when Hint
nertlon of llunnla made Itn bid for
npparatp entity It Joined fore en with the
Cosn.u kn
I'ktnlnln In Hip so.rillpil "While Itu--
Mia." (oinnrlnlnir fnllnns of tho old
swept away before discipline mm ira...
InB. Vhcn the prisoners Ver0irouiiif. t'
I never raw a more miserable, pitiful.
Maned lot rf noldlers They looked
like the riffraff from the slums of some
biff city. Kven the ofneers ni'P'"
underfed and underclothed, iyi.1 I : i
onlv ono with a whole ralr of breeclics
"When the oi.U.em were lined up there
were forly-tvvo Auntrlatm and two er
mans 'Iho Auntrlnnn were told the
would receive the tinual treatment given
omcern and Rentlemen. but the tvjn Oer-
m ittiii ttiainiv iiirti mvj v
...( tl.nl fllMVt'
mann were iniu inaiinj '""."". IT... 1
receive exactly the name treatment Riven
Trench otllccrn In Clermany. The Rroup
of Auntrlan onkem wan ,'mprenneil
Kreatly at thin and openty dec ared heir
hatred of Hie Hermann A lltlln later
we heard the Auntrlan soldiers chcerltir.
and It turned out they were cheerliiff
their Trench taptors"
-' I
Five on Vigrid Killed U-IJoat Gets j
Two Italian Vessels
LONDON. Jan. I The
npnrhv bill be niw the t'reneh nttAPk
and afterward saw the prlnonem, Runs
and booty brouRht In He said:
"It was n rnord.makltiR flRht In many
respectn Jut thin!', tne French took
more prinonern than they had men en
Raced, which In nmonR the reiordn In
mllltarv annnln Ihey alno rapture
their llrnt Auntrlan prKonerc which Is
Pollnh khiRdoin A movement for In fore thev hid captured onlv nermann,
dependent p h in been In proRrcf.s there "In addition to Hip 140(1 'prlnonem wc
for morp than three monthn counted BCO dead on the Rround. and no
- onp known how manv more were In the
taverns and under bushes. The perfect Italian steamnmp or more man mui ions
Mount J 01 .Man Slain in Palestine -'rpnch military nstei.. enabled them nnd one salllnR vesnel of lesn than 100
. .v,,;rr ,,,,," . . , to aocompllnl, tliln with InslRnincant loss tons. Two steamship, attacked mtnaged
I.M AM 1.1. IM .Ian 1 talile- lenn than flftv men 1.
. " I U ".'tillll.
"The Plftleth Auntr.nn Division which
wan hip onp nttneked. Is connldered a 1
Root! lighting organization. Hut the
Auatrlans were accustomed to fighting
Itunnlann nnd Uumnnlnnn and thin was
the flrnt tlmp they had met the highly
trained Trench trnop The result wan
that rawness and Indiscipline were
........ .....I. . .1 I.. VI tl la. ..!.....-.. .
I.II1MI IMIIMII 1' I"HIU .11,1 lt.l!lll.r1 III
till t'ulp twentv six ve.irnold. of .Mount
Jo, from tho llrltlnh Wnr Ofllcp alia
nouiitps bin tlpath In battle In Palpstiiip
011 November "0 lie belutiRtd to Tie
Cnnadlnii lllililnnd I.IrIii Infantrv. In
which he mllntpd In Jul, 1 9 1 r !c Is
Hip flrnt laithcastpr Countv man killed In
thin war
IiU.miii.v, Jan. 1 inc iwmt.i.i.
foreign Ofl.ce announces that the Nor
weRlAti nteamnhlp Vlgrld, 161" tons
....... I...I1 l InlR nt Itercren. una tor.
filUni, (lUMb III .. ... a.i.n"-. -" ---
pedoetl nnd sunk while on her way from
Barl to Itouen, sas a Central News
dispatch from Copenhagen today. Tlve
mcit on the VlRrld vvero killed. Thir
teen of the crew were rescued
I T.OMi:. Jan I Submarines In
.the week ended December 25 sank one
Italian steamship of more than 1600 tons
I nnd one sailing vesnel of less than 100
Indlclmciil Against Ntpson and Sonj
Quashed by Federal Judge
at Chicago
MADISON, Wis. Jan. 4. Congrtss.il
man John M. Nelson nnd his Bon, llroni
Nelson, accused of conspiracy to cvd,J
the selective law, were freed by Jutjg,ra
Charlea Carpenter, of Chicago, In .'etj.
eral District Court hero on tho ground "1
that Hie Indldment was faulty and n.
sumdent. j
The Oov eminent inav tako tho inal.t'i;
to the Circuit Court of Appeals. Jurj.I'l
....... I. Mll.f.n.l.,1 til. ..III, aaf t. a TV
.1... .. 1... Hint limlv blinnl.l nl... .a.... . . .
uonu v) .in.. "" r..n.i. n.ou nppiy ( i
II1C lonV HKninnv iiimi i.cmuil, W HO t . SI
separate Indictment Is charged with (leelil
lug to Canada to evatio tlio draft,
A I- U'nire. District Atlitrne.. .....i'l
.. w. w, risiQ'H
"ueroro an appeal can ue made In , ',
il'ederal case permission must be eK.1
Vi.rue.rlan Malned from Hie Attorney Oeneral tl
.Norwegian , . . ... ... . .,, ti at 3
'.I " "iiuiirt""ii. 1. -. ... ....n ,. ..iinaion to
WvUte lllin i.i-n. . iiu iuiiiiK pi .... .
l.l. I f.l.1.. llnnn.lin.nl a .9 .....a. 'V A
exaitly opposite to that made by Jud,!
Carpenter In the federal Court bore t!
j 1... II...I ...... a. n ... r... 1 V"P .
Uy. I ui inn. lym-'ii c .uo KUini (.1
aak for an appeal I have before me
lallaK f.iini tlm fifllplflll. lit U'n.l.l-.. .
stating that no nuch rule has been mads
mt that ir.nf ended for liv PonaT....... .
"Tho rulhiB ot tlio Circuit Court of.
1 ..1. ..til ..f anll.ua. t.n. a.nnt.a.111 V"
llJVUin Will. Ill 1.1.1.II... u 1.V.I1IUIIII. I.
the rase of the Hon, llroti Nelson, for f
Miners Will Work on Sunday
KNOXVIM.i:. Tcnn , Jan. A Miners
at Peibody, Tenn , have decided to work
on Sundas to relieve the coal shortage.
The movement was oluntary on the part
of the miners
IOC Intl' ill I"' nun, n.inii II.IFOn, for I
It will pass dlrectl) on tho fiuentlnn at I
to whether the boy was legally required I
to register." A
Bcal Wns Two Art Prizes
Ni:W YOltlC, Jan. . (Jlfford n, .
Deal, an artist of this city, hai bcn '
awarded the NntlonnI Arts Club prlinj
II AAA (n.n-t1 pnlfl WAft if .rut aVt.. . I
oi fi"v iiu n n1'-' ""-u"i -' i ue on
palntlnsr In the annual exhibition of thj
incniberR or the club.
Life and Trust Company of Philadelphia
Insurance Department:
Kial Kni.ilc
Mirt(-.iKc l.ti iim .mil llrottiiil I'tnli
I.o ins tin Cull.ilir.il Smiril
iIv.iikcs im I'oIkics of thi Cnnii itij . . .
Premium Notes
I'tiiitln at present Market Willie (sic list)
lxicss nf ini.rltcil Value (N'cvv Vur
st.inilinl) (if lloiuls over Maiket '.ilu
ocruril lntcret
Overdue Interest
Deferred anil I'lieollci led I'riiuiuiiis, tti
les (jo"l of Colli rtioii
The Cuiiipiiny n.b.iM.cs tlic following Statcnicnt of its Assets and Liabilities at this date:
45,4,004 011
.Vl,'a75 4.'
1,19.1.158 .'
f,l,S7 1t
1.106 .176 JS
t)n Makes
Railroad Plea
Apart from Insurance
Kc.il r.state .. ..
Mnrtcnirc Loan
V-57.1,88. J8
ans ,. o.,riMiu
I o.ins on Collateral Scutritv 7,1')4,.156.X?
I'lOtith and Stoiksnt l'rcscnt .Mnrkct Value
(ec list) y,40S.7150
Aicrticd Interest, less Arirttiil T.ise-, tie 'W.WS 17
Misicllancoiis Assets ,....r 2I55S.'S
Cash ...192,712 (.0
(rem race One
nlttee'f. rrnort Ih faivurfii.in i.'i.t.al
tervwlii.. n t. nt ....ii i.i i
f . .. ,,, ,,Ulll.l flK tauin
.In.lt I aaal ...!.. '
7 . a,.i.,i..i.i i. mi IILItllllLllt III I
i a. law unuoubtedlv- vvnulil rtntt on
market Kencrnlly, resulting, In
,; Gov eminent wiibi" IKIiil- f,n
pie country
klllSatlotl Of ttm Inlw.t utl a. ..!.. I.
M .. llll.llll.l S
;,? raid Miik Tcstlinnnv or
HHticnt oindnN Is tint one dtparl
L I-HU3 been htddlnir nL.'.iiim m....ii..
w'wnue an (iovcrninrnt tlepart-1 T.ir Value
m.iw I....-., ni.i-11 roiuiieilllon liv I'llll.trM
'ttmulb erx. 'W'nBen mve been I 71U utiii 1'iillnl st.ilrs of iiitih.i Ji
i n result or ihi. . ti... ...."I :I7.".0"0 t'nltetl hlntcs of .lelto 1
lltM Mine sort of vvct .,. , irr" , I5S-222 ! !'.u"!. '!"V?1 'M ':
1 tl . , I I al -.-...I .1,11 null I 11 III llllslllll ".',
.....a iiwv ii.iiii mi. H.tme Till". " Ann tllnlli eslnr f t N .1
? 19, 7.16,8 17.2S
? 1 18,3 10 7.10 50
Insurance Department:
liisiiiiinii" I'isirve. Kimpiiird liv
l.ilili, ..'','
Vilililiou.il Insurant e reserve for
iluilKc to .V,r reserve basis...
Nesirve on Siiipkiiirntai.v Contracts . ..
Death CI linn uvaitiiiK proof, cic
.dv nice I'reiniiiins .mil M.'i.oiii. ..,...
. , , . .' ... V. V1MI1
It,'',,",'"c', 1,167,16785
.sin plus lo I'olicjlioldirs apporliotied Imi
imp ud. iticludiiiK estimated auiutuit for
t-onlinscnij Kcserve (not iiirltnltnjj Capital
s86,205,798 Of)
.1 86.1,05.. 00
3.323,409 09
Apart from Insurance:
I'npald Dividends
Miscellaneous Liabilities
Capital and Surplus:
Capital Stoi k . . .. ..
Surplus (mcluiIitiK accrued in'-'
tercst) on Iitsis ()f present
market values
100.000 00
15,609 76
?9S.573,883 28
?2,000,00 1(1(1
.822,157 55
S7,822.157 55
$'19.730 847.28
$118,310,730 50
PHILADELPHIA, First Month 1st, 1918.
22,811 i'oltcics issued in 1917, insuring $03,444,91000
U-VAW l'ulicics outstanding Twellth Month 31, 1917, insuritiK.394.O25.S32.00
3,305,905 61
Distriliution of Surnlus on l'olicies..
ntidovvinciit Policies matured and paid clurinpr the jcar
Total amount paid for matured Kndovvnicnt Policies since
organization of Company in 18651
Losses bj death during the car (65S deaths) . .,
Total amount paid for Death Claims since ortranization nf
Companj in 1865 4S.934.301.12
I'rcniiuius and Annuities received during the j car 14,009,94055
Interest on Insurance ."uud 4,381107 75
Trust Funds (kept entirely separate from Company's assets)
Investments for Trust Accounts $60,242,902.78
Investments for Corporate Trusts 23,627,871.73
Uninvested 302,307.37
rhlladelpbla, Morris Bulldltif,
,, , , , 31st December, 1917.
t if. ,. i Vf." '""'Incd and verified nil Hie ast.eta and truitt funds of llie Provident
i,'.mian1i TV"it -om'a"y ' Philadelphia, and we have erlfled the Comiinv lui
narei I bv'lhi"1, S5,.? i'".1 '.he clerical accuracy of the Insurance HesSrve L i
TJlmnjn, i,, iC7np'in5 " actuarial department: and we hereby certify that th ae
?,!.? n'1"5 ba'ance '' a"d bdiedulcii of Investments are correct and In" our
union, correitl.v ct forth the Co.npan's financial condition at 31st ")e"rimber
Certllled Public Accountants.
lue Present V i
Iter llolllS, .Vow llittiitwlilrn I
r; to call tlm railroad iiuestltm In
iom nttentlon nt oncn HiroiiKli
i on l.liKmim h pxierleti(i with I
tit control. Hollls vvHI eniplia
Kland'ir luindllnc of iniir.n.i
wpended Tcmpoinrilv nnd
i'of Linen Yarn Limited I
Jan. The h.i!a nf nuV '
il'suspendrd for the present nnd
laViun oi linen nrii is also pro-
ncs a. Pfrniii is oiitnlnetl The
MMrket Is nltlet. nn tlm imlt.t .. . '
fcwltll business I'or fortv- i
fid a half ounces. 1 7.-..1IM i
Vlllle plaTtltailmee .Inmln a.
Remand ! Kcncral, but fort-
ftys curtnlleil tt..ai,ll.,i. I.. I..I. I
.'little busiiuss is reported i
Cht'Pound cops nre quoted
With medium elirlil.iu.ii...l I
!il l.lboitv I.o Hi of I'HT
'otinlv llo.nl Seiits 1 I',-
:o to i sir,
r. 11PI tO 111!
cnAn t'lti ..r I v,. Llmri. Vn iir.l.. ttr. in "7
rno ono Miishii huietts, ('oniinoiivvenllli of. I'-'i. Ili".t
i;,non Cltv of Mobile Mi, WateivvoiliH mid .ewei.ict. I".'r
IO-iOOO Cll of Wvv orl(, rnaolld.itrd Slot I., '.'j'r. lOISv
HtiOOO Cltv of New 'Vtirk, i'oii MoiK, .11. r, l'i".i nnd PIM
l.'SOOO Cltv of New VoiK Hsesi-iiieiil t'r, Ills mill IHI'i
til .New ork, foiponilc .sttnK, 1, Piii to 19,"
1. Pi I J
t PJlt
400,000 Cltv
ioo ono cit
nn nen tli.
"li.lOO Cltv
.'.7UII fll
inoooo citv
..0 000 Clt
i7. ono citv
l.-.oooo cits
(4UTK ri)R tKsHiricTKi
MWAMI tlltlMi
mt. ttnt unull tr.al.l u nini i.
ICn j nJ hth ami Murker.. tu p
gjrr t 1-gnii HtHtlnn Nww SMnil
1rKTM i:tm
fl-Thrcn ruuinn ln lu Una kilrh.
uninj (ttcHiu hHtt plfctrlclty
l'onlwr t J
ywiNTrn imi k
iin-ff (iiiff.
frTWiMIYIf IV tL' L'll.L A IMMI1
.,. a, v.wx
rffcNT nKPAnriii.vr
J iiunnr.it uiMPAxr
ICflaatlnAat liptr.t.1 Jt 7..
allu. .1 ...... I . . 1 .!.
, T", aV, J "" .IIIITJ
"aaV. ... "L. 1 VUllimitllC,
wm .-VBunintrtoit wvetiue.
Ainirla-sn Ktiyravlns
Hud Cumberland m,
R sltil held In uff.ri
rei sdrttnteiiwi
rrapilti' eiinfr.. for ritrii.
. tarts eomiMtnvi nooil
rnvMlem! sIsmi at,.'.
mK lrt"ei""eitr'i
for kii.
't r theee
of New or1( Corporate Monk. 4 '.
of Ncvv oil, Corporatt' Mm k. I
of Phllatleliiblit. ".' . 111!! IMJI
of Phllatlilplili, Uj'. PHIi Pi; I
or Phil idelphl i, Loan of IMS, .series y.
of Philadelphia. I.01111 of 1013, t't lit:
a. f lllllul.....!. 11 a iftlu
.'llir,.a,, .-Hr,!'!". , ,
if Plirtlllll Mlllllllltll.lll I'l. tlla.,11. Ilrl.l.n 1'. I".
i.uiio i'oit or Portland Oregon. 1'.. la.'." . , . .
ino.ono cits "f lllthniontl Virginia St. PU1 . .
100.000 Salt l..iko Clt. I'l ill, ItftlKo I',, I'M h ...
inoooo Salt Lake Cltv, I'tah. Itftlic , II-.-V. inj
17,000 City of .San IIIcro. f.illfornhi, I ft,', ni'i to pi!,',.
RAILROAD BONDS (Includlnf Street Railway)
..-.noofl AIIcrIhii) V.1II15 lt . (lenl MtBe. i, int.-
J5 000 AltiMiiia (. laOKIIl Vnllej llltc l!v Co, Cons. 4 '.,. iuj- ii;i,i 1
lOO.onn Atihl-on, lopekn f. Santa 1 11 fo. Adj. i'J 'ion.-.
700,000 AM bison, Topeka S. Santa l"e Jtj Co (Cast 'okla ' iv ) 1st
Mice , I '.., I njs
COO.OOO Atihlsoii. Topeka . Santa l'e liv Co C.tl -Arlr. Lines let .,'n,
lief. .vltRe. 4'a.rr 116;,
311.000 .Ha11llc Coast Linn 1!. It Co, 1st Con .Mice. i'.. in;
r,00 000 Atlantic Coast Line It It Co. L A .V Coll. 4v 10V
400,onn lliltlmore Ohio 11 It Co . 1st .Mice. ir, I'll,' ' " '
l,b 19,000 llaltlmore S. Ohio It j; Co. Prior Lien .11,1 it'-,
'.-.000 llalto. & O It. It Co (Pitts, let ,v Mid lilv )' Is'tT i'l",'-.' " lu ",
.'.uouml llalto. ft 0 It It Co (P.. I. i: .v v V11 ) Itfdil MlKe 41 imi
i.i.ir..ooo itaiio. & Ohio it it 0, e, v im tit miec au'L Vi'-. '
.'."1,0.00 iialto. tv. Ohio I atiulnmeni 'I rust of IVb , l.i ' " i,. lais t ivi
"MI.OOO llalto. At Ohio l.inilpturlit 'I rust of 1 "l I : I ; ,, a5s.I0 -.
njl.oon llilio x Ohio i:iulp Truit of luio. 1 1,'. lais.'p "C "
70(1110 ltiffalo A Mitiiueli. nim It It Cm 11 1st e fioi " '
190.000 Central of C.eoishi Ity. C ousol uKe , ; piii
.iS'0X2 nt. of (ieorclii II,. Cquli. 'Iiut Set I. U.'. 9'"
f.no.nnn Cuiiral Patint" liv Co, ii jf,iK MlRf iilirti e' intq
210.000 Central P.ultl." Jtv t'ti (iold MlKe. ji .'i 1" 'o 11T1.1
.'09.000 Central Paclllf ly Co, mini Slim t l.1ne) lit V. in-1 , ,,
'??"1 lihesapeake . ohltl, Itv.' Co 1st Co is v. ,.'. 10, p :A or '
V'S'L'5' ' Hi.UHit.n f Ohio 1!, Co, (Jo,, MtKe 11. , ivi
ISO.ono Clnsapeake . Ohio Lipilp, Series N. 41. iVts loiiPi
.-.0 000 ( hliilKO . Alton It It. Co, ItftlK .io.vi T'. ttp '
J.-.O00I1 t'hkaicn & Alton It,. Co. Bt la.cn-r.0ir 'i J 1,;,
000 ill tiico, llurllncloii . Oulicy It p. Ctt lovvn'lMv 1?' ,ion
100.000 Chl.Bi. & JitHt III. 11. It Cti. Itfdc"&l nut AllVe lr-,! o--00.(100
Chic. , a. St. Iuls Short I. no III V". 1st l'X ,.?--,?.'m '.
fOiiMl Chkn.-o. Mil .v. St. . H, .tJei.1l.Ei' V' ql- " 1J" "'""
500 000 cfiltaBo, Jin. ft (,,'. 1 tWl Mliie "her ' 4 ? V U..,'
lf.0.000 Chlcaco. .Mil ft St. p. it,' ro Clin 'tco ft i.ii'.",,.","., , .
190,000 Chkniro. Sill, ft st. I'! Ity. Co I'ucm Ktl i wi i,..""1. ", "' V.1
64. B-vr. Ctfs. llis Ulttl l' Wll,u."" ""'hoi K, ,
SO 000 ChltaRo ft N, W. U v. Co. 1 :' j' 'iv 'nf'mi'" 11 r' ;,Ui
J7O.O00 CIlltURo 11,h Co. Coniol .1 tBe -0?y?f LVrXu V '?V l9 5'.,
50.000 CI.Iu.ro, llotk Island ft PaUfic I't,.,' Irt 4 llhi.V. tlil
Pre-eiit II uket
7J7,ri0O nn
I ,0 '. at on
III "t0 1111
77t oon on
.'I I 4.'.' I'l
ll.'i.'n n 1
.us r,oo 00
."I,"IJ0 on
hi Msi nn
71 l 171 imi
I." S7 1 on
: A ono no
11 000 00
.00 noo on
ll.'-'ni in
.'l.ll 71
'II 000 no
.' mo tin
II, '111 (III
I Pi ;,00 on
1 000 On
nu,7.'l nn
i'i nno nn
i7,7fn nn
li.t'it J1
I'M Value
'S8S ! ilhallo. si 'ffli V"w V"" ' ,!, W" '- '
ion 000 1 leMlan.1 Clmhmatl , oV'x 'i. '."-jyiiyb. '.'! '.. . .
, "ii'ii t"n. t'iy i
Ittld) 1. 1995
ss sss :o",',,v T"" " h'i ",w Mi t(
'in 000 ( Ollhol 1 tun 'I 111. 11..,. .... "-? .'..i '.'"'
inn'22!! !:'!."' A. Mnbov It
)1 ( (i 1r Mien v t
: iiiiM-.M,., T:JL , V;.' S .!')
Co. c.invni m;. -; '.r' ." L-
.'I, nno on
in nim mi
m.onn nu
,iv I. ono 00
1,000 no
.'71.IJ0 nn
110 000 on
") 000 no
1,417,7 lion
JO J.",0 on
m7'i.ooo nu
1, i.'.'i (,00 nu
k.'.JII o't
11 i.S".1 .'I
lu '.mo nu
4Ki,r,uv on
ld.S71 On
i'i.',r,o no
ts.'.70n on
11 nun on
4V0...IO (III
U7,''0n nu
110 000 no
!'0,000 00
ft.ttiO on
10 000 do
.'70 noo tin
.Tl 100 00
4 1 Mum on
Hii.'J.'iO on
IRS. inn on
7'i,n.'r. 00
f. 1,000 nn
31.000 ou
nvooo i:,i 1;, ,. . ,."r ,,: "." '.?"!'. "..
Molillr!; !l-;-;i!"'":.
"-:'' 000 L e .;.,..' ,.':""'. ."". .' SO r. 4-
I1SO0O . k ,,K V ll.'v" ItV .'," is,0','" '" ,s-Nole '- ''"" "'"'.
'' 000 Jflwi ' 1. 1 11 ' '?. f."''0" Uxteiided, .I".. nil
111 into K.tnsiH I'l . I "1 .... r ..'...'.'. '. " '.". oils, ti". 13B
T.r '.,.:7"" V""" C, laiatl
1 S'f. 194 J
icient Market
17..100 00
17. ',7 1. "GO
180,000 00
108,770 00
.'so.ooo no
4".l,410 0n
J79,ooo no
I 18,000.00
'.01,660 00
.9.',000 00
,;og,iS6 0o
P),r,uo on
41,000 00
1.1,000 00
337,760 00
JO,.GO on
(56,04 6 00
J1G.810 00
101,410 00
60,010 0(1
4 1 07r. nn
170,000 Oil
J'ar Value
JvRR? Oresnn Shoit Line JJ 1: Co l'5-vi. nfdc (Old ) t'. li"i
i"SS I ,tV,"l 5 . "o '-"an of 1916, 41V. 19Ji '. '.'. '. '. ' ' '. . ' '
ion nirt .. '",: -" i"-"Jii iru.ll, IO..'O.Vr. IlilO 1. 4I. fl"
Trcsent Markt.t
-ojuun I'enim. Co. God Truitt rtr,. 11r. iiuo'i. ,...
r X" I' ,. I a .. !. 't'1' la... O. 111,
.' I.' ' "i'i"' ft it. II ro, (ic
"inn n.n .. '
??iio L'1ll!,.l c' i'nsoi MtKe. :. ii: :::
1.1 n '.:.".' .."""' ei mi reiRnt Lnulp Trust. 4--. iiis.in . V.i.i v
VJ."?.,'""'-"':il Kvs Co. S7 m.-r,"-,: " '1). ri. 1336
I t iS '.,' " ulll"'l1 "J" Co. IM JHn '1.1', ic" ','. J' 1.300 00
InilXXX iM,C.""oK "'i'l So Ity. fn JtHI,) 'ir ,5'.??0.,,1D30 ' " 21,660 00
' : PJ ! 8R:,Wfei, ::: i8S:888-:s
0000 L0UlMlH1f.JC VJtlT. Ill"' iW.: L !.'&. I?-'.'. . . 771
a.. . r : 11 it. u. 1 err . k Mto-n
uuuti .mi utH u r x . - i.. in . .."--.'- --z e.
1.1 (inn r.Ti'i.'.Vi1.' 'r :-.''." '.'. p " '.'. l'. fnllled Mikc. 4',. in 1,1
IJ3 000 .Market Sttect lllei i,H, it, ,' ' O.'" 4 ,D!)0'
-'mono .Mason CI , ft l't liitol- i?.1 'f1. .BP '"J'1 ' '955
100,1100 .Nnssili l'.le, lr It. 1 II C.. i.J ,. .K,' J!1''1")" -rA 1919 .
I.tos noo y iv, ft i ,,,i i,h l ' tisV" 0".",.,'' BC ..'('''' ' "- '''''I
i.oo ooo i. v ft i . it- (" '"t HfdR JtiRo. a'4', 1997
ir.0,000 New York ft Krlo It. It. Co . I xt, I (3d) M ic '111 ',', 'ii?,
i i,or,kKa,,;i,sn"aco&. "iwti !;-,:i?f r,if :46 -;'. :
'lolooo tuft ,eVn-,tl? A '."ll,. $-&- i
IS SP iV.ju,, .nTi S MSr 7'
sn nn
.'97,600 On
hl.000 00
134,000 00
130,000 00
iii nno on
56,000 00
167,000 00
1113,080 00
416 000 00
7,".'0 00
s.'.ooo on
117,560 00
4b6,O0O Oil
20J.6I0 00
.U.080 on
1.16,500 011
.'Lino no
116 860 00
417,600 nu
693,760 00
M.'.OOO Penh,vlVK u lien' I IV 3 S?. VilVir.u.8,..4.i". ?!." JW )
?b.ooo I'erklomen n. n r. i.i Vir'i.'.'''..1, "'""'i ''" 'd ) 6il,r.jo
50 000 Phlla. llalto & WasliliiinnTi 't- V., ;". Y" "' ,91s Otd ) 216,000
1,000 Philadelphia ft Hrle n if ?v. nL?,1; ."t,,tsci "' 13 2J5.000
117,000 Phlla. ft' I rlc P. it Hen M.,e"r"'1' ,,nS.M,Be '' ,9:0 '!,.360
.101000 PliiU K I'rli ti i, A. " ?'"" '"' 19-0 114 945
, 78000 Pn Hh. ft Head hV i 7"' i f,!!"?.1, ? . 6J6 Ui.lol
l.CTIOOO Plttbburl . Cln . Ch ft St I oiti ii.1 dn ,:U 4'- '- (Old)... 71,760
000 PlttsliurRh". cin . Chl ft st l'Zt ill ' Tons- W - 1.17.lA0O
780 000 Hemline I-.. j l.i...-fc i,,,0l1.1" . O, Cons. AK. 194K (Ctrl ."11 S7R
.a. J ' . ,ra alllU 1111111 A llalnrtll, tr a'...1 r . all .. ' - - .-.". '
!inS iteadlnR Co (Jcrsei" rentral 'nil ;' i.-i y- uen " l807
260.000 St. L, Iron XI'S ft so Iti" cA Ifit,.Co1B ..M!B' ",'-'. V. 1941.
45'S2X ouH CarSllna ft 43?oi5fi P Hltci,!,ulfr.nlx ! lst' . 1933
.1 .oo Soufcn dS : S; S?54v ;- .";!::: :
Z TerliW'KSrSS ttWfe:Y
4'.. m.vi nl, v.?"..?'..85' anil''. Ren Mtce. P.Mir iill
:;X'S "!?" Celtic ixjCcT'n,", ,'; v;.:,:.:...-.. .:.: :
SOO'OM tr on -frac loS R Sf' ."hlJrVi"' "tie". V i.ii' '.V"
?SSS 5'J!.h.n.V Sf.Yrt1 M ti .h5rt,111- Trust Jitge. 4".Vi95 17(
M00 IVest-'jeV.S"".; MtV.3Ve"i-lfdi.-.-..-.".'- ?li
".;"''" .csiern I'cniisvlvanl l P n i. ,." - " . a',i. Ser.
75.000 WllnihiKton ft Viirtiii.. ti .i-?' Conso Mtge , i t
.00,000 WHKonSnM'
n. i9ji.
.'UO.uuo Coniiectitut fiv
i.iic. i-n in. r -ri ...
i mi iv iiiiiir iiir
. -. z
loo.ooo Uast J'lttsburch Imnrn, 7 .." .".'I- "i'". "M (Int. Old 1
-31.000 OloutcMer Perrv Co Is ., ?" ' Go,,, r'J- "31 -tiO.000
Kniisas Cltv I i,i , . tgc " ,9-S
JTctent .Market
s ToZi w.XTo-rPeoec,oal,Co-conM-' : 4 ' 92o::--
50.000 Springfield Uy. and I. gM Co 1' t ' C J,nt "
100,000 WclMbach Co :o.,r si r,,C?';,TrU,t' 6'4' 103!
Tn(. D r"- C0"' Trust "e. 6. 1030
Total Present Market Value . .HL
' "45.49O,664.00
642,750 nil
.'16, J50.no
16.M30 00
1,0.' 1,861 Oil
521.600 00
208,080 00
174,000 00
1,150 00
73,040 OH
71,500 00
37,200 00
2,220,800 00
712,000 00
100,120 00
591.460 00
k:.ooo on
50,000 no
407,680 00
390,000 00
160,55.' 60
11,775 00
til. 110 00
400.000 00
-,nn nn
),000 00
1,550 nn
T.n nn
47 r.t.n nn
111,160 On
iiO.OOO 00
.73,000 00
70,000 00
174,750 00
48,000 00
137,995 00
294,000.00 '
I Inllfi l-u
ii.n'nnl! I'-VtiT' ",' ,A.,!,C1'" ''! I l"aii ouv cited
;? nS !. ,y "! J1. hicago. 4';, iai8-iia. . . . .
.,vw my oi ,vv iorK. lurioruto Htotk, 4'i, 1953
uml line
RAILROAD BONDS (lnrl..rfi c. .. .,'""!''
66.00,1 Atlanllo City ft. R. ilohl. SrT, V9I9 """ iiw-W
81,000 Atlantic Coast Line It. It. Co. 1st I'uiiwl'Viira"! -' 'i-'.
25.000 llalto. ft Ohio It. Jt. Co. (PbRli. J.t ft Mid 1 tt't I'tV ...
125,000 Hallo, ft Ohio It. Jt. Co. s. W I)lv 1 lat mil V'niA' 3,l,f.' ,9:
'438.000 Haltlmoie ft Ohio It. It. Co.. Prior i le . Zi S ''i?- " ""
, 3,000 llrooklyn, Italhft West Kntl I ; R c 'lion hi 'tn-' :'.:.;;-,"
06,000 Huffalo' ft tiuaquelii iina It. It Con. . 1st Mice 4 , ' I Vri""' '' "
103.00'! lentral of (JeorRlu Consol. ,M r"'. 6, 194& ' ' UQ3
100.00O Central IMclllc, Jty. Co. 1st Itftlg. .Mice 4't iVli' ..'...V.
6,000 Central Pacific Jtv. MIro. 3.l" 1"- ' ' ' ""
15S'S? OiIcbbo. Alton Jty, Co, let I.lcil 50.ir"3lie'" iiiii
'.i0.'00?. V,,.ll.cn0' "urllngtoii ft tiulncy 1L It. to. (Jei."v i"iVMii,'
131,000 Chicago, Milwaukee ft Pum-l .Sound Mty?.'lst Mice 4r-4 i,i t'18.
i"'i w- M.Vw.ft hl i-iui ny'co rArim: A'A' 'J0H
il"rJ:.V.r..('-'MlB. J'ac- West Dlv ). 5i4. I9S1
Xl Ttm -y..-truget Hound &' Wlllana'llnr.
VkJsj--Lh2.' jlii?-.".1
190,250 00
51,1 GO 00
20.1:50 (III
105,000 00
377,140 00
70,350 on
"7,560 00
78,600 00
4, .150 110
30,000 00
81,000 00
107, btO 00
14 .Is r, tin
5 00
1 .
r.-ii Valim
?,?,?,? '"'"'"hus CoiiiiectlnR ft 'lernilnal It It. let Mitre 5' m
-?.?. V.a?10!'. Amboy It. It. Co, lst Mice. 3 ls-o
2ip.000 llrlo Ital road 1J0. 2-,r. Kit". Noies 6W imki
3-?'!!!,'!! J,:rle ."?.? Ca ista-onsoV. 7. 1920.. .V.1J
,iim !,.rri,t urtliern It,. (Canada) lst Mtge.. t!o tl 4r ' 1V1V VrV.i v
7?',. uJso" J Manhattan It It ci. 1st I.len fdi' M?J rUWnr.T
iJS'nnS J!udl,n & Manhattan It It. Co, Adj. Income B.i'i
200.000 Kansas city Terminal It,. Co , Secured nSJm Ifr I in-li
JU.OOO laike Shore ft Mich Ho. It,. Co "s.vr (deli J-4 ?oJ 9::
bO.OOll lachlgh ft Hudson Illver Jtv. Co. Oeni UiflVniH 1
300.000 JlilRli Valley It. Jt. Co , Uen. Contol JuJr. 4V -nni
50.000 Mllvvnukte. Jko Hhoie ft Western ii ImVo&oT 00.V ViV,"
bb.000 NasHiu Llcctrlo It. It Co. let Cot 1L0I Mtrr, An liniViVi"
JO0.O0O N, Y. Cent, ft Hud. Itlver It It. 1" . SO.yr Ll'el.i- lil'td ' '
41.000 N. Y. ft Urle Jt. Jt. Co (Cxt'd) 2d Mtge G 19l'i'" ,9
.000 N..Y. ft Trie It. It ('o. (llxt'J) 3d j fge , 4Vi2 19-3
18,000 N. Y. ft j:rle L It. Co. (Kxt'd) 4 Hi M tie 5" 19-S "
130.000 N. V. ft Urlo Jt It. Co (IJifd) 6th Mice' 4 19 '8
26,000 N. Y Lackawanna ft WekLrii JL It. Co Vi'mi; VV .....
?,Mt? )',' ".? '5i;ie ft Wr?i"n ' ft Co?.t'c"ons,of.07.li:o:!,
101.000 Xorlhurn Pacific Ilv. Co. Prior Lien. 4 latii w-....
WAIS. onhtrnVacinc-artKt Nortl.Vrr. (C. V.'t " V JoTnVi'i" Y9V
379.000 Oregon hhort Line It. it. Co. Ilfdg. 4. l'9 ' ."
M00 Petina. Co. 1st Mtne.. 4.i m .7 ' ' ,8-3'.'".
JJMOO J'eiins, Ivanl It, It. Co, General Mtge 4'ii-si 'iii;, '
Picsent Maiket
88.200 00
230,000 00
305,000 00
06 046 00
60,760 Oil
.38,130 011
lb 560.00
121,600 00
25,260 00
90,180 Oil
316.465 00
Par Value
lS.008 SH,?ly"0 "St " II. HI Mtge. i ,9
100.000 VIscon,,&c,Cn0farlcaohiae,,n.(i?,,1geT4Ui ? Jf ':
jSSm PubmiTnl,rf'co,rT0veni,;nrC'' " W. 5 1931 .U.,1 .
W feSK
too.000 .0.000 k,lurc!1 llle Unlle4 aas lmDrme,; y-r;ctf"
'"cut UaiKct
1 I, BOW Oil ,'1
65,560.00 U
17n nun tin
74,26u'0 tl
1"4 r.nn nn
7,00(l.0vl Jj
J I.
700,008.04) r.