Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 21, 1917, Final, Image 7

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    ", '
civtv-threo Philadelphia Men
Among inosu uu x,. .
. low Standard
, c-ceons Declare Defects ; Should Have
Been Noticed in Ptevi-
ous Tests
B!) a staff Correspondent
' .,, ,tr vnt Ailmir.il, Md . Nov. St.
'hundred Mary and draftees arrived
Vmte Penn today, and an hour after they
tU,-rVrtecl as National Army ooldlers
te "cfi,,rns issued vsalUIng papers to
,M.i-, In this hatch of rejected men
ol,'v.tl.reo Philadelphia!!. They
'.o ed men tomonovv. hut there will
00 ! ' f thcni for ti,0 stirKrons
fc' uh.c readv to moke another .aid on
""".irMnen s of the a. my. Tl.o c-imp mil
rMn. i"te t that many of tho local draft
Krfs In Philadelphia and other cities hi
SnnsylNanla can offer no evuiso for send
.PJ "many men to the imnp. A itircful e-
SsUrTne defects that have been found In
tCThe Phlladelphlans released from sen
... ,-.ther with the numbeis of their
fbcil draft hoards aro as follows
jo R'a' 7: Sllbertl l.opes. 7. l.lmer
irrhe'r ": Charles W. Hailati. 14 ;.Ir.uiU
&uhoM. 14. Prank II Dclmuroial. IS;
Marry Cochran. 3l: iiaitano mmipohp, t;
Jj'l j rrost. 37: Charles YlriuhHde, 42;
llueh McCIay. 37; Joseph McCarty. 40;
rharles Kaelln, C7 ; llairlson Godshall. 38;
C6rge Gelklcr. Jr.. 37; Joseph T. (i.ivln,
II Peter 1'crrere. 37; James V CokIiUu,
j,: Charles Casbldj, 38; Michael lierncck.
ij! joeph Ulumbcre. 12; Leon Masklc
wlct 21: Frank J Oorinley. 15; Walter 11.
Bron, 16; Albeit M Welner. 23; Carlo
nio Si Owen Olbbons. 9; John McGovern,
jl;' John D Martin, 21; Joseph A Wol
(Inger, 25; Hiny C. Werneth, 12. John 1.
Oaurls, 51 , Jcin M Uallleul, 7 ; James J
piunkett, 35; Abraham Corotls, 21; An
drew Cojle, 37, Jos, D Baclim.in, 30,
Austin J Grogan, 11: 1'iancls L. Dalton,
32; Arthur Lemlse, 28; H.irrv 1', Harmer,
2S; Thomas J Knoll, 38; Dald h. I'o
garty. 32; Tranlc Borrell. 34; John A
Anderson. 34; Thomas, 11. llandall, 44;
Francis Duggan. 21; John Straglun, 47,
Thomas Dudi, 47; Joseph 1' Barnes, 51,
William A Taylor, 51 ; Samuel T. Hendrlx,
II; Joseph Murphy, 51 ; Andrew Gardner,
51; Charles 1'. O'Neill, 35: fUjmond Horn
bergtr, 36; Itajmond A Klale, 21 ; Almond
Ajular, 13; JIlKe LelsacK, r.i ; Lulgl picu
llchl, 37; Joseph A KIIculln, 57.
Company V. of tho 3 10th -Infantry, 13 to
day the proudest organization In the proud
Seventy-ninth division and It ha3 every
reason to strut about 011 tho campus of
tittle Penn, for ono of Its members has
non a commission
The Individual who Is just as proud to
day as hlb company Is Dr. .1 W Mann, of
JUdley Park lie arrived with other Dela
ware County draftees a Itttlo more than two
neeks ago, ami today Is .1 full-Hedged
Piave Dyed Red
as Huns Attack
Continued from fate Ono
manlty, which Germany used early in Ui
war, are those which the German and Aus
Ulan commands are pursuing today.
At ono spot on tho lower Plavo it was
estimated that the German assaulting wave
outnumbered the Italian defenders by at
east two to ono In men and four to ono
In ruiis
But tho Italians drove them back When
tlio wavo receded the enemy dead literally
dammed tho river. Further upstream tho
name terrible toll of life was taken In
another attempted ciosslng of the 1'iave.
Antlclpitlng an Allied drlvo when French
and British ro-enforccmcnts shall hao gone
Into action, tho enemy today Is tremen
dously speeding up on rc-cnforccmcnts In
men uno. guns
J I tltltmfnrt imnr AtiriflTinCI I n.. J t nrifmrnrf f tiTrn nr Ann I CTtntra vrrnn iriTTr riwin i ri,,i.-''
Report to Aid in Military In
struction of National
Army Men
WHITE or r K J
ivory Unameled
Wooden pDTD
Sanitary I10
All Squnre l'ost ; Mldlim side.
Large .lzr, Complete with ptn;.
ir'"" "
Kensington Carpet Co.
211-13-15-17 Market St.
B Boys at Camp W
31 A llctrola and Some Records lES
There Is nothlnir that will be
more acceptable to our boya In
camp than a amall Vlctrola and
tome real muelo alve n
thought to thoe who will not
tiavs a home Chrletmaa.
Inclodlnr llctrols IV and
ocicvuons iiu necorasj
Oar Service Will Help Yoa
G. W. Huver Co.
The Home of Service
..S3SW r,f.A.n..f at
'"'f-'mifl. Mm..
r 'iiayHHK """
r t tt - Vi
1 vi. yy. nuver v.o. 13
The Home of Service J- -5
1031-33 IP-.
f AllM. . II .
3-isS?. che,tnut ' ys
' J' V'v
2: A
( JS
t Choice of three kinds gen
uine shell Cordovan atraicht
f-ocoa calf Gun meter. Roiju
c anywhefei $8 here at
Guaranteed, of course.
Wo sell you the shoes we
live you the guarantee 1
1336 South Penn Square
P. City Hall, near Wldenrr Hide.
"xiUluait Corner 8th and Kaie
'01 N. gill St nn.l 1lVu... I,
" 81, btore. Oiieu Evenlnu
Italian aviators rennrt rnnrinmi. mnv
ineuts of troops and supplies, particularly
on both wings
Although tho Italian resistance continues
strong. Intimations that a further strategic
retreat may bo necesar. tieciuso of tho
disadvantageous battleground offered along
tho Plavo lllvcr, continue to bo given
As et nono tf tho French and British
re-enforcements havo gnno Into action.
The Italian troop-, single handedly are
bearing tho full burden of tho Teutonic
assnult. They aro holding firm and In
fllctlng lerrlhlo casualties on the enemy
Their morale Is tho best probably It haJ
ever been.
Tho enemy won his first blow by treach
ery In tho army and In tho civilian popula
tion, then tho sudden overwhelming fpec
taclo of tho perfectly equipped Teutonic
armies mado the Italian olllcers lose their
heads Germany plajcd for u. revolution
In Italy, like that sho aided In Itussla. Sha
will never attain that hope
LONDON. Nov 21
The honor of otcupvlng Venice has been
reserved for the Austrl.inx, iciordlne to
Iho Lok.il Anzelger, quoted In dispatches
received hero today. Various dlpatches
Indicate tint the Austrians havo promised
to (-pare Venice If It Is not defended and
al authority Is left In tho hands of tho
Austria has formally Inquired of Italy,
through ucutril representatives, whether
Venice Is fortified or not, according to
Vienna advices today.
Tin a Staff Correspondent
CAMP DIN, Wrlghtstown. N. J.. Nov. 21.
Drltlsh olllcers assigned to Camp Dlx lo
nsslst In Instructing the National Army
men reported at division headquarters to
day. Three commissioned men, three non
coms and two privates are In tho delega
tion The commissioned men are Captain C
lL.Petere, of the Suffolk Machine Gun Com-
..... i... . ... r .?.. i !.
Ian , Lieutenant w 11 nutticuii, ui h"j
eighth Battalion of the Black Watch, a gas
expert, and Lieutenant J. B. Urccnc, of the
rojal marine vo'untecr reserve
The noncoms aro Sergeant N. CI. License,
of tho Uo-nl Fuslleers; Corporal J. Chal
mers, Sergeant 1 Tupman, of tho British
machine gun corps.
Among tho privates nre It A O'Brien and
V It l'ngllsh, of tho London HIDo Brigade
AH wero In active service at tho front until
a few weeks ago This afternoon they
mado a trip over tho cantonment and In
spected tho trench work which has already
been completed here
Fuel Chief for Northwest Named
Mnher, Minneapolis coal man, toditv was
appointed l the fuel administration to
handle all matters pertaining to distribution
and apportioning of coil for the Northwest
His headquarters will bo In Washington.
Temple Graduates in Country's Service
Remembered by Alumni
Out of 20fl graduate students of Templo
I'nlversilv Law School llftv-one hive en
listed In the various branches of the mili
tary service
At a meeting oi tie law aiumni oi mo
university held In the library Broad below
Htrks street, last evening, tlio names of
theo were Inscribed upon tho honor roll, as
Krnwlk 11 Hasx-tl Jr (' Mlilir Putter,
worth Jr Walter II Ihtrmun Ipadnre S
I'lalr Thomas 1 t'omber Jr lluitolf Nsff Cor
son. Paul M t'rtaer Jatna V t ruiullsli I nuls
(InWen lolin M Davlrii VVIllljiu l.dwiir.l t'ltk
tnson. M Nnrniau I'uhils Juhn U r.1dlnfttun.
Ilenrv M Kvanx Jainh I. I urr, IMward I
tlalliBhfr Jr .lolin VV Hoffiuan fr l.ro V
S llorin ll.nt 1 HvhTff I rank Nelson lend,
Kdwarit T Kellev Huward lrk .Stuart l
Kirk. Harry ' KohUi Jr. VVUIlim Mebarg
I.illv, Frank 1 I.IomI. Jr t'hll T !.ons Jr
Clllfnril r Mit'ormirk flurlesT Mi hauahlln
M H vicLaushlln. Nathan Markmann I ranrts
A. Mathews Jr , John A Mauhllino l.fnn
w Mel.hcr I rank VVorthlncton Milvln Jr.
Mrjer Morrtll l'rank I. Ncutye. Uiin 1.iIpii
l.lmer l'felfrer, VV llllain l! Phillips l
ander Hocers Kdwln (Iralinm Stovd Walter
J Mjnimrheld. limes I ranklin sart7, Henry
clould Sttrny, Kirl W Thompson. Ilrnry k.
Walton Jr. nniinuel U V!lon l.ouls W
arai Teter V Ztun William l'rancls Harrlty.
Does Your Tailor Give
Attention To Trifles?
It is the minor details in tailoring that
frequently mar the appearance of your
It is not enough for a tailor to simply
give you a good fit, but it is his duty to
make your clothes fit perfectly every
We are very particular in this establishment
to make our garments fit perfectly before they
leave the shop. The attention that we give to
the little details, seemingly of little impor
tance, but on the whole extremely important,
has won for us the esteem and admiration of
our large list of patrons.
It is this attention to details that has earned for us
the title of Master Tailors.
We Are Specializing on Army .and Navy Uniforms.
Established 1848
I iiii jrYTr"iDrTMTTT''rMyTT t"1 -vtjpy " r
The Liberty Sedan is differ
ent. Every one is charmed
with the individuality of its
low square -cornered design
and its restrained good
taste. Every one welcomes
the flexible motor and short
turning radius in threading
dense traffic. One must see
it and ride in it to really
appreciate its distinction
and its difference.
Tho Sedan a priced at
$1925; the Brougham
$3700; the Landaulet $2700
The Touring
and Roadster
' 338-340 North Broad Street
Keystone Phone Race. 4211 Bell Phono Locust, 4550
Open Territory lor Dealers In Pennsylvania, New
' Jersey and Maryland
Russians Angling
for Early Peace
Continued from l'ate One
tho Htifclatt lines on tho eastern front are
such that Germany and Austria havo with
drawn nil of their best troops and a ma
jority of their guns, and that tho Teutonic
and Husslin soldiers aro fraternizing and
feasting together
Tho nmbns.idors representing tho Allied
countries ure reported to bo prepirlng to
leave 1'ctrograd, but this report Is uncon
firmed. The American embassy In Petro
gr.ul Is said to bo under guild of Polish
Tho political ta,nglo still continued at
Tetrograd, according to latest advices All
endeavors for a compromise or coalition
Government have failed.
Kerensky's whereabouts Is still un
known Scores of reports were received at
Swedish cltlej about him ono that he hid
committed suicide. Nono was authenticated.
Force Entrance lo S.uburbs
Holy City at Point of
HAIlll'sBll:. Nov 21 Governor
HrumbiURh addressing the ilfth Stale Wel
f.iic and l'llhlchiv t'onfeiciue s.ild that the
Uevtioto of l'entisvtv.inl i's Industrial prnb.
Icm Just now lay In Keeping up produc
tion and Insuring safet with 100,000 work
ers gone Into tho iirmv
'Iho time Is rapidly appro telling when
groups of wotkers will hive to bo trans
ferred from ono itidiMi t another If
war prep nations nio t be t irrlod along
without del iv or Inleiniptlon auordlng to
Government pioKr.ini 'Phis was Hie tiscr
tion of Georgo T l'nnd i. reptesptitlng the
Itethlehem Steel Compin , In an address be
fore the lonfrreiae.
Mr I'tnida also s,id thai due lo Hie
frfiucnt (.lunges that even now nte taking
plai-p pducatloii along sifety liner, h t
assumed new and vitil Iniportain e. l.oih
from the standpoint of tho geueial welfare
as well as the indlvldu il
The federal nuthmltles hive been o
deeply Impressed with the manner In which
tlio I ibol' tpiestlnn has been handled In
Pennsvlvanla tint 1'dg.ir I' lVlton, of the
Stall Committee of Pulillc Sifetv Is going
to western Malts to outline the work thete
This was brought out during Mr felton
addrtss l, the confcienic
General A'letib's
LONDON. .Nov. 21.
llrttish trootis drew
their enveloping tines still closer about
Jerusilem todav
Kur'etclnat. nine miles west of tho Holy
City, was i.irrlcd by tetrltorl.tls ut tho
point of the b.ivonet. tho olllchil leport de
cnted Holt Mkln, three miles north of
Kuretelnat and likewise nbout nine miles
from Jerusalem, was ocmplid by tho Sent
tlsh troops
four miles west of Ulreh General Allen
hv reported his mouutcil forces In lontua
with tho Turks
Corporal May Havo Been Killed for
Resenting Insult to America
PITTHHUIIOII. Nov. St. Corporal
Charles C Jeffries, twenty-three enrs old,
of Company I" fourth Infantry, t'. S. A..
Is dead. It Js believed, because ho resented
the (.birring remark of a negro nbout Amer
ica's entering tho war. Jeffries strutk tho
tiegro, who fled
Jeffries visited the home of Miss Jennie
ll.ignes, lit Gallatin, Washington County,
and when lip left he was followed hv three
negroes Ills body was tikcn from the
.Mouongaiieia iiiver, norm or McKecsport,
Chambers, u. Kewcomei-. Werner
than, V. M. Germane, A. M. Wlleon,-
wani and K K. Carroll.
lsnbclli G.ikln, sltty-six e.irs old, a
negress of Aiublet, I'a , saturated her cloth
ing with keroscno and then set the to her
self, according to physicians of the Chest
nut Hill Hospital, whcio sho died thl3
According lo the police, the woman, who
hid been blilc for a long time, humed her
self in tho v.itd of her home Her streams
attracted neighbors who beat out the
flames, but not beforo she was cuverul
with burns.
Mide with Pttra fnllne
nt tho mikle ni hull of
f,r,t. 'rlr ,Xr"t' " i
SKlllfullv dvslirnect thai tlili
ettrn vtlflth Is net notles
hl Sizes 4 tn 11
widths i:. r.K ii:n.
19 Styfes in Black
iffcJW er
at ot u "-!iSaM
Manufacturers Elect Ofliccrs
The Manufacturers' Association of West
Philadelphia h is elected the following olll
ters: John flsler, president; I II. ford,
vice president, H. II Itudolpli, treasurer,
and Frederick G. Ilecs, secretary, and an
rvecullvo totumlttee composed of II c.
I'sllng 1 V Gobbcls, Kobert Diddle, 8 U
list of Thanksgiving
Groceries and Table
Delicacies should be in
ovjirv Vinmn
Si. T V J E.tl. .
A saving of 10 to 20;l
per cent is not too much
io expect while you
get quality and service
It's worth your while.
1232 Market St. & Branches I
$5 & $5.50
Mines like tl,l, (
nruer would rest too
from S7 lo JS
Girard Ave.
Kitm Size Otercnlterg for Stout Worae
Open Everr Evenlas Eicect Thundtr
Gypsy Ring,
ee Fine Diamonds
For Christmas
A diamond, watch or other piece of beauti
ful jewelry, selected from our almost unlim
ited assortment can be very easily obtained
through our
Credit System
This makes purchasing an easy matter for
you, spreading the payments based on
cash prices over such a period that you
never miss the money.
0 135 SOUTH I31b ST.
0'ot Sulitrday Elating Near Walnut St.
The Juiciest Grapefruit in the World
That's TROPIKO Grapefruit. It is because the growers associated in the
Porto Rico Fruit Exchange have succeeded in developing a grapefruit with
this unusual quantity of exceptionally rich-flavored juice that they have given
the name TRQPIKO to identify this fruit.
There is 25 more juice in TROPIKO Grapefruit than in the ordinary kind.
But the real point of difference is in the richness and flavor of this juice.
There's more sugar in it, for one thing;"there's a keener, more invigorating
tang. The flavor is a blending of these two, sweetness and acidity, in ex
quisitely adjusted prcoortions.
,-T""""'"" .
..--'..!s"'' '" I "." '. .
y' . -. -. V"TV ' , . V." s
..Vs.--'-,.;;;' - -.-. :.
::v.-Wft:Sv Vs-'iv
.' . . vvs:,v .';;.
. '...-, - .'.VZ-.'Vst.V ' . '' '.;''': 's
. . ' . i,Vi'.vM"J.,". . V .' 'STss
:'. ' .vv'.,isV'.i.vsv:-
S"f?yJr JWy; ftttr-izAi, --!gBsH(.'7 vSOSV 1
irh llwSK.Pff '4If
"Juiciest Fruit in the World "
Then there's the "meat." The flesh of TROPIKO Grapefruit is more tender,
more luscious. Between the partitions nestle these morsels of deliciousness.
The exceptionally favorable conditions of soil and climate prevailing in
certain valleys of northern Porto Rico, coupled with the most modern
scientific methods of fruit culture, have produced this unusually excel
lent grapefruit. A rigid system of selection insures that each separate
piece of TROPIKO Grapefruit you buy is a typical example.
Tell your dealer you want to try TROPIKO Grapefruit.
He has it or can get it for you from as
Corner Dock and Walnut Streets
Distributors of TROPIKO Fruit
for Philadelphia and vicinity
Heppe's Christmas Victrolas
Buy Your Christmas Victrola TODAY at HEPPE'S
Buy it now have it put aside for you and held until
Christmas for delivery if necessary but by all means buy it today.
Stop at our store, call us on the telephone or write us a line
at once.
Settlement may be by cash, charge account or Rental Payment
Plan. We will apply all of your rent to the purchase price.
Our more popular styles are pictured below the prices and
terms are in the list.
Look them over select the styles that appeal to you most
favorably and call at our stores, telephone or write at once for full
Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street. Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets
Customers 1'uj No War Tax on Victrolas or Records
VI('TROI. IV-A $20.00
4 10-ln. Double-face Records 3 00
Total cot .'3.uo
I'ay $3 down. $: 00 monthly
".It'TltOI. Vl-A J3OII0
& 10-ln Double-face Records 3.75
Total cost 33.7S
Pay $1 down. J3 monthly
Ml'rimi.A MII-A J45.0O
I U cords vour belectlon 4.00
Total rost JMD.OO
Tay tl do'vn. $3 50 monthly
.irTitoi. i- s"r.Bi
Keiurdb .vour selection MO
Total cost S6S.S0
Pay $5 dn-wi, M monthly
V H'I'ltOJ.V. .. $85.00
Uecordd our (election S.OO
Total cost $00 00
I'ay $fi down, IS monthly
icritm.x i- tiio.oo
Ilccurda your belectlon 8.00
Total cost $118.00
Pay J 8 down, J 6 monthly
V K'TliDI. V. MV $16.1.00
Records jour selection lo.oo
Total cost $173.00
Pay $10 down. $S monthly
it"ritoi. xvi $;iiv.oo
Records jour belectlon 10.00
Total cost $233,00
Pay $10 down. $10 monthly
Mclrolu IV-A
WTOTII llll'l ' lU'liWttmMmMi
MilrnU VIII-.V
' ft
Jtrol " 1-A
MtlroU l..
A I -A
VlrtfoU XIV
,j,V we ' r
Vlctrola X-A
IfUfWsW v
r ilHII'""Mlllltllllfr"'Tf'Ttlir" T ttVkWtWtWWsWWWmmmmmsmttmmmm-- , .. Aj , j
i S
v .,. ... K h1' l A..v"2fr V v - f
iA.. tr