.j ' i ' " -Ji."v . ?t.rs .' " -TX! J,'".!! J .v -k1-.f v T r --v r y A -r'-, ' -v ,-.L-AJci,. jjrtin T Li.n. ' .. r , J EVENING PUBLIC 5DBDateR-PHlCM)BL?HIA, I TUESDAY, tIAJNUAKX X, 11 t , K- - - '3 41 ft- l m irajroNiscoNFirn ALFRONTEITALIANO Le Truppo Franccsi Conquis- tano Posizioni Occupatc dagll Austro-Tcdeschi PADOVA BOMBARDATA "LONG LIVE THE KING" A Human Story of Chlld-Des!re, Court lntrlguo and Love, th Latest Nocl By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART ComHiM, 1917, bjrJUry KoberU Itlnehart anil th IMtitlo Ledger Companr La StoricA Citta' c' Colplta per la Terza Volta dallo Bombo Teutoniche riOMA, 1 Konnalo. Da un comunlcato ufTlclale, redatto In base al boltetttnl del Quartler Generate Itallano o pubbllcato lert, et apprende cho Is truppe francesl, operantl nlla fronts ttallana, h-inno assunto l'offen- la rlportando una noteolo vlttorla mills ordo nuntro-tcdesche II combat ttmento si bo1fo presto Ostcrla Demon fendra o Maranzlno, I francesl feeero prlglonlerl 1350 teu tonl o catturarono sesanta mltraglla trlel, eettc cannonl o parccchto ma terials da Ruerru. OH alatorl Itallinl ed Inglest efllcacc mento si coopcrarono per nsMcurare la vlttorla detlo truppe francesl. Qucsta o' la prima notlzla. udlclalo che lo truppo francesl sono cntrato In aztono nlli fronto Italtani, da quando fu segnatata la loro presenza, scttlmano or sono. Itecentl dlspaccl annunzlarono cho lo truppo francesl crano state plnzzato In poslzlonl pronto per resplngere gll nt tacchl nustro-tedeschl. Qucsta e' la prima olta cho hanno atsunto l'oflen bI.i, Un tclcgramma da Ixndra rcca cho Herllno ha ammesso la lttorla rlportata dallo truppo frnncesl. Infattl un bollet tlno del comando tedesco, pubbllcato nel pomerlgglo dl lerl, dlco cho 1 francesl attaccarono e rlmtfrono a penetrare In itlcuno dello poslzlonl occupito il-U tedes chl Intorno a Monto Tombi. II comunlcato tedeico agRlungo cho 1 francesl prescro I'offenslxa nel settore dl Monto Tomba, tra Monto Grappi ed II flume Plavo o cho dopo i,i lotta rlu clrono a penctraro In pirte dello posl zlonl nutro-tcdescho sulle montngno Nonostanto II rocselo suhlto. gll austro tedeschl, dice Herllno, sarcbbi.ro riu'cltl a datturaro 37G prlglonlerl. Un comunlcato del Mlnlstcro della gucrra In llomn, pubbllcato nel pomerlg glo, ha annunzlato cho la cltta" dl I'a Iou per la terza olta o' stata bombar- data, lerl, dagll auatori louionici "I bombardamentl del ncinlco sopra cltta' aperte, dlengono sempro plu' ac cantltl dlco U comuuliato Padova c' htata bombardata per la tera olta sena cho slansl erltlcato pcrdlto ill lte. millameno II rlcco p-itrlmonlo ar- tlstlco della cltta' ha gr.indemento sol fcrto. La facclata do la caltedralo o' stata abbatluta." Telegramml dl I'adoa confennano appunto cho li fatclata della storlca cat tedrals C stata demollta d"iIlo bombe gcttato dagll alatorl nustro-tereschl iluranto una Incursion awenuta nella dzzzFlfUld IC fl cmfw shrd cmfny upou . notto tra aabato a domenlc i. La Cattedrala dl Indoa fu co-itrulta nel mllleclnquecento cd o' rltenuta como uno dellc plu' prcgeoll opero dell 'archl tettura cccleslastlca ticll'Italla betUn trlonale. Guglleliuo Marconi, nominato alto commlisarlo Itallino per gll Sntl Unltl. partlra tra broo nlla ota. dtll 'Amor lea, Marconi divider i l' suo ttmpo tra Washington c New York Un banatorio per 1 nialatl tubercolosl, cho fu cretto incdi.mto pubbllca sotto pcrllone fatta dil 'Glornalo d'ltalla," t-ara' lntltolato :il nomo del Presldento "Wilson. Cosl' c' statu nnnunlato oggl. Durante un'lnterIsta .oncosa dal presldento del conslgllo del Mlnlstrl della Grecla, Venlelos ouestl dlsso cho l'ltalla mlra ad nero una baso naa!o nel Mare L'geo o cho o' assurdo rltenere cho 1'Itallt segua un programmi dl cspanslono In opposlztone agll lnteroil delli Grecla, Illfercndosl all questlono dell'Adrlatlco, Venlzelos dlchlaro' cho la Grecla non ha mire nello aequo adlatlcho ed ha offerto la sua cooperazlono agll alleatt senza stlpularo condlzloni o compensl. DAI CAMPI MILITARI Scrhono da Camp Dlx (Wrlghtstown, X J.) tho la Philadelphia Orchestra, sotto la dlrczlone del maestro Leopoldo Stokowskl, dara' uu concerto al Red Trl angle del uimpo, la sera dl mercoldl' duo gennalo II costo del blglletto per as slstcnl o' btato flssato a. rtlecl soldi, ma si credo cho 11 rlc'.iato non bastera a toprlro lo spc&o dl lagglo pel muslcantl Lo autorita' mllltarl erano venuto a conoscenza cho parecchl ioldatl dl Cimp Dlx si sarebbero lccatl a pass-ire lo festo preso lo loro famlglle, In tcnuta da uf llclall commlsbarl ed anzl sembra die parecchl slano rluscltl a farsl fotograf aro In talo uniforms. In lsta dl do' sono Btato preso mlsuro rocrlsslmo td una (.pectale soncgllanza tara csercltata alia ptazlono fcrrovlarli alia partenza del trenl, alio ucopo dl cogllcro toloro che non lndossano la rcgolaro dUlsa. Parecchl soldatl che tentaano partlro In brevo Ilccnza lndossando dhiso non icgolarl, gamball o cappelll fuorl ordl nanza eco, sono statl fermatl ulla tta ztone dal colonnello Ilattlo, cho ha loro lmposto dl rltornaro aU'accampamento per mcttersl In plena regola con la dl- II freddo al Campo DK o' lntcuto o gll nbltantl Ul Wrlghtstown, N. J, hanno dlchlarato cho non iliordano dl avero uvuto In passato, una tcmperatuia slmlla a quella cho st crltlca prcscntcnicnlc. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS New Year's Day being a legal holiday the banks and trade exchanges aro closed and there v.aa -virtually nothing l doing In a wholesale way. In the ab. v ence of fresh Information on which to base reliable quotations, our usual market reports aro omitted from today's Issue tiik RTortY Ttir s r.n Iltonln l fhrentened with Mreloilon. Sludfnt". rlvllln-, eren arm Teteram, r readr to oterthrow. the nmJJ,.nj "nj II l lit the point (if dfath and hi f.rJJi on. hHllilN.M WILLIAM . OTTO, tronn l'rtnr of.I.lronla. I ,onlr, eliht yeara old. The time In propltlona for re toll, and the Klnc and his Chancellor. Mettllrh, know It. . .. . , . .. . In order In eafetnard .the heir t" Ihrono LIHtlTENANT MKKV LAKI'tll. toud oftlrer, la ordered to. .Jj!,PTf,r Otlo. Nlkkr la In lo- with III '" the rmwn I'rlnre'a ronln, hut her mother. ARllim rillVSK ANM'NnTA the rrandaunt of the t rown. Trlnre or jer; (ho (wo not to meet. The plana njjyit re (n hnTe Ilednlr marry Kl.' KAIII. Of KRMt, n nelchherlni.lilnzdom. and thin remote an enemy on the border nnu o otrendhen Internal affalra that tno reTOltillnn will lie tlmanen Tho Chancellor was In his old smoking cost and slippers Ho had mads nn ef fort to don his tunic, but Itcdnlg, on Mathllde's hecla, caught htm In tho act. And, after a glance at her face, he re linquished the Idea, bowed over her hand and drew up n chair for her. And that was how tho Chancellor of tho kingdom learned that Captain I.nrlfcli, aide-de-camp to hit lloal Hlghneia tho Crown Prince, had dls appeared. "I am afraid It Is serious," alio said, watching him with wide, terrified cies ' I know more than jou think I do I wo heir thing. cen In tho palaco." irony here, but unconscious. "I know ,( of NTr.ss Olilv lustllFK. In lfe , that thero Is trouble. And It la not like wiwi nan. ami n joiinwrr oi i"- v'l' :::"" rniirt. aenda a mde Irtler (o Kar I (e Ulna; mm or ine arrnniremeiiia I'lTHB M- m Rfl. f rlerk. I the meaentrr. lie la follon-etl hv III rtMN srir.ll. nn narnt or the rerolntlonlala and henchman nt lll,ri III MIIFUT. a slant leader of Iba enemlra of the Ihrone, ... , . Mliky romea upon nn attark aralnt Mhnrir, leil hy lllnrl, Humbert nnd Cplee. nnil In Hid tow, hut lie oon reenrera ntn rlentlr to aaalat (he bnttered Mlmrs hom. The taller, honeter, n aoon n he Ihlnka the jotinr llentenant out nf alalit. tumjlea hi. rnir (o (he Cathedral, where he aljea Olta'a letter to n thanflenr, .Mkky Ii dea In the nntomnWIe until the lnriila-J Ito. nla bnnndnry l rroed and then attacua the thautrenr. hi. tared with death. d tlilea to tett lita erret . ... tlatk In Ilvonla llnmhert nnd Spier fire enancrd In n hittle of lt with . Tonnr lnitent. Ilnekel one nf.Metl irh'a nlea. For eek Itnerkel haa been kept at the point nf death, lint he perlteiitly re Juaea lo Ulnilio uny Information. As they drew near tho end of tho park, whero tho Land of Dcilro tow ered, Prlnco 1'ordlnand William Otto searched It with eager cea. now won derful it wnsl How stcen and high and nllurlng! Ho glanced sldeuais at Mlas Ilralthalte, but It was clear that to her It was only a monstrous heap of sheot-lron and steel, adorned with ds Jocted greenery tint had manifestly been out too soon In tho chill air of nrv earlv snrtng A wonderful possibility presented It self. ' If I eee Bobby," ho asked, "may I stop tho cirri igo ana speak to lilm?" ' Certainly not " "Will ma 1 rail to him?" "Think It mer," suggested Miss nralthwaite "Would our grandfither like to know tint jou had dono an) thing so undignified? ' Ho turned to her a rather desperats pair of ces "Hut I could cxpl iln to him." ho said "I was In such a hurry when I left that I'm afraid I forgot to thank him I ought to thank him, really. Ho wa cry polite lo mo" Miss Hralthwalte sat still In her seat and said nothing Tho notlty of riding in a rojal carriage had long since pass- d nwaj. but she was aware that lur posi tion was mest unusual Not often did a gocrness, even of good family, as she was, rldo dally in tho park with a crown prlnue In a way, on thcr-o occasions she was moro roal than rojalty She had, now nnd then nn Inclination to bow right and left her-clf And she guarded tho dignity of theso occasions with a watchful eye So s,ho said nothing Just then. Hut later on something occurred to her. "You must remember. Otto," sho said, "that this this American child dislikes kings and our sort of go em inent." bhades of Mr. Gladstone our sort of government! "It Is possible, Isn't It, that he would rcent )our being of tho ruling family? Why not let things b ns they aie?" "Wo wire very frlcndb," snld Ferd inand William Otto In a Fmall voice, "I don't think It would make any differ ence." Hut thu seed was boun In the fertile ground of his joung mind, to bear quick fi uH lt was thu Clown Prlnco who saw Bobby first. Ho was standing on a bench, peering over tho shoulders of tho crowd. I'rjnco Ferdinand William Otto saw him and bent forward "Ihero he Is!" ho said, In a tenso tono. "Thero on the " "Sit up straight," commanded Mla Bralthwaile. "May I Just wavo once? I " "Otto!' said Miss Bralthwnlte, In a terrible voice. But a dreadful thing was happening Bobby was looking directly at him and making no sign. His mouth was n triflo open, but that was all Otto had a momentary glimpse of him, of tho small cap set far bick, of the white sweater, of two coolly critical eves. Then the crowd closed up nnd the carrlago moved on. Prlnco Ferdinand William Otto Fat back In his seat, very pale. CIcirly Bobby was through with him First Nlkky had forgotten him. and now tho American boy had learned his un fortunate position ns one of the detested order, nnd would have nono of him "Vou see," said Miss Hralthwalte, with an air of relief, "he did not know jou" Up on the box the mnn beside Beppo kept his hnnd on tho revolver. Tho car rlago turned back toward the palaco. Lato that afternoon tho Chancellor had a visitor. Old Mathllde, his servant nnd housekeeper, showed tome curiosity but little excitement over It. Sho was. In fact, faintly resentful. Tho Chancellor hid eaten llttlo all day, and now, when sho had an omolct ready to turn smoking out of tho pan, must corns ths Princess Hodwlg on foot Ilko the common people and demand to bee him Mathllde admlttod her and surveved her uncompromisingly. Rovaltles were qulto as much In her lino as they were In the Crown Prince's. 'Ho H about to havo supper, High ness." "Please, Mathllde," begged Hedwlg. "It Is very Important." Mathllde slghod "As jour Highness wishes," sho agreed, nnd went grum bllngly back to tho study overlooking tho walled garden. "You may bring his supper when It Is ready," Hedwlg called to her. Mathlldo was mollified, but she knew what was fitting, if tho Princess did not. Tho omelet spoiled In the pan. Captain Lirlsch to desert his post A boyish escapade. Highness." sild tho Chancellor. But, In tho twilight, ho gripped hard at tho nrms of his chair "Ho will turn up, very much ashamed of himself, tonight or tomorrow." "That Is what jou want mo to bcllovo You know better" Ho leincd back In his ihilr nnd con sidered her from under his heavy brows ha this was how things were: another, nnd nn unlooked-for complication Out sldo ho could hear Mathllde's heavy footsteps as sho waited Impatiently for tho Princess to go. Tho odor of a fresh omelet filled tho llttlo house Nlkky gone, perhaps to Join tho others, who, ono by one, hid felt tho steel of the Terrorists And this girl, on whom so much hung, sitting there, a flguro of joung tragedy. "Highness." he said nt least, "If the worst has happened and that I do not Deuovo It will bo because thero Is trouble, as jou havo said, Sooner or later wn who lovo our country must make sacrifices for It. Most of all, those In high plices will bo called upon And among them jou may bo asked to help " "I? Whit can I do?' Hut she knew, and the Chancellor know that sho knew "It is Karl, then?" "It mav be King Karl, Hedwlg" Hedwlg rose, and the Chinccllor got heavily to his feet. She was fighting '' taiuuic-is nnu sno succeeded very well After all. if Nlkky wcro gone, what did It matter? Onl " "Thero aro so many of jou," sho said, rather pitifully. "And j-ou are all so powerful. And ngalnst jou thero 13 onlj me." "Why against us, Highness?' "Because," said Hedwlg. beciuso I caro for somo ono else, and I shall caro for him nil tho rest of my life, even If ho never comes back. You may marry mo to whom you pleise, but I shall go on cirlng. I shall never forget. And I shall mako Karl tho worst vvlfo In tho world, because I hato him" Sho opened tho door and went out without ceremony, becausu she was hard-driven and on tho edgo of tears In tho corridor sho nlmost nn over tho Irritated Mathlldo and sho wept all the way back to tho palace, much to tho dismay of her lady In waiting, who hid disapproved of tho excursion anyhow. That night tho city was searched for Nlkky Lirlsch, hut without result. on, "I think yen havs mads a mistake. You should havo chosen tho proclplce. But as a prlvato gentleman, I thank inn." Having examined tno nnois in mo rope, which were very well done, Indeed, nnd having gagged tho chauffeur securely, Nlkky prepared to go. In his goggles, with the low-vlsorcd cap and fur coat, ho looked not unllks his lato companion. But ho had a Jaunty step as ho walked toward tho car, a bit of amvirnp thit mv ered nerhans. Just a triflo of uneasiness. I Tor Nlkky now knew his destlna- inn. Vinew that he was bound on per- ' llous work, and that tho chances of his returning wcro about flfty-flfty, or r.itlioe teas. Nevertheless, ho was apparently quite calm ns ho examined tho tar. Ho would hivo chosen, perhaps, a less perilous place to attempt Its mj stories, but needs must. Ho i limbed In and released tho brakes. Then, with great caution nnd considerable noise, ho worked It nwny from tho brink of tho cliasm ana sinrieu i off. Mi did not know his way Over the. mountain It was plain enough, for there was but one road After ho descended Into the plain of Knrnla, however. It becamo dltllcult. Sign posts wero few nnd not espllclt But at last ho found tho rnllrmd which ho knew well tint railroad without objective, save as It would servo to move troops to- niAPTiiit iv NIHKY IMIKS A KI.CKI.KSS THIXfi NIICKY LABISCH had been having an exciting time. First of all, ho exchanged garments with tho chauffeur and cursed his own long legs, which proved difficult to cover ndequatelj. But tho chauffeur's long fur ulster helped considerably. Tho ex change was rather a tlckll&h matter, nnd would havo been moro so hid ho not found a revolver In tho fur coat pocket it is anvajs naiu to remove a loat from a man whoso arms aro tied, and trousers aro even moro dltllcult. To removes trousers from a refractory prisoner offers problems They must bo dragged off and a good thrust from a heavy boot, or two boots, has been known to change tho fato of nations However, Nlkkj's luck htood His prisoner kicked, but owing to Nlkkj's wlso precaution of hav Ing straddled him nothing untoward happened. Behold, then, Nlkky of tho bravo heart standing over his prostrate prisoner and rolling him, mumm)-f ibhion. In his own tunic and a rug from tho machine ' It Is cold, mj friend," ho said, brlcflj, 'but I am a kindly boul, nnd If jou havo told mo tho truth you will not have so much ns a nnufllo to remind jou of this tomorrow," "I havo told the truth" "As a boldlcr, of course," Nlkky went ward the border. After that Nlkkv found It easier But, with his course nssured, other difficulties presented themselves To take tho letter to thoso who would re rclvo it was ono thing. But to deliver It, with all that It might contain, was another. Ho was not brilliant, was Nlkkj-. Only brave nnd slmplo of heart nnd unversid In tho w.ajs of darkness If, now, he could open tho letter and removo It, substituting well, what could, ho substitute? Thero wero cigarette pa lters In his pocket. Trust Nlkky for that Hut how to mako tho exchange? Nlkky pondered To cut tho sldo of tho envolopo presented Itself. But It was not good enough. Tho best Is ( nono too good when one's life Is nt stake I Tho cnglno was boiling hard, a dull roaring under tho hood that threatened trouble Ho drew up besldo tho roid nnd took off tho water-cap Then he wblstled Why. of courbe! Had It, not been dono from tlmo Immemorial, this steaming of letters? Ho examined it. It boro no Incriminating seal . Ho held tho envelopo over the water cap, and was bojMiIy pleased to feil i tho flap lon'vn After all, tilings were inn.. . niMlnh ie ..ami AMA.. Ii..1llfl I IIISj IIIUU),II I. '!-' M1VU IIIIU o UlUllin . jiu rtuit'r r'Kii'iiiti u-)ini uiiiitib tin of his cigarette pipers, of course Ho had, perhaps, never heard of tho drop of nlcotlno nn the tongue of a dog. As for tho Utter Itsilf, ho put it, without vui Rlinclng at It, Into his cap, under tho lining. Tlun ho healed tho envelopo ugnln nnd dried It against ono of tho lamps It looked, ho ic llectcd, as good as niw. Ho was tMrcmcly pleiscd with him self. CONTINUED TOMOnilOW Gloucester County Freeholders The Gloucester County Bo ird of l're ho'ders will meet nt tho Courthouse Woodbury, today, at tho noon hour, and organlzo bj electing Charles H. Wal ton, of Woodburj' as the new director 1 1 bucceeds l)r II M Fooder, of Wil Mamstoun, who was elected to rcpre sent tho countj' in tho House of Assein blv, Trenton The Democrats hive a gain of two members In tho new board but tho Republicans, still havo a good majorlt j- of members 1 ho new mem hers of tho bpird aro W. B Jones, of W.ibhlngton townkhlp; William T Jone Franklin township, and W, II. Duncan Oteenwlt'n township J Hojd Avl, n' Woodburj, villi bo elected solicitor of tho board, to succeed Oscar B. Rcdrou of Wcnon ill, who li now tho countj prosecutor. 11 ' ti llllll II llllll i llllll I'lcasantvillo Council to Organize PLKASANTVILLI3. N. J, Jan 1 The new body of Oltj Council will or ganiie nt noon tod ly with eight Hi publicans and ono Democrat member The new memhei.s aro t'harles M. Chattlo and R tyniond G. Irelind, who succeed Frank Blackman and Jacoli Derr. Albert H James will bo elected president and Nehemlah Andrews cltv clerk. Appointments villi be as follows I'nglneer tiro department, Mark l'rltsi h assistant, William UIggs; street super visor, Walter Birnett; chief fire d partment, Paul Wootton: overseer of the poor Daniel b Fdwards; chief of police, Clarence Krewson. iijtmvfa;fjMjM': GEORGE W. JACOBY -, MEN'S FURNISHER fauv r 620 Chestnut Street takes this opportunity to express thanks to his many loyal customers who gave such en thusiastic response to his recent "need-lhe-money sale" Launched December 11th The appreciation of the good values, voiced again and again during the progress of this notable sale, will serve as incentive to maintain that standard of value-giving throughout the year 1918. i To our friends old and new a HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE JUKE JrolRSlJBiistMl One Yellow Trading Stamp With Every 10c Purchase AH Day Market Eighth Filbert Seventh 'Wit mcereip Wat) ou a SMPPP JSrogperoug ieto Hear STORE CLOSED ALL DAY TODAY Wednesday's papers will contain important announcements of the Wonderful Sales starting Tomorrow, January 2d, including GREAT ANNUAL WHITE SALE Men's Clothing Sale Floor-Covering Sale Sale of Women's Coats and Suits Sale of Furs Hosiery and Underwear Sale VVVVVVSVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVVV-VWVWV-V This Store Allows No Discounts on Any Purchase of Merchandise We wish to make known to our patrons that our price3 are exactly the samo to all, and that no one not even our own employes will be given any discounts. Our Contract Department Will Be Continued as Here tofore, and We Are Ready at All Times to Submit Esti mates On Any Orders for Furnishings or Supplies for Institutions, Hotels, Apartment Houses, Etc. The policy of this store has always been to give our patrons the very best values in the highest grade merchandise. nffJM WILLINGLY refund money or exchange goods fllflFl bought here if not satisfactory. Prompt service ia ,6,w'' always obtainable. We deliver goods to over seventy towns, villages and cities in the vicinity of Phila delphia. Our Mail Order Department is prompt and efficient We Thank All for Past Patronage, and Hope for a Continuance of itin the New Year M 4l .'.. J u WARNING V! TO GAS CONSUMERS V '!. 1, 1 ,&. Gas consumers are warned that we may be unable, tempo rarily, fully to meet the great in crease in the demand for gas, due to cold weather and the shortage of the domestic coal supply. There is danger of some burners going out when the gas demand is heaviest, and gas coming' on again later. Be sure that all burners -iot in use ARE SHUT OFF. Do not go gas burning. to sleep with any If any burner will not light, be sure to close the gas cock before you leave it. Do not keep a burner lighted unless some one is in the room. If you smell gas, examine and shut off all burner cocks. Do not! A under any circumstances sear'enl for a gas leak with a candle ol match. "-7 THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMR 75 V'VS - WJ t .iKiil '& & i Kyi "MSS! fM 4 .aM ; w y M M --v fMnan-ft ;5Ja ns, uh A . r! vt M m iUii m Kc ?-.wJ .g 5y w T, A&kMb . ;. .Hr i ';S"JUA " a v3 .,A.rii"i jwi 'pjit i M '; : i;fl f Sd wa tfSSSVSWSyS'VS'SSrfN'N'SSWi,ssS MARKET EIGHTH LIT. BROTHERS I FILBERT . SEVENTH sTvi'i. -., SC.l.'ttUlU, v - i" . t.- - JU N N 3 . ..VT- Vv 9e&h9 wppv i?to IN