;ir ,v )"'v", Tfirrf ?y 'fH lri V' t s "-" 1 " w ' i" ,,fr s p ?Vt;V'V X ' V . r fa I- it BaBJfffc' '! 1-t " EVENING LEDGERrtPHJLLADELPHlA, IflLtlDAtf. NOVEMBER 23. 1017 WALIANI FERMI , piE L0R0 P0SIZI0M y? jf LVPresso San Marino j Toutoni $? Sono Sconfitti alia Baionetta ty ' e Subiscono Perditc Gravi V LA LOTTA CONTINUA Nel Settore tra le Vallate del Hrcntn o del Flavc Infurla un Violcnto Comlmttimcnto nOMA, 21 Nov ombre. Delle nolU' rencnuto ilaHa frnnto ill rMta-lln. l npprenrto clio 1 ellipontl nt UccM condottl dnllo for70 luistro-teul 'clie contm le poilMonl Itnlliinc tin I fluml Brenta riixve. conn ntntl r.rltt.ir"-mpnte eostrnutl dallu Quartu Arnut.i Itnllint tit comnnilo del Ker.cr.ile Ilol.llvit I.e fnrze tutontehe erano numeric-inn nto mipi-rlori a el calcola nella propoMlono dl tro contro JU( Durante le openmlonl die l Minn Mmie Ierl l'nttro Rll austio-tcdcchl rlpnrtarr.no ptrdltn Ingentl, opccl ilmentr prea l.i t'lt tttdlna dt San Marino, oil In neun puntn rtKKluniero I loro obleUM id ccrMlone elil I'occupazlotio dl nlcunl potl avanzatl iintl tsntl alln trlnces Itallano sul Motitc I 011 tant Secca. Ecco II testo dnl comunlcato dol Cnmando Supremo Itallino, putitiMoato lt-rl d 1 Ml nlstro delta Oucrra In noma Cnratitn la clornita dl lcil 11 ncmleo latuMo' prccclil attnoclil ul tntto dolla fronte tra II tlremta eil il l"ne OH aus tro. tedcchl furotui .ini;iilno,iiiieiiti' roptntl alia baionetta proiis-o le llnre ill Pbarramento a Fan Mir'nn ove II nemlro laiclo' nelle noMre mini parecelil pri Blonlerl p mitr.it"ll.itrlrl Sul Monte l'ertlca 1 teutnnl nnnonrono per tre olte I loro nttnrihl senipre In fruttuoamente A Meinfetit rn II nemleei fu completnmente arre'nto d il lolcntl tlrl dello nostra nrtlKllerle Tresso Monte Fontatin Spc.i tr 11 ui tro tede"M;hl rltivlrono u penetraro In nl cunl poitl avunz.UI, unti.stniitl til nustrl trlnceramentl Terl kuI far della veri numcrosc ttMFse pu'ro-tedenflie still ! pl.ino dl Aflaco attarfarono le noitrt pnlrlonl n f'.iscra e MeleUa d'Wnntl, m lo nostre truppe oppofero una erolca telstcnz.i e rontr.it t.iccaroho rawemarln rntrliiRendnlo a rltlrarol sullo posizlonl dalle (U.iU era partite li'lnslcnlflcanto 'UiVeifo ottenuto dapll austro-tedeichl con l'occupazlone dl alcunl post! a anratl pre-!o Mnnte IViitnna Sf-cc 1 ha dato campo al poverno dt Herllno dl pubbllcare un comunlcato nel quale dice Che le truppo teutonlche. conlpote dl regglmentl del WurttemberKor e del fut'illerl lmperlall tlrolesl, nicillmu- un attario ' hanno comiulstato le Ho-nnilt.i' dl Monte Fontana Sicca e Monte Pplno i, tra I lluml Brenta o I'tae La pt.impa Itallina In Renerale fa lo plu' ottlmo preiilonl conitiientatido la prexente nltuazlonA alia fiont- Itall in t, data la valorosi resltten.t delle truppe del frcneralc Plaz hullu lluet del a I'l.ic I.aer resNtlto In que'tl ultiml Rlnrni u dette llneu dee conhlder.irl cotno una sr.utde lttorla dlfenBlNa. la qualo li.i cnmplit.tniento rlstorata la flduela d mlRllorl oieiitl. Le truppe alltate, dl rlnforzr. a quelle Itallano, entreranno In nzlono prestissimo L'artlRllerla ltiRlece prehta II suo aluto da plu' dl una nettlmaon.i Con la atrepltoia lttorla rlportata d.icli lngleil In Francia, contm 1 ledcchl, Rll Ima.wl teutonlcl In Italia cdono Inde bollre 1 loro Bforzl per tpezzan le llnne Itallane tra le alt.ito del lirenta e del Plac. ovc. secondo le ultlme notlzlo orrI Rlunte. un ttrrriblle cotnbattinwiitu e' In proRresBo I tedeschl continuano I lomti.irdanientl glorno o notte c durante Rll interalll lan clano all'aHinlto truppe In mas.i. Sull'altlplano dl Aslapo le lln"e Itallano In alcunl puntl nono i-tate abbandonate, tn.i le prlnclpall poHizlotil soiu Mldamento man tenute daRll Itallanl. i.ome pure nella al lata del I'l.-ue. Gil autro-tedescjil hanno rlceiuto sul I'alto I'lave del forti rlnforzl ottenendo com' una superlorita' numcrlca Hopru Rll Italian! ma questl occupano polzlonl iantaRRlo ed hanno una catena dl fortlllcazloni bulle Bommlta' delle montagne, nella lu ihi) do vranno battero 1 teuton). II Duca d'Aosta, comandanto dello ar mate sulla Plae, ha dlretto un pioclam.i aiie sue truppe cioRi.inflo la loro braura. Un certo numero dl umbulanzo della Croce Itossa. Americana &ono ierl passato per 11 quartler Reneralo itallano, dlretta alia fronta della Piavo. Germans Hurl Fresh Troops Against Haig Continued from race One Quennt switch, ono of tho chief surportlnR lines of defenses to tho northern end of the Illndcnburs line Tho mlnulo care and palnFtnklnR atten tion to detail of tho ItrltMi staff Mere made Ir.crrailiiRly apparent toduy Semloillclally dltpatchix, for Instnncc, told of new records! tiada In hlRhway mid railway bulldlns by et.Klneirs In UeepltiR up tho conntant flow of munltlurM and hiipiiUps to the nipldlv ad anclng trocpn. MHch upon inllei of broad and narrow -r.iurp Hacks wero Hid The construction ci rps Hi manv Insl.imes , 01 kid almoHt dliectly behind tho "mo'-perp-up. and Oernian prlhonerK, with their (irini still upraised while they icliotd 'Kaiiierail," s-iw the tlrltlh trael.-l ivers methodlcnlly and raplill slio1nR the lines iiloiiR Theli nrhloumetiH tnabled the HritKh Rims to keep up almost with the It far.try In the im e forward HEAVY BRITISH ATTACKS COLLAPSE WITH LOSSES, SAYS GERMAN REPORT ItL'HMN (in LiiIHloll), n J,l I'lUltlihM lilt 11 U li lllttl-il funis M - teidiv ,11 nun I 1 .linbiit1 11ml M'"Uli- wimo icp itnl In mil n 11III1 Ul htuti mint TIk emmj in ule the .I'..itilt" mmi.i1 tlnift- Atvund 1'nntnlnc. the ar tuli K.ild the 1 MlliRr of t.afollo and the ttmul had bull htiitmed mil il ireil of th" inein Arntiml ltumillj, II intu nnd Vnidti e lhiRllsli nitacks 'collapsed under hia losses,' tlfo Matitnelit loncluilel The Wnr Olllce mi ntlcnid tho llRhtliiR on the suiilliiii ulRe of MoUeies as briaMiiR nut frth hlnci irly moinliiR Sl llrltlsh Infaiitri illltlntii 'mil three caMiIij dll-i ni p irtuipitfit in the llri-l lliitl-h attaik around t'ambr.il This would mean iibrut iminnn mfntitrv and If. ftnfi iixaltv Milt Included In tho llritl.-h fonts HAIG SWITCHES ATTACK. GAINS ON YPRES FRONT; FRENCH DEFENSE FIRM l.'iMiON' n -" riehl Martini HiIr Mvllihed bis bitter ItiR 1 1111 to tho Vpres hit"r liht nlRbt Today he reiiorted bH troops hud "ad- anted the lino Mint 1 list nlRht south east of Ypron." "Northwest of I'ontruet, tiorthet of St. Qumtln and south of N'eme Chapille hotllo attempts nt raids were repulsed with pris oners l.iktn H.iIrh rejuiit londuded Tho Vpns blow was apparent!) not a Kent ml nffniisiie, but a IiIrIiI) lonei ntrated l' .il attiitk, MalR did not mention tho i"c.u'l location ot the adianee There has been eij ntth 111 ijor Hunting attlit in tills Rinit.il Miutheast sutoi In seiual weeks Tho Hiltbh elfiiits line mainly leuterul on tho 1'assihi nil ule ildRe, hllRllt lj to the north lui s-outbwest of Vpres would iiuan tho Ypres Menlu load or along tin Vpris-Comlncs f'anal I'AItlS. Nov 21 Hit man 1 ounter attacks iiRalns posltl as nonlj won In the l'reiu h att.uk on the eastern end of thf "'lieniln de I imes wero all lepiiNid todiv's 0III1 lal statement as serted Artilhri mtkltv was nportid atound c'ernv and Juviiuourt On the ilplit lutik of the Meuse another artllleri inR.iRiineut w.i.s In proRrcs (ier man riids failed around lllu 1ms and In the Champagne. ponded that a modern army has eer won. Foremost In tho array of mechanism with which 15) or clinched his lctory was tho tank America, with the Allies, enn turn out this sort of machinery an fast as De troit produces Ford cars. t.Vote Of peculiarly timely Interest In connection with Slmms's cablo was 11 state ment Rlcn out Saturday by Henry Ford declaring In part "Wo must think more about machinery If this war 1 In bo won It will bo won b tho nation that knows best how to use tools nnd mai hllieO " Ford's statement was Rlen nut on the oi oaslon of his JoInitiR forces with the I'm eminent to sped up on mithliiciy par ticularly hhlp 1n.1chlnt.ry. ActlnR an mechanical caxalrv. and unlike equine t.inlr almost Impi-nlous to tier man lire the IliUMi tanks saed thniiMiids 0 fine" Substltutid for the t ustomary pliparatorv nrlllleiv lire they i-.t id moro llxes, nhtajs san liked waeio artlllity piep.iratlon warns an tneiny of an impend ing utt.irk and brings nn t nemy 'barraRc against the assaulting wax is. IlrltMi olllcers estlnntnl !oiH thilt Ink of anv iliutnllre iiripiritnn slielllng liad sated lltniillv mllllnns of rounds of am munition and iiiiimniiitlon which rusts nil in riMiiiire of J30 pel lound ThH was made possible bv mai him r The sttc.im of Herman prisoners to luck linii was tuiabitid tod iv, while hot light ing went tin up front. Tanks, i.iwilr and Inf.iiitr.v wire all in iiitlim The enemy has now tolleileil gre it fori 1 of l(sues, and thtsii aie strltlng to pnss b.irlt tho plutirs which the Toiniules iru niueezlng atound C.imbi.il .lojful Fremh iltillans from nermtn or riilileil towns, now rtp.iti luted by the Hrlt Ish blow, ore lielng transported to liar lines bv moloilorrv Most of tho rrtugus hid been 1 onceiitiatrtl at Mnsnleies All ilot'l.ticd that lrtuiliy till tho food tliey li.nl eaten in months had bein that fur nished b tin Atntiliai Itelli f Commission If this nld hs.il not lieen forthcoining, lliej said thev would haxe started So manv of tbeso lefugets were freed b tho Iirltish stroke tint spec 111 arrinse ments h'ld to be in ide nt rear depots for their transfer I.o id after Innd of them were btollght to u rallwnt st itlon In motor lon ies under 1 11 e nf liiitlsb "'nmnili s, who were emb irr.issyd lit tin ir alTei tion itn and extrai.ieant domoustr it 011s of gratitude No Fienihtnen of inllltirv nRi were ln- 1 luilcd 111 tin groups all were old men or 1 hllilreu BRITISH HA TTLE LOSSES FEWER THAN PRISONERS TAKEN IN GREAT ATTACK By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS with Tin: nurrisii akmils in tih: ITi:i.D. Not "3 Hnglnnd's m.is r stroke agilnst Csm bi il was carried tlirougli to lctory with an almost Incredibly small casualtt list The total of German prisoners taken to day readied tho point whtro It iveeded by sieral thousand the wholt of the Iirlt ish lossis In killed, woundtd and missing The Ulitlsh lttory iM'anb the war liaa entered a now stage It is wai b ma chinery It was machinery which won the ere.it stioke against the Hlndenburg line It was maihintry that made the British casualtt list ho small It was m.ithiner and str.tteffv that 1 ermltted th.i cheapest tlctoij In attual tost of ammunition e- FRIENDLY FOG HELPS POILUS TO WIPE OUT SALIENT NEAR LAON By wT.S. FORUL'ST with Tin: fp.i:ncii ahmii:s iv tup FiiM.n. Nov ;t A frlendlt fuR which stearin d up oppor tuiielv riiMj Funeli troops ;i thitiie foi a suipriso blow Wednesdit th it knmkid ntiothn chunk off the ' rm 111 liold mi northern Fiauic The attail. was against the eitiin end of the Chimin des Dames south it ,1m in court Tha French advance, it w is estab lished tcd.iv, cipturod the last of tin enemt oliseitatlon points In the Chemln ih x limns sector Tlie lrtorv also wiped "su 1 t 011 blesomo salient, from which the irmans had been harasshiR the Funeli line Throughout the action the general In 1I1 lert diarge of the French assault dldn t g. t a sight of his men In action He hid 01- uplcd a hill obsertatnrt erpeetlng t. ! c tho lighting unfold under Ills rinses to stead .1 heaty l.ondon-llkn mist lettled down Objects llfty j.irds distant wiio ut teilv conn aled It did not make ant diffeienie to tin French artillery Promptly on tho minute pietloush set for the attnik the guns op ised their desultory bat king and started on a tloknt drumfire The pollus went ei the top completely hidden from tho tnemt s ew lit tho filendlf fog Tim fun us Flench bairage cut off the enemv 1 osltlons which it was proposed to attack and the Fiench waxes went mei position after posi tion until etery objeitite was taken The enemj's confusion and Ignonnce of whit was Rolng on was shown b tin fact that he hurried up it series to bad. up a I irt of his line which was not etun under attack Tin Humans weie so lonfustd tluv h.iidh knew win re the Fu mli wert strd. Ing until it w is all oxer TEUTON PRESS IGNORES GREAT CAMIJRAI DEFEAT thi: 11 uifi:, vox- .i The British xlctory on the Arras front and the Fn ,ch xlctoiy on the Alsne Uixir flout xteie passul oxer almost in silento P --s &S 4 BON WIT TELLER. G, CO. cXie (Specialty ShopefOrigmaUotib CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Reduced Prices Saturday IN MISSES' WINTER APPAREL Various groups of suits, coats and frocks have been assembled from the regular stocks, in instances where only a few of a kind remain, and are included in these reduced prices Saturday. 1-fVjJBl vVnv Misses Tailleur Suits Formerly uf to 45.00 $20.00 55 Suits in velour and burella fashioned in tailored street modes, trimmed in velvet. One or two of a style. Sizes 14 to 18. So me Misses Winter Coats Very Special Value $20.00 Modish styles in velour and English' coatings. Trench and belted models, body lined. All the wanted colors. Sizes 1 4 to 1 8. Misses' Day-time Frocks - Values to 2950 $15.00 85 frocks appropriate for school and college wear. Developed in simple lines, of satin, serge, serge and silk combination. Sizes 14 to 18. Misses Afternoon, Evening Goww Values to 55.00 $28.00 A collection of odd gowns in a diversity of styles and colorings, in charmeuse, crepe de chine, poiret, net and chiffon, also serge, satin and jersey. Sizes broken, 1 4 to 18. "Flapper" Frocks Values to 15.00 $6.95 i T 65 Frocks for school, afternoon or party wear in serge, taffeta, net and yoileW. One or Wo oTany "one style, All colors. Sizes 12 to 16. by Ocrman newspapers, according to a dis patch from tho frontier today. It states that, aside from publishing the oniclal report of tho German War OITIce, which minimized tho Allied Rains, tho news papers refrained from comment. This xvns evidently duo to censorship, ns tho papers failed n.lso to publish Premier Moyd Cieorgt's recent declaration that llxo flu man submarines xvcro sunk In a single day. Huns' Desperate Drive on Italy ( itnttiiued fnini I'ace One which will be fought by nil the reserxei of the lllis naiiist all the soldiers the Central Kmiilic i in bilng Into at lion " ITALIANS KILL COLONEL WIIO ASKED SURRENDER W WIlNinoN. Nov 21. How a ilitnchniiiit of Italian Hoops neat It turned a tr'd. ugilnst the ( lei mans during an einmx adtnun Is iditid In an olllclnl uihlerftam uielMd today from Koine An i miniums niotoitai biarlng tho Imperial (In man ingle, nrilxcd mar tlnlo, whole an Italian automobile xtllli a Ina thine 1.UI1 was Ktatlouid A xolce fiom the Col nun tal nrebrcd the Itall ms lo sum nib i Tint milled with thdr nindiliie gun klllliiR the (Set man diitu and nil the i.lli. tin In tin eat, lunotit, whom was ii colonel of tin Hit man at.UT Inside the automobile was found n large pi milt of bout) taken Horn the Udlno shops Indudlng three xxiunen's dli"sr. Illlltt.I.V, .Vox-. 21 fxla London). 'Hetwe n the lllenta anil the l'lixe the lighting Is progressing faxotablv, ' todaj's oilicl.il .' Lit. incut .iKsolted Teutons Send Peace Offer to Peirograd Conlhnieil from I'iro One p.iialtss on tlie i iliioids biought the cllv to rr ill it on tod iv of tin in il approach of siirtutl n l.litiMi Hi Ishi tiki inlnlsteis h ixe now mimihI '1 In lite 1 was Ad miral Vi ri iltrexskt us llmistti of .Mnrlm Captain Ixanoff xtas timiid his sucti ssor Fotclgn .Minister 'lint-kx aunounied to day lie possesses ' seer I diplomatic coire spondencc, ' wldeh he'pioposid to publish nt once getnral hi adipi irte is conferenie today ndoptid iisriiticn tixoimg a new ill Mdnllstli R'tiinmeit to Indmb tlie Hnl shexikl i will i t ie Mmin illsts, and lo be under I"si in mofr as preinbr Owing to i I in nn In In itx ilothing in tho army the Tcople's Commissaries today agreed special requisition from all persons paving more than 150 rubles (about $75) monthly. RUSSO-TEUTON TRUCE SURE, BRITISH BELIEVE LONDON. Nov 2S Itusslni" fcTinnl armistice with the Teu tons will merely make formal u it-ssntion of fighting, which Is already In full forte. No doubt whntexcr was expressed here todiv that the llolihcxlki wtiild carry through their annountcd Intention to estab lish a trine and that the (In mans xvou'd accept Such n mctc, howcxer, xtas not n rarded as likely to luxe any effect on the mllltaty situation (lerminv and Aus tria luxe already stripped their lines on the 1'u-slnn frriits to almost nomine Most of the troops used In tho Italian drive tamo from this northern xt.ir zone. The nrir'stlco offer Illustrates the lengths to xtlikh the Ilussl.m extremists aie pro pane! to go In their program of Idxlllc Inter nitlonillsm As obseitors saw It today, the move xtas undoubtnllt made xtltli (lie sxmp.ithv of a Rnat p irt of tho xtar-weary nrmy and tltlzens Tlie lloishexlkl uro un plMtlr.il y disclaiming anv Intent Ion of a -eparate peace Tho armistice offi l Itself Is nddiossed to "all bdllM rents" and stress Is laid in l'etroRrad dipatdies on tint fait that the offei is nn n Ix tlie llr-t step In tho ambitious If idxllii' "Jiiinc of the IJol shcxlkl for xtoild pe ite In some cltcles the Plea of un armistice between Russia and the Teutons xtas re R'uiled fax oral v. It xtas polutid out that such a fnimnl agittinent mlglit axnld n gieit (leriuin drive xthlih would swiep ihuusands nf Mpiaro mlli oi lln-'lin tci rltoix Intel (ci man hinds i drive timed v the imi mx against n Itussl m iirmv xthloli Is nil tdv half started tot.illx uiipiepued mil In idei intelx iiutinil The innlsilii mix pi unit a smoothing out of the I!in"inn military machine that Itussla will "come back" tho quicker. WASHINGTON EMBASSY TAKES HOPEFUL VIEW WASHINilTO.V, Nov 23 llussla urn be counted on as a Hunting fnctor for xvcrld democracy If the llol shevikl peace menace Is iivcrtel, llusslan embassj nlllclals hole decline Political duos has not ser ouslv iifTiettd the mllltnrx and naxal orginlzatlon, It xtas "Wo arc now In dally -ommunlcntloti wiin tiimirai voredereveky, Mlni(r2 . . .. t ty o ut in. iii.7.'v rlne, nnd with olTIclal iniiusnments," Raid the Verederoxsky docs not recoirnl.. ,t TVB Im illsts, nuthorltx ho has b.en .,, "' continue me illiectlon of the n. W"U' I kept It Intait." e "" M hi I (A dispatch from Petrocr.a ,.,. eredeiexsky Iuih resign d ) ' n "The nrmy is still a fPmM... tion as the, prcsrs ' orR.inlz i Turks1 prove Uelshovlkl overtures for hh i. i parate pence will go unheflTi'1 "1 Mnies. r.ov eminent olTlclii, J tt separn Fnlled todio Eft (lEy,BANKSBlDDl Personal Lhnstmas brectiiio Cards Special Designs prepared of Child, Home, Horse , Dod.Hobby. WOMEN'S BylisSi Sboes s A XI. (..t-i W vv. 3. UA a PEGIA3L Kid with cloth top x, Black. Knjilish WalKint; Slioes with Military , lli-cN; also l'i.t- tnls ami (ila ed Kid; Welt- id and btitcii- cd Soles; all Siis; and A to E wide in the assortment. 1.98!o- Women's Smart BIoveMy Boots Another ship- ($& jZ lilt ill in I ill' iiiiixi ; wanted sljles Extra Hi&h Cut, Havana Uroxvn. I0O, rhamiiafjnu, Tan Russia Calf, Patents. tun- ictal ( al. and Black Glazed Kid; Welted and Stitched Soles. Kiirh and alilitar Heels. Sizes 1 to S and A to H vtidc in the assortment. Women's Satan s Party Slippers k Special . r A U ' Real smart lnokiiiK, ilh square throat, lonp; tamps, hiijh Prcnch heels; in rink, llltic, j& ew gm S &Q. JB oftr J We 1 In H lo K ttine Hlnck nnd hite I fiSrt ' I 03. 780 Fr. Children's $1.50 and $2.00 Sample Shoes Made b .1. F. Mudd Shoe Co., HurlinKlon, N. J. Well known for makini; high grade c h i 1 -dren's shoes; in sizes 3 to 5. Also lar ger sizes, 5 to 7", spring '"els. $1.29. Roys' and Girls' iiigii-Cui Storm $1j.9S Shoes & - j children's de- light with atraps & buckles; sizes 10 to 13i2. ftr2.$2.45 Men's$5and$6High.Ciil fetor m fys ggr Shoes . SPCfc Limited lot. Tan and Black Chrome Leather, with double oak soles; all solid; bijf savings to men who wear sizes 8' to 12. Men's Winter Shoes, $9.29 Special lot i aiet.ni, Patents and U I a c k Kid; s u i t a ble for Dress or work; slight factory hurt, lace and button. All sizes in '- lot. t Vt Th I wv Ik s x Yt X & Open j3 I '1 j fThe mitcTaTs Talking I ' , Macliiiie in the World I "" (l JBmkir CLCAH AS A BEJ.L CT i asaa U jgggZgjgZZ. Tl"111 t,lis magniBcent inslro- PJi liTOwSSS5S?Spr Y. f'rttr$&. EArncnt, which won llio highest ' I OWfa-i,fcTSir fiwKv r .V M) murkmg lor lone quniity at tno I ' iiiinirt B (. mv l Klteiex&tib'AVniiN i)n,., T).,;n i,vt;i;., iVV,",.,; SL10NU HOUR IX'.',?: M$&sSM j WVtl'flW &nnmaP!r.tinrtra-t!)&alraa.3tt. 1 21-i:M"J-17 Market Street IJArfr--ir-rrr-r-r..-" 'tga-gL;L-.-A. 5gsfvj US h7 HEPPE Xf 5M IBffra J5ft. iltffH LIBERTY BONDS ' and Coupons accepted S Bri , 3 t on old or new accounts! you t. ? your Liberty Bonds to us ! They may be applied on a new account, or, already have an account with ,us, you may apply it On bonds we will give you full face value an to date. On the first two coupons of the first issue, v payable this December and next June, we will give lace value NOW. Thus the money you loaned to the Government be used for Christmas purposes. And in considering Christmas presents we suggest yi consideration of the famous Stroud Pianola-Piano n priced at the exceedingly low figure of $600. Two attachments in themselves are worth the price a Pianola the Metrostyle and the Themodist. The Metrostyle gives you correct interpretation tl talent that distinguishes a master from an ordinary pianist. It is in the Stroud Pianola Piano. The Themodist gives you the solo of the composition the theme the talent that distinguishes a human pianist frum an ordinary player-piano. It is on the Stroud. The Stroud is on sale only at Heppe's. C. J. Heppe & Son are the Philadelphia agents of the Great Aeolian Company, of New-York city, makers of the Pianola. Since 1887 we have sold Aeolian products. We have thousands of satisfied customers among the finest circles in the city. t Your name should be on our list. , As wonderful as the great Pianola is, still it may be purchased at a very reasonable price as represented by the Stroud. If you are not prepared to pay the entire amount at the time of your purchase, we will gladly accommodate you through our rental-payment plan, which applies all the rent to purchase. We will also take your plain piano in exchange at its present value. The Stroud is one of our most popular models. Apply your Liberty Bonds or coupons as payments on a Stroud Pianola for your Christmas present. Call or write for full particulars. C. J. HEPPE & SON Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Strce'j Philadelphia Customers Pay No War Tax STROUD PIANOLA PIANO $600 I u I n M am " W;V 1 r7v u .''CWltfMi '?A y.tf. ( .. j.. v i'-a&iJbuLZ. XG i:sik& .& &Jtm