)VEMBER 22. 1917 ' ' ' ' " ' ifWfirPB KN JOHNSONS PEEA TO EXEMPT BALL PLAYERS FROM DRAFT MAY BE OPPOSED BY:ME$ I5AN JOHNSON'S PLEA TO EXEMPT IT HAPPENS IN THE BEST REGULATED FAMILIES COACH MIKE BENNETT IS DRIVING ll ITVENING LlBDGl3R-PHILA'DELfHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER PLAYERS UNFAIR TO THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS WHO HAVE GONE OVER 1 .-i.. .. . . , f players Themselves Expected to Take Issue League Connie Mack Approves Plan - By UOHERT W. MAXWELL I ,,-T how important tho game of bam. T T 11 1. when compared to the world war In :.J t" "iP.fu.,1 s ntca Is participant. will I. -fclrh ttie lilV-" - .!.- !, TAT Vt alitor. lTe'r'u keep SM welMrMncd uthkil !- m .n mi :"! of the r; ". inr ti.o cn- .' I nurpOSO Of :EftVna- I," v.t-lionics or h""., hem out t '.; In a o'BBcr e. hore one It !" ,, t0 "tn Jo'!'".0"' If .& Went oi '"" w?ii,.,t swif it. w maxwdi. 'ffrjiiertiment to ex- i-. r iph I'" . .iiiteen tii'iJi' "il" i"",'-":' ' -- fmpt eiK"t" ' .. , i4CilKUc club from the Srlft for 1 1,0 "koo,1 of tho same." lie .ViHe.'".! J? me aro Taken way7 and ftiurt If the be ""''.,,, ,., nf rnela -,, A '. w"1!."?.. r ,, oneVly. Ho passes the I --i f ' lLm aWW&ir aWWW ! Ini.nlust tnai mm -- .., it tttUCK to '"" " when he says: tn nut It . . .....! ...lt..t ut'ilwl. m the Government 10 iicciu. ,v....h. ""- ....... i.inn .. .klntr It lilt e.NCeillMU iuv , ,. - National League A skit io Favors of Uncle Sam linn .Intin.on fctuniN ulnnr vtllli lilt lir nrllng slntemrnt thilt lie will nK the lien eminent in vvonint eighteen hull nhoeri on eurli iimjiir Irtigne rluli In the f'oiintr.i. , tl" ntlonl Leiuue will nk mi mirh tie lii I tin or. I'renldrnt Tener Inilnr tolil Hie Ktrnlnz tf'Vr '" miW .""I "' "ne 1 111 It liiunril tnlilnion In Hik l'relilrnt Wll.nn nr the herretnry lit War fur uprtlnl future for li.ieball," Johnson's IleaCalled Worst Kind of Precedent WAMIlMirilN, .Nut. ? lli.il ll.in .Inliii. on K lii;i(rllon fur exrlnlitliiu nf hie Ir.iEiie Inocti.ill .l,irr '.liiinl.i he the he Blnnlnit of III enil" the oniihil li ryireneil at the rrnnt Marshal llener.il'o nlTlee toila. Inhtituii'ti hlra in rtrctni'l niilHipiihir ullh (irtirr.it frontier' ilo.f.l mil lur 11 nil u.is rrjiitril "Hie unr.l kind nf lrrrrdellt.f, 'tWf bel.all s,llil" conlliiuc. anrt you may !U H f the American Inuuo will accept Ut decision without protest. filMgue Will Accept Decision . of cflbrfe the lKun w, "lL'e" ' .,"" . 1 1 and xo will every one el.se. When Jln lie" ed for service In the army or J ,nwer that call whether he pro SSJ?"' "hero are no excuse,. When - "!l" " , ' irn,i tn en. he (lOl.tf. o..,hn Is an orsanlzcd business. Mll '' , B"f Liars have been Invested and If ;!1r,l dctedorlates. the financial returns fflCtmai T Perhaps this W the reron V'S exemption claim will he turned In. I How About the Others? '-. But. how about the other organizations - ...JJV the draft? Have they asked Iftil their men he excused? Not so ou i2S notice It They have taken the Ir I fcv- . . . ,.,.... ii-Afi ir.itlntuKf , medic ne, ami 111 i-onu- .. -- r, . ...., ili.a nite business Is the samo lis all- i VI. 1. timn nf war. The L'nlled States ''nnot afford to discriminate In a can like ': rtn The Idols nfthe public, the men noted v for their phylcal prowess, will Het a Rooil '. m. for tho others by JolnlnR the colors. : K they don't, there will bo many who will leek exemption on other Krounils. Ball players have been paid by the puli- rt, ( vmw. vv tnoui tno supi'ori. ni ine fins the' game could not exist, for no1 sala i rl could be paid. The athletes have lived el, the American people, mw let mem protect them. 'How About Players? Another tlilnB to bo considered is the :. attitude of the players Will they consent .tea plan like that? win mey ni'twir ue- . (ore an aU'lieneo earn nay in nnvp urn iwint-r ef tcorn'poilded lit UU3tt.jt.iHl called slack. ers by the fans? Hall players tue sensitive ' and a few days on the Brill will be enouKli. , But you can't blame, lvm Johnson for Irjln?., He has eight club owners in his ewn league to protect and tho samo num ber of friends In tlfii enlol- circuit:. He lias 'apod Idea so far as baseball Is concerned : but baseliall ts not as impoitani us me nr agSlnst autocracy, livery man must so nis.Dic uenirn penuu J ueiiarcu nun u,tu plajerrfurn not hotter than any one else. The American League ntHited right In at he start of the season to prepare the pl.ty (rj for the arm.i" Sprclul drill setKcautM tere assigned to each tcruit and tho players Irllled throughout tho season. They mas tered the manual of arms, learned tho mili tary game and weio In shape to fall In line tnd carry a musket when, they were called. All of this was appreciated, for tho men tecelved more Instruction Unit could he obtained In any of tho traluinc camps. Hut :;'hr'kpoll it all with this exemption mpiest? .jaaoall Is iIr ciiourIi to Ret along Willi yint asking favors and. any way, tho Rame 'till be more nonular than ever If tho play- Ken lake their chances hi the draft with the common or caiden variety of. American -ijKcitiieng. Football Has Not Suffered 4AS an cxamiile. take rolleco football. Bundreds or the star athletes did not wait for the draft hut volunteered as soon as Mr nas declared, Komo rnctball teams t as manv ns ten men. but others wero .btalned and tho game continued. Of course, us itandard Is not to Rood as last year. ui naj the Ramo suffered? Tho crowds eootlnue to witness tho contests and enjoy tbe tport Just ns much. 'Chcy have- made allowances for tho absenco of "tho rtars", Wd noidoult tho same will bo done about uebal!. t'Tbla exemption plea, to my mind, will a j" inure narni than good to tho gnmo or rM would not bo asklnp tlie Onvcrnnicnl to exempt any more than about lm all told." Contiskey Favors Plan. K.M'IXKIOI: SI'lllNtW, j Nov. .. Cliarles I'omlskey, owner of thn Wnrlds niamplon White So, Is heattily in acvonl with the proposed plan nf j.rnntliiR exemp tion fnin'i military service tn elRliteen men on each of tho sixteen major lcacuc clubs. "Tim Whlto iix can Ret, nlniiR with ilRlitccn men," ('oiniskey said today when loin or tlu plan as outlined by Han Jnhn son. "Not only can wp Rot aloiiR, but put up a stiff tlRht for the pennant and RlM' the public the biand of sport they need to le. llevo their minds nf the tense war situa tion. It Is a Rrand idea, liaseball will do the (.overnment a lot of pood.'' t'omlskey Ravo 10 per cent of his home iccelpts last year to the lied Cross. Xavin "Won't Ask Exemption nKTItOIT, Mich.. Nov. :.. "Personally I wouldn't ask the War lie. paitment to exempt mnjor leaKtio ball play ers from military service," Prank Navin, president of the Dettolt club, told the t'nited Press today. "The War Department understands the condition under which we are playliiR and It understands that we would have to close sljop If our men ro to war," Nuvln con tinued. "Hut the tinvernment knows where tho men can best serve and it needs none of my advice." Johnson Wrong, Says lluppert ni:w voiiix. Nov. ;;. f'nloncl Jacob ltupiiert today added a piotrst HRalnst tho plan sURRested by Dan Johnson for tusking tho ilovernmont to grant sjiccial exemptions to ball players. 'Viiptalu Houston Is now In.Kiance-help. Iiir IiIb country win tlie war," said Colonel lluppeit, of tho Now York American I.eaRtie 1 'lub. "1 certainly am not in favor of ask. I11R exemption for ,t ball player while my partner and their employer Is risking his life lit ser loe." 1 y'T,S0Y lM. T,0tV OH iTCe Yah TT ' HMtfjF W1A.T- HAr::rtli,H . " i f1 Tg my DYiMG Pay ml , I iMy pesrf 1 most Ten. iujLJi 11 I 1 EUliMllIS NCuCR FORGET HOoU ftu ABOUT HrNV" ".'!!; !!5lWWi 5Vv . wH" lr -4iUrS02 fir&r) Js. L-, - TT 1 lift TftC CUUD FOR A, J Sh' H AVERFORD TEAM FOR THE ANNUAL' SWARTHMORE CONTEST SATURDAY Main Liners Will Enter' Game This Week Forget ful of Past, With Do-or-Die Spirit "Little Quakers" Practice Long- .Connie Approves Plan COiinf A fnALi ...I... !... i..n. 1-.1-, r..-. f7io'tne (luvcriunont ami lost live of his J''"- Geneves -Johnson's plan Is a pood J". Now tho patriotism of Connie can- " tit t tl '": ! la IIIUID IIUIII IVIIMHh ??hl.s hit and then some, but his lewa. ,:."" "unjeci aro those or a baseball mag- wi .vton,,e was r.al,ed " the Phono and .. ...wui. ,...u nonvn t ,aciiihiuii P..i i'c1LIeaBUe ball players, eighteen to the trendies, LT11' ' "lnk that's a mighty good idea." "Wfd Mack. "I know what you aro Eolnc to tell me; Vou're going to say I'm unpa- MINOR LEAGUES DOOMED, SAYS BAN Loss of Players and Patron age Will Kill Smaller Clubs, Declares Johnson' EXPLAINS HIS WAR VIEWS nUlCArjO. Nov. 22. Not a minor league in tho country will be ablo to start thn season of lftl8 In the opinion of Ilau Johnson, president of the Aineikati League. Johnson said today that the loss of play ers through military service and lack of patronage, through thrift and interest in mllitaty affairs, will render It Impossible for iiny" but the major leaRiies to survive next year, and major leapues themselves won't survive unless they receive Clov em inent support. Asks Xo Favors "I'm not going to ask any favors or the (Internment get me right on tills," de flated Johnson. "My suggestion that eighteen men on each nf the maJor-leaRUo clubs be exempted from military servico Is nieicly that a suggestion. Tho Uovcrnment has let It bo known that it wants baseball to continue. My suggestion only represents, what r believe to be tho only condition under which It van continue. Equalize .the Draft "Exemption of a certain number or men on each cfub would equalize tho effects of tho draft. Ono American club has lost nino men through the draft: another six. Tliey are virtually nut of tho race as a result. "Kxcmptlon of eighteen men would, still leave, six men from each club for military bervlco In the American League and four in tho National." BELL WON'T START AGAINST INDIANS Penn Quarterback in Poor Shape Physically, but Ex cellent Scholastically UNIT NO. 20 CALL SOON Ilert Hell, field general extiaordlnary. will submit tn the orders nf his coach and trainer anatl will not start at quarterback for Penn against the Indians on Franklin Field Satutday afternoon, when the pale face Quakei s clash with tlie Kcdsklns for the twenty-first time. Almost seven weeks hro the lied and Rlue pilot wrenched bis shoulder so badly In tho (leorgia Tech disaster at Atlanta that lie was nut of the game for four full weeks, and since November !! he has played In four hard games, and has been nut nf the contests only for the few minutes In which Hill Qulgley worked in the Michigan game last Saturday. Kven if Hert Is In poor shape physically, that has nothing to do with his scholastic work, for desplto thn Injury tn his arm and the time he lias spent on the gridiron ho has managed to keep up In his Htudles Tills is stated because of a wild rumor that went tho rounds of the campus yesterday after noon to the effect that Hert was Ineligible. Hert was asked about tlie truth of the re port and tlie explanation Is best In his own words. "I can't understand ho'w this rumor started." said Hell. "I am not dellrient In my studies at all Tho only thing in which I am shaky is French. I may have flunked the quiz which 1 took recently, but even If I did that would not make me Ineligible. It takes two conditions, not failures In monthly examinations, but tvio full-term conditions to make u man Ineligible, as I understand tho rule." Unit Call Next Week Immediately after the football season, Hell will have to leave coIIcrc anyhow, un less he gets a transfer from Hip University of Pennsylvania base hospital unit No. JO. which will be called Into active service cither the latter part of next wepk or early In the first week In December. With Hell will go peveral other prom inent I'eun athletes, Including Howard Horry, BUI Qulgley and fteese Harkalow, of the football squad; Henry S, Hagert. for. mer captain of the gym team and Intercol. leglato champion on the side horse ; Mike Dorlzas, the famous strong man, and Frank Kturrldge, captain of the gym team last winter. Hoth Horry and Hell hao ap plied for tho tlilid oflicers" camp, and If they aro accepted they must first get their transfers from tho hospital unit. There will bo no scrimmaging this week in preparation for tho Indians, and only shadow scrhnrnago will bo staged, Folwell said yesterday that he would start most of his regulars, but as soon ns a com rnrini,i lead Is Piled up on tho Iledsklns ho will toss in his second varsity players. HAVEIIKOKI) HEATS PENN S0CCEKMEN liAYKiti-'oiin coi.t.Kiii:, Nov. :: Unveifoid College defeated tho t'nlverslty of Pennsylvania soccer eleven for the second time this season on 'SS Field jeMcrday by the score of 'J goals to 1. The first xlctory, on October 27. Rave Hnverforil the Inter collegiate championship, while today's suc cess gives tin- Scarlet and Hlack the lead In the Cricket Club Leapue with no defeats rcRlsteied against It as yet. Ilnrdnn. lb vetern!l rlKllt r-ii, of IVntra! Illicit. I" "UI of lh Nortlirmt HIkIi Si honl enn-t.-xt III lem will lie kerlilv filt liy tho Crlm- on nnl floM. THAT Haverfotd College Is determined to finish the senson In Rreat style nnd defeat the Svvarthmore College eleven In the annual battle between the rival Institu tions, at .Svvarthmore Saturday, was further demonstrated yesterday nftjrnoon when Coach Dennett gave his proteges another session of hard scrimmage work on the Haverford gridiron. Coach Dennett was on the field early and as the men reported they were cither sent over In att.uk the tackling dummy or put to work running down the field under punts. This wns followed by one of the longest signal drills of the year. Three teams traveled up and down the field at a rapid pace, the quarterbacks giving the men no chance to rest between plays. Tho first and second teams were next lined up for dummy scrimmage. Coach Dennett laid great stress on the playing of the line men. ns the result of tlie game Saturday will depend a Rreat deal on 'be shovvltiR of the Haverford flist line of de fense. The new pl.is which the tlrst team was given on Monday were put thioURh an acid test against th" second string nun. and came through with colors flying The men of both teams did tint tackle as hard as usual, as Dennett did not want to take any chances with his sqiiHiI on rlsklnp hard tnckles Phillips and IVwees broke clear of the Held several times for long runs. Forward passes came In for a great deal of attention ami a tlood of aeiial attacks will no doubt be hurled at tho Svvarthmore team on Saturday. Although the Svvarthmore team Is the favorite In the annual mutest this week. b reason of Its better lecoid, the Havei- fonl team will enter tne tray at Swarlh mori', forgetful of the pnst with the spirit nf victory foremost In their minds The first team was virtually decided on jester day and the following men will lino up for the kick-off on Saturday: K Millet and Drown, ends; Captain (Sllmnur and It Miller, tackles: Lester and Mitchell. guards; Mcintosh, center: Buiby, quarter. Devvees'.Tnb'lckr'1 " ""d. j nJ'illPi mW'"r,nn,orB ,eam l,eld what In all probability was Its last hard practlc" of Don nrB.'lyK,,,erda'nnerno0" ln PreP"a Coll, L? m U?Verfor:1 co",est Saturday. C?nIii .' J'"cer- """luted by Maxwell and mm. Lr Ji"1.8 00d u,e of th0 Anal .after. , sn. i wlmhiago.nnd as a result the "pud was ,,u, through one of the stlffett ' scrimmage workouts or the entlro ecason, ' More than usual attention was paid to hfes TinfV. The,flr"t ""O "ond team Lt .i "n',Vln "Balnst each other for th. ast time, this season and the scrubs fought Ike wildcats. The ecrub held the plun. "B i unity backs for downs on several occasions and It was only through repeated efforts that tho Pist string men crossed their opponents' goal line. The .Svvarthmore team realizes that It must be In the best of shape to win fiat unlays game. Although thevri f.-.vnrit.. Dip men aro not overconfident and know that they will be pushed to the limit by the war-rldden Haverford team. With tho ex. ceptlon nf Fills, whose charlcy horso Is steadily Improving, and WVscott, who has an Injured hand, the squad Is In first-class physical condition. Previous to the scrimmage Coach Doy Mercer took the tlrst team backfleld and ends In hand and gave them a long drill on catching forward passes and punts. Thero was a slight let-up In the foot ball practice of the Lehigh team at Bethle hem .vesterdny. The line worked for a short period with the charging machine, while the entire squad was given a .urialn . .. -- . .... 9 talk by the coach previous to the practice. ji- if SVvemt limn nil Ibn il,-1f o.rl l..t,....i ,- la". a , . . mijuicu IIEfl ..,. ., "T. : practice or the week. "-1 w, "iTKtl quarterback, who has ' fit J.ftwl srli ,? mSs.t i5P'l reported fou the tlrst Harrington, the star been a menibcr of the sick list since th game last Saturduy, appeared on the field, but did not get Into, his moleskins. Nolan and McCarty alternated at quarter. ""tie. V0n. .f. ,... , .j, " "-vj jwu ctuiu iiiu iui nil),- ft,, i . nR0"'s nIeat fcve ll'o P'an serious "M. think It over carefully and do not fen. ?lnu,e overlook what happened in ., . '. , no not approve of Johnson's plan on " rounds of the benefit It will bo to terM ln Athletics. This never has en nHLS? n?lnd- I ?Peak only from, the - Kuuinf rr Kn.t.fc1--ii. .t Wra j i "rtBUUt mo national Rame ..if-... "'! 't Kill the Eamn-ir all men wt ,V.r y draft wero taken into eerv- 0riy a F Expmn,,' :j V- ... . 'fc,A.r;.".W0U1'l not kill the game, but 1t if.fi .rljr wou,d llurt "" was Ills reply. (.,,' 'w Players subject to the draft wero taruTi-i "dard of, our naUonal eport XT wuM eurt: In fact, dealt a 'r .mf qw' 1,an Johnsort ha" asKea -(aekei.,1. l n'r e"snle" P'ayer.s ror -1 VIUD. AS a rill. lrh rluh l,gJ thlrlv w..7,'". This would mean that each club tileet-T.welv8 Payers for military serv-'r- ja other -wnr ' si, .ini, .in,,M ,. SSSS 1 to c"t of Its com: iWi ?. r mllltary ervlco to down tho sTZj: That-B ft pretty uood percentage il!wiill,uRt ll fro'"' Another viewpoint to players because bf. dependents uwrt AM Bom-'fnrv nhvilMl imflluii. 'If ..theSaV iMmnHnnf tW-hlnt, Mtit 'ouj(lli:ve. to thf Included In the- V '"r .J'wi'lR.W Howie Kntrics for Tomorrow rirt rare c4almlnc, maiden two-jenr-nlds. n furlnns" Ideal, m. Will Soon. Mil: Danny Smile. 103; .MI Pep. IIIJ; Kind nf the Starlet.. MO; Planner. 107; Lady Small. 107; .Mill Itaee, ,102; 1'artlHan, Ma, I'halerli. I01;'s,ibretah, HIS: Muyhevr, 102. Also eligible Altlerherrv. in7; Sun Kl8, 100, 'Sallle Walfr.. 102. Klj.lan, Uh; Ormlos. 11H; Caveman, I US. Sernnd race, clalmlns. maldon., all aees. mllo Oolln Dour.. 113: Krea. DI5: Wlelilka. MS; JItoaka. 7: 'Polly Anna., 10 i; Ileau nf Menlo. MS; Hlekorynut. loss Frank Keaah,.82: Mtovsl oak. 108: 'Lady (lerlrude. h Tarquln. ION. Onunda. D1S: Ilonnle Cjuse. h9: 'I'luoky Den, ion; 'Soumantha. HI. ,AIo ellKlble John Douslaa. lla: Danny Smile. 02: Jessie D.. 100; Itoso flnn', 105r MrelOefne. 10j. Third race, selllne handlcan. all a. 7 fur IoiibV Reprobato. 118: Lohengrin. 11 1; Zouave. ..... m i,i..i tni. lt.iw.n I!.. 1111 Madamo iierrmann. lib: Dan.. 107: Firing l.lne. Dirt; Kilmer. 114: Nliel. 110: Onwa. 102: Pater Jay, 111"? Also ellBlblTrquln. 100; Wild Thjme. r- all aBes. mile falOelto. . 112 10:1. ,.',""' "' ii7 M'liM.i in.- 'Jock Scot. Oil: riniiirle. Ms Valerius.. M: W'oodtran. OK. lneoif. ivroiourdlne. 84. (a)Tyree entry. m oil I'erogourdlne, M. lanyree eniry. Fifth raw. claiming, three-vear-olds, mils and 0 yardsHeurobate.. llilr.AVH.l Thyme. 10'J; Sflii lte'M"itT 10D Cantaln Hay. IDs ile.se j itlf Thornliloom. 10U Urooklyn. 112. Horn V n' 100OoIden llantam. 101. Sixth rar. claiming, three-year-nlds. nilla nnd "0 yard. Flare. 10s Orlnla. OS; Margaret J... 101 mother i Jonathan. 10: Sw ft Fox. Ml: 'watt 3Jbleiv 10D Cachet. 100; Mlurbank. lot; Kaster-i,iiv ' lot. ' iii- dill.- ,1 vMnwaa thria. ve?rVOlS.Vnduprttl.'ndV07rd. m' kllti 1 llWi "Widow lledotte. 07. 'Ml.s KrltefTlOo:CpufCUl.. 100; JUrgery. 99. ,,vr.u.vl.U;.nii.i allowance claimed. . lav Aftm-entlC allowance Weather. cler: tracK, good. ' .' Amateur" Notes , - 1 a.,w 1 A a f..r flr.t rl... k..tft ..ill.! desirous ofarranglng game, tvlthl iMm. -having halls In renn.ylvanla.. .New Jer Jit. New Vork.and Delaware. Joph Corman. manager. Cre ' i".'";1 .....-. ,Y.v, 'Rffli and I?lnbrldgelreeti, ' c. i r n rts.ervo. a fatt'.fltth cla.. basketball tMm. wUa..40 arrangstiaifles with' .rSi havlng.talls.tnjir out of tile city. Na-i 4ttm n? i Prank mangier. 625 South street, Th'i'Atd'nfs''orub: Wceatl, e" .biiketpall i'.-i: r,n'! . t'oiAr. HfM'i. f iiTriiiTiiirifMr m8srn ray' NAVAL TRAINING SCHOOL TO PLAY WINONA SATURDAY Upton Favorite's Eleven to Meet Un beaten Norwood Team and Pro ceeds Are for Charity The Naval Training School eleven, which Is being coached by Upton Favorite, will play tho Winona Club, of Norwood, on the Seneca avenue grounds. Norwood, on Satur day afternoon at 3 o'chek. Tho proceeds wlil'go to tho Chaplain Dlcklns Athletic Fund. Winona has a very fine record and lu tho labt two years has not been hcaten and has been scored on but once. During this tlmo tho team has beaten Cllenolden. P. R. It. Y. M. C. A., Penftcld, Franklin and other well known elevens. West Over brcok held "Winona to a C-6 tie last year. Tho Winona grounds are near tho Chester plko and are within easy motoring distance of this city. The admission wilt be twenty rive cents and ns every penny will go to a very deserving cause, Winona hopes to have a big crcwd at tho game. Kvery town and borough In Delaware county has been plastered with bulletins of the game. Winona will lino up as follows: Qulgley, left end; Itowden, left tackle: Buchanan, left guard; Jenkins, center; Harndt, right guard: Yoder, right tackle; Mlnick. right end: Davison, quarterback: Rerrlnger, left halfback: Mullln. right halfback; Haz zard, fullback. The officials will be Hon sail, referee: Warper, umpire. Trains -will leave Broad Street Station at 1:23 and 1:55 p. m. SUltS $1180 TO ORDER JLJ. REDUCED rBOSI S0, J5 and CO I PETER M0RAN& CO. $&" S. E. Cor. 9th and Arch Streets Onen Monday and Saturd.r Until 9 o'clock NATIONAL A. oTili,r7 SATURDAY KVEMKfl, NOVK.MIIKK 24TII WUKMV8 CDAMI'IONNDIP CONTEST Mike O'Dowd vs. Jack McCarron 4 OTHER STAB CONTESTS 4 r.anitnr" aardut-aftowii lnfr'DW-Mta.Dfi,l, w T-nsjftotififi . (r . fl"ij' iS i ti Cambri A. Club r ' Mal"no" A, . .i Burn, ft rrar i , Mangitxs KMtXe. NOV. im-,nNMH. ' r l.rC7tf.' .r.4T'. .r ', 3ibjp.. f..t:,. . c.v Vlk , ) )Vi M ij iy A i ' a l J l S i ...MiiH.rtMiinsHnjHSiRnJrMnjPrtmiiH W l C 1 i . S IS I S V l. ...til MM HI HlliMHHIMItlIIIMIHIMllllllIHMllHrft , I x I 1 1 y I V r ) 111 tiitu.11111 ! nil iiiiiit inmni ihmh t iiiiiimiMintitiMMHli ' ' k t1 x v Jf Us V f y iiIilIIMIm biiMitiiii iiiimnihm VMMViil' .a m v. f - 1 J 1 l) i JT sr I LS .lIllnlliiMil iBi)iilmiMMHMMii tj"i m M M M MV. v f if f M V ff If s 1 I a f i - fA ' K" pi"t m&M W W W J MMHtZ ) llA n It 7 L 0 P M A ' MM(jlh,Sli00 i li l V I iff It r la ' Ml .y M H,M"F .ijjijVPrTmiiii MiHiiM(iiiiIiiiiMiMiilMHlM x " - r ' Y ) vvi if i ss -J nili M"!iiiimMiiinii ti"iiiiiiiiin i vfc ivu u-, f fo.J A Jy t j 0 imiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiM"""1" H ' K W . tr n , uj V 'I ,108 tilt1 )tC-r., lunj Iio3v na ' aril jil'. ; xrh low 33tf ' 'M '.'! T: ioi'i )ua oil U03 97 V I in Alii A Dvr , or yotj , Iflt ', iilvr 8rt"i JriB n i DlT t ot bita 01 'i iui't. n j: r 'rM Spend Your Money Wisely This Christmas Light Four- Model 90 SmallSedan 124Q . e. 6. Toledo Tat fttt flict tubjtel to chang without notice . QUIP your family for effi cient living. - Give them this all-weather utility car so that they can meas ure up to the demands of the times. The benefit of this car as a Christmas gift is lasting. That it is beautiful and fash ionable is secondary to its value as the means for better living.' There is spacious room for five .adult passengers. The two doors are staggered. There are two individual front seats, with aisle -way between. The top and the window pillars remain up permanently. The"windows drop into the sides of the body and doors, and can be quickly opened or closed, as desired. There is a dome light in ceil ing, three silk roller curtains,' parcel pockets at both sides of rear seat, foot rail, windshield wiper, and nickel handles to close doors from the inside. The entire top and sides are decorated with gray and black' striped cloth. Every inch of the floor is covered with thick' car pet to match the walls and ceiling. The body is Brewster Green with black top. It has 4-inch tires, non-skid rear; 106-inch wheelbase; Auto' Lite electric starting and light ing, and vacuum fuel system. Make your Christmas money live longer, dp more good and equip you for efficient living during the bad weather ahead. Get your order in now. ?oa;p ?, inWiBa oMtfHj V :. ' T WILLYS,OVERLB) inc. of pi "ttB" ii "ill M MIMIf TTflBMlil "lit--7t ' m