PPHpiMii III jlTll II i- h' S$r m.- WWWHMI 1 I ,!lllll iPHi.l II .J' 1 1WIMIU4WMIMIW L1 ' J."i ii mi i ii w iiiwwiw in ! i in i 1 1 ii iiiiwif i ii i i yf" 'ft ,Kfrn.j"iij1T'.-s- ' -vvjw-v. r r,.v.M'x ' x'-rwrv.-v, pMjs3BPMK'r'f;-2'..';v,,?;n tr? " : -' - . .. " -t .r ''to' '";.', fvrav ,;;, : -' ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEB-PHlfrADELffHlA, TUESDAY, ftfluEMBEK "4,y 1017 ,? . -t CRAPPLt Wit and Wisdom of a Busy World yrS 8 TERRIBLE 'PUNISHMENT OP WILLIE, WHO WAS, CAUGHT CLIMBING THROUGH THE j TJKAINSUM INTO THIS KUUM UfeKK T11K AMAS I'KKSKMS KICK I.UUUl'.ll m I 'cmR - sWJ' Br FONTA1NB FOX &ri , . ..' K&J:. ,;!; i!i!llii'!ilfl!iiilf!!!JlV S I if-'. Ij ji v Jti''Jv r Wj tfiv V ' 1,! irii ih' V r. .it-Mil pCiy't JBBHVHhH ili"' " TW)'" n;Si- 'tx.! i!i;! I i' JBKhJHIHHBIHHHflBoiiSvii HaB'li'i ' In ij'i v 'I W tfl "AND ONE OF YOU SHALL BETRAY ME" (Copyrlcht) Like a Duck THE PADDED CELL .: fommy (after a fortnlKht of ) "Ere, Sareint, when arc they Issue us wlv web feet? :J-r M4 What Puzzled Her . .l j When the car left the terminus .T.'Wjis hanglne on to a strai for fa" Mar life. , 'i A very small soldier, who was K.'f hla fet ana In qulto the Oltl SKSr ..World manner off ere J Ills Ecat to 7.;i"1ft funnln l.ilv. if' J--jiSmlUngly she thanked him and JuttlAn Iftntlnf, rf,hot ltntf-llilirl b .;J''-rt " " " - r .-"' Aiald: yihanka so much! But whero 'iK you pet up from?" Tlt-BIts, irTiv7S 5t,;.' Courage S J V J u :j . jiiij, I miwft THE MARTIAL SPANIARDS Spain: "I call hardly believe that I am the mother of these children." lYom Ksquclla, llarcclona, Hpaln. CAinsaxisj'i'JiK 'iifisri wi .SsPSB!iaSSB 3 - ,. k,) , -" " a ti .' - -3' 1 "m jAajjB&i1- pJB P3 1 vSSTft iCHi 'fljllli... Mf s .lte" Mmmm "Ilehearslne now?" '"Tes, Jaddle." nvhat for?" "Third medical exam !" Misinterpreted The lovers sal in the blissful solitude of tho conservatory. It was her lilithday, and tho talk (she saw to. that) drifted ln tho di rection of presents, and ho asked her what she would like from htr own true lovey-dovey. "Something for my neck, dar ling, please." she cooed. He was full of Rood intentions, hut sometimes awfully absent minded. Thus he' replied: . "Yes. darling, I'll buy you a box of PureHrm's cream soap." Pear son's Weekly. 1 Th Yn'irtfr Lady Aeroiq the Way TOO MUCH VODKA From N'ovy Satlrikon. letrocrnil, Russia. PAUS MIT TIP" Hardin?. In Drookhn Kasl?. THE INTRUDER Ilrmvn. In Ohlraijo Nouh. 1 1 fr" -$ Mti SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG UA4toA -., "-V Tvvrv,--- l. ,.ic - i,'. -M--- JU. ' ' JL - - 4. lyifatUUv ' ' Hindenburj;: About three months. HOW LONG WILL THE WAR LAST? Lloyd George: Wilson: About a year. At least three years. I'rnni MVipsi-n, Chrlatlanla, Norway. Norwegian: At least ten years. NOT LIKE MOTHER USED TO MAKE Klrbjr, In New Yorls World. , The young lady across the 'way jays her father's awfully patriotic, and ho overheard him say that If Liberty Bonds over went to 95 h was going to buy a lot more. They Seldom Do "What makes you think all women hate each other?" ' "Because a woman so seldom brings up a son fit to be another woman's husband." Answers. Ground for Complaint Walterv-Tho customers ure com plaining that the coffee tastes like ld' IChef-Wt's all rlcfat. Tell tha '- ---- ---- La---nawB4aSMMVMtai4UVaSiuiiuaH 1 i n i ii nl i n " i1 ' ' t 'i n m i iiwwP JBSPl. wom WTWiaDtvn AaUIH " iK".. 'lv ,v1nmr,iri.Jiitn!fiiAwuD n Vti.i AfalAaBiKWBMrffl' -.!. iss -; mm. SMisSkw