Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1917, Postcript Editon, Image 1

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PAGES 20, 21. 22
171' iLV
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VOL. IV.-NO. 52
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I premiers Forces Fight Way Into Russian
Capital After Defeating Revolutionists
at Gatchina Sanguinary Battles
Behind Street Barricades
Nevsky Prospekt Again Scene of Desperate Encounters.
Trdtsky-Lenine Leaders Ask for Trms, but Uncon
ditional Surrender Is Demanded Heavy '
Casualties in Moscow.
LONDON, Nov. 13.
A cablegram from Stockholm today staled that announcement has been
Hide by the Kerensky Government that 'the Holsheviki uprising in Russia has
bttn put down.
"Premier Kcrcnsky's troops have entered Petrogruel and are masters
of a portion of the city," according to a telegraph ngency dispatch receive'd
here today.
This is the first word indicating that the fighting known to have been in
progress for the last forty-eight hours around the capital has actually reached
the city itself.
The dispatch asserted that Kerensky's forces now controlled the historic
Nevsky Prospekt. The Bolshevik! were reported by the telegraph agency to
bt fleeing to the Smolyn Institute, their governmental headquarters, for refuge
The provisional Government's loyal forces deployed down the Nevsky
Prospekt and swept through other thoroughfares. According to unofficial
reports, the fighting was from barricade to barricade in the streets themselves,
but with the Bolshevik! making fainter and fainter resistance as the strength
of the loyal troops was made apparent to them.
" Tll,J "molny Institute wn.s reported In
Railroad Town at Northern
End of Line Falls Be
fore Advance
GENKVA. Nov. 13.
Aintro-Hungarlan forced In northern
Italy have entered Voltre, nccordlnf; to In
formation reaching this city today.
Three-fourths of the Venetian plain In
northern Italy Is now dominated by the
Austro-aerman armies, said a dispatch from
Vt-lere Is an Important railroad town In
the Plave lllver bector. lying about a rnllo
nd a half west of that stream. It s on
the branch railway that runs wulhwest
ward from Uelluno, joining the. main line
at Trevlso. Berlin announced yestcrtin)
that the Teuton advance had reached
The' Venetian plain comprises the north
astern corner of Italy, north of Venice
and east of Verona.
T.ONDON. Nov. 13.
Italy's Hue. re-enforced with British nnd
French troops nnd guns, has successfull)
withstood the first blow aimed ut the 1 lave
Wvt-r positions by the Austro-aerman
force according to reports received from
Itome today. Contact has been established
tetween the two forces along virtually the
whole line. Henvy cannonading was re
ported. , ,,,,.
The first clash came apparently on trie
Italian left (northern), wing, where the Teu
tnnin hn.,. cnuiriit to enrrv out a flanKing
move. This wan arounu
. t AelllD
entnkv was repulsed and a strong counter
attack resulted In the capture 01 . -.--.
of prisoners, according to Homes version.
Berlin Insisted that 14,000 Italians na
been cut off.
So far no official announcement has been
lverr;out as to the location of the British
, and French troops on the Italian front, hut
It Is supposed that they nro "being used to
ttrtnthn the Italian left wing.
sff Germany should by any chance force
br way through to Venice. Italy proposes
to make certain she will have no excuse for
4ttruct(on of the historic buildings there.
Bteps were taken today to clear tho City
tt the DoRsa of every uniformed mnn. Ger
many's favorite excuse for leveling other
titles n, the way of her war machine has
been that they were "armed fortresses." or
fortified cities. No such pretext can by any
1 STetch ' tlie Imagination apply to Venice.
, Th city Is also being stripped of Its clvll
uuis. jyee transportation Is being provided.
A semi-official statement today declared
th-Mhe German claim of fighting In the
Jtreets of A-sIago was unfounded. The city
m been a heap of ruins since May, 1910.
Pour Secure Commissions in Signal Of
i fleers' Reserve Corps
Eljht Pennsylvanlans, four of wjiom are
ronjithls city, who have been In training
Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., have won commls-
1li!n t,1B B,KnaI officers' reserve corps,
jccordlng to an announcement from Chat
ttnooga,. Tenn.. today.
Th. P1iI1a1.1.1.I-..,-. -... Tl.nt ll.utntvnnt
lr jy-K H. Dlythe: second lieutenants, An
fk wew P. Monroe. James II. Carpenter and
enjamin Franklin, Jr.
. ii Pennsylvanlans are: First lleuten
. Arthur B. Cabel, Lancaster; Matt M.
2S WllklnaburK: Hobert O. noblnson.
TtUhvjrfh-; . second lieutenant, Henry
"-nlel. '.Plttsbunrh,
Survey Engineer Appointed
?ector Datesman, of the Department of
ryoi'O Works, today appointed Benjamin
.'JW't. U8 Chestnut street, an'assistant
Wtlnter' tn the Bureau of Survey. The
PW'il'n carries a salary of 2400.
jr ' Colgate 'Berry Celebrates Birthday
H- f: . lloltate. Berry, superintendent of
tWiicevof city Hall, today cele-
Re flftyslxth, anniversary or rus
-Mya or lh Bureau oi ui
previous inspatxlies to have been put ill a
Mate of defense piep.irntory to withstand
ing a siege if necessar) .
The Holsheviki numbered sailors from the
Kronstndt garrison in their forces and were
falily well armed with both rules and ma
ehlno guns. Estimates plated their strength
at r.o.ooo.
Apparently the lighting centered on the
Nevsky I'rosnekt the s.uno street which
has already been repeatedly dyed with the
blood of 'arlous revolutionists It wan
along this thoroughfaie that the -Czar's
guards made their last Mand against the
victorious Duma revolutionists back In
March; where the Kronstniltfrebels swept
along with their armored automobiles a few
months later, spattering death, imd alone
wliloh, during the last week, the Holsheviki
executed their coup in t-elzliiR- control of
governmental maehlneiy.
l'rlor to the entry of the ICeronMey forces
Into tlie city thero was heavy lighting
around Gntchlna, a few miles from the cap
Ititl. This battle wns fought jesterday and
resulted In the Trotsky.Lenlne troops being
driven hack. One cllspatch asserted that
the leaders of the Ilolshelkl had offered to
lay down-their Brnis-on"condltionsnut"tho
offer was rejected unless thero was an un
conditional surrender.
Not counting the losses In todav's fight
Ing. HftO Killed and wounded nt Petrogrrid
and "00 at Moeo- was 'what the Holsheviki
experiment In government has cost Hussia.
Advices from tho Ttusso-Suedlsh frontier
today gnvo details of the dene street light
ing which rased in thu Ilusslan capital
throughout Sunday.
The lighting centered along the Nevsky
I'rospekt Military cadets, lcyal to the
provisional Government, rode up and down
tho street In motorcars In an effort to clear
it of the Maximalists and anarchist forces,
but were taken nt a disadvantage when fire
was opened upon them from machine Runs
mounted on the roofs of buildings.
Most of the Chilian population took flight,
but a few of the bf.lder souls sought points
of vantage In buildings flanking tho street
and not a few of them were shot down.
There was n burst of sharp fighting In front
of the Winter Palace (the former rcsldenco
of the ex-Czar), and Maximalist soldiers
took shelter In tho garden and tired upon
the street through the palings of tho Iron
fence that Incloses the palace garden. A
red flag was hoisted on the palace grounds,
but fell when the staff was riddled with
rifle bullets.
I'etrograd cables asserted that the garri
son of Iteval all Holsheviki was ap
proaching the rear of the Kerensky troops
nnd that reinforcements were thirty miles
from the provisional forces.
Tho railway employes were leported to
have Issued a formal ultimatum to tho
I'etrograd Soviet of workmen and soldiers
and the Committee on Assuring Safety of
tho Republic, refusing all tuppovt unless a
compromise government was devised with
an all-democratic personnel. The railway
employes are powerful, not alone In numeri
cal strength, but from tho fact that I'etro
grad Is entirely dependent for food on
prompt transportation facilities. Tho ulti
matum, it was understood here, threatened
a strike Immediately.
Federal Agents Hurried to New
ark to Attempt to Bring f
10,000 Back to Work
Du a Stntf forrritpoiiiIcMt
The United States Shipping Board took
steps today to bring about an ldjustment
of tho difficulties which yesterday resulted
In a walkout of about 10,000 mechanics
employed in several largo shipbuilding
plants near Newark.
llecognl-Ing the Imperative need for ex
pediting construction of ships. If the war
is to bo won. the board, backed by the
whole power of the Government, will act
oulckly to bring about resumption of work
on a number of vessels being built In those
yards for the emergency fleet corporation.
Immediately upon receiving word of the
walkout. Itaymond Stevens, vice chairman
of the Shipping Board, took bteps to as
semble members of the Shipbuilding Labor
Adjustment Board und to have them go to
Newark Over the telephone he communi
cated with J. Kverlt Macy, chairman of the
Adjustment Board, who Is In New York,
and the other two members of the board,
Mr Berries, vice president of the Inter
national Metal Workers' Union, and Louis
A Coolldg-e. of Boston, Tepresentlng the
Emergency Shipping Corporation, and di
rected them to proceed to Newark at once
and take every step possible to effect a
sneedy adjustment of the strike.
It I- expected that these three members
of the Adjustment Board will reach Newark
.,- lima today and ask; union men and
employers to appoint one reprwntaUr
' ' ' , .iu iUam fnnfn (1u-1a 'aJ
p ii. i! i .JiP I
Philadelphia boasts, of nt least two men who have ji.inl the price of their
conviction that the world must be made safe for democracy. They are
Price McQuillen and Wayne A. Vetterlein, who ve"o wounded while serv
ing nn ambulance on the Verdun front. Tin- shell that shattoied Mc
Quillen's leg and blew off fingers of his right hand fractured both of
Vcttcrlein's legs.
Town Meeting Party Wins
Right to Probe Voters'
Check Lists
The Town Meeting patty won tod.i
sklrmMi with the Itcpuhllc.m Oig.inlzutlon
in tho Election Court, gaining the (' lurt's
pcimlsslon to search the voters,' ihecSc lists
in the Prothonntary'H nlllce for ovldtnce of
Judges Klnletter and .Martin, presiding In
the court, handed down their decision after
a long and heated legal wianglo between
Henry J. Scott, Town Meeting counsel, and
Jtepresentafive John It K. Scott, attorney
for thu Iti publican city rommittee. Tho
examination of the lists whUli are In sealed
envelopes In tho l'rothonotnryVs office, was
begun shortly before noon by Henry .1.
Scott and Ilobcrt S Bright, another lawyer
for the Independents.
Tho Town Meeting part, through exam
ination of the check lists, hopes to reveal
that enough ballots were Illegally Inv.ill
datid to elect at least two of tho Town
Meeting row landld.itcs. The independents'
contention Is that thousands of ballots
were thrown out because they wcie tuns.
marked for tho Town Meeting ticktt and
also for District Attorney Itotan, unop
posed Organization candidate for re-election.
"From theso check lists we can erulekly
determine If "there Is anv Indication of
fraud," said Henry J. Scott, lu making a
petition to be allowed to examine tho llsja.
Ho brought out that Kepresentatlve Scott
had Islted l'rothonot.iry Walton nnd told
him he had no right to allow any one to see
tho lists.
ni:Nii:s umut ok siiakcii
lleprcsentatlvo Scr.tt Interposed strenu
ous objection to permitting thu Independents'
counsel tn examine tho lists, maintaining
that it was without the Klecllon Court's
Jurlsillctlori to grant It He cited tho act
of 1839 as his authority.
This Is a meio fighting expedition," he
declared. ' Tho Town Meeting party has
no evidence, but hopes to get It by inspect
ing the books and tearing opm the envel
opes. They have no right to do tills. Tho
Hats would loso their evidential value If
opened,' and the Itepubllc.in city committee
wished to cairy the case to a higher court."
Judge Klnletter disagreed with Itepre
sunfatlve Scott, holding that the act of
1830 clearly n.ado the lists public records.
He did not Issue a court order compelling
l'rothonotary Walton tn allow examination
of the lists when Mr. Walton said he was
willing for such Inspection.
It was nnnounced today that argument
on the Town Meeting petition to open tho
ballot-boxen In tho nineteenth and eleventh
divisions of tho Klghteenth Ward would
be hedd Thursday at in o'clock.
The Organization began the uso or ponce
today In the after-election light The po
lice, under orders from Director of Public
Safety Wilson, canvassed Tenrose-McNIchol
wards to check up the teglstratlon lists,
which contain fraud. It is alleged.
A flood of petitions to have ballot-boxes
opened Is being held back to be "sprung"
on the .opposition, according to ltepresenta
tlve John it." K. Scott, counsel for the Re
publican Organization city committee. Asked
why he did not file the 700 petitions he
promised yesterday, he pointed to a leather
bag and replied:
"We have the petitions here. Wait."
Henry J. Scott, representing tho Town
Meeting party, made no request for Judicial
inspection of ballots. When the court ad
journed late In the afternoon, returns from
one-halt of. tho Twentieth Ward had been
tabulated. The count of the first eighteen
wards, as tallied by lawyers representing
the Republican City Committee, showed
that the Town Meeting party had gained
about forty votes.
The count of the Thirteenth to the Nine
teenth Wrd. Inclusive, for Receiver of
30,000 ROOMS
Philadelphia's Coming In
flux of Dwellers Presents
Big Housing Problem
This Is a fatory of superlatives
It Is a story, not of the biggest shipyard
Intjio t'njted States or of Its building, but,
of tho thousands of people, some of whom
arc already here, the majority of whom,
however, are coming, to make the opera
tion of the b'ggest ship aid In the country
It Is n storj of the greatest single boom
that hns ever come tn Philadelphia.
Ily January 1 the Aim-itcn International
.Shipbuilding Corporation expects to have
the biggest shlpy irtl In the country, now
building nt Hog Island, operating at full
II) this date it plans to have the building
of fifty s-hlps under way at the same time.
A whole iltyful of men. .10.000 of them to
he exact, aie being letrulted from every
pait of the Cnlted Kl.ilts tn do this weirk.
In this hive of Industr), together with the
other great shlpj.iiiN of tho country,
enough ships must be made to 1111 the mw
of the Huns submaiiueH, with tin excess
that will taiiy troops and ammunition and
food tn our lighting lmvs and the Allies
With many of the 30,000 men will tome
their families. A eonrervatlvo estimate,
therefore, of the number of persons that
Philadelphia will have tn take care of lu
addition to her own 1.750,000 Is 00,000.
Accnidlug to olio of tlin olllul.ils of tiie
corporation, It Is the greatest Inllux of per
sons to any clfy In so short a time.
it Is an inllux. whlih lias "Prospeilty"
written all ovei it Hue It N an influx
which brings with It all thu ramifying prob
lems of a great boom
Slxt thousand pel (ions means a fair
sized rlt What Philadelphia will have to
do Viry shortly Is to ted, house, hoard,
, transport and amuse these people.
Next tn getting tho men the great prob
lem which the American International Ship
building I'oiporntlim faces Is thu housing of
them Men who vtork hard must live de
cently, nnd men will not ccme from tli
far and middle West nnd from the North
and South unit's they have the assurance
of decent living
Philadelphia Is asked to give that as
surance. The men who will como here according
to W. II. lilood. one of tlie company's ex
ecutives, will be lilgh-grailii mechanics
making from $50 to $lo0 a week and more.
Their Jcbs will not be of the kid-glove
variety. It Is rjulto conceivable that they
Continued on l'ase Seven, Column Tun
Future Flotations Muy Make It Diffi
cult to Sustain Market Between
9 Campaigns
HAl.TIMOIti:, Nov. 13. Compensation
for Government financing the big etuestion
that has occupied the minds of Investment
bankers since America's entry Into tho war,
but which was put In the background for
the present, has bobbed up at the session
of tho convention of the Investment Dank
ers' Association of America at the Hotel
Uelvedere. ,
The general trend of the discussion nt
today's session was In the direction of the
view, that tho time would come when It
might be Impossible for volunteer organi
zations which have floated the two Liberty
loans to continue, unless t,he Government
showed the bond men some way In which
they can continue to help and remain
ktrong enough to support the market be
tween campaigns.
Takes Poison for Medicine
Anna Muldrlck. fourteen years old.
West Ontario street, who last night swal
lowed a teaspoonful of poison by mistake
for medicine. Is recovering today In the
ICplscopal Hospital. Khe was found un
conscious by her father, Thomas Muldrlck,
when he returned homo from work. II
tnnk her to a nearby drugstore and later to
the KpUcopal Hospital. The girl's three
Avciy D. Andrews, vice president of the GeneinJ Asphalt Com
pany and director of the State committee of public bafety'b department
of military service, has received a commission as colonel of engineeis
and has in consequence offered his ic&ignation from the committee
post. He was a clas.niate of General Feishhig at Wet rolnt, but ic
sitjned from the army some years ago.
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 13. Minimum pilces on sevcial of the lead
iiig ftcurltlcs quoted on the Pittsburgh Stotk Exchange wue .given
uew low levels today by the boaid of directors. Piessuie to bell with
no bidders at the first established prices, it ib believed, resulted in
thu action.
Two inihloves of tho lliildvvin l.oi'otnutlvo Works were
. Minis tod i when Height cars that they were coupling crushed them. Cie'orgo l!un
j nedo. tlilrt.v-llvi' visii-i old, Si!3 North Tuni'.v street, died In an nmtiulnnce on thu way
llo tin- Medico Chlrurglcal Hospital, anil Tonv Tallin tvvtnts -two earn old, ll
Summer sttee't. iltml slinrtlv utter ruiuliiiiK tliu hospital.
William I Vim Ciiivui. n prominent builder of t'anielen, this ufteinonn begins
his duties as slietllf uf Camden County. Cnrsen Mieciecled She rllf Joshua C. Unlnes,
who h.is been elulid ;i a number of the New- Jei.se Ai-sembly. Tho December
(Ir.md .lurj for C:mldtii Count) v.lll In- dt.iwn l. Sheriff Haines late today, before-
he li .ivi's olllet'
U AMIIM";tN, Nov. i. Anthracite ml.u- nnd iipeintorj of Pennsylvania con-
1 tlniic tin li i-niifi-M mi' lure tmldj nvir n l.evv wain agreement. John I White.
foruu .,.-kn ef tin- Cnlted M.i Winl.fM of Atnr.c.i. discussed with them the
teim-- of the- i-ontu-ct which thev w 1 .submit to I'uel Administrator (larilcld for
i iippmviil An e. I . id .itniriibli. adjustment l. ikiv. I'MiPctoil
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. -St.tto fue-1 idmlnistrntors were notified today that
the- order rccentlv issued by I'uel Administrator Onrtlelrl. lltnltlns the use of coal for
elect! Ic display advertising signs, shall become effective next Thursday.
M'KNOS AlltKS, Nov. 111. Although the workmen on the Argentine' railroads
have not declared imothor strike, they are backing up their new .Icinnnds upon the
C.ov eminent with violence. Twenty-eight rallrond cars were desttoje-d mi the
Western Atgentlne linllio.ul and the Government Is contemplating a. suspension pt
service unless piotcctloli Is glial anleed the travelling public.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13.- Concerted pressure is being brought to bear on Pies!
dent Wilson! It he-enme known toduy, to name Colonel Roosevelt as ,i special envo.v
,,. is,wU. i th. KxlKtlnir ci-IsIk In that country. The dcmnnil H s.x'd to come from In
fluential quarters without regard to political oillllatlon and the White House Is
receipt of humlr-il of telegrams und letters! mpiiiB such an niiiolntir-'i,k.
NI3W YOUK. Nov. 13 -A Heconel report of a subnu.- no liuvlnj vc n seen m ml.l
Atla'ntlc wns made public loduy by the- Unlleel, Hcates hdi-ographlc .Hue. The- sub
marine u.is-Mcn S(io mile.-, southeast .f Halifax a wce-lt ago It was prevlou-lv u
ported !)3." inlk- off Ne'v, rnur.dlnnil.
WASHINGTON. Nov 13 --Coal shortage- in most of tie- mltkllo western States
will be relieved by suspension for periods not lonser than tY,etit-ofur lie.uii ef exist
lug pilm-lty oiele-is governing shipments through lake- ports
South Jersev'H first victim of the season of tulibtt liuntint, lirne-st W. I'lemlm;.
eighteen jrar o'tet. Me.lfmd, N J., succumbed today in the- Coope- Hosi.tnl. C.unde-n.
of a gunshot wound In the right Unto, l'lemlng wns out rabbit hunting last S.it.it
.liv iic-ir Marlton, X. J., with a friend. The friend caiiled the guns wl...i. weie
"coded" Oi.o of the guns fell to the rround and n bullet lodye.I In I'Im.iIiir'- right
knee. Ho was removed to the Cooper Hospital, whole- later petltonltls set in
CHICGO Nov 13 A icport by tho Armour Grain Company estimates .1 world's
v...rt.bl7. surplus of wheat of S'js.000,000 bushels and places Import re.ulicments nt
0 000 0. H r.nakl,,g average weekly shipments of M.3.000 bushels of which
Nonh America's weekly shipment can ave-.age- 6.S30.000 bushels and Ic-.ve- only
fI weekly lor the southern hemisphere. The report also says that
U pUces f com and oats continue high, and more than usua Is not exported, e-nor-moul
amounts of both crops will be- carried over Int. the n,xt crop ear.
vti ANTV Ga Nov. I- fneler henvj guard, Lieutenants Huns Ile-rg and Alfred
.MI.a.ni.v. i .,i . en MoPhe-rson. Ga., October 23,
l.. .. ..r iii,. I'.ciiiKiu nui, u' ..., -
' .' ' .......I .-.ir l.aiedo. TeX , Uht
"nV;. .... ' .,,,1 -Ui.i .nterned. Paul
IIIO I'lnuu '-"r
,vKTI'ni)A5I Nov. 13. -Kaiser Wllhelm nnlved yesterday at tho Ualluu the-a-,re
where he met Emperor Charles and King l'erdlnniid. according to a Gorlzla
Snatch He congratulated Kmpcror Chatlcs on his escape- from drowning. Tho
Ho and Four Other;? Arrested in
Raid on People's Council
Meeting at Duluth
Dt'LVTH. Minn. Nov 1
a . v.-,nnc of Toledo, formerly a pro
.Scott Ne.ing. Pennnylvanla.
,e,,r0r.-.?.t. his assne-lntes 111 the People's
. ii fr liemocracy una Terms of Pe-.u-e
Council , fo l iiwr ,,. ,lt.ro ,ouav
aner tbci "t on charges of making
i. remarks concerning the prosecu
r.oof the w""r Their a. rest resulted from
"raid by sixty policemen on a secret meet-i-i.
J iii. I'eonle's Council
lnl,i under arrest with Nearlng are W.
rCw publisher of a Socialist paper,
and his wife Laura: Mrs. Mario Baxter and
Soel Llchtcn. a Ouluth printer.
1IOHICON, WlB.. Nov. 13
Vntll Se-Ulel. former Muyor of Milwaukee
and well-known Soclallnt. Is In Jail here
today on a charge of "using language to
nrovoke an arsault nd calling Mayor
Hawks a traitor to the Constitution and a
two-by-four Kaiser." Ho w-as arrested on
complaint of two citizens of Horlcon.
Florida Senator Indicted
rnNSACOLA, Nov. 1 J. State Senator
r t ak.mmnl. charged with opposing the
army draft law, waB today Indicted by th.
lreaeraisureuu gui,
trals Grand' Jury,
fatuity injuml lu tho
- .
irrlved heie Tln-y were taken to
Sabel, a seaman
still Is at llbert).
Body Found at Roadside Is Iden
tified as That of Swede
land Schoolboy
NoltP.JSTOWN, 1M.. Nov 11.
The tlilrte-eii-yeai-eId boy found shot to
death on the road near King of Prussia
yestf relay afternoon wh Identified as An
drew PodkovlsUI. of Swedehind. The Idea
tlftcutlem was made by the father at Under
taker ltallcy's morgue, In Norrlsown, to
which place the body wus taken.
Tho father, a Polander, said, through an
Interpieter, that his son left home nt the
usual time for the public school In Swede
land, but had not been to school, He did
not know how ho came to be so far from
his home, nor had he nny idea as to how
tho boy might have met his death, and tho
authorities have no clues.
Thero Is nothing1 to Indicate that the boy
shot himself accidentally, and It Is the gen
eral belief that the boy was murdered,
Nothing since the Keyier murder at the
Gulf Mills twenty years ago has so stirred
the community.
Tho boy was found lying along the road
side, near the Schvreyer marble quarries. In
Upper Merlon, by Henry Schweyer and Doc
tor Miller, of Wayne. The bpdy was still
warm. There was' a hole In, the face unddr
the right eye, Into which cavity the contents
ot the shell from a shotgun had beca"ep-
Ued at close range. . :t, i-,
A, .' ..''W ,
Philadelphia Workers En
thusiastic as Result of
One Day's Work
Camden County's War Council
Gets $44,370 as Result of Its
Initial Effort
With i total of nearly $500,000 as the
record foi the first day's drive In the $3!,
oon.000 n itlonal campaign of the War Work
Council of the Youni; Men's Christian Asso
ciation In this city and district, Philadelphia,
workers went 'nvor the top" in enthusiastic
manner again today.
It is expected that the amount In sub
scriptions collected today will surpass th
sum collected esterday.
The allotment of the Philadelphia district
Is J.,000,000. With tvo counties still un
licird from, the result of the first day'a
collection was placed nt Mt4.379.75.
Large contributions to tho fund an
nounced yctord.iy In this city were; Drexel
& Co bunkers. J100.000; Gcorgo H. Mo-radd-n.
'-r.i.nnii und Pdward Hole. 25,000.
Several big sub-crlptlnns were announced
I from the hendiuarter- of the National War
Work Courcll In New York last night.
Te'egr.ims continued to announce various
rtoint'ons from big llrms throughout th
country The Rockefeller Foundation fund
notllli'd C C Mlchoncr, director of tho
Pen-svlvnn'a Wir Work Council, of a sub
scription of Jl.O'lO nOO. A p'.cdga also wa
given to g've in per cent of tho e-ntlr
amount raised its total contributions not
to exceed $1 500.000
John It Mntt. national secretary of th
War Work Council, -ent the following tele
gram jesterday to Mr. MIchencr:
On behalf of the executive commtttea
of the Nnttonat War Work Council, I de
sire to express our great grMtdcatlon re
gard, lie the p!cndld preparatory work of
vourself and those associated with you
In the crent onmiialgn.
Reportn from the entire country afford
ground for th" hope that the I35.00O.O0O
coal will be reached, provided there Is no
let-up at an) point and. provided that In
place of overconfldence there Is a timely
(ene of real dtpeuilcnco on Divine as
sistance In tho IMhl or the startling develop
ments on tho Eastern and Southern fronts
within the last few- days, and In tho light
of a significant cablegram Just received
from the Pilule Minister of France. It Is
i li .ii that wo hlihll need much more than
r.r.,fi00.nn(i nnd this in tho national in
terest as well na for the sake of our
II cunt developments lnve convinced
.- 'est 'idvlserj.that the war will ton
; tlnue longer than most of them nntlcl
I pated wheri our goal was fixed; and all
, think -1t would be most deslrnblo If we
I could ti'jw rnls n sum smttlclent tq make
another cpiivasti unnecessary prior to Oc-
.Mni-gatet Angllii pioinls.fd to act for the
fund. lleV icimpaii). which I ploying- at tlie
Llttlo Thcutie, In the production "Lonely
Sold'fis." vv.ll give a benefit- mntlne oil
Thursday ft the I'orrest Theatre, when the
Millie irjcils will be turned eiver to ths
fund Slu n"i auued to donate to the
fund oO tier int of till the shies of tickets
whli li V M. c. .. war workers would sell
lor th.- l-'-rfjruianofs at ihe Little Theatre.
Kiesg- v 111 open his doors to the
1 A fund thl morning The pro-
Y. Jt.
sV'in tiiniugiinut tne Last, south and cn
ti.il H' v.-IU give r,0 per cent of hie
mugs sale-' n bus uess today
Prlci- y.oiidK-n nnd Wnvne Vetterlein,
tli- wouude.l comrade- who rctwneel to
Hie i Iimne In eiverbrook recently from
the Aineilrnu Anljulinee Field Service at
Veidun. will i-peilv nt the Thursday mati
nee nt the Korreit of their e'cn-Hence with
th' Jinch's r-nd the Fervlco that Is belnf
done ,v th' V. M C V butn. The Marine
Corps and Kilties Hand will p'ny before the
curtain rlpes.
" ti Prenrl-
V. W. r-prnon
T H e'-nmn .1- . . ,
'V l Pei-vell nr.1 I. O Graft..
Hntv-ril Cor' r Johnson ....
i it. rr-c 1' "-ilihnnr
r. IfT'mnn KuSn
'rnnldle n lor . ,..,
..... 2.M1
... . , s os
..... 4ft
-(. vi'- ii len . ,
II xf
T O 1 Ol
t'rnl IT T-'lo- . .,
.T. n--(-.II WIIIInmH
Jnv Cool,-
:i.;ii ",
i or iir-nrps i(, ,i,)i ic"ie P'i rr tne, fc &4
team"' cnliectlnnf for vestfrdsv. Thos not . VAw
nnnnuneiii it tne ijr-r pirneon win D f -
given oi" Tonnv. w nen tne "st ior nil roiin- f"?
ties and teams of the Philadelphia dis- rH?
trie hn'-e lie-n comnletrrt an" checKeej yn, V.i-
Jlr Hole Stn'e eree'lt've chn'rman. ad-dre-sed
a metlnr -"'d In the Harrlsbunr
Y M. A. lit night
I .M i.lojil nnroiincei tnt i.itie-tv nonas
l could be ii "A In pigment of pledges as
v.ell na rurrenev And In h1" psrtlng al
vlce tn the workers bo told them the
hip-lieoi.s will begin iiromptly at 11:30
' Camden County War Council of the T.
M C A began Its drive yesterday to obtain
$100,000 it epiotn of the J38.O00 006 for the
organization war fund, and J 1 1 .370 w-as,th
sum nnnounced rtt tho end of the first, day?i''
of the campaign ; "
Two contributions of Jl0,00fl each have $,,'
been received, !". Wnyianu Ayer, ot.tram'-s-Js-g
den and Henry D. Moore, of HaddouftejleT, ,JSJZ
N. J., made thesv gifts. Neither Mr, Ayer
nor Mr Moore was able to present hie ? -subscrlptlon
In person, the former belnli ,. ;
In tho note uccompanylng Mr. Ayer's Hft X- M
he expressed his desire that Camden might y
oversubscribe- Its quota and assured the j,j,
committee OI Ills ni-.n:iiiitin in ur,iuM"t V ,
this to pass, Mr Moore's subscription waspti)-.
..j ... . i.i. i.in.. n..Av.. nf lln'..t',tjML
preseuiea ny a. rmuan ttitciti, m ,hmvi
field, who said the donor had five rand?yt
.nn. In iliA nation' er ice. nnd from theet. n
he hd learned of the needs of the men. anMS
he was convinced the V. M. 13. A. waa ty )1
only organizaiion. now in me BewKi,ii
was equipped to meet these needs. 'Jf,S,
I lie vuiniuiitit m- ,,,-v - ,,,iw-;. wj
the Y. M. C A.. In Camden, when repprWyVJ
were made. All the teams from bothH ;,f
city nnd county reported and Prosecutor i
W J. Kraft addressed the men. TVA
For Philadelphia nnd viclnitui . l'a
cloudy and continued cool foHtehft
WetfaMetoi; jcntJe tcftiau, motUv n
cast. V
' m.i
Sun rUes.;0:lg . tn, lv HunrU..:
IttihvratrJ3il!,a,m.' MioiWii
Low wsltr. TttP . w.,1 Jvr vraur.
' i '
VL '. JX
l '
v3 1
T -1
' . .
r.W1wV-ay-e UW wMomet;wlth,thm,wa - .1 - :, r.. . . . . rlrM-' brothers w-Jn the Ulwd 'State., urmy.
W4dBSmAiAkam. . -fe-a------- t.. .fiBf --h f 1 ,f-7 tl&Adtet& :".:. $&m
- - l - "- - A -7