Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 21, 1917, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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A '
, r' THPssainnEnsssssHisH
rli Austro-Tedeschi Sono Scon-
fitti in Quattro Attacchi Con-
sedutivi coiitro Monfencra
' LONDRA, 21 Nocmbrr.
... ,nmun!cato ufllciale pubbllcato
l in "'
Minn dal Mtnistcro aeua
Aire cho lc forze inglcsl che
1Terano InWato una Ugorosa offcnsiva
tro U Unco tedcsche della zona di
Snbwl. hanno sfondato lc llnee stesse
.n.trandoTt per una profondita' di
l o cinque mlslia. SI ritlcnc che
U nuova "ensiva inEleso debba
"iLeerlre considerevolmcnto la p.res-
fit le iuiic i.w-i-..w -
sulla fronta italiana.
KOMA, 21 JCoemnre
it. ultimo notlzlo glunte dalla fronte
1 .ri la si rlleva che le llnee U.illano
41 Wn flume Piavo cd attraverso Valtl-
lunp ' . rimangono tuttora ealde.
' pW twite II lolento bcmbardamento dello
0avan. dtfnta . del Plave. a,
M ' i Uclentl combattlmcntl dl artlRllerla
' WV nfla La battaglla dura da quattro
Vml ed V ritenuta come una della plu'
Mttacolore dl cul lJOSta cssero testlmono
locchlo deU'uomo.
t notlzle che Blunsono rlcuardo al dettl
iAtlmentl dlcono cho Ell Italian! effet
Sfnocontrattaccht con talo aloro o slanclo
imnstrando un aloro ed un coragglo lnau
' IT ?n quel settore gll austro-tedetchl
-iovono In trrandl masso e tentano un
?vlmento accerchlanto erso l'ala Blnl
SI dello "mate Italian SI dice cho
KJrasore abbla In azlono circa mlllo can
iSil In mezzo alio will alpine.
t creste delle montagno cmctlono
imme e funw slmlll a ulcanl In azlono o
1. dense coloiine dl fumo sono snezzate da
"impite como forcste In flamme.
Dalle notlzle ufllciail pervenuto lerl si
ocrende che la lotta tra lo forze austro
tedesche e quelle Itallane sul Monto Tomba
' Monte Monfener.1. nella raglono montag-
HOSa al nOrU u liana, vummu bun biiiiciua
TI teutonl hanno condotto, per ben quattro
volte dlsperatl attacchi bpeclalmento con
tra io sperono dl Monto Monfeuera con
llntenzlono dl Impossessarsene, ma sono
.titl sempro rispintl con grailsslmo per
tM dalle truppe Itullaiie, magnincho per
reslstenza e alore.
' Ecco II comunlcato del Comando Supremo
Itallano, pubbllcato lerl dal Mlnlstero della
ruerra in lloma
La battaglla lncomlnclata tabato
scorso sulle lo llnee che hi ebtendono da
Monte Tomba a Jlonto Monfeuera, tra U
Brenta ed II riae, contlnua con grantle
accanlmento. II nenilco bos-pese (uattro
lolte II bombardamento contro le nostro
noslilonl buI Monfener.1 per lanclare lo
sue masse all' attacco dl esse. I.o nostre
truppe, con icr.iBKlo mpeilnrc .1 qual
siasl eloglo. le rlbuttarono clascuna volta.
Nella zona dl Monte Melett.i. ad orlerte
dl Aslago, 1 nostrl ripartl lerl contlnua
rono le loro operazlonl locall dl cffeuslsa
rhe nelle glomate del 18 o 1 corrente cl
Krone- 306 prlglonlerl. dl cul 8 ufll
clall cinque mltiagllutrlci o parccchlo
centinala di fuclll
Sulla fronto della Pl.ne prennemmo tro
mltraglUtrici 0 numerosl fuclll nell'ibo
letta dl fronto a Kolllna.
I nostrl acroplani da bomb irdamento
bersagllarono lfpetutamento cd etllcace
raente colonno nemlchs In marcl v sulla
a rctabllo nella alle del baso corbo
della Plat, iiresso la zona dl Qiiero.
Xostrl dlrlglbili durante la notte lascla
rono cadere numeroo liombo mil blacchl
nemlcl a Torre dl Mosto o nelle vlclnanze
del ponto dl Motta dl l,ienza cho rimabo
Due areoplanl nemlcl furono abbattutl.
Da ulteriorl notlzle bembra cho gll Itali
an) doranno abbandonare le llneo della
Plae e cho una rltlrata btrateglca bta
' necessarla In Ista che la dlfeb.i delle posl
ilonl su detto Hume si lenda dltllclle per la
srnalono teutoulca eben Itata sull'ala
ilnktra delle armato Uallano che dlfendono
de llnee del nord.
.Laoco della bcomparsa dl Gabrlclo
D'Annurizio e' asbolutamento infondata, o
llntrepldo alatore e' tomato bano o salvo
dopo un raid compluto sulle llnee nemlche.
Anche la oce cho II Papa Benedetto
tarebbe dlsposto 1 isclare Itoma per pren
dere sede temporanca In Spagna, o' btata
imentlta. Seinbra che la notlzla' bla
Btata propalata da agentl tedeschl I quail
non lasclano alcun mezzo per tentare di
far nascare delle sclssure tra 11 popolo Itall
ino. 11 generate Diaz ha dlretto un ordlne del
tloroo alle hue truppe ed in csbo esalta 11
ulore pplegato dal gloanl boldatl delta
classe del 1S99.
Licensedat Elkton to Wed
ELKTO.V, Md , Nov. -'1 Couples procur
ing licenses hero today Included Amos D
Moore and Anna Conley, Olher Dais and
Catherine Martin, Jobeph. 'Wrenberg and
Rose Qramer, Joseph Bater und Catherine
McCarry, Walter Simmons and Sophia V!c
Jorek, Perclal Magill and Alice Hollowell,
Raymond T. Bartle and Miriam F. Johnson,
Karl J. Schell and Laura Ellis, Henry D.
Tajlor and Lam a L Atkinson and John I.
Herbert and Florence A. Rhodes, all of
Philadelphia ; AVllllam W. Shaw and Stella
M Low 11, Dener, Col.; Charles C, Vansant,
Baltimore, and Joscphlna V. Bouchelle,
Aortheast, Md ; Charles Harlacher and
Anna M. Townsend, Camden; Peter C.
Mothers and Anna Dowd, Trenton; Cdgar
. Muth and Lauretta M. Sineley, Bethle
wra.vind Archer 13 Itoycr, Springdeld, Mo.,
"id Ituth Long, Philadelphia.
Society demand a pleaslnc per
onallty. Tho name (LOUD as.
"ires a bltilleil und most effective
method of
.A"cr..an hour's treatment the
f will have a fascinating- charm
ot fresh loveliness, and even the
""lure face will look three years
Emert and
Ulr. KzQxilsUe Toilet PreDarntlnnt
aufle 70S.707 Glanders Blda.
.n c Wlnt St. ut Ith
ivmo, inui
ould help your
poor complexion
ivo?1 a Poor complexion stand between
. n Popularity good times-sue
c'1' esinol Ointment and-Reslnol
wP do not work miracles, but they do
e red, rough, pimply skins, clearer.
'.flftni.. Iresher, and more attract"
lye. Use them regularly,
for a few days and see how
I your complexion Improves.
James G. MncDermid's Compositions
Sung by Sibyl Sammis
A fresh and larger group of national com
posers had Its turn for recognition at tho
second concert of tho Matlneo Musical Club
esterday afternoon In tho lloso Garden of
tho Belleue-Stratford This season Is un
"all-Amerlcan ear" In the annals of this
sterling and rcprcsenUtlo organization of
Philadelphia's vsomen musicians und music
loers. Tho opening concert of the reason
khowed that an "all-Amerlcan program"
could be devised that would pique attention
and hold Interest That for tho second
concert demonstrated thit there la plenty
and to spare of homo lltiraturo for an nr
tlstlc ami enjoyable program. And thoe
vvho scotiothhiB of alue. ifior nnd arlety
In American music would doubtless bo em
phatic illy reminded by Mrs John Dunn. Jr.
und Mrs tv Warren hhaw, who arranged
and conducted tho concert, that onty u Limit
portion of Its compositional rcsere had
been touched In tho first two proBrams of
tho Matinee Musical Club, bo ast and arled
aro tho resources.
Composers represented were familiar on
the whole, but with Inclusion of some new
and worthy names. Thus Horatio Parker,
Arthur Foote and Chirles Wakelleld Cad
man wero revealed In tjplcal numbets,
while a aried exhibition of the songs of
James G MacDermld, a Chicago composer,
whoe celebrity Is particularly wide In tho
Mlddlo and Far West, Bavo him a repreen
tatho showing In the Fast. Mr. MacDermld
Is Blfted with tho capacity for melodic In
vention and ho is practiced In tho art of
harmonizing his fluent and cxpressivo melo
dies with appropriate and btgnlflcint ac
companiment, making his composition truly
an "art fcong"
Mrs MacDermld, known as the beautiful
Sibl Sammis In her early caieer and still
one of tho handsomest women on the conceit
stase. bang her husband's sonB3 "con
amorc," Imparting the l.vrlc Impulse which
Is their mainspring to her Interpretations.
Sho has a clear, true, sweet soprano, backed
by a wealth of temperament and a charm
ing personality.
"Home tilent" won deserved success In
rendition of tho program Miss Barrett's
limpid soprano. Mrs. McCoj's rich con
tralto, Miss Haenlea etllclent Mollnlstlc art,
Miss Gest's interesttne nlanlsm. Mrs
Mount's skillful accompanying of the vocal
quartet and Mrs Prett man-How ell's adept
conducting of the string orchestra, all con
tributed to 11 well-spent matinee.
Fifty marines from tho Philadelphia
Navy Yard attended the concert. Tho club
epects to entertain fifty men from the
ard at each meeting throughout tho win
ter. Mrs. Frederick W. Abbott presided.
AV. It. M.
President Rca Says Object of Amalga
mation Is to Increase Efficiency
of Road
Snmuel Itea. president of tho Pennsjl
tila Itnllroad Company, replvlng to pub
lished rumors of nn amalgamation of tho
cistern and western lines nf tho Pcnnsyl
anla Hstom, today said that nn amalga
mation, with a Mew of Increasing efliclency
und eliminating duplicate accounting and
finance, la planned.
"Tho board of directors," his statement
rends In part, "Is considering tho acquisi
tion by the Pennsjhanla ltallroad Com
pany of tho rtmslnnla Company, with
a view to assuming directly tho operation
01 me western lines comprised In the North
west sjbtem, chiefly tho Pittsburgh, Fort
Wnnc and Chicago Hallway, the Cleveland
nnd Pittsburgh ltallroad, the Krlo and
Pittsburgh ltallroad, and other roads now
entirely owned nnd operated by tho Penn
Olvnnl.i Company. All tho capital stock
nf tho Pennslvnnla Company Is owned by
tho Fennsvlvanl.i ltallroad Company, Tho
rumored creation of a chairman of the
board and other radical changes In our
organization have no foundation In fact"
Application has been filed bv tlin 1'lilln.
delphla, Baltimore nnd Washington IluP
load, a bubsldlary of the Pcnnsjlvanla It ill
road, with tho Publlo Ksrileo Commission
at Htrrlsburg, to take over tho Pomcnxy
and Newark Ilalliosd, operating In Chester
County, Fa., and Delaware, with a capital
of JJ00.000.
st ,
st ,
Genres W. Kislur sill N Camao
Mlnnlo Tcpson. -inj't JC A st
Ldwnrd I,. ;Mf 1,1, io itiiKerman
ovinia a. i ran. ndn j onqslwra st
Ilalph O Kniitd tn N 7th st., and Mar-
Karet C. Ahel, M21 Ilrnnmiil av e
Ja1..z,'l!',c' 3 '"' 1: Thompson st . and Stetanla
Walska, 21,30 1; Vcninno st
Jan, Chrupjla. 1J70 Mller St.. and Apotonla
Walka, 4107 Main st
Aufistus Frl-!hey. Womlbury. N J , and Laura
Nicholas, U.'O s lflth st
Jainrs J Ahern Jenklntiwn. Pa , and Kalh-
Tln M KoPder, 1417 OlnfV ave
John n Mrllurnlr 107 V Hicks st . and Nellie
M Ucthpl. L'07 .V Hlks st
Isitlor Ilubln non V stli st , and Becklo Chi-
kanofsk Ml Oerrltt st
Harry A Scholj 411 'Wlldey st , and Anna K
Spiedel 21JO Mnnlon st
C".r.l.;V.r'r,,tr"n'' -'-'-"' W Onkdilo St. and
llelfrlda austavsnn. 2714 fcller st
Abraham K lillner 4721 N 11th st . and Clara
Kin t. 1724 X. 11th st
Wlllam Simon 77nt Dxfnnl ave., and Hannah
Van t'levc 7SOO Oxford nvi
William L. Pelz Now York city, and Lillian
Kneelki, New York city
Ploti llciniw, K,n J'oplsr st . and JIary
SrUBOta Ol'l N Hcncook st.
Norman i'. HuDn 4ill KlnrsesslnjT ave.. und
i;iUahth H Mllllrk. 1.VI3 V. 17th st
l'lprco P llovcrlv, 1.124 H Dorranra st., and
i:ilzalieth M WilllamM, lb ft S 2Jd St.
James H Chance Lpuvuo lsl-ind, and Lillian
Campbell, PPIJ 1!. LpIiIbIi ave.
Nil than Haider 1.021 s. nth st . and Sophia
Jicohs .104 W Susquehanna live.
Frank W. (Iramiii, jr,ci"i K. Front st . and Stella
Jerli. 124 IiilnhrldkP st.
Thomas K KrelbPl, ol2t McCallum St.. and
Uorothi It bandprs. 7418 Iloyf r st
Dals Orauliv. 1117 s f'olorado st , und Martha
nosers, 2121 N. SM st
Abraham B ltlake, 1.05 Wharton St., and Mary
TaubT. 12J4 S (1th st.
Wade Huntrr. New York city, and Frances
Click, 1001 Woodstock street,
llov i: Dilhlrr. 4Ul"i i:ila st . and Blvlra K.
O'nrien, 4d02 N t'amac st
Israel llpnls, 2001 N Marline st . and Rose,
Llsenbertf. Norma, N. J
A Remarkable Sale of
Women's Boots
Regularly $7.50 to $10.50
There are thousands of
pairs in this sale in this
season's smartest low heel
and high heel models.
They are taken right out
of our regular stock and
are thoroughly dependable
in every way, a fact which
is worthy of careful con
sideration. All the wanted colors
and combinations and all
sizes among them but
not in every style. That's
why they're, reduced to
less than present whole
sale cost.
At All Hallahan Stores
919-921 Market St.
4028-30 Lancaster Avenue.
60th 'and Chestnut Streets.
" 2746-48 Germantown Avenue.
5604-06 Germantown Avenue.
Branch Stores Open Every Ev'g.
Market Street Store Open
Saturday avening, a
$1,000,000 A DAY IS
Multitudinous Moving -Picture
Patrons Thus Help to Do
Their Bits A
By the Photoplay Editor
A million dollars sounds like a lot of
money to be contributed every day of tho
ear by ono Industry, but that Is tho nmount
which the Government cipects to receive
from the patrons of the motion pictures
throughout the United States. A He-fold
tax Is Imposed upon tho plcturo theatres tn
such a way that houses must charge nt
least flio cents Increase over the former
admission prices In order to obtain the
money required by tho Government tax.
The Increase of prices brings no profit to
the exhibitor himself every pinny of It
goes to Uncle Sam's war chest to support
and encourage tho greatest undertaking In
tho history of tho United Stnt&s
The tax on motion pictures In partlcu'ar
Is obtained in fho ways' First, tho grad
uated tax obtained from tho theatre, ac
cording to tho seating capacity; second, a
tax per foot on r.iw stock or unprlnted film;
third, a separate tax on positive or printed
film ready to be shown to the public; fourth,
a percentage tax on the Income of the thea
tre, and fifth, tho direct tax of ono cent on
every ten cents or fraction thereof of ad
mission prices,
Tho picture theatres aro Instructed by
the Government to collect all of theso tnxes
from the publlo and It Is therefore frequent
ly necessary to Increase the cost of ndmls
sion five cents. This small sum covers the
five separate taxes which have been Im
posed upon his fnst groiilne; lndustr.1. The
public all over the country has responded
nob y In nsslstlng the theatres to tollect
this war tax and from every side reports
havo been received showing the Increased
prices have met with prompt response
More people nre attending motion pictures
now than ever the case before, thereby
showing their patriotism in assisting the
Government to obtain $1, 000,000 a day from
mo mm picture muustry
It Is asserted by people who know that
there aro 20,000,000 people a day entering
the picture theatres. If each one of thce
20,000,000 people will contribute but (He
cents It Is merely a simple problem p
arithmetic tn arrive nt the result
U. S. Seeks Dairy Assistants
Threo men nre wanted as Junior as
sistants In marketing dairy products to All
acancles In the Depsrtment of Agri
cultured llureau of Markets, It was an
nounced today by the United States Clll
Kcrvlio Commission, which will hold open
competitive examinations for the position
here and elsewhere December 12. The sal
aries rango from $1200 to U00 Fxamlna
tlons for men nnd women multlgruph oper
ators, for the olllce of the chief signal
officer (December 12) and for men local
and assistant Inspectors of boilers and of
1220-1222 Walnut Street
Put 2 and 2 Together
r cut nut ntrrmiinnre In lion iniinaecmeiit. e iiu low rent, belnic
upstair. Mr buy anil sell In large iitnintltlri. Isn't It plain, then, tu see how
We Save You $2 to $3 on
Every $5 and $6 Waist!
U nlnln ni ilnr (hut rroiind-flonr shops wltli trie r iincii-miniini
n.-ll,.,,!. ilninlv na.lp this ninnei. Don't ret jourseir lie Kiiil'il ltn hrllev
Ine Unit Jim lan nMuIn smarter or nriier stiles of tiller fiinrtrs risen nprr
nt ST nnd (1 thin we lime for S . ""re our wiilst, or I repo ue i nine, i.rorsriie . rrpr. si,
Nllln nnd (c'llr see the ne trimmed effects the, -mart foliar nnd luff Iniioliltloiis. ee the
mi.illli nnd iircnr. sou mn't ennui tnem nnjwnere in i ninuieuuim u m.r
Doltnmil Thl
them up. C nine lit t
week we lime n lot of new arrli lis.
Mull orders num.
see them before other shoppers snip
Manufacturers' Price of $3
e ii lot of new arrli lis. See them before other
lllli d.
Blouse Shop
1208 CHESTNUT ST. Save$2or$3
""Dorothy'' Shaker Cloaks
Distinctive designs for street,
noon, evening or opera wear, all
carriage, auto, after
ln broadcloth and silk.
de F
AT '11IK
Bellevue-Stratforil, Philadelphia
November 19, 20, 21 and 22
99 ' TIm
1 ; 1
Hi mil iiiimi iiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiim ii'iiliiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii imwiiiiiiiii mini iiimiii niiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiimii milium iw wiiiwi niiiiiiiiini niiiiiiiignimiiiiiiiiwH an huhum hj;
Rock Crystal
joia ana ltc
Cut Glass
hed Glass
Sold in sett
or tuch quantities at may be desired
Wright, Tyndale & van Roden, Inc
Sole Agents for Minton' English Bone China Dinnerware
1212 Chestnut Street
1 1 inn ii niimi ii iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiimi i mmm mn iiiimmiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiihi iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii inn niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiii i m nmw
Special Piano Sale
of Slightly Used and
Taken as part payment on Ludwig Player-Pianos
75, $95, $100, $125, 150, 175, 190
on terms as low as $5 per month
perfect 88-note wareroom-used only at saving of from $100, $125,
$150 and $1 75. Moderate terms of payment arranged.
Made and guaranteed by us. Perfect in every way. At savings
$40, $45, $52.50, $63, $70, $75 and $90
Moderate terms if desired
Your $50 Your
$50 and $100 $100
Liberty Bond Liberty Liberty Bond
Is Worth Bonds Is Worth
$55 Accepted $110
as part payment on these pianos, or if bond is not fully paid
for, we will credit you with the amount you have paid and
pay the balance ourselves.
no War tax to pay on pianos
Ludwig Piano . Co.
1103 Chestnut St., Phil. ,
That were $35
( S6S
Georgettes, Serges
and hatins a di
versified collection
of this Seasons
smartest modes.
Fur Reliability
is more certnln if you purchn.se from
furrier whoso soln occunation is liuv
skins direct from the trapper nnd maim
facturinir them into sets and trarments ir
his own factory. If there i9 any line that
requires special and expert knowledge,
is the fur business.
$40 to $175
Perfectly in-itched nnd beautifully made
up Would cost j oil In other htoreq S75
to $300
'( Imipe l'uir "enrf , ... 3n
$ Millihrd Vox Set. , , J(10
III black, taupe, battleship and I'olret
I'urrlcis tn Two Venerations
Jlfi Arch Street
Mrst I'lilh More, III9I I. mi ister Ale.
hulls (December 12-13) also were tfjgB
nbunced. '"i flDloMB
WE$i9nM . Remotes .nperflooBe t', '8i
BlSjYS' tislr from nr under the . JBm
VML V Htm.. The new stria .i, -' JSB
VVs7 jf roont rnnkn this nra r , .faM
W V rsllon IndlspenHbl. t B
7 T-L. "i hr flood Drue a4 ' '-t&riH
JSOftsw Ueoartment (lre. , J3w
' - a-M-sfl ",- 'sl
a t r r ". Xiiffl
glTIi h .MV'Z
sKJssssm C &l 1
.mBL Q - kKI
;BtiKlHBv ifl rf"tl
Jf x xJlssK!iKtJssssHBr m ilpi
HH1 8 i
HHLi A :i
5 5 1 3 if
Infants nnd Invalids
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infants, invalids tadgrowing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding lie whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers ud the aged.
More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc.
Instantly prepared. Requires no cooking.
Substitute Coit YOU Same Price
Many chic models helcctcd
from our regular stock, to
gether with a special purchase
$C & $y.50
137 S. Fifteenth St.
"The outstanding book of the year
By Viscount Morley, O. M.
The long-looked-for autobiography of
the greatest man of letters and one of
the most important political figures of
his time. "Recollections" is a veritable
revelation of the inner literary and po
litical history of England, taking the
reader behind the scenes of the public
life of the last forty years. It posi- .
tively teems with allusions to men and
, matters of enthralling interest. It is,
in fact, a great book by a great man.
In Two Volumes. $7.50
Full 88-Note Player-Pianos
at Savings of $240 to $395
The trend oi the times is toward entertainment. Not only the young people,
but older ones as wel, believe that in order to KEEP young they should drive all
care away with music. Have you provided in YOUR home proper facilities for your
son or your daughter to enjoy themselves with their friends? Here are the biggest
Player-Piano Bargains in Philadelphia. Reserve one for your Christmas gift to
the family.
Every One a Full 88-Note Player-Piano
$700 Emerson Angelus S':"..!?! $350
$500 Leonard Player Si'""1 " " $365
$500 Worthington Player .&S $260
$750 Steck Pianola i.e1,.ie.."er..$355
did condition,. ,
$500 Story & Clark . .-S.oa $245
$500 Elkins Player M? $280 '
We will take your Liberty Bond, apply what money you have paid on it to the pur
chase price of a piano, and pay the balance on the Bond ourselves. Bring in your
payment card and we will explain.
F. A.
1306 Chestnut St. -
80t B. Md St. 8t0 Broadway 15 N. Sth St.
1I1I-JB E. Alleghenr E. State ft. MS W. Mala St.
RLKTON, MP-tSt,K. Main Street
V. A. NORTH CO., 1S06 Chestnut St., Fhlla.
Gentlemen: Please bend me complete list of yoUr
used Flayer-Pianos. Also details of eaBy-payment
plan, without interest or extras.
F hr
i Xt,
I' ,
v . .
. , wis KKH-HAKHI5.1 no BoH asaia street jv ., '
' 3 !