1 -" ,v l ; .1 '' :v ff. tFACEDBYWIFENO.10, CROOK FALLS DEAD Man With Many Aliases and Varied Criminal Talents Succumbs in Jail BISHOP PRONOUNCES RICHMOND SENTENCE Deposed Rector Loudly Pro tests as Two-Year Suspen sion Decree Is Read EVENING EttBLld1 CEDEHIIriHMt FKIAivTpiJOBMBEIt" MM ' .l 1 L.i ' ..... . ,...... .. h " 'IWT )' WT&J& SEEK FIRST-HAND DOPE ON SOLDIERS' GLOVES So Councils' Committee Will Visit Camp Meadcfto See 'Em SUPPLY ESTIMATES FOR CITY TOO LOW Bidding for 1918 Contracts Re- veals Great Excess Over Current Year Prices S.tmucl Oakley Crawford, b Intllor if International reputation) Ik Iter lmmn ris "Itev. Arthur WortliliiBton," fell Jo til In jail jeiitcrilny when fnreil liy Ills tenth wife, Mrs. Jennlo A. AVorthlngton, of Wilmington. Del, who ho married In July, 191ft, iimler tho n.iino of Cli tries Graham Uoone. Tho "He." Wurllilngton, who was ecntto jenra olil, tns trmed hy detecthch to tho Jail at Neuhurp, N. Y, ihero ho had been ltieo Janu iry, and held for couit un tho ihArgo of suln dllns tho Hex, Docltfr Stanley, of New Hamburg, out of i-eoral thousand dol lars whllo a number of tho lircsbjttrj. According to Jlri Worthlngton, tho BWlndlcD deserted her two months ni'ter Ihelr marriage, tnklitR with him lur en tiro taxings, amounting to $2500 Tho mviio at tho Xcwburg Jill was moit dtamatlc and brought to a tr.igli end a career of crlino and ni.trrligo of startling iiroiiortlons Wlicn Iin was brought from tho tell and uinio f.uo to face with his lctltn, Cr.iwfoid Bl ired at her for a few seconds ,nnd, murmur lng Incolierentlj, sink to the lloor llo was dead before medical aid could le obtained Cr,iw ford's career along the paths of crime represent more thin foitj 5 eats of nomadic life, his wanderings taking him around the woild New Zcil mil was ftooud with a new lellglous cult, hut It proved too much r the p-oplo and ho win driven out of the lountrv Tasmania also felt tho touch of his forg ing hind It would hcem from bis his tory, however, that It was hi tho Held of wholesale matrimony tint his star hhotio tho brightest, l.lttlo wonder that he was ablo to nw Italic tho Mormons In Salt Iiko out or HOnu I'D to tho time th it ho obtained tin, pastorate of tho New Handling thun.li he had posed as 1 twjer, b inker, politic al orator, lltteratiur, real estato operator. Spiritualist, otganlzer, free-Iovo epo nent. Christian hi lence healer. Insurance, agent, judge, captain, major, colonil and general la tho rcgul-tr urmy, t'nltarltrtt minister. Mormon preacher, actor, pro hibition lectutcr and member of a long list of various cults. Crawford never could blttno his c-trl sttrt In llfo or his bringing up for his criminal propensities Ho was born In .Saugertles and as a boy enlisted in the Civil War After the war he (.fuelled law at Columbl 1 and gradutted In tho c ass of 1SG7 In 11)68 ho married tho llrst of the women who htvo called him husbvnd Two j ears later ho deserted her and departed with all tho money ho could get from hei and her friends Then he look to horho tridlng, but conducted It In em li a manner that hi mioii found hlmelf In tho Albany pcnltcntiarv After Ills release ho tonllned mo1-! of his efforts to swindling women of their pavings by mtrrlngo and desertion On the side, however, lie fused, lugged and borrowed u aitie-i r.lfi, dihertul after thrie eirs ictmncd to tho stage. saved her momv and ptld all his debts of which sho knew In ISSti ho appeircd In Oilllln Oa where he met .111 hdichs to $'0,UUO and married her. Ho was then posing as "Judges John 1 Cr.iwfoid ' After a honemoiii trip to Huropo fitwford persuiilid his brldo to part with 129,000 with wlili h ho told her he would start a banking business. Instead ho deseited her, going to hpohine, where ho lived as a high roller for a jeir, spending most 'of tho sum ho had ttolcn. Ho bobbed up next la Providence as General A I' Waul and told how he was wounded wldjo serving In the Union annj. Thero ho met Miss Kninia M lrle Terr), nil helrcsn to $20,000, and mar ried her Soon afterward ho illsap pearcd after Inducing his brldo to give lilm most of her monej It was In 1911 that he appeared In Poughkeepsic nnd told tho local minis ters that he was a graduate of Oxfoid and a minister, but had lost his papers In a shipwreck Ho wan soon assigned to tho New Hamburg church, but over worked his practice of borrowing montv until suspicions were aroused and his career Investigated. lllshop Philip M nhlnclandcr, of the Episcopal Diocese, of Pennsjlvanla, to day passed sentence of two vears' sus pension from the ministry upon the ltev Oorgo Chalmers ltlchtmnd, former rec tor of St. John's Church, Third and Urown streets, thereby upholding the finding of the Church's trial tourt of Ot tohcr HI, 1017. I'm tor Hlchmond had uppctled from tho deilalon of tho court Doctor Itlchmond did not mako It an e tsy matter for lllshop Ublticlnnder to pass sentence upon him, for as the Bishop began-readlng the actual sentence, nfter reviewing the caso brle)l, JJ10 deposed clergvman brtike in with a protest against tho lllshop n right to inss sen lenco both under the laws of Pennsvlva tiiv and .under the canons of the Church lllshop 'lthlnelander read the last 200 words ot tho senrtneo with Mr Itlch mond loudly reidlng a protest The Hlshop's video could barely bo heard and as soon as he finished he walked out ot the Chnrth House, Twelfth and Wal- nue streets, where sentence was pas-ed, ot s0Iillcri and sailors In national serv- Thcies nnolher fomnilttec lit our ntltlst. It Ins definite work mapped out and proposes to do It thoroughly. Incidentally, this committee Is actu ated by patriotism nnd believes In pay ing close attention to dctnlls. This Is proved by tho fact that fifteen of Its members w III journej to Camp Meado to lnpect the gloves worn by the soldiers Whether these conscientious lnpectors Intend to Inspect the gloves of enclt of tho thouand-odl men now nt the. camp Is a matter of conjecture It Is pos sible that the gloves will be examined In dozen lots Close attention will bo paid to the weave nnd quality of goods, length of fingers, etc, etc It Is nccessir tint fifteen men com polo this committee on account of Its name, which runs like this 'Committee on sustemncp and relict aicompanled hv his secretary and a layman This left onlv Mr Itlchmond, a reporter and a woman who net 0111 p tilled Mr Itlihmond He stopped read. Ing soon after the BIhop s door closed and tho chapter ended Ico nnd their dpindinls Tiicre's Ilfteen words count em and so there's a man for each won! Tho committee will be verv olllcl tl It will bo headed bv Major Mnlth and M- ltl. iMiinn.l 1,lllrlf .IntwiliMxn, ' .TICC t cmnrilinHIl I'lllO l IH'IZPII 111 lllshop lthlnelander and Tram-Is A ' 'K'111UT.,,",. ."'V1 . And r course Lewis, calling them conspirators ngtint ' 'w'"n """ ,,,,pf ,,crK "f sl''a ' mm" him After tho sentence had bein re til rl -""re nf lll,l" ounclhu tnlc Junket Mr Itlihmond asserted tlmt ho would w"l K" "long to point out pines of In bilng legal proceedings against lllshop 1 1'", M'-'' ,1H the-Susiiuehtiino. lllver, Hlilnetinder before the end of tho pros-, l.'slngton and Havre de tirace cut je.tr. "' laS t extra incisure ot olllcl il- ho far as the Church Is concerned ,Innl Uierp will be .Inures 12 l.innnn this Is the toncluslnn of tho moit sen- ' President tt Select Council editor, etc sathmil Ineldent In Its loctl hlstors Tim U " OIunin, president of Commoii trial of Mr, Itlchmond, with the appeals and delajs, has bet 11 In progress fur conslderablj more than two jcars nnd tho actual dlsputo Is of ncarlj foil) j cars' standing. Council, doctor, etc , Judgo Norris S Dirratt and most of those who becuue famous on tho vnrlous I.lhertJ Hell tours One of tho soldier glove tcmmlttee men said f.tc"tlousl thej were going pirsonallj In order tn get first-hand In form itlon, and thus hive tho m titer ul their llngei ends There was imlj one othoi eoinmlltee which rivaled the one planning the Camp Meade tour and th it was the commit ten which went nnnuallv to Inspect the monument to tho incmorx of the l'hlla delphla brlgido at Antletam There's a llttln plot around the monument and It Is rpiltc necessTi-j tc, hrK tit (t the grass Is kept In good condition Often thlrtv flve Councllmeii went on his tour of In Fpectlon of course then s ,111 ample fund In the cltj tn isurj for soldiers' relief and there s no teasou that the glove Inspec- iJOYS IILLIJ AS JOY RIDKIIS Y'outhful Pair Accused of Tourinp; City in Stolen Auto Two scvcnleen-j ear-old bovs, accused of steillng nn automobile belonging to the Philadelphia Klectrlc Comptny front Tenth and Walnut streets and riding around the city for several hours, todav were held In $GO0 lull for court bv Magistrate Coward In tho Seventh and Carpenter streets station Tho bovs, who vcrc arrested at Tenth street nnd Movamenstni? avenue, nre John Dobicli, Carpenter street ne ir ,lnn "!' should le neglected Ninth, nnd Howard Moigan, lifl-sec- " appe trs tint no one Ins suggested mid Htrect near Glrard avenue .that the nflkns nt Cunp Mende mike I this Inspection an I thus save the c pendlture of $00 This would huj nlnets "TUB GOATS" WILL- "HUTT IN" mofu l,,lr'' of g'"ves mil bo In keeping Tho Coats will butt into tho limelight 11'1 tho teachlnBs of Mr Hoover tonight with a dinner to bo given in the Pluo Itouni of tho Cotts Hotel which " . thev sav is at the southwest torner of 15ro id ami Walnut streets 1 lie 'do its In Ucstlon, It must le understood, nio humans and thn fait th it thej hive selected the llluo Itoom does not signify that tho nITali will be glooinv Tho dinner. It Is said, will be for Hillv Co its only it Is announced from the Coats' head (U triers In tho Hellevuo Court Building th it the guests of honor on this occasion w ill ho tho 1 hree Jacks, known as J n-u I luvles, J ick Ira7lcr and T. Jack Mulvej Cltv supplies during Ills will tol far In cxccs of sums paid this je.ar If estimates received todaj- nre approved Hrv goods estimates are 5rt per cent higher, blushes, Imekets. etc, 18 pel cent higher, groceries, 10 to 12 P r cent. lthmtes for meats, butter and eggs were received for a single month beconso of mtiket conditions governing these e numodltles Tnilnv's Irlllnir Is fnr nrilV Islnns for- ago nnd all classes of supplies for all of tho tltj s chtrlUible Institutions and the cltj lire and polite boats nnd the Ice. bout lleet It will approximate $2"i0,oon Iho quantities of supplies asked fur were reduced In some Instances, nnd the usutl three nnd six months' con tracts nre not llkelv to be amended as nnnv of the estimates submlttid eon template onlj it slnglo months deliv eries The list for which estimates weie re celved were the following Clothing Ice drj goods brushes, Intnulrj s ipplles horses milk ere 1111, groceries, tea mf fie, meats butter, tggs, forage Hour llsh Some of the Items will tuver tin llrst halt of the vear, but the majority will be for a miith shorter period Another l)a for Soldiers' Gifts The time for dillveiv of 1 hrlslni is pal eels to the Mnvirs riceptlon mom. ;0J I Itv Hall for fiee dellverj to soldiers at Camp Meade Ins bei 11 i tended one d iv 'I he ollk e will be upt 11 tod is nnd tomorrow from a m tn r, p 111 and siindas front 10 a in to ", p 111 CAVOUR CLUB'S NOVEL 8HOW 1 1 - Minstrel Entertainment Tonight Will Hao OrlRlnal Features A minstrel novelty will be offered this evening by tho Cavour Club, an Italian crganlzatlon, of U38 Wharton street, at New Garrlck Hall, G07 South Klghth street A dance will follow. Knd men will bo eliminated, each member of the cast being provided with a distinct char acter, and novelties will replace the, al ternate song nnd dance. The book was written by Frank Mas- scy nnd the musle adapted by Italph 5275. atordano. Nicholas V. I. Pail super vised the lyrlco and William A, B. IjP Una directed the cast. The cast In cludes William A. S. Lapetlna, Trank Masse)-, Angclo Coizl, Alfred dl Orlo, Nicholas La Kaila, Philip Landl. Pas chal Peters. Joseph dl Piano and Henry Mastrangelo Four Wills Probated Wills probated today Include those of Mary A. Cljmer, C32 Kusquehanr.n ac-' nue. which. In private bequests, disposes of property xnlucd at 3160: Prederlck Williams, Jefferson Hospital, 121,143; M, J, Itoblnson, West Knlls, $3160, and Anna M. Sonm. 41C5 PranUlln olrect.l 1 BULL DOG BUNTING 1 -j ni sii:Hin: i inBs S rrliils foi Chrlsttniis Dins- Is" srrvlee sji uu I s with nnl rol Iti d whirs H. Si nl for catulou if i thrr s zes FINK & SONS Ml . "Ill !. Ill S, Sill St. JEOldwellcVCp Chestnut Juniper South Pcnn Square MAHOGANY MANTEL CLOCKS Classic, Fron;h Gothii nnd Tnmbour Cases 0 MOTOR ROBES Ilfcoimiied the tttndird. Wool nd I'lujh Robes. Will meet yonr idea of a bundsomo comfortibls robe for lone and satisfactory serv ice. If not at your dealers, write WM. AYRES & SONS Philadelphia tlfitri 0 Ihl Famout I A llortl BlmUU Down in Florida A'ou 11 find th it tho llntst ho its ale Vamli t hi rtheu outfitted Thnieisnn rluht service at rlKlit prii es, at F. Vanderherchen's Sons lhetillhing for 11 lioril N. Water St., Philn. lluiibcom's Xmas 9k Bulletin of good things now ready. He bure to get 1 copy before nuiuin"; up order. 1232 JIarliet St. Root for your team and for Underdown's SHIRTS $1.50 Each The first ons vou nsar "'" PrcnirV.',Attt.;d or Delached A.R. Underdown's Sons Inbber floods and Men's rumlihlots 202-204 Market St. LataLiUahca Blllcu 1S3S "" " 3 for $4 &m ' HARDWOOD fffi gRk FLOORS JB ITpinkertonI T" . " We Will Solve Your Xmas W$ c3iv Problems Economically 3034 West York st. ;, For long wear, beauty of finish and absolute cleanliness, nothing equals hardwood floors. And for work that gives lasting satisfaction at surpris ingly moderate prices, no one can excel PINKERTON Vhll irfVli.tUi llolh I hour COLLY-PHONE TALKS Said Pollv To Dolly. "Let s lunch Where it's jolly!'' Said Dollv To Polly "Where's that?" Said Polly To Dolly. . "Just hop On the trollcv : We'll land At the 'Colly My hat!" Music Irresistible! rij ' n- j v Perry's Hav the Clothes! Vic. 7 nCututcA'remrnntntA'tt Hotel Colonnade CIILSTMJT AT 15T" STREET .lust look over this evhlhltion of .lelvanreil stmrt blousei we lave arranged for von sen the dozens nf Kvveet and attraetlve ileslcns vou hnou she vtlll "just love ' Healizo tliat in unitlmes" the )irtt anil useful Rift is tho nlrest Rift of all .ud then, too, i think of the sivIiirs wo nn maho for ou i Big Exhibition of Dainty Blouses at 3&5 Th" rt our unstalrn nmnfj wlns j rlcei The $T walits nre I lntlcal with in-rup boII at pround Moor nhopa nt $" anl -! Then nt Si, our intra Itloum ht-c the amartfst J8 to $i nluei ou frr s"in A p pen U -rarli in h umart t hrlatins nx. too Thero in no clft that (Oinblnei urulne with h-pauty whlrh civs sou so much for your money hh a I'tCeT) Iltouse lhllltltu H this wctk I'uino in tiirlj' Blouse Shop 1208 CHESTNUT ST. SavoS2ioS5 OVERCHILDS RESTAURANT - TAKC ELEVATOR. m .y-vv m. mr m DALSIMER STANDARD SHOES m 4jW.-iffv-fl-,i r - T -5 Ml v&ySMMMm r The Ideal Xmas Gift The beautiful craftsmanahlp of the Weyniann Piano alni charrtu tho eye and eicltea wonder, Thl" ,arfrtlnn nf mrchalllcal detail v the foundation of tho rich, mellow, colden tons that rank tho vvey inann ampng tho beat planoa. To ar it Yeymann piano or player piano la to covet ltl to own It la to know complete aatlafactlon. Convenient terma Moderately priced. Free delivery anywhere. Delicti and year'a tuning free. CATAI&3UE ntKIl mrnm Tan Boot At a Very Low Price $.90 (THE CORDOVAN SHADE) The present scarcity of tan calfskin increase the importance of this announcement. This model is a $7.50 value, and will be ivortff eveji more next month. Opportunities of this kind to secure specially desired leathers at prices considerably below usual arc offered first to Dalslmcr. In this instance, vve advise that jou take quick advantage, as it is certain that we shall not be able to duplicate it less than double. TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET mmf aaaaBfokflaHV JUaidtme Shoes and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market Street EffHggf5gBgSg llto imtticXriiinhhhiiin?nrht rv &zr& r" rzz'XK rza r " v easonabicuggetons uy iiiciioaicOTctcitottt .fftCiy "3 Fine White" Diamonds In a 1 1 p 1 a tmum A i. u vauiere, i n c luding P 1 a tinum chain. Many other designs THOMPSON'S ,:.Vh35I2So.8thSt. A A 0 For Cl.ri.lma. CifH TjUH Outfits for T..SwJvVtt.,.,1,4" . W a"-- J u 'VTBinUCIt I A&W I ifij Great Reductions in i i Exclusive Furs iror Amas bitts and Personal Use Louis Rappaport " "Jjigf ST- BOXES DRAWING PYROGRAPHY Brass Craft Work Tit KM II ITN.PAINTIMl TrS)TI-l'IMINa A STKNtlltNO F. WEBER & CO., 1 125 V.VeV" Open Ctsi. until 7 o'clock. Dec. 17-.J. Inc. i Victor Records for Christmas Come and Hear These and Fifty Others s 5 1 j; 31 Vdentn llolen JtloCor '--1"- I lllurk Ullll lllln , linrli. ( l 11 Ki ItHllelujah Oiorui from IJ.In. till V VIvaalHh " Mctorfho JI.OU i t un mm t'uuni, n inu (Aneeta from the HphIiii-k of lllurv IrltilO 1 holr) , , 33MI-VOH I.lltli- Town "t Ir'.'i- v Trinity Choir ' Chrlatmaa Konea amK I t Aton Victor JllneuJ 1 t horu-i f 31853 hrltlan Awake.") t,o t item tou Alerryl Blicntl U-ln. JI.UU l l uentiemcn I Mght." K PENNON. r ... i 17 So. Ninth St. Opposite Poatoffice Mahogany Chiming Grandfather's Clock EiaiiT feet iiiRii. Iic.iutifully flB. nreil woo tl, lit for tho finest liomo DellKlitfnl Wcstniln (.ter ClilnicH, decora tlvo nickel tutici nnd ji o 1 I 8 li o d brass weight $125:1 (Value $173) Quantity Limited Fully Guaranteed BREITINGER & SONS TNC. 39 N. 9th Street lor 40 jeara Thlla a leaUiliB lloclt Useful t$tfts For BOYS or GIRLS Not Dtiplicalcil Tihewhrro Girls' Combination Waterproof Raincoat l.ollrelv JeiT $3.50 vi? Sizes 3 jcars to 16 3 cars llain llnli, 50c JUI1 Orders rilled Boys' Raincoat $3.00 St.UU utile Mado of English Cunton.i; double texture; handsome plaid lining; mili tary collar; tan and olive shades. ,? WATCHES FOR GIFTS Wo aro l-oud of our refutation for dependable watches. Hero you will find manjr that arc quite dif ferent from the ordinary Ladies' 14 kt. Gold Watches Ladies' 14 kt. Gold Wrist Watches Ladies' Gold-Filled Wrist Watches Men's 14 kt. Gold Watches Men's Gold-Filled Watches Men's Military Watches $22 to $50 $30 to $75 $15 to $28 $25 to $150 $12 to $72 $12 to $25 aO O C 1m.-. O- C Market at 7 Storm Boots ft n.98 roit CHILDREN Rubber Toys, 25c & 50c Hot-Water Bottles, 98c Value $1.50 Ladies' and Men's Raincoat Special . . 8 HWtmUtr,uelmv .?15, $18, .?20, $25, and up to $65 Perry Winter Overcoats Fur-Collar Coats, $50 to $85 Handsome Double-Breasted Ulsters Swagger Trench Overcoats Raglan-shoulder Belters, both Double- and Single-Breasted Military Raglan Overcoats Big Muff-Pocket Overcoats Kimono-Sleeve Overcoats Box-Back Overcoats Shapely-Back Overcoats Pleated-Back Overcoats Plain-Back Overcoats Half -Belt Back Overcoats All-around Belts and Buckle All-around Belts that button t and then ?! , Conservative Overcoats Fly-Front Overcoats Velvet-Collar Overcoats Cloth-Collar Overcoats Big Roll-up Storm-Collar Coats Overcoats with Ji 2r m s a, -7 t A , i M 1 .jSH m Slashed Vertical Pockets Outside-Patch Pockets Regular Flap Pockets Welted Pockets Outside Bellows Pockets Top Muff Pockets lined with velvet for warmth Outside Patch Pockets with flaps that button Overcoats with Fur Collars of Beaver Fur Collars of Hudson Seal Fur Collars of Otter Fur-lined Overcoats All-Fur-Outside Overcoats J Wc have never had such Beautiful Over- $ coats, ana we nave never naa so many of j them! J The Military models are the handsomest productions we have ever turned out ! Even those Coats not distinctly military have benefited in character, in the cut of their conservative lines, in their' fit and comfort! They are strictly conservative Overcoat mod- 1r. i atiafif caiica rf 4-MA iirstvH . ac . !.. 4.L. .- & Cia ltl wvwijr OV.UJV. ui kuv. nuiu, jrta, UUl IHCV S-jtJ have more distinction than they ever had M before! W Come in and try on half a dozen or a dozen. different models, and say which looks best onj you ! That s the only way to tell ! Winter Suits, $15 to $48 Perry & Co. "N. B. T." F ) - 1 'fiV . '4 16th and Chestnut St's UI.IUinOon Eighteenth 20 CHEtTNUTlT ..'JbL w JAi- z ITJ . yr t H -it St. !MaamHaMfBBaHaSaae Mt lUJ..!