'Mf aW' t.W T F ',) :r r ' .,c;v- VO I-"- f ,-.' JCH 'GRANNY' FLIES U. S. FLAG Gratefully Greets Sani mees With Ancient Em blem Bearing 13 Stars 'GIFT FROM LOST , SQN Water, Wnter Everywhere in Laird Where American Troops Prepare Uy HENRI UAZIN ttaff Corrcupanitrnl of the Hvtvlia l.fdotr WITH TIII2 AltinilCAN AUMY IN FHANCi:, Nov. 9 A peasant xvlth 11 calculating mind and a. passion for iiiiu,rei told mo tud.iy that It rains In thlr section of Franco 190 days a year, nnd out of the retn'iln- der there are sixty dnjs that It sumx Sammco wai standing beside mi' iih I listened, and when I had translated ha said: 'They'T'ust get that 19U d.iyH In bunches of threes. I'c heen here for something like six xxeks and the tain hasn't intoned a trick." Whether he xx.is right or nut, I do not recall, hut certainly for come time past tho country around the-e camps could well he christened "I'tminny France Fields atid meadow h nie sodden and water oozes oery where Hut nothing deters the enthilshixm or the 'earnestness of thee boys "from home" In thflr aim at soldierly perfec tion. They are on the Jol In unfailing regularity.' In a ride from one extreme ' point o another thin morning 1 passed unit after unit xxorklng faithfully nt bayonet practice, P tie went to 'Saynttlle" Jit took me half a minute to understand she meant Beat, tie) and brought me back this petit drapenu. I hae kept It cur since And when I wns told a. 111116 while ago that American soldiers were com'.ng to , I unlocked my wardrobe nnd went to the window. For It Is the dag of the great country that wilt help make France free." I l.lted another llttlo placo with h regular Jerkwater railroad station. All about It mo f'ammee barrnckn of the Frenih Adrian p.ittorn. And heond Is an Ideal artillery proving ground. Near the station, hocho prisoner under guard by pollu territorials nra building sidings for tho uio oC heaxy-gurt practice. It Is one of a dozen or moro all over France. There l. n teritlmetital romethlng In these provliig-ground arrangcment'i no matter where you find thim In ccry case, the runs point toward Inxndcd country. In many cases, miles and miles IX XX .1 THIS IS RED CROSS DAY IN CITY THEATRES 'Virtually Every Playhouse , Will Turn Over Proceeds to Work of Mercy 'The lUlnbow Olrl," nt the Forrest; John Itnrrymore, Coitstance Collier nnd Lionel IJarrymorc, In "Peter Ibbetson," at the Ljrlc; pax Id Uclaseo'fl comedy, 'Tho Boomerang," nt the CJarrlck; Wil liam Collier In "Xothlng nut the Truth," at tho Adelphl j Klnw and i:rlanger and Ueorgo C, Tjler's production of "Polly anna," at tho Droad, and Arthur Hani, mcrsleln's muslo play, "You're In loxe," nt tho Chestnut Street Opera House. This countrywide contribution was arranged through a committee of lead ing managers, headed by Abe I. I'r langcr, Samuel F, Nixon, H. V, Albe nnd others. Performance This Mornlne Included Th l ted Cross drlxo for Doo.ooo new ,, . , .,, " , members for tho Houtheastern I'cm- Jlany Celebrities nnd Isylvinla Chapter by Christmas was Novel Features ' ,n ilod out at a luncheon of the cam- ' pnlRn committee for Philadelphia, , , Chester. Montgomery, llerks and Dela- Todn Is America's lied Cioss Tlica-1 ware Counties nt the ltltz-Carltuii at inv. I ml.n.l ' Vri.nli nrillliT train. I tre Day IS'JO o'clock. The city's financial, In- nir offlcpr whv. Vlrlunllv . mi-.- i. t.nn. l.. ni.ti ,,ti. I dustrlal. religious, fraternal, labor nnd KEITH'S UNIQUE SHOW MARYLAND BOY KILLED IN WAR ZONE ACCIDENT STUDIES RADIO WORK Joseph Byrne, u linotyp-j opera tor In the Ledger composing loom, who is pre purine himself to scro Uncle Sam. when- the t.iln falls half the time, and some where the mm iicmt falls to shine. I'OI'L'I.Al't: TL'UNS OUT ThlH town Is on the wav between points th.it 1 Wait now nnd then f r catim Information, und tho only Ameri can uniforms I Ji id prcvluuvl, seen In It were thotc of the tersratits press curs or our own Hut Imlny, lo and behold, the whole populace was ex citedly gathered about tin' public square. Children that aro iih children the world oxer, x ere rroxxded In front of their eldeis, or ajmlng to get there. And dr.ixxti up as for Inspection xxas a squad ron nf American caxalr, regulars, exery nun of them, hard as nails In appear ance, superb phxslcil txpes of bam ItrfAltwe It'a liotfai fn lint f!t HAl'ti.' In the right direction, monsieur. We xxon't haxe to turn the, guns nround when we use them against the bochc." This little town, as many another In France, has neither a resident doctor no. nn npothecaiy shop. And to coxcr thl.i need so far ns tha clxlllan Inhabitants are cnccrncJ. the American Hed Cross has established a unique ambulance ser vice, larrylng It Intentionally to many a village unoccupied hSammecs. Vis It i are made two or three times a week, tho ambulance carrj Ing doctors, nurses, and medical supplies. I'pon these das, a dispensary Is opened and xxhomsocxer xx 111, can recelxe medical attention. In ,i.i. i any case xxhero an Illness is' seriouj a IIUIU 1 ICtl Ull HH- JUU, I...U . - ...-- return tnlt made by the doctor If neces sary These dispensary days haxe al ready become, nn Institution In partB or Fiance, und the gratitude of the aged Inhabitants has been ferxently tend sin cerely expressed In xxord and mow tan gible fashion. irilinill ,tnf. .Tnll.nl.ud It. '(111., a . I "" 'ii'.tl ...n.WMC, ,.... ...". , ........ .mif MUl(UUiia 1.1 1.I..1UK.-T I , , t ,1. n.nnln l" " ... I , tl u . .. ,,1.,. it, ,. . , - i. I Hucmi luttueru uiscusbeu iiiu luiii.'aiKii rrcht llititi Tie Uhla will turn oxer tho proceeds of Us Utrategy of Or, Charles D. Hart. cnm-fS, "K ' 19Vt .......... I'TI.VIIIIUUva Vf ll- iI.IV v, Claude Albert Baker, Seaman, Dead, nnd Gunner's Mate Hurt in Seaplane Mishap WASIIINCITO.W Dec 7. Vice Ad miral Sims has reported lo the Navy Department n renplane uccident In the xx ar zone In xvhlch cne American sailor was hilled and a gunner's mate Injured. Seaman Claude Albert Baker was Killed and his body has not been recox ered. It Is assumed the accident oc curred at sea, though this was not defi nitely stated In tho dispatch. Hakcr enlisted at Nashville, Tcnn , December 27, 1916. Ills father Is William 11. Uaker. Spnrrows Point, Md. Itlchard W, Thompson, first-class gun ners mate, suffered a frncturo of the rc-cnltcd In France Ills father Is F. J with Ferdinand Cohen, a waiter ot the Dellevue-Stratford Hotel, In lOiO. when she was but seventeen years old, has filed n suit for dlxorce against her hus band, a first-year dental student at the Unlxerslty of 1'ennsj Ix-unln. Mrs. Claser Is noxx' living at tho Poxxeltnn Apart ments, Thirty-fifth street nnd I'owelton nxenue. It Is said that slui Inherited 1500,000 from her grandfather. Hubert Uulst, tho seed merchant. S-it-M'cmf fSteamshlp Company, e Del., was ' recked ln-!! the Yuralnn Clmnnrl.'whlhx.e from Dellsc, llondurns. to States, on Novemtrer ?7. Ait the twenty-otia members of'h were picked up from lifeboats' I other steamer and landed In Bell) Thursday, i mces. Thev hail Just nrtlxeii in this at grenade throwing. ' toxxn fiom nnutlier town and they had at mnchlne-gun lire, nt simple drill. standing rigidly In line, while oUlceis inspected rlllo nnd iiutonntlc I'xerv man xx.ih wet, but nono that 1 could note seemed to mind It In. tho enlargement of these c.imos, troopa moxo from place to place. If I wero permitted to sax- how- mtuy klinkl clad are here, xvhere they are. and n few other Innocent things, the censor xxlll not permit. I could xxrltc a fexv slightly different slorlca than (his particular one. Perhaps I may be allowed to do so some dax There's a rumor to that effect, an how and Homebody said somewhero that xxhere there xx'ns "moke thcro must be fire. So I'll be patient 'less patient than sou xxlm read, perhaps, becauso I know- soino things jou don't, nnd, so far as my mlltt.uy m'nd mcs think you ought to Know ulso He that ns It may, I entered u toxin tndax that Is ono of tho most plitureniue In all France. It is built upon n series of hills so that the roofs of some houses aro lower than the foundations of nth-1 crs. Don't try to gucs.s. There are .1 bunch of such towns In Knmic, some a coat nf xuather tan that they might. hixe sofiuicd nil) where In thes i amps I duilng the last summer, or brotght xnth them from home ' As they xnre dlsnilHsed nnd ass'sned lo their new blllctM exefy man .. fol lowed by n gaping crowd of kiddles, xxho touched llieli oxercfiats and made re markx about their campaign hats. I nave wlltie"ed this niti.a elle a rutin her of tinier- xnd no cl ubt shall w tness It iig.ilu more often hi tho future. Hut It's nlxx'ajs Interesting nnd xxhen, as to djx, an old wnnian leaneil out of a seconil-tc xxlndow' xx.ixlng a Mitall Stars and Stripes xxhlln ir.xing. "Vlxe BROWN'S SUGGESTION APPROVED BY JUDGES Commendation for Attorney Gen eral's Plan to Advlfic Men Taken in Draft Judge of the Philadelphia courts and representatlxes of the Federal Oox em inent heartllj approxed the plan sug gosfed t"dx h" Attoriex-(ieieral F'an cls Khunk Drown to shniten nil sessions of the courts and grant continuances In eases xxherexer possible to enable laxv jern to qlxn nsstnnc to registrants under the National Army draft laxv. In ii leltl ' !'' 'I'rlXw M" "nun I Ited Cross for tho organljatlon's xx-ork i of mercy oti foreign battlefields. I Capping the clty-wlde patriotic per formances, a unique special morning matinee xias staged at D, I'. Keith's Theatre at 10 '30 o'clock. In this mnm-' moth benefit performance 13. T. Stotes bury, ono of the city's foremost financiers nnd Red Cross directors, spoke; Miss Kthel Dul're Houston, the original "Madame Hutterfly," sang Wlllard Spenser's new ballad, "Our Sammee Hoys." xxhlch tho American soldiers In the trenches haxe taken up xxlth a vim; three famous cirtootilsts Skes, of tho Kvenino Pctii.ic l.KDaKn; De Mar, of tho Hecord, and Carter, of the Press mido patriotic sketches, nnd the United States Marine Hand, from' League Island gaxc n special concert. All this xi as in addition to tho regular per ,'orintirn.e on the bill this week, 'which liieludes Hessle Clijton nnd company Mr and Mrs Jlrnmle Harry, Katherlne Dana and company, Venlta Gould, Alex ander. Sexton and O'Neill, Spoils In the A'ps, Valentine.' and Hell und l.jons and Yos-o Managers, actors and stngehands nt the other theatres In the city also xol unteered their serxlces for this after noon Anions the leading features arc palgu director for southeastern Pcnn-1 Tliompson.'sr., IlatolKli. N. C. sjlxanln Tho campaign of pledge- . fttlii la limltM ! Hurt 111 1 in Olli- ' taking Is under xx-ay and xxlll be sue. cceded by nn Intensified drlxe beginning I I'ormcr Miss De Janon Asks Divorce December 17 nnd ending xvlth a solemn Mrs, Stephen V. (llaser. xxho as the triumphal pageant Christmas Vac. former Miss Hobcrta Do Janon, eloped I An Electric Portable For Christmas Gathered together In our show roomt i one of the inoit attractive collections of electric portables to be rcen anywhere. More exclutive deriens or belter workmanship ll would be Impos rible to find, while the prices, from $8.50 up, offer unusual opportuni ties for gift selection. Frank H. Stewart Electric Co. 37 and 39 N. 7th Street III. I) XIIST 111 ll.tMNO The Best Work of the World's Greatest Artists Anna Cae, Albert Spalding, Kmmy Destlnn, Marie Itniipold, Arthur Mlddlcton theso nro only a few of the gifted artists xxhoso goldesj melodies haxe been Ite-ireutcd by the magic of 27k NEW EDISON- -Tlie Phonograph With a Soul" You miit hear thin mnrx clous Instrument, tho croxxnlng nchlexement of Thomas A. IMIson'8 career, to npprcilatc the xnst gulf scpirntlng the Ncxx lMlsdn from the ordinary talking machine. l'Ki:i: L'dM'llllTS D.VII.V ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY A small deposit reserves any Instrument jou select. Convenient terms arranged for the balance, LUDWIG PIANO CO. 1103 Chestnut St. X. mneA 'iA fyh l'Amerlque," I felt that thing that 1 pointed out that ruch action xxould se- Kiines to xvliom It may be, iat has .1 I euro full nnd elllclcnt legal serxlces to pntilotlu btralu, be his nation what ou xxlll. So I xxent to the sldexxalk dlrCitl) nn. der this modern llarbaia Frletchle and asked her where she had secured the flag, that I noticed had but th rteen llt.US. "M eldest sod xxus 11 i-allor. Mon sieur." she nnsxxered. 'lie was lost at sc-i jeais ago Hut on his link xo.xnge registrants at nil tliniM anil thus make the draft the success xxhlch nit Penns.xlxanlanM hope It xxlll be. It Is his desire that limxers haxe tho satisfaction of work xx ell done Vmcinrr cithers xxho Indorsed the plan xxus Fritted States Attorney Francis FMier Krinc. "I indorse this plan fully," he said, "and believe It would greatl expedite the Important work to come." yo C Red Fox Sets m& 5S j r g f TKIMMI'.II I'HDK ff Qftti&GitS 923 MARKET STREET c$ &"& oes. Taupe Wolf A Wnw Qia am O Scarfs 1 f n JB m m fflwsmmmmmmtmm The Greatest Opportunity for Philadelphia Women to PBMMmmmwJKJG&mrjJW FAYln V . 1 iiUBain sBKrAV ik wr siyie& nil Hk fa&$L III mflMsk s," F i Positive Values Up to $15 Greatest Coat Values in the City f nv A Style for Every Woman or, Miss Nearly 675 Fur-Trimmed Coats IncludM Fur-Trimmed Pom Pom Coats, Fur-Trimmed Bolivia Coats, Fur-Trimmed Suede Velour Coats. Fur-Trimmed Silvcrton? Coats, Fur-Trimmed Spotproof Chiffon Broadcloth Coats. riIlST and sr:cuxi floous. Women's and Misses' $43 CO 00 rfi s3Ull:i3 $15 to $25 Women's and Misses' Silk and Serge DRESSES, 10 $5 GeorgeUe Waists $ And Just in Time for V-s Vxiiius, , Tob! Gorucouti, xvalhts In every new Htyle and coloring Just the thlnu "she'H"appreciate. You will want n few of them. STREET FLOOR 3 CHILDREN'S DAY TOMORROW Get "Her" a USEFUL Xmas Gift Children's Coats, $2.98 lo $9.98 Girls' Coals, $5 to $12.98 Girls' White Dresses, $2.98 to $6.98 Girls' Serge Dresses, $1.98 to $6.98. C'lIILDKIOVH DKl'AUTMKM. 4 i j KffisaL' i Women:s and ' Misses' CoatS, $7.50, $9.98, $1298 K " Women's and Misses' StlltS, $5, $7, $9 womeiv's and hisses Dresses. $5. 7.98. $9J98 - r f i , w . u ? :tiiii: opiins hi.ih . m. a ci.dmh at moo r. xi To Those Who Hold Vi & 4 Liberty Bonds We'll Say They Can Be Used in This Store for Ca?h Until Further, Notice Wi" will take thorn at full value ami allow ou accrued Interest ui' to l.itc HATS TUI MM ED FREE OF CHARGE P'M m"- J f? -v BirN. Jr.v Market Eighth, OiYi: InisijUW AtiADlrfG STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh iiuvk Tiir. n 4 4 4 4t- 4- ) 4 4 s X Ii Now On! A Record-Breaking Sale of MenS Overcoats:: Involving a Phenomenal Purchase of Thousands of High-Grade Stylish Overcoats in Every Wanted 0 " Model nnd Fabric i $Ji l$i i Cf Value ( X X kJkJ Value' $20 i$-i r- $25 $- fj ryr- , $28 $ Value X I I J Value 20 $20 All-Wool Worsted Suits) $1 C.5 Conserxatlxo inoilcls In bliieK, srnj.s i ami nilMurcs. Other Suit at $11 and $13 Worth More! Men's $1.50 & $i Trousers, $3.33 & $1.98 Any boy Will Like a Raincoat! $1.50 Guaranteed Kinds ISO QC (With Cap to Match) V Iur Kcioci nimiuy iiuiiuifieiuiu ruinierizeu num. ilZ.'H Ii to 18 Men's Guaranteed Rubberized Raincoats, $7, .$7.50, $10, $12 & $20 6 4 j Give Him a Fur-Lined Overcoat I Three Extraordinary Specials at $33, $57.50 & $85 Boys' Stylish Suits & Coats, $4.98 & $7.50 NOUIOI.K ht'ITS in checks, plaldi anil inlsturcs, MHU'III.K AIACKINAVVS unci SPOIlTh COATS In checks anil blanket lilalOs. Have conxcrtiblo collarb. I'OI.O COATS In casslmercs and cheviots. OVIIllCOATS Slnulo anil double breasted btjles. Imo Junior Norfolk. Hilly llo nnd Tommy TurLer miIIh nl ill.tlH. Mzr lliroucliout, 2,i, lo 1H )tar, I.lt llrothrr SKCOKD TLOOK, TTII STUUKT ' ' iwMk ' ffJrT55Eir i flvi'.lll " III :xVtll c. m m u n . Victor Records '4 liy John McCormack! U'c Hill plau unu arirrllcni from r".('il rrprrlolre lor vo jWi? Mux nil tlie ItiMorcl xnn xrnnt nn nnrj- IHMiiilrtr I lull I'liin f-L (tn ..n..l. .. it......t. ...t. nHli. '''i q. . u i.vi.m 1., ..r,,,in .wns w.,, J- riionlli Iluve a icinrcrt Kuril hm Mrt'ormnrk f& nt tli ".xictriiiulltnu" taut night In your j I own liunut whencxer ou xUh. !A x ,Vo 7tc(liii7 (inii icirt Vlctroloa orj. itcor itiroriM j i.u iiroiiirri.1' ii i 11 i.icjcjil . VUiMUMiUtiVMUtMUM The Underwear and Hosierii De-fl jmrimeiu announces a splenaim Holiday readiness. Jf SILK STOCKINGS Favored Christmas Gifted Wf 7jrf, tt linllTtifltl mtnrl nt 4km ' most popular kinds, priced exceed-ii tnnty low. j "Onyx" Silk I Stockings . . JTho famous l'olntex. Hlack, white. I bronze, champagne, gray, etc. Thread-Silk Stockings .. Black, vxtilto and colors. n.75 -40 Misses' Underwear, 49c & 59c Kltxeco lined, cotton ribbed vests arid imnts. Rnvs' Union Suits. S1.25&? .Tr.. .T.: r ..- .' z :'r-ri i-arc xxocii rinueu. rxnxurar color; vn- siirinKauic. Italian Silk Envc-$0 QQ lone Chemise...... ' A' I.U Ilrollirm FIRST t'LOOIl. SOTTTH- SUPERB GIFTS IN Jewelry & Silverware VX underfill Aorlnn'iil nnd llel "f All The.x're .Moclrrntcl JI.I.NV ACTUAL IIVIUMI.NS IM'I.UIIIlll MiWm (rt $15 Gold-Filled Watch Bracelets $12 Small vvittc.li. xvltl. Kold or xxhltc dial and txxentx-jear Kuaranteed caw plain or eiiRr.ixcd. J:celknt tnue Liepers. Conxertlblc extenklon biacelet. Soldiei-s and Sailors' Watches Willi I.rulhrr or Kliukl Mrnp Radio Dial, $4.50 & $4.98 Black Dial, With Radio $g to $25 Figures ' Dorothea Pearls, $3.50 Gold-Filled Lingerie Clasps, CQc & QQc pair ' ou Sterling Silver Photo Frames, $2.25 Oval frames; cabinet wire. Limited iuuntltj Solid Gold La Valliercs. $4.98, $7.50, $9.98 to $23 Xexx iirtlMlc dcslKii'i. llcaxy Bold chain. rcndantH set xxlth full-cut diamonds und coloret stones ; baroque, pearl droji, I.lt lrotlier KlItST KLOOII, .SOUTH Every One Wants GLOVES Here Are Kxrrllrnt Kinds nt Much I'ltder Vitinl lfrlrei. ' xr,, ci n- 8. i """"" n y1"" i I 52 1 ! Gloves I Trench kid in white ;i J capo In tan, gn, pearl I I cr ixory. i s1.49 2 Women's French Kid Gloves Txxo clasp; in black or vxhlte. Men's Lined Gloves. $2 Ono ilasp. Iv'd or suede lu tan or Kray. Children's Lined Kid Gloves Ono clasp. Tan I.lt llrolhrr- l'lr3t Floor. Stli ht S1 CHRISTMAS FUR SALE Savings of 20 & More Our Guarantee of Truthful Re pre tent at ion Backs Every Piece $50 Sets Of liiutrnus skins. Taupe or Poiret Fox $0"7 Cf) $95 Taupe Fox Sets $ $79.75 I-arge, luxurious set. conslstlnB of animal bcurf melon murr. SCARFS $7 98 Black or Kit cctney .Scarf H.1.9 $15 Red Fo: Scarf 0.JJ J2'I.7B Kit Fo Scnrf HIII.1.J S29.75 Natural Itaccoon Scarf SI0.7X $3B Taupa Wolf Scarf ,.,'. . ..S52..10 sn Taupe Wool Konrf 37.au MUFFS J7.98 Hlack or Kit Coney MurN 55. OS JIC.75 HUdwn Seal (ded mui-krat) Muffs XI3.30 gP,Mtm $75 Kolinsky Marmot Coat . 1ull rlpplo model; brocaded llnlUBi 55 tlS .Nutria MutTs VI0.S! :. 5n Xatural Itaccoon MufTs S1S.TS' J'-'l'.-in N'alural Skunk Muffs.me.lS' satin SU0 Natural Uuskrut Coat . . . . Heautirul dark skins, collar and cuiTm T.it nroiinT sccoyp Fton,? )m T Jil tiuuouu PU Wonderful Purchase of Men's DERBIES $3.50 and $4 Values $2.65 From One of the Largest Makers in the Country Located Right Here in Philadelphia. Fine quality; jet black. Have very slight imperfections. One sketched. 1.11 llrotlifr.-rSECONU FLOOR, 7T1I STUKKT jErr . c- 4 ; "sEr Mildred Louise" Dresses for Little Girls A "Mildred Loune story book, valued at 25c, will be given free to every little girl who comet to Ihit ale accompanied; by an adult "Mildred Louise" Chambray Frocks . . . 5 j 2.25 Bolero effect, combined with white lavxn. Hnxii French knots and shlrrlne Mcctc bed. "Mildred Louise" Voile Party $0 AQ Frocks .: O.kV .Silk Jacket and liand-tmocklne, "Mildred Louise" Bloomer $1 OE JL KJJ Dresses. Ktrliwd Rlnsliani, xvlth pockets und preuy cnwroiqery. "Mildred Louise" Dresses, Three QQr "retty Stulcs... J70C White laxxn, xxlth heinslltchlnc plaits, cnntrustlns collars, cuffs md pocket flops. Also winsome Mother Hubbard fushUm In white lawn, xx Ith French knots and lace :e else. Sizes up to .' jenis only In this lot A third pretty Kroup Is of striped RliiKham with pipings nnd patch pockets. "Mildred Louise" $1 AQ Dresses Checked elngham and plain chain' bray. Haxe mebrolderecl vestee. it-. l.ll llrollirr KIX'O.VO FLOOR Visit Toy Town Tomorr Old Krie Is Here to Shake Hande Every Little Boy and Girl" uiuuies xx in inorougniy enjoy these wi winu up. una oh. so many, muny other dllti kinds. "tV TV J V4 ' MEN'S Furnishings & Sale jt Snokins WR.m. Jackets " x All-wool cheviotH incl unfinished worsteds, In gray, green, brown and blue mixtures, with striped backs. Have fancy trimmed cuffs and pock ets ;shaxvl collar ; silk cord landing. $6 Silk Shirts, $4.98 Smart colored stripes Intermingled with self-satin ttrliies. French cuffs. . il Silk. Neckwear, 65c vjonerrui variety. 1-2.50 & $3 Fiber Scarfs. ! '-irgo size. Iliac $1.39 rgo size, ulack, xvalte. pearl inclf heather, 'pxen double In funcy or crochet weave, with border und fringe. MAIN AHCAUi; 50c Silk Lisle Half Hos, 29c black and color. Heamlrss. Doublo high-spliced heels and toea. Ut ro FIKST FLOOlt, 7T1I ST. Economically Priced LEATHER GOODS Krmarkuble Ottering, lprrtnlly W lien You ('onoldfr How C'ot on TliU AlrriliuinlUe llne Honrrd $4.50 Leather Strap $9 QQ Purses ' A.O denulue pin neul 'silk llnetl. Have Inside change compart ment, mjrror and button fasten ing. Ilroxvn, gray, green, purple 'nf and blnck. Men's Bill Folds, 98c to $5.98 iQenulne leather. $6 Fabrikoid .Traveling Bag, $4.98 High cut: nicely lined. Has In side pocket, sexxed corneri, lift up catches, brass lock and strung handle. Black or broxvn $7.50 Traveling Cases, $5.98 Uenulne leather leather lined and ebony tilted. Contain military brush, shaving snap case, soap cup, comb, cloth brush und tooth brush In bottle; also space for safety razor.. Black only. . . I4t Mr.ta . Urt rtJOQB. ITH SIT. LTV . rw. -.... 1 ' .- AL.L. AT JlUUJb;ST PRICES'iVJ Lit llrollier. FOUItTIt FLOOH X' Our Custom-Made SI Practical Gifts, j to .a.ni t,, man or woman who receives tl iii ue getting the best shoes that rwssible to make at those prices. g $Up Crocheted Sllnnprs - ,, Heavy lambs' wool Insole. Varlmiu-, ors, uiso coinDination effecUu r 98( Wide Choice in Indian Msec Women'., sizes 1 1 ,9t 3 to 8.t. 1.9t ) Slen'i, .tie V, I to 11.. .'.tt '. f DolgevilleFelt Slippra Women's Juliets, ,J'- 98c, $1.59 &$1M Women's "E-'l" 8Hpiwk;;f 51.19 & $1.69 ; Misscb & Children'tiJidWtat vvc 11.19; JUIsm- CUtMiWa eclU f o fmxmmvL JJiH "it xxl Vim r iri- . r - -