vmmrm . ''Vi! - . . V ' ,'tVv' I i. i ' . l ' r i ' .ll . '. 1 ' il. ...T AL LACK MAKES NEUMONIA JUMP Physicians Plead in Per- son for Patients' Fuel Supply BLAME ADMINISTRATORS Seventeen new cases of pneumonia wer teporled to the Hoard of Health today. In addition to 13 leported es terday, many of which ore attributed to the scarcity of coal. More than forty phvslclans personally visited the offices of tho locat fuel com mittee jetterdav and many inore went there, today to plead for coal for their patients, TALK AS WELL AS KNIT DEAN THOMAS ADVISES Kryn Mawr College Head Counsels Now Century Club Women Against Pro-Germanism The women of Atnetlci intul be talk ers as telt an knitters. They must talk down every piece of rro-llerman doctilne ( which corner tcv their attention. Only 111 this way tan Orinan terrorism he ended. Tills 1 the asertloti nude llili after noon before the New Century flub, at tho clubrooms. at 115 South Twelfth etteet, by T)r. M. fare) Tliomus, presi dent of Hrvii Mawr College. Miss 1 liomis, who has Just been wade chair man of tlm department of educitlon of the Pennsylvania Division e,f the Wom an's Committee of the Council of Na tional Defense, apohe on "Patriotic La ucatlon." Tho war Is lost If we do not under- 1500 DEAD AT HALIFAX, OFFICIAL LISTS SHOW Cost of Food Takes New Jump CRAIG BIDDLE ENTERS ARMY AVIATION SERVICE In cases whore nlivslUans vveie uinble , stand what tve re flghlintr ror. mo to tnaKe their appeuls in person coal she "It Is every woman aui to seo wag refused This action, ncCjrdlnit to i Mat every man. woman and child un Fuel Commissioner frauds A I.ewK derstinds why wc entered the war and was due to many abuses of phslclant'' whv we must stay In 1 till It Is won certificate ' How me women to help O truth Manv ptivalclaiis expressed their dl-(in(j brli ff vitterlv to mi ma mis iimeoua tnoroval todav of th edict of the coni- mlsilon eompellliiB them to pleid the cases of their sufferlnc patient l-i per son. "It Is too tnuili to aU." said Ur. J. D. Altrlsht, who lias offices In t).- Terry BulldlnK "I tni be:ce!d all day hlKhlmare. this awful thliiR" 1 lw can we h-t fight It? Not by Knitting; for our so'dlem and llin Allies, not even lv relief work for the uhjeellv wretched Mctims of German irlKhtfulMSi. Btl- .... .11 ..... lttinmli nnd hlOthers Jsterday with patients, but It was phys-. l" .1 ' ll0u.a Msir )tl the trenches Ically Impossible for me to personally I " 'nth(J omtn nnd children of the spDssr onoro u.b iviuuu ravished countries per th frc in tne fiTin "It Is a most unreasonably request." r tou 'P ,d declared Dr. llav.-itd Ktierr. a throat and ' -' Y;a head imch-cked In this tunc si4l streets. .oust, ot Twoiiui ana pruca -"" "' .,,,, ... ., Rlld nusvla and our South Broad wholly comlnr dene without creat Inconvenience often ieonardbes the lives of patients " Aetlon was taken bv Mr Lewis today te decrease the wasto In the overlieatlne f hotels and apartment houses by pe titioning the Federal Administration at Washington to fix a standard tempera ture of 6S degiees which the hotel und apartment house owners must not ex ceed. "Anrthlnr above this Is pampering ourselret," Mr. Ia;wli said, "and this watting of coal by hotels and apart ment and the ahlttlnr or windows must fco etopped." Many persons In Suth and West Philadelphia v Islted the fuel oflkc todaj and ooinplalned about tho scarcity. While everything possible Is being done to rellere the situation, Mr. Lewis de clared, the relief will htve to be ob tained temporarily from the ir.irn.r gro cery store after Saturday, when tho graded kcale of prices for -coal In bags goes Into effect (jioccrs "nrd small dealers will then be able to b-11 tho i on suitur twenty-flvc-pouiid bags for six teen cents and eighteen-pound bags for eleven cents. The. latter sl'.c bags will be sold by peddlers for thirteen cento, and Mr. Lewis said today that the peddler should be encouraged In the present situation because of the scarcity of drivur. Dealers aro evidencing great anxiety over the future, It being declared that unless some form of lellef Is obtained at once there will be Intenso suffering in January and Tebruaiy. "If I got BOO tons dally for the noxt month I would still be forty-five weehs behind In my orders," one dealer declared todav. Gov ernment action Is being urged by the dealers tu the hope of obtaining better , shipments to tho city. i...,..i "If a who'e great no( can be edu cated l.v l ciimlnal U&hemrollmi iu ers In ml Itailsm. atgresa'un. rape and mur der. the rrc-at democracies of the world cm he educated to that Justice- and right are dsirer than life iuelf. Miss Thomas closed by ashing all the women In the- audience tu assist u the ,..i- .,r (Mi Colleao Women I'alilollc SpeaVIng Itureau which If to b- oigan- Ized U. S. TO STI1ULATE SILVER PRODUCTION! Price to Bo Kise' Sufficiently Uign to KncouwRC Mon- Minint? slll.VtJTON ! 12 --V Pi'" " to b llfed for ullvcr wiiicn wm i- ""' Situation Rapidly Improves as Supplies Arrive Explosion Inquiry Starts Today HALU'AX. Dec I-'. I'lflecii hundred men, women und ihll died died In the Ilallfat airaster, nccotd Ing to oitlclal estimate based on re covery of bodies and thorough checking up nt alt MentlRiatf.ii rlntlon A big percentage of the reo'cn-d dead have not been Identified, Ilallfat will bury Its dead next Trl- day. There will be a general funeral for nil bodies taken from the ruins up to that time. Three of the five cemeteries In Halifax will be. entirely filled with victims by I'rlday night. In Talrvlew Cemetery, hundreds will be laid alongside persons who lost their lives In the Titanic and Durgojne disasters. Kvery minister at Halifax and nearby towns will be called Into "ervlec fcirv Ices will be recited over groups of cas kets. 1'roin esrlv morning until dark funeral corteges will wind through the streets. There are not enough hearses; many cottlns must be home on wafcons jusllie urseuuie, or mo .iuprim Court, expected to start his Investigation Into cuu&es of the catastrophe today. Witnewves of the collision between the French munition ship Mont Blanc and tho Belgium relief bteamshlp Imo raid that the Mont Blanc flew- no red flog, nt prescribed by regulations, wh'n she en tered the harbor. Itellef worl: H going ahead rapidly Threatened dltres' from lad; f food has been averted The home!s tne all being sheltered and v irml.v clathed Supplies are coming In iead'lv. Addi tional surgical volunteeM and nuires ar rlvo on every train lleconstiuctlon of buildings needed for shelter has begun Mllitar;. . naval und clvilltn parties are tontinulng tho search for bodies but snow is hampering them. The situation in Halifax hospitals Is much Improved Bluce. many of tho In jured have been taken to outildo point. f oiitlnueil from 1-aie One lists, na Issued by tliti ndmlulstralor. did not give the mall food dealers it fnlr profit The following ie fall prices for foods in i-niiaueipina today as determined lv a comtnllteo of representative wholesal ers nnd letallers In ronjuilctloli with the l cuct.u rood ndmlnistratloii Philadelphia Athlete nnd Clubman Enlists ns Prlvato nnd (Iocs to San Antonio t'ralg lllddle, prominent athlete und cliiliman nf this t'it.v. enlisted this inotn' Ing us n private In the aviation section of the signal totps of tle army and has heen assigned tu ilutv nt Kellj new "an Antonio. Tex ,,., . . . ... I,, Mr Hldd e. trleil fi.i a lotnm'sjlon at ri. h.r rT'1,1'.,,,.!"0.V-,'r,' '''e oimeis' nalnlm; mm at Tort Nl J ..' ,".".. ?"' '?,V?" 'iU?." ...'.' C'.,M .-"Ban but be.auro of a detlrleiuv In nnd delivers pthes will he proportionate ly hlfihei If jour dealer chtge. on the t-ima above mentioned, inoie than price riuoteil helovv, buy tlsewhcie nnd report him by Ilier to the I'edeinl food ndtnlnlsttatoi' Moirls Ilulldlng. l'hili-delplila i onuutner l:lsller eheuld p)s pay tOW 1.8 (tern. stewlnie) ' llm .. . . HTflSSe art81c Meiium . . . ixnsSi! i-sOiSHe Ms-lit . ... .. Mfrysa vJiriflc ( lttCKKNS (vtntern. reaitltial IPmvv freh CTjiL-So .'lOjtajc Milk tJ liejj, tatte 1 fowl ant ehlcWis h'sli-r .'Sfl.-iJ' .-sfiSOe KfCKH (vteetertiV Irn'i .'&.'' JT'jaOc Ut:i.-i: iwenLrrn) IVsll ... . 'JJ'tftt in n Kit I eti i-iuet rrln Ihleher kcur Ihtn rxtri) oltO'r tltiod irsmeiv prlntH (xlra. !-S srore) .... rH:,ic PAlr rronsittlng nf flrte) ww nrdtnarv . .... -IJu lc t'ui cy i renmu tuh iMsli- er seoro tlnn exira) .. SotfCJ Oond reirrery tub (extra !'-" snorol r.ilr Fair framr t-il Ord'mrv ( oi 1 bt - are Onllnsrv alraif, n ub butlrr in pi nt- 4 IU I'.K io& i.- inl I - rr II ".! n 0 Ic rsif.-de r.i4f."io i 7 a 3oo ..-jrr'ie r.inrv trwro r.uiM ITS'Mi 1 - Tf l n.iitheni .tli fal.eil to par the final ex aiulniilonx Hi- later tried to get Into other branihe of thevPervUo nnd could have obtained n commission In branches nf the service which did not ns-ure ac tive tervUV lie want to get to l'tmice and see real net vice and ao declined thee nppoitunltle Tamlllar with motora and aulomobttes. Mr lllddle Is well Htted for work In the aviation bervlee. His work In the avis t'on Eectlon will be In the repair and up keep of alrplanei', one of the army of r.onfivers ncccssar.v to keep the planes tuned np for instant service In time he itiio have an opportunity of learning to tlv and. If he becomes a pilot he will get a commission Keilv Held, wheio he hai been as signed U tho laigest uvlition Held In thli i nitutj 'More than 10,00ft men nro on dutv, and In addition to many Amer ican avlatoia. Canadian and British bird men of th.i Uoval rijltig foil' tire ttaln inu there FIRST AMERICAN SHOT IS FIRED AT AUSTRIA "CAP .10E" IS UKAP Head Waller at Giccn'a Hotel Suc cumbs to Paralysis Diners at dreen"q Hotel todav won dering Vow it was faring ".villi Tap Joe," the big negro head waiter, who had been rlclc, found out that ho was dead. f.ap Joe," as Joseph It Vndcrhlll . known to hundreds of persons died Mondav at his home. HIT Lombard li.ullv Huriutl Trjint; lo Save- Clillcl l'om-irit-t id I in"" nivvn i,r isH South Scviiiih -t'ni K in a iilti, a! cuiidltton In Dm m gi ! I lo-jilt ii aufiei m fioni Imtny te, Med wh n he i.xiiKht on llio lluw mi i runs' Tin i Intd mother had left hi n .ihrne In n toom while r-liei vient out to do hum- i-hop ping Tho child crawled over to n gas heater and disconnected tho rubber piping. There was a burst of Hamo nnd tho child s ilothlng caught Jlre Tho ngonlzed ta.re.im-i brought riamuel Oleenfleld, an uphoUtercr whosn work shop Is in the same building, to the rescue lie tiled to beat out the fames with his hands Then ho rushed to a nraihy diug sloro with tho rhlltl still In Tames In his arrrs. There, with as-il-tanee, h bent out the flame- envelop ing the child nnd blmelf A passing automobile waa hailed nnd both weio taken to the st gnes Hospital Oreen- lleld s burin were not seilous but i Is doubtful If the child win recover ALL AUXILIARY FORCES IN FIELD TO BE ARMcD Casualties Among U. S. Enfrinccrs nt Cambral Lad to New Recommendation LONDON", Dec. II. Because Amerl tan engineers suffered casualties lit tho nuhtlng around Cambral on November 30 It has been decided to recommend In the fututo that all such auxlllarv forces be armed, according to a Ileuttr dis patch tecelved this afternoon. The recommendation, It was said, would cover till auxiliary forces, non combatant or otherwise, who operate near the firing line. WARS DEMANDS PAHAMOUNT Army Officer Says They Should Have Precedence Over City Improvements American cities should stop beautify ing their parks and making other mu nicipal Improvements nnd urge their resl- dent workmen to seek employment In the dinerent munition plants, declared JIaJor W A Garrett, general mana'r of tho ' Hmlngton Arms Company, who epoke I this afternoon at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania llallroad Women's i Division for War Belief The meettnis was held In tho auditorium of tho l'enn-1 svlvanla Railroad Youn,r Men's Chris-1 tlan Avsoclatlon, 1'otty-Hrst street nnd VveM minster avenue 'Tho war fcltuatlon Is becoming graver all the time," said Major Garrett; "we should ceat.0 making Improvements on our parks and elsewhere and also stop building theatres. Let us clvo all our lt..ln f. 1.a ..... re. I .---.. n .. t,,,, i"ci' -" "" N'i. wwunci which are Cunnresman rinkliam I uns i.an- turning out merchandise and other vaid (if Italian Gun Trninett - rnings tuai wm oe tequlred with which on mvnticrs W V.-IIIMl'U'N Dei 1. Americas (lr t shot nt Autrn now foimally rec- ( cgnlzed us un eiiemv has been tired Iteniesetital ve linkhamn secretary i thN attirnoon received word that tho Mjmj. husetts fongreisnian, wno nai ben witnessing tho titanic strugglo ef Italians to hold back Teuton Invaders, Ian vlslled tho flrst-llno defenses and there was nccotded tho prtvllego of pulling tho lanjard of ono of tho big Italian guns sending a shell Into the Austrian positions across tli Wave. Xorristown Coal Supply Adequate NOnr.IKTOW.S', I'a Dec. 12. The Montgomcty f'ounty l"uei commission, after a conftrenio with local dealers, an nounced that all families without coal had been rcarlnd ard wero asbured by the dealeis that tho mpplv Is equal to the demand SHERLEY IS ELECTED TO SUCCEED FITZGERALD WASHINGTON'. Dec. 12. Represen tative fhcrley, Kentucky, was today elected chairman of the House Appro prldtlons Committee. Ho will not take olTlce, however, until January i. When Chalrnian Tltrgerald's resIgnatlon.be romes effective. The comtnltteo appointed the follow ing subcommittees lo supervise drafting of the several big appropriation meas Uies referred to them. Sundry civil Sherley, Howard llxmes. lllllett nnd Mondell. Legislative llvrncs. Cvnns, Buchanan, Stafford and Good, j VorttfWt1e.aM L.MKRiit uwiu ana s?vin tj reneinns easiiiv-an." ksas T.on ana dams. - - :, rerinaneiit appropriation! 1 Kvans, Howard, Mondell, Vara t rord, Deficiencies Bhertey, Kafahal Cannon nnd Vnre. , AS the big House committees' rre at work drafting the aps bills ir their several departmenMt?! reems little likelihood that vr Wilson's lecomtncndatlon that the) I return to the practice of making; n pronrlatlons througn a single con will bear fruit during the prestrt; slop. t, Funds for Officers ami Enlisted In the U. 8. Army and Navy an with Red Croat or Y. M. C. A. The Safest Way To carry fund it by Trarelert Letters of Credit which we ittus free of commlttion To tend funds it by Mail or Cable Trantfer which may be made through ut. WE HAVE OUR OWN AMERICAN REPRESENTATIVE IN FRANCS WITH HEADSUARTERB AT Trie OFFICE OF CREDIT COMMERCIAL OE FRANCE I 20 RUE LAFAYETTE, PARIS -t ; ci :.if i a Brown Brothers & Co IbfRTii a-sd CirrSTNUT Snuir.Ta PHILADELPHIA 1 ,t tr.,' iSI'i '- 1 " ir tiij t ;: rdcntly high to encouiate-lni leased p-o- ductlon of that metal f"1'""' V Mieet, of paraljs.t afler t-even weeks' V3iip iiirt-'ttrr of th( mint. Ian aaopttfu - a polkv looklnp towa-d Mlnmlation of llluc-s He wai -IMj-Mne-o vears old ' .. t . I as .11 1 j caf.l i . i . .. , la.d . .&-. m i.t" l, ..l,n alliei nv net to Vlgo'uux ri' fctts to build up the Atrcrican hdver stock , , . Tho prlco of ilher Is now mound Sv. aid It Is milt probable tint the pilco to hi fled will be between eighty-five rrd nlnty centa per flnoiource. Uecenlly the pike waa fifty conttt 'I he I'niteJ Mate has been shcrt of sllvar during the last two ear,-, while the mint Is using ereatlj Increased quan tities of rllver because of tho greater demand for sliver coins, due to the stimulation of business. On December 14 there will be a confer ence In Washington on the price fixing and had been a waiter at Greens for thlrO-three ear woiklug his way up from a cake baker. Ho win a, familiar figuto jit the hotel, vrhero In hla time, he had aerved many notable men. Ar ransements are being mado for the I funeral and the burial, which will bn nt ' hl3 old home, Tort Clinton, Pa. IIo was ' unmarried. $5000 Damage Verdict Against City A verdict of JCOOO against tho city was obtained by Mrs. Mary 11 an today from a Jury before President Judgo Barratt, In Court of Common I'leas No. 2. for Injuries sustained when ehe - . II. A.. I.IM. ti 111 ti atlpr,Heil tic reo Tlie wotlcol Government experts In ' tej.nt-atlves of western mining Inter- tripped over an upturned flagatone ut vTaehlngton. who are now engaged In i ets ad by Senators and uepreseniauves ; '"" '" . ""'"", aitertalnin the cost to retail coal ti out the western States. They will con- ber. IMC. Mrs. Iljan was permanentiv dealert may frustrate n move by Phlla- , fer with Dlteotor JJaker on the ce st of Injuied Internally. It was testified that rtelphla' dealers to Increase piices about production of silver and other elements tho city had previous know edge of the fifty cents r. ton to tho consumer. entering lnt& the price fixing. dangeroua condition of the pavement. Tt'e Hhi.i yC t " M 1-1.' k A t mr t.t. LEATHEH-LINED Educator Shoe SPECIAL All Lesither-lincil Men's Educators with two full soles from Too to Heel. You'll find these shoes only at our two stores. S. K. MILLER Expert fitters Two Stores 200i Market St. 209 Mi IA mi Jewelry for Christmas Gifts ;"3. Link Button-? ...$2.'25 to $75. 75. Scarf Pins 1.00 to 75. 75. Tie CInsps 1.25 to 25. 75. Vest Chains 4.50 to 75. 26. Pocket Knives . . . 2.75 to 45. 75. Cijrar Cutters .. 4.00 to 15. Our stock of gold jewelry is complete and comprehensive. It includes many unusual novel ties of exclusive design and all staple articles from the least expensive to the finest. ItJnfjs $1.75 lo $75 Brooches 1.00 lo Bar Pins 1.75 to Bracelets 2.50 to 'liiimbles 3.50 to l.ii Vullieres 1.50 to These and hundreds of other gift suggestions in Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware, arc shown in our new catalogue beautifully illus trated in colors. May ice send you a copy? S. Kind & Sons, uio chestnut street DIAMOND MERCHANTS J EWKLERS SILVERSMITHS Closinq hour Six o'clock until Christmas. paatnsaeaaseaasaBasBBBeBaaeBaseaseaena'3 - X When the Mercury drops around Zero v r-j j $ . . t'lttainn imj Sly. n'Clnrk titllit f'iWaMiin. 3 IV, sa rlienel Krratene. Main 42 -- I iA"te J'" Ordera PromHlu rllltrl -gr v i ' ' M, Open SuturiUr. I mil 10 r. M. ,1 .. ' r: ' ,..- , jJ ML .HI m wmm . -i jSnT VICTORIA (Closed) M J flPPkaeseveseVevseasesessV seseieS MMsustsHi " weppJt LIMOUSINE That's when you can enjoy the weather-defying comfort of a Cadillac Enclosed Car. Snow or cold has no terrors for the owner of one of these cozy enclosed cars. He gets the maximum of comfort and utility from his car during the entire twelvemonth. There are three reasons why you should buy your Cadillac Enclosed Car NOW. (1) You can buy one for im mediate delivery NOW; -"W (2 Enclosed Car comforts and special advantages are most desirable NOW; (3 Prices will probably be higher in the Springs than they are NOW. " - 4" LANDAULET (Open) AUTOMOBILE SALES CORPORATION . 144 NORTH BROAD STREET f ?& yM ?w; - V53 I..J 3ivia .jfr-3 M '"Ti . ' V i'V.i , 55 II I MMHIWM wmm WNm LVI . It rV-V."aja4.;,' VgTC 'ii, . ' '.'- " v-. T lsA .a. ' J., ,U. . .. .-- . fXMWLV,.UOyiU, te&8kjL'J$$.J ("v . amsist i V L'. -' XK ?"?$ r-. :i il. . ir .?.'" VI . r. -:v. 'iifi iMflLS