1A , pfp r 'V HV !-' f: ? S f ih 'H-r S" EVENING BtJBLIO XEDpBllr-PHILADELBt, SADAY- v. DECEMBER Afylffi OATBATTLE VICTORS PRAISED First Submarine Prisoners; Credited to Destroyers Fanning and Nicholson .ENEMY'S CRAFT SUNK SUCCESSI ITALIANI INTORNO'ADASIAGO Contingcnti di Forze Austro Tcdcscho Disperse dagli-' Aviutori Ifeni x ItOMA, 29 DIccmbre. Un (clcgramma da Lond-a an nunzla chc lc opcrazioni sulla fronte nordlca'ltullana Bono 6staco1ate dal l'Jntcnso freddo c da nbbondantl ncvicatc. L'artlgllcrla contlnua attlva in parccclil pur.tl, nonostantc lc critl'hc condizlonl atmosfcrlche. I'attuglic vcnRono spinte innanzl durante lc tormente dl neve, con lo scopo di potcr cfTccttuarc qualchc attacco di sorprcsa. IT. iAf r HiimiiM A I iitiitKiiuol entin t , ., t Wll W. III HUIIIttU M. OMVVOJ. OU..U only scant news oi me rai"' , .. ,,, , , .. ,, ., . In giving' tho details of "ho capture .stati conscRUiti dai raparti italiani Heroic Work of Sailors in Sav ing Teuton Survivors Wins Commendation WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. The United States de-troycr Fanning. aided by the United Stntes destroyer Nicholson, was ofllclnlly credited today with capture vt tho llrst dermaii sub- - marlno prloners. The event occurred In November and cabio reports gavo SAMMEES, CAMP NOW DEEP IN SNOW Three-Foot Blanket Upsets Traffic and Stalls Motor cars and Ambulances Secretary nnnlcls c"nim-dd tho fol low Ins officers of the Finning: 1IKUTENANT A. . CAHI'KNTKK. com- msnder. Ucoreo street, rew llrunswlck, N J. MfTTKNANT OKORflK FORT, exejutlve officer. 2S17 Q str". WisMniiton. V. C. IAKCTENANT WALTER 1IKNRY, care N. V. Mlloy MMrplrMsbnro. renn. I.IKrTKXXT (Jnnlor imiile) R!LKUT ? CARNKV. MS buuth KortvciEhth street, FhltadrlpMa. i ENHION JOHN A. VINCENT. 420 Ilookcry Uulldlng". Chlcngo. I COXSWAIN 1). A. I.OOMIS. Kate. Jt'cti. CHIEF ril,KMACIrrt MVTB KI.SER HARWKI.I,. Hiott Hill. Tenn. COXSWAIN FRANCI K. CONNER, notional naval volunteer, leu IKUwaro utcnuc. J.i'r city N". J. Tho Fanning was commanded by Lieutenant A. H Carpenter, with Lieu tenant G. II. Fort as hl executlv o of ficer. Tho story shows conclusively just what good worl. tho American de stroyer squadron Is doing In Kuropean waters. Tho submarine, gunning for a convoy, was sighted when It raised Its nertscone : was compelled to come to tho surface by a depth charge, and then was disabled by shells from tho Fan ning. Special commendation, by Lieutenant Carpenter was accorded the olllcer of the deck. Lieutenant Walter O. Henry, and Coxiwaln IX Loomls for tdght'ng tho German submarine perlcopo and Chief Pharmacist's Mate Klser Har well and Coxswain Francis G. Conner, national naal volunteers, who hero ically Jumped overboard to rescue a drowning German seaman. 33 HAPPY PRISONERS Four ofllcers and thlrty-nvo members of tho crew were taken prisoners, and they wcro so happy to bo freo of the'r virtual prison llfo that they cheered as they bhoved off In tho lifeboat. The account of the capture uurers di incurslonc. Hiparti tedeschi sono stati dispcrsi dagll italiani sull'alti piano di Asiano, i quali sono pure ri'jsciti a penctrarc In alcunc trincce nustro-tedesilie catturando prigio mcri c ma'.erialc da guerra. II tclcRramma aggiungc she in Palestina i Turchi hanno tcntato una controfTensira a nord di Gcru salcmmc, ma sono stati rcspintl con gravi pcrdlte. Lc forze del generate Allenby avanzarono per oltro due miglia su una larga fronte. ItOMA, 29 decembrc. Dalla notlzle g.unto daha irnito dl battaglla tl rlleva cho II ncmlco ha rlnnnvato I tenta lit per traverra-e II Plave, verso II basso corso. o preilsa mento nel gomlto ill Zcnsun, alio sc.p dl portare rlnforzl al 2000 soldatl chc si trovano da varl? ettlmane trlnceratl sulla spojida occldentnlo del flume Tall tcntnttvl f.illlrono complttamento quan do, lerl 1'altro. gll t'allanl. con II fuoci del mortal da trlncea. iluclrono a dl rtruggere quattro pontl per pedonl ch II ncmlco era rtuclto a gcttare nttra-vcr-o II corso dello ncquc Dnlla costa verso II nord o Itingo la fronto dell" mnntngio ort'nm P lnet' delleirtlgllerle, can locall comlnttlmentl dl fanterla, non motto tmportantl. Gll Itallnnl sniu rlucltl sempro vlttorlosl Sull'altlplano dl Aslago, a nord-oic-U 11 Hoveroto e nil ovest ill Cinovn dl Sctto, e nello valll Gludicarla o Lama rlno, pattugllo nemlcho furono resplnto dal rlpnrtl Italiani dl Incurslonc. Un p sto avanzato occupito d.i truppe aa"-tm-tercchi" fu attnecato dl sorpica da iittiA tmm nrllnr r. norts. excent that una incursiono cuiio unco ncmicno o there was no mention of the prcvioui ""ate catturo' un ufllclalo o ve .tlsel claim that the Teutons themselves had i uomlpl. Tra Cesana e Cnnova a eud opened tho valves after surrendering, ovest dl Asl-go, pattugllo Itallano fecero The Indications were that tho depth "i.x Insurslono sull.e Unco nem'cho c charge had bla-ted the shell-llko sides 1 tornuono con un ulllclalo o trcntascl of tho U-boat as sho sanlt. uornlnl prlglonlerl. . I T forte snnndrono dl aor-plnnl "Capronl" sorpreso fortl contingent! rp i r1 l" mv'nicn'o no"a valle Itonchl. c II bombardo' eftlcaccmento, dlsper--le'vln'' , Ktando alio ultimo notlzlo pervenuto dalla fronte, ilall'aUlplano dl Asian1? al l'Adrlatlco 1 cannonl dl grosso callhrn. tanto italiani quanto nustro-tedcchl, hanno npertu un fuoco dlstiuttlvo da 'ascltr Intulre la rlpressa dejla dlsperata lotta Sembra cho 11 generale Diaz voglla ccmplero tuttl gll sforzl coislblll per rlcatturaro le poslzionl dl Monto Aholoue c Monto Solarolo. tra II Brcnta cd II Plave. f.'econdo un dlspacclo glunto dal quar ilor irenerali. Itallano scmhra che trunne rhustrlache tolto dalla fronto rumena slano stato Idcntltlcato sullo llneo nc mlche. Zfit Campi Miliiari I bravl soldatl flladelflanl chc si tro vano a Camp Meado non toltnnto do vranno d venlro" esicrtl nell'arto della guerra. ma dovranno ancho uvcre una certa famlgllarlta" con quanto conccrne Vingranagglo govcrnatlvo, per II loro contlnuo contatto con 1 funz'onarll cho no fanno parto o per megllo com prendero gll wopl della guerra ed 1 metodl Inmlegat' dallo nazlonl per II nf proseguhnento dl ecsa. A talc n-opo con- membil del OongresM) p della Camera ference to determine whether tlm new ,"" "";;7V; no rellul mny do ex- mviuiuiu ..vu....... .... - -..,,, fmm WnnlllnKtOll UC C COUICrcniO Ul Mliuilll. PeSue0,tU'?-;i!"l"rf nr coal l":1..ur.,0.oduvus!;.onlfu..lgunra MCEhO soggetto s.ir.r tenuta aomenica prossima kji-u WITH Till: AMIUttCAX AllMY IN FllANCi:. Dec. 29. Five days nf continuous snowfall has covered the entire American camp with a blanket throe feet deep that la upset-tlm- trifllc. Stalled motorcars nnd ninbulnnce"" are seen at mllo Intervals along the joads. As the resu'.t of nn order from Iieailquarteri pre-crlblnc careful drlvlnr thero has been an tlicnco of casualties although t))o surgeons are husy reliev ing cases df fiost-blttcn feet and ftozcS cars. i Tho soldiers nro reading the latest American non a In newly nrrlved new- papers fmm the State." nnd s"ort ut re ports of eunp "hardships" undcrgono by certain units that "were deprived of "team heat for three days" nnd othcis who "were forced to spend llvo cigar less days during which they had to 'moke pipes." itapid .promotion Is tho rulo In th American army now, although the iro i have not jet seen active service A man who enlisted is a private last July today received n commission ns first lieutenant. Medics Disloyal, Sdys Osteopath Crntliiiieil from Pure. One tho allopaths have had tho arrogance to suggest others as members of tho board who would meet their approval. "Their ncjl on nic especially farcical In view of the fact that Draft Hoard No. 2L' has been commended by the au thorities at Washington for Its work Our district I believe, Is tho largest In tho city nnd we havo had 6400 cgls trants. It Is because of tho stupendous task at hand that we wcro allowed four phys c'ans on the board. 'The allopaths made the same objec tions to the hofticopathn until the latter becamo to strong that tho objections of mo tormer neru futile. Wo all en deavor to euro by different methods, yet becauso they do nnt pprovo of ours .he allopaths would hinder tho work of tho Government Tho action of the al opaths In csklng threo of their mem bers to resign from tho board UJut as bad as asking a man who Is dratted Tor n'l'tnry service not to obey tho orders of the Government , "Tho society docs not teem to know that wo aro rccogn zed as physicians Dy ine sta e, Think Roads Can Pay $250,000,000 Profits Continued from Pae One stogan that tho railroads shall not bo hirncd luck to prlvato ownership, tho brotherhood lnulcis nro planning legis lation to clear tho way. Tho "nbor cle ment In Congress Is lining up for tho fray. ; Itallroad executives aro nfrald that . public ownership will grow from the present situation. Hut they admitted thtlr Iniblllty to cope with tho problem, facing them before, anil urged upon tho President Fidcral control to prevent completo collapse of tho prlvatoly op erated regime. Should ownership eventually come ty net or congress tho Government wm uc ready, even to tho point of hav'ng es tablished reasonable compensation for tho toads, eighteen hundred men nro now nt work throughout the country es tnbllshlng tho physical ARMF WOOL BUYING DELAY IS,ADMITTED General Shnrpc Tells Senate Probers of Departmental Tardiness K L. y t- FARMERS TAKE HOME MANY HELPFUL IDEAS Next Ycnr's Crops to Reflect Results of Annual Conference SLOWNESS IS SHOWN Four Months Consumed in Arrange ments for Purchases Whllo Trices Doubled POULTRY VITAL SUBJECT KNpert Shows How Heps Mny Bo JIntIo n rrotitauio investment farmer nt Yeltow House, Th., Imparled some useful Information while relating his experience as a chicken raiser. He believes: Pennsylvania farmers can doublo their poultry flocks with con sldcrnble profit to themselves ami to tho country's food supply. General farmers, ho lidded, nro nsked to do this In 1918 by tho food administration. Tho nver Mgc farm has only forty hens, while there should bo eighty to a hundred, ac cording tu Mr. lluldln. These nro some .of tho requirements of successful poultry Keeping, ns set down by Mr. Guldln: Young well-bred, vigorous layers, housed In a dry, we!I-vcntllatcd, con- low ,fbur rturts-ftt OTl each bird. The birds imaA i fed a well-balanced, wh containing protein fewJi, ' Dy green reca, charcoal. The eggs mutt bo gsthere kept clean and marketed prompt! According to Mr. Quldln. In this country a surplus of I.0MJI bushels of cereals' or cereal fo ci decrease In the total supply mal products. -JUereCommertde tho situation bo rntanced by surplus grain to animals to the dfl would bo adjusted. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. Months' delnv In buvlnu wool for train ing soldiers' uniform and overcoats v as valuation pi i Mi,.,..m i.Afnn i.n un.,trt n,iiun. f.r,.i. illfferent roads Work has been com-, cra t0,,aV T,lN ,M eam, vom. pietcu on bix lines. Imanileis Invu testllleil, resulted 'n the ,ast of VALUATION IDUAS CO.M'l,ll i ih.iiu ui M.'iiic3 oi iruop'. wnu nuiivii-u In valuation hearings constantly being J"r" lael ,,f WW clothing nnd blan- l.!.l 1... .1.- ....!...... tun ......mollnir I KCIH, iii;i. i.j ii.u .uiiiiiiin u.i i". uinnv....n . Slnrpo said It tool; him from April 3 to Augut 1 even to nrrnugo for wool purchases. No considerable nuantltv of wool was bought until September 1. Hero Is sharpo'n record of tho trans- plans havo been disclosed, The railroads seek tho highest value, thu railway brotherhoods tho hnvest. Tho latter will consent only to paving tho private mi'iir-ra "tlm tnlt.l rninltnl nf mnnpV Oil which tho carrier Is entitled to earn n actions return under tho prov Islons of Its char- . April 3, received a letter from tho tcr." tioston Wool Trnil'ng Association irfer- The rnllrosds toilav would nk 50,- I Jng all wool controlled by It nt prevail 000,000,000 compensation If the Gov- ng prices. (.Shnrpo mnilo no crfoit to .,,.,.. .i.,i,i..i i,. nun the lines ner- le-irn how much wool was Involved) i.--.- -- innnently Tho brotherhood, claiming nt least one-fourth of this capitalization Is "water." object to paying even J1B.000, 000,000. They contend a larRO part of this Is already tho public's by r'ght. In sisting that only actual Investment should bo paid for and that Increments fiom earnings nro Jlghtiuny property. Ho leferred tho matter to Secretary linker, who In tutu rcfencd to tho munition board. Juno 0 Shnrpo asked If funds were nvall.iblo for vool puichaso and the uuno month gut authority to go ahead. July IS ho discussed with tho va- tloiul Ucfcm-o Council tho advisability wiul from tho Iioston statu coM.nnn. r.i., Dec :. School Is out for nearly n scar for farmers nnd their wives who attended tho twelfth annual farmers week con ference that closed nt noon today. Tho tho visitors started for their homes nfter niend.tig four days study ing agricultural loro vvltnlti tho classic wall of Stalo College, linger as they wero lo learn about inoiUrn fanning methods, they departed still inoro eager to put Into practice the Information they had gleaned from lettnters who talked on 170 topics of tho farm. Vcgctnblo forcing Is ono t tho favorite subjects with Demi Watts, head of tho State's agricultural school, nnd ho held tho farmers' attention when ho discusied tho outlook In Unit Industry for thi vi inter. F.i til 1!. Guldln, n successful poultry J EOldwell cV . Chestnut Juniper South Penn Square ENGAGEMENT RINGS Tho brotherhood' demands for higher public 0f purchasing concern. Vugust 1 ho established a wool-huviiig wages nro Intimately associated with , 0,C(, ,n lloston amI hoUKh wmc uo0, ownership. In tho "vicious circle." ' hcpUmbcr 1 began buying In quaml around which the employes s.iy they nro j constantly running to obtnln hlghtr pay, I Senator Weeks declared tho Govern and the railroads' higher freight rate, ment's failure lo tako advantage of the tho employes arc generally pictured as "tmi offer Immediately cost tho Gov holdlnir'un tho nubile under threats of crnment M50.00ii.00o. Ho asked Shanie i strike. Garfield Acts on Coal Plea Continued from I'aise One "The gross margin seems to bo In tho hands o' tho newspapers." Ho relused to comment In any way on tho possibility of the conference ordered by Doctor Garfield, or on tho outcome of such conference He was also reticent about his ten hour conference with A. S. Lcaroyd, a close associate of Doctor Garfield, yes terday. Ho described It as an Itinerant conference dealing with the distribution of coal to tho dealers. He also expressed Ind'ffercnco to a suggestion of Wes,t Philadelphia dealers that ha tako steps to Insure drivers of coal wagons wonting, on New Year's Day. Ho said he expected to do nothing with tho suggestion today. Unless new deve'opments occur, tho new coal prices will 'undoubtedly go In to effect January 1. on the designated date, ns Doctor Garfield declared tho power to adjust .prices Is vested In Mr. Totter. As Mr. Potter has upheld tho v lews of Mr. Lewis, who has stood squarely for tho increase and retuseu no piean liuslnes3 associations to meet in prlco Is warranted, ectea tr Despite Uy Government ownership, say tho brotherhood leaders, this "vicious cir cle" would forever bo r moved They delro to bo employes of Uncle Pain In much the same way that postotllio cm ploycs ore. And. they bay. Just ns tho postal servlco villi never bu made u pri vate monopoly, tho ritlroads will never resume their former statu after -tho present Federal control proves a success. Where Will Kaiser ! Spend Millennium? Will Fall of Jerusalem Hasten 1000 Years of Peace? jiiiiiiiiiiinfliiiu ana mat wn sicn iiirtn .- .,.. . . .. . and death certificates nnd perforin other -cir. MRHiinB r-xpen, uics 'unet'nn thi. aim.. ., ., ihn. .1, Tho. ueonidns MncNelr. ono of tho mlil thieo members who they wish to resign J noted of tho old school of lighting c- will remain lo.val to tho board." Perts, died suddenly jesterday at his' Tho members of tho Countv Medical' llomf. 1:" "cst Weaver street. German.. Society on Draft Board No. 2:'. which ""'" " wrm eights -si-ven sears old he ran cy asl ed to rcs'gn. aro Dr W. It. Morford. Dr. G. V. Clccono and Dr. Ignnzlo Cortcse. Whenasked why the society objected to its membe a being on the board l)r Joseph M. Undres, secretary of tho dow town bnncli of tho society said "Doctor llalley Is not u doctor of medicine, and i not eliglblo to servo In the nrmy or navy. A man not eliglblo for this sen Ico should not ccamlno ln'-n 1. I, n rn.t n.irl Ll.n.il.l ..... .. , "I!,lt Iloetoi- llnll.w it ,u ,.:.l.,..l I... I T1""n. ' ' C"'f'jrJ. l!. llanrock, v. .. . J ' ..,.,.v.....v.. ..j ln, icnni" jiorcHii, .i, nian si He fitted up the Capitol in Washington with lighting fixtures, Including the f-Mnous tlxturo whli'li lightid tho Senate chamber Ho also Installed tho fixtures at tho Acadomy of Music, ut tho Cathe dral, Ulghtecnth nnd Itaco streets; the Continental Hotel and vniious other In stitutions. He Is survived by three sons and afdaughter. whj tho delay In puioluso occurred "Well, tho council didn't call ins' at tention to tho netil for vinol busing until Juno t," s.ild Shnrpo "Tho t mint II w.ih alarmed at tho rlo in tho wind price and thought tho Government ought i bc' control of tho wool supply." t'harpo admitted hu h.ul heard "In dellnite reports" i.irls" In tho sear of n wool shortage, that led to n louferenco "somo tlmo In Juno" ntli tided by War. Navs nnd Commcreo Department rrpio. sentatlvctf. i Sharpo admitted nrteptnncc of tho I i Doston vvnoliucn's'offir vvmild h.ivo been "vers- advantageous." ' "lint we didn't know we had tho light i to purUinscs then." hi added. "When you Dually did buy wool s'ou nald 100 per cuit moro than the market , inlio oti April ", the prlco at which tho i Iioston offer was made, dldn t sou. nski d Senator Chainberl.iiii. "I don't know," milled Sharpe. Senator Week asked why contrae-Joi-s vvho had been given orders by Apill IS for clothes for 1,000,000 men wcro not required to bus their own wool. Sharno said ho didn't know whether contracts (specified the munuf icturcr or Mats Meeting Will Be Held Sunday Night at Garrick Theatre tho novenmicnt." bo was remliuled. "Ho was appointed by tho Governor, put not tho Government," Doitor Undrcs insisted If ho was avvara of tho fact that tho Governor represented tho national government In this caso he did not say so. Asked to define Dr Ttalley's profes sion. Dr. Undrcs said that Dr. Bailey ivaB a "practitioner of manlpultttvo art and not allowed to give medicine." Th draft board as a whole will stand by nil the ph-slclan In Its mem bership, and has adopted resolution declaring that the action of the down town branch of tho medical society borders on tho point of Interfering with tho sclectho service law. TODlY'S MAKRIAGi: LICENSES I the Government should furnish tho wool. Turks Aim Heavy Blows at British U.l , Wlllll li J. Wnliell.lit. K.H VA Lohlell ale, n enlhfrlno (I.ivln. l.t-'O VVnn i... iu.. una llum Kaiser Yields Alsace Right to Plebiscite Continued from Tare One Macedonia cannot bo deemed nnnexa. tlun, ho declared, and heucu llulgaii.i will cling to her war alms. John J Wiitcncr f'.itmi Mturii (1. Mct'iilTrpi. ri:l Hnruii t Anilrew MlnnUhb.lcli. L'h'7 I'. I'larenee st una r;5tnu voune. .n.i i;. eiurento fi John II. llarrln I'.iJt K.-Uer st . uud Mumla ItRnKome, 1W34 Katfr st. Tstrlck llnran, ni2 N 31M at., nnd Annla McL.iiuc.lln, 3332 L.allc.iKter ave. OforKe WtlllAms. Camp Memle. Mil., nnd Umma Leuts. 133V Knltr pi. Wnlttr S. Johnson, 41101 Hanrn.ik nve,, and Annio i:. Welh. mill Sabrook ne. Israel OrolKr. 310 Knter St., anJ Hsther (IrocntloM 41s N. lilli rt. William U Hell. 101' J'-nVr-on ., und Alleo M. IMnillnils 1110 S lllth St. Wulier V. IllttPiihuuio nil) KIiikMo st.. nnd K.innlo SI. Wilson, sru.1 N. Ith st Jacob H l,ell. I.ansilite, l'.i., mid Allto K Kilmer biins.l il I'l. Ch.irlcs W. rtltli. inns M llcrnard st . mid i:nnU M. I.lndstrom. llrMi Mnur. 1'u. John o. llrohsock. Ui.'tn lixfnr.l st nnd Allcttn l'cnnor. '.'H4 N 3nih t. Frnnk I' Landers. Chestir, I'a., and I.IIIlo M. nulli-r. Chister 1M Thomas Uodboldt C.37 I.ex St., and Pearl VVjpr. 423 S. Htsl st. Itnhfrt C. I.lBBett. 4743 DuftielJ st , and I l&L. m 9 C Be Frepcred Reserve your table (or New Year' Eve at the "Colly," the lolly place of the town. Five Dollars does it, tvhlch you may spend as you wish. Souvenir Danclna Into 1918, a Festival of Fun! CWtjftuui&l'fitinlrfiutu4MAe,m dtel Colonnade H .; vn vhllidclnhia during the last avraunn prlnclplo dopo II p few days. M LeT and'other udmln- anno. Una Icttura IIo tc ;?...... 'oi.i.i. . iinn.rni ihnt nnouen oara' tenuta domenlca pros laimilnn nfTiclals are hopeful that onougn coal will reach hero to supply the wants of all consumers. The present weather conditions. It was pointed out, are against quantites of the precious fuel reaching the city, but all expressed hope for results, gll ausplcl della Y. M. C. A. Parlcra' ancho II segrctarlo J. W. Laird, gin pastore della Prima Chlesa Mctodlsta In New Haven, Conn . II quale calutera 1 soldatl po che' partlra' alio scopo dl passare qualche poco dt tempo neua rcsi. Edwin M. Abbott, chairman of the dema In cltta'. dovendo poscla recarsl In 1...1 mmniiitM nf the United Business Men's Association, said today that tho association Is ready to proceed with a conference on New Year'a Day. Ho said that he had received no answer from Washington to the protest against tho attitude of Mr. Lewis that was -forwarded ye-tordas-. . ., -. , , , . C. P. Hackett, of tho Philadelphia coal committee, today mado a spec'al plea for tho aid of all housewives In saving coal. Ho urged that every homo be supplied with a thermometer, so that the uovernmem s reguiavioiio rt-iiuirm& the ternperatuVe to bo no mow than C8 degrees be lived up to. I Ho made a series of Investigations In several sections of the city and found that most household temperatures are fixed by guesswork He urged tho pur chase of a thermometer for every house hold .as a p-trlotlo dutv Philadelphia and the other communi ties which have suffered from a fuel shortage may reasonably expect un Im provement of conditions as a result of the President taking over the con trol of. the railroads, ur. uarneiu earn today, as the principle causp of coal shortage has been the Inability of, the mines to' obtain the tars on which to load tho coal and the delay In move ment of thi coa) destination when loaded But the public must not expect enor mous Improvement or expect It too soon. Mr Garfield said. The Improvement will , come but It will tako time. "We liaye developed our railroad sys terns upon the Idea of competition." said Doctor Garfield, " a matter of cutting rates and shipping by. Indirect routes. The best way to bring about greater effi ciency la to eliminate the practice of cross shipment of clal and other mate rials. This .Improvement can be effected, but It .will take time und th public should guard against too great and rapid expectation." I liaz'eton Mlrkll. S'., gc-e-al m"n. ger of "tho Qlrard Estate and general manager of the estate'B coal m nmg properties, refused to comment, on the f testimony given (before the Senate In- ' rest!gatl"g committee yesterday th't the high royalties charged by the Glrard . Estate were In great measure responsible ' for tho high price of coal In Philadel phia. W. B. Colver. of the Federal Trade ' Commission, testified that tho estate, which controls a large percentage of the anthracite deposits throughout the Stato and which supplies thousands of tons of coal for domestic consumption. . charged royalties amounting to about fortv-flve cents per ton. ' J Mr. Mlrkll said that the citato de- tlist 'representatives would bo BUb nenaed to Washington tov give testi mony oeiora ine aenate committee. Francia. Buys Unfinished Apartment House Tho unfinished apartmtnt house at tho northeast corner of Nineteenth and Walnut streets has been conveyed by Albert S. Wehlo to tho Itlttenhouse Squ. re Itealty Company for a luminal consideration, subject to a mortgago of 81,400,000. Tho bul'dlng will bo lifteen stories when comploted.- PLAN TO END NAVAL WAR DEB A TED A T PETROGRA D COPENHAGEN. Dec. 29. Conference relating to tho cessation of naval waifaro In the Ila'tlc and Black Seas and. by Joint work clearing theio ninrlnj area of mines have al ready begun at Petrogad between Rus sian naval officers and representatives of tho Central Powers, according to nd vlce from the Russian capital today. The greater part of tho German fleet In the Baltic Is already on Its way back to Vl th illspntches added Leon Trotsk-, tho Bolshevik foreign minister. Is reported to bo drafting n note to tho Untcnto power which villi 'nko tho form of an ultimatum, grant ing n certain time limit In which thy .ii iiv .v'.'.'Hf.r nr not thev will par ticipate In general peaco negotiations. stated T'io temporary cessation cf British activity in Palestine, becauso of heavy rn' s In the last two weeks. Ins given Falkenhayn ample opportunity to rcor ganlzo Enver Pasha's disheartened Mos- y.mmK i uouips. e.1011 i.eno. i'a. . ems. Itobert ItldJoll. New Vork llty, und Lclda "" I H. IlrofK. ,'orrolh. va i . Thomas I, Henry, yi'O Mouth St., nnd Unimi -" D t,oi;an, '-'.11'.) sioutli st Krlkorl llnhji'll.ill HU t) lilst st . nnd Vlrslnli it. Kassnblan, "".i Itnrrfini lltoli'r't V siinlih. I".'0 N I2th ft and Minnie II. WlllHins. Norfolk Vu nucll llroui o.il Arch st , nnd Dor.i Homer. l3'-'7 Anh si ' llarin- 1! Wnlktr. li.iltlmore. Md . nnd Ulslo IililS7unct, Hillltaore m Harrv F'rrell, Jr.. 1343 S. Mclllllu St., nnd Ann l'ster, Dow Cieck, l'a. Ciinlliiui'd from l'airo Ono dlptch These wero f'om tho 701st to bolster up tho fast-falling mnrnlo of tho Moslems has been cxpeetcd by the British for somo time Tho suspicion was not confirmed, however, until Allen bv's renort was received. Today's dlspatcho from Home llidl rnled that the Teutons wcro sending several division Into Macedonia British I in tli.it city?" Immense crowds have smvexscH In Turkey wcio having a de- ffatlieiiil to hear the Doctor. Long be- itdi-d effect cm Bulgarian nioinlc, it was Itci. Dr. Benjamin a. VtIlklnon Itev. Dr. Wilklnbon, tho Seventh Day Adventlst minister, who 1. attracting uido attention through his preaching on the prophecies at the Garrick Theatre Sunday nights, will bpeak there tomor row evening on "Whero will iho Kaiser spend the millennium; when will It begin, and will tho fall nf .leiusalem bilng nno thousand yc'ir of peace with t ne iiraiinu.il teis oi unrigs Kinpuoni foie the thcntie doors ulien at C:.10 bun. ilred of peoplo stand walling to get In. i j Ho will speak again Monday at tho j ; Grand Fraternity Building, on Arch ; wir 17lh htieet, and a third meeting I , will bo held Wednesday evening at tho ' West Side Chuich, coiner of list and I ! Locust. Dr. Irvin J Margin tho tvell- I i known organist, will have chargo of tho'' music. f lTltJlJ1lIIHlilI1inlI'rTf'M,'r'nn"',ll',r''w,n"l,n,'"""T""lT",t",,,,,""ll,,"''TT,,,I,"4" wwsiiwiniiiiiii i&MEKSCOWSri S SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE of $10 Brown Kid' Boots THE food value of cocoa has been proven by centuries of use, and dietitians and phy sicians the world over are enthusiastic in their endorse ments of it. It is said to con tain more nourishment than beef, in a more readily assimi- $ lated form. The choice,how- ever, should be. a high-grade qocoa, "Baker's" of course. 12-inch extra High Boots with Louis XV heels, in many lovelu new cre ations of t h e smartest of shoemakers, AT 6 Specially Priced Today 3 ezfa HI ' 111! M. O. . PAT. JT IS DELICIOUS, TOO Trade-mark on every package- ' Made only by Walter Baker & Co. Ltd Established 1780 Dorchester - - Mass. (a r I Tile Mont rnrefnl tnr ulliii oot eTrr made It is the best of pood fortune that enables us to place on sale such an aristo cratic exclu sive $10 boot at this remark aHe sal5 price. I 5.35. It's $10.00 worth from oe to heel and as 'such you I I an appreciate there will be no o that in spite of the fact we 'ope to fit every one today at I Ms special price, we warn you o be here early. RwalBootSbop 2g Floor Aivnf S2 1 Armour Foods For Meatless Days IT used to be that people associated the name of Armour and Company only with the prep aration of meats. Today, however, the intelligent housewife has come to realize that the Armour name is synonymous with virtually every food she' needs for her table even though the day be Tuesday. For, under the protection of this big name in foods, she can now secure practically everything for every meal in the week including the Meatless Day! SOUPS, fish, vegetables, fruits, condiments, bever ages she can obtain them all under the guaran tee of the Armour name and under the famous Oval Latjel, which marks the top grade of each kind of product. Nor has it been mere chance that this is so. It has been because Armour and Company, recogniz ing the degree in which the Nation has looked to them to safeguard its food supply, has shouldered its responsibilities to the full. Working With Hoover "pHIS is more than a mere sudden backing up o J- the Food Administration's program. The dic tum of a Meatless Day each week has our hearty support. Through intimate knowledge of condi tions, Armour has long realized the need for con servation of our national meat supply. As a matter of fact, Armour advocated the need for Meatless Days long before Mr. Hoover ordt .-d them. And Armour made preparations to handle the situation developed by this one-seventh decrease in the use of meat. Indeed, the marketing of our Oval Label Foods has been a step in the direction of increasing meat saving. For, the fact that the housewife is .able to buy a variety of other dependable products of known quality with an assurance of getting them at fair CHESTNUT AT 15th STREET I ,. Phone ,,vSj rJjC') t tJjt S3 1 Reservation Clerk .S38 jL f Spruce SSOO Sj P QUICK I prices is very positive encouragement to the con sumption of other foods. Through the Oval Label, she is enabled to do this. . With the increased needJfor true values which has become so apparent in the past year, the variety of foods sold under the Oval Label has been consid erably extended. Milk condensaries, vegetable pack ing plants, fruit canneries, bean warehouses all these and many others have been incorporated into the Armour organization that they may have the same economical management which has made it possible for Armour to prepare and sell at a lower charge on the dollar than any other industry deal ing in necessities. r ' A Buying Guide ALL this is important for housewives to under stand the more so because they know with certainty the values they are buying. For, as on hundreds of Armour Products with which women are already so familiar, the best grade of each of these many new products added to meet the con servation needs of war-time, will bear the Oval Label. Thus, the housewife buying under this famous Label (the identification of top grade no matter on W r mAt 1 a A .aa I a tfltlA mm . a S Jm amsV W T wiiai lb uc luunu; iaii ue duig uwb cuimc ui vviucat , '$, range of choice but of utmost dependability, a prime consideration under existing circumstances. tm Vproducts Aptp ARMOURMCOMPANY tf- ,f CHICAGO Vra i i SI 'fT r n i IS ? tf V W A fi j . we , nuice any statement,- no 1208 610 ChefWrtSt ttiu i ,mivw aireotr ibiw 'JXt'fWM '- Wj A, rj&ii'jitFm I I I IMMHHMHIMMMMHM