t ' V .? Vfifllf' 01 !-,' V f.T1 E i . HJ . 4n 1 Sk, l Si2 ,Vi i? w Ej V. f "' . . 'I . KW iv "x 4' 4' l ft W e rc. K. "? t X ,l 1$ S l y ifcf . ii IX t ;ti. i , & i S "V j ' ." V ,J -ivVf '".)- i - EVENING LEDGEK-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 19. jjg? MDWILL fRNISH SHIPS JO WIN THE WAR Mostlmportant Place in iVf World Is Former Site of Piggeries WONDROUS CHANGE WROUGHT BY WAR LOYAL ARMY HALTS PETROGRAD MARCH Advance to Capital Stopped. Kerensky's Whereabouts Unknown to Troops COSSACKS SEIZE FUEL Corps of 3000 Workers Now There. Will Be Army of 30,000 by January 1 MEN- AND HOUSES NEEDED Phijadelphians Have Opportu , nity of "Doing Their Bit" in Their Own Homes By M'LISS Hob Inland! Uncle In the old cHf. with Us polluting aimosiiherc of tho BiirroiindliiK plctrl. It was not u place wns ling lt1and to thrill oer. Today Ho Island Ih t lie most Important Place In, the world .Strategists will talk of holdlnr tha wet front unbroken In Franco or of the Tanllemento or of rctrograd They will Vpcak of the arlous European defenses that rnust bo maintained Hut In cold, wober momenta ecryhody fbjsi with rorulnclng unanimity; "Ships will win tho wart" Because ships are Kolns to win the war for civilization. Hok Island i ralswl to tho nth degree of Importance, for at Hob Island the largest shlpard In the world so far as Is known Is In the proce-( of building This Go eminent -controlled vlilpjard, being put up by the International Ship, building forporatlon. Is tho last straw tieeded to make the Delaware tho first rler In the world In point of maritime lndutry It takes the wind from tho sails of Mi Clyde. No longer will tho Delaware bo called tha Cljde of America; pcrhapx, Indeed, do acrlpthe writers will feel tho need of call ing the Clyde the Delaware of Croat Britain It's hard to believe that less than two months ago the 500 acres that comprise the Island were swampy, foggy land covered with a thick underbrush. ARMY OK 30,000 BV NKW TKAR Today the flat well-drained expanse of ground, shorn of Its bushes and brambles, Is a hhe of activity humming with the music of a band of workers who number only 7000 now, but b the first of Jnnuiry are c-xpected to total 30,000. There Is the sonorous reverberating thunder of tho huge pll .-driving engines; there la the mellow, recurring tune of many hammers'drlvlng many nails Into pungent Bmelllng boards; there Is the gentlo undei tone of the dredging machines out In the river, making ready the wet basin Tor the ships after they are launched In all. It Is an Inspiriting smplionj, the dominant motif of which Is "We're going to win' We're going to win!" In its present stage of development the alto of the largest shipyard In tho world resembles a crois between a western boom town and a draft army cantonment. FCEN'E OK CHASEI-ESS ACTIVITY Scores of lean, brown engineers ride their horses hither anil yon from the wavs to the administration building and back again Automobiles, trucks, wagon road-engine nd everything vehicular under the sun ahort of Jlnrikstiaws havo been pressed In'o service. Already twelve bunkhouses. nr barrack . built after the manner of those put up at Camps Dix and Meade, have been com pleted. Each barracks houses 100 men and the plans am for several dozens" of them. These, however, will give shelter to onlv few thousand of the 30.000 men who will be employed when the yard l operating at full capacity. Uncle Sam look:t to Philadelphia to take care of the remilnder N'o spate room must be allowed to go unoccupied To take into your home and board a man who is he'plng to build a ship at this llmo has the same oatrlotic alue as sending a man Into the trenches to fight or putting jour s,ilngs Into Liberty Bonds. STUPENTJOl-'cS -HOUSING rnonLKMS Vest to geltlnK the 30,000 men required for the operation of the yard, where fifty ahlDS will be In the process of building at the same time an unprecedented number housing them, officials of tho American In ternational assert, in the most stupendous problem. Many of tho 30.000 men who are J.mlmr here, recruited from everywhere, will bring their families with them. Pay nvelopes arc fatter than over. Those peo. pi will want adequate accommodations. Tho Jersey sidn Is a'ready overcrowded, due to the boom In tho other big yards How Philadelphia, meets thin situation will demonstrate the. stuff oho In madn of. But If wo mmt have ships to carry men and supplies to the war ton, wo must have men before we can have the ships. The cry for men l long and loud for ship yards all over the country. To be Idle at A llmo lino int; o i,..,.- V. M yet no conscription of Ubor, but bhlp builders are frank In tho confession that Jf mechanics and riveters and men trained In trades that are al'led or similar to ship bulldlnga do not patriotically throw down nrtvate worK in wnion nicy mo n" nM. SSred and take to shipbuilding the situ itlon will be little chort of desperate ! irvrcnr MAN MUST DO HIS DUTY Kverv day at Hog Island groups of work .T.wr. In and are taken on More, moro D.4 vet more are needed. In Great Britain Siln are being used In the building of .Ks T"" This will not be necessary as yet The United States, It la thought, if every ?a.n does hi duty anu every , "ousenoiaer Kysfarkn him up ny provmniK ucm ItjJirters In territory aajurcn.. .i. i.iu tu.P r-fire. .. international Shipbulld rnenoratlon wants 30.000 high grade Corporaiiuu nulrklv anrt It nlcs. II w.. ".. -,," , lV"ct y iiow It is going to get ''" wh.t moment tho full quota will WMavedt but in tho meantime Because h1. .L. .re nut through this 'LT"u: .'.klne ready for IS roina ,v w the; abound at Hog Island Ji. ,.natr" he Is responsible i'Z. 'J.V.i5S,.,n. l.LV ;mtra in i'nii""f " . "-- .- . t.a TMIt Ar., of the most recent being ai ntititnniem. "' " aaiBMu vw... . 4 rw1?' 11Le"m ,'' H.w,w -"- . Haktfapee ai vne vnj uwi ny 'Aljp mam Mt,rMtW of powerful aftajraaaM. 'Hi January me tauvlawWtatL Vy the b'.mk 'vwewynve .. wmtjftniy. thaM ot1h laCtla LONDON, Nov. 19. The extremists are in complete power In Pctrosrad, Chancellor of tho Kx chequer Bonar Law told the House of Commons today. STOCKHOLM. Nov. in Provisional Government forces liavo stopped their march toward Petrograd, ac cording to dispatches received today from tho Russian capital. The dcclslui not to attempt Investment of tho city was reported duo to tho con tinued Ignorance of the troops as to Premier Kerensky's whereabouts. General Datik honlne, chief of the army general staff, Is sued tho orders halting the advance A delaed dispatch from Petrograd, dated vesterrl.i). says. "Iluhsln's army at the front will soon 1m defeated by famlno and will abandon Its positions unless there ts an immediate Improvement In transport and food Mippllng, according to tho warning voiced b delegates of tho foldlcrs' com mlttee today "Prolongation of tho war under prctent conditions, thev are reported to have told the Soviet, is uttcrlv Impossible. Tho nrmy Is now only supplied with ration.) enough for three dajs, It was asserted. "Tho Ilolshevlki Government has been un able to agreo us et on the form of com promlso looking In icstor.ition of adminis trative functions "It was this situation that led to a split In tho Ilolshevlki rank" Kivo I.enine mip porters resigned from tho cabinet, InsiM' ing that an nll-Soclallst government was necessary and being opposed to the over whelming Ilolshevlki control demanded by Trotsky and I.enine Theso two litter, however, am still firmly In power in tin' councils of the new regime here "Dispatches fiom Moscow received here assert tho city Is In the hands of tho Ilol shevlki The lasunlllcs In tho Moscow lighting were estimated nt from 2000 to 6000. righting around tho Kremlin was bitter and long "The scheduled general lallway strike had not been called todav. General Kaledlnes is reported to have seized the DoncU coal fields with an army of Cossacks and now controls tlm fuel sup ply of tho republl Petrograd Is short of both coal and food. ind Kaledlnes Is now in a position to starve out and freeze out the capital, as his Cossacks domlnatM tho fuel necessary to operate the railroads American Ambassador Francis has for mallv requested of the ilolshevlki authori ties a train to carrv "00 members of the American colon to Harbin, Manchuria. Foreign lives have been placed in danger at numerous places by promiscuous 'hoot ing with rifles and machlno guns In tho streets, and tho da ma go to property will b stupendous. AMERICANS IN MOSCOW SAFE, FRANCIS REPORTS WASHINGTON. Nov. 1" Maximalists have taken over till power in Mocow after a week of tlghtlng, said a messago from the American Consul General there to the State Department today A second message from Ambassador Francis at Petiogr.nl said the Moscow lighting had been "severe." All Americans In Moscow are safo and there Iris been no harm to those In Petro grad As a precautionary measure, however, Francis advised nil unattached women and married men with children to quit tlm ct Ho had tiskcd transportation for them. Kerenskv, said tho message from brands, appeari) to be a fugitive, while Government departments are dosed or operated without chiefs. The American embassy neighborhood was reported quint, with only casual shots In tho streets Krancls expressed himself ns having no fear of personal Injury or of daniago to tho cmbassv In Klnlaml "Serlallsts" (Socialists?) are sending out delegates to arrange strikes and take over tho Government authority, said the advices Francis expressed no opinion regarding tho future of Russia. 'v the the MASSES HIT IJY INDICTMENT Max Eastman and Members of Staff Accused Under Espioniigo Act NEW YORK, Vov, IP Indictments were returned today by a Federal Grand Jury against tho Masses Publishing company; Mux Eastman, editor of The Mahses; Floyd Hellfi, managing editor: C Merrill Rogers, Jr., business manager, Henry Glluterkamp. cartoonist; John Jleeil. rt Young and Josephine Bell, the last tluee being contrib utors to tho magazine All wero charged with conspiring to lolato tho espionage ai I through tho radical periodical. Scparalo Indictments wero also returned against Tho Masses Publishing Company and Rogers for seeking to send unmallablo matter. The Masses bus been barred from the malls. I TEUT0NI DEBELLAH DALLE F0RZE ITALIANE In Due Giorni gli Italian! Cattu- rano 51 Ufllciali, 1212 Soldati o 27 Mitragliatrici ROMA, 10 novembro lc notlzlo cho Klungono dalla fronto ill battaglla csaltnno la ,alorosa reslMcnz.t dello truppo llnllanc. Gil ulterlorl tcnta tlvl elello forzo austro-tedescho per altra versaro II flumo Plavc sono slatl anche lerl frustatl ed In tin brlllatito contrattacco gll Itallanl hanno complctamento Klogglati) I teuton! nulla rlva destra del flume nell i zona ill l'agare' nulla quale vcncrdl' crano rluseltl a nictter plcde. Contingent! teutonlcl tcntarono dl avail zam a Zcnson, ma furono resplntl con gravl perdlto o costrettl a rltlrarsl l.o llneo Italtaue sull'altlplano dl Aslago furono vlo. lentemente nttaccato da forze nemlcho e lo unlta' cho lo dlfendevnr- splegarono una valorosa rcslstenza o condusscry aril con trattacchl con plcno successn. Ecco II tcsto del Courcndo Supremo Itallano, pubbllcalo lerl dal Mlnlstero della luerr In Roma: Sull'altlplano dl Aslago durante l.i nolle dil 16 nl 17 novembro II nemlco. Inslstendo nel suol tentatlvl ill forzaro lo nostru llnee da Mcnte Slsenml ,i Mnntn I'astclgninliertn attacco' In dlrezlono dl Mnntn Zimio nd est dl Galllo 1,'attncco, I'nndottn mil est rem i v lo lena, fu rlpetutn quattro volte e fu com pletamente sjiczzatw dalla ii!oioh brl g.ita "I.lgurla " Pin' n nord in illrerlnno ill Casera e Melett.i il'Avnntl notrl rl parti della Btlgata "Perugia" ilpresen; on grande i oraggio tilcunl ilmicntl avanznll perduti durante I precedcntl giorni e fecero circa ccnlo prlglonierl Tra It llrenta e la Plave la piesslono del nemlco c' stat.i atimentnta dalla ser.i dl venerdi' l.o inas--e del nemlco In al cuni iiunll nbbllgarono Ir nostie truppo a non prclungaro la loro rcslstenza In nlcuno poslzlnnl nv.inzato e furono nb bandonato con onllnata rltlrnta. dopo flera reslntenra o brlllantl contrattacchl. A nord ill Quero la Ilrlgatn. "Comn" ha dlmostrato ancor.i una volta 11 mio v.i- lerl lungo la Plavo rlpartl della Iirl pata 'Caserta," Inslemo con elementl dl altro unlta'. In tint Irreslstlblle av.ui yat.i I'oinplet.imiio ill M.'icclarc II ncmicn dalli zona ill Kagaie' I.i Prlgata ' Plnernlo" resplii-.e, con gravl i.frilito per II nemlco, un nttaccn lentitto dalle truppc nu-tro-tcdcM he ibe crano nsscrragllate a Zenson. lostringen ilole ,i tnrnaio Indh tro in quel gnmitn del Hume. Tentatlvl del tiemli it per attraversare II flumo in altil puiitl furono prnntamento frustrntl Sulla rlva ilc-tia' dell i Plave, iliir.mtn I giorni 16 e 17 Novemlue, In tolalo furo nct c-atturutl al nemlco Bl utllilnll, l'JU uominl dl t rupp.t e 1" mltragliatrli I Da un coniunlcato dello Statu Maggloro delta Marina Itatlana, si tlle-va cho I nu rinal Itallanl piotessero elllcaeementi- li rltltata della Terza Armata dal Catso tho poreio In salvo innlto male) lain tin guerra. II n mrrento tin luttagllono ill marlual itiiliani clrcondo' cil nnuletito' rlpartl ill for.e nustro-tedescho cho ten tavano ill passare sulla rlva destra della Plave, piesso l.i f m e e priclsamenle a Revendoll. l,a imttlna del 11 lorrente i Inque tor pedlnlero nuslrlncho f1 prcseutaroim da vantl ti Porto Cortcllizo nlln .eopo ill facllitaro l'inviislntin da parte ilelle truppo austro-tedesche, mv fmono ic-itlntn dalle battcrlo Itallano d i costa, senc uvcr tag glunto in alcun modo l'oblettlvo l.o tor pedlnlero nemlcho furono anche attaccat dagll Idrovolantl Ilalianl. I, it notl?ln ilelli splendida leslstenzi delln truppo itallano hinno aperto 11 more all i pperanza jl clttadlnl cho non hanno nlutn ahbaudonaro Venezla nl oggl sonn tlduclosl i he li eltta' sara' s-ilvata alio mire del- riiic.isore. II presldente del mnslglin del mlnlstil, nnorevolo Orlando ha vKllito Vene.,i ed ha dato personalmente illsposllonl per Is protrzlone ed II soccorso drlla popolarioue lit un glio attrawrso la c Itla" Ion Oilando e statu acclnm ito ed ha, poltitn constatate con quanta callua i dign.ta' qui gll uhltantl attendono gli evenll II slndacn ill enezia. Conto Grlnianl gli asvessorl n tutto il con slgllo comuualo sono rlmastl .,1 loro poslo GENERAL MAUDE, HERO OF SOUDAN, IS DEAD Chief of British Forces in Meso potamia a Victim of Illness LONDON. Nov. 1!. Olllelal announcement was made today that Major General Frederick h. faude, commanding the British forces In Meso potamia, died Sundav after n brief I Jm'- General Maudo was born In June -I, 1B4. and entered tho atiu.v In 1SSI. Ho served In tho Soudan lampalcn Ho iwn in tlie South African war from 183D to 1001. and was with tho forces that advanced on Klmberiy Ho wns placed In comnuind in Mesopotamia after the capture of Oenoral Tnwn-hcnd nnd his army, at Kut-EI-Amara, by tho Turks. Lloyd George Defends Plan for Allied Unity tontlnuril from Pane One to Colonel Houso directing llouo and Gen eral Tasker II. Bliss to Mt with America's nllles at Paris. ,,,.,,. Lot d Not the litre's bombshell letter re fusing the air ministry tevealed to England crv forcibly how thoroughly America Is prcp.uliig to wiign war It was tegarded tod-iv as having licen written by the head of the British Mission ti. tho I'nlted States with knowledge In iidvanco of President Wilson's determination that no ounco of effort should be wasted In the common cause against Germany by Individual, national or loci! differences of opinion Tho Tlmes's comment on the President's Instructions declined from their guarded tono they were manifestly not Intended to serve In the present coutroveisy between I.loyd George Hiid Asqulth. ' but tho mes sago tintntstikably emphasized Lloyd Gtorgo's central principle." NEW MADE-IN-GERMANY PEACE OFFER EXPECTED WASHINGTON. Nov 19 A new German peace offer Is expected hv officials here But the AllleV new unltv will tejeit It The offer will bo of tho same "madc-ln-Germanv" t.vpe, without meeting President Wilson's requirements elimination of Hohenzollernlsm. Therefore it will go unheeded, ns Its predecessors have. Plans of metlca and tho Allies now nro such that any German peace offer of the old variitv will b received with scorn. A new spirit W dominating the Allies' war work a unity and purpose to crush the Hun until ho gives up his dream of world domination and abandons his ruthless In trigue America, bv lis participation in the Inter Allled War Council, has given tho Allies this icjuvenated spirit President Wilson's message tir Colonel House, head of America's mission, demand ing unity of control and planning for the most cdlclent use of America's tevources, makes a Genual) peace si 111 further Impos sible Willi all cards on the table the council Is expected to eliminate tho' pulling and hauling of the p-ist. Then tho speediest and mo.-t effective aid .m be given Russia and Italy. Whllo the P.us.iian situation continues eh.ictli: anil suggests possibilities of ,i sepi rate peace, other theatre! showed Allied progress s,ecictaiv of War Biker's weekly sum mary published today cast an encouraging light on tho Italian situation In tho view of America's war strategists the Hun Is about done there, as far as any vital effect on tho general militaiy situation is con cerned When ills advanco thcro is dell nitilv thvv.utcd, It Is expected ho will clamor anew for peace Neil Primrose Killed 1,1 iN DON, Nov. ID. Tho Hon Neil Prim- rose M l , joungest sou of the Earl of Ho'oborv, Ins been killed in Palestine GERMANS RETIRE ON LOWER YSER Abandon Fortified Positions Near Dixmude, Say Bel gian Official Reports BRITISH RAID TRENCHES WASHINGTON. Nov. 19. A German retirement on tho Dlxmudo front wns reported olllclally to the Belgian legation le.dny ... "Tho enemy is nnannonniK ii .... on llio Vser left bank, blowing up elaboralo and Intricate concreato redoubts," said nn ulllclal statement. "Belgian detchments oc cupied tho positions, caused severe losses to the enemy nnd captured scores of prisoners. LONDON, Nov. 1! ltrlll-li trocps have begun a series of ac tlvo raiding operations on tho Arras front after a long lull In that district. Tho War Olllco announced lodny that Hngllsli and Scotch troops penetrated German trenches near Monchy-lcs-Preux and near Greenland 1 1 m In tho noetic district German artil lery v,ai active. PARIS Nov'. 19 Active raiding by German forces, all un successful, was repelled In todi's olllelal statement Teuton Attack Wins Positions on Piave l onllnueil from Taite One were so numerous that many have not yet received succot Tho Austrian? made tho first move Fri day in two separate crossings a Miort dls tanco above Zenson, first nt tho village of Fagaro and then at an old mill, called the Sega mill, near Kollina. Several circumstances enabled them to pass. They choso a place where ft sana bar ran In midstream, giving them a land ing and dividing the main stream Into two mall shallow currents. Also there wns a heavy mist screening their move ments. They carried material for an Im provised bridge with uprights and with Iron plates for flooring. This was about 5 o'clock In tho morn ing, and In tho mist nt that early hour thoy got across the second narrow chan nel to 'the west bank. The last ten feet tho men waded across In water above their waists. In their first surprise rush they swept past four Italian machlno gun bat- tnfltut (nrilitnlnM iL. . Italians back Into the Till,!. ft ft Hero the real flnhtlne ..: Italians had now recovered ,." tM prise. It was hand-to-hand tiiht .v. T tho streets of the town, with n , rw"l uruuery or macntno guns, and th. T f. kalvM i ,ll Mi IU11 line around th. i. i""4"! t on on. .M . "" gelatine torpedoes, part of the town The au .;.:". town nem. it,, c... "" W Itnllans on the land M. .??' IU tk. ,,., . . .. "--. inm .,.-- innii , r, .np,u n , .. . succeeded In part on one sw, M Italian batteries to the north L.1 .I"1" th. of the lino outside the shelter of ik. ! - " 'UH j 0;eu Saturday?. Until Five Lamps For Wedding Gifts I'Acry bride ncctis and appreciates a pretty lamp. Wc have an exclusive selection of stylish designs not found in other shops. The Horn & Brannen Mfg. Co. Retail Salesrooms 427-433 North Broad Street "A sliort walk alotiR Automobile Row" "I uiuiiriiii un mi mi mi mi mi iiMntn Hiiliii mi iiinraf ID Arcadia's Seafood Grill a Big Success, Thank You! Wc are particularly pleased with the family parlies that visit us for dinner. Special Seafood Platters! ) fn4 0jfr titft (. SfttV Crah Meat Cutfrt Julimnr ratatoei lit Tift lff f'ffffH! IrUd Oyntto 1ttiir, Htusian Hresunt 1 nrd f ntfiih It n$1n flnrhrrunl Oytrr lint Stufjr-l Iohtr Cmh Writ nn C rat in fJnknl Potntnti j-85c PIA CAFI ffanscom's m list of Thanksgiving Groceries and Table Delicacies should be in every home. A saving of 10 to 20 per cent is not too much to expect while you get quality and service besides. It's worth your while. 1232 Market St. &. Branchet 1R MmSSaf Ei B i H&wmmmAkitte!& A vMfmWWmt ' l7s i '""'? 1 65c ;.r'i..Jl:riw,(Jrtvi.'j.i,7t.,',...S ' '" Vmt l.uun I 'ii?memiHm:: i " j-. -r j . il-w . . in i i mi r ii i j .v,..". musB'yr4mjM.AMh- r,MChni V'?'4.'Ar'iiWQnr-i:?,riv - I'wo,. - rrc I'W.V, . 'bTS .VeffiSiK .'.VV . fi-fr.jH Z0sf& 'MM. : i ai1 m. i Ja&hA $WmL You can take a ll I WlIBENEB. BUILBIING f 0m negative eve- SK I i Sn ,, . rum to ..mok .if. Pail,, I iSftJt ning and de- M rftT11" '' " HH HH HH lllinTTTTTTT7TTnTir llll IIH" llll llll llll m ' S0i velop it in the ? " -a-ir" M j Dark R o o m M 0. ".gXi$s into a positive 4&04 Sfisv M delight! $f JSP S (IteiM M Puff for puff m ISSlM in You can't beat the Girard WSjiiSM IIMI Cigar for pure pleasure. And at 1 ' "MnmMiHih 11 tho same tinie it never inter- llll 00:mm III feres th ym hea1 or em- I) tSIFi5 lilt fericy' Thf s .f hy many II ;?;.VLTsWi?K5'T W11W "w-9 nuie it ttiiu recuni- If a . WWvMw,r.-x?ww m. mend it too. Real Havana. In- US mmmmammmimmmm SJjk sist on the Girard. Mr uimm , 1 10c and up JOw "wi "Hv ' JKt y I .......... "..................... iiiiiiiiiiii"iiiiiiii ; I ROUND Jtr.p Ounday Seashore Excursions From Market Street WhaH Atlantic Clty.Wlldwood, Angleiea, Cape May, Ocean City, Sea lila City, Stona Harbor, Avalon Pundtyi until Nor. IJ.Ine., Wild. ood, Ait(!if4 and Cap. Mi 7.20 Ai. AtUntic City and othr ittorti 7.X) hi- PeBRsytVaoia Bm mmm "Miss Wilson John Barrett's order, quick" Miss Wilson may be nimble-fingered but the speed which produces the Barrett order depends on the files. It is only a matter of seconds with the Library Bureau Automatic Index. Because this filing method is accurate in filing; mistake-proof; sure in un-filing; easy and (juick. The L.B. "Automatic" is the simplified, intelli gent way to keep your files and card records. It is a neh principle of filing which produces important letters, memos, papers Ivhen they are v anted. It fits any business, large and small, the jjroof of this- is the experience of thousands of businesses which have adopted it. Find out about it how it could prove its advan tage in your business. Booklet free but the better way is to visit the L. B. salesroom and see it work.' Library Bureau . Card and filing Founded ,,7t Filing cabinets systems wood and steel ' M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia rrty MttoareeaM ( Uautiaw dtlt ol Um Ualt4 State. GMt BrMala a4 ft Rooms Are Needed FOR HOG ISLAND SHIPBUILDERS We Need Thousands of Workers AND They Must Have Comfortable Quarters Will you do Our Country a service and help these men do their best work by renting rooms to them? These mechanics, clerks and laborers are Good Americans and deserve accommodation. They are willing to pay proper rates and arc eager to find good homes. This is an appeal to every householder to set aside prejudice, pride and personal convenience and to throw open their unoccupied rooms for these men. Ships Are Essential To Victory They Must Be Built By Shipbuilders Philadelphia is now the largest shipbuilding center in the world. These .thousands of men must be housed if Our Country's splendid shipbuilding program is to be successful. This is a direct appeal to DO ANOTHER BIT. Send full particulars (confidential if you wish) of the rooms you have to offer. No fee or commission charged for renting. HOUSING DEPARTMENT American International Shipbuilding Corp. iea uTrxnTU nrinih stbcct i ioo nunin jAna vJtava-JH . . . "'.. txrt i in: Mi ,,mMcmf.sm iWLi.'',1' dM -&. -fciiV Muffin t- V. i- i -' mm ' in i 'in i mi '''-- fit T -T J, y. ..jjt. Jt ' M aiSM Emu SS2&2