Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1917, Postscript Edition, Image 4

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    proa MLtoMSfapKiSftiA; tiiP, dM
Ml 'I' ti I i I I .1 i i ii i , i ii . I i ' 1 m . ii
B. . .
I '
. H .lull i Am
iv un
ifpkrty Meets at
Confident and
sf - . .
Biajtr vorrfwonocjii
WJ8HIN0T0N, Dec. 7.
t thn onual mffr&ffa
through Congress nt this
VThlsr Is. the sentiment of
ft four hundred woman suf-
i have come to Washington
p.two Ktates tn attend the
Mrles of polltfcal conferences
Itiotifcl women party.
tnia Is "well represented at
sees, which operfed last nlifht
Btlon and dance given uy tne
! Columbia chanter.
the suffragists present from
la are Mrs. Lawrence Lewi,
krrlef IV, Dunes. Miss Cari-il.
an. Dr. Harnh II. Loekrey, Sirs
arton. Miss Ella RMrcI, Miss
L'Burnham, Mrs. Kdnln C. Orlce,
abeth McShane. align Mary A
..Miss Katherlno Lincoln, Miss
liWlnsor, Miss Clara Mlchelbach,
dlce Frost and Dr. Mlrluin M
', Philadelphia, and Mini Mnry I
of rittsburgh, the newly
stt vice chairmen of tho Na-
fortien's party of Pennsylvania,
Kate Htllcinneer. ot sn.
Armistice Will Permit
Germany to Concentrate
Against Allies
Russia's Diplomatic Officials
Must Support Bolsheviki
Plan or Resign
Gli Austro-Tcdcschi Guada-
gnano a Caro Prczzo Alcuno
Lincc Italiane Avanzatc
Alpini Italian! chc l'rcfcriscoiio Mo-
rire Sino nll'Ultimo Anziche'
Arrondcrsl o Kitlrarsi
ROMA. 7 ilkemliro
l.o nullle giuiite dallu fronte ill but
taglla recino rli la lottn cho si sta
molRendn sullnltlnlano dl Al iro nan
lia precedent, tnnta c la lolenz.i OcbII
assaltl dedll nustrn-tt'(lprlil mnio nltret
lantu e' Mihltme eil erolca U ten icl.i del
pirrnoariAn. Dec 7.
Germany Is apparently to be permitted
under tho Ruslaii Germany arnrtstlr
plan to transfer nil the troops shn de
sires from tho Russian fronts for uhq
aa-alnt th Allies Full text of the , dlfensorl
armistice ngrecment PlKticd by the Sixty. II ncmlio lii ainmaxsito forze pre
seventh IlusiHn and ThlrtMlrn German ponder mtl ed un linmens-t iiuint'ta ill
Infantry tflxlslons, as publlKhed hero to-' nrtlRllerli per un Mipnmn sfoivo dc
dnv In the nnusDaner Trada. shows noiclslxo.
stipulation that German troops must not Nello sl'si settnro ilella frot u Hall
Dtlon held last night mi par-.
r Hi nonor 01 mo wumen vtiw imu
ted and Imprisoned for picket
eminent In this group were Mrs
ce Lewis, Miss Elizibctn Mc.
rand Miss Katherlno Lincoln, of
Dhla, and Miss Kate HeffemnKei,
Imokln. who wtnt on .1 hunger
t And were largely respotijlblo foi
aXullowney ordering the unionm
release ui inn piuteis msi nren
1 reception room was hung nlth
I of all kinds v. men nau been I cm
Tied that banner the fiurth u
'That was my banner yheii
ere In Januan," and "I was ur-
irhlle carrying that banner ' rete
' comments as the. guests sur-
the decorations
he receiving lino were Mrs WII-
nt, Mrs. S. M. 11. Young. wifi of
I Young; Mrs Haney Wiley, Mra
t AHender, Mrs. Gllson Gardner, Mrs
; uasch, Mrs. John Baer. wife of
man Ber, and Mrs. Helena Hill
r conference was to get don to
work at 10 o'clock th's morn
a meeting of the members of
Donat advisory council
.Rrfit public besslon of the confer-
Ill bo at 2:30 this afternoon, whon
alttee rom the N.it'onal part ,
Mr. J. A. II. Hopkins, rf New Jer-
kn4 Allen McCurdy, of Xew York,
Ktend to the omens party an
ttlon to adlllate with their organl-
The proposal w 111 be thoroughly
ed anit a reply given Saturday
uflfet supper, exceedingly simple to
rfsrlth the wartime conditions, will
place of the elaborate banquet
la been the social event of for-
foman'a party conferences Mrs
. Bennett, of Hartford, will act
tatmlstress. L'lght of the p'ekets
rro unconditionally released from
week will each- make a two-
of these speakers will be Mrs.
Lewis. Miss Elizabeth Mc-
jknd Miss Katheryn Lincoln, of
phis, and Miss Kate Heffel-
IM' Shaniokln.
nferences will come to a closo
ay afternoon with a mass-meet-
t,tfce Belasco Theatre.' at which
ild Malone, M'ss Tlose .TV Ins-
O. H. P. Belmont and Miss
lounger will be the vpeakers.
'.Jtary Wlnsor. of Philadelphia.
,a mild sensation and provoked
Jrth when she appeared at tho
In her prison dress, a blue
ilr with white stripes.
f. Nolan, of Jaoicsonville, seventy-
old, who was aentenced to
i In jail by Judge Mullowney for
:,,was also at the reception, as
, Mllhollano, father of tho late
olland, and Miss Vida Mllhol-
prominent suffrage worker,
be used against tho Allies on other
fronts Such a stipulation w specifi
cally pledged by Foreign Minister Trot
skv In a recent speech
Tho Soviet llulltelu today published
another version of tho rumored Amerl
can military attithe's protest lo Hoi
shevlkl mllltarv headquarters tig-ilnst n
scparnto peace, which Trotsky denounced
as "unwarranted Interference" and which
General Johnson, nf tho American nrmy,
wns reported to bavn formallv notified
Trotsky wns "misunderstood"
AnnniiM- in ihA liulletlii an Amerl-
inn mllltar' oltlccr visited TrutskV List
and nrfeil lr the noineviKi
nna ove lo annate uustrn-teUscin p-o.
varrio invnuo per settlmatu" ill siierzure
lo I'nie Italians ed iivatuare nlli Hp'le
del'o truppe del generalc PI" stlllo iio
slzlonl sull.i I'iiive. gll Invasorl oggl con
rlnnnv.it.i vlolenza tentutin 1 ultimo inlpo
Mentie llerllno iilinunzli dl ,ier i it
lurato iindlclmll i prlglonlerl ed nitre
sessantu i.innoiil notlzl i rhe deve essere
ncinlla col bemflclo dell Invi ntario ell
Itallnnl iiintlnuano ad ln(llpi,erc ,il
nemlco pordlte rlleiantlline detlin in
do le unlt.i 'ntitri)-tidesilie
I..i Intt.i rngglunsn It tuo matislmo
acciiilmento Intornn alio poslrlnnl ill
Melett.i o Rll llallanl dnpj aver up.
die on Il.1,
id More on
WorK and
URoad Shoes
rROAD Men, Shop
lien, Miners and
! cannot obtain more
and satisfactory
from any work shoe
T.ry a
pair to-
' day and
"Save A Dollar"
Skoe Stores Co.
' ht. I"th 11th Hta.
L,' bee. tn a 6th ms.
., vu nf a viae sib.
i St., nr,Chrrr SU
r Detwn tsrosa ana
1 Pi.. nr Dauphlo St
sin i.
pear Mart Lane.
t jrtw..nTark
A.. bt. Lhisb
irc.-, '
Government Inlended to nuko pence Psto um liltenzi plu
Trotsky, expressed i dtsirc for n genernl '
peace, In which the Allien could Join 1
Later the officer asked If Trotsuy in
ten b d acting ng imst the Amcrli an mill I
tary olflcers who protisted to the Hoi
ihevlkl he.uhU.irters stuff, deilirlng tho
ipoch for protests and memues against i
the HoNlievlkl had pasd Trotsk re .
piled the Incident wan clostd
'Hie Bolsheviki commlttics control n
maJorlt of tho HussUn armies In Ilu
manli, neionllng to word rei lived hem
todi One division of the Mth nrmv
It was Hated, had nlread signed an ,
armistice The Itussinn nrmles In Mol-1
davia and Bukovlna on S.iturday openly
fraternized w Ith their German oppo
nents German oftliers even formally)
dined with iluialiin ofllcers
All Itusslns dlplomstlc oftlclnls hrtvo!
been formally asked by Foreign Mln
Ister Trotskv whether they support '
tho Bolsheviki genenl pe ice plin
The alternative as presented In the mes
sate received tiv the Busslan Amlns
sartor here. Is dismissal An Immediate
reply Is demanded The nunslan em
bassy here will not repl It was stited I
ttmaroBO conVenUnte dl rllirarsl da
alcuhe nee avantate, senza pero' Che
venlssero Intaccate le II nee prlnclpall
dl dlfesa, le quail sono tuttora salde e
strcmlamento dlfese.
Gil crolcl soldatl Itallanl che dlfende-
vnnn tin tiuntn fnrtn Intorno a Melrtfn I Sullaltlnlano
snles-aruno una rcslstcnza cho ha dell rlgglo.dl ierl, la. bittaglla si tinnovp'
mlracoloso ed abbandonarono la post
zlone soltanto qunndo glunse l'ordlne dl
rltlrata, quando doe le llnee rctrostatl
erano state ben rlnforzate,
Un valoroso contlngente dl Alplnl,
sulln llnea Monte l'lpr-Monto Castelgom
berto, cho era rlmasto Isolato dal grosso
ilello truppe, anzlcbo' arrendersl od
effettuare una malslcura rltlrata, pre
fer!' sacrlflcarsl o lotto' dlsperatamente
lino a cho non rlmase un sol uomo
Li vlolenra degll attncchl o la pre
lionderanza nuinerlia del nemlAi, cos
trlnstro gll llallanl a rltlrarsl .da alcuno
llnee sulle lieudlcl merldlonall dl Monte
C'aslelgomberto, portando la dlfesa sullo
sperone dl Poza
awenne palmo a patmo,
combattlmento contlnuava
senca tregua.
Kcco II teslo del comunlcato del
Comando Supremo Itallano, pubbllCato
Ierl (HI Mlnlstero della Gucrra:
HuU'altlplano dl A si a go, nol pomc
zzn dl Ierl. la bittaglla si linnovo'
con vlolenza. II nemlco proflttando
del vantaggl consegultl nel glorno pre
ceucnte, tra .vionio tonnerecar e
Monte Badanecchc, porto' 1'azlonc In
tutta la s.ua plena estenslone alio
scopo dl tntiovere dal dl dletro del
fonnlilablle bastlone dl Monte Castel-goinberlo-Maletta
dl Galllo, ed ef
fettuaro un attacco frontnle.
11 lombattlmento duro' Molento per
tutto II glorno dalle pendlcl merl
dlonall ill Monto rastalgomberlo alio
stierone dl Kozi. I poderosl sforzl del
nemlco, operatl con sclacclante pre-
,..H,ln-nnii iiinv(irlin llinntvt rfipnnn la"
iwnu I n it civ iiiinii i ivvuiitiiuiii; in,
pertlnaio roslstenza o numerosl con
trnttacchl dello nnstro truiipe rhe dl-
fnnrievnnn. II forte nunlo dl Meletta.
illsnutandone II terreno palmo a nalmo
Solo iii mdo In nostro llnee restrostantl
L'n vlolentlsslmo nttaioo mnilco, . iPi .mminl. fn dnto l'nniine ,n
rltlrata In questo llnee.
Sopra Monte Klor Monte Oaslel
gnmbcrtn alcuno truppe dl Alplnl, clio
ratio rlmasto Isolate, anzlcbo' nr
tendcrel of eventiuhncnte effettutro
una malslcura rltfratn, perferiorono
oixrato contro lo poslzlonl Itallano sulla
destra del Bretita, fit reBplnto o gll
nustrl-tedeschl sublrotio penllte Incalco
Lo rltlrata dalle llneo ill Meletta,
un glorloso eacrlflclo ed Una erloca
direaa slno alia fine.
Un poderoso tentaUvo nemlco dl
portare le noatre llneo dl dlfesa nella
valle superlore del Brent a, fu resplnto
con rllevantt perdle. ,
lIAimiSBUnO, Dec. 7, Notices of n
ihange Jn rates by a publlo service com.
pany must be made plainly, and mere
rrtrrvlng of a notice from year to year
that rates and tariffs can bo had upon
application does not constitute the rwtlco
required by law when a company makes
n n.cw schedule, according to the opinion
of the Public Service Commission given
today In setting aside a new schedule
of rates by the West "fenn Power Com
pany for Washington, Pa.
Tho decision upholds complaint of
residents of that town that the notion
wns not legal, and that the company
did not print a notice In newspapers of
Washington until seven davs after Its
new rates became effective Tho only
action It appears to have taken was to
hang the new rates In the offlce without
calling attention to them.
Everything Musical
'I Victrolas
' Victor Records
I Grand Pianos
' I Upright Pianos
! Player Pianos
Lyon & Healy Harps
Musical Instruments
Popular and Operatic Sheet Music
Classical Sheet Music
"cleat Chrl.tmat Presents"
' m v. w. m w wmmamsBm
am 'tWM Nt mwumTtf Al Wjfa ylTliM
A Fuel Saver wi
Stcrno Canned Heat
for Instant Cooking
Safe, Economical, Smoke
less, Odorless, Non-Explosive
and Non-Spillable.
Ambulance Driver Honored
VIUor-C Drleshach. Jr of Oak Lino
who has returned from eight months
service as nn ambulance driver in
Prance, was the guist of honor at a rt
ceptlon by the Old York Ho id Improve-1
tnent Leigue In the Oak Lane Library
last n'ght
View Open N ffl
(I 1 l :
t-j3 m
k5i tftJ 'nil "
t (6l)
EVERY Ford o ner should
have one. The special
non-conducting fabric retains
the heat. Saves gas, saves
cranking. Ask your local
dealer look for the 5A trade
mark. Vorff In mil tfUlphin
Jafcrra of thr famou iA itvrM BlanleU
View Closed "Flatatapaneake."
liurnj Sterno Canned Hr.it
Dors the trick, of a big stove
Weinha only two pounds. You
can prepare a complete meal
hattily at the Uhle or in the
kitchen. Cooks, broili and fries.
Tloosue'i oew betas .ud icccnfnllf.
Price Two Burners $2.00
ffl Price Stanrj Canned Heat
IJS 10c. acb-Jl.20a doisn.
'SI '"" ,l,l t"at tutdoor
1 Cooker lo your Salditr Boj
V'Ti WrappdinHol!rPPrforXrna
1J Delivered anywhere in the
United States except the far
West, or from your Dealer
StnJJor Fru Samptl tf
. Canned Heat an J Holder.
Earle Store
i 7,CIJl JL6 IW'ItI,w aiaiannmaummmimimj
The Earle Store
Market and Tenth Streets
A Ride In Santa Claus'
Sleigh For The Children
Dear old Santn himself is hero on tho Third Floor, and ho
will take every child who comes to see him for a lone, lonjr Bleifrh
ride. Brinp the kiddies for this rare treat, und with snow flying,
bells jingling, Rnntu will whip up his reindeers and dash away.
S.Strrnau t Cafac
Nt Y.rU
A V. sAtftriitift.Ti
v i ami '"
1 1 flm?W V' VK
. I Hlf.7 V-1 I
1 li I "Where the VTorker'a
&Ji I Money Huy the
a : jio.t"
i j
i ;;
W rtTf rniitortjVtmrrr i J T?1 T!f- &'- rrti n ; y, i flV; r
ooeaoooooivoDoci90to icuuotiooooButg uooooeoooouooogoo
The Money You Now
Spend on Trifles
every week would soon buy a
handsome diamond, v atch or
other piece of valuable )ewelr.
Select what you want from our
unlimited assortment the qual
ity is right, and so are the
prices. Our liberal credit terms
enable you to arrange the pay
ments to suit jour convenience.
And before jou know it, jou
have fully paid for art article
which will give a lifetime of satisfaction.
Hollander &
Fleishman Co.
808 Chestnut Street
Out-or-toun Aefouiit Accepted
?ou cannot cull, vir'te far Illutrilted
lutaluKue o. S
a VT
5111. ifl1
W 1
Ai f
0Sr? !'8
n3r? fl'r
Ii IT e tw
m. r i ifl
y f It
fca-, alttfi
e W
t I'M
A Real
Musical Instrument
Plays all recordsbetter
Music lovers have demanded a phono
graph that satisfies both as to purity of
tone and volume of sound. Your need is for
a machine that you will be proud to have
musical friends listen to, one also that
pleases the eye.
The Cheney is a real musical,instrument.
It plays all records better. This has been
achieved by means of original inventions
and improvements, all of which are pro
tected by a patent. It is standard. When
jou hear The Cheney you will wonder at
its remarkable fidelity to tone and you will
be delighted with the beauty of each design.
Your Phonograph takon in Exchange
$60, $75, $100, $150, $200, $300
Conoenienc Monthly Paymtnta.'
Henry F, Miller & Sons Piano Co.
llOo UietK-Ui aireac
i, GtorgUn vutdtl
Join Our Toyland Crowds
Who Are Sharing in the Many Wonderful Special Values
I housands nnd thousands of Toys, Dolls and Games for youngsters
anoo rues jn. Flush tov-
98c to i Vw-v ' Horses
$3.50 X &M ,ic lo '-SH
Doll Coaches
and Sulkies,
$4.08 to
ieil i retonnep
Mnli iMlntnl
horM , sunt
iipin l"ti ml In
Trinity Chimes
at 85c
I Jin?ii iu.-.Jl
Trains, 75c to
35c to
I 'llute J.m
s i f I allj
n r 1 1! e il A
welcome plft for tho boy.
Hand Cars
p v ci r .t 1
$3 to $10
Roily Pollys
29c to 75c
LarKn uHhortment
Express Wagons,
Paris Made,
60c to $15
f SL
75c to $7
Pianos, 39c
to $4.00
IwSbifl t& pa A
Tricycles, $3.50 to $16
Severn!' makes
Ball-Bearing Roller Skates
at $1.89
homo t'nlon Hardware
Metal Wheel Barrows
Strong and Lasting
98c up
Horse, $2.25
For boy or
(rlrl: very new
$1.95 to $15
39c Unbreakable Body
Dolls, 25c
Folding Tables at 98c
Made of hardwood. Legs fold
under, like dressmaker's table.
Top 18x20 inches. Height 19
inches. Has metal clamp under
neath. KAiu.n stoiu: third floor
Splendid Varied Assortments of
Christmas Jewelry
I 2HSkifta
Gold-Filled Pen Knives
at 98c
In fancy designs.
Men's Radiolite Wrist
Watches, $4.25 to $20.00
With leather straps, for tho
Pearl Bead Necklaces
at $2.50
In opeia length. Graduated
effects. Rcnutiful luster.
Gold-Filled Bracelets
at 98c to $4.98
V o r children or misses.
Hand-engraved and fancy designs.
At Attractively Low Prices
Such wonderful things to make his or her
heart glad.
Imitation Shell and Demi Amber
Casque Combs, at 98c
Neatly studded with white atones.
Solid Gold Lavallieres,
$1.'98 to $6.98
Set with various colored
stones nnd pearls; 15-inch
gold chain.
Nickel German Silver &
Sterling Cigarette Cases
$1.50 to $9.98
New thin models, in plain or
fancy designs.
Solid Gold Rings, $1.98
to $9.98 c
For men and women. 1'ancy
chased and plain shanks, set
with colored stones.
Gold-Filled Watch Brace
lets, $6 to $20.00
Tvventy-.vear cases, set with
fine imported movements.
Hound and octagon .shapes,
convertible style. Can be worn
on pin or chain.
Another Earle Store Supreme Value-Giving Sale of
1200 Fur Collared & Fur Trimmed Coats
Made to Retail at $22.50, $25,00, $ 1 ? 95
$29.75 and $34.75 Special at . . 1 O"
The lowest price we have yet been able to quote this season for coats of such quality.
And such coats of luxuriousness their large deep fur collars others with their
trimmings on collars and cuffs and some even show fur trimmings on bottom of coats.
Of course, those dressy, plain tailored models with self collars are also embraced.
Silk Plushes Pom Poms Velours Broadcloths Kerseys Cheviots
And numerous other materials that are in demand fdr this season's wear. Many are all silk
lined others are yoke lined, for many prefer them that way.
Choice of belted, shirred back, Empire, new fitted and those Mary back effects.
All the desired colors and black, too.
Reduced! 300 Women's and MisW Coats $
Former Prices Ranged From $29.75 to $42 M, at
Silk & Cloth Dresses Reduced
Former Prices Ranged From $15.00 to $22J50
Satins, Georgette Crepe combinations, crepe meteors,
wool serges and jerseys. Draped, tunic and straight-line
models. Only one or two of a kind, but a wide style
$1 A95
200 Women's Winter Suits
Regular Prices Ranged up to $25.00 special
The ones and twos of a kind from our own higher
priced stocks. Choice of broadcloth, velours, velvets,
gabardines, Oxfords and mannish serges. Fur-trimmed
and tailored models, iiarli: .stoiii; skcond tlooi:
A Drastic Reduction on
Women's New Boots
Formerly $5.00,
$5.50 and $6.00
H u n d reds of
pairs of high cut
fashionable boots,
taken from our
own regular stocks
and offered at a .
decided reduction.
Black Kid Lace Boots with Fancy Tops
Gray Kid Lace Boots with Cloth Tops
Brown Kid Lace Boots with Fancy Tops
Patent Leather Lace Boots with Black Tops
. Gunmetal Lace Boots with Cloth Tops
A Special Sale
Men's Overcoats
& Winter Suits
Taken From
Our $15 and
$16.50 Stocks
Exactly 185 overcoats and
195 suits at a reduction you
would expect late in January.
These garments are brand
new, of the highest grade
tailoring and best of style
being taken from our regu
lar stocks.
A saving no man with economical intentions can over
look. The Overcoats ate all-wol materials in the Trench
belted all around models, the dressy single and double
breasted models and the conservative models t 1 O CA
with full flare backs qii.OU
The Suits are mosnV m tnc popular belted all around
Trench models, though others in single and double
breasted English sack and conservative styles d10 C
also . V?1.J 'J
Mens $3.i)0 Separate Trousers at '. .$2.25
Men's $4.00 Separate Trousers at $2.95
mi'fiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii JCLliC ltwAC ifiii"""'""""" iimsmif? dl AC KjlfI C
$18.50 I
1 t
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