Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 21, 1917, Final, Image 6

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' -H
I- i. . . hum
i Bodies Confer on
ito Break Unpar-,
sled Congestion
. freight handling is likely to be
I' u the Tnfcans of breiklnff .the
1(rIcht congestion the country'lma
In Its history. This will
' T9 the outcome of a meeting
l aanmerctal emergency committee
ortatlon of tho Board of Trade,
1 of Commerce, Bourse and
slat Exchange held this after
, , the Chamber of Commerce
n. suxessted hy Mlcrs Hujcli,
tlo actle membor of the Hoard
Is to have railroads and other
of freight open their Btatlons
'icturer. merchants ana others
they can send for their freight
time when tho streets, jards and
are not crowueci vvun omer
fit Is estimated that Keeping tho
ooen from three to ten nights
inenth -wbuld entirely relieve nil
;fcmrd of Trade report originating
r. xSUICn, wnicil jjruinjoc niKiik
y operation 01 ireigm siauoim
co-operauon oi unns mi win
S was consiaercu ni vno meci-
nr out that the uusinesi men
fwimtrv nnnnrentlv hao not rc-
the seriousness of the situation,
snport reads:
Hfrr country 1 at war, and war Is
huous service, u inovn neuncr
PtM nor day, heat nor cold, hours of
- TJlfier nor periods of rest. If our men
IMiM front are mjbjcctcu to meso con
y jMtoM, those at homo must support
;;lm by equal effort.
yr une we glioma arrange 10 ieep
rreigni stations open unuiiuuuy.
Ww frelcht handlers and checkers
; supervise delivery at night, and the
a houses must iurnin one or io
with their team- or trucks and
their own goods. Every manufac-
' ana wnoiesaie ueaier wouiu wauiy
, for a night shift to rccclo ana
' freight. It means he can secure
I to keep hands at work, or gooui
IMfBplete orders, with half the present
Probably a weeK or ten uas 01
kjwork. once In four or flo weeks.
Id be sufficient: but. If not, we could
nue, until tho factor of control is
tupswred from tho terminals.
U " must hae supplies material and
nd we cannot obtain them under
Rt methods and "hours at the fre.ght
, Wo are at present In tho center
jf 1m greatest business and manufac-
actlvlty of tho country, i.et us
; tfce example. Help oursehei. Help
i MllMiif. TTln nH! fvinntrv "
"ifeel that the solution of the freight
4eHrry and collection problem In this
Is one of the most serious matters
at confronts tho business community,"
I the comment of William H. Tucker,
ary of the Hoard of Trade. "The
em of each transportation compiny
I, different from that of other), but the
principle couiu tie applied to an.
Lloyd George's Speech
Shows Struggle Is for
Triumph of Democracy
LriiiArivft mv ruppipn
ent of U. G. I. Reports Bic
j Increase Plant Not Equipped
m-r, lor rurposo
f. fi
I aiseonunuanco oi me
tins gas for- heating 1:
1 T. Bodlne, president
! Gas Improvement Company
Mo Mayor Smith.
ttOI gas, Mr. Bodlne said, lia3 In
twenty-five per cent since De
Wilson's Announced Principles
of Nationalities Integrity
Accepted by Ally
LONDON, Dec 21.
Great Britain Is In full accord with
'resident Wilson's outline of war alms
that the light In the world's democracies
t- victor) is not toward realization of
selfish desires".
Britain seekf no territorial exten
sion except that which an International
peace confcrcnco agrees Is necn-ary to
future security.
II Is niitliorltillvely stated that Moyd
Georges pledges are those developed by
lrtually unanimous views of all Gov
ernment circles.
Of all the ringing utterances of the
Premier In hit war alms speech of jes
terday Including the demand of
restoration und fompenfatlon for In
vaded territories tliofe which, In effect,
pledged adherence to ITeldent Wilson's
announced principle that nationalities
should be permitted to work oat their
own destinies wero regarded here to
dav as mo't titrlklng
With England s cards on the table,
the outline of Great Britain's position
from various high source", following the
Prime Minister's revolutionary an
nouncement of Ungland's colonial policy,
may bo Mated.
While tho German colonies aro re
garded as nonreturnable, because the
peace conference must consider tho fu
ture security of the British union of
South Africa, yet Britain nctually li
rot deilrous of further territory thert
She demands only tho elimination of
the sundlng menace of German mili
tary outposts.
Britain Is also not In Bvmpathy will
tho Imperialistic demands attributed to
minorlt.es In other Allied countries.
Sho agrees that certain territorial re
adjustments aro necessary but only for
the purpos' of guaranteeing futuro he-
BcgircniiB AIs-ico-I.orr.ilne,
. (AJk.. ,LM J "Tra
-- -
-u-4r,' v
" " '- n.y,
'x .,. .ji ssUCV " a " i. t r '
WW. WiP .TVppM'.. ...
sa""rtsirfi HUHriHHi tiki I4t ., AMb naij.. , Jr - - a.fchh .y.i.i.. -a JttH ! ii i I i a - . -i - jjma t '- h H WM
virrn Ntwapapor L'nlon
The sciibationiil advance made lcccntly by (Jcncral uynn in tho Cnmbrni sector was promptly followed
by Allied cnRincers, who laid down n railway line over tho ground just captured from tho Germans.
A number of Americans, were amonfc tho engineers cut ofT by Iioche gunfire in the salient formed by
the advance. ,
tento dl avamare dalle line da Col
Caprlea Monto PerUca. Holo alia
'la l,nlstra. dove lasclo' un centlnalo
dl prlglonlerl nello nostre manl, II
nemlco rlusel' a mantenere 1 vantaggl
consegultl nella rona dl Monte Aaolonc.
Kulla Uestra tuttl I tentatlvl-del nemlco
fifono frustratl e do' st deve alia
mlrablle reslstenza opposta dalla valo
rosa Brlgata "Pessaro" ad oveBt dl
Osterla del Lepre.
I tentatlvl dell'avA'ersarlo per' nt
travesare II Plave Vecchlo, tfa
Gradenlco o Cavaluccherlna, provoca
rono vlvacl combattlmentl locall net
nuall lo batterlo della Hegla Marina
furono dl large contrlbuto. Alcunl
prlglonlerl caddero nello nostre manl.
I.a sltuailono sulla fronto dl batta
glla al nord, dice II corrtspondento del
l'A(.soclated Brers, ha anunto un plu'J
seuo nspetto con la cattura dl Monto
Asolne, cho rapprcscnta II punto plu'
clevato sullo nlturc die domlnano le
planurc. Monto Asolono e' alto plu' dl
4 000 picdl o lo rlmanentl alturo varlano
dal : 000 at 3 000 pled) dl altezii. Queste
si eslendono per circa sclto mlglla o flno
a nuattro mlglla da Bassano.
Itapportl dlmostrano che I teuton!
Implegano llclasette dlvtstonl nella bat
taglla In corso It l'lave ed II Brenta.
Detto division! otto sarebbero auatrlachft
e la rlmanentl dl truppe tedtsche. He te
division! sono nl completo rapresente
rebbero una forza dl 38 000 uomlnl.
Alcunl sotdatt nemlcl cho hanno dl
Fcrtito e si sono datl prlglonlerl at
soldatl Itallanl, hanno dlchlarato che
la rngtone delta perslstonza con la quale
It comando austro-tedesco lancla I suol
uomlnl all'attacco dclle posltlonl tra 11 ,
iirnia en n i'iave, e qucua cue nue
truppe teutonlcho o' stata fatta formalo
promessa dl far passar loro lo feste
natallzlo net paesl delta planura veneta.
Un comuntcato pubbllcato lerl a Bcr-
llno dice che I rlpetutl contrattacchl I
I degll Itallanl contra lo poslzlonl dl Monto
Ifomba ed II Plave, In ambo Is parti dl
I Montello, si verlflcnno violent I duelll dl
artlgllerlt. 11 comuntcato agglunge che
dall'll dlcembre, tra II Brenta cd II
Plave, furoho presl prlglonlerl 270 uf
riclatl Itallanl e 3120 uomlnl dl truppa,
Da Camp Meade (Admiral, Md )
glunge notlzla che, secondo djlposlzlonl
emanate dal Dlpartlmento della Querrn,
silo . reclute che trovansl lyesso quel
bampo saranno nccordate dello brevl
licence per far loro passare lo feste dl
ratalo presso le rlspettlve famlglle. I.a
dlsposltlono del dlpartlmento della
guerra e' stata accolta con somma Bflola
iIaI hratl knlrlntl I niloll. mnltn nmbubll
mente, comlnceranno ad usufrulro dclJ
permesso da sabato mattlna,
jba campagna educatrlce che la
setlono delta Y, M. C. A. vuol condurre
rella Ltttlo Penn non potra' ottenere
rlsultatl posltlvl, fino a che non cessersn
ro 1 contlnul pretovamentl dl uomlnl
dalla IMvlstone della Llberata', per, es
sere destlnatl In altre unlta.
La questlone dl condurre una cam
pagna educatrlce fra lo truppe dl quel
campo e' dl somma Importanza, ildto
che alcunl regglmentl hanno bn numero
abbastanea rllevante dl soldatl che nnn
comprendono i'lrgleso o cho sono analta-,
oett. .
'Jewelry and
11 13 He. Elthth Ml.
2710 Uermnntotrn Are.
.liaDilineu o zesrs
Wk Finest Mixtures,
m 3 pounds
T Hand-made Toys,
3 I pound
g Kindergarten i pa If
H Mixtures. 5 lis. pl.3U j
g Finest Mixtures, M r.
g 3poundHollybox, l.pU
s Bitter Sweets,
P 1 lb. box ... .
Xmas Sugar Sticks,
1 pound ....
"f": $1.75 1
I Tnue
. v : 4Uc n
50c I
45c I
for.' Ih VT.Int.
hi: .iinnniiiiiiiniTii
aL n
I illllllOl
Holiday Supply Ship Turns i
Back After Dodging At- '
tack of U-Boat
Mi:iuc.x rini.D iti:rQiARTuns
Dec St
An unvucresful attempt bv a German
j. , , tubmirlno to attack a supply ship laden
holds If the Germanized portion of I.or- vvlth ChrWtni.ii food nn responsible for
ralne desires to remain Oerman that I the Amerlt.in forces finding tliem'-elves
section should bo allowed to bo Uerm-in . .. ., ,.,,. ,.
territory. But tho British hold that the ttuiay " ,,,e "0rC0 f ' hrls,mns w,t1'
greater part of Lorraine, as well ns .ill out turKej, iranberrlcs and the usual
of Alsace, unmlsttkably belong? to feist daj supplle"
,anC5i' .... .. Tho veBspl. It was stated had been
in uio iiaiKans, adjustment of ten I- , , , , . . , , ,, ,
torlal boundaries is held by Creat Hrlt-i lurncd Ainerlc-i following the,
aln to be n problem for decision of the , submarlno'4 unsuccessful nttaclv ,
I'l.V'.IIJ.V1?"!, "C .btlU-! bu.' wl,b a0m UP """I todas the quartermaster's de
herence to rresldent Wilson's principle, . . , , .,,.,, ,
of lines of nitlons to bo drawn on the partmcnt l,ad not eceived l hrlslinas j
basis of nitlonalltv of tho npunin. iii,- nitlons and had tmall honn uf irettlnc ,
of. It is felt that tho Balkan countries tlicm In time for clinrlbutlon over the'
"Ilnf.ereomo tonnngreomcntnmoiiglnido area occupied by tho Aimrlcnnl
forces. Great quantities of mlnco pics
An actual ItalK Irredenta Is supported
by Britain, Injudlng Trieste and tho
Trentlno But Kngland cannot hupport
Italian claims to Dalmatla and other
territory of this character.
l'oland, In the British view, is to be
permiueu 10 worK out Its own destinies,
oranges und cranbenicH are among the
special 'trimmings" that aro Known to
be en route, but which livcn't jet appeared.
i A small amount of tut Key, left over
I from Thanksgiving, li avalliblc for dls
but the same right must be' accorded I trlbutlon-but It won't bo n drop In the
Courland and LltruanK bucket compared to what Is needed
As to President Wilson's views ro- Thero aro 'n't Urgcr supplies of
cardlmr a rommrrpl.il nnr nn r!,.,., mincemeat and cranberries available
after the armed war, there Is general I ,Tho faal"efs today began suspecting
liiu nui.i, luiiuninK uuii) Ullil .111X11)119
their mess sergeants,
atlon, however might bo
anywaj, tho Christmas
bo served when It arrives.
to resume business relations with their
enemy. Lafajctte Lcntz Dies
T?arfqifliir l)n1fin... .. t s . u it. . .
r 1. as compared with the. e'or- ,," ; "i.ir- r .' .."" wir"'"'." . 'I .'.VA ", iL.-"' ' a i,cc:. -'
(lav ..--. -.. . ...a !!. iiisib- iLiajcim &.-ifc it uvuu iiejc at mo age
the "Pon. Tho British Government. It of clghtv-nlne Ho was ono of the I
Fierce Winter Battles
in West Are Forecast
tary crltlm mo asserting theli be
lief that the rcleaso of tho armies;
of tho Ccntr.il Hmplrci from tho
eastern fro..ts will bo likely to
result In heavier winter campaign
ing thnn h is been cperlenccd at
nn provlou? tlmo during tho war.
According lo Itusslnn embassy
odlcIaH tlicro vcro on the Itusshn
fronts prior to tho advent of tho
Ilolshev 11.1 a total of 147 enemy dlv I
slons, divided as follows: German,
90, Austrian, 14; Turkish and llul
garltn, 7. Tlio best fighting ele
ments from these forces havo nl
rcady been moved westward, It was
believed hero today, tho Austro
Gcrmans maintaining on tho Uus
Man front only sufficient forces to
maintain tho lines against tho litis
Man troops which havo not
acknowledged tho authority of tho
IloKhevIkl anil to enforce pollco
measures In tho occupied territories.
It Is thought the hulk of tho ie
leased troops havo been transported
to tho Franco I'landcro, rather than
to tho Italian front.
Gli Austro-Tedcschi Sconfitti
Ira il Brenta cd il
TtOMA. t dlcembre
Con alcune poslzlonl cu Col della Bcr-I
retta o Monte Asotono In loro posscsso,
como rlsultato del recentl o lolentl
combattlmentl dl qucstl ultiml glornlj
sulla fronto nordlci, gli nustro-tcdcsclil
hunno tentato, lerl, un ulterloro colpo
a nord-est, nelli reglone dl Col dellOrso,
o clot1 nttaccando lo poslzlonl sulla
fronto Tasson-Col dell Orso, tra 11
Brenta cd 11 Plave
Per quanto gli atticchl fo'scro con
dottl con forze preponderant! c con es
tiemi vlolenza, hi Infransero contro It
valorofa reslstenza della truppe Itallano
cd I teutonl furono rcsplntl oomplcta
mento con pcrdlto rllcvantlsslme Cosl'
annunzla un comunlcato ufflclalo lerl
pubbllcato dal Mlnlstero della Guerra In
Dal comuntcato redatto In bino alio
notlzle pervenuto dal comando supremo
Itillino, o pubbllcato lnercoldf, bo rl
leva quanto nppresao
Jcrl In una sangulnnsa azlone rhe
occupo' l'lnteri glornata, II nemlco,
altemando vlolentl boiobardamenti
con lmpctuosl attacchl dl tnntcrla,
' oe ler in urlt sh nnirlnl r tclim il.nt iMu
u or 11-"qUestioti will tako care of Itself, but cer-l mqulrlts or
s urged byllnii,. i, ,. - i,..i .. Tho situ
or tho iinns nf iii .ori,i ..r., ..i .. , worse ind
a many, will not. bo willing immedTatelv chm wl"
uins iieriuu iubi. jtur. ju un uay . .,-.
mom ii, uuriiiK iiio tuai imiutic, uio a ,.i
In UMialiniliM AM ft rt I i rlll.D v '
Ati i.uMauiUmwii ta huvj-di I in-..t
'tmt :""."""'
rJ. .i,.,,.i.,.i. ... .. i i.i ' i-aoor
ens c iiiiAucipiiu Kai wurnrs lit; d.iiu
Indorses fully tho recent dec-' original contractors In the building
manufacturing and distribution
Ho became n coal onerator
near Mahanoy City In 1SCD and
was the senior member of Lcntz & lo,
operating a eollleiy at Pail. Place Ho
Btx sufficient to supply a population Jar. almf attitude as to restorations of , nel.
gas for lighting, cooking and water- and and Investigations of cruelties on l nea
ur. we are not equipped, nor l ,.... ," " " l"""" "' uriusu or
. . . . . . i t'l.'i iinin
tner artmciai gas company equip- . , , ... . was au cnthuslastlo hunter nn,i fii,r.
p expected,to be. to supply fuel for f """ ','", V1,., ',., "if plan "'' Ho leaves two sons, Wllllan 6
as the homes and business cstab- Mr Protectorate of Christian Powers ' Lentz. of Philadelphia, manager of his
euts of a city of the size of Phlla-'cr ,h0 IIol' '-"""l. fathers vast coal Interests, and Horac
hjphlx Gas-heating stoves are de-' ' Bo . t,entz, of tho Carbon Count bar.
J and installed for auxiliary and ipu'lCIf tpinrn nice
orary heating only-not to take tho, JtHIMI LEADER DIES ,,.,,,,,. .. .(r.. ..,
of housa hcatlns: Dlants." ' umu;.,,..iu ..m; uu nc i un
i -H- ''- m: v miii ru ii
. J-Z
aan'a Will Provides Place in
u--4 PhnnrlplnTiln Tnnti-tutinn Must
UtVJ P-4-l.U-t...l I fp '-
JHRRISTOVN. Pa. Dec. 21. By the
Sallle R. N'call, formerly of Phil-
lUwno died in rottstown. the in
.on SHOO Is Klven to establish a
ito the memory of James 1'. and
K. iseau in mo liome ior Ageu
of Odd Fellows, at Seventeenth
Tioga streets. Philadelphia. It is
Ma mat we nome musi ue rsiau
within ten years after her death
-rlctures of herself and her hus-
rr to be hung in this room and on
rul Is to be fastened a glass case
dning the gavel used by mn in
(Wing the establishment or such a
While I was connected with the
fi auxiliary of the boaid of man-
i of the Odd Fellows' Home."
t-t .7; :
ers aiu - - --'- - -- -in
Pntriotie Crusade
H rga.nlzatlon composed of the four
;mens speaKtng uureau, oi me
ttee of publlo safety, and the tne-
managers of the city was com-
, today at a meeting held In the
, pulldlng., Plans are Deing worueu
i have one or ma lour minute men
i the audience of several theatres
' T. Jordan was elected' chairman
nt committee. Harry D, west-
entlng tho four minute men.
as secretary. The other
of the committee are Thomas
resenting theatre managers :
lit ' THxon-Nlrdllnger, audev Hie
SUaiteln. mov Ing-plcturo exhibit-
tlrd,W. lopold,iV. Da ton Wege-
iydney Toung and Henry Kpald-
Dcccuse in Russia Regarded With
Suspicion Here
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 The I'ed-1
eral Tariff Commission will visit Phila
delphia to conduct hearings on tho es- I
NKW TOltK Dec "1 DnMiirHn tabllshmcnt of "free zones" about that
rochow. who founded" the Jewish (foetal vn n l3 B,ule1 at tho mcea ot the
Democratic Labor Party Poale-Zlon I commission that It Is not tho ln
(workers for ZIon) of Itussla, and ono tentlon to confine the free-zone plan to'
of the leaders of tho International ZIon- tho port of N'ow York, as tho commls- I
cablS'SISSra fmeTi!?;r?'-"W to a slon U Just ''Inning a study of this
tartV?lxTears0"dl etr0Brat!' "e ", matter and will visit other ports later '
BorochOR's death was regarded " '
sudden and nremature" bv rnunrir. i..
this city. He was recognized by Jews
as the leading theorist of tho Jewish
International Labor movement and also
as a philologist and historian.
A FESTIVE touch to a festal
- occasion; ice-cold Champanalc
with the Christmas dinner. A spar
kling, bubbling, non-alcoholic bev
erage. All the tang and tingle' of
genuine extra-dry-champagne.
ft I
I '
I '' ''
-ssu .-
'-.'. f'ntH'i
Finley Acker Co.
Mitchell, Fletcher Co.
Showe.ll, Fryer & Co.
E. Bradford Clarke Co.
Thos. C. Fluke Co.
Henry Rohner Co.
J. J. Pletcher, Germantown
C. Y. Scully, Germantown
Other Leading Grocer and DrugglttM
204 S. 24th St., Philadelphia
All Shamokin Nurses in War Work
bHAMOKIN. Pa. Dec 21. Misses
Jean Morrlssey. Cora Kelly. Helen Brltt,
Mabel oho and Laura McHugh, former
members of tho staff of the Shamokin
.State Hospital and engaged tu private
nursing here, enlisted for lied Cross
service. They havo been ordered to re-'
port to Camp Travis, Fort bam Houston.
.r.ex' A" .a result of their departure
bhamokln Is without trained nurses
ILLE.'Pn.. Dec. 21. Given
tor selling liquor without a
iJ hatd foe court In ILOO tiall.
kHyejr hi Just finished writing
amltment for Thomas Carter.
l ecuwd ald:
.Honor, please lock at this
l,notHd Carter lo appear In
icv'UnM ih rlMft hAiinl
dlsmUMtd the ease,
that some frlenils were
t farewell entertainment
y nad none liquor. A
inM expeneu rrom tue party,
reeponsHble for the charge
Afgliut Draft
. C. JJeo. 21-Flrst
Ion Plebiscite In
tV lorltj'. of 12O.00Q
an oi aooui
wtt, aooerd-
IS a vlimaS tr I Bill Js-" zSSGtftSTliSt
i?fc. "'-'
, V;l.tf 'tjmwt c,
i ,jtf) - -' Su'M'tr'v
Every Family Should Have
.And,w.J have the "JAMILY" DOC,
The kind jou like, and can make a'
"pal" of. the Intelligent fellow, whosei
companionship Is better than uomet
Boston Terriers, Bull Terriers. To
Terriers, bpanlels, Poodles, Esquimau
Hull Dogs, Collies and Newfoundlands.
' A i)o roil
Cagley & Mullen Co. x& H,
Open ETtnlngs Until Seven o'clock
the dream of all phonograph and talking' machine manufacturers is at
tained by the Path6 Freres Phonograph Co. in the combination of the
Using the Permanent Pathe Sapphire Ball
Pathe Instruments Pathe Discs
$25 to $225 75c to $4
New period models just received for early Christmas Selection.
Complete with 10.00 in Records, Your Own Selection.
mb City, WUdwood,
Cape May
jEvery Sunday
M A, IL. free. CWtnt
i. i
l M
IkMMiQj' S10 Monthlv .,jAiMy
I I llVLTBsSwPV'ILaaUiBaaa! No ,11'" HCSfltSBittiiiaaaaflMUH
II 1 H tqKJI w I
Wm3 QitfeSUSP 1$ME0
t026 Chestnut Street
r.oldmii Hro... SO Kootll 2d St.
Kalph lu llarrii. ts Maoth 0th Bt.
i . .7 M-m ..,-..,.
uruBa.LWep nmura An, -- .
t aim laiKuv tmmtuiam v, raumti unwii.
W, J. McCormktk, '4035 T.sncalttr Ate.
V.. V. MtrtU. 102S Arh Ht.
Jlonjreh IIUns Muchlne Co.. S14 Seoth Bread St.
3 pairs
3 pairs
1 4JFJ
Complete Assortments of
For Men, Women and Children
Hundreds of styles to choose from thousands and thousands
of pairs, in every imaginable color
And All at Prices Less Than Elsewhere
4 t m ft
yfP $e.$5 ' km'
$4.50 to$6.50 Men's College Slippers,
Three Styles Illustrated
These are the highest grade slippers made: Romeos, Operas and Ever
etts; in red, tan and green suede, brown and tan calf and brown, tan
and black kid; all.leather lined.
The same slippers that sell elsewhere for $5.00 and $6100.
Men's Felt Slippers, in Blue, Black & Gray, 1 .00
Christmas Slippers for Women & Children
Women's Telt Juliets, in blue, green, wine,
gray, brown, red and other shades- Of strictly
first grade felt, trimmed with real -t ff
fur; broad soles and low heels. 1 vHs
Women's Ribbon-trimmed Felt Moccasins in
kimono colors; soft .padded soUb, in lavender,
pink, wine, old rose, light blue, ' -l ff
adark blue and red. X VJKJ
Actual fl.SO and $2.00 valuei.
Felt Slipper in a variety of colors for boys,
girls and little children; leather or comfort
soles, plain, fur-trimmed or with gn
Teddy Bear pictures on vamp. OUC
Women's Dan'l Green Felt Juliets in a wide
variety of colors; flexible leather
belting soles; ribbon trimmed.
$1.00 Felt Slippers Reduced
Women's Felt Moccasins in all the dainty
colors; with whito collar and C
oft padded sole. OUC
Regular tl,00 xalue.
Infanta' Moccasin and soft soled shoes
in Mack, white, blue, pink and e
brown. TrOC
Best Grades, all colors, 83 c and $1.00.
jjjf And We Have the Finest Stock of. Spats in Town
fj Women's Spats, of fine, heafy box cloth, high cut. and correctly shaped
ir and tailored; in fawn, pearl, white, champagne arid dark gray. -i y -,
mf Extraordinary Value, 1 O
, Other styles 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 up to $1.00. ,
Men's Cravenetyed Spats, in gray, fawn, pearl, brown and blacky m
Vnmatchable Value, ' 1 O
All Hallahan Stores offer many desirable, acceptable and economical
suggestions in practical gifts for men, women and children.
All Hallahan Stores Open Evenings Until Christmas
919-921, MARKET STREET ,
60th and Chestnut Streets
4028-30 Lancaster Avenue
2746-48 -Germantown Avenue
U604-06 Germantown Avenue
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