Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 22, 1917, Night Extra, Image 3

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Elot to Trick Government
Uncovered by Trade
Commission .
Amcilcaii millionaires are ilcclarcil to
be Involved In n far-reaching plot to
defraud the Ciovcrntnent of millions of
, dnllara In Inrome tnx. This was re
vealed nt the Federal Trnilc Commit
flon'a licnrliiR In llin l'rcl(lent: fond,
price InvcRtlRHtlon this nfterimoii,
By r nyMcni of bearer warrants,
which nliKolutely conceal Hie Identity of
leal owners of corporation stock, cer
tain rich men of tlio United States have
fuccceileil In evnillnK payment of Income
raxes and surtaxes through making It
Impossible for the Treasury to llnd lin
owes the tax.
A sweeping Investigation of the whole
plan hy the commissioner of Internal
revenue Is expected, and legislation for
bidding uic of these blind securities In
all probability wl rcult.
Thn cnrnnilsslc.il has tevealeil Intro
ductlon of the beater warrant s.vstem
of concealing ptoperly ownership Jn
I'onnectlon with Its Inquiry Into owner
ship by Chicago packers of the Chicago
terminal railways. In lis Investigation
It has run tip against u stone wall In
many places by llndlug millions In
property In the form of warrants Issued
only to "bearer" and not Indicating
tho name of the real owner any mole
than an onllnaiy bank note docs.
Thn method of cashing these wai rants
and receiving dividends Is Just as oh
seme. The holder of a bearer wairant
for stock In n corporation may lake his
oupon to any hank and without Indois
Ing It deposit It and receive the money.
The bank forwards the coupon to the
corporation i which It Is ilnwn nnil '
gels its iiwni1!.
Likewise In voting slock, heater war-1
rsnts give the owner the pilvllegc i'l
voting to cnutml the affairs of his cor-1
poratlnn merely by seeming a pmxy,
which need not bear his name or any
Identifying maik.
Crmmlssloner I'olver called nltention
to the. lact that a coloration might
make an cntlrel. honest icliiin to the
I'.nvernnient and ! be unable to slate
to whom illvldnnU ale paid. The com
mission's investigation shows that olll
cers of corpwallons using this inethnd
, have no knowledge of whom the stock
holder are. lis heater warrants me
merely Issued by number.
The trade cimmlslm Is prepiurd In
make, nvallah c to lite Tieastity lull evi
dence of the operation of the plan.
The. terms of the new levenue law
make this plan possible. t'niln- the old
law taxes on dividends weie dedilcted
hv tl.e corpotatlons befote being paid
to the stockholders. 1'nder the new law
thn corporation Is only requited to give
Information ns tfi who lecelvcs the dlv
Idends. I'nder the beaicr warrant s.s
teni the corporation Is tolall.v unable to
give this Information, no matter how
mandatory the law. because the corpora-I
, ,,-, !,-. ..-.. .. 1' ' ' ' "' . " - : ' , .' ' ' ' ' e$t-.-iJ.jjfill
Four nnd n Hnlf Days of Rest
for Soldiers in
CAMP HANCOCK. Augusta, Ua Dec
The four nnd n half days' cessation
from all work began today. Preparation
for Christmas has begun, and from now
until Thursday morning the celebrations
will be on. The 6000 men of tho Kitty
third Artillery ttrlgada have all returned
to camp. They have been out on the
artillery range for the last week and are
now ready with the remainder of the
32,000 men to spend their holidays.
The whole of the Klfty-thlrd Artillery
Brigade, under Colonel W. S. McKee, of
Pittsburgh, acting commander during
tho absence of Hrigadler tlencral WIN
Ham f!. Price, are now safe In their own
areas. The 107th Itcgltncnt tb'lrst Pcnn.
svlvanla) was the first to return. It
came Into camp esterday. It was fol
lowed by the 109th (Third Pennsylva
nia), and this morning In came the
lORth ( Second Pennsylvania!
The boys looked tired after their slay
In the open nnd had a hardy appearance.
The column extended for miles. The
men repoited that
were not' so se
owing to the mildness of the. weather,
Must Abolish Fee System to
Correct Evils, Says Jer
sey Charities Head
TIUSNTO.W fee. 22,
Declaring that county Jails are n
makeshift and a menace nnd that cltl
len and official neglect of them should no
longer be permitted, Seymour li. Crom
well, president of the State Charities
Aid and Prison Itefonn Association, sub
mitted the annual report of the associa
tion to Governor Kdge today and be
notes that the work of the association In
Jail reform Is beginning to show re
sults "With the passing of Jail Idleness of
the disorderly persons," the report says,
"must come the next and most Impor
tant step livery vestige of the fee sys
tem must be abolished In the courts, ns
It was vears ago. and In the Jails Send
m lug a poor man to Jail because he cannot
pay a tine to enrich the treasury or u
municipality I a custom that must lr
broken up. We shall ask for more and
more probation o'f these men rather than
Isolation In Jails while families nre
neglected and unfed Knr the sake ot
p?ace and the fines and costs sys
Washington Has No Report on
100 Alleged Pro-German
tended for miles The I "cB":i.i-i. """ unieti rur me sane u
hat the liar 1st In" endured ! "" Pt' ' '" ''"' " " '
eie hlsthneas "the las t ' iat I'. the fee. system for Jusllc
ve e Ibis time as t.ie 'last, , of ,ne paC(j nm, (hp nMp ni, c0M(
uui'iiirfT ui hit-, vnniiiri, -..,. ...4 t. -....i-.i t . .an .
The temperature has risen considerably ( - -- "
since the aitlllerymen had their severe
nights, when the thermometer legistered I No ,"",,",,,l!!', '"' l'rml'. to evade
as low as 10 degiees I hl responsibility to his family and he
The ChrLtmas packages have been ar-h"1'8" J1"' ' ''"" ' Idle hi J;ll
riving dally for the men. The heavy I"1 'ub,,,c "l"'"- living his family
motortrucks have beeen carrying load,'" the chance care of the charitable or
r.. i-.i i. i ...in m I the pittances of the municipal relief fund.
the .mm. In an unending nrocessloll. I UT "ork ul tarm' r0'"1'' "n,l Pub,,,:
The men In the .camp ale going to
spend a dry Christmas. I.very precau
tion Is In be taken to lusuie that tut
liquor Is Imported Into camp from any
point. The military police have been
Hatlnucd at nil the appioache. nnd will
have power to search all vehicles which
they may suspect as caiivlng Ihiuor.
The quarantine which wns placed on
Hie I'lrst Motor Mechanics" Iteglment.
! Culled States signal corps, which Is lo
1 be oigaulzed here, the peisonnt I of which I
J came here from fifteen diffetent cnnlon
' ments. has been lifted. Today the ."."00
I hoys of thN leglment will enjoy their
first fteedom sluce landing in the camp I
here. Many of them are expected to I
make a visit In town for the Hist lime.
1 time. i
.".0,000 New York Garment Makers
Intimate Desire to Relieve
Clothinc Shortage
. i:w VOIJIC. Dec. 22. Thluy thou
, sand shin and garment wotkeis In New
oik, now unemployed because of the
(Jovernntent's campaign against expendl
tuie of money for nonessentials, want to
forgo profits and vvotk on American
clothing, but haven't been able to make
the War Depaittueiit accept theii ofTeis,
acciiidlng to leading ivoilC,t heie today
Henry T. Price, incident of a trade
journal Intimately -in touch with the
clothing situation, declaieo he nail
works for the Idle, the lar.y and the
dissolute, with pioper medical treatment
for the man of fixed habits of Intemper
ance or suffering from disease that par
tially Incapacitates him, will eventually
restore many a man to his family and
give the children a better chance lit
Sut prise was manifested by the Judge
advocate general' olllce today when
shown .Vw York dispatches telling of
conviction of 100 soldiers at Camp Mcr
rltt, near Tenafiy, N. .! for pro-detman
utterances and actlvltlc".
It was pointed olll that the matter
was one wholly In the Jurisdiction of
me camp commander, who would not
have to report to Washington before
taking action, but lite number of so'dlers
(polled Involved rather stattled of.
Mule, They asserted that up to this
lime only five soldiers In the entire aimy
have been court-martialed for pro-(!er'-mnnlsm,
Cannot, as a Patriot. Keep
Order of Prussian Crown,
Says Harvard Profes?or
ItOSTOV Dec. 22 -IV.,f Ktan.N
(iieemvood Peabody. of llarvatd IJnl
crsilv. ha announced thai he will ie
turn to Kaiser Wilhehu the Otiler of
flip Prussian Crown wllh which the
Kmperur d-corated him n tew cars ago
In a brief statement Professor I'e.i
body satil he was renouncing the decoie
tlon because In view of the war he be
lieved It to be his Vattlotlc duty to do
so Ptofes-o!' Pe.vbnily Is one of thtce
Massachusetts men upon whom the (inlcr
of the Ciown was conleired by the
As was staled Thuii iuy. Di Charles
W llllnt, president einei litis of il.uvaid
I'nlverslty, sees no ie.i!oti for teturnlng
Ills decoration
' Declines Evangelist I'luniarizi'd
Three .Men and Two Women writinB.s on Sacred Subjects
Draw Heavy Sentences in
Tapp. alllhor
in His Sermons
U. S. Court at Detroit
Mo . Pec 22 Sidliej
of five hooks on tlw
Hlhle, has Instiucfed attorneys in Al-
lanlo. tin. In bring still for Jioii.tuui
djiuages against Hilly Stltiil.iv . i'i.iii
gelift. and to turn the money over to an i
Atlanta Oi plums' Home If the attorneys j
collect II.
Tap. chaiges Sutulav plagi.u Izid
whole sentences and p.iragtaphs fiom
Tupp's book "The Truth About the 111-
hie." and ued it In his sermons without
' giving Tapp credit.
i - -
lion officers do not know who owns the sought unlets fiom the (.ioveiniuent. but
In vain. He said he found It hatd to
eplaln the testimony elicited in the con
gressional Investigation of the Quaiter
masters' l)ipaiiienl ns to Ihe army's
inability and delay in getting splits and
clothing with his own knowledge of of
fers which had been made heie of plants
nufainlttg machines capable of turning
out 4H.0IHI aimy shuts daily.
Outlines Teuton Barbarities; BjG ARMY TRUCK TRAIN
and Condemns Hypocrisy
of Peace Hints
WASHINGTON". Doc 22. ,(
The Kaiser's Christmas peace terms J
are a laughlcss Joke ns fnr as Poland I
Is concerned, Polish leaders s.ild today. , PITTSUL'IIHII. Dec. 22. Thlitj big
Crew of Thirty Taking Machines
Kast Enjoy Freedom of
the City
Chief among them was the celebrated i Hun trucks, en route from Detroit to l vide Holland with necessary foodstu
DHTItolT. Dec i!
Convicted of cousplincy In dvn.imltc
plots. Albeit C. Knllschtnlilt and foul
alleged accomplices were sentenced lit
Kedeial Court bete today to terms of Im
prisonment and fined vnrjlng amounts.
, The maximum sentence under the law
wus Imposed on Kaltschmldt four years
In the l.eaveuwoith Cedent! pilson and
u line ot $20.0011. Mrs. Ida Neef. Ills
sister, was sent to Ihe local houue of
conectlon for three .vears and lined
115,000. Crltz A Neef. Mrs. Neef's
husband, and Mr and Mrs. Carl Schmidt I , , j stceI Company
were sentenced for two .veurs nnd fine ..
Iii.iion each. Ktanz Itcspa, seventy, a ' Forced to Suspend Temporarily
Herman, was acuullted. but was held to
stand trial on other Indictments IlCIt.NHAM. Pa. Dec 22 The Logan
Ihe Jmy which heard the cases de- Ir" '"' Steel Company closed Its pud
llbernlcd thirteen hours. ' dllng furnaces tenipotiirily becnuse It
lacks foul. No bald il has reached
heie for domestic ttfce for two weeks
DUTCH TO GIVE SHIPS V f"w 'tovewood industries have
sprung up. bill thes- nie greatly liandl
IN RETURN FOR FOOD I capped, owing to the drifted .ondllloti
of the roads leading Into the mountains
Pact With U. S. Almost Concluded,'"
Holland's Foreign Minister
Tells Deputies
TIIK HAlU'h:. Dec. 22. Holland's
agieement with the I'nlted States over
food supiil.vlug contemplates Ihe use' of
a gieat part of Dutch shipping. Foreign
Minister Loudon told Ihe Chamber of
Deputies toda. lie announced bis be
lief In an early conclusion of such an
The pact. It was sluted. would pro
rljristmag Carb .'nVX;
VL, dfslnns with urintfil miw alo
(torpn on: raised letters, $l.7T. itoym
rs. 2 7S: r.o. jt -.'.. loo. in sv
Prompt ilellverv (No samples sent )
Chriitmas Wreaths rrS.rf.ffir.,:
Htar?, Frlo. TlfliUrtc. Holly Sprit, etc.
roiiarii pricet.
;tli Street
10 X. Bill it.
Polish pianist Padeiewski, organizing i Hii Atlantic poll, were milked at th
genius of the Polish-American array for! iin Field Aitlllery Armoiy heie today
France, with headquarter heie. .while the contingent of thhty men,
headed by Captain Dennett Uiouson, j
I'. S. 11.. taking them eastward, enjoyed
the fieedom of the city.
The tlucl.s will leave heie tomorrow
morning ut T o'clock, following the Lin
coln highway lo (iettysbtug. The tialn
Includes two gasoline tanks and an ambulance.
Mohlltzaunn anu training oi mis army
In the. United States and Canada went
right ahead 1oday oblivious of the Teu
ton cry through neutral voices of "an
Independent Poland under Austrian 'su
zerainty." "I will show sou the kind of a nation
under whose heel It Is suggested that
Poland shall live," said Padcrewskl,
"and jou will see why it can never be.
lie lold how nil Ihe Pol sh. children
under four .vears of age have died of
starvation under Ihe Austin-Herman oc
cupation. Also how the Invaders ad
Aertlsed that all the chlldien between
five and eleven In a certain town were
starving nnd called for f niners to take
care of one each and then when the
farmerH voluntctred, kept the children
In the cities and fined the farmers for
hoarding food.
"The Herman authorities hi that
town," said Parierewskl. "published in
the papers r.nd on blllboaids the "Mate
ment that Ihese ihlldreu were dying;
that they needed country air and that
It was hoped volunteers would come
forth f I onl the faims and take a child
each and save them all.
The people In that pari of Poland
had already had Ihe actual amount of
food they could consume outlined to
them by the Herman (iov eminent. Hut
on the farm there Is always the chance
of getting an egg hero and securing
a little more milk there, and the farmers,
thinking they could- manage lo take
care of u child each, came forward
to the number of 800,
"Kvery one of Ihe 800 8 me(i tnT
hoarding foi 1 and not one ,f the chil
dren was s".;t out from the cities."
from the L'nltcd States In letutn for
Holland placing at' America s disposal a ( vur f. 4 Via Dninf
crrfu. mil ..f ll..ltfitwt'a int-.!,..iil..,o. , " H? fOlilf,
except some big passenger "dilps and a
few vessels needed In Holland's own uo
vislonlng, Kelgian lellef wojk and co
lonial trade.
Fountain Pen?
we tit the Point,
to your Hanji
All Mnkfii IteiMireil
Allowance nn old pns
V. (1. NHilOI.. Atent
Court lioust Changes After War
POTTSVII.M'. Pa.. Dec 22. AN
I I hough a New Votk architect has com-1
I'et Doc Attacks Master ' I'leled plans for the alteration of the
-iji-eiv..u v . ,. county couithouse. the County Com-
III I I.M.S. N. ... Dec. .. -- 1'iatiK inieslnners decided the liiiprovenients
Lawrence, was terribly tin n about tit , wue ,mt he made until after Ihe
face and neck by a bulldog when he uar- The plans piovide for a new wlnf
attempted to take away it Plfce i alld an additional courtroom.
oi incut tilt' hoiiiiui into siuirii. i ne ioik
sptang at his throat, hut was not able
to get a firm hold and then sank his
teeth into Mr. Lawrence's cheek. Ills
wife gave him a pistol and be -killed
the. dog. He had raised the dog fioru
a pup.
Two Deacons Elevated
HAZLI'.TON. Pa Dec. 22. The llev.
Herman ICnles, in cliaige of Ht. John's
Church, tcrantoii, and the lie v. Percy
C. Adams, of St. David's. Bangor, both
deacons, were advanced to priests In St,
Peter's I plscopal Church here. The lit.
Rev, lithelbert Talbot, bishop of the
Bethlehem diocese, officiated. The llev.
Samuel M. Kent, warden of Leonard
Hair, South Bethlehem, preached the
ordination sermon.
Soldering Furnaces
and Appliances
L. D. Berger Co., 59 N. 2d St.
llril. itarktt SSI Kflstonr. Slnl.l MOO
The i'ioutntt says. "The best tne
wai has produced '
H-10 nrl I'oxtaor Kilra. .Ill Koo.jfor
E. P. DUTT0N & CO., 681 Stk At., N. Y.
Save Coal and Get More Heat
For Less Money
hv Imtallln? Mt'.nslinv
our boiler. Yields me utmost
heat 111 ths lliortest time from
onl and is easilv ami rl.ii.K
Write for full part.rulam and
Will Speak Like Dragon, Say
Prophets '
Kvtieit Mummolli frond Slindas Msht
to Hear llr. tVllklnsnn, KemarkaMe
Wur lii-turn. Will lllulrule Nermon,
, operated.
learn bow ou tan save money today.
Memhon Patent Shaklnr (irate Works
147 North Third St.
Ffirninr Pppmior Will P flN.on i
- - w. . .. a.. ji uivi;
Chance to Explain His
PA HIP, Dec 2!,
The Cl-amber of Deputies convened In
special session today to consider the re
port of the committee that Investigated
alleged pro. Herman activities of former
Premier Joseph Caillaux, It was stated
an opportunity woulabe given the ex
Premier to make a speech of defense,
Caillaux was accused of having sowed
pro-German propaganda In both France
and Italy and a committee was appointed
to Investigate. The committee recom
mended that Immunity due Caillaux bv
reason of his being a. member of the
Senate be suspended so that he could be
brought to trial. Four of the committee
men refused to sign the report, however.
Since the reiiort was made fresh accu
sations have been mado charging Cail
laux with anil. American talk.
Phlladelphian Dies in Camp
CAMP McCLKLLAN'.'A'la., Dec. 22.-
Following the death In the base hospital
yesterdays Lieutenant Robert U Hmlth.
or III South Kortytflfth street. Phlla
delphla, from menliicltls, bacteriological
examination of the mould and nose
of the officers of the 104th ICnglneers, a
.New Jerey tin't weie taken. .The head
'aBkMWt' ' '3aH
Your Wife
Will Save
At Least
A Dollar
if ou brine: Xhr- fnlirf family
here tomorrow for dlnnrr.
We verse thft best only t
price that civet HUH profit but
of patron.
Hfnjamln (J. U'llklmon
TlMt ihrIIlble proD.ieti predict th United
States will apeak llk a dravon. and that
they foretold Ha rise and clearly describe Hi
future, will be the lecture theme of Dr. Wll
klnaon Sunday evening at the Uarrlck Thea
tre. The doctor ta an orator of unusual abiU
Ity. He J well able to eiplain the proph
ot-1 m.. having- apent many eara studylnr
prouhMlo utterances pertalnlna 1o our time
and tho nrrsnt nations nf Hia unrM m
ilouht a mammoth rruwd will hear him to
morrow ovrnina, iiemarkapia now war rl'"
"rt QV4UfiiirBi'00mnany of thin' rpirlment ,l I jure from'lh hattleftt-Wa wilt be ahown dur I "
T New I
1 1 tKalrascs on J lid SI.)
(Useful tpifts
Not Duplicated
Entirely 'ew
$3.50 vts'
Sizes 3 years to It
Mail Orduts Kllltd
(4.110 Value
JIade of English ,
Cantona; double
texture; handsome
plaid lining; mili
tary collar; tan
and olivs shades.'
rem cniLDXBN
Rubber Toys,
25c & 50c
Hot-Water Bottles,
98c Value $1.50
Ladies' and Men's
Raincoat Special
Miss Abby A. Sutherland
' Bride of William F. Brown
in New York
Six Men Arrested Were to Have
Circulated $1,000,000 in Hogus
Bills Monday
NIJIV YoniC. Heo. 22. Willi Hie ar-
ralRtiment today nf fix men arresleil In
J, Klytin. tin Governiiirtit auccesafully
obliterated the operations of a" (tatie of
counterfeiters wlilcli l.ad planned a na-llon-wldo.
circulation of l,000,n)() worth
of boKtis 1(T bills. .
The raid on tlio 'Volnery " AV'fjit
Hroadway plant last nlfrlit resulted In
the confiscation of elaborate machinery
and $100,000 worth of Ihe spurious notes.
Il ! understood that the Mrrrpi a.ia
a raid by Secret Servlio" I'hlef William nttrnta secured every bill manufactured
.Vews has been received In Philadel
phia nf the marriage Thursday In New
Votk uf Miss .bby ,, Sutherland, owner
and principal of the Ocon't School for
nirls, to William I'urhcy Mrovvn nf
(.n'orado. (Inly the Immediate families
were ptescnt.
The bride Is well known as an edu
cator. Her school, formerly known a
the Chestnut Slrcel Seminary for Votinc
Ladles vvas eslobllshed 111 18R5 ami has
lotiK etijnyed wide proniliience ns a flu
Isliltttr school for yntitiK ladles.
The pchoul was moved lo ()Konl In
1883. where It occupied Hie home of .lay
Cooke, the financier of tho Civil War.
and vvheie It became known nt the
(iKontx School. Miss Sjlvan .1. Kast-
itiutt. asilslont prit.cipal for sotne jriim,
hec.tnie principal about I81fl and built
up the school to Its present pinnacle of
success. selei'lliiR the bride of .vclerday
as assll.int In 1S02.
Miss Sullieilaiid was rduc.iteil nt the!
N'ornial School In Salem, Mass , and In
1SDP tn.-k a Ph. H. at Itaricllffe She I
tntiBht at Hradford Acndemy urtil she1
came lo tlio URonlr. School, of which she ,
biranie owner and prlnclp.il at the death '
of Mi. Kastinan In 1908 Since he- I
(online principal she sludled nt Temple I
I'lilveirltv and was graduated froirt
there In 1911
She Is n member of the New Century
iivl ColleRe 'lulis and tl.e Woman's Club
of Wyncote.
The brldr plans to return In school at
the end of the Clulstmas holidays and m
continue her work under the name of
Mrs Sutherland llrown Sir and Mr
llrovvn will inaVe their home in tbp
sihool bioiiihN of llyilal, whcie the
fc'fhool nih moveil last ii'itumu.
I'ddvslonc Hides Took .Icrusalcm
ciii:sti:i:. p.i . ivo. 22 w a. n.ir. 1
rett, a.Vslslaut Beneral manaiter of the
I.PiiiliiKlon Arms Cnnitiiiny, In , llril
i'ros drive address at the Kiln fac
tiny, announced that It was the rifles
inantlfacturcd at the IMd.v stone plant
that wrested Jerusalem from Mn-lein
ruin of iVntut ie. j
Accordlne to ChUf 1
heen walchlnR the operattoMfl
tho last eight tnonlhsi'tho- 1
nolea were to have been' latm
day durlnir the belrhi of the
shopping rush In every larre'l
city of the United Hlales. Kachl
waa to be sold for IS. 'U'.i
A prlntlnc press welghlnirlttS
pouiiils was used In turning-!!
spurious bank notes. ;,V,
J E Caldwell &r(o.
Chestnut Juniper South Pcnn Square
Wrist Watches nttnehed to bands of
blnck ribbon.
Flexible Bracelet Watches, diamond
nnd plain.
Diamond Pendent Watches 0ith
Ekcgrcn Watches for women and men.
Caldwell "Century" Watch.
Watches in new shapes.
Repeating and Timing Watches.
Hall Clocks.
Mahogatrp Mantel Clocks. 1
French Clock Sots.
Crystal Clocks.
Crystal and Ormolu Chamber Clocks.
Small Clocks of rose jadf, ngate
motitonne, rock crstaltinted enamel,
gold, silver or nephrite.
Travelers' Clocks, Motorists' Clocks,
Ship's Bell Clocks.
Military1 Wrist Watches xCith non-breakable crystal, moisture
(proof khaki band, luminous hands and numerals, 15 jewels.
1 f'ifri.lM
- -tl J .'IBB
rulo of iVntutiee. j ,Ji (vj.wHJ
11 'J 11 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiriiiniirnTTigiTifpnTTiTBes,.BBB; it irnraan rriapin ,Tgvwci!rx?r '
failllillli HISS i&JII
.rrKm -'
I fS-. 1 'V flBBBl . aJ
5j3JW 4
a i3iiaBH ;i
To Imure Victer' quality, at war bote for' tht famous
iraatmsrs, nis master voice,- ii isen all ctnulael
croducta cf the Victor Talkloc Machine Company.
Where you can buy your
Victrola in Philadelphia today
Owing to the enormous demand it is pos
sible that some Victor dealers may not have
in stock just the style Victrola you want but
it is also just as reasonable to suppose that the
exact Victrola you want will be found at some
of the regular qualified dealers listeti below:
Alonwi P. Ackley, nifil rVankford Ave.
.lames IlellA's Son, 1120 Chestnut, St.
V. Connelly, 3133 Giiunl Ave.
Aitlnii' V. D.ividson, 0011 llavcifnul Ave.
.Iim. P. Dicvr, S.U. cor. lOtli ami Walnul Sts.
Jlitlia.it P. II. Uitcll, 2135-37 X. Tionl St.
I'ranlifortl Talk. Macli. Co., 4721 lrankford
John T. Gallagher, -I0CG Incarfcf Ave.
Howard George, '13j0 I'ranl.roitl Ave.
Will S. Gibson, 1G2S Krankfonl Ave.
James B. Cillics, X. W. cor. Iluul ami Sua-
(luclianm. Ave.
Gimbcl Iliw., Inc., JIaikct 61., Hi'sMli and
Xinlli StH.
Alexander Obss, Jr., "Oil Woodland Ave.
Jlatlin A. Goctz, .!0.'V) Kensington Ave.
I.. I.. GooJman, 327 Giraid Ave,
JL Goodsltin, 5207 JIaikct St.
Grossman's Music Store, 2007 Soulli St.
Ilcnricks Ildvv. Co., S. K. cor. 171 li and
VcnaiigD Sis.
C. J. Ilrnno 1 Son, cor. Sixth and Tliomp
Min SLs.
C. J. Hoppe k Son, 1117-10 Chestnut St.
C J. Itcinic & bon., 0018 Maikct St.
G. W. Hitvcr Co., Inc., 1031 Clicslnut St.
1'rank lannarella, 703 Clili&tian St.
Jos. Jacoli3, 1501 Gcrmuutoivn Ave.
Jlonroc M. Johnson, 2031 V. Lehigh Ave.
Clirisloplicr Koch, Inc., Windtim and IJud-
ley Ave, Logan.
Jos. Krygicr, 3132 Richmond St.
Linton Co., XAV. cor. Proad nnd Snyder Ave,
Lit Uros., Lighth and Market Sts.
Antonio Lupinacci, 737 S Seventh St.
James McMahon, C6H Gcrmantoiin Aw.
Mcgahan & Frnciscu, 1712 Columbia Ate.
Pcnn Phono. Co., Inc., 17 S. Ninth St.
Chas. A. P.ced, S.E. cor. Sixth and .Eric Ave.
Ecichwcin & Schacfer, 200S X. Fifth St.
Char. 1?. RobertEon, 3S31 Lancaster Ave,
Thilip Simkin, 2210 Ridge Ave.
Albert X. Smith, 1301 S. 22nd St.
X. Snellcnhurg Ic Co., 12th and Market Sts.
Robert W. Stalon, 5130-41 Gcrmantown Ave.
Harry Stolfo, dl2 S. Xinth St.
Stravvbridge & Clothier, Kighth and Market
' Sts.
Talking Machine Co., 4121 Lancaster Ave.
Talkjnj Machino Co., 143 S. Broad St.
Talking Machino Co., X. E. cor. Broad and
Columbia Ave. ,
Talking Machine Co., X. E. cor. 52nd and
Chestnut Sis.
B. B. Todd, .1300 Arch St.
11. B. Todd, 228 Market St.
1'iank .1. Todd, 1330 Giraid Ave.
V.. W. Van Dctiscn, 5010 (icrniantnwn Ave.
Mm Wananukcr, 13th and Maikel Sl,
il. A. Wcymann &. Son, inc., U0S Chestnut
II. IVivcr Wcymann, 3S00-O2 X. Broad St.
J. R. Wilson Co., 020 X. Broad St.
Ambler, Pa.
Jos. S. Angcny, Jr., Main and Butler Ave.
Ardmore, Pa.
Azpcll's Miinic Store, 32 E. Lancaster Ave.
Bristol, Pa.
A. F. Winlcrstcin, 200-11 RadclifTc St.
Chester, Pa.
Minnie M. Hart, 102 K. Seventh St.
.Miller' .Novelty Shop, 22 K. Sixth St.
Frank Tollin, (117 Edgniont Ave.
(toss Co., 018 Edgmont Ave.
Conshohocken, Pa.
Stephens Music House, CO Fayette St.
Doylestown, Pa.
Jos. Ga.vman, C8 S. Main St.
I ' iialllH
Victrola XVII, $265
Victrola XVII, electric, $325
Other styles $20 to $400
Camden, N. J.
Baker-Flick Co., 2U-220 Market St.
A. It. Butcher, 002 Broadway.
John 11. Heaton P. Co., 528 Market St.
W. L. Hurley Co., SOI Broadway.
Mungcr t Long, Broadway and Fed-
oral St. -
Toonc ,t Hnllingshcd Co, cor. Broad-
way and Kaiglm Ave.
Arthur A. Ochlsddager, 206-03 Broad
Hatboro, Pa.
O. J. Rodrock.
Langhorne, Pa.
Geo. E. Ridge, 100 Maple Ave.
Lansdale, Pa.
Freed A. Bean, 10 W. Main St.
Manay.unk, Pa.
Former Bros., Inc., 4358 CS Main St.
Jos. Goodman, 4107 Main St.
Media, Pa.
John Kirschnek, 103 State St.
Media "Pharmacy, State and Olivo Sts.
Norristown, Pa.
B. E. Block & Bro 1521 V. Main St.
Marcus Hydeman, 70-74 E. Main St. "
Ssmuel Stephens, 217-10 W. Main St.
Norwood Station, Pa.
John If. Beans, 10 Winona Ave.
North Wales, Pa.
Geo. R. Weikcl, 200 E. Walnut St.
Burlington, N.J.
J. J. Ryan, .213 High St.
Colhngswood, N. J.
Wm, A. Chamberlin, S10 Haddon Atb
L. E. Stuckcr, 7C0 Haddon Ave.
Glassboro, N. J.
Geo. W. Arnold, Main, and High Sle.
Gloucester, N. J.
E. II, McLennan.
Moorestown, N. J.
n. L. Stiles, 75 E. Main St.
Mt. Holly, N.J.
J. Harry Halt, 8t Main St.
n. Roscnfcld, 20-31 Mill St.
Paulsboro, N. J.
W Ambler Stctser, 11. and. 13, E.J
Pitman, N. J.
Frost Bros., X. Broadway.
Riverside, N. J.
Xathan Worth.
Swedesboro, N.J.
W. H. nannold & Sons.
Woodbury, N. J.
Mackintosh Bros., 107 S. Broad St.
' .
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