. I V u' ".UMiMtf .. V -"t "'MtiiS vrlWLI .., i . A'S?. .. : ..-' - " "-':- -, n JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE LUNCHEON AND HM .1- "".vj'tf Nancy Wynne Tells Her Readers to Be Ready to Number of Bridge Parties and Other Bnt$r.toi1 monfa TaiivirnT 'X7oolr tT1.l-Tiafrvioc5 flifta Qah' f Join the Red Cross Monday Musicale a Great Success Sidelights on the Ice 'i'w i"b "iwv vm lavuiai UlXbO UCUU-' Off to Soldiers and Sailors r. i f V, - I leavilyl Ins U n BerB there-l now.' its oni lie corfl ton o: a wlthfl it that vas al n lurlc mind ins dd i yearJ In tin ' vtota enemy if the: it's re suite id tli ed obi ad liaJ eat fo: StatsH antaaH - irc-K malntH In faoH the ftvS olutleB UacnS porteiM Iclty H nd tiaH JVOU'ItD certainly not safe these days ' If you haven't got u larRe-slzed lied Cross button In full view upon our manly chest. Kven then v,ou'ro not safe, because, you can Join threo or four times, they tell we, and go bo ready to proe It If jou have Joined, and If jou haen't Joined ou better had, for jou -w 111 be attacked until jou do, nd beside, ou OUOI1T TO there's no arthly excuso for not foctoiiBlnij. It only costs a dollar n. .car, and cery one ought to bo patriotic enough to slvc that much to help the soldiers and sailors. So go to It or bo shamed to pieces, as jou will he If you don't. SO SATING, sho continued 'Hae jou been to the Morning Musicale1? jet this season? They nrc ccrtilnly worth KOlng.to and do Jiot tale up too much tints In these dais of rush and hurrj. Yesterday morning nearly every lo was full and the ballroom h.id a goodly num ber of "Itnlltlnj; fiends." who listened while their fingers flew knitting sweaters, scarfs and wristlets. Mrs. Ittddlo had good-look-inr Mrs. Dick N'orrls and Mrs. James need wearing her 13. A. suit with her In her box and Mr. and Mrs. Van Keii'sclacr were In theirs (bov, not E. A. suits, I mean) Miss Edith 1'ishcr, who glows handsomer very time I eo her, spent tho morning listening In nipt attention, and Mrs. John S. Newbold, established In a comfortable plush chair at tho back of tho hall, teemed to enjoy ocry nolo of tho cello, which Hans Klndlcr knows so well how to handle. Seagel, tho baritone, had an excellent repertoire, and called forth much applause. IN THE afternoon I stopped In at the Independence Squat o Autlllaiy of tho Ited Cross to hear Brigadier General Wal ler, of tho U. S. M. C , spealc on the needs of tho hoys In the service. The workers who wero diligently making compresses, dressings of nil kinds, n fact, listened at tentively, though they woikcd nil the time. Most of tho women who nio on the com mittee of which Mrs. Lorlmcr Is chairman were pieent for the tnlk, nnd the tables wero crowded with those In lied Cross cos tumes doing tho work Wj: wilt. "sob" toi h-ne Cat u so and his famous tonight In "II I'agll.iccl," nnd with Amnio to .Mug tho piologuo there's Uttlo doubt that there will bo n full house at tho Mcttopolltan. Tho Klapps nro going to glvo ii party for 31lo In their bo nnd the Gcorgo XV. Chllds Ureels will enter tain, as will tho Van Kcnnsclner, Mrs I'rank Chdc, tho SIotcburjH nnd various other boholders D1 D jou know that Alls DoUin Is at tho Organising Charities evoiy day this week'.' Well i-hc 1", and to answer people's tjucstlons nhout poor) give to, bj giving (hem the name of .i full fledged family that Is In need of Chrlstims pieMiits, qnd dinners, too, for that matter, as they jro of more Importance than tho presents for the kiddles even. All Is there from tho Junior League. It's tcally bptendld how those Junior Leaguers do work SPEAKING of Junior Leagues lernlnds one of tho St. Francis Junior Aid. You know those girls have been getting up the Chrlstrms stockings ngaln this jcar, nnd they tell It's been quite wonderful how many they hav e made and sold for the poor Httlo boys and girls who would otherwlso have had no Christmas Certain It Is that theso girls nic enterprising jouns persons Thcj' nro going to hold their annual play and danco In January, and great nro the (preparations thercfoi. It will bo held on l'rlday evening, Jan uary 25, In tho ballroom of tho llellevue Stratford. Chat Ho Morgan, who Is teach ing tho girls to dunce for tho Charity Hall net week, will manage the St. 1'iancls affair, and the music for dancing after tho play will bo furnished !va IIerchberg's or chestra. Tho officers of the organization Include Mrs. Joseph A. McDcvltt, president: Agnes Levis and Luc Call, vice presidents: Iluth Israel, treasurer: Edwnrdina Walsh, je cording secretatj-. and Marguciite Mac Donald, corresponding secretary. HAVE jou been trjing to walk along the streets lately und have jou slipped Jtnd sild and Just caught yum self from falling flat, or are jou able to walk serene ly along with jour head In the air. Just as Vf jou aldn't know there was such a thing s a pavement or Ice? I was slipping and (tiding along to chuich on Sunday when doming toward me I spied a laige 'lady of color" built on tho order of a ferrjboat, ' "She walked straight on, neither looking Jo right nor left; In fuct, tiot nllowlng anj thlng to distract her nttention. Just as the was within it few feet of me a small person of her same race came along on the pther side of the street and jelled across to her, "Good mornln'." "Mornln'," said ho of tho many pounds, not looking at her at' all. "Vo'all think jou 'tin make It?" ailed the small person. Yah, I kin make It ef I doan pay no tentlon to jou, but ef I pajs 'tentlon to you I'm goln' lay right down jcre on dls Ice." ' ' I felt so strongly the same way I com mended her to mjself, and the small per "nonage giggled as she passed along, but she of tho ferryboat figure went straight ahead without hesitation, her mind fixed pn one thing only. NANCY WYNNK. l Social Activities . Miss- Mildred Copeland, of 4751 Locuji Street, will enicriuiii mu men iimjiier ui uio Pill 'Delta Tsl Sororlts this evening at her hprne. The members are Miss Helen Cltat uiam. Miss Eatclle Wood, Miss Helen stock ley, MUs Grace Mills. Ulna Mary Hall, Miss Mildred Copeland, Miss Marlon Matthews, Visa Frances Halahan. Miss Dorothy Clark, Kiss Myrtle IUce and Miss L'dna ICater. (T Mies Marlon Williams, or 5136 Locust atreet, will entertain the Alph chapter of the rbl Delta Psl Sorority at her homo at luneh on on Saturday afternoon, Her guests will tie Miss Catharine Becker. Miss Helen Chat ham, Miss Lrma Clover, Miss Margaret Gil more, Miss Mildred Conrey, Miss i:ia Gross, Miss Jenebelle Harklns, Miss Genevieve Long, MU Mabel Luccarenie, Miss Mutti Mylln. Mrs. Lewis Street, Miss Helen Stockley, Mbx Marlon JVUllams and -Miss IIUoIIq Vood. -rlHiaa of Mrs. Alice Itandolph,JPurdy, of till Mount Vernon atreaviwaorftas be seriously 111 nce early In November, will be glad to hear that she Is leeoverlng Mr. and Mrs. M Nengle tUullns, of I80H Mngsesslwr nemte. announce Hip marriage of their daughter. Miss Ito-allo Neagle ltiw llns, to .Mr. A. dull tllanchet. of South Orange. N J, Mr and Mrs Illinchet will make their home at South Orange V birthday parlv visa given on Mirutsv evenlntr bv Mr and Mrn T Weinberg, In honor of their ilaitchter. Miss Hose Wein berg, at their home, ST1 North Koitlctli street. Among the gnet who were present wers Mr. and Mrs V Weinberg, grandparents of Miss Weinberg: Mr. and Mrs. Iouls Weln. berg. Mr. and Mrs Louis II, Weinberg, Mr and Mrs. Horace Herman. Mr. and Mrs. Mai 1 rank. Mr. nnd Mrs Louis Illltsteln, Mr. and Mrs !ndoio Schwartz, Mr and Mrs. Morris 3chnartz. Mls Marv Alper. Mr. Nathan Paul rrnnk. Miss Anna I rank Ml. and Jtrs 1 Mills, Mr Monls Learner Mr Louis It Weinberg, Mr and Mrs fadore Cirllchmsn Mr and Mr Joseph Weinberg. Mr Isndore AVelnberg Miss IIvi v;e.nbcrg Miss Hebecca Prank ninl Miss Weinberg s parenf, Mr and Mrs 1 nomas Weinberg BIG DRIVE MADE IN BEVERLY, N. J. Campaign for Membership in Red Cross Conducted With Much En thusiasm in Burlington County HCVi:m.V- 'llie Nations! lied Cios's Christinas membership campaign was opened In tills city j ester day by the lieverly nnd ndgewater Pirk Hed Cross branch nl ) a. in. The chairman, Mrs Garrett 11 Under, man, assisted bv scores of jonng women of this eectlMi, msde one of the biggest diives for membership ever known In litis Stnte Mrs John Conard and Miss Marthi n Smith msde a houbC-to-liou-e i amass and It Is fullv expected at the close of tho dilvc on December .'4 there will bo at least "00 new members added to the list of membership of the branch. That Uurllnston County towns alnnjsj do their little bit" When called nit inn bo plainly seen now i:ery branch cf Ited I'hotn I) j 1 hoto i fftprs MRS. HAIIRY G. SWEENEY A recent bride, who will bo ir membered as Jhss Margaret Camp bell, daughter of Colonel J. A. (J. Campbell and Jits. Cumpbcll, of Chester, Pa. Cross workers In the county was resdv when the tAy appointed came. All thelt work was planned tho weuk liefore, to thete would be no confusion on the date set for thn drive Htirllngton Counts has asked that at leist 10,000 new members be enrolled Hvery Ited Cross member lias been asked to "talk It up" During the last week meetings hum been field In everj- town of any size. Hiid the chalimau of each branch secured special speakeis to address the audience Sergeant Major Bramhall. one of the three survivors of the famous Princess Puts Regi ment, of the Canadian ttoops, has made a tour of the entire county In behalf of the drive for Christmas membership Thousands of persons have had the pleas ure cf hearing Sergeant Urumhall talk on the life In the trenches and It Is now up to (Very man. woman and child to stand back of the soldiers who are fighting for tho rights due ltumanltj. The Hed Cross Is what these men look to for help, and with a membership of 10,000,000 mote this will me in Just that much moie real comfort for tho men In the trenches Ited Cress booths have been erected In all the public places and postoltlces In Burlington Countj Mrs John W. Davis, who Is treasurer of tho lieverly and Ldge water Park Red Cross brauili, will have charge of the dilvo In Kdgewater Park, as sisted by Miss Florence N, Watson OPENING I - - ...-.,. 4 t.",. 'SisW . 1 ", 4 l iTrTrTrTrVraBte''rTr7trTrTrTrTr CK K """'' v"zvwmM& MISS MILDRED HOLMES Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Kirby Holmes, of McrchnnHillc, N. J"., whoso engngement to Mr. Julian T. Miller hns teccntly been an nounced. SERVICE AT CHURCH FOR HOSPITAL UNIT Women of Chestnut Hill Serv ice House Send Christmas Bags to Soldiers at Camp Meade On Thursday evening a verv Impressive service was held lit ht Pauls 1 plscopsl Church, Chestnut Hill, for the Jefferson Hos pital unit, whlili expects to sail soon Tho men, who were brought to the church In three speclst cars were addtcs"ed bv Illsllop Hhlne lnnder nnd by the loitor of St. Pauls, (ev John Chipmin who will go with thn unit to take up his duties ,n th tplaln In Knirrcc Tho women of the Chestnut Hill Servl, e Houso have prep iicd ISO comfort bigs whkh will bo tsken bv two representatives! of the Business Men's Association to tho hestnut Hill bojs nt ("imp Meade It Is a sittsrictlon to feel tint thej nro to bo retntmhettd by tho women from their own town, nnd It is Just such a personal touch that will go fir toward giving them the 'Merry '!irllman everj one wants them to luv'e Miss Mary Paul daughter of .Mr nnd Mrs llenrv Paul, Jr, of Gravers lane, Chestnut Hill. Is taking n course of trstnlng at s New York hospltsl which will fit her for wsr nursing Mrs John Ma'on is spending a few weeks at Atlantic Clt Mrs Stevenson Moiris Crothers and her small diughtcr, of Piper Mill nnd, will spend thn winter nt Washington to be nesr .Mr Ciotlters, who Is stationed at rnup Mesde Mrs Gnrdlner ISilsxell who lias been visit ing her slter, Mrs Kdvvard Hiwlev. on .Springfield avenue, Ins returned to N'cvv v.oik Ml John CI trl Slmms left for Prance reiemlv with two divs' nollec Mis i-lnims was Miss Helen l!nbhiii. It Is Interesting to leitti that Cnmnanv It, of the Chestnut Mill home defeuvo reserves, Ins won the ntcd-tl for good msrksnnnshlp LARGE FAREWELL DINNER GIVEN Literary Society of Frankfort! High School to Have Promi nent Speakers at Annual Banquet Among those present nt the faiewell din ner given by Mi nnd Mrs M 1'owler nt their home. 171.1 Ijie street, for their koii, Mr P.ajmotid 1'owlei nnd iKo for Mi .Jstnes MiUrldo and Mr. P.nssell McHride, wero Miss Florence Pulniei, Miss Li Nett i Hotrdmin. Miss Ida I'ulnier, Miss Ida Lottglieid Miss Illsle McLitiKlilIn Miss Berth i "Mcl.ttmhllii, Miss Klirabeth Tavloi Miss Maiuiret M ind--lej. Miss Florence l'owlet, Mls Anna Jfonds. lev. Miss Mil) Stokes Miss Anna Mokes Mr. and Mis. 1'iank Fouler, Mi nnd Mrs J A Mandslev. Mr und Mis w. Jornnu Stolte, Mr. and Irs Jo-eph hlokes Ml and Mrs It McLsughlln. Mr nnd Mrs Harrv blokes. Mi nnd Mrs '. MiLiughlln, Mr and Mis Thomss Taj Inr. Mr U Infield I Talor, Mr and Mis. j. Walker and .Mr. nnd .Mrs. , . Ham l'ultnei. The Monks' Lltenrv Snclil) of llie Prank fold High School will hold Its annua' Christ mas binquct In the sihool on Fiidav ivenlng. when seveial prominent speakers will address the society. Mis. U, Collins, of Fraukford toad and Orthodox street, will entertain tho members of her sowing olicle tomorrow afternoon Miss Lillian Hoiter. of rrott street. Is spending the week visiting In New York Mies Carrie Allen, of Peuii stieet, will en tertain her card club at her home on 'Ihtirs da afternoon Sailors Entertained Out in Western City So much Is being done here for the sallois at the navy jard, nnd the Jackles them selves are so loud In their appreciation of sll that Philadelphia has done for them, that It Is interesting to hear what one woman of another city did leiently for a group o: millois from a nearby jard Mrs. Harou Livv took a niotorful of Juckles to lite San Tranclsco (iolf and Country Club one daj rcccntl) There her guests assembled foi tea after first meeting at the Law home on Presidio terrace. The sailors were from the station at Verba Buena. THE MESSAGE FROM 1 J KiJ C&fl m i ri fc iMrm . ,... Copyright,. Life PublUhn; Company, ncprlnt.d fc ipvclal mrolHlon, "Save gained eight wind-, Send raor atndy." . . ' ... . ir , .j N ' (AK'Ti 3t&V4 M i 9rrrrrHiHB , , w ' H " 1 AAA Iiv-,X 4J4 t rjWMiXIigillH VA Lfsmzd mmM . - wm fM.i amtwjM m i inn 1 v v. rhetoi by MarceAU MISS CORNELIA PERRIN MILLER of the West Locust Apartments, whoso engagement to Ensign Albert M. Odger.s, U. S. N., has recently been nnnounced by her aunt, Mrs. Blanche C. Hazlchurst. AUXILIARY NO. 9 HAS XMAS SUPPER Kiddies of the Wayne Presby terian Church Give Play Things to Poor Little Ones Ihete was the cutest Chrlstmis Mippei" 'attiidnv nftciuonti u ttas ulven bv Mrs V Austin (ihdvt.e to the lulnuiv depig ment nf the Itndnoi Piesliv teilm Mindav Sthool at Wiiviip Mi k Dhdvke is the teaihet of this depaitment, mil hid an addition built to the i hill ih eseclall fol Ii 'I he room Is f! eozj, with a large stone ilrepl.iee built nt one i nd During tho supper the logs binned metrll and wcio covered with diiftvvood powder to give mlored lights 1o tho side of this was n Urge Christum trie, nil covered with small white lights nnd snow, Willi a large sliver star nt the top Long, low tables wcie ginuied mound the loom, with white i iiauiel clnhs foi the kiddle. The rhildieu ranged In ai,e fioni lwcnt-twt months to eight j.us and looked fo lim ning the little gills with thin suioik'd dresses nnd borne with shoulder knots of ilbbon, nnd tho bov s In thin white nallot suits At enili chllds plaee was n Klnss can dlestick, with lighted white candle, " tho fffict, when the other lights were out, was veij beautiful In one coiner of tho loom were five 01 six barrels covend with hollv, and after the suppei, ns mill ihlldH name was railed out, ho or she was ptesented with a Christmas tov. doll blocks, trains etc When enih child received Its tov it lion chalantlv walked over to the barrels and diopped It In "for the t;oor children s e luist mas " it was well that the liaders Wfie well trained as one would halo tu think of whit might have happened When tho los wcie presented the kiddles weie told that they vi ere for them to do just c.utli what they wanted to do with them Uut when the leaderH gave them to. the poor all the others followed suit, though some did louk --ad There weie about eight -live children pres cut, among whom wen- Anni Coiliran, Petty UadtlliTe, Helen Willv. Hllzibetli F.lmer, Mar- Bi1Ish, Peggv liivliss, Juan I oveit. lack Covert. Shipley Truth, Ann i Wood, Saia Wrod, Mabel Shoemaker. John Shoemaker. Humbeit I'owell, Jr , "ill lloltnan Hetty llolniau, Mar Pleiee 11111 Leonaid. Vlurga let l)e Viles, Pegu Dufur. Mm Inifur, Jim How son, .Ma Ilnnsin, Vincent lull. Anne Tieat and Mary Treat Pretty Wedding Will Take Place Tonight Among tonight i Interesting weddings will lie that of Mi's Ma M I.ederer, d mghter of Mr and Mrs Theodora I.ederer, of 1831 West Krle avenue, and Mr. Semotir W Irltlold, of 3817 North seventeenth street which will take place nt t o clock nt tho home of the bride's piients. 'J he brides father will give her in marrlagei nnd the ceremony will be peifoimed b tho Iter Max 11 Klein, of the A dull Jeshuiuti Temple, Broad and Diamond ttieets Tho bride wll wear a gown of white duchesse satin and tullo with trimming uf peail beads Ilet veil of tullo will extend to the hem of the court train, and will be draped from a peail-studded coronet. Spras of orange blossoms will be used to hold the veil In place A shower of roses and sweet peas will be carried .Miss Delia Trlflcld, the bridegroom's tdster, who will attend the bride, will wear a frock of turquolvo bluo satin and silver lace, and will carry pink roses Miss Jeanette Guggenheim, the brides joung cousin will bo the flower girl Her frock of white laie has ail undersllp of whlto ellk and she will wear a pink sash and hair lib bons She will can n gilt flower basket containing pink rosebuds und lose petals. Mr Morris W. Lederer. brother of the bride, will be Mr. Trlfleld's best man Ilia ceremony will be followed b) a family dinner. The bridegroom and brlda will leave for a trip through the South, and upon their return they will IlVe In Tioga THE FRONT HALIFAX IS AIDED ALL OVER COUNTRY News From Various Cities Shows Work Done Everywhere to Raise Money and Get Supplies Ilveiv one knows Jut how mm h Is being done In this clt bv tho lhueigcncy Aid and other lellcf orginlzatlons for tho sufferers in Halifax Itepoits are now coming from all parfs of the country of work done, money raised and relief i f manv kinds sent to Halifax In Toronto e'atndi, Miss Ltliel Shepherd Is is suing i mis for a musical tea nnd shower In aid of tho Halifax suffeieis on December 2i Miss hhepheid will receive at her studio wiiiu or new clothing, food, chlldien's cloth ing new or old tos, etc 'llie pitroneses are L.idi II. ndrle, Lilly Hearst, Lady Walker, Lad Palconer, l.idy Kalconbrldge. I.sdy P-iton Laili Alid Lady 1 lavelle, Mrs v. Jl. r.lddell. Mis v,ogt, Mrs 1J. Plsher. Mrs (i Dickson Mis Miller I.ah, Mrs P Mnckelcan and Mis A 13 Ames In Columbia, S C the P.ed Cross chapter has received JJS OJ for the Halifax eulfereis cither contributions will be gludlv received nnd forwarded All but J J of the above amount was collected at the Sunda after noon concert nt Omen Hall In Washington tho State Deputinent wis relief vvoik. of wh'ch Mis I.anlng Is chall maii. hns lsued an appeal for assistance for the Halifax suffeieis One box of clothing which was nil lead fur shipment to Prance was cllsp itched nl once to Hnliras:, and the committee Is now soliciting articles of cloth ing, shoes, blankets, etc, to (111 other boxes foi the same destination Members of the committee nie at the lieadqiiRiters, ies n stieet, eOTy afternoon fiom .' o'clock until 5, except Saturdas "WffAT'5 DOING iTDNGTL2S -,v J. jfl X .j J r i ...-i,i i, " -mmwi ts- a New Jeraev Socletr of lVnnjli nl h.a annual dinner al Uellevue-.Stiatford Mem beis Afudfm.v of turt Srlencei Ima aimtiat meeting, .Nineteenth and Itace streets Jlem beis Mr. vr. H. llathawar, nf (lie Montana I ,t. I'lature, talks at the Wlllard. 1021 Arch stieet Pree, v I idon f Oosprl Mlttlon merta, 101 lliclteo avenue, Ucrmantovvn. Pree Three Hundred and fifteenth lteflmcnt Christmas Pund campaign meeting, Curtis Hiilldlng Vree Mtht of One-act TUth, Playa and Plav er' Club, Wltherspooii Hall Admission charge I hrlatmas Kntrrtalnmcnt hr South Rl. tleth Stieet Improvement Association, lied Men's Hall, 253 South Sixtieth street. Free. Illjtlimim Camp, United Knanlah War t. erans, reception to enlisted men. Third Ilegl ment Armor. A SUGGESTION CHRISTMASSHOPPERS! Include a Visit to B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE Chestnut and Twelfth Sts. THE PLACE TO REST AND ENJOY YOURSELF Special Holiday Bill! SAM BERNARD Paul MORTON & GLASS Naomi ' Pat-ROONEY & BENT Marion Bennett & Richards, Dorothy Brenner, Bert Melrose and Great Comedy Show. METROPOLITAN Opera House (2 Weeks Only) Beginning Next Monday (XES) Dec. 24 Th Moat Wondtrful PUy In Amarlca EXPERIENCE ' By OnOItOK V, IIOPAItT rtMUlar Iatlna VVcilnnday and Saturrf.v Holiday Statlnea mii and v Year's bSS Ji'eVa one to II 60 100 Lower Floor Seal. ?," I'arformanct, II 00. "r Bargain Matinees gJS,', BEST SEATS $1.00 it.Vrolillian OpS itaeOiotj cnist pati for all perforinancea now on ,! tht l wpna uil HV HOWDICTB I'Cllt V. ,.-, - MltS JOHN (1 MrKAHAIIKIt will enter tain nt luncheon nnd cnrdi tomorrovr nt her home on Old York road Htr guest" will Include Mrn. Jy V. Krvln, Mm William Wharton, Mr. i:met MacMorrli. Mm. Hen demon, Mrs. O. Harham Hond, Mm. Joeph Armbruiter, Mm Joeph J.annlnir. Mr James Ilechtotd, Mm. Mnrtln l'rennlaii and Mm. I.nnibcrt liorilo Ml?s Kmma Gottlieb and Miss Haltle Oott lleh, cf 1S02 Wet llrle nvenlie, cave a luncheon and i-hower at their home taut week In honor of Mis Miy lederer, whose mar rliiRo to Mr Kevmour XV. Trltleld will take place thin evening. Other guests Included Miss CHra TrMeld, Miss Delia Trltleld. Miss Sara Mavbaum, Miss Sclma Schorch, Miss Selma Kolin, Miss Belvn Ho)man, Miss Sjl via I.ederer, Mls Marnuerltc Greenewald, Mls Ocrtrude liloom, Miss Treda Kterher, Miss Lillian Dlttinan nnd Mrs LouIh 1'aBBen Amonc thn TRBenient8 recently an nounced was tint of Mls Henrietta Bjth lner. daURhter of Mis Louis Ilvthlner. cf 1615 llutler street, to Lieutenant Joseph Tur ner, of this cltv Lleiitenint Turner Is In the medical leserve corps at Camp Devens, Aer, Mas Mm. Arthur Ccllinan. of 1752 North 1'If teenth street, will entertain tit luncheon and hrldije tomorrow nt her home- Her Kiiests will Inrludo Mrn ltalph Lees, Mrs A llllam (1 Heck Jr. Mrs. James l.ovett Hrovvn, .Miss llnrol llrcarhv Miss Ciullv Maclluiuev, Mrs .Milton Diuphlnee "Mrs lli.vv.ud Miem Miss Kitliarlne Shlelilev, Mis 1'iltchaid Ml" Kiarik Sivnui" and Mis OnrUn Mr und ills Mat tin (ippenhelinei of 20.'C West llntirli fitieet, havn iinnounced the manlago of their diuishtcr, MIrs Corltine Oppenhelmer to Mr Itulph T. Uiichsbauin on Wednesday. Uecembei 12, at tho Uellevtie Mratford, bv the Hev Kll Lear, of the llodeph Shalom temple Owing to the le ccnt death of the bildeeroom's mother the ceremonv wa a very ciulet one. Mr. and Mm Huchsbauin upon their return from their wedding Journey will live at the Hotel Majestic Mrs llownrd II Jantsen entertained the members of her lard club nt luncheon nnd five hundred today at her home. 4913 North Lleventh Rtreet Mrs David Tlmmons, Mrs Krank Srhlek Mr I'.lmer II Hampton, Mrs, Alfred c'oiiavvas. Mri Herbert Itrooks. Miss .lennlo cjucrns, Mrs James L Hrown, Mrs .ane Horfmaii, Mrs Victor Heck, Mm Wll Ilsm Vooihees and Mis Carl KchaelTer were tho ruests Mis Albert llalns entertained at luncheon and cauls on l'rldaj nt hei home, 1331 West llrlc avenue Hei Riiekts were Mrs llertha Keen, Mis l-.ar Noll, Mrs Uuxbaum, Mrs I'haili'S llrhker Mis I.lllle Hall. Mrs K. Oelulng llirhiiess and Mis William 'Ircost Mr VV V ll.ildvvln. Mi XV. V Kllw auger. Miss Katlinrlun Ai'ileison, Miss Marv Ander son, Miss J mo CiRileii. Mi 'lhomas I'. Jones, Miss lliuolhc i Dlngee. .Mrs KmniH Jackson .mil Miss I'l.mces liirne", formltiK the com mitter on I hrlftinis gifts to be Bent by the Temple H.iptlst iliuuh, Tvvent.v -second and 'Ilngv street- to the heivlce men on the honor roll of the church, have completed the pleinnt task and have forvvaided to the v irlous camps boxes of Just what the ' boss' want (implete hcls of knits tlaslillghts, icimfort bags, hoine-iiiHils cind, iookle Htufful ditc, fi nit cake, i-nldleis' writing pads with pencils and 'lelameMs bound hi walerprcof kh ikl The honor roll Includes Mr lbert Tavlor. Mr Nathan lllinklfv, Mr William llndall, Mr. Alfred Divls, Mr Walter Propert. Cap tain Charles Jones, Lieutenant John Trance, gL " MVnKHT 1I-I-, A M 10 11. IX V M. WILLIAM FOX rnv si-NTs vvii.i.iAxt fvrnum rv ritrsT miovvino op 1MB HKARl' HI" A LION ' Trom Italjili Connors ?oirl ' Th Doctor' PALACE 1:V MARKET iVT. I'ARAMOt'.NT Prentl Sesaue Hayakawa ""VtaElEt ,P.m." A R C A D I A cm ivrNi t m row ifiTii 10 T. A M . 1." 2 .1 .- -, 7 A'. ) "10 I". M PARAMOUNT l'r"i t l-t Mowlnr of BILLIE BURKE '" "g.&iHh-. VICTORIA TKV.T tfnV.! noi'iii u nil t, MRS. VERNON CASTLE MIAIV OP Tlin hi CULT SERVICE' In Conjunction With Kliat hhoulnc ETHEL BARRYMORE Jn Metro a 'IHU AMLKH'A.N WIDOW ' R V Ci F. Tsl T MVRKl.r st niow ktii 1UjUL1V L I'MtAMOl-NT ITenta Vivian Martin " "rjX', . GLOBE Theatre MA,"A'Nru m. VJUXUi-i . c n K V I I, L K CONTIM'OI S -11 A M TO It 1". M. The Guards of the Maccabees VVANTni), A WIFE. OTIIETIH CROSS KEYS"CMNa,74, "BARNYARD FROLICS" 0ATna RBflATlWAY lt"M"i A SnMler Ave. THEDA BARA in "CAMILLE" nud-vHU lnchid "1 Urt Hi othrri FORREST Last 5 Evgs. VlSrr0w KI.WV Kill ANllI-R H Jll.SlCXI. CUM I- I'V KNOCKOUT" Tl'.N'i:ri'I. COI.ORKL'I, Axirmvtl " V.k Telfkrnnh- Mm kvs nec 24 J1'" W,d S,t- 1)AIH BCUilM rrnl WD A V I D A R F I F. T. D In THE MUSIC MASTER GARRICK Last 5 Evgs. .mVrrow THE BOOMERANG XMAS NIGHT " .'J;,., BEST SEATS $1 'VrJ"- Mats. Th Comedy That Will Live Torevtr TURN tZ RIGHT prtlOlNL NEW lORlC CAST l.N'TACT BROAD J5!1!; MON., DEC. 24 ..a sj..-.i , Mai . mai nd Nw Tir'i Alexandra The Country Carlisle '" C( .ousm T nrTTCT 65D AND LOCUST IjvJUUOI M(1. j go x SO Kvl A SO to 11 MARGUERITE CLARK In BAB B MATLNEB IDOL" STRAND - fttfHftgp-'j " "THE SILENT MAN" NIXON B.'D AND JIARKBT Hi, I and P, U. Jot ITjrnn'j Minstrel Misses VJVIAK MARTINI U J-" . HAaaaaVaaaalalaal r W3r. Tl'.N'i:i-L'I. COI.ORKL'I., S Mr. raurlce nroolrs; Mr Harry '"li'ornlei .I, nomas Aiatsey, sir. liaymona Her it Mr. -Auiruxt Llnclsooir, Mr. Frank nobert Mr. William Dill.. Mr r-h.ri. r.UrUr. 1 William Jennings, Mr, Harry Jennings n Mr. Bold Pronert . Th. l.ll.r whn'waa IH nkslstiint superintendent of th Tempts Bhikt'S uuj- aciiooi, eniKtea in the nvl rewrven.,' j Mrs. Wllllarn White, of 5113 West Onlitx "'' hostesx at the meeting of tu ....- linn mi nceK, jnc memoerir mem vlrr Abrahnin Sternhiirir. Mm XVollar JVInxtock, Mr Henrj' Kamsler, Mrs. J.'J ilreenbers. Mrs. William Meyer. Mr Jacd Jvahn. Mrn Harry Meem and Mrs. J. Bioeh.. VI Another eeitertnlnmrnt nt laat waaV miM . ' 1 the luncheon, followed by cards glrsn 'bi, 'tyi Mrs Benjamin Poster, of 2340 Wert Tlotca, ' M street. The ruftN ur mmiii up AvaA fcl hundred club and Included Mrs. Prank Taul4l- i .iirs. iinDacK, Mrs. William II. Wilson. MravXiu John C. Allen. Jr . Mrs C. E. Schaeffsr. Mrv W 1 rtink llirras. Mrs. William H. Whltcomb, .aitk nnrry iiittenhcuse, Mrn. Harry Hanff.'VS Mrs Charles Zllii.. Mra Itornra lv IftntntAmr . dii.I Mpu rli. .... ft..... . Mr and Mrs Iiuls Illoch. of Ui West'a OntHrlo street, nro entertaining thelr'cousla, jt J' Miss bite la Apt, of Chicago, 111. J& The members of Silver Crescent No. I. Sons and Dnushtera nf I.lhiriv. lines nr.-i''. sented 160 to the Pennsylvania orcanliatlon Viw to aid In purchasing- an ambulance to be sent 'Jilt to hronce The Sons and Daughters of Lib- ,iT rriJ.J ol1 ,rue Americans There are about ' 100,000 members In the United States. Thn headquarters of tho local association Is at S,1 Thlrtv-flrst street and nidus avenue. Mrs. .' Albert Sauers. Mrs V J. Lawrence, Mis 37 Kllzabeth l'ouse, Mrs L I! Coates, Mrs. il , Mary Cowe. MrH I'rank hhcller. Mrs Harry, ?l Mnltlilo V1r l.'alt.,..ln. M.i... 1 r V ........i ...... ... ,(., ,,,.- mtirj MIIU ilill i v, lleiuv McVe are the officers. Tomorrow fX eienliiK there will he a .cclal gatlierlnc of ". x the members, with an entertaining musical, , juugiaiii. in Mr. Louis Whltall, of 2029 North Twen- t tleth street, will entertain at luncheon an! '!, auction bridge today. Her guests vxrlll y ::j rnciuae Jirs jonn Munaeli, sirs, Charles s. . i jg O.cmnnd. Mm Charlas A. lrllinfi.. trm. TM navvmn Whltall, Miss Elma Worthlngton, '2jfj Mrs. A. B. Hill and Mrs. John MundelL Ul CHESTNUT ST. Sft I n, 7 T.'-,, ETenlori at 8 It) Last i jmes MlU Stmm A gtt t - ,g Arthur Htmmtriteta's Wvsdratw Multf may "YOU'RE IN LOVE" 0 CHESTNUT ST. T PERA HOUSr TEL IXHTUST 3850 niRECTlON Or MESSRS. BHUBERT NOT IN ANY POOL. FREE AND INDEPENDENT PRESENTING THE BIGGEST AND BEST SHOWS IN AMERICA AT WARTIME PRICES BEGINNING XMAS EVE SPECIAL BARGAIN MAT. ON XMAS. BEST SEATS STOP! (jriT VTOItnTINP. A BO IT. itiK iiiciH tost nr THEATUK TICI.ET8I LOOK! AT TBEilE row rnicrs BEST SEATS NIGHTS, $1.50 MATS., $1.00 EXC-KPT SATUnDAIS A.MI HOLIDAYS LISTEN! fheae Prleea Will b In Torra for tha Vsrj ntai micinn 1 ailcaiea and They Will start With the 1 50 1h N. Y Winter (iu maker Jfii i Mir MuAif-t.1 (nc Url Orf fowlnp with t.Irl run Mrlodr in1 Dtnt-ri All Star Cast . Haailed III HOWARD & HOWARD MARILYNN MILLER m TOM LEWIS WHITE CI.ATT0N KIIINKV I'HILI.II'S I UAH WRIGHT FIIMSST MAI1H VtlELK AKDSLIT 15 Regal Scenes Submarine F-7 HIE COL'NTnT'8 SO 1'REME THKIfLER AND OH GEE! SOME CHORUS $Fl LYRIC ttfjaVJU11-' DEC. 24 Nlfhta 8 lt Uati X rUT.Wfd ft Sat3 1 SEATS NOW for all rrtornnnMa taclucttai tuaa ami Naw Vrnr'a Krt Mat nnd Mibi RAYMOND HITCHCOCK " HITCHY-KOO WITH LEON ERROL IRENE BORDONI IOVATIO MAHT1NETTI. JOSEPHINB WHITTKIT. AMPS and WlNTaBOP. SYLVIA JASON'. CltOltQB HOP HE A ctntrt ADFI PHI KVEMNOS AT S.t William Collier IN THE anEATEST OT All. TARCIS "Nothing But the Truth" NnTF MR TOU.IER Will. QIVK A ,- . aPETIAI. rnruLAK SPETIAI pnics $1 1 . ffDSiW'' .aaaal aaraaaaaaaialB rMrWlJPfniAtlaW ZM'aJ uerrj 4. i.nix UATINEE miPAT. DEO 21, BUT MO jftjv MITIVH ON TMAS DAT fo U? METROPOLITAN OFKRA. IIOU8B JIETnOl'OLlTAN OPERA XMTANT, K T.Vj TONMiniT Cavalleria Rustic Double bill J!mM Kaiton, Ttrlnl, Mattfai Pnirlinr'ni M- Muilo MM, Caruas. As " d-- Laurantl. Con, Mr. Morana. ecati 1108 Chestnut St. Walnut 4424; Paea ACADEMY OP MUSIC Faturday Afttrnoon. January 0. at SJ4V MELBA and diitlnavilahed aaalatinc artlats l la t to 12 SO. Boxea. It J auaaMi Hn aala at llepps's. Ill Chaatnot 7' Ticket em casino jnstmir At UURLESQUEM .Valnut t th tH. t wlta rttANK PiNMl LITTLE TUEATRB 11th A Da ln paon ! SS4; TOMQHT AT y 'i Chinese) Vr Lurtnca, -VROCADERO T?lfiA,i,A2iOT UIHLV jm -mm CU1W1J iff m .V n y"j M, i 5 ,t m - M ' 'tl nil "Vl . m . sm i.A . mi ' l V4 sJ Jf--ril m m iw-j vS A I ' JV - S3. tu "Vi 'Hi tiftTwT w u &1 $.. rJ .m ', v?i' r.Zfr y -ii iA O-SLiU M 3t i W S? i) w i . I. . . a r .T . f a .v ii it . ij. ..t' &LL&Lmm'MMm ? 71 &. SI' fcaHiA