S Hi is Kt i iw l 'Ai l ., u JUST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE p New Century Club Gives jNignL to duuKies mrs. van uusen and Mrs. Robert Brown First Hostesses - 111' ? IwliiiHr J? v p f IfMHtli mM&MmmW&mi$Bgm'$ssmMmMM Ef li &' tpKi$ -.- i i" 'AWbVI I , 4y MILS. DOUGLAS SOUTImLL UKIGIIT Who licfoio her niainae last week was Miss Josephine C. Shippen Fester, daughter of Mi.--. Thomas C. Foster, of -ISO' South Carlisle street. Till; Xevv Century Club N one of tho many Institution that have opened their doois for tho piotectlou and amuse ment of the Miiloib who aie stationed .it Lratrue Island. Tho wonim of the club feel with Chap lain DlrKen f the n IV' u 1 ,lia o boys must have something Interesting to do duilng the houis that thev aio off duty and so hae u.anwil a seiles of en tertainments for Sdnrt.iv eve'ilugs. Kncb reek two of the women net as hooti's-ei and supper Is mm vol to as many salloi.s as can bo pievnl'cd upon to come. During the eenng a shoi t speech Is made The fust epnliig, Niivi'iiiIhm- -1, the speaki r was Fianklln Spencer IM monds, who will leave- hcio eiy shortly to take up Y. M C A. uoik In Piancp, while rulleitoii Waldo on Sunday gae s eiy Inteiestlng and giuphle diseilption of his epeilencis while abio.iii this last summer. UesIUes hcatliu something In iti uctlve. the men aie yi on ,i i .. un e ! hiw a good time among thtni'-ches, and can sing, u.I or wito to their heait's con tent. It is haul to icallo how tenlbly lonely the majoilty of ttic.ni ato. especial ly on Sundays when all places n amuse ment aie closed and, as one poor telluw eald, "There's not even a plnce to wiilo a letter home" IIoweer, the women all oi er Philadelphia have awakened to tho fact that this Is their lesponMblllty, and have set themselves to the task of auang- Ing some definite foim of cntcttalunient. Mrs. Henry D. Jump Is chahiran of the committee In charge of tho suppers. T IW.Ml that -Mr. at Dinkey, who have mil Jlr--. Alva Cljmer ey, who have been llln in the Charlton Yarmill house, at Haveifoid, for tho last two eais, iao taken the house of lieutenant IMgar j:. Howard and Mis, llowaid, at K.idnor. Mis. How atd, who you lemember was Idly New hall, a sister of the alua.s iopular lleck NewJiull, will spend tho winter in Wash ington, while I-Ieutenant Howara lb at Camp Meadje. TT'S quite wonderful down In Augusta theso dajH, they tell me. You don't leallze how many families aio down there with the soldier boys to be. Mary Tilgh nan Is there to bo near Dick and Mis. Tllghman and Gay have also gone down. Christine Stockton has been down stay ing with Jean Bullitt and her father, who are at tho l'atiidge Inn, to be with Dick. Sarah I.liineott Dlddlo Is living down there to be near Nick, and Katharine Hancock Is Usltlng theie, of course, to 18 with Jas, whenever he Is free. Most of the Troopers aio at tho te mount station. Can't ou sec the scions of our F. V. iy ordei lies to some w ho were generally considered lather less so? rV COUKSU, in these stienuous times when eeiy ono and evcrj thing Is turned soit of topsy-turvy, It is lather unfair to udgo people by their actions as heretofore. Engagements are announced as fie nuently now as dinner, "lid ve'ddlngs Just beem to spring up overnight, until ou wonder If there will be any "nice old bachelors" nnd tea drinking, eat patting, single ludles, otherwlso O. Ms., left In tho world. Cut I heaid u cynical member of the foimer band, who has not et sue eumbcd entirely, remark the other day: "There aie u. few of us old fools left, and a lot more that will bo wishing they weio hi our shoes, when these newly-wedi.' supply of love giics out, nnd they'o nothing else, to llvo on. The free and easy life, is the thing theso days!" And to prove it, ho went to tho f ddlng f a Mend u shoit tlmo ago, who was "wrrylng u minister's daughter (In ii diy state) and fearing that the affair "might 'aU flat, according to his Ideas, ho pio ceeded to supply himself and another friend with enough "pep" to last quite through tho evening and perhaps, hang cf tho 'next a. m! Apparently they woro successful, us far 03 quantity was concerned, although 1'vo since heard that it wan becaus they "mixed" them that tho bildebmalds coin Slalncd but that's neither here ngr theie. AH I know is that when tho hilde and ., ..vn nusuunu uusnea oui 10 meir viler )"jmng umouslne, after the reception, our i rorpedufrpm behind; a tree, and 1 .41wSBWm!y . EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA,' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, ! . I ' Suppers Every Sunday landed ei the top, where they rose ami fell, ns one man, with every hump In the t u.id, Tho same Rood luck that initially at tend gentlemen under the lmlucnco of similar stimulants niUHt have been with them, for imp Inn I heard nf them they were seen peering down, from their IiIkIi peich, on tho poor driver, who was frail "cally bcpKltiK them to "romo down be fore a cop came along and pinched the whole liloomtn' outfit car and all!" TTAVK you heaid that Mrs. John Con- verso Is studying art in New York under Sterner, the 'ntnou-, portrait painter1' She. spends the Meek ends at Oiotuynii, her home In ltos,emont, with her little daughter Kur.l.i. Konl.i Btns there, ns she Is attending school this winter, mi New York Is out of the ques tion for her. XAXt'Y VY.Wn. MEETING TODAY IN PRANKFORD Club Composed of High School Graduates Gave Large Party Last Week The rrankford N'cidleuork (iulld will held Its annual merting today in the lecture room of the l-'iee l.i'irarj llie speakers will be Mrs !Hitge A Dunning, a director In tlio rcgl ti.ir cuninilttpo of the National Defense Committee; Mrs, M, Ketehum, of tin- I'mt Itlchmond hotloty and Miss liar mer. of tho Homo .Missions. The Clmcter Chili, eoinpuscd of firmer students of the l'rankfoid High Schoid, graduates of th- olass of IVIiruary, 1915, held a ll.illoueeu patty last week nt the home of .Mr. II Moss, ()f 4fi7r, llauthoine stii-ot. when the glints ptetnt were Miss I'dith IMgo. Miss It Curr.iii, MI--S C Ye.igle, Ml.ss Mil lain Thorp, Miss Ili-lcn ll.mbert, Mr. .1 (innd.ill .MIm C Molntjre, Miss i:ilz. nbftli Halm, Mls.s M lus, Mr. Vernon Mc s, Mr Itiiyinwtiil Ilepliurn, Mr IJIchard Io err, Mr Taul Aspen, Mr -W.M Moore, Mr Janus Ua lain, .Mr Hjinen Uuliln, Mr IMunrd Ithodcs, Mr. itk'haid Towers and Mr Clraid Holmes. Mr and Mis John SmaiUr, nf K.:8 Cnlty street, announce the engagement nf their daughter Miss Ki times .Smaller, nnd Mr, S. M mill Kreal, who lecently left for Catuii Mtade. Mls.s Anna Itooney anil Miss Florence Jiysh will hold a masquerade daneo on Widnesdiy eienlng. November SI, jt f-theldluiccht's Academy for the benefit cr the suldlets and Nallois' tobacco fund. NORMAL SCHOOL KEI) CKOSS Alumnae Association Gave Entertain ment on Friday Evening Soldiers to He Guests The members of the-Alumnae Association of the Philadelphia (Jlrls' Normal School g.iu an Interesting enteitalniiienl on Ktl day evening In tho school building, Thir teenth and Spring (Jarden streets, In-aid of the lied Cioss Society The program was m charge of .Miss Amy Walls and Included Scotch and Welsh dances In costume, eight young women taking part in each ; songs by Miss Irini (Jrassmutli and stories by Miss Adair. Ninety Io1I.uk for the ited Cross nnd an evening of pleasure for tho audience was tho result of the entertainment. Next Saturday evening 300 soldiers from WriKhtstovvn, N. J, will be entertained by tho senior class of tho Normal School. Theie will be prett) gills galore, recitations, music and plenty of good things to eat. not withstanding the sugar famine Miss Maty I'eacock is chairman of the reception com mittee and Miss Amy Walls will have ilmrgo of tho unusually attractive program that has bten arranged for the army guests. lie; She cert She is A pwfiwCTp fc,i V?, t.V NEW ENGLAND DINNER ON FRIDAY Wenonah, N. J., Rod Cross Gave Sale to Raise Funds for Soldiers' Christmas The women of tho Wenonih l'resbytetlan Church gave a New nngland dinner on I rlday evening, which was Intgely nttended by the community and many l?ltors. The committee In charge reports that a goodly sum was cleared to help carry on the work for tho year Mr. Thomas Westerflcld, who Is doing such Fpletulld work among the soldiers at Wrlglitstmvn. has been spending a few dayH with Wenonah fi' mhIk Surely Mr. Wester field deserves mui praise, for he has relin quished bis splendid law practice In New York, nmoyt Interesting family and a beau tiful homo In Montclalr to answer the call In this most praiseworthy manner Mr. and Mrs. Harry llucrnscy Peddle, of Mantua avenue, entertained n few friends at cards on Friday evening, among whom were tho following Dr and Mrs Hiirty Stout. Mr and Mis Ira llurdsall Mr and Mix Charles llerttv, Mr and Mrs Frank llurdsiir nml Mrs Ward Heritage. Ml.ss lr,eno Van Meter, who Is u student nt St Mary's Hall, Ilurllngton, N. J , spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Van Meter. Mr. anil Mrs lMuard Lincoln 1'arr enter tained nt dinner on l'rlda evening. Sergeant Meado Lorence, from Camp I'll Is spending n Bhort furlough at his homo on Princeton avenue. The "-ergennt nroii'-ed considerable enthusiasm among his audi ence on Sunday evening by an address glun Ii the lnteiest of the gteat Y. M C A. movement Mrs. Thomas S.vnnott Is entertaining her sister. Mrs. DIIUs, who arrived here 5cs terdny from her home In San Francisco. Tho local brunch of the lied Cross gave a unique sale in lis building on Marlon nvemio esterday. 1'resli fiults nnd vege tables. Jollies nnd preserves, candles and pastr, as well as fanej unities of all kinds, wero sold The affilr was given to rnUu funds for Christmas stockings for "Our llo.vs," and a splendid sum was realized1. Miss Allro Farr. who was graduated In Juno last from Si Marj's Hall, has ac tepted a position on the laculty of that In stitution. Social Activities Mrs Arthur llruck, of 2101 Spruce street, and her daughter, Ml Hllzalietli Norils lliork, left f r Arizona jesterdny and i pci t to he away for six months. Mis. Kmr.v D Vnndersllee Is spending a fuitulght la Augusta with her husband, who is a number or the Flist Pennsylvania Cavalry, Troop A, stationed at Camp Han cock. Miss? Hle.innr llioik. daughter of Mrs J Spencer llruck, of ltjdal, will return this week after spending a f i w days In Wash ington. Mr. James Dew elf l'errv, 2d, son of Mr nnd Mrs 1 (chert S l'errv. of New York has locelved bis commission as llrst lieu tenant in the mlntlou corps, and Is at piitj elit stationed at Fort Sill, fjkl.i J.leuti limit l'eny wan formerly of Oerniantown Mrs. Ilohert S Perry, who has been spending ii few days with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs Ward T l'eiry of 137 West Drlnghum street, tiir miiiittiwn, returned tu Sunda to her home. 191 Itlverside drive. New York, Lieutenant Alexander 1'aul Hrowu. I S M. C, inn of Mr and Mrs William Flnley Drown, of Chestnut Hill, will give a din ner this evening at the, Philadelphia Cricket Club, at St. Martins, for the ushers nt his vvfdillng to Mls Mary Ilonncr Daniel which will take place tomorrow Those piogent will be Captain Peter l.nttuiiu Cmiiiatight Unngers, Lieutenant Carl Skidmoie, First Canadian Uattnllon; Lieutenant William Flnley Hi own, Jr. V S M C ; Lieutenant Henry Heebner, I S. Jt. C, .Mr Donald Downs nnd Jlr. Charles Jl. Wllllts. On Friday evening. Jlr. and .Mrs William Flnley llrown will glo a large reception at their home, 221 .Summit avenue, Chest nut Hill, in honor of Lieutenant Hrowu and his bride. The second monthly meeting of the Fic ulty Tea Club of the Fnlvcrslty of Penn svlvanln will be held this afternoon nt 3 o'clock In Sergeant llnll. Jlrs Hdwln Crlce will be the speaker Jlrs W (1 llrown and JIlss IMIth H llrown, of OOtB Overbrook avenue, aie at the Hotel St. Charles. Atlantic City. Jtr. nnd Jlrs Sherman C. ftoetllck. of 124 North Fiftieth street, entertained nt rards last Thursday evening Their guests were Jlr. and Jtrs. Daniel Webster. Jlr and .Mrs James It llennle. JIi nnd J!n Hairy Mntlack, Jlrs JIargarit Jturrow, Jlrs. Laura Hughes. Jlr C JI. Wagnei and Jlr. K.i mond Tozler A week-end pailj was glvn on Suud-iv ivenlng nt the homo of Jlr Louis Foster, of South Philadelphia, The house was taste fully decorated with autumn coloilngs Among those present were Jlr. and Jlrx 1. Foster, JIlss Bee Honlguian, Dr. and Mrs Jlartln Flnkle. JIlss Hose Seldinaii, Jlr. I". Seltz. JIlss Frances Flsenberg, Jlr Nathan Wal'ack, JIlss Jeanctto Honlgman, Jlr. Mnrtln fjreen. JIlss Sarah Seltz, Jlr Jlaxwell Hadhill. JIlss Anna Seltz, Jlr Herman T.i.vlor JIlss Heb.i Freed, J1I-.S Toby Fine. Jlr Harry Feldman, JIlss Jlaij Foster, Jlr. Frank Herg and Jlr. Jack llarron Jlrs. Illanche I Hazleburst, of the West Locust Apartments, announces the engage ment of her niece JIlss Coruill.i I'en uu Jllller. and Kiisign Albert Jl Odgvs, Jr. IT. S. N. Knslgn Odgers, who Is a giaduite of the University nf Pennsylvania, is now In active servlco nt Norfolk, Vh MIND READERS . t COPJTICL -it Tubll fbutfhe'a very well off I ,.a ,.j, nwi vitt r iiUtwaw kc'a'Kftaid .1,-fliLf Jhink i,WiV WEDDING IN nOXOOHOUGH Miss Jessie Frnmo Married to Mr. Rich ard Wnhl, of Brookllne, Pa. Among the inteiestlng weddings of No vember was that of Dr Jessie (Iray Frame, laughter of Dr. Christian A. Frame, of 6932 Hldge avenue, ltoxboiough. and Jlr. lllch nrd A Wuhl, of tlrookllne, Fa, which took place on Saturday at noon nt the home of the bride's father. The ceremony was per formed by tho Hev. William sjndeison, of the Fbenezer Methodist IJ s-op.il Church. The bride wore her traveling su t of tan cloth, will, hlack vilvet H..I She was giVell 111 lll.irilm.-., I.v l.pr f.,ll,ne .t wnU "" - - unaiieiuicd Following the service I hero was a breakfast for the two families. Jlr Wahl nnd bis bride left for Florida nnd will remain South several weeks I'pou their return they will pns the winter In Hrook line, and will be nt home In Pittsburgh in the spring. Tho bride, who Is widely known in Koxbotough, is a graduate of the Clrls Normal School and of the Women's Jtidlont colli ge of this ilt.v. nnd has bien profes sor of h)glcne ami phjsiologv at the South riillacblph n High School for (Jills shun the npuiliig nt that Institution. UlJSHN ItlCllTi:! nis nrldo left on an eMeuded tilp and will be nt homo after Deicmbi.r IT. at lilti W joining avenue. 1'Vi: -HAULS In the tirescnie of reLitit-u ,..,a fri.,.i Miss Laura i:. Dahls. d uinhter of Mr nnd .'irs j; J. ljnl!s. of lint UliMr.l . s .... --.- became the hi de i.r Mi .lame. II I've, of lji South F.fi.lghth street, at the home of tin brhle's p.iuiits, at T o'elocl. list Jlonda) evening The i-(remoii.v was pufoiiiied bv Itlshop John !. wIImmi, ami the bride who was given In iii.iul.igu by hei f.ulur. was at tindid bj her sister, Mrs William Jl Mo Kee. as matron of honor Mr- David I've broth, i uf the In lib gioom, vvoh b. st man After their wedding trip Jlr and Jtrs I'ye will live at the Satteilie. '.'oitv -slth nn.I Chestnut stiiets .Mr P.ve Is i ngaged In the insurance business. wi:t.i:i,--ciiiliw The wedding of JHss .Mjitle H. Child-, of ll.iltlmoie. .Mil. ami Jlr John C Vet?tl of ."..'J J Chestir avenue, look place on h'rl dav .November J nt the home of the llev J II Mnmd IS 1 7 p.irli avenue lt.iltlinoio who performed the erem m Mis lnlil whu wine hei ti iveluig miii ,.f Mtl, velvet -f MISS LY NOKE McNULTY Dnucfhtci' of .Mr. and Mrs. Georjco McNulty, of ri.'il'.l Angora Teirnce, West Pliilatlelphin. Miss Mi Nulty'.s piiKiiftt'inent to Dr. Carlos Campos, s-oii of Senator Carlos le Ciiui'ias, of ISinzi, was to have been tmiiounceil tills month, hut news recently 1ms been rceeiveil of Doctor Campos'.s ile.ith on Septem ber 11. No was the trrundson of the ex-l'iesidpiit of Iira7il, anil was irrailuated from tlie Ilalino niaun Hospital tho latter part of last May. ti limned with silver fo fin and a hat to m.itih, was attended by .Miss Jlai l.ce as maid of honor. The In. si man was Jit Flunk bklidau. The wedding was fiillovwel bv n t'ecep. tlon at tho New Wlllanl H itt-l. atfende'il bv the families and a fen Irleinls. .Mr. and Mis, Wit.il an- ciianllug theiihoue,v moon at Virginia Hot Spi egs. and Jlr. Wetzel -pnts seion to lejoln fls legl meiit ahlnif Company, IltprlnUd by special Krraltilon I hlw f ter. piy m?ney. v . A J da;,j;rnnd jiVr,;:!;;, !! ! r S r-'-'-F-"1- & f -s.111 ovford s r",t to M iv ,1 l!,s,,i' l'r hr,'.',, ""rlv rh'' '-',",s", "'" Mill 1 s ' ENTERTAINMENTS OF VARIOUS KINDS, Card Party at Philomusinn Cluji Tomorrow Evening to Raise Tobacco Fund muslan Club tomorrow evening by a com- rn ..C0 . " . We" . ,hltadI,hla wonun to raise a tobacco fima . i. ... .. 103d. 108th and looth Infantry formerly ,'I JjMJ" Hlment. under Colonel Thomas ,,' ",' ,,' "!",' .;""tlon" "" orders for -., . " .,V 1I1VII Ul IIIQ I Mru VIIH- i, ?."" 0l . following ,, ' ' " v-ross, l,,..vI,r,.,.. :..". -"'riimn, ins , :., "" 7"-. .irs. justph j 'llinilan I Klngscourt Apartments; !. a A ChrU- in, im. ninui i treet MrM If r.i., ham, a South rnrty-rtxlh "reSt ""mm .Mrs I J Horui'e. 41i: sr ... '.TV Jlri Cl,rter,1.. l,- .""" """'"' street. Mrs J N Drown. 513 WeV'na, ' street. Cermnntnvvn. Mrs, W, H Stewart S.'Sfi Spiuce street. .Mrs. J. N. xelii aX North Forty-second treet ' I .Miss Cniiim Hills Du Jlols. dauuhttr nf .Mr. and Mrs Daniel J Du Hols, ,,f in Wtit : ' " -orin 'in r ini i uiK.in in no, i.rrm.iiHown whom marriage t .Mr Albert August Fggcrt. of Csmoen K JIlss Jlarlnn Maxwell Jlaiiahan. chloi ,'eonian nt the navy yard, celebrated btr cwent)-llrst lilrthday at her home. t82(i South Twenl.v-fouith stieet, on Saturday "ght. The party was honored by the ores- ' en.t' "f arr'int Machinist Paul It Luvaii, , 11 llfi fnimti Ii a. .... . who ri-i-pritiv tettimed from Frnnee. anil several other friends who am pervlnu telr lountry Mls Hrioa Clovvpr, of iioi4 Jer street, entei tallied the Iph l Clu'i-i' the I'hl Delta I'sl Sororltv nt luis he I i r home on Saturday 'I he follow u ifl e'f lit u ..tlj- Helen ivr.s were elected. Piesldcnt, JIis c naiiiam , secretary . JIlss Jtlldreel e m..J. tleniiurer, Jtl-s i:sn (Jross The Alnhi and lleta ihapters gave n in isipie dam a tbo Wjnnclleld Country Club last evening BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR DAUGHTER Young lien's Aid Society of V....M I Til '1 I , . .-.. J iwi muast rnnaaeipnia unurc to Give Show blrthdii party was given on SutiiIhv evening bv Jlrs J lloldburgh for her il.iughlir, Jllsh Frances C (InlilhttrKh at their home. 1710 Noith Seventh slrcel Wie giii"-ts lire sent vvele JIliw llettv P. acU mtr JIlss Vila Se'ger JIlss Hlaln Selgvr. Miss Iteba Keller, JINs F.llrnbeth i: Oold- burgh Jll-es Smah X. inn In JIlss Oils IVit ler. .Miss Jean lioodmaii, JIlss Itiv V.i Iss It IV Y.3 ll i'nnulr Dciiiinn. tlm SiliB.ir Miss Hose Jtellson JIHs F JIlss Lillian Jlettli, JIlss Miss Diana Sallilar. JIs S ira (Ireenbtrg . Miss l.vcljn Pine, .Mi Louis Silldar JI Louis Abiah.ims, Jlr Samuel Cohen Mr Jlutlu iltutisti 1" .Mr Hairy) C, ihuriih. Mi DeiiJ.imln Coldburgh, Jlr M ' ixnn Mi David Hlg.u.l, Jlr Ahrah ml JI F.dwaiel ll.iratz and Mr Ln lo The Young Jim's Aid sum i ) Si .Michaels Lutheran Chinch T e Jon uvt nui' and 'umbel land stri1 null give a miiistii'l show on Tliursil.iv Decenlber IS WHAT'S 6lMG TONIGHT vY58v Jtn rlSnefel o a wZiTJ rr?" s T.e-arVie merting. Ileiyn' Central High S'hool Inee "llliill slnill Neit I'aH'e,' lerture bv IvHjb icine llurl.e iiuthnrefs h J ejewltnc.es of i eriluii b.itin Vi.nlenu if Jlusic Free l.rrtlirr li Ill-leu! Mllllull A. )uu.vlr. iprlng inle i S'i 'I Me-vlio list Kpise-opal Church Illlbt-Kiivllie nieelllli;, t'ollrge of i'tj slclar I-ue lllnnrr eif vltinufiK tiireri.' AsMoilatluu eif We t I'hll.nlelKh ' Jt.inufactuturs Club. I.rrtitrr em "Mr," Dav lei . llarn. lUll iir lii'titute Seventeenth street anil Jlout , ,iin rv .ivcr.ih Free J, ilnt iMielln,- uf Niitbinitl rliilrniuieutli ul s,. ie smii itlo-i nnd l'lilladelphla bninch ,, Vn er ii l'liarmiiit'iitlial Assovlrtion 1 hii.elo'piii e College of Chill li'di-y lnilslrlrel leetiire, "The llattle Uriels eif I i, i neu. ' b I. lent' unlit I "It- .ii II Krnuse la iilsh Flying Coips Si JlatthH.ss Chureli ,eiii,h bolide, .Nlneteeatli and Wallace .-tieets Flei Crtlnp I'lre l.llnrilhilis' XsneirlutleMi te. meet. 101M Chestnut street Vlre-tlng uf Itrliniilit liniiriivrinriil AHseie I- tlon. 3U4M lilnird avenue Free. Vlrrllngs eet CiihnrkhlnU Itiislnri. Men I lid Taxpieis Association, Sixth anil Dia mond t-tlietj. Flee Meeting of rrniil.feiril lluielnrin Men' As sotilittion, Jlarshall School. Free VlelheiilUt LpUcoiill Mlsslein ( einfrrrlie r, Wesley Hall Seventei nth and Arch sticcls Free. , I wen,,v -tlilrel annual lieillnrt. Kinvrtitbin, M lie-oige-'s Jlethoelwt Kpiscopal Ciurih. l''ourth stieet below Vine File. I.rttnrr, ''.MUnlein 1'lu.v of Callfeiriibi,"' b .Mis Cce.igc Dalus Dion, 1'. It It brunch of V. Jl ' Free I'll) all bins' Meileir Club full entertain, ineiit. Ilitlelihoiise ii o'clock Free to nielli beis . 2 U others ( hlropnel) snileli eif Priinojiiiinbi, I'lirU vvav Hinldlng Fiee B. F. Keith's Theatre i iiusTNi-r & Twr.i.nH HiiiHirrs Grand Anniversary Bill of Applause Hits! ADELAIDE & HUGHES uiMrtu lteprntentat!e Damcin WHITING & BURT lulmlluli'c ' l-'onpMuylnKs. ' FOX & WARD I'ceelirnitng 1 heir liolden Aniilverun WM.TKIt IIROWKII, Kt'TUHIhTIC iiei-i:: CItKATlON. I.UW .MAtm:.V CO. MAII1K riTaiiuiio.N". Tin: MiTi.uoii.Nh. MAGNIFICENT FLORAL DISPLAY IN THE CRYSTAL LOBBY "Al"IH"H 1' lirAMIINHS" ui!ssi:i.i. li )-i.n'vvi:i.i. l-slrhlll Mrtbtiillut Kplarniial Chur h KIF1II AM' l" '" lUFIIl.tt HTIIKCTH HATt'lSI'VV NOV 17. HllS IV II. TltllrlM L"i crills. CASINO Walnut & fth Sl LITTLE TIIKATIIK ITthA Dr liimw Pheme. I.CK- llllll Mthraian Hal Piano I Recital by I Tlckrtu 1.50, JIATIXHH TOOAY Some Show with EDMOND HAYES l.AHr 7 TI11KH Margaret ANQLIN in "Lonely Soldiers" , Thurr, Aft.- Nov. IS, at .1:00. Yolanda Mero $l,75o and f,0o at Hrppa'a. i ' A VTt'.TV MILO anl in .-. - T THE INNOCENT MAIDS - - i- r -1 Trocadero J$&&Ki . Ora EnW rULi 1 u a tmitja. 1 flffij SSrTX i llnnir nml Sehuol ffr L9i7 - V i LAtlGE DANCE Younger Set Entertained V t , masquerade Tomorrow Evening in St. Timothy's Parish House . PltOJIINKNT among the social eventti at Thanksgiving tlmo In ltonborough will be tho dance given for JIlss Cnthnrlnc Cor by her parents, Jlr. and Jits. Charles C Cox, at their home, 155 Lyceum nvemio Jtr. nnd Jtis, Co will he nsslnted In re celv Ing by thcli daughter nnd Miss Naomi Wilkinson, whose engagement to their son. Mr. Alvln Cor vvns announced last winter The latter Is nt present 'n mil tary duty lit !raj s Fcrij load The guests will In clude JIlss Isabel Foulkrod, JIlss Frame Fernlej Miss Hllznbeth Wills Jlenike JIlss Hllrnbeth Liltlewood. JIlss Jlnrgarct Staf ford. .Miss Joseph ne Fernley .Miss Jlary IVinle) Miss Katharine Kolb .Miss Kntluv rlne Hubbs, JIlss Lenore FI her JIlss Muriel Wood JIlss Khahetb Foulkiod JIlss llo'en Ha), Jilts Dor tb Keelj Jlli! Isabel Fussed, JIlss Flora Vine. JIlss llarliu.i Shoemaker Mlsc f ! rtmde Itusfell Jl ss Flizabeth Hvalis JIlss (il idys JleCow-en Jlr Samuel Kleel .Mr Thomas Uolstrn holme .M- Wllni, r Tavlor .Ii .Ml Pere Tntnnll. Jlr llransou Fdtimnils Jlr Han Liinilenbergpi .Mr Fiederlel, Sloeniil.er Jlr Warn n Shoein il.ei Mr lleii Ander son Jlr Alviti Cox Jlr Walter Ketehum QsfitiS aaiissBssaja K BflBMWBffjJiK'X wfi jH&fiPi. IVnr? flBrfrTUr JmM mi r8rFnLaHaaaQalTjar F M JaflaBBHaBk iJJ I 'SYSSftj.. "'a i - . Jr7 yxt rrtmr w i. .'IB .Vn., s v..LbII DKAY'ION Who before hei inurrniKc o" Kruluy of Mr nrd Mrs. Ilcnjamin Jlr William Uhv -Mr J 1m . i (I Id. Jli William Schotle.rfL JIi Horace Kern, Jlr Ilnviiiinel Siilfiiiot'. Jli I n KMiwiiitliy. .Mr Seville sChoIb l .Mr Wallace Sel ollelel .Mr John Van Silver Jlu Il'i'aml llalg. Jlr Veil-in Va g nil .Mr Hubert Vahn The niimbers of e'ias 13 of .tl Tim tliy'w Fioii riit Itp siMpal Sundav i e'lool w II give ..masiiueiiide entertainment tomoiriw nlr i in the pirls.i house o'i Ithlge nver.ie umiii- o el llg'iti'ul ent": inlninints .i ' Ivia li t week for llorboioigi .vouiis i i the i mv- a'. d nn"vy who li.nl bieu 1 f iii i ighs for a visit home Jlr. a. in Mr Josciihiii Ycakle T.iv lor gave a ni.i kriuir.ieli piuty at thcli home oa the Siiiiui- HITe un Saturday evening for Jli T.iy'o.' Iiioth-r Mrs Tliiimnr Wng-ier, of llie Cnlt'il State i m ii (tie iorp' There were thjr.j ;;ae-ts ("u.v n-itliemiims and oak leave i were used In the deioratlo'is Another Interesting elite rtalninent w.i the reitptloi givin in honor of Coipoml Join Maiming, nl o of the marine eoips. bv Jli and Jlr lalwntd W "iteiehirt at their horn mi Jlo. a-li'iy ave-iue ("o'punl JI.imiii' served e.ght months on the .Mexican lend i with the Xntlei'in! lu.ird anil wni n m-dal for tn.ii ksniuu hip Alter war was ib la.nl he iiiietcil to be tinni'fe rieil to the man i imp He. Is sintto ed nt ''nrie I hi d ail r tinned to hcadiiuarlcrs there at the com pletion of his twentj day i lulling i- lVcry Jlo'iday evening during the mo-ii'i. under tho ieu,4.cc uf.ihe JIcii'u Dlblo l-'.'aei of iho Wleinhlekin Jlcthoill it lp' icopil Church there will Im a hem lit i tteitain nient in the Jeffries' KoMviruiigli " untie Ii ail of t ir turn', to pioviib coiii.nrl.' lo. t'i soldleni at the flint The Ited Cie- i rioup eif ton liiace ue. foinird Cuiri 'i line nrrnngrd for a knlttln,. sft'on The meetings will be held on J!c". dav evening" nt the lionia of JIi 'I o. iiet-zei 5'Ji; llld-ii' ave-iue 'the settlo'i sewing o.i ho p tin eminent, meets every Thur'el.iy nften oon at tho home of Jli s Hubert Lo Fort, on Hermit's lane A chlldie'i's in'isleal e'liele has been or g.iuizcil ill tills Miburh to give liifiuni.il in is. kales everv two v el s at the hoine of tin nienil ei i ! "' ' It -l"lirl Jinn iisluj avenue prethlent of Cie e're'e. w.i the 111 I hi - p o .,i a I i luo, I Violin o o a id el i t I y MelrM Cl e 1 'l n lei M. " .V" -' l.l Me-, v i'i i i ii i e,n nnliict't by Mis Ue"Vit pair nt'e o ig and e-lmrusib uthci nienibi- Iii'l'idc J'i Jlarlo 1'ieirt, Jli is Sophe ICIo'. JJIi ICathailne Kern, Jlle !llldied 'rhoiu:i, .MIs-Iri'iu- Ilomlilei'. Jllsi M.uj K anlo i. Jis.i Anna Kane, JIlss D.nothv Diiikln nnd MUs Jlary ii'llarn Tim Annv nnd N.ew Ij-ajue of St. John's Human Catholic Churc'i give j can FfiTiPLRsIT I.IMITIUi I'NilAill.MI'.NT i W"HLW1 1;(rh H ,. M(l .rnirn. I Hi: lil.OltlOfS llUl-hTVIt Tlllrjll'll .1ULIA SANDERSON JOSEPH . CAWTHORN in Th ir tJrMiUvt Xliiiti n Cmfl fn ten RAMBLER ROSE PelHITIVlII.V .Nil AIiVVM I. elV 'ICIH'lutll KnIlItK.ST IHIiVTIli: PUircx .si nis fur Tlinnkaitlv Inx n Kelt Tliurtnla BROAD II Last 5 Evjjs. '" ''.l. HKNin MH I.Kit I'r nt RUTH CHATTERT0N in "COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN" Willi Ultt ri: VleltAi; and orUln.il Cu.t ni:t vvi;ui; si:vrs imimuvv Kl.AW I.I.I..V.NUMI anil ili.uiiili: c 'IV1.l-.lt ITiMiut h Neiv loin ely llv l.nrr Kninie bhiI VV'altrr e" P.rrltHl AMONG THOSE PRESENT With SHELLEY HULL Stat fur ThnnhHifutn n ishc ThurMjiv GARRICK-N0W -iiou THE BOOMERANG Srieta fur 'Ihi.iiKuKivlmi e,n Sulr TliurJ5. STR A TD '"" v" " Vr"' ,,J"" 1: 'frirna'tl X lVrXll- i-,,, Vo, i.HtlB vhmvin.. GERALDINE FARRAR In "Tlir: WOMAN l)I lllKllOT'" LOCUST ',-l, AXft Mx-Tsr" TODAT ami TOMOltltOW "' Se&sue Hayaknwn ln '"""""THi'-Visr' NIXON --j & I M"ll Prrt llr- fln-'ov Hoi'ln .,'l l-o P-ri- - lV'tHll " "in' rirru I -le .e lll'S-IV K.V'IN'I'VI "THK sIMTM.C-r l'IMi'KHNni." Metronolitnn Opera House MotronolUnn Opura Co.. N. Y. Tues. Evg., Nov. 20 0"yr' mmvi StjU'ss: a td a A,""i." !Won"- ,,K1'lrJI;, jr.XUJr .Auellalo. M ."erllnrl't. ' .,,,! Hiata T..niorrne, iti'd rilKHT.V'T Br JVAUVKT 41 IlAl"ll 07, ACADKMT. WPD KVK., NOV. II AT H.U DUGMORE Ztftefotf .Vfe-g; . . ... Infanlrr." In iv oldltr a atorv of tr wr. Illuatralrd by official UrUUh inctlgq plrtrra rntltlrd r rlGHTJlNG IT OUT 1 jr . -w &"u?" "'W. utjmA "FIGHTING IT OUT" ;ct i T .. ' r VV' J IN ROXB6r6U&W19 i 1 m at Thanksgiving: Time&'P iHaaalaaBkr'il iflaH '&'' sA 'H' eaora-Cmttr ' . flfj was Mis3 Churlct.e Hush, of 21ui! Pins Ruth, daughter street. Mity fo low ng bv dancing, on Friday ev ling li C-- iiv'i h i.l In nld of the fund for p rch i 1 1,4 j. arn for the knitted gars nients they a e pielirrlng for the men In the sirvlci The co'iiinltteo having th iffalr In chntge Includdl JIlss Ilclla Mci Devltt JIlsi Jpirle (iallagher JIlss JUrlt llv.i'i. JIlss Citharlne Conway. Jtlsa There a Ijioglcy, JIs Adelaide JicKlr!y mil Jl'.se H.i'iis'i C-o-m-j A'l erperlenceij knltpus nr Invited to loin the lengue. Th meetings me oeld on Tuesday and Thura- e'.'v evenings V ,n is ;uer 1 1 i partv will be given on 1 Tliu- d iv peering at the home of Jtr. and Mrs W Flmk Mil Hast Dupont street, in i I er the building fund of the Jtoyer M m irl.il llnn'lit Cmirch. on Jlnnayunk nve. in of wlic'i the Kev 1 JI. Jloyer if 1 a dor Alt reside- ts of Wlssahlckon having ft member of the fam'lv serving In the army or law are irrpiested to send the name nnd addre-M ti i-iy of the following vv-clfar ' nun tte- .Mr c, Alfred Dletrlck, lit tislmine street: Jlr J C Itoip. ASJ Itlchte street. .Mr Aithur Tnvloi. 4328 I'cchln htreet. and Jlr W T Dttlnger If T Hermit lane I'nmn 5o I'-itrlottc Order of the Pona ot merlci. has created a war hoard- with .Mr. William Johnson as chairman, to snd niftfsi.irv cunforts to the men of the camp who iro In active service. Jits v.. Jlontgoinery Clhson will enter lain tho numbers of her sewing ..club oa Thursilav afternoon nt the Jtanse",' lilr Itldye avenue, Fppcr Iloxborough. MB 11:1.1 A M. tn 11 ilS V M. Arter.ift P rinrra ierpeirntl -n Prrs nt MARYPICKFORD I.N INITIAL HIIOW'V" C1I' "tub little princess" AeMrd Attrsetlon riirt I'rrtntallein "UM'li THE STAU3 AND STRIPES IN FH rCE" PALACE un m.h i:r stiieut to A .m. t H:ii I. It Mrs. Vernon Castle with vntovio Monr.xo ik ' "THE MARK OF CAIN" MAIIKGT srilKET ffl V AlioVB ARCADIA III.'HTNfT TII'.IIW 1'ITII w , in 1.1 A M IV S. n:l,1 ft.4.1. 7 :. DlSO I. U. JULIAN ELTINGE .', IN KIH.sT FIIOWI.N'll OK "THE CLEVER MRS. CARFAX'' i A IHMininunt ricturr. "DTTrlT?"M'P iiAKur uT:i.ow itTii KitUiLlN 1 t.QNE HOUR" II) i:ilnor Oljn. Author nf "Thrrr Vtln" VIVjlUrilA vv'il. 1X)X Prit "A Daughter of the Gods" l' attiring ANNHTTB ICHl.LKIIMANN x- l-'N'i-ai ,, A v D i: v t l l m ronllnuueji; 11 A, M. to II 1', II. "A Regular Army Man" HYMAN ADLER & CO. BHI.NOH IIIANMNI AND OTHMia CROSS KEYS nv&.N.y?0. "Sidewalk Cabaret" wn.VN.,,I,KI!!0E Tlnfoli TTr.rou!tf Wllkrn-Il,irr'a ACKE1I MIIMeiPMlrr-for-a.Day BROADWAY "ro"' f!n,,, Aw- ly",fli U.i'ly. Vll.li Ei (IKS 1, Wllllum Tnr'it 2Jtiiin'lit rpittaeU "JACK BEANSTALK" iiKTTiNO nnrrvs" ami OTiu:ns A DELPHI Evimv NianT-I ' ARTHUIl 1IOPKINM OlVrriT0""" GOOD! CLAI,Sft8BSJ?,iKa rM nr A -.T-VTTIM I I ' ,.' jrlAUIUUoi: Jlay v.ua Jl AN N ABELLE ! !! ufiSSR, ? Annalll umJjiufiifU:MulJ,'.-l,lr. 4 ' T VDin KVK.Nl.NnH AT R.U . " ,V . ' LAST 2 WEEKS LiA nir miiov l'11-lllvf Munirul Huccr'i Victor Herbert's Masterpiece EILEEN. Has rt all I'hilndrlphta. ublaM with iMIfML ri ot 511 Hmiphony Orrhratre HI11V r 1 in n run Mirt: -Mr, 'lc-lor II rlr' "III m Temorrtev- t.vrnla lomluel orrlieatra Tomnrrtevv t.vrnln. . 'y , fc ah. t ic-ior 11 riirrc win wnaiuii v SPECIAL MATINEE THURSDAY, NOV. 15, AT4 R JJ, 'i AT TUB v '- 'WVi A w FORREST THEA1 r Y, M.X.. . V j. 138 tft A - Jm St ' A r-m .fu n V&u i .-.! fH v3 r:m itta