Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 16, 1917, Final, Image 20

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Reading Plays "Amateur" Five Against Jasper
and Loses, 35 to 18 Haggerty Jumps to
Nanticoke and Sears Is Released
w. i.. r. w. t.. re,
, 2 0 1.000 Heading . t 2 .111
, 2 O l.rxx) cnmclrn . n 3 .oon
, 3 1 .007 tires stock . O 3 .00(1
. J-,tr
Trenton at lie ?erli firevstock nt Heading.
milB name of basketball Is In an uncer-
X tain state, and tlio situation Is so com
plex that no one can Rtiess what will hap
pen on tho morrow. The. forecast appear
at this writing, "the worst lset to come."
And at the bottom of It all can bo traced
high salaries. This Is the underlvliiB foun
dation of tho difficulties now belnc en
countered by the Eastern cage mocuR
There Is no discounting the fact that the
war has been responsible; for a few of the
magnates' tribulations Thev advanced a
step In the right direction by limiting the
clubs to three professionals, uml It hat
(been found no soft proposition to hold on
to these. John Linton, ono of the owners
of the Jasper fle, said at Nonpareil Hall
last evening that the Jewels had more trou
ble signing three professionals than getting
Ix and eight In other seasons.
Lou Sugarman Jumps
It was learned this morning that I.ou
Sugarman had positively .deserted Oroy.
stock, and the rumor was verified by Suggy
himself, for he confirmed the repot t. "1
don't know how it leaked out." ho said,
"but I might as well tell joii I am done
with the Greys."
Sugarman Is above the average In the
cage profession and Is also a graduate
dentist of Penn, with offices In this city, and
lias the happy faculty of being able to dis
cern the signs of tho times In the cage
uport. Lou did not hesitate to discuss the
situation, but requested that the lntervlew
be "censored," and as much Information
was advanced In confidence It Is only fair
that It be not published
"Just say this to explain my Jumping to
Carbondale :
"I have completed arrangements for a
friend to occupy my oflice while away pla
Ing basketball I have signed with Carbon
dale, sending nil contract to Manager Am
merman four daj.s ago As a plaver s name
must be teglstered one week, I will not gt
Into action until next week I leave on
Monday Twill not go to Heading on Sat
urday night with the Clreys "
In Justlco to Sugarman ,lt should be
made known that he onlv decided to Join
Carbondale after confcldetable deliberation
and on the advice of his closest frlendr Jon
Fogarty will again don a uniform and take
Suggy's place Money is the bait that at
tracted the Churchmen's star and ho pie
diets the Uastern League to finish the sea
son with four clubs.
Whitey Mallon Is Back
Charles Whltcy Mallon reappeared In
list night's Jasper-Reading game as a
leferee of the Eastern League and that
Mallon Is a favorite was evidenced by the
ovation ho received as ho entered the
His return recalls sevetal vcars back
when he was previously Induced to referee
and his flist abslsnment on that occasion
V3 Reading at Trenton. V number of
local basketballers were on the way to
the game and occup'ed seats near the
Reading plaver3. Mallon was being dis
cussed and tho Bears were Informed that
Whitey was on the tialu and he would
work the game Big George HaKgertv,
who ha3 Jumped to Xr.ntlcokc. of the
MY FIRST appearance In tho national
amateur championship was ut the Eu
clid Golf Club, at Cleveland when I was
Just Blxtcen jears old It was the only
event In which 1 ever failed to quail's In
my life a fact
that establishes a
good average of
golf on my part
W hen 1 left
Cleveland the night
of mv defeat I
thought that the
lesson I had
learned was that a
big championship
was no place for
small boir. but
last year Bobby
Jones, the fourteen-sear-old
boj, completely dis
proved that theory.
The one thing I
did learn, however,
was not to lose my
temner. and It was
CHARLES EVANS on lhat od street
car railway that used to run through the
Euclid course that i Droke a golf club in
tentionally for the last time My ball had
found a resting place In a car track a
difficult He, indeed and in triing to eve
cute It 1 lost iny temper and my chance
to play lu the, event
Costly Topped Shot
Several sears later, 1309. to be cact.
when I had Just won my first Western, I
entered for my second national champion
hip. The event was at the Chicago Golf
Club, near Wheaton, and I tied with Rob
ert Gardner and Tom Sherman tor the low
qualifying medal. I met Chandler Egan
In the semifinals, and after being five down
In the morning, squared the match on the
thirty-fifth hole, only to lose by topping
my tee Bhot on the thirty-sixth. I learned
by this never to be afraid of a man's repu
tation, for I realized that I had actually
lost my match by stage fright on the first
five holes. Another lesson that round
should have taught was that no matter
how badly a man may bo down he should
never quit, and If I, had taken that salu
tary lesson to heart I should have profited
much. I played the last hole much too
hurriedly, for If I had got a good drive
' after winning back five holes I would have
had a. decided advantage.
The never-quitting policy was further
emphasized In this same event In the play
off for the low qualifying score. After I
had taken a five on tfie tenth hole, which
was a par three, Gardner led me seven
strokes. A little three on the last hole,
however, gave me a 33. and In spite of
that five I won the medal.
Bit of Costly Carelessness
In the 1910 National at Brookline I was
.. two up and three to play on W. C. Fownes
, Jn the semifinals, but lost out. The next
gL'a.y Fownes won his match and the title
-ojr seven and six. The sixteenth at Brook-
Mne u a short hole ; I was on the green and
Fownes held a lucky position on a pathway
, miwnn mi uunKers in ironi. e Darely
.. . bto, on me ereen, anu i careiessiy lam an
v approach putt three feet awaj He holed
1 out! I missed, and the result was shattered
is. confidence for me and a lost match on the
-"thlrty-etxth hole.
-uftyiuK lueec inree notes was an anair
Vof it'few moments, but It should have taught
i the' great golf lesson: A match Is never
iron until the last putt is holed.
Purdue to Protest Indiana Star
- BLOOMINGTO.Y. Ind Nov. 16. Purdue
)' University, which meets Indiana on Jordan
FHW her November 24 In the final football
rK,of The season, has entered a protect,
v-M'-announced today, against Indiana
jnony- nowara, tne liue-piunglnz
svf the Crimson luvii- Th nci.
v v , 1Z . i -.w-
n ( uw cuarsa uui i toward
Pennfj Ivanla Slate League, was tipped
off to this fact. Now Big George had
never been in a cage with "Whitey" as
tho eleventh man and u filcnd warned
him to bo on his good behavior and say
what he thought to hlmelf.
During the match "Horse" committed
a foul and Whitey called It.
"You're rotten," was Haggcrty's com
ment. "You're out." was the reply
Haggerty was dumbstruck and an argu
ment ensued. Captain Andy Scars horned
In and when he learned what had taken
placo t,ald "Well, what will sou do If 1
say tho Mine thing'"'
"You re out, too." And they both were
Under no consideration would ho allow
their leturn and Reading finished the game
with four men and Jimmy Kane established
an Individual scoring rnord for a flnglo
Heading's Amateur Line-up
When Reading entered the cage at Non
pareil Hall last night the Beats did not
have a big leaguer In action Their team
was made up of Snider and Wendler, for
wards; Bller, center and C. Gaul and
Tosey, guards. The latter founerly plaved
with Boyertown, Snyder ami B!ler wore
members of Reading Olivets and Wendler
from Reading High School Big Horo'
Haggerty has jumped to the Nantlcoko five,
of the Penns.j lvania State League, and will
receive $100 a month with that club. Andy
Pears has been given his release
Tho Bears gave tho Kenslngtonlans a
stare and had them on the run all during
tho first half and for a part of tho second
period After thirty minutes of tho game
had gone the Jewels began to locate the net.
The assault on the basket was led by Leon
ard, who tallied llvo of Jasper's thirteen
field goals. Chris's all-around play was
tho feature of tho contest. Pitted against
"Bud" Wendler, ho blanked tho high school
wonder and nover allowed him a chance
to get set for a shot. The only member of
the visiting squad who was able to locate
tho basket with any degree of accuracy
was Charlie Gaul, formerly of Boyertown.
H" was the smallest player in action and
also the fastest. The joungsters cvjiiblted
an abundance of speed In the i.irly stages
of play, but tired noticeablv at tho finish.
Jasper registered thirteen Held goals to
live for Reading. The visitors c-nly gar
nered two In tho second half, whllo Jasper
landed nine Thev went to Leonard. 5 . Nor
man, 3 j Dark, 3 : Moorehead, 2 ; White, 1 ,
Gaul, 4. and Posei. 1
Reading tallied first on a foul, and Leon
ard's two-bagger sent the Jewels one ahead
Jn free chances the figures i limbed to 4-2.
and Gaul caged a, dandy, sending the vlsitots
ahead 6-4 With the figures 7-G. White tal
lied a Held goal and tent tho home crowd
ahead, but the advantage was quickly re
versed when Gaul contributed his third
basket of the half Jasper tied the going at
J, and before the period ended Moorehead
and Norman counted from the field Tho
figures ut the end of the flr't half were 11-11
In favor ot Jasper
Play was dose for live minutes of the
second half, and when Posev and Gaul
counted In succession Reading was only a
point behind ut 17-10 The reader Can n
aginr how one-sided the test of tho plav
was when Jasper registered IS points
against 2, and the game ended. Jasper, 35;
Reading. 18 The plaiers were opposed as
follow s Snyder White, Wendler Leon
ard, Blckler Moorehead, Norman Gaul
and Dark Posey.
The Vrdentfs CIul basketball tjni. a third
class tini wnulJ ilk to arrange f,a.n8 with
t arns in or oMt cf town Kor further ptrtlru
r address Martin M Urogln :,3l Mifflin
1 n Ardnts Juilors rlalmantu nt the cham
pionship if .-outh Philadelphia, dtrlres Karnes
with an rlfth-class i.amj in or out of
town Tor furth"r information add-s Morris
Srhwartsmann tare of aciountlnc department
of Hvenln Ledsfr
North Penn n first and f"r.ond claps batk"t
bill team is dlroua of nrrinclrtf gdrntg with
teams h.'.Mnc hills J Iillcer L'JOI North
Third street, or phono Kensington l'74n after
M Ilonlfare L and f has reorsantzed It- sec
ond and third class basketball teams for the
comlnff eason and would like to n, nr from ail
trmoiine teams 15. Pchaeper. 2127 North Third
Tho Hears Fellow-hip tasWb.-ll lean wojH
ilk" to hsr from first and serond tUss tra..
Ire teams fop Tuesnav and Saturday nictvs
Albert B, T.elth 11710 Leeds street
Four Red Sox Report for Duty
BOSTON. Nov. 1(1 Four members of the
Boston American baseball team reported for
duty as jeomen at the navj sard se-terdas-.
Manaeer "Jack" Hirry and Chvrles Shorten
th" utility outfielder, were assigned to th"
office of Commander Oorco O Mitchell head
of the Naval R series for this dlstrlit Michael
McNalls' another utlllts plaser. and l'ltcher
Ernest Mior were put to work In the pasmas
ter s department
Post-Season Game for Indiana
BLOOMINGTON. Ind . Nov 10 At h meet
lnc of tho Indiana Unlverslt- athlrtlc hoard last
nltht it was oted to e"nd the varslts foothall
team to llattlesburg-. Miss . Th.mki-fc'Mnk- u
to plas a pout st-ason Kamo for the benefit of
th" 30 000 soldiers of Indiana Kt.ntucUs and
West VlrKlnta nt Camp bhelbs.
Rhinos aro made In all sizes
to fit any make casing.
Hand-made, double thick, double weight,
high-grade rubber, reinforced by toughened
Egyptian fabric built same shape. and
Made In
St. LouU
Geo. L. Carroll Co.
f wsmmmZMer
II ( , '' .1-! CS-t 'Ol-t -" '-
Johnny Says Waivers Are
Unnecessary, as He Was
Sure to Leave Club
Johnny Ever, the veteran cceotid base,
man, has been handed his unconditional re
lease by the Phillies. President William H
DaKer made the official announcement last
night over the phone from New York. He
paid so far ii bei knew rivers had noset-
.tled plans! for the future, but hoped to land
a petition Willi some team as managcr
lvers Is one of the most picturesque
players tho Kamn has ever produced and
has had a notable career In tho major
leagues, lie came to the PhlllleM during last
season nt a time when Moran's team was
In a heavy slump and Moran cave him Nle
hoffs place at second liaso In an effort to
shako the team up and put It on a wlnnlnp
Mrlde. Kvers played good ball for the Phils,
particularly on the last western trip, but
proved of little assistance to the team
DurliiK the recent world's (-erles games
Uvets went to Chicago and New York as
a member of the committee of players that
solicited aid for Clark Griffith's bat and ball
fund. At that time Hvers declared he was
not suro whnt lie would do next season Ills
contract with the lvston Braves, which was
assumed by the Phillies, expired at the close
of last season and contained a clause pro
viding that ho be tendered his unconditional
release, lers was said to have receiver? a
alary of $10,000 a vear on a threo cars
contract and was paid $20,000 to slsn with
Hoston when his release was purchifed from
the Cubs.
S. S. Whites and Electrics List
Target Events for Members.
Other Gunning Dope
Two local target clubs have nrrarred
programs, for their members tomorrow. The
S S Whites have a 100-target match as
the feature and tho Phlladelphli KlectrlCJ
shoot in their regular wrekly fifty-bird
Tho 'Whites shoot will likely draw a
big turnout, for It Is the occasion of the
Dentists' monthly target test Their shoot
villi be staged at the Holmesburg Junction
grounds. "Ike" Budd has donated a crate
of cranberries for the high net score on the
second fifty birds. The men villi shoot lit
events of twenty-five targets eich. Trophies
are also listed for high gun on the first
fifty birds, handicap included, and hi
Classes A, B, (' and D
The live-wires of tho Electrics will In-
llulso In the week-end flftv -target spoil
over their home traps at Highland Park
Quite a few of the boys blaze away at the
clav birds, and competition promises to be
ken, as many of them have returned from
gunning trips and are boasting of their ftnt
nillv Severn and Harry Hoffman, on recent
cunnlnrt trip around Dosicstown. baci-ed the.
limit number of rabbits.
Tno trarshnotlnB leagues are absorbing In
terest of the marksmen in New Jersey Thev
are the West Jersey and the South Jerey clr
tuits Joe Steelmin. of Wllllamstonn. N J is the
only one-armed hunter h round these parts. Joe
is an adept at field shootlnc. Last week he
and H Zimmerman went out for some sport.
and th pair returned with twenty quail and
tle cottontails
Prank Worthlnston president cf the Tennssl.
vrnla Jlallroad tlun Club, on a cunning trip re
cntl un-M.it with Jack Peonies basted sev
eral ribbits and nine pheasants.
Th s P Whites meet the riearvlew cunmen
Nombi-r .'( at Colnsn. in a Philadelphia Trap
shooters l.ejsuo contest
ItabMt huntlns In the reeions of Williams
port Ta is a real Piradtse according to r.
torts II --elhold an.i E Moore, of this cltv,
bapged rifts four of the cottontails on a gun
nlns trip there
Fred Rlear of Colllnrswond' C Piatt and
another Runner had good sport lately around
lirldseton cunning for auall
J Prank Tratt of this burs who scored a
"49 ' In the Curtis Club's last tirset shoot Is
after a straight card tomorrow at Hoimesbure
flillv Clejri- la dolntr some tall shnotlne lately.
On Tuesdav he ran fifteen "straight" in th
Fort Side inn white filer test, and the week
preilous bagged twentv.fh in a row.
Harry Morrison, a New Jersev win shot,
was a recent visitor at the St. Thomas shoot
on Tu'sdas-. Morrlsson Is the chap who used
to ulr up things with the "bU game" here
fiie ears ago at Mahoa In this week's snort
at St Thomas Morrlsson shot George Eliber
two ten-bird races, and Ellbr brat him on
ooth cessions 10 to 0
NKYV YORK, Nov. IS. Hans Lobert has
been given his unconditional release by the
Giants Ah Lobert goes Wid Conroy comes
back to New York in the capacity of coach
and assistant to Miller Hugglns. of the
Lobert came to the Giants In 1915 In the
deal that sent Catcher Adams, Stock and
Demaree to the Phillies,. Wld Conroy will
be lcmembered as the Yankee third base
man of the Griffith regime Conrov came
hero from Pltthburgh when the Yankees
opened in 1903 and he stajed through 1908.
Rhinos Can't Make Bad Tires Good
but DO Make Good Tires Better
(Beg. U. S. Pat
Reinforced Puncture-Sealing
Because They Are
formed exactly to tit tho casing cavity.
Equipped with "Rhinos Liquid Puncture
Self-Sealer," which automatically seals any
ordinary punctuce without loss of air.
A Rhinos adds some of the strength of an
outsr casing to the service of an Inner Tube.
COMPANY Mn-'carer..
719 N. Broad St.
Sports Editors to Govern
Monster Carnival in Aid .
of Tobacco Gifts
There was -a Joint meeting of the sporting
editors of the Philadelphia newspapers and
the officials of the Olvmplo A A. at the
Watttn Hotel last night. The management
of the palatial South Broad street arena of.
fered the building nnd all the attaches for
a monster show to be given under the aus
pices of the sptrts editors to nld the Amerl
tart tobacco fund for soldiers at the front
William II. Itocap. Sports Hdltor cf the
Pubmc Lr.DOEn, vias chosen chairman of
the geenral committee, with James W. Gantz.
of the Press, secretary. A boxing and musi
cal show is to be held on Wednesday night.
December 19. tho entire receipts to bo given
to the tobacco fund. Director ot Tubllc
Safety Wilson not only offered his services
but that of the Phllidelphla Police Band
to give n concert on the night of the show
Judgo Joseph P Rogers volunteered his
services in appealing to tho masses to pa
tronize tho shpw.
Boers of national and International rep
utation will bo Invited to compete. There
will be no exhibitions of the fistic art
Kverv bout will bo a cdntest. The public
will not be Imposed upon They will pay to
see real contests and every man who en
ters the ring will do so with the understand
lnc ho mut deliver the goods.
In the absence cf Harry D. Hdwards,
president of Olympic, who was too 111 to be
present. Secretary-Treasurer Hrnest Jambor
presided at the organisation meeting Others
who took part In the planning and arranged
the minor details were Bu.sell IMwards,
Leon Rains and Harry Marks. Olympic;
Robert W Maxwell. Evening Ledger: James
C Isamlnger, Joseph J Dugan and Ross V
Kauffmnn, North American, Richard H
Kaln, RecoTd; Joseph McJlvnn Evening
Bulletin: Joseph Costello, Evening Tele
graph; 51. Naegele Rawlins, Inquirer, and
H C. Crow hurst, assistant manager Hotel
A meeting of the general committee will
be held on 5Ionday next at 3 p. m., when
the auxiliary committee will be appointed.
Scraps About Scrap.iers
Herman Miller, who recently won a fifteen
round decision from Harrv Greb. will box
Henry Hauber In the wind-up to the Cambria
A C show tonight
. According to report, Al McCov did not share
In the moiing p' jres taken of his defeat to
Hike 0'Dod In fact Al sass he knew nothing
about It and got stung all around
Jolinnv Iunrlee writes from New York 'hat
he will be in nne fcrm for his hout it Olympla
with George Chenev on Mondai night. The.
latter is getting into s.iapo at his lliltimore
Holb5 tlurns, who has made a bis hit In his
recent hiuts, will go to the post on Saturday
at the Natloml Dclib.-. who halls from Balti
more, will oppose IJatsv Wallace, of this city
Abe Atteil and his brother r.iade a charity
appeal at one of the New York clubs. A man
promised $2.vn When asked to pav up he said,
"Oh. I onls said that to boost things along "
Danny Tlelds, of th Ist Side S'ew Turk,
his been matched to box Ilmmy Ahem before
the Acorn A c of Ilrldseport Conn., next
Monday night The distance Is ten rounds.
The star bout at the Nitlonal tomorrow
night will bring together Toughev Itamser. of
Cleveland and Eddie Wagond, the downtown
lightweight Both boss ars sluggers a'.d should
furnish action.
The City A. (, ot New York, is one of tho
clubs to run under the. membership ssstem.
Dave Astej-. undisputed amateur champion, will
box Sammv pamond of Jersey Cits, for sly
rounds next Thursday night.
llarrr llorle, the Bristol, Pa , scrapper who
boxes Charlie. (Kid) Thomas In the semi at
Olvmpli next week, Is credited with good tights
with Charley White and Rocky Kansas.
When Jark Brltton recently fought Soldier
Bartfleld at the Qutensherry Club, of Buffalo,
the promoters announced amplication for mem
bership from 30 000 persons. Virtually the
whole town applied for cards during the das a
before the show
Former local nhvslrlHn RaVen, now i lieu
tenant In the army ambulance inrcj quartered
at Allentown. is a firm believer in poxlng. and
will do his utmost to adiance the manly art
among tho Usaacs
Itennv Kaufman will see action in the semi
at the Cambria tonight Benny boxes Johnnv
VInrgan Kid Sheeler meets Pat OMalles, jack
Brarlv boxes Tommv Stone and Battling Ed
wards opens with Padlv Cos'le
VA alter Mohr, the aggressive Brooklyn welter,
has challenged Bnns Leonard at 13ft, ringside
Bennv Is workl-.g with the selective arms men
nt Camp Upton. L, I . nnd not worrvlng about
engagements He may acctpt a. bout on good
terms, It is said.
There are four local clubs now running. Oism
pie starts the week, on Mondas night. Joe Gelcer
entertains with the Nonpareil on Tuesdas'. Prl
dav night Is the blc evening at the Cambria,
and the Natloml offers its weekly attractions
on Saturday night.
Dnnlel ('Torke.'") Fljnn. heaww right boxer
of Boston has been released from military
service because of dependents He came to
the National Army cantonment at Aser. Mass ,
with the last quota of the draft.
r.ddle MrAndrew who scored a win over
Charles ruts last week, will appear In the star
bout of a show at Homestead, a town near
Pittsburgh, tonight. l.'ddi boxes Dick do
Saunders and should return homo with the
winning portion
vMllle I.aushlln. of South Bethlehem hss
secured a ten. round engagement at the Broad
way Sporting Club, of New York. The bout is
booked for tomorrow nisht, and Augle Astes-. a
clever Bronx, N Y. middleweight, will be his
Willie Jackson, who was msrrled last Satur
day, will meet Frankle McManus. the Boston
lad who has won his last three fights bv the
knockout route, at the Olsmpia A. A, on Thanks-
Cupples Quality Caslnes, built for
outside, service to matovi the inside
service oi itninos.
Klvlnir Day afternoon. At lhme show Denny
Valitar. the Krench bantam champion, nnd uui
sle Lel will clash.
Ilaltllnir Iled.lv, of llerlftn, ho 1'" "0,!11r
Into a featherweight, will bou Terrv M"2.
Proiblence. to a decision at, I.wrnce on No
vember 25. anl on ThanksjMnir afternoon he
will face Joe Morgan, at Manchester. r !
Jolinnr Bar has a prnteite. Johnry h h?'.':
boxlns nicely and by no means r:its to ,
thlnss. Jimmy Oordon Is the HM-r" nni ani
wearln th. colors of the nsyil reserves he will
box Joe McCarron in one of the bcuts at th.
National tomorrow nlsht
Jeff fmllh, the tlisonne. N J mldlleweUM.
Is acting as a boxltnr Instructor at Camp Dlx,
the New Jersey rantonm'nt. The Camp Mcaae
Instructor "111 shortly b announced.
Kill Mllllnm. former bantam champion, , an4
Johnny Krtle. th Western crack. v III make
118 pounds dt in a m for their match at
Ilaltlmore on ThankUttyr Day. Kfl ''"
boxes Io nurman. of Chicago, at .Milwaukee
next Wednesday night.
rnnkle Mcrrix-ken, the Ixvtlnir writer, has
ottered his Vcnlcei to tho committee In charce
of the big boxp shew- to b held Wednesday,
rscmher in, for the bneflt of the smoke
fund Kranklo would b pleased to box llennv
Leonard, and he feels that ha could put up a.
Eoo'l exhibition.
t. vnrtKWS Suddenly. Nov It. .MA FIT
TANK wife of Weslev Andrews and diuinter
of late Kdward end Marv Ollmore. IltUes
nnd friends InMted to funeril Svt s W a m
Ills Dakota st. lilili mass Church of the
Most Precious Blood of Our Lord 10 a m Int
Holv sepulchre Cem. . .
AN'KINS Nov. IS. CATIlVnlNi: O Idow
of John W Anklns. Itelattcs and friends
Hector Tsrdvle circle. No. fli l.vdls of the
0 A It I'equod Council. No IIS, Decree of
Pocahontas Imlted to funeral, at , in a m .
1MI1 N Mth ft Int prhnte Kernwood Cem
Remitns mav bo viewed I"rl . S to 10 p m
Au'o f'meral .. M
HAKKn Nov IS. MAnO.ni:T Tlfe of Dr
Ocorce V Haker (nee Monro") nclatlses and
friends Imlted to funeral Men fl .in am.
311 N 8'd st SoleWn requiem mass Our I.jdv
of the liossrv Church 10 a m, Int -w
Cflthedril Cem Auto funere'
BVItTOl. Tues . Nov 1.1 ClKOrtaE. nD
WAHI) llHTOI. Funeral Sat Nov IT, S
p m from bis late residence 1032 Locust st
Int nrHate riease omit (lowers.
BFCK Nov IV JOHN S-. husband of Marv
A Heck Due notice of funeral given. 173.",
rilhert st
pr.nMEH Nov 14, JOHN W husbind of
T.vdla P neemer (Pee Whipple) Relatltes nnd
friends invited to funeral, at ,2pm, li2
Falrvlew su P Camden, N J Int Hrllgh
Cem Camden N J Friends mas call Frl 7
to o p m SeraPton papers copv
husband of late Louisa Bennett Relatives and
friends also Kenslmttnn Council No I O A.
M Independence Council, t7. P. A M , Harrow,
cato Castle. No 12. A. O K of M C . 30th
District police officers, invited to tuncral serv.
tees Sun ,1pm residence of niece, Mrs
Herman C Zlnsraf, 2V27 N. 7th st. Int. pri
vate N. Cedsr Hill Cem. Remains may be
Viewed Sat S to 10 p m.
BHATtE Nov 14, LLEWELLYN husband
of Tllllo Hhsre (neo Welnhrenner) Ttelaties
nnd friends, I. O. O. M No. SI; Mllle Iidie
No 1000. I O O r I'enns R It Relief In
vlted to funeral services Sat . s p m., 302
dcnism st Int private SboemnkeraOUe
Pv Pun Remains mas be viewed Sit , after
nLACKnt'RN Puddeilv Nov. 12 JOSEPH
ruband of lite Marv N ninckburn (nee Kemblei
and vou-iaest son of late losenh and Margaret
T Blacltburn aged 42. Relatives and friends.
Reserve Pol'ce Officers, Chinpewn Tribe No r,l
1 O P. M Phlla Lolce. No 30, Loval
Pvtrlots of Amerlcs; Rltner Yearly Heneflclal
Snciets, No 1 East End Republican Club and
all other societies of which he was a member
are Invited to funeral Pat ,2pm 1302 P.
13th t Int Mt Morlah Cem. Friends may
call Frl ee.
BOWMAN Nov 11 Lieut JOSFPH P hus.
band of Parih E Bowman aged (17 Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral, Sit , 7 in a m .
414 N 3d st Camden N, T High miss
Church of Immaculate Conception 0 a nt. lot
Ca'.sr.- rem Auto funeral
RRADY Nov 14. at 2.10J Coral st . MRY.
wife of VVIIllnm Bradv Relatives and fr'ends
Star of Kensington Lodge No .17 Sbecherds
of Bethlhem Invited to funeral servlcei. Pat.,
2 p m '13 E Allechenv ave Int orlsatn
Orecnmount Cem. Remains mav be viewed
Frl eve
IinOWN Nov. 14 BESPIE widow of Ed
ward Brown Relatles ind friends invited to
funeral serslces Pat 11 a m , residence of
brother-in-law, Aurustine D. Rvrtholomew, 0V01
E'mwnod ave . Oak Lane. Int prltate. West
Laurel Hill Cem Remalna may bo viewed Fil.
eve Auto funeral
BROWN At wedesboro. N. J.. Nov. 14,
WILLIAM H. BROWN, aged (l Relathes ani
frJends Invited to funeral services, without fur.
ther notice. Pat., 1 .10 p m Int. Ecllngton
Cem Autos will meet 12.23 train from Phlla.
st swedeehoro atntlon
BttECHNER. Puddenlv. Nov 11, MARGA
RET CLARA, wife of Theodore K. Uucehner
(nee Kuenzel). Relatives and friends. Camp No.
OS. p O A . Ocrmvn Ladles' Aid. No 1. em.
nloses of Kuenzel Bros Invited to funeral serv
ices, Sat . 2 p. m . 1010 N. Franklin st. Int,
Mt V'emon Cem. uto funeral
2V10 W Cumberland st eon of Rachel and late
Nile Bunth and hu'hand of Marv Itunth ("ee
Young) aged 14 Relatives and friends. Mt.
Horeh Lodire No S28, F and A M invited to
sertlces Rvit , 1 30 p m. parlom of Albert
Moore &J-0n C.'l N 13th st Int. Mt, Peace
daughter of late tiuadenzlo and Maria Capelll
Relatives and friends Mella il'Italla Ltdlea'
hoclety. InUted to funeral, Mon , S 30 n. m.
brother's reldence S07 Moore st Solemn ro
ulem mass Pt Nicholas's Church On m . 0th
and Wa'kln sts Int Holv Cross Cem.
CARLEV Nov 14 JOSEPH I' soil of
Kmma Carlev (nee Orlbhon) and the late John
J. Cvrles Relathes and friends st Monica'.
Catholl" Club, Invited to funeral Mon . 10
a m 2410 8 loth st Polemn mass of requiem
Church of St Monica 10 a. m Int Holy Cross
Cem Anto service
aged 7fi Relatives and friends H c Stone,
man Club. Invited to funeral Sat . 4 p m
residence of Mrs Esther Henrlques, Sill Fol.
som st Int Rlncklev Bapt'st Cem 'Remains
mav he viewed Frl s to " p m
V CARTIER 2127 Fltrwater st The clergs
of P fi Church, n'so relatives and friends. In
vited to funeral Mon 1 p in Pt Thomat-'s
P i: Church 12th below- alnut st Remains
mav be viewed bun after 7 p. m. Int. Eden
i ATIIER" Nov 14, LILLIAN, daughter of
Charks and Lillian Cathers aged 21. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral services, Frl . 8
P m . parents' residence 1412 N. 27th st Int.
private at. Chiirchvllle, Bucks Co.. Pa
LER Relatives and frlerds Invited to funeral
services, Sat 11 a m . Pt. Matthew's P. E
Church Idh and Oliard ave Friends may call
1511 Olrard ave , Frl , S to in n m
LER Residence, lull Olr.ird ave. Due notice
of funeril
CIOI.ER Nov. 1.1 MICHAEL husband of
Catharine Clgler aged 40. Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral, Mon.. 0 a. m.. 3!H7
Memphis st High requiem msss Pt Oeorge's
Ch"'ch 10 n m Int "t Domlnick'e fern
COLE Puddenlv, Nov. 14 OEOROE r.
COLE Relatives and friends, Kearearge Lodge,
No 110 1 o O r.. ana emplns'cs of A J.
Reach Co , Invited to funeral services. Sat ,
1 .10 p m . 2031 N Camac t. Int private,
of Charles N Conneli and daughter of William
and Jennie Resnolds, aged 2ft Relatives and
friends, B V M Sodalltv of Our Lady of
victors Church. Invited to funeral. Mon. R 30
a m . 141 N filth at Solemn eeqniem mass
Church of Our Lady of Victory to a m. Int.
Holv Cross Cem
COOK Nov. 13 DANIEL COOK, aged 77
Relatives and friends may view remains. 13.10
Falrmount ave.. Fri . T to 0.30 p. m. Services
and Int, Dover. Del . Sat,
COOK Nov 14. MARY A., widow of John
Conk Friends Invited to funeral. Rat , 2 p. m ,
3301 Quern la.. Falls of Schuylkill. Int. Mt,
Pence rm
JONES, husband of Hannah Conway (nee Mc
Rell) and son of John E. and Louisa F Con
was-, aged 21 Relatives nnd friends, alo Ard
more Council No. M. D. and I,. Invited to
funeral services Mon 2 p. m . 309 Parson ave ,
C'snwsd Pa Int. Westminster Cem
DAVIS Nov. 14. AUGUSTA L , wife of
Leon Davis Relatives and friends Invited to
funeral services, 2321 N, Albion st , Sat , 1 p
m. Int Merlon Cem.
ratF.MP.n Nov. 14 JOHN V . hishanri n
Lsdtn. B Detmer (nee Whipple). Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral. Sat, 2 p m. .182
Falrvlew st.. S. Camden. N. J. Int Ilarlelgh
Cem.. Csmden. N J. Friends may call Frl . T
to ft n m. Seranton papers eonv
tlEPPn Nov 14 FLORENCE wl -f
George Depps and daughter of Mrs Ursula Lin
ton and lt William Llnfort. Relatives and
friends, members of Woodland Baptist Church.
Invited to funeral. Sat., p. m 2222 s. U7th
st.. West Phlla. Service. In church 1..10 p. m
Int Northwood Cem Remains may be viewed
Frl. eve Auto funeral
DORRIAN. Nov, 1.1 ANNE, widow of
Cornelius Dorrlan. Relatives and friends. St
Agatha a Ladles' Auxiliary, I ('. B I' , Invited
to funeral. TuesLS.10 a m 1403 N Redtleld
st. Solemn requiwn mass Church of Our Ladv
of the Rosarv 10 a. m Int New Cathedral
Cem Ati.o funeral
band of Lottie Dougherty and son ot Joseph and
Irte Jennie Dougherty Relatives and friends,
emploses of Victoria Mills, Invited to funeral.
Hat.. 8:30 a. m.. 2343 S Sartaln st. Solemn
Reoultm mass Church of the Epiphany 10 a. in.
In. Holy Cross Cem
DUNLAP. Nov. 14. KATHARINE J., wife
of Jameu A. Dunlap. Relatives and friends In
vlted to funeral, serv Ices. Sat. 2.30 p. m.. 561
N. fiftfh st. Int. private.
DYER In Norrlstown. Nov. IS. MARY F..
wmoff o .lo.tn . ivicr, .nry nif years. tteis-
lives snd friends Invited to funeraj services on
Sat., at 2 p. m . at late residence. 640 West
Main st.. Norrlstown. Int. private.
EARLEY. Suddenly. Nov. 11, JOHN E.
EARLEY. husband of Mary Earlev (nee OHM.
van), and oon of John and lots Bridget Earley
(nee Moran). aged 20. Relatives snd friends In.
vlted to funeral, Sat.. 8.30 a. m . father's real.
dene. 120 E. Allen st. Solemn requiem mass
Church of h. Immaculate Conception 10 a. m.
Int. Nw Cathedral Cem. West Chester pipers
ERTON. wife of David O. Uberly und daughter
of Oeorce C. and Orace H. Brothrrton, aged SI.
Notice of funeral will b. given. 1703 N. Edge
wood at.
Kabla), wife of Jacob Endrea. aged ,10. Rela
tives and friends, Worktnmne n's Hlcli and Death
Beneficial Society. Branch No. 12. Invited lo
fun.ral. Sun.. In rn 2109 a. 20th st. Int.
Kernwood Cem. Friends may call Bat. eve. Auto
..,&HEBXr.: ?V WAROABBT. wife, of
Mtth.w;Fah.rty (ns Doughst!.-). . Relatives
Int. Holy
fit. Joienh'a Church flW !. m.
Dcpiiicnre i;.m aid i,,iir,.
.. " . . : r j . ... ....
Piilchre Cem Auto funersi ,.
FIOKn Near Paulsboro. N. J, Nov. i
LEOPOLD FIOER. . aged . 71. . I"M'". m.
fr ends Inv ted to funeral. .. r c
Solemn renulem mass St. .Marys
ni.,....,. ,.,... in a ,n In
Int. St. Mary's Cem.
FLAHERTY. At Atlantic City, Nov. i
ANNA A., wife of James W. Vh"'ynunrk.
Ash), daughter of late William and Anna l
Reiat ves and friends Invited to J"l .,':
8 30 a. m . 712 N. 42d t'uPo,!;mnhrM? IU "
Our Mother of Sorrows' Church, rhlla. , u a. m.
Int. St. Denis's Cem. , , ..
FORD -Nov. 13. 1017. ORACB A.. hj'",
wife of William A. Ford and daurhter of James
A. and Catharine Smith, aged 21 vears. ''.
live, and friends, also Sodality of the ssrrea
Heart of Bt, Augustine's Churrn, Inv ted to W
neral, .Mon. morn.. 30 o'clock from the resi
Hence of her father.ln.law. William J-ef er.J" -
Florist st. Solemn mass of requiem St. Augun
tine's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Lem.
AUFIUELV-Nov 14, -WINIFRED, diushler of
Pvtrlck and Mary rlel, late of tarradoan.
County Donegal, Ireland Relatives and f 'lenaj
Invited to funeral. Sat ,8:10 . m . '' "'
Mrs. W. V. Lvnch -'" S. 2nthst Solemn
requiem mass St. Patrick's Church 10 a. m.
Int. Holv .Cross Cem.. .-.--
uivutc.irr v.112. tv -..-. ,
1 1V1. i.k. .h v(rv n.ttnev, Relatlv en and
oi isie jonn nnn 'nL' .v".',.lri.' ... iA in
rren.li. emnloses ofMl mbe Dros . Invited to
friends, emploses ofOlmbel Bros ,
funeral. Jlon . Mo a. "".residency or cousin.
Mrs Margaret
rosier, o-i r"- r,'L' ., ,t:
requiem mass Church f the
N J Solemn requiem, m
Holy Name lu s. in ini
Holy t.ro.-s Lem,
AOALt,AGIfER.-Nov. H. JOHN, husband of
Ethel (nee Bets) and son of Frvnk and Mt"
Margaret Oallagher. nged 27 Relatlv is and
rrlends Invited to funeral Mon.. 8 30 a m 1 ,
father's residence. 2021 P-irrlsh st. Solemn
mass of requiem St. .Francis's Church 1.1 a m
Irt Cathedral Cem Auto funeril. .....
OARDtPER. Nov. 14, JOSEPH M.. husband
of Elltnbeth Oanllser and son of Catharine
and the lite Joseph Osrdlser. aged 1.1 Rela
tives and friends invited to funeral, Pat., 8
a m . residence of mother, 100 Htzserald at
High mass Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
0..10 a. tn Int Holy Redeemer.
OOODWIN Nov 15, at Mlllville, N J . F.tN
GENE B OOODWIN ageq 71 Relatives nnd
friends, Shekln.ih Lodge. No. .18, F and A. M.
and members of O A R.. Invited to funeral
services, Run . 2 p. m 211 F t . Mlllville, N
J Int. Mt Pleasant Cem
GH1MKS .Nov 1.1 CATHARINE vrllovv- of
Times Grimes. Relatives and friends 1 Ladles
TAB, Socletv of the Cathedral, Invited to fu
neral, fiat., 7 .10 a m. residence of son 231.1
Swain st. Solemn requiem mass St. Fiances
Xnvler's Church 11 a. m. Int Hov Crjss Cerq
HICKS At Newtown. Pa Nov ,1.1 NEL
LIE BROWN HICKS widow of William Pen
rose Hicks, aged 48 Relatives and friends In.
vlte.l to funeral, without further notice res,
dence of son-in-law J Stanlev Lee. Center ave
inl Congress st Newtown. Pa Pat 1 V m
Int Nevtiwi (m Train for Newtown leaves
Ren.iini Terminal 1 -21 p . m . , .....
HOLMKS'. Suddenly Nov 14 nt Kutstown.
Pa . At.rp.ED husband of Hnnnah F Holm's
Relitlves and 'friends Shepherd's Club In
vited to funeral Rat 3 p m., 10 Haywood st
Tails of Schuylkill Int. Mt. Vernon Cem
HOLROYD At Bnrde ntown. N J EDWIN
M HOLROYD. aged 02, Relatives and frlenls.
Odd Fellows' Lodge No. 10 I O. O. F.. Ollptlc
Lodge, No 3.1, K of P. Invited to funeral Set.,
2 n. m.. Chrl't Episcopal Church Int Borden,
town Cem Remains mav be viewed Frl 7 to
9 P. m. 7 Church at,, Bordentown N. J.
fl.LMAN. Suddenly Nov. 14. EDWIN, son
of late Henry and Sarah Illmnn Relatives
and friends, members of Malta Boat Club, in
vited to funeral. Sat.. 2 p m.. residence of
brother, 05 W. Johnson St., Germantovvn Int.
aged 74 320 N 18th st Friends invited to vcw
remains Frl., 8 to 10 p. m . apts of Barker
& smith 820 N 20th st. Services and Int. prl.
vate Sat an
KELLY Nov, 14. ANNIE wife of John
Kcllv. Relatives and friends invited tn fu
neral Sat., 8 30 a m . 2211 Pierce st (22d and
Moore) High msss Pt Edmonds Churih lu
a m. Int Old Cathedral Cem , ,
KL'R Nov 13, LOUISE, wife of Christian
Kurz. aged 72 Relatives and friends LatlUs
Aid Rocietv of St Petri Church. Invited to
funeral services Sat , 2 p m.. 843 N 42d st.
Int privste Fr'ends may oil' "ri 7 tn ft p m
LAMBERT Nov 14. JOHN, son of late
George and Emeline Lambert Relatives and
friends Invited to funeral eervlces, Sun , 2 p.
m , parlors of E J Lambert, S. E corner 20th
nt and Ridge ave. Int private.
widow of John Leech. Relatives and frlendi
Ir sited tn funeral services Pat. 3 p tn line
iors of i4-or?e Chandler Pip! Sons, 1JJI N
13th st Int North Cedar Hill Cem
wife of James B l.e Van nnd daughter of late
Jacob and Susin Griffith Relatives nnd friends
Invited to funeral. Remains mav be viewed
Frl.. after 7 t.. m.. 8103 P.ldse ave , Rnxbor
ough Services will be held at Chaa Evans
Cem , Rending on arrival of 10.14 train. Sat.
Reading papers copy.
LINDAl'ER Nov 14 LEWIS, M. husband
of Daisy l.indauer (nee McCadden) and son of
John and Clemle l.indauer Relatives and
friends invited to funeral services residence
of grandmother, 730 N 20th st , S.it , 2 30
p m Int private
tlves and filends. Washington Lodge. No SO. F.
and A. M s Harmonv R A Chapter. No. 12;
Phlla Commanderv Nn. 2, K, T , Maeonlc An
cients of Penna : Meade Post. No. 2 O. A. R. :
Veterans' Corps. 1st Rent N. U Pa , Invited
to funeral services, 3400 Hamilton st., Frl., 3
P LOGAN. Nov. 14. BERNARD husband ot
lain Marffuret I.ocin Inf. Kerns). Relatives
and friends, emploves of Bnugh &. Son, Invited
to funeral. Mon . 8 30 a m . 144.1 S Beulah
st Mass of requlfm Church of Annunciation 10
a, m Int Old Cathedral Cem Auto funeral.
LINN Nov 14. Kl.t F. LYNN Relatives
and friends. Athclstan Lodge. No 482. F and
A M . Invited to funeral services Run 2 p
m . 1007 N. 12th st Int private. West Laurel
Hill Cem
MVON. Suddenly, Nov 1.1. WALTER
I.I.OVD. son of Henry M and Annie L. Mason
aged 17 Due notice of funeral 27 S. 1th st
McCANN.Nov. 1.1 MICHAEL husband of
Bridget McCann (nee O'Neill) and son of late
Tellx and Elizabeth McCann, of Pirlsh Bellln"n.
crenn. County Derrv Ireland. Relatives and
frlenns William G Warden Ben Assn., invited
to funeral. Pat 8 30 a m , daughter's resl.
dence, Mr. Frank Mcflrld-. 1.151 f. Bailey st
High mass of requiem St. Gabriel's Church
10 a im Int. Holy Crown.
Relatives and friends League of Sacred Heart
of the mo&r Blessed Sacrament Church. Invited
to funeral. Rat . 8 10 a. m., 2320 p. Kdzewood
st.. nh. Hoth and Elmwood ave Solemn requiem
mass at Church of tha Most Blessed Sacrament
10 a. m. Int Holy Cress Cem.
MeKINNEY Nov 12. 117, JOHN MrKIN.
NEi. son of lite James and Jane McKlnnev.
Relatives arui friends and Pennsslvanla Lodge.
No. .HO F and A. M . Philadelphia Chapter
No. 101. R A M.. Pacific Lnd te. No 200, I.
o. O, F Philadelphia Encampment. No. 1. I.
OOF , Pequoa Tribe. No. is. imp. O R M.t
Samson Lodge, No. 07. K of P.. directors of
lire Association and officers and directors of
Gurney B. and L. Association Invited to fu.
neral. Sat 2 p m.. residence. 1012 W Dauphin
st Int Went Laurel Hill Cem. Remains may
be vtcucd Frl eve. Auto service
, .Mcknight Nov. i samuel. son of wu.
Ham nn.l Elizabeth McKnlght. aged 12 Rela
tlves and friends Invited to funeral, Sat . 2 p.
.W3" Wheeler Bt., West Phlla. Int. Mt.
Morlah Cem
McMAHAN Suddenl. Nev. 14. JOHN F.
husband of Sarah C McMihan (nee Buehl).
Relatives and frlmds invited tn funeral. Sat.,
1 P. m . Bill N. 35(1 st Int private, Mt. Peace
(em Remains may be viewed Frl. after 7:30
p m
v..vt!,;SJ,CIfl,' . T Nov- " JAMES P. Mc
MtllOL. Relatives and friends Invited to fu
r.era . Sat.. 8.30 a. m.. 1637 Race st. Solemn
requiem mass Cathedral 10 a m. Int. Holy
Sepu'chre Cem Auto funeral. Omit flowers.
McVEIGH Nov. IS. JAMES v., Jr.. son
of James F. and Julia McVeigh. Relatives and
friends, emploses of Phlla Brewing Co , Invited
to funeral. Sat.. 8 30 a. m residence of parents.
l,on Master st Solemn requiem mass Church
of the Oesu 10 a. m Int New Catludra.1 Cem
Auto funrral
MOLLOY Nov 15. PATRICK, son of Pat
rick and Mary Mollov. of Parish tf Tullnroan
Counts- Kilkenny. Ireland Relatlvri. anrl rr1nH
Invited to funeral. Mon. 8 30 a. ir... resldente
of brother. John Molics. 2!(l TUton rt. fjoletnn
requiem mass Church of the Nitivlty 10 a m.
Int. Holv Cross Cem. Auto funeral.
MOREHOUSE. Al ht Davids. IN Nov IS
MARY OGDEN, widow of Dr Georce It Morei
house Funeral and int private.
MURRAY Nov IS. at West Rlvir. Md .
beloved wife of late Peter Nolan In 74th vear.
Relatives and friends, also bt Catharine's
Beneficial Society, No. 212, I. C. B. U,. In
vited to funeral. Saturdas. 8 10 a m.. from
the residence of her son. William J. Nolan
1727 Willlngton nt. Solemn high mass of
requiem at Our Lady of Mercy Church 10 a m.
Int. Old Cathedral Cem.
O'BRIEN. Nov. 14. ELIZABETH M.. daugh
ter of John and late Marv fl, O'Brien (nee
O'Neill). Relatives and friends Invited to fu.
neral, Sat. 8:10 m m , residence of aunt, Mlsi
Margaret R. O'Neill. 1012 Tioga nt, Marn of
requiem Church of Our Lady of the Holy
Souls 10 n. m Int. private. Holy Sepulchre Cem.
O'CONNELL Nov. 14. ALICE E.. daughter
of Daniel and lato Margaret O Conneli, aged
13. Relatives and friends invited to funeral,
Mon . fi n. m residence of father, i.svt r
22d st. Solemn requiem mass Church of St,
Thomas Aquinas 10.30 a, in. Int. Holy Cross
Cem. Auto funeral,
PATTON. Nov. IS MATTIE J . wldov of
Rev. William R Patton. aged I. Relatives
and friends Invited to funeral. Mon.. '-' D. ra .
214 N Jackson st.. Sledla. Pa. Int. private.
PETTIT. At residence of daughter. Mrs
Anna E. Wilson. Mavne'n lane. Brldcewater
Pa.. Nov 14. CATHARINE L. PETTIT, aged
91 Relatives and friends, Lieut E. W Gas
Circle. No. 68. Ladles of 0. A. It., Invited to
services. Sat., 2 p. m., Oliver H Balr Bldg..
1820 Chestnut st.. Phlla. Int. Chclten llllis
POSTLETHWAITE At Hahnemann'Hospltal,
THWA1TE. aged 07. Relatives and friends In.
vlted tn service. Sat.. 11 a, m'. at Oliver If
Balr Bids-.. 1820 Chestnut si. Int. private.
Relatives and friends. Sacred Heart Lestue. st
Joseph's Ben. Society, Funeral Directors' Ansa
Invited to funeral. Mon , 8.30 a. m . residence
of son-in-law, Albert H. Marple, S43 Vln st .
Camden. N. J. Solemi requiem mass Im
maculate Conception Church ' 10 a, inr Int.
Calvnrv Cem."
POWELL At Dennlsvllle. N. J., Nov. 14.
RICHARD T., son. of ate Nathan 8. and Emma
Powell, of Frankford, Phlla,, aged 68. Notice of
flinee inter.
POWER. Nov. 11 PATRICK J.i huband
of Julia Power (nee Fltzpatflck) and son of lata
Thornks and Mary Power, of Ollalerk and th.
parish of Tournfern. County WaWrford, Ire
land. Relatives and friends. League of Sacred
Heart and Holy Name Society and th. Visitation
B. V. M Invited to funeral. Frl.. 8.30 a. tn..
1825 E. Oakdale st. Solemn requiem mass
Church of th. Visitation 10 a. m. Int. Holy
Sepulchre Cem. Auto funeral. Nsw York and
Yonkers papers pleas, copy.
l!T!lJ.r'n ISOV, 13. Arfrv'A UKHTRUIJrJ
4 M Ttltlwa mtiA
friends, Ladles' Aid Society of Immanuel Re
formed Church. 38th and lis ring m. . tnvtd
to funeral aervl.e. fiat.. 20 p. m. 728 N.
63d st. Int. Fernwood Cem.
IIKYNOI.DS MiiHa.nlv. Mnu 11 Tnnviia
husband of Anna Reynolds (nee HcRrldel ,na
on of James snd 1st. Isabella Reynold., nf
County Antrim. Irelsnd. R.latlvts and frl.nds,
Plv. Io. 8J, X. 6 ILi L O"ot l.. No. rl4t
rui- riui i.v j9ii i ir. cs,yniK -gii aih..
- Imr-i Mm -M i ii -if s&i
RISSER. HtiiM..... vi ". ' f
ItAVr niDDcn ....'V. isOTf IK i
n.neV-;;rvlcVn"u.nd ii0,S w N
WniT V" '"milv. "".. tft,
ROAT. Nov. 13, JOHN ... '
i-.R"".!- ag'd 70. ""nV.y, Ji"i ti v
under l-om. No. S, O. A fi i. .."" tlitZ
serlcea Mon.. 2 n. m . 7-V to'"1 to fnS
Int. rtrlvfti tiinl4. '. ' VVmfiSil"si
rema ns Sun., fi.;' 7 .S- ..Hena,S;S.n .
.. ".y.-; Nov. 1,1 ciiVnt-r
ntTtiv ,-:... '' in. "
........ --. -- i.i'in. m
-.". i.,.'.., "'"v-. ' CHAR1TV ....
Ji.'-'i'J'"-"- Jjuov. sr,, axed i 'H' W
irir.uis n. vv c. Circle mV urt Y..T1, I
of Diocese of Penn.. rSli.A'1 lo'. "iS !
ft a m , res dence of sVmii. 1: tun,Ml. Jr
Pchneldt. 21 V filter '!;U'w'Us?t
"'.'vices St. Luke's t"hurcb Vfi P"
private. Northwood Cem n. ', m- hi
viewed frl. ve, -. Htmaln, m.-'t
RUSH Nov. 14. CATItin,.,- H
Edward Rush (formerly of w?i.N5' low rf
Relatives and friends Invited S T""1'?. "ijf
8.10 a. m .130.' Lancaster.?,'0. '.""'Ml ItC.
"rRPT-.,NoChUr S
Ka'rthal'na, and late Jl'lchieV'iiehlJV1 ") !
?'ilMm" S3 W'ttvA?7&wA
Cerri -- " ""t. 0J
Saint.' EpVcopal'cin,VM:..lr.,n
nve.t girls nf Curtis Publishing c' ,.Jtop
funeral servers Frl., 7 3n n V. '""IM t.
mother. .Ml Rph'alm p kJ ,Sd Rr'nJ.Vfcft3
Belmar. N. J Further servlc.s R.?ln." '";
m All "Saints' Eplscop,! Chu?ch .V.C 5 I
?ndcr ave.. Phlladelph a. ff,' "J.", lii
Xutorern'i: L -"'-"V't'
SCHWAB No. 11. JOHN n v .
Jane Schwab, (ne. Hanni 1 n',ii?,,J? l
friends, Athelstan Ixidge -0 jK'" "t
M : Tatwr Reneftelal p,We?y 4n;..F',M -t
Asso.. Invited to funeral services lt"?
m . ,1411 Srruc. st Int 111 SiftU
fr'at?"15' U "" SJ" ' 8 ' 10 P.'
PHTlEdgte'r of'-Art?',
Rharkev (nee Kane) Relatlv", ana f.. BIWM
vlted to funeral. Sat. 8 a. m n.-.W" I
deme, 2.10!) Ellsworth "t. Solemn "",' ''
s:v?M".vV mT-pater Kssv. va
SrIAWCROSP. Nov 11 REItrr-ni .
ter of Martb.a and lnte Andrew Rn,SA;..Y'-
ter of Martha snd late Andrew Rhamro.,
tire of fnncr'l will be riven 822 l-niJS '., N
SLACK Ncv 14. FRANCES n .,'.'
Trank E. Slack (n. tl.H. ..iV ." fl s)
and friends Invited to fun.rar,Vrvlr.",v!'?'
1 p m eon's residence Frederick T .!.1'
1147 Knox st.. Otn. Int prlvain fc.Ptdi
Cem Auto funeral "ts. Nortttsij
SV1ITH Suddenly. Nov 14. MART v ,.
of James D Smith formerly fAtiis!u' c!
N J Relatives and friends Invited K.011!
Mon. 7.30 n m parlors of Lei's h'TO
S W cor 12th and Jeff.r,on sts itiJS'J
mass St. Malachv's Church "a. m ta"o3
Cathedral Cem Auto service nt-
SMITH Nov. 1. THnvilt co...
of late Mary I, Smith Rel.tivM sni fSSff
Hillside Cem
s'i'iiTff.isx -nSv r,.im- .nWfisWr
' ."- l
SMITH, widow of irarev Y. Smi.C'T, ft
iATK Rfltttvett and
friends Invited to tvwHi
ierlcp. Pat.,
daughter. Eliza Wolflnger. 410 Durfor ,L hi
private, Fernwood Cem Remains may bsriisfl
Frl eve, "
STIEHL" Nov 1.1. MARY A if. j
Anthony Stlehlau. aged 74. Relatlvji .3
friends tnvlt.d to funeral. Mon.. gin V
20.18 N 24th st Requiem high mai 1 e C &
lumba's Church 10 a m. Int Holy R4itms
wife f Henrj Ftroh, Relative, snd fSfiff
Ladles' Club cf Rising Sun Gesangvtrln. li.
vlted to funeral services Sat., 2 p. a., in
N. 10th st Int. Northwood Cem "
STKOIIM Sndd.nly Nov. 11. OKDRflli!
STROHM (nee Wlllem) wife of Hsrry E Stroki fl
iveiativ.s ano iri'nas invuen to ruaersl Sit. 1
P m.. 1321 N Broad st Services Trinity .
thernn Churth. 18th and Wolf sts, 2 30 n. bI
Int private.
SL'TEHS-Nov 11 CHARLES, ion of lit,
Charles and Marv Puters Due notice ot !
ner.il will be rlvn from 2242 Snvrter tve
TAYLOR Nov. 1.1. ELLA PATTON. wlfi 1!
Marlmun L Taylor and daughter of Jtmti 7
and .Vary Black aged 31. Relatives and ftl.nji
Invited to furernl services. Sit.. 1 ID p. .,
721 E. Chelten ave Oermantown. Int. rrlnti
THOMAS Suddenlv, Nov 14. FLORENCl
(I, wife of Walter Q Thomas netatlv t( ml
ftlcnls Invited to services Rat ,2 pm.. FiDi
rd , east of Philadelphia Country Club, PhtU.
Pa Int rrlv.iv.
TONER Nov 11. FELIX, hustianj 4
CecelU Toner Relatives and friends. Rui
Yeirlv Bn Society No 2, Court Menno. Nb.
.lis. r of A , Invited to funeral, Mon , 8 a. a.
102 Wolf st Solemn requiem mass rhurc! o(
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 0 30 a m. Int. Ho
Cross rem,
TRAVIS Nov. 11. EDWARD B . husbinl el
Margaret Travis Relatives and frlendi, Mutll
Lodte, No 270. I O O V Invited to fnrU
ervle.M. Mon. 2 p m.. residence of dauihtr.
.1101 Rhnwn st Holmesburg Int. rrlnti.
Cedar Hill Cem. Remains may b, viewed S-ia..
7 to p. ni
iiusuann or nose u Tuuner mt l.ncol). bi. . i
ii.cs mm ineiujs iii.uru 10 lur.rrsi servKTf.
Pit . 2 p. m , residence, Ovean View, N. J.
New Vork papers topv
(ncc .savior), widow of CharUs II, Vsrney. tJ
r,i Relatives and friends m-mbers of VhlUnt
Council. No 121, D and S of L . and P. O I.
of A. Camp No 100. Invited to funrral serv-lew,
Snt . 8 p. m . 10' i: Llpplncott it Int. pn
vate. Hamburg. Pi . train leaving ColumbU)
Ave sta Sun 8.4J a m
VONNED V Nov t4 suddenly. GEORat.
husband of De.la A. Vonncrti tnee Henbrl in,
son cf Jacob and Mnr'e Vonnedi. scj 11
Relatives and friends Hrewerv Firemen s Jnlon.
No. 2f"i Invited to funeral. Pun. 2 p. m.. .31
N Taney st. Int Mt. Peace Cem. Arns
VACKER Suddenly, Nov 1.1 CHARU1 1,
husband of Chrlstlnna L Warktr (ne Oils.
ert) Relatives and friends. Albert II LilMf
Ass'n- Llndley Improvement Ass'n Invlltd ti
funeral, "it , .1 p m , 3-'l Iluscomb it. lot,
private. Oakland Cem Remains may b, vlewH
Frl.. s to ID n m Auto funeral.
WAGNER Nov. 11. CARRIE C. wlfi l
Samuel R Wagner and daughter of Tllllt K
an4 lata VVIIllnm 14 I .A Vnlr R.l.lfv.l snl
friends Invited to funeral services Sit.. 1
p m 0011 N 00th ft , Oak Lane Int. prlvits,
daughter of Annie and late John Walsh R;l.
Ca tn. ... n fim.,,1 fi.l btA 9 HI . mOtll. ' A
er's residence. 800 jLd'son t (23d and BlJ'siiV )
solemn mass or requiem cu rranu '''" mi
10 a. in Int. Holy cross cem ,
i;ilB At Atl.ntlc Cltv N J., Nov. lflI
ANNIE P.. vvldow George i: Webb R.UtlveJ 11
and friends Invited to funeral services "-.$ J
p. m. residence oi ijrowier-iii-,a. .., .. .'-- vh
telot, 714 Market st . Cnmden, N. J. lot, " Sj
WF.LI.NER Nov. 11 JITLICS. hju"'!!
k '..i' ..,... J. v. ... vtn frnm 182, .
N 22d st Requiem mass at St EliiaMtii,-j,j
Church. 2:td and iierks sis. in "'" "J i,J
Holv Cross Cem Auto funeral Relatives ant
Irlends are Invited without further notice
James Werton Relatives and friends Invttjt tiffiM
funeral. 1011 Hunting Park ave.. r .-' -
n.. Soiemn hlsn mass or requiem si. o"" .
Uhtircn iu a. m int. privwie ...rf. ytr
husband of Gertrude Wetter (nee """"i-t-M
Relatives and friends. Llnvoln Circle. rB;-"CM
A , Ulcse nen verein. penu.;,.,, ."-"' -r. Mi
plov.s William Cnmn i. Pons' ShlpbulMInt coj yi
A. C Harmer Club; Bramble Club InvU.d U JJ
neral ervl(es Vinn 2 n m 2337 N. , At
Int. Cedar Hill Cem Friends may vsll Ms., fl
aftee s p, m . ...... J JTl
WOOD Nov 15 WILLIAM J... nysouj. -ALMIRA
WOOD (nee Fortnes) aged 75 KJ"'
tlves and friends Invited to funeral "J"??
Mon. 1 p m 132.1 E. Hew son st. I';J
Peace Cem. Friends may call Sun .
p. m.
PIN Lost, between I2th and Spru" ' "i
Stanlev Thei.tre Monday eve laJ'ir!i;
and diamond pin
l.iDerai rce.- -
turned to 42 N 3lh st
PIN Lost, diamond bar pin. Tuesday -old"
All.n 'sne ard Mt PI"""' JV R,fr"
ave Phone Chestnut Hill 50.11 Beware.
ORAHAM ..,, e( M
Information desired of present ai'l. 4
Jnmes Graham anil ris son -n"'"" " pirirt
who formerly realded at LIsnss'lKsn. "
of Annaclone. neir Sanbrldge, county .iJJ
Ireland James Graham was at II".'!.".;,,
Phllade.phla when last heard of ugJU1
'".', .-.'..". E'""' ...ji.. in Ire ma-
and Catherine I.enthant
Addrtsa Pilll.lPPUS W
514 Frnnklln HIJ ,
131 S. 12th it
I'hllaaciu. . -
... . .. .?".. .. ' . . ....... """trt nlace g
wa.mkii nonie or insiuuuw, .- .-'....(rial 1
vrhlt. boy of 11 scary, requiring Ind' ; 1
training and strict dlsclp'lne Aji i 'i.towt .3
itvtnc term, and rererente.. -
office. r .-rrr
IF ANNin'A.ND KATE rUlldren , ot ' Jona fc
tun are anvr vviu .- py wn. ,.
Q. Tomklns. 1P04 WalnSt st ?
business experience to write fnci ory o rjenp.
tnecK proaucxioc.; aiar - r , jl
start. n 14 P. O. Box 3470. . - !
--l r. ,. -.nib. 'i .;. 'i
numln full vburge of counting room, m j
V ). sav is sal u.v .M 4 1
llgnten. P'ea.atu wu,nni - .v,lrcd! , . 1
oushlv experienced operator ''"Sffl uafifl
experience, salary expecteJ P " i.W
COMPTOJIETER operator, thnfoujivlr eip.
ply American Stores .Co..4uit Nj ?o i. 5,,r ',
rii-rii ,s isb i
ni- iiit
-r. -
DICTAPHONE OI'F.nATOHS.wanJisi,. "'offjc,,,
eenee arm experience r at ..i- , in 4,- 1
CLERK Youn la
fiiriirln.- In office
dv. plain w r ter, so.. . vj
vvholc.al. ladlti 'P J" i
start "ijo Address,
Ledger Qfnce. ?. "',nv "3
DOFFER8. spinners and reelers ""B y,wdiU 'i
era taken and paid wplls learning. " j
t Jones Co . Slth and Poplsr.. , rj-jT ,1
QIRIJI Young women snd s iris. "." arims!' M
wanted In Icing and P,Wns "J lurreWJT i i
f'l.work: best of condition, ".f
cult Co , 13th andjllenwood av.. ---.
ul.aunt work maaina W T ier wet '
real supplies; JfviJJTl?St&ioW '
advancement to teady woa,r, n
Apply to H. K. nniiqTajiM-v-rr.
OIRU8 wanssd..v.r l,
HrrinrTRi.Ti a n. ..
qninnri Wi. "V .'""ir. N J.. jd-...
memners or vvi nam 1. 1- 1, 1 ,-. .1?
F, and A. M : I.ennl Lenap- Tribe. No ". ,
.".. J'.- C""Kr .?!??" "'.neflelal' Ar?,.lfi
lllll LU lUllCiltl B-l VIITS. .Ill . I sill A
lit V
' mz
rood t
fie r
for (
ly van
of 1
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( :"
U C081
a 1
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ytwra ot intercollegiate
on loieiM. p sr vfy.s z
ramg) I
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C?'!. '..'
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f . 1
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