4 IJK v tit s- :f WWm . - 5mw - ': r-"-V EVENING LEDGER-PHIEADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBEB 8, 1917 SAMMEES BURY FIRST DEAD IN SOD OF FRANCE Salvo of Shells Whistling Over Bocheland Marks" Final Farewell FRANCE PARTICIPATES 4 V V Knh'nn Honored by Holding Heroes' Remains in Sacred Soil Defended by Their Lives AMKIUCA.V VU'AA) HKADQLAIITERS FRANCE, No 7 (delucl) American artlllerjmen sent a nal of uliells whistling oer to UocheUtiU tot!a n ' the farwU olley marking burial of Atner tea's first dead from the flrlnir line It 'was flttltiK 111 the Opinion of llioe whose eyes glistened with tears throughout the simple but dramatic funeral pen Ices that the olle which marked the last fare well should have been fired not In a muml and wltl. WanK cartridges, but b mtrlciti cunners shootinic the Kreit French "& and Hpeedlnar each shell with ft ra cr that It Mould tltid Its mark among the eneni The colling of America's dead In altloti were draped In the foldi of the Hug foi which they died Comrade bore I hem to a hollow square formed b American sol diers and eteran French troop From the massed ranks theie itep-d a I'rench general He nalked stialght to tin. three coffins ieerentl hesitating at the first Then he stiffened tu the i-jlute doiTeil his .ap. bowed hit face lined a though the mute lemalni before him weie of hi own children , "Prhate Untight he Kald hoftl he boned before the ntaiest blet and I'lix.ile Gresham," and he turned to the Ketone!, "and Prhate Ha ' us he turned still fur ther to face the third coffin in the name of Fiance I bid tou faienell Of iou own free will jou left a our hnpp prosperous country and took a our place b our side You fell facing the foe In li,nd In des perate, hand-to-hand fight The General hesitated i moment lciuked at each of the three flag-draped cottlns and then turned " "All honor to them heiontlnued Th1i families should bo proud to leirn of thtlr deaths "We of France ask that the mortal remains of these oung men be left with us foreer "We will Inscribe on their tombs lis e lie the (Ir-t United "Intr., i- dlers to fall on Irentli null fur llhrrl) and Juntlcr. ' Passersb) will uiicoei tlielt heads to their graves men of heart isltlng the bat (efleld will go out of their wav to brine their tribute of iepect and gratitude l'rlato Knright l'riate Utesham Pri vate Ha In the name of rrance I thank you Ma) flod lecelie jour souls Fare well "' A great ollM if .veent -fives rashed the final lley of fatewel! thtough the leaden, raln'sofcked all 'I hen talwart American wildleis tears tilckllnp down their faces lowered their comrade"' !--mains and covered them oer with the will ior whkh the fought and died . SUKU.S SINti ltr.QUUJil No one who saw tli 1iiiijIl ceremmi will ever forget It 'llnuughout the rain drizzled dismall) '1 he detonation of ex ploding shells and the Khrlelts of others passing through the air sung the final sol filers' requiem Batteries of Amerkan aVtlllerjmen re turning from theh dutj it the front met the funeral procession Theh -tumbling caissons halted, their tanks patted ant rigid at salute the merlcans bade them Bodspeed as the cavalcade passed wlowlj through Then the batter went on It Is grim dread war now so It was with no thought of the dead the had passed that these same artillerymen hours later swung hustling Into the alle where their tamp was located Klld with towbo elps welcomed themselves back home for a rest from front dutv Fifty little French school children stiff and starched up in their best bib nnd tuck ei fctood In martial nrra to welcome ' les Amerlcalns bade Their tln hands went joyfully to the salute and one little girl hung" a wreath of flowers on the grim muz rle of the gun that fired the (list shell over the German trenches Then she distributed posies to the gun crew of that weapon Of the sis; men of that crew, two ure from Houth Bend, Ind . and there Is one each from St Paul. Chicago, Cincinnati and San Francisco. The first batteries to do duty on the front all-returned without casualties J. J. RYAN RESIGNS FROM v DRAFT APPEAL BOARD 111 Health Given as Reason 107 More Men Certified for Service ittsfgiiallou of James .1 It.vun us a mem ber of District Appeal Board No 2 which has Jurisdiction over thlrt -two local draff boards In this clt. was nnnounced todaj Mr Hyatt requested Governor Brumbaugh to release him from his duths on account of III health "Mar Hmltli will nnino his successor In a recommendation to the Gov ernor, who will In turn submit the appoint tnent to the President for confirmation District Appiy Hoard No 1 toda ter titled 107 men tor milKatv seivlce to the Adjutant General of the State and to tho following local boards No S. 11 men No 22, 4 No 35 !iS, No 39. 1 Kii. 11 S No '. 5 No 4? 1 and No iv 11 CADORNA HAMPERS ENEMY'S ADVANCE Rear-Guard Troops and' uavalry Engage ilacken- sen's Invading Forces ITALIAN LINE STIFFENS WASHINGTON. Nov. 8. The decisive battle of the Teutonic drive in Ital is entering its first sialics todaj with maneuvering- for position by the opposing armies, Home cables stated. Trench and liritish re-enforcements are massing back of the I'iave Hiver line and heavj artillery is being rushed from the western front to Gen eral Cadorna's relief. ' s 1 . JSss&i ,, ttl HOMK Vov S General ndurua k rtarguard tioops and avnliv d-taohments me genetallv hamper ing the "nemv s advance along the I.lven za lilvet according to dispatches from the ft out tudav Thu Italian resistance Is dedued to be stllTetienlg all along the line Mllltarv ex perts hete agtee that General Cadorna is not going to maka a stand at the J.lvenza Illver but Is merel) planning to dilnv the enemv long tnough to complete his prepara tions along the 1'lave Itlvet The BrltMi and Flench te-enforcements that wile sent tn Cadotnas aid are be Ini; massed fllcng the Plave positions It s thought here Cadorna Is known to be getting his heaviest artlller In place on the new line LONDON Nov s Gerinaiiv l attempting a s8temalit lainpilgn mi tlie Italian front along the lines that she Used against ltussla accord ing to Infoiinatloit retching here todav fiom Hour German tilers are contiuuallv soaring over the Italian lines Jiopping leaflets tell ing the Italian soldiers that thej aro sacri ficing themselves for Knglatid The Gir inans are attempting to fraternize with tho Itillans whenevet there Is a lull in the fighting BRITISH RAID FOE'S LINE; REPULSE TWO ATTACKS LONDON, Nov S A uu.essful tald southeast of Armui tleies and repulse of two enemv attompts t enter British lines north of Ilouex wete re potted In toda's official statement PVUIS Nov 8 lrench attack on German positions atound bchnenholz In Alsace, netted 120 prlsoneis and othei heavy los- to the enem toda s official statement dedam! riLH'IXOS UIIGEI) '10 AID U. S. No Hope of Philippine Liberty if Ger many Wins, Says Senate President MANILA P r Nov S .Manuel Quezon president of the Senate In an address to members of that bod) urged that the Fili pinos show their gratitude to Vnlted States b espousing Its cause In the war in whlih he asseited the Philippines have more vital Interest at stake than America herself lie said the X nlted States would not be en dangered bv a defeat, whereas the Philip pines stood to lose all their hopes of llbertv In the event of a German triumph lie said Let us fight for AmerUa and the cause of small nations which means the ult mate fulfillment of the hopes of the FiH pinos If assistance of the Filipinos 1 accepted there will be no need of compul sorv service Filipinos, even veterans of the insurrection will volunteer to fight foi the saUe of liberty. jn tinit i ttt mi ! hm rfumM'HttHumtMt Htmrwi 11 tiutmM n hhiihh t wttn Hn mi4m n mt w iw t hih uhh i wh hhhhii i h b t wnm n n wi i uu l t ui u 111. Mrue Economy- l versus Cheapness In these days of abnormal costs beware of the dealer who says that he is selling anything at less than its value. Either he is a "Public Philanthropist" or a member of the Ananias Club and philanthropists are rare. t We offer Reeds' high-standard clothing at the lowest prices at which we can make a fair profit if we can't mtke profits, we can't continue in-business neither can any other house. Buy value don't buy supposedly cheap goods f the gauges of quality and service, in Correct Fabrics Fall and Winter Suits - Ijlodels and Proper $18 to $50 Overcoats $18 to $75 MISS RACHEL JANB HAMILTON Who was the bopinno soloist nt the concert given last evening at the Stetson Auditorium by members of the Philadelphia Oichestra. GLI ITALIANI ATTENDONO L'ORA DELLA RISCOSSA Dalle Posizioni Presso hi Piave Saruiino Dense le Sorti dclla Guerrn h'INVASIONK ARREST ATA ltO.MA X iiovenibK Ual oinples delle notlzlo flnoia pri venutw tlalla fronta Ittllana si puo' tlteiierc cite l'lnvaslono teutonics e stata comphtn mente arrcstata c cho ora le foie d .imbn In parti si trovano fnecla n fac 'ti 'tngj II flume Llven7a S'ecntido ctltlcl milltarl non e' Improbtblle rhe 11111 battuglia prellmlnare possa eiltlcarsl presso II detto flume ti lo truppe iiistio-tedeachp o lo i trogu irdle itallane dm vnghono teniporaneamente ar ivstare Invanzata del licnilco tlno nlla om pleta prcpataziono dello llnec sitlli Plave Anihe dispaci I pervenutl dalli '-vlzreri assleurano che il gcnerale Cjtlotna intrude unlcntnente dl Kmpoiegglare col nemlco lungo 11 corso del Liven 1 e non v uol in gaggiaro una battaglla dellsiv.i tlno i ihe lo sue tnrre non nbblnno lompb tniii.iiti or cupato le posllonl sulla Plave In .niuido al pi an I prestablliti Le poslzloni sulla 1'inve per tin i due settlnnne ono state foimldihltniente laf forrate h si crede i hu su ipn ste ibbl mi"' preso pnslllono I rlnfor?! dl ttumim an nonl delle arml frnncckl ed inglesl Tuttl I telegrnmmi peivenuti dalla fioute dl battaglla asberlscono ilie la tittr.ita degli Italian! dalle llnee del Tagllaminto fu o lontitla e fu compluti on perftli onl no e preitslnne e con mlnlmn perdlte Delta rltliata lertamentp non f 1 iimipl tata loinp iurlla che si effcttuo il 1 1 lo po-il- 7lotll SUll IFOI170 Dal lomunhato utllclilp Sui i pul bli calo del mlnistero delta gucira ItaMann si apprende die la rltltata hul flume l.henza si lee neiesharit pel II dlmlnulto lelln delle anue del Hume Tagllamcntii s ihe In tale condlzlonl lesistere pei la dlfesa del detto Hume faiebbe riutcito asnl petlcriloso Gil aviator! Kallanl koiio stall attivlsslml e rlusclrono ad attenue quattro aeroplan nemlcl, come pure Ullcacemonte bombarda lono I repartt austro-tedeschl che tentavano tiaveisiie 11 flume o rlparare I pontl Bill Tagllamento dlstrutti dagll itnllanl dopo ef fettuata la rltlrata. Lcco II testo del comunlcato del generale Cadorna, pubbllcato lerl- Avendo- 11 lnsso Uvello del Tagllamento tesa dlltlcile K dlftbu del flume nbblamo rltetiuto opportuno ritliare la nostra linea verso 1 1 Llvenza La illlrata si e' iffcttuata In buun ordli e efllc.uemeute piotetta al notd da contlngentl ill copcitura e verso II stid dal ltparti che lostlttilvauu le nostie te Uogunrdle Durante la glormta dl lerl e nelli notte pioedentc I nostrl vellvoll e diriglbill efllcaLPtnente e teitfi itamente bombard nrono contingent! nemlcl he tentavano dl Steinvav Every Steinway is an emblem of that perfect fu sion of fine mentality, swift conception and com plete mastery of execution known as tktll in its highest form. It is this thill that has set the Steinway so far beyond all other musical instru ments, and so steadily widened the separating gap just as this mUHI has so consistently im proved Steinway mechan ics, and yet made it pos sible to keep the cost of a Steinway within the reach of all ambitious mu sical people. Uprights, in mahogany cases, $550 up; grands, in mahogany, from $825. Diamond -Disc PhonoflTanrtc , jj..., The echo of the rau ' sician's soul the voice, or the instrumental tone, that lacVs nothing but the physical presence of the original wholly musical; . with no needles to buy or change. N.Stetson&C? traverse re II flume o che erano Intentl a rlparare I pontl aul Tagllamento I nostrl aviator! rlusclrono ad abbat tero quattro areoplnnl nemlcl. Un dlspacclo da Londra asserlsca cht 1 tedeschl tentano una slstematlca campacna contro le Unco Itallane. simile a quclla che conduasero contro la Russia. Gil avlatorl tedeschl cotittnuamento effcttuano voll sullo poslzloni Itallane lanclando proclaml con 1, quail Invltano 1 solditl d'ltalla a frnter nlzzaro con quelll delta Germanla e a non sacrlflcanl per l'lnghllterra Anche nelle cltta' occupate 1 tedeschl hanno predlcato che le loro occupazlone del pae-d Itnllanl e' temporanen, polche' la mlsslono degli esercltl nustro-tcdcschl c' quelli dl llberare 1 Italia dal domlnlo Ingltse c dl affrcttare la concluslone dellapace t'u corrlspondento dl guerra manda ad uh glornnle dl Parlgl cho la nuova llnet ltallana dl dlfesa si estendern' lungo la Plave ove le trnppe Itallane In unions a quelle degli allcatl potranno oppono una flera ttlstenza nl nemlco nnlmato dallo splrllo combattlvo che ora dimostiano Intftitto II Generalo Cidorna ha emanato I un ordinanra on la quale si nnnunzla die l uella 7onn inllltare delle niicrazlonl dl j gucrra sono lnclusl tuttl I terrltorl che si estendonn a nord t ad est del fiuml Po e j Mlnclo Dal partlcolarl rlguardantl la rltlrata degli Itnllanl dalle llnee del Tagllamento si rlleva che la Brlgata del Granatlerl dl Sardcgna si c' novellamente coperta dl glorli rlmanendo fermi al suo posto di fronte n preponderant! form nemlcho Dopo cho 11 nemlco nveva pa;sato II Tagllamento, ed csercltava una forte pres slone contro le nostro llnee nclla zona tra Portogruaro e Pordenone nl granatlerl fu ditn 1 tncarlco dl arrestare 1'avanzata nemtea In quel settnrc II v lolento bombard lmentn delle nrtl Ellerie nustrn tedeprhe nnn valse a slog ,lai i 1 brnvl gnnatlerl I quail nttesero calml e rlsolutl II nemlro e non appeni questo venue n tiro lo nc coHnro con tin vlolento fuoco dl fuclleila the dcilmo le flln nustro lcde!Che Ma I vuotl ihe st vcrlflrarono nelle file nemlche furono sublto tolmatl e rnvati7.ita cotitlnuo frrcslstlblle Allora I valoro'tl graintlerl fecuo uso delle gnnate a niano e non peterouo plfettuarp una rltl- rna nio n luimcto prcpnnueranto for7e nemkhe L milco utll hie nuppivtite ordino lot tacc alii biionettfl p gii oroii I giamtieil si lanrlaioni. tun loragglo leonino contro lo oidp Kutnnlclie oinbitteniM flm he Mm dopo Initio rinnseio tuttl nr 1st ijplle SAMMEES EXPECT GERMANS IN. VAIN Eager to Avenge Comrades' Deaths, Regret Failure of Expected Raid HONORED BY POPULACE WITH THU AMERICAN FORCES IN FRANCE, Nov. 8 There were, a lot of disappointed Amer ican soldiers In the first line trenches to. day Intcnso artillery activity on the part of the Germans for thjo last thlrtyslx hours had led the Sammees to believe another trench raid vvai to be attempted nnd they were waiting- for tho dermans determined to avenge their comrades Tho artillery fire it n but the expected raid did not ma terialize The American artillery gave the Ger mans back full measure for the shells dropped on tho Americans' side The artillery forces which have been at the front since tho Americans first took to the trenches returned to their billets yes terday They had remained nt the front longer than the first batch of Infantrymen In a drizzling rain they marched up over the hill to a llttlo village In a valley be hind the lines where, tho population turned out en masre to do honor to the gun from which the first chot wai fired The entire command was drawn up on a hillside and French school children sur rounded them One of the pupils hung a floral wreath over the camouflaged muzzle of the gun nnd another stuck a bunch of wild flovveri In an emptv shell case which hung fiom the caisson The gun his writ ten on It hlelft the words, ' First gun ued against Germtns," followed by the date of the flrlng of the shot v.t the conclusion of the Impromptu re view on the hillside the regimental band plaved 1 he Star Spanglid Dinner and tho lion. Ii national nlithpm vvhilp the entire command stood at salute Then tho men nnd hoise which had had a hard march Pay $6 This Week for the Finest $8 & $9 Shoes You Ever Saw Hie thump or u llriln t i.. .i.. , ... .i . .........it...... ...i.-i ,. ...t. .,l?I,.,,.n"'1 ."'" well-made lilcli-nuulllr Imol. In .lull t ftrr imtlfrm hhtlwn In anr but tit ou lnot iii. ii.. i"',-.. i ul r'"lve liei,'. Hlme hop nilli llielr rvlrmuiiint eipenxtn, ou'll ni ' rc" '", ' KM) null, nut in ih The Lowest Kecord Smashing Wholesale Prices Ever Seen ... "i-siniir i iirrrv ..if Iiiikp slioulnr of rxerr ,,.. SI U I The. i,r. i". .'". "n"' . .'" ".. iin..'. ... '' "" evnuiiuoil tor im luvliiss .?-" I,ut "'ere are t hoi " "II Kill ("If. Illttk noa Culf 4, ll r tronr HtntfmentK nut eerv nilr t nil uu io th II n.r l..n. Itf !( unrlh 11 tn In . !,. U III rffl 1UII UDII I III uuuiid or irtfa UllUH thlM li nu fnuifrriillnn. ulm Mlmnk'K inure to the limit tn beit yon to thlt rrord. Iirciiklnc npiMirtunlt Don't Ut tlifin rt iiheud of yon Don't alt till tomorrow If iou run itrt In today Ilut don't wall later 111 in Mifjrdm or ou rnur be disappointed. Uja;tf rlADE-A 3biflfP U futhffM and dozens of others In ffhoti bucki n Tour norktit. imvk in Jtiir If mi ..";. - x - tv" nuo know nat mi All $10 and $12 Genuine Cordovan duplicated $ 7 here at RokulBoot Shop F(MMm223g5 Cordovan, genu ine rich mahogany, $12 and $13 val- T $7.50 N. W. Cor. Market and 13th Streets DOWNSTAIRS Entrance on 13th St. or-EN Evas, to enot bat. urn from the front were taken Into the village nd billeted. The men Immediately "hit th hay." They were worn out. Ofllccrs with the artillery force said that ton tho night of the German raid into the American trench they kept their guns trained on No Man'a Land, Bnd that they wer suro that they kept the Germans from returning to their trench.. , t me. and also that ih... ilT??M I Germans when they did rturn """I t United etatw Ambassador Tk t epn u. vvniaru visited the blll...1"'L ..1 "00?a ana tne Inslructl H yestefday and watched men ," n f? I stow?? (Lc)aibnd(s An Important Sale of Silk Petticoats and Negligees A Special Purchase of Silk Petticoats made of excellent quality of changeable taffeta, messallne or silk jersey cloth, a choice assortment of beautiful colors ; some have scalloped flounces with deep silk underlay. Regularly $6.$0 Special, $4.85 Silk or Messaline Petticoats in regular or extra sizes, made of the finest quality in a profusion of pretty colors. Special, $7.50 ' " Genuine Beacon Bath Robes Beacon Blankets; floral designs in rose, Copen, pink, light blue and lavender; handsomely trimmed with satin ribbon to match. Special, $5.00 and $7.50 $30.00 to $45.00 Princess Slips, $15.00 a special purchase of these beautiful slips, made of choice lace and net. (A limited quantity.) Sizes 36 to J,l Long" Negligees of imported corduroy in Copen, rose, pink, light blue and wistaria; beautifully made, and lined throughout with China silk. Special, $8.50 and $12.50 $5.00 Blanket Bath Robes, $3.85 -made of genuine Beacon Blankets, in most de sirable colors; trimmed with satin ribbon to match. Kayser Italian Silk Underwear Plain or Fancy Styles Camisoles, $1.15 and $1.85. Vests, round or V-neck ; also bodices, $2.25 to $5.00 Knickers, $3.00 and $4.25. Union Suits, $4.25. m ( n spgffra sissSfos Keep Koly nos inlfotir Kit" This war has taught that it is wise to profit by the'exper-'. ience of others.' Every officer from the training camps every man who was examined for the draft has learned the em phasis placed by the authorities on the teeth being in perfect condition. In England and France it was soon found that it is one thing to have your teeth put in perfect condition as you enter the service, and quite another to keep them in. perfect con- uuion wnen vou reacn tne iront. Trench life, or life in any capacity at the front, is exceed-' ingly trying on the teeth, the mouth and the throat. There are lone, strenuous marches, sometime -with Co.,t Qi c ! Tk oi ia llwl .rJl. i -n r . i f "y water. The air is filled with the wise- nf liik vic,:,T And thflrA is wtrnrli miKrJvit5B 'o o a . .. w i w . ww.-. b'Ufat T UD of the gums. an annoying inflammation M Kolynos Dental Cream was singled out by prominent military dentists, and at, field and base hospitals, as one of the prime essentials of a soldier's daily life. It cleanses and re freshes the entire oral cavity teeth, mouth and throat; may be used without water in an emergency, cooling the mouth and to an extent allaying thirst. It relieves "trench gingivitis." e?Keep Kolynos in Your Kit." Price, thirty cents. Tne. Kolynos Comparer. ; ' . New Have ConiL .1 Jacob Reed's Sons 1111 Chestnut St SoleJWUdelphU HejHMnUtivtsaf fU - s prwWSs