' 'Vi V. '1V ,:-' S; ;. :.: - --f-r If s; A1 ,' EVENIN0' LEDGriRPHliADELPHIA', TUESDAY! NOVEMBER 13,' 1917 TK x t" GROW MORE nAiT.ANTflNnFR FIRF. UXUiumi - ... -i-i i!... :.. 4U 4- Officers ASSCrt unit nam in mu Trenches ruts r resn ruii . in Cubs in Khaki f. CHTS FINANCIERS PLAN SINKING FUND CHANGES flaking Every Effort to Dodge Necessity for Higher 1 Tax Rate SHELLS NOT SO DEADLY Vtccriencc on Front Proves That Per- centngc 01 "" " prislngly Smnll WITfl Till: AMBIUCAN AII.MV IN FRAN-'--- Nov. 1 , , m.rlcin troop.s nre -..curliiK up t-iten- aidiy"nJcr thelr nT.A 0"',crlcnt'0 uf ,,el,1R ' h tho'unSnlniouii opinion of oineori. This "'".. i,nilnu nntprlne tha cf lZ which were visited by the enrre "? of the International New, rfervlce. "hat l one Kreat tlilmr this first trip to ,. front It tearhhiB the men." salil one Sttallon roni.na.uler. "Of course e have " ITa n lot of It only an occasional ilnsc, f'hKh explosive ami shrapnel, but the cf "5Ii so thevxlon't mind It much more nln ,iv would the pcltlnc nilndiops of a """I hncr As a matter of fact. . the "jLf,aed more hob with, my battalion inumP,l; Oennan schlls. Twelve men h.i.t ,han n the hotpltal from the mumps, but w go to "io 1 tnHualty from, Herman there vvas "- - ,hS.'lS. "rnmmanugr of the company attacked .Germans In their trench recently rA, tlmllar ftntements as well as the ' " . nontenant who t-usinineu .. niuiiir young ."'"' ,a.Vin.k durinr the raid after W.'vli,e three brave nttemlitH to penetrate St flerman barrnne to brl.iK up re-enforcc mn lieutenant, who Is now fully recov- 7'u that, ilepplt the violent can- "I'dlnK of the Herman artillery on tho of the raid, not one of hi. met. wa blHt is wonderful how many Miclls can fcrrak.all around without hitllliK one," sab IT ()-! the l.lBht of the raid It wiiipJ 'lf the OermaliH wero turning everything fhfhad In the artillery line against our lector. I stepped from the dtiRout and ran down to the trenches under their bar ran but I bad no sooner started than I wan nocked down by tho explosion of a projectile on tho pnrapet Just behind inc. The sensation was just aH though I hail received a powerful b'ovv In the back between my shoulder. I picked mvscif up and jtarted on nnothcr route, but n shell caed In part of the trench and I bad to k back. This time another shell struck the parapet lust la front of inc. It seemed as If I was surrounded by n biiRe ball of fire. I thought that sparks were sprouting out of my shoulders and the tips of my fingers. . "I Rot up ami started running ami lumped Into u prlvuto whom I knew. Wo flood still a second and then 1 turned to make off In another direction. 1 had taken only one step when a shell burst ilRht be hind me, knocking me senseless. I couldn't have been out very Ioiir. I picked myself up and found my helmci missing. Then I . ...i .In.. ,. ,1m trntinh lnnl.l.in f It ml Eianeu """i" ' ..v.. ....... ...n .... , ...... stumbled oxer tho body of the private I had heen talking lo rnly it few minutes before ne had been killed by u Ceiman nilder while I was lying unconscious u few feet a' from hhn." The commander of the company attacked riy the Cerinan raiders said that tho at tack had put a fine lighting spirit Into the men. In his words. It was "tho best thing In tho world for them " The following night tho very same com pany that had suffered tho loss btRged tv Ko out on patrol duty. The men said they wanted one more chance to get back at the Germans. . On Monday morning tho (lenn.ins fired between flirty and sixty gas shells at the American trenches, compelling tho men to don their masks. Otherwise the sector re mains normal. Hawaii Gets U. S. Funds Hawaii's sharo of funds from tho Fed eral Onxernment for the coming year Is J62.J69.I5, according to cliculars which hate heen received from tho MllltU Ilureau of the War Department. Although Ibis figure looks small compared with last jear's total of $3"!, 522.22, It Is considered Generous In icw of the amount of equip ment that Is now on hand us the result of purchases from last ear's fund, for which the largo allow auro of biht year as made. Of last year's total there Is Mill an unexpended balance of J27.502.05. Christian Sclenco Monitor. DENY NEED OF BOND SALE MAIL YOUR GIFT BOX FOR SAMWEE BY N0V.-15 It Should Bear Soldier's Name, Regiment and Words "Amer ican Expeditionary Forces" ii Having provided no Interest or pinking funds for new loans, thus forcing the Mayor to nppeal to Councils for aid, If bo wishes to sell nny munlcipnt bonds In 1918, mem bers of Councils' Finance Committee todny considered tnklng over payments from the sinking fund for the redemption of non sinking fund bonds In 1!H8. A planned rearrangement of sinking fund rates on maturing loans would, In tho opin ion cf many members of ths Finance Com mittee, result In making available funds snfllclent to keep down the tax rate. They claim that such n change, tnken In con Junction with the strictest of "cutting down" of reque?ts will defeat Controller Walton's ertlmate of a minimum $1 31 rate for 1018 Italdlng sinking fund surplunge was re sorted u last year and some yenrs ngo n readjustment of rates for maturing lonns was made that resulted In the freeing of n surplus for other needs. These two plans now loom largest as possible means of pre venting nny chnnpe In the lax rate as fixed last December. The need for nny bfnrt sales In 1018 Is denied In tho face of a 22 onn.onn consolidated loan fund from which most municipal Improvements now planned can bo continued. Tho declaration of Chairman C.affuey re garding loans shows that few. If nny. new undertakings nre planned and that the .Smith Admlnlstrttlon during Its third year will bo fortunate to report "progress" when another twelve nisnths roll around. Tho cutting out of items of repair mid main tenance and all new Improvement plans has already resulted In an appreciable saving In tho totals of tho Uss Important depart ments. Starting this afternoon, the big depart mental estimates will coino up for consldera t on Thnn listed for today include the Citv Commissioners, the Departments of Health and Charities and l'ubllc Safety. The real test of the tlnanclal possibilities will como on Monday, wlvpn salary InCreasB lequests will bo reviewed, lly that time tho limit of expenditures for next year may be detei mined. OFFICERS HAD OWN COFFINS U. S. Seizes Crates Taken From Ger man Ships Interned in Hobokcn llOHOKlIN. N .1, Nov 13 - Several crated toltlns have been found by Federal agents searching the personal belongings of Interned Ccrman oIUcith and seamen from North rieiman I.lojd steamships, seized when this country entered the war. While they may priivettn be those regular, ly carried on the vessels for emergencies. It was stateil the f!ernians were allowed to remoe only such baggage n they de clared belonged to them personally, hence It is thought Investigations may disclose that some of the ships' ofllcc: j carried their own coffins with them. IAVANZATA TEUT0NICA ARRESTATA SUL PIAVE Gli Italiarii Hanno Respinto Tutti gli Attacchi Nemici sul PAltipiano di Asiago All Christmas packages to soldiers abroad should bo malted by November 15 Thurs day to mako absolutely sure of delivery. Mall for the roldlers will reach them If sent not later than December 5. in explaining plans to bo followed In the sending of packages to thci. soldiers In France, Superintendent of Malls Johnson said today that parcels of tho fourth class to Kurope should not e.xoVcd seven pounds. They must not be registered. Insured or sent C. O. !.. livery parcel must bear the sender's name and address In the upper left hand corner. Seven-pound parcels should bear the name Qf the soldier, the cimpany, his regi ment, followed by tho words "American llxpedltlnnnry Forces." The location or station of the mllltnry organization must not. under nny circumstance, be Included in tnc n Heiress. Chrltmas packages may weigh at high as twenty pounds. Including the weight of the box In which they nre shipped. Those over seven pounds should bear the name of the soldier, the unit, followed by "In care of Commanding General "I'ort of Hmbarkntlnn, ritr 1 "Iloboken, N. J." All parcel post matter must be Inclosed In wooden boxes not more than two cubic feet In volume. No perishable food products may be sent unless Inclosed In cans or Jars The box should be marked "Christmas Mix." As the larger boxes are opened for Govern ment Inspection. It would be well lo have hinges on the lids. Do not put Hed Cross stickers or Christmas stU-kers on these boxes. 111 tfl 111,. hr,.0iil tlrt.A tt... .nr...t.. ..- . f- ,- -- .. '.v mil.- .,ii- l-,fi' tut! vu operating to expedite tho handling of the iniimnso ritristnins shipments abroad. About 1000 bags of mall in packages arc coming to the po-torUce dally. Christmas packages should not be mailed from drug store stations as this causes de lay. Mall them from regular subpostoftlces AZIONI DI ARTIGLIERIA General Miles and the Recruit When (leneral Miles w.m n Porto rtlco as commanding general of the Fnlted States troops, a raw recruit from Tennessee was detailed for duty as orderly The recruit knew absolutely nothing of military etiquette, and on receiving orders to report to the commanding general for duty he snuntered ocr to the tent of that dignitary, where the general was In con ference with several staff ollleers. Knterlng tho tent without the formality of a salute, the Tenneeseean remarked' "Well, Miles, did you want to see me?" Uenernl Miles bristled up "Don't call mo Miles," he began lirllably Then tho hu mor of the situation dawned on him, and he added with a. grim smile: "That's too formal. Call me Nelsc " Then he proceeded to read the recruit a Ieson that he never forgot on tho amen ItleVi of military life Milwaukee Sentinel. IIOMA. 13 Novembrc. I.e. notlzle die glungono dnlla frnnte ill hnttngtla sono senipre plu' confortnntl c dlmostrnno come le truppe Itallnne, In unlone nl contlngentl nllcatl, hanno resls tlto ovunque, nella reglone nordlca, agll at tacchi ilelli forze nustro-tedesche. 1nvanznt.i teutonlca sulla llnra delta I'lave c' stata completamento nrrestala e do' e' statu ufrtcl.ilmente confermato dalle comunlcazlonl del comando supremo gluntc tlnn a lerl sera. Fnderosc azlont delle artlgllerlo pesantl sono tuttora in progresso lungo tutta la nuova fronte. fill Itnllanl occupnuo le opere ill fortlfl cazlono campato sulla spond.t occidental del Hume l'lnvo ed II groso dello forze nustro-tedesche .ha preso 11 posto dclla nvanRunrdla sulla sponda opposta del detto Hume. II corso dell'acqu.i tra le due op poste llnec o' ill quasi mezzo inlgllo ed In nlounl puntl arrlva n quasi un mlgllo. l'ti osservntore tomato lerl dnll.i llnea dl battaglla asslcuru Che II cannoncg glamento e' continue! su tutta la llnea (111 ntistrl.irl fanno uo dl cannonl da cinque Inches e mm ancnr.i sono rluseltl a portare sulla llnea lo artlgllerle pesantl. II nemlco ha rlvolto II sun fuoco contro II campanile dl un vllkigglo sltuato sulla rlv.i occldentnle del flume per prevcnlre che gli nrtlKlleri Itnllanl su no servnno come poto dl o servazlom Ad ognl modo I'artlgllerla Itallana contlnua IncesSantemento II suo fuoco mlcldlale contro le llneo nrmlche. con un conslderevolo numero dl cannonl che con suecesso i' rluscltu a portaru lndlctro dalle vi cch Ii poslzlonl. II fronte dl battaglla h.i due settnrl prill- dp. ill. 11 plu' basso si estendo da Feltn slno nl marc, e quello at nord da Feltre verso le reglonl occldentall II pinte Vldor din e' statu 1'ultlmn traverato dalle rttro guardlo Itnlliine, trovasl n mezz.i strada del liasso settore. Vlclno Feltre la l'lnvo glra nolle lnon tigne, con una vallo ed una strada ferr.it.i sulla sponda occldentnle. In quesla reglone montagnos.i 1 nemlco e" sulla sponda oocl dentale del I'lave e tenta ill avnnzare lungo la valle c l.i strada ferrata .anzbletta. In questo punto gli Itnllanl mm possono trarre vnntiiRKlo del Hume per 1111.1 defes.i, ma occupinn trlncee Milldamente rafforznte. 11 combattlmento ill Asiago e' stato dila rlto como un tcntatlvo del nemlco per ac certarsl della reslstenza delle linen Itall.uie. Intimto l.i neve e' cadllta nbbond,intlsstna nelle reglonl plu' a nord e provide un freddo lnlensIlmo. Fn dlspacclci glunto ad Amsterilam da tlnrlzla annunzla che I'lmperatorn ilugll elmo e' arrlvato domenlca presso la fronte Itnllniia. ove e" stato liuontrato dnU'lnipera tore Carlo d'Austrla e dal Ito Ferdlnando K'lmperatore liuglielmu si c' congralutato ion I'imperatore Carlo per lo scamp.ito perl colo' capltatogll glornl or rono quando si reco' a vlsltare la plccola cltta' dl t'alma nova, presso Ddlne. Durante quesln visits I'imperatore Cnrlo inanco' poeo mm rlmn nesso nnnegato In un torrenle, la dl cul Impctuosa corrento avevn tinvolto 1'nuli. mobllo ovo trovasl I'liuperatiirc con II sua scgultn. Mcco II testn del comunlcntn del genomic Dlnz, pubhllcntc' lerl dat inlnlstcin della KUerrn Itnllano; Durante la glnrnntn ill Itrl nessun nvvcnlmento Importnnto s o' verlllcato sul trntto della f unite d.illo Ktelvlo al I'Astlco, Ncl pomerlggli) dl lerl, suU'Altlplnno dl Asiago contlngentl dl forze nustro tedesche rlnnovarono I'attncco contro le notre llnee che si estindono nel seltoro Onlllo-Monte l,ongara-Uuol.i Hi'l-Monte Meletla. (II attacchi furono pero' comptetn mente resplntl dal vhdento fuoco delle nostre artlgllerlo e da quello del fuclllerl. Ndl'cstreina sezlonp. rtlentrlonate della fronte ill nttacci, ove si verlllc.uono furiosi azionl da parte della fantcrla nemlca, le nostre truppe contrattacca rono p fecero parecchl prlglimleil. Nelle rlmanentl paitl della nostra fronte montngnosa, durante scnntrl ill cotitatto con I'livauguardla avversarla I nostrl rtp.irtl nvanzatl hanno ovunquu reslstlto. Nelle planuro nttravcrso II flume IMave si vcrlllcarono vlvaul azlmil ill fuoeo. J3 AND XKVEIt WOKK GI-ASSFS Mrs. Amelia I'crrcm Dies Sewed Until Hcccntly mid Mnde Otyn Hed Ni:W CASTI.i:, Hi I. .Nov 1:: -Mrs ,lnr. lla lVrrem. vvhnsp nlnety-thiiil birthday an nlveraiy would have been lelehrnteil .tan- uary in next, died vefterdtv at the botne of her daughter, Mrs. Dclane.v Wllhclme Mrs I'errem never wore glasses 1'ntll a few mortths ngo she kpvvpiI and mad her own ied She was born In l!tnkPe!ei'li 1'nglrrtid. ami Is survived bv one daugliier seven grandchildren and one gmit-giand child She had been a inembci of linmnuu el Fplscopal Church hero for half n century. RESTAORflNTl CHANTILLY Your table waits you with it good food, fuperb ervice, fine music. Lunch here dine here come here after the theatre. You can have your menus a la Hoover mmzzmr UOTELADELPHIJ I. ICHESTNviTRT3Tj vv4 ls'i"V PURE FRESH RAINT Ji8eeveAfe m The Secret of good painting lies in the generous use of pure linseed oil. This is the feason Kuehnle painting is quality famous. Ctf our mttlmaU no obligation Kuehnle ,(!; PAINTER .11 XtlK1'IU Sixth Anniversary Week AT THE William H. Wanamaker Store 1217-19 Chestnut Street) OIX years of business in Chestnut Street, twenty-one years in Market Street in all twenty-seven years of continued growth in the high esteem of the men and young men of Phila delphia. That's a record of which we are proud ! We propose to celebrate the occasion this week in a manner that will mean extraordinary value for our customers, and big business for ourselves. This morning we place on sale hundreds of new overcoats regularly worth $25, $27.50, $30 and a few $35 qualities to be sold for $20 TIMS anniversary offering of overcoats will show you JL that the William H. Wanamaker Store has not deviated by so much as a hair's breadth from its all' wool policy, which was inaugurated with the foundation of the business in 1890. It will also show with added force the truth of the oft-repeated assertion that we consistently give our friends the utmost of real worth in fashionable all-wool clothing for every dollar they spend. Most of these overcoats are the new belted ulsters now so much in demand, and we anticipate little less than a furore among men and young men who will pick these coats up at the exceptionally low figure of $20. You cannot match them at the price! ' William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut St. WOMAN PAYS $1J00 FORLD LEAD PENCIL Jsc in ChecklnB Off Church Mortgage Enhances Value of Wood and Graphite MKIHA l'a Niv. 1.1 --One thousand dol lars fur it cimtnon, everyday lead pencil' That's n pretty big sum of mnn?y tn pay fur n small piece of wood through which Is run a thin cixuposltlon. popularly supposed to be graphite The pencil was purchased by Mrs Maria Curtis, of Springfield town ship, In cntuii'i tlon with the inlslng of S.lSnn to clear a mortgage which has been hanging over tho Klrst lliiptist Church of Media for eight venrs. When the Itev. It. T Hope brought the iiuesil'in of raising the money before his congicgatlon several vveiks tigi It met with favor. 'I he amount contributed by each member of the congregation was Jotted down by the clergyman with the pencil, and ho nnuounced that the amount ueces. rary had In en ii-cplved, reniail.lug that there must be a gie.it deal of vvoith In the pencil he held In his hand and that it might bo purchased for 11 Win. lie did not cNpect nnv one would lake him seilousl.v To h:. (itunl.hiiint a1- well as to that of tin whole congregation, Mrs. Curtis' rM' buy the pencil nt that prle. sho paid U000 for It. YeX U 100 per cent of the grain U In Valley Forge old, fashioned Buhr- stone ground . " Whole Wheat Flour and other whole grain foods. $1.00 for trial order of 1 lb bag Whole When! Flour 1 " " ltr ' " 1 " " lliirlivrlirst " I " " Nntnral llrnwn Illce 1 " " t'orn Meal 1 " " (Inlliieol Delivered free within S00 milti. Recipe booklet Rent with order. ' Also millers of CORN 1I.IIIR and IIAItt.KT GREAT VALLEY MILLS '- PAOLI, PA. Send ron 1 Military requirements are rigid; faithful service the key note. 4 That is why Fownes Cape gloves are being worn by officers of the Allied Armies and Navies. Genuine Cape skin resists hard wear; it is smart, manly, comfortable. Fownes Capes arc washable, a worth-while quality every where Army, Navy or Civil life. It-its a ' s 1 V f HI - -! ! -Vs '1 fOWNE that's all you need to know about a GLOVE. You can please all the members of your family this Christ mas by giving to your home that pleasure, culture and touch of refinement which naturally follow the possession of a LESTER HOME GRAND Occupies no more srace than an upright piano and just as easy to buy. The pi ice is reasonable and the terms astonishingly convenient. F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Street Philadelphia lmSffl&SlEISJSI&SJSISISfflBiSlSISS&SSSttlSISB Maxtfson & DeManj) 1 115 Cnestnut Street (Opposite Keith's Theatre) A Remarkable Fur-Buying Opportunity Right at the Threshold of the Season This is the kind of an opportunity that only the manufacturer could possibly of fer. Just at the time when the mere retailer is preparing for his fattest profits. AMI 1K V we announce Furs at End-of-Season Prices As manufacturing furriers, wc purchased enormous quantities of pelts before trie recent acute advances, and made them up during the summer the time of low labor cost in the fur trade. For the past two months we have been offer ing these Furs at a discount to early buyers. This is our annual policy and one of the great advantages our customers gain through buying direct from the mak ers. There now remains from this stock about $20,000 worth of the most beautiful high-grade fur garments, sets and pieces in Philadelphia, which we are now ready to sacrifice, because there are only one, two and threi of a kind, which cannot be replaced. We cannot impress upon you too strongly the remarkable op portunity this represents. Consider the time of the year with all of the fur-wearing season before you. Consider the high character of all Mawson & DcMany products. Consider that selling from "workroom to wearer," these Furs at ORIG INAL prices were marked far lower than any retailer could afford to sell them. Consifler that with .skins advancing daily, these Furs cannot be duplicated next year for less than twice our present prices. We lisl here but a mere few of the many equally attractive values that this sale of broken lots includes. Fur Coats Fur Sets S Tri-nch Seal I'oatB 3 Sablo Marmot foata . . 4 Hutlaon !al Coati . . . Nnturnl MufcWrat ConU 1 Caracul Coal t IluJuon Sfal Coati . ... 1 Leopard Coat 5 lludpon Fal Coata . ... 2 HutUon Pal Coaia . ... ; lludaon Kfal Coats KcKularly . ..DO 00 90.0" Ill 00 95 00 1(5 00 tTS.OO ITS 00 19S 00 . . ,.:3soo . :i6 oo Fur Scarfs 4 Raccoon ficarfa . 4 Hkunlc Scarf 4 lllaclc Wolf fcarfa . ... 3 Ileavcr Hcarfa ; Taupe Wolf Hrarra 5 Kamchatka Wolf ficarfa 2 nr4 Kol Scarfa 1 Natural Lynx Hcarf 1 JWnlan Scarf .. . J Whlti Fox Scnrfi . . . . t Kamchatka Kox Scarfa j nycrt n'ua Foa Rcarf . . S Taupe Knx Fcnrfa 3 Jap Kollnaky Scarfa ... 1 Taupe Ivn Scarf 5 Korean Kollnaky Scarfa t Taupe Fox Scarfa I Hole Scarfa 1 Kamchatka Fox Scarfa , t White Fox Scarfa . . . . t froae Fox Scarfa . . ., 1 Ruaalan Kollnaky Cape . I mtaalan Kollnaky Scarf I Silver Fox Bcurr HeKularly . . 14.00 . .. 15.00 .'.". :5 so . ., s:.6o . .. 5 60 . .. Sf.30 .. :!') , 10 oo . .. 37.60 ... Jt.50 ... S!. SO ... 34.00 . .. 4J SO . .. SS 00 ... s: to ... 45.00 ... cs.oo ... 71.00 . .. cs.nn ..'. evoo 110.00 iv no ,:oo.oo No. 4K..10 (14,311 ; . . 4 (.ti.r.n 4 (11) ..V) 4 I1.VHI J 135.00 IMOft n.i.Od : la.i.oo i 3 Now T 0..1O , 0.50 j 1 1. Ml i lo.sn 1K..10 18.5(1 .r,o S7..VI 10..10 S'S.-IO 3 !.n0 0 sn..in 4 S4.IM) : SI nil 4 4S.B0 S'l.dO 5 34..1II 2 Sft.10 2 A I. .1(1 3 .in no i 4I.K0 3 in.ni i (,V j 123.00 i AuMralian Opouum Stla Skunk teta Hut conn Seta lllack Wolf Seta Taupe Wolf hela Kamchatka Wolf Seta . Jap Croe Fox Seta I'earl llrny Wolf Set Heaver Seta Taupe Wolf Sen lllnck Wolf Set Pointed Wolf Set ., Taupe Fox Seta Knmihatka Fox Seta .... Flahrr Seta Croan Fox Seta lllack Fox Set Scotih Mole and Krmlne llrmlne Pel lienulne Silver Fox Set . Set Ilecularly ... 37.S0 ... :.so . . .. 44. SO ... 49. SO ... 49.SO ... es.oo ... 49.S0 ... 65.50 ... 79.00 . .. 119.00 ... S 00 ...110.00 ...100.00 ...100.00 ...121.00 ...12S.0O ...125.00 .. .145.00 ,. .375.00 ...500.00 Fur Muffs lllack FoX Mllffi , lludaon Seal Muffa Skunk MulTa . Auatrallan Opeaaum Multa , lludaon Seal MulTa , lllack Woir Multa . ....... Skunk MulTa Jap Kollnaky MulTa Kamchatka Wolf MulTa .... I'earl Orey Wolf MulTa Korean Kollnakv Muff lllack I.vnx Muffs Krmlne Muff "Ink Muff Ituaalan Kollnaky Muff Reiularty ... 1C50 ... 20.00 ... 29.00 ... 23.50 ... S.O0 ... 35.00 ... 45.00 ... 39.60 ... 40.00 ... 40.00 ... 5.00 ... 45 00 ... 5.t0 ,,,100 00 ... 3S.M Now Z4.S0 31.60 32.S0 34.SO 34.40 10.30 49.nO 4B..10 40 SO 4fl.no r.a.oo 74.110 H9.R0 C0..10 04.no 04.SO S4.M 03.00 JSJ.00 393.00 rcow M 14.S0 io 1.B0 24.110 ttM W.M 2.iO 34.50 S4JU 4t.M 34.SO 49.10 MM 4.M A Small Denosit Will Reserve, Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Desired Wnrm rmnnlrJ and rtvnojtlij at tha vrv lowitt ariema conittit with CMBWt MWh r.'tiaaVw KaaJm ArrtattJ. PuTearitnr Ammntm Oifalani ''AAmmmmmtdi' l-iSfv. '. MJ 3 . WA 4 a - '. VM t il .1 1 -U.J1 m M iii fl i .;. St"'j a ' m - ht v.a . j . i : -J ;. . '. JVX ..: j-z.m am 1 m M mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mwmwmmmmmmmmwmmmm Vfr ' T.LUvi- -" ?.a s , iii- L. . '& J3i&i, A, .. .