cv It 3T0K SALE Continued tnm PrtttHfO Pan ort icb furniture, at about 80c, ON TUB DOLLAR In buslnrm o laric a our we arrumuUte a Vreat many odli and ends, few of a kind, lach as desks that have been hurt In handllnr. tn our vrarehousee. In transit, etc. To keep our Sain store (Mf- Arch streetl .toclci i In the be t JV - nro in ih. noon nulMlnr slt.le conamor. w "-" r.-.e" ,;" r.Yi ". nn fell,.... irat Imm.lll.felV Filbert street no ." "" i-. . ...'.,..,... u,i,.r. IM. l-.?rnHiir. may now b seen anil Is belnir Jlosed out nt prlfea avcraalna: about hair. Consists of all kind of offlc. furnltur.. mine 8J'R!U"iefS: oak. 4 ft. Ion. by M Tn -wide, with oak top, closed hack and renter drawer, now. I2.J.JM lS mahoaany roll-top desk now.... M.00 ,7 roll-top.d' n.w................ 83.00 pier, of extrtlahfide cabinet work. .inlvtn arm chain Chs shnvsny, (olden Flemish and lr. wun arm., in mi oak. veatnerca mk, Imitation mahoaanyi a lew of a kind at half Price . .!!' InPlfH annu nun, uihwvi ftK linm. 4 nrnwrri. . 1. .w ..HI... rirawftra. "."" 1. IV. . .11 l.-.t,. ... nocklnn chalra. hie and easy, with unhblstered arata .".".' ! I Reed and rattan settee, upholstered 1 "rata and back, half trie, for quick clearance Oik settees Typewriter cabine'V.' with 'drop. '. '. '. '. . Clothes polra. letters and document "S&rotK'K shoemaKer , ro. Bank. Office. Library and School Furnltur MS, 2T and ojfYlBERT BTnEET Kalabltuhrd US yrara. Itoth phonca. HEATING UAKIN KEL8ET hralth hrat better and cheaper V than hot water or . 'team! soon reference. Roth phonra. 182T Fllhrrt at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS I H 7. 8. f5. 13. 20 and 85 H. P. WATER. Sown rnnlnr.': loljfl P. vert, enatne: loO-II. P. thfP'T coll heater: 80-H. P. portable; bollrr: 25-H. P. portable enlne. Hurchneld Co.. 00 Arch t. " rOWEn-1'l.ANT EQUIPMENT Tirnamo. motora. boiler. team and oil .n ine rurppa. "Ir enmpreaaora, rnfSSit TOOMBT. Inc.. 127 N. .Id at. Ci.EVEN 1S0-U. P. tubular bollara. Rli 180-11. P. tubular boiiera. Rcadv for quirk shipment. 804 Arch at. UUIll-lir ir.i.i v.i bASOUNE-nnlVCN COMrnESSOR 10j7x10 In. claai II. O. 8 "Chlcao pneumatic"! on wheela: complete) sood condition. Seyferfi. 487 N. d at. . tURBKA eoncreta mlxera: keroien. raa and aaaolln. .natnea. Hurchneld Co., 04 Arch at. bTNAMOS AND MOTOnS AND MAClilNKBY Ijjuablt. aold. TBAltHLET CO.. 224 N .3d at. "LTEnNATiNO and direct current motorai new and iaed. O. MINK. 227 N. 4th at. MUSICAIi INSTRUMENTS U8ED UPIIIOHT PIANOS r lTntnwn Rtorra w. are rer .nd-hand planoa of all atandard makes every day aa part payment on pianola planoa. rricea ranae from ISO to $259. Each piano la re built and aold with the usual Heppr iruaran tee, inciumnn irrc CAi;iinua wiinin u inuiunn. Terms. r monthly and upwarda. Call or write for larre. Illustrated Catalonia and apeclal rlsna of payment. HEI'PB'8 UPTOWN BTOHES Cor. ntn ft Thompson bib., i-nna VlCTnOUA IX. In all finishes, Incliidlna; in. In. D. F. record. (12 aelertlona). $.14.50: thla Is a handsom. machln. wltn latest Imp.: II wklr. n. n. Todd, l.infl Arch at 22 Market. Tirrnoi.A vi, Ith fl 10-ln. D. F. records. 190 .in; Ann outfit for one looklnff for a rood machine at email price: send for catalogue. B. n TODD. 130 Arch et.. 22R Market at. IIHKD ri.AYEn.PIANOS Several player pianos, allRhtly used, reduced from tlMMn $100 below recular prices, somo aa Call or Vrlte for complete list with special J" ins of payment. HErPFR UPTOWN 'ORES. Cor. Oth and Thompson ats., Phlla. NO )7n cash! JB5. 1 weekly, for magnifi cent uprlirht plsnn been used. Heclded barcratn. n" n. todd. mon arch st. flANO, $05 Unrlftht piano In splendid condi tion, suitable for beginner. II. Jl lUiJU, I3IMI JKWJll i. 4jn AEOLIAN riayer-plano: Vlayer-plano offcreil In Phlla the very best Itndelphla at this low price; fully equal to many plavcr-planoa sold in- omer siores as man aa ihihi; terms 110 monthly Write for larer catalogue and special plans of payment. Ileppe'a Uptown Stores, Cor, Bth & Thompson sta.. Phlla. tlANO. 175 cash: $85. $1 weekly, for magnifi cent upright piano: been used: decided bargain. II. n. TODD. 180!) ARCH ST. VlCTnOLA 50o weekly will buy. Call or write lor particu are. n. It. TODD, ln Arch at. 22S Market at. Ion NEW PIANOS, Includlna- Heppr, Marcellus. Jules, If. C Schomacker. Francesra, etc.. from $211.1 to $.100. Write for large Illustrated catalogues and special plans of payment. 11EPPE"S UPTOWN STOIlES Cor, tlth and Thompson ats.. Thlla. JIANO $12.1, handsome Lester unrlght grand: good as new; guaranteed: cost 423. J. H. TODD. 180(1 AKCI1 ST. VS WEnERFIELD Playcr-Plano; coat $450 new: small payments HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES , Cor, flth and Thompson sts.. Phlla PIANO $7.1 cash: $8.1, $1 weekly, for magnifi cent upright piano: been used: decided bargain. n, 11. TODD. 1300 ARCH ST. ISis MATCHLESS Cunningham Player-piano: cost $8.10 new: small payments. HEPPE'B UPTOWN STOnES Cor 6thnd Thompson ats.. Phlla, OLD GOLD OLD GOLD bought, allvrr. platinum", false teeth, also talking machine and records: hlgheat prices paid 43 N. 10th. Phone Walnut 5707. h STORAGE KILLER N. DROAD STORAGE CO.. Broad ab. Lehigh ave., new fireproof addition: rooma fire proof! furniture and china packers, automobile vansjjfstmaefree.l)ejll phone Diamond 7400. GUARANTEE STORAGE CO.'OF PHILA., INC.T 1817-10 Drown at. Established In 1872. Storage In separate rooms. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1818 MARKET ST. 6lRARD STORAQE CO.. 1118 Qlrard avfllovlng. renins-, storage i-none'iop. nm. 1-arK vja. HILLlON-dollar conorete fireproof warehouse; finest In the ' woria xor rurniture. iat, f rM. Phils Hlna.a Cn IMt1 Vil-. ffflAO (l't MTOKAJJE SfKCIAL JAJW RATES AND DISTANT POINTS. ' .- riJKrk. UA1.I lMUltii, 1. a nuiMiiv ilOTH PHONES. u, AlAlIVCi. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES . TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIDLE MONTHS. $5 -.-"nsinLE MONTHS. fj'.BO FACTORY REntllLT TYPEWRITERS .oAM,?.'5.,CANvnlT1 MACHINE CO. 80a CHESTNUT ST. WAL. 2349. MAIN 828. UPHOLSTERING MKE your old parlor, suit equal to new; flrst-eUsa workmanship guaranteed at lowest Prlcea: slip covers. 0Oo up: a postcard will iWT PH.l'.Vx w,,n samples, PHILA. UPlfOL8TBRY CO.. ; evening. PRINTING UT your Christmas card early: make your te. lections from 123 designs; price 25 centa to 1 Perdoi. printed. The Card Shop. 020 Cheatnut. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, broken Jewelry, a-old. sll Ra' rtf1"? ,,,th- ther beds. '''Antique." 028 Chestnut at. (formerly 733 Walnut at.). Phone Walnut 7020. Established 1800. " ANTIQUE furniture, china, silverware, old gold, silver, platinum, falsa teeth, samplers, early American pictures, coins, stamps. pistols. Penn .Antique. 23 8. 17 th st. Phone SpruM 2018, CAST-OFF clothlng.all kinds; gentlemen's aultiT ov.rcoan, dress suits, shoes, hata; we poet, t yely pay more than others) call day. eve.: Phone Dickinson 0155. DIAMONDS TtnnicKM jKivRT.nv t-ta'ltjyALVEApX'lp"VKCl; 8-gTM ST. FURNrryRE. planoa. carpets, antiques, entire or part house bought for cash, no matter "LlaroJnKRNSTEIN. USl Ridge aw. 'Sfi'tVJDK. ETC,, BOUOHTrKREEMER7 LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S clothln ?!!J. 'v"".?' "rices paid for dlsrgrde. tlghesl f all , ! ST. ,5 aescriptiona: will cai rrlotlons: will call. day or wra tr sUbitPlMf ftll wrrlla a. lUBurm; can. writ oolar 6771, Open evenings. Blacker, mi -J2JJPotiUr at. BKCOND.HAND CLOTHtNO bought! highest - Prices TialcT. Harry's. 13 1 1 Poplar at. ' n.i .""f j lt '.t . O m a7 V IP1 I1ll"ft ......h rour uiamonaa and Jewelry of all kind to the man who wl in tuv vnn pay you the hlgheat : price on . 716 Banaom at. !n.trie an tight: prlvat. Its a. Ben Abrahai Hell. Walnut 7092. ROOMS FOR RENT CHESTNUT. onrKiia Booms -and profeaalonal offlcea. DJESTNUTOOt Rooma for gentlemen only. CHESTNUT. 20l Sscondfloor suite. 2 room trjT path, single rooms! else; pot-water hcatt tORRIS. W., 2416 Id-story front, furn.l suit- abls for gentleman; also unfurn. rooms phone. ''Z'.v8 N. 34l' Nicely furnished roomiT ,-gtthi ff parlor for prgfraslona) men. rTH noi. N, Rent, heat and light friT7ir flight servlcei man and wife. OTH ST . S.. SOI Two well-furnlahed room, .second floor t attractive hi i-" -. .y WrVV IVIf V .VII1H t 'rPfei well heated! large corner housei phonet PLEASANT third. Door roomi prlvat famllri . "ear Jnth t 'L." Call Harlnr 1541 W. ome: every conven. SOXXBIKO SKalMANTOvVN. W K..Fenn i t.-Attractlv ao. nr fHW4. sn i t eiwi. wtite oc lall PETEYira in a Uniform Is rM-AiV ,m I fSv JIU60ES, COO. V?V I XW' rOTT IRA. H ALU Otr H&AM I ) ( So" OP A CUM - I rlB N iKM Jr tt CABCt- VITVI fisJ f7mt -r- r VrVAS TMc LtMrt- I HsrU4 I KtoW ATJoiJT TMA X lOTH yzW) iarl L ? l7HPf.S HWpg r Mllillm- l"r" sf -- W&aEPA '' REAtESTATE F0RSALE , WKST rilII,AI)KI.l'HIA nniiniiiiiiniiiiaiii 3 BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN THE MOST DESIRABLE SECTION OF W. PHILA. today. 214 S. 50th St. (Corner Property) 224 S. 50th St. (Side Yard) Will Improve to Suit Purchaser 210 S. 50th St. Newly Papered and Painted CENTRAL TRUST & SAVINGS CO. I FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS I IfflHnMM SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION: special scientific care: nervoua. elderly and reat csa, every com fort: nuraesi bdoklet. Dr. Ilandal. Cheatnut ifUI. Phlla.. and Wlldwood. N. J. by the cea. APARTMENTS 122R-1230-1232 SPnUCE ST. Desirable apartment houses for rent THE PENNA CO , M7Chestnut at. THn LITTLE HOTEL. 223 S. Ilroad An at tractive place to live while In Thlla. : cent. located special weekly rates Thone Wal 8233. GENTLEMAN tn share beautifully furnished "Slegel Home" with couple; inclosed porch, shower bath, etc., $3 per week; roterencea. M 813. Ledger Central HIOH-CLASS first-floor apartment, furnished or unfurnished, with or without kitchen. 510 S. 12th at. - 20TII. 8.. ltr. Ileoutlfully furnished suite, with private bath exrUisUr house: Jfentlemen. DROAD. N.. 1803 Second-floor eulte; private bath, hot-water heat Owner. Suburban OAK LANE New."7 rooms, batfi. porch; near station LLOYD 8th and 06th. FUBNISHED APARTMENTS TWO CENTRAL apartments 2 rooms and both , heautlfully furnished NORMAN S. SHER WOOD & CO.. 1721 Walnut. APARTMENTS WANTED KnmUhcd FURN. or light housekeeping apt . consisting of 2 rooms, bath and kitchenette: central loca tion; must be reasonable. F 355, Lea, lent. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS LARGEST APARTMENT BUSINESS IN PHILA. MERTON ORBIMS. Liberty llldg. Wal. 802B. CENTRALrXPARTitENTS NORMAN S. SliKI.VUUl -w., ., .,.. -. 10TH, N . 1401 Room, private batn, 13, up; single room. $2; 2 unfurnished rooms. Furnished TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY a month; T-room furnished housekeeping apartment. 400 8. 15th at. v APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE APARTMENTS 11 TH AND PINE STRETS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE BWARTIIMORB N. E. cor. 22d and Walnut sta. New 12-story lamuy priiiii n-n """La belled location, also bachelor apartments: de- r.c ... .i nnn. -nit-el with rtrlvatn hatha: 1 every modern convenience. biw-UI table d'hote 5?nlner.!Iprlc THECTTNTdN ? 200 rooms: every convenience: furnished or unfurnished: either by lease or transiently; uuen 01 on o VUJ i""". -... THE LINCOLN KF1ff.t TRANSIENT AND PERMANENT QUESTS REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY 3205 POTTER ST. 3207 H Square West of Allegheny and Kensington aves. 6 ROOMS AND BATH ALU CONVENIENCES PRICE. $2200 POTTS & THOMSON rr.k2rl .v. CRAWFORD HOMES 10th and Wyoming Avenue 14200 TO $5300 Ever modern convenience and appointment. SOME WITH PRIVATE GARAGES DANIEL CRAWFORD, Jr., Builder REAUTIFUL MODERN HOMES HUouUMU Di, wioi ur ili 6000 north, 1 square from Catholic church, 3 -.. ahnvA ftnulavard! Dorch. Dutctt-hall. dfnlnr room with oak floor, breakfaat room, kitchenette, S bedrooms, patnroorn wun nig window: lot 10x107: basement laundry: price $3830; V. W. 3830; eaav terms, HIDDLE. on premise, or 4031 N. 5th. public sale november 7, 1017 fiieeman's 1214-16-18 summer si. 51z08 KEET "irrwiva AND INVESTMENTS Northwest section; list upon application: term V. C"?lt. Jarne L, Wlnchell, 2640 N. ?lh. lr'v . i iintRfl 1042 N. Maacher at.. 10 rme, all convs.. Including steam heat: price $3300: $"nn rVsn:ThosF. McTrar, 1440 N, 2d st. STiinfoRJUS 8T, Eight rooma, brownstonej nno. cosy nom-.i i'.'r- -.-.-...-. -... T-Vvv. GLENN. 1517 Columbia ave. .. . n. . Ik a vnnms. alda ard. Dorch: large lot i"m. cTftolTo Ciurch and trollev. I Utoi dger Office. nXKOAIN. 030 N, 1TH 1? room, cony.t suit aptTjesulPirlsnSjnlthisPLjJreejeave ONLY 147601852 Nv Hthi porch front, recep. tfcn hall. 1 rooma. OLENN. 1517 Columbia. nulUIn Lets, Factory Sites. Etc. SEVE CRAL da. Ii T.OTS suitable for factorlea. atora ce plant or other. Industrie, with yarj railroad frontage. In northern and north, astern ectlon of cityl alio s.vera deslribla Jot for dwelling ooeratlon! will ba old on ,..y tern... nH0A'pg.lj7thlti (3EVBRAL exceptlpnally w l-loeateil factory and buTlneas building lleSj. with or without railroad farllltlea; large and amalli'all price. VORrtlH i;u.. nioge at uruaq. SITES. RAILROAD) Pennsylvania and Readlngi 12000 per acre and up. according to location. Inoulre for terms. DIETERICH, 77 Walnut. i AT-pj5NMA. freight tatloni lot,3xl4St 1 aniiara Woodland . 027. ledger Ofrloa. River Tront rrepertle DELAWARE RIVER WHARF Pier 47 feet long m Area about n 8,000 nuara feet MINTURN T. SvRIOlIT CO. " w Morrla Tlulldlng Chestnut HIM tblCB pnOPEKTIEH for sale ln,.CHESTNUT HILL and 8T. URTIN8. alt alxea "JOSEPH M. JENNINOS CHESTNUT HILL, PA.. frmnaforg rANJOHOMWI 'EVENING LEDaEH-PHirADELHlA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER J, Something Else Again REAL ESTATE TOR SALE WOT I'llll.IIP.I.-ltlA All modern conveni ences. Ncnr Market St. "L." Refined neighbor hood. These properties arc now open for in spection. Sec them ON EAST SIDE OP 34TII ST. at Springfield ave 1300 blorlc south nn.l Juat im.tCnk..nor! of "-'"ester nve , Is located tho most ottractlvo row of 2-story houses that one can Imagine ,Z.y rr convenient to transportation, have S?J..i"m,nlr..a,ld eirellent hot-water heating, electric lighting, with hnndome fixtures, good looking substantial hirdwood floors, unusually line cabinet gaa range nd n hundred and one extra refinements which miiko them perfect imi.L",8.R,.l.'?:.i.n"v "r'' In truth. THE !.SIL'H yU .HAVE IlEEN LOOlvINO FOR 5our heart's desire In nery way. Most unusual clrcumstnnccs make the price ridiculously low. wo h,o arranged the easiest ...... v. irrmi, tor n small cash payment a ?m .ct "ew homo ' yours the balance to suit jour purse ...W us n visit NOW a beautifully fur Ti d ,nPl hous6 Is open day nnd evening come seo for yourself how much more sensible .ho. V take advantage of this npWtunltv ;!IJ. ,0. eontlnuo renting an nld-fashloncd. unattrnctlve home Wn nwalt your call. NORMAN H SHEUWOOD it CO. Spruce 3071. 1721 WALNUT ST. Ilaco 8025. UNEQUALED HOMES Springfield Ave., 56th to 57th $4200SHOULD BE $4500 Enclosed heated porches. Interchangeable sash, tile baths, built-in shower. hot-wateT heat, hardwood floora throughout, private ceme,nt steps, JAS. C. ENBURG No. IS car on Walnut to 50th and Chester ave then one block north. SOUTH R18T ST. HOMES SPRINGFIELD TO WARIUNOTON AVE. ROOMS AND TIATII ON SECOND FLOOR Hot-water heat, electric lights and parquetry floors; an exclusive residential section, con venient to train and trolley, take Route No. 13 on Walnut ft. to Stat and Chester ave.; walk north 1 oquare. PRICE $1200. ON EASY TERMS McLEAN & ROWAN. 530 8 52D AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN 6030 Malcolm St.; beautiful new home, con venient to 68th st. cars, haa 7 rooms hot water heat, electric light and parquetry floora; 8 rice $3,100; on easy terms. Woodland 1017. pen dallv. evenings bv ammlntment. 'McLEAN t, ROWAN. 63ft S. 52d at. 6028 conns creek parkway Modern home. H rooms, side yard, Al con. dltlon; lot of extras, lncludlmr screens, awn ings, shades; attractlvo price for quick sale; Immediate possession. nYAN. 6808 Market at. I1EAUTIKUL STONE OVERIIROOK HOME I13D AND LANSDOWNE AVE Sets In the center of a 150x41 corner lot: 10 large rooms, 2 beautiful modern baths, 4 lav atories. CHARLES r STANNARD. 241 Dock at. 5216 SANSOM ST. Modern porch-front dwell. Ing. 4 bedrooms, nil conveniences; large lot; owner's price haa been $4000 rniajt be sold; possession. YOCUM & TOWERS CO . 20 S. 15th St. NEAR 6BTH AND HPRUCE UTS. 321 H. Trailer st : an attractive home. In perfect romlltlon. having 4 rooms and bath on second floor, price $3000. on easy terms. McLEAN & ROWAN. 530 8. 6!d st. PENNSYLVANIA HUltt'RnAN GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY ESTATE THE EXTENSIVE FARM AND ORCHARD HOME OF THE Late CHARLES T. SCHOEN, at Rose Valley, Del. Co., Pa. Mansion house, garage, with dwellings for farmer and chauffeur and their families, together with necessary outbuildings, with about fifty acrea of beautifully Improved ground extendlnr to, and bordering the Ridley Creek, planted in lawn, decorative foliage and extensive younc orchard. The mansion house contains ten bedroom, five bathrooms, wide and roomy veranda, which are enclosed In winter; haa hot air and hot water heating plant; I electric lighted; hardwood floor, and finished In hardwood, Haa open fireplaces In living room, dining room and muster's bedroom. Can be Inspected only by permit obtained from wltlTESIDE & McLANAHAN N. W. Cor, 15th and Pine Sts, ;i riiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,l,)C CHESTNUT HILL Many of the finest propertle in Cheatnut Hill and In Whltemarah Valley are on our list. Full particular and many photo In our office. p - , Lower Menon Realty Co. LAND TITLE DUILDINO CYNWYD Attractive1 maU houe with Urge lot and Karaite. 10 rooms and 2 hatha; modern ron venlencei: chicken house and room for garden. Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUfLDINO SOUTH ARDMORE Owner going to California. ofJem his beautiful 10-room home 'below pres ent value to effect ouick alei -atv.. atpn and frame: hot.water heat, gas and electricity; very large porches; awning, screens, etc. In oluded: lot 100il23, Inclosed with hedge; beautiful shrubbery; very "nusual bom. and location. Tolnanect aee WM. 8. DAVIS, of- flee at station. Terms. . OLENSIDE Owner bavin left city will sac rifles atone and frame home, gas and elec. trlclty, 2 baths, parauelrv flooring, hol-water heatt stone garaae: lot 75x150; thla la a gen. IIENNINQeH g'nENNINOER. Olenslde. Pa. OTENSIDE A rare opportunity: 2-sjy. J-'iiom detached ton and frame dwelling! aa and electricity! hot.water heatt open flrenljcai Soort lot! convenient termji J4500t call today. OLENSIDE California planned bungalow: solenoid aurroundlnges-gae. aewer. flreolace. (louhl floors i w.ll bulltt ronv.nlent. W. T n WflHUnTH SON m.nsld. at t pniMOs. PA.. room modern dwelling. yer trolley and train! lara loll an. old! all com.! trolls: rags erm to u!L J. P. qibon. Prlmo. Pa. SUDURRAN HOMES, oountnr place and build log sites to ult all requlremento H. C. HHNTER. Wayne. Pa. MAIN LINE. P. B. B. HOMES W hava very dlrable propertle for ale, upon convenient term, at Overbrook. Merion. Narberth, Wynnewood and Ardmore: DUII Id a home for you and arrange the paymenta to ault yov , ami vnu WALTER HASSKTT SMITH xv nnnnou HVflTlI Overbrook'. Phlla. Telephone. 114 Overbrook. . rENNBlXVANIA jTAWMB 71 ACHES. I4C001 atone road, strelm, bulld- Ings. sea catalogue, it A V llr. at Mn.rl.lmn Reese & Son, .. .-. -- . .... ...... ... tm-&Lte:rL REASTATE FOR SALE fonllniiril from Prrcrdlno Column (H-iMANTOWN mi3iraiiii;ii;iiiit;miaB.M!mi!iiEm,ra;wraira!iiii!ifflijiiniiBiiiJ,iS SEDGWICK A FINE corner property, detached Co lenlal direlllnr, ail stone, with garage. This house has Just been completed and Is readv to occupy It has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on the second floor. 2 bed rooms bsth and storeroom on the third floor Tou will find this prorerty worthy ef your consideration. We will show you this and several others dallv or Sunday. A 8. TOUIHSON 7(114 Rover Street Oermsntown gritwim-iraiffliiiMraM iiiiEiwiiiffiiiwiffliMrarjrara'iiranfflr SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED stone dwelling. hedrooms and 2 baths, hot-water heat, electricity, gas, hsrdwood floors: within a few minutes" walk of Sedgwick Station or Oermanlown avenue cars. These prop, ertles are built of the best building ma terials and cannot be duplicated at the price Call and we. will show you these houses. A. S. TOURISON 7014 Ttovrr Street. Oermsntown K. WMIBIBM iimiitnniiaiiHimimmiitiiiintnHmuuimESuiuiiiiiitnmnminjnamiiuiniiuimimimuimt SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED stone dwelling with exreeamaiv mil- tut-aiiuii. . w.,- ur,uiiun m and 2 baths on the second floor. 3 bed- B rooma and bntn on tna mini, iioi-waier heat, electricity: hardwbod floors on tho first and second floors. Oarage for 2 cars, with man's room Thla la a high grade house In a carefully restricted suburban section. Wc will gladly how this property dallv or Sunday. A. S TOURISON 7014 Uojcr st.. Oermantonn fiiminnnmcniiiuuniminiiiumitniiiiiMiiiiiitiiniitiininntinmtitniiniinHtnpmttimmiiintnniiM WTCTCD PINE OLD ROt'OH-CAST VV1lj1I.I bouse, nil convenience. Imludlng eleitrlc light slram hent Mr , garage room for 3 cars, lot fl0x32n IH squares from Wleler Station, nn Philadelphia anil llenillns Halfway price $nod JOS. M. JENNINGS CHESTNUT HILL AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY to purchase a detached duelling In splendid location. 4 chambers, 2 baths on second floor, 3 rooms and bath on third floor. You could not build the house now for the price of tho house nnd lot Full particulars by mall. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO.. N. E. cor. Uroad and Chest nut. $14,000 This amount will purchase a bcarfllful de tached dwelling of moderate size, 2 htorles and nttlc. vvtth a large lot, close to station, with splendid surroundings, terms will be ar ranged to suit and thn property cannot he duplicated: particulars by mall. MAURAN. DOLMAN b CO., N E cor Ilroad & Chestnut. LARGE LIST OF OERMANTOWN HOMES 8MULLEN & BARRY Liberty Building. Broad and Cheatnut. OVERLOOKING Lincoln Drive Now Cilonlal house, 420 W, Hortter st . 11 rooms and 2 Dams; Bieepinr porrn, -'iiiii cji'i:n !)PEN AFTERNOONS. Logan BEAUTIFUL STONE HOMES OVERLOOKING "THE BOULEVARD" ONE LEFT Can Bo Bought for I.THM Than Prrsent Cost No. 4514 North 10th st. Stone house, with balcony and first-floor riorchea overlooking the Boulevard and Hunt ng Park: nn excellent location: built In 1HU1: 0 rooma. exquisite bath, fireplace, attic, with movable stairway, laundry, riot-water heat Open for Inspection. See agent. $500 BUYS new house, (I rooms and bath hot water heat, electricity, price $1000. r 37. Ledger Central. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN NEW JERSEY SDRURDAN WOODIHIRYrN. J 8 MILES OUT JflNEST FACILITIES tk t .?,.bu.J,r5t"r,', all classes F. Tj Wllklns, 15 Cooper st . Woodbury. N. J, PENNSYLVANIA WHY In the "Dickens" don't you Investigate the 22-arre slate, brick and stone property at "Peach Ilottom.'' York Co.. Pa.T Do It now: there la a fortune in It for aome one: we hope It may bo you! aend for descriptive folder: no charge. r...1.? jr.rM onSklnPack pike. IS, miles from Philadelphia city line, 11-room house: all con veniences and necessary outbuildings, 000 feet front on nlk, $12,R0n more adjoining land If wanted. OARis & SHIMER. Woolworth Uldg . Bethlehem, Pa. " . llulldlng Lots. Factory Sites. EtCj FACTORY SITE, In Drthlehem Pa., near ft. R. and river: SH-stnry stone building. POiOO feet, on lot 300x170 feet, price 15500- 2V..tnrv frame building, 90x3 feet, lot oOxftl feet. 3 front, opposite R R. atation: price 14000: well worth Investigating OARIS & SHIMER, Hethlehem. Pa. NFAV i JKItSEY FARMS 41 ACRES of fine ouk bottom land, with direct frontage on State automobile road tn Atlantic City: near electric railroad atation, good train service; atore. etc. handy; every Inch tillable; one of the highest elevations In Atlantic county; price 130 per acre! worth 50 p.r cent more: will sell part or all on email monthly paymenta: no trlflara P 812. Ledger Office, BEAI. ESTATE SALE OB BENT MAIN LINK. P. It. R. MAIN LINE; P. R. R. High-grade properties all alone the line from Overbrook westward! advlaa us a to re quirement and list of offering will be sub. mltted. ' Lower Merion Realty Co. LAND TITLE BUILDINfl BEAT. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WANTED In exchange for 8000 or 5000 arrea of coal land tn Oarratt County, Maryland, free and clear. Charles Crosby, Union Club, Pittsburgh. Pa. BEALESTATE WANTED WAJ' hoils.s. ft on tha I10A I Tbo. R. Smith, 25d Taaker Ph. Dick. 581. WKST rillLADELPIIIA MODERN HOME within walking distance of V.VJt H.nd prlra and location to CHEdTEK OavbOHNH. WM Ckpatiut at, toruc. 3247. -- -- -- 'm 1 ' ' " REAL ESTATE F0RRENT RENTAL LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY I'ne Inauranrra on Lives and Granting Auouttlea rW t nesinui si. 110m rnttnf.. ?C. BIKIhlJr $208.31 2030 Ches't, 21r.$lB0.00 2020 Lot list, ISr 12.1.00 31.1 H 22d, 14r. 110.07 2131 Hpruce. llr. 8v H lath. llr. 75 00 HUB Pino, llr .. BO no 1(101 Poplar. 18r. 47.50 1710 IVinond.llr. 43.0O K.33N. 17th. llr. 43.00 1714 Oxford, llr. 37.50 131h Piirrlsh, Or, 27.00 2130 Master, llr, 25.00 P2.1 Vine. llr... 25.00 724 N Front, llr 22.00 2(15 H. 22d 20r 160.00 4211 H Ilr'an.Klr mi ni ISJHI'lna. Mr. ION. 34 1430 Plnr. 15r 83.84 lll.'l) Rl'h'ar. 10r 70.00 il'iim i5th. i3r tin on 1(134 N.151U. 13r 823 Hare. ISr.. 43,00 1il'' nvfnrri. llr. 43.00 1733 N.181I1. 13r 40.(10 KI3 Lomb'd. llr 27,00 513 N. loth, nr. 23.oo 323 N. (Ith, Or. 23.00 1(115 N. 8th. Or . 24 00 12U ri r r aim ur. v,u; WEST PHILADELPHIA 4031 Sprucr. 11r.$50.(iO 4Utu Cheater, llr.S30.00 341..Powon llr 46 00, "JM, , Ur., $43,001 Ills N. 4th. 12r. $40,00 j.-.i v. ".t lar . 40.0011730 Kalrm't. 7r. 83.00 1(1(11 Federal. 10r 33.001 140 N. th. Or.. 311.00 lrlli Oxford, llr 30.001 into N.20th, 1 Or 27.60 tni20xford. llr inm jj.Biiin, iur ji.n aiHilParrlsh. llr 30 00 1003 ralrm't, or. 23.0 421 Orern. 7r. . 23 00 2515 Ridge, llr., 23.(1 618 N. 3d. 8r.. 25.001 ItH Laurel, llr.. 20.0 llll 00 tn H 2,1 Rr. v nnit-'ol-n H. 2d. Dr.. 18.00 621 Vine. 4r 21001 301I Montrose. Or 18 00 ;.-,3n Amber, llr. . 213 N. intli. 4r. 20.nn'u.'i( n - r... in. nn I8.001 2U4 Wharton.. Br 18.00 .CITY WHY PAY RENT? Wo will fins rice , the 1 pur chase of vour property on h monthly psyment or 17 211 tin- eiira nri" ui nv " ". -;"" home; let us tell vou how this can b- done without n. lre rash piment J. W. Ponder & Cot. 412-413 Perry llulldtng ,, ARTIST'S STUDIO and dwelling. 324 W. 7th st ; house stands alone and haa permanent TIIOMAShA REDDINO A KONi70ft.Walnutst. IIOXnoROrail $23. Sll and 42T Roxborough ave.; modern. torrh front. S rooms. APPiy GEORGE CAMPRELL. 4254 Manayunk ave.. or 1233 S. 31st st. Thone JOIcWnson 742. DErtlRAliLir REsTorrNCE ' FOR HNT AT 3n M 10th street, suitable for bachelor apart- m TH.I'eNnTccL MIaiESTNyTJBT. 2121 WALNUT ST.. 13 rooms and 3 bath. 2017 locust st . 13 rooma and 2 baths SAMUEL W LEVIS. Ileal Estate TrusjLPldg,. $10 ONLY. 1827 Cabot. 18th and orara o rooms best order, open Conrad. "3 Niotn. $18 TWO-STORY porch. 8 room" and laundry; wide street Phone Diamond 232. River l'ront Properties FOR SALE OR RENT. LARGE WATERFRONT SHIPBUILDING SITE' FACTOUYiAS,TES.r2cRoByI.TlONTS D. S. B. CHEW 820 Commercial Trust Rldg. Business l'ronertleand Store FOR RENT Stores, Floors, Offices Business Rooms of Every Kind J.A.PATTERSON. 130S. 15th St. 1038 MARKET, serond floor, SO.1' 'tS. 7 N. 7th. upper floors 82RH .'1 . i- each. 1017 fallowlillle. new bldg. i 20 by in. P22 Callowhlll. S story 20 bv R5. 2.ts-nB N. 23d. large 2-story bldg. P.12 Race, 4-stnrv building. JMYERS tiAltTH. Itldte ave. and 10th, , LAIlOE FIRST FLOOR. 71S Banaom St.: 21.x 01.(1. with heat, excellent light; good ahow window; rent $125 per month. ArPly W. DKEATINO. 71B Sansom sit ' 810 ARCH ST Four-story building, suit wholesale trade. Lot 10x13". THE PENNA CO.. B17 Chestnut St. Stores anil Dwellings ROXllOROrmi 18S 420 Manayunk ave.. large store and 7-room dwg . mod con s Iffy near. Ijy. Oeo Campoell. 1235 8 alat.PhiDJclc.74il is into wtfARTON. corner note, i ..nw. modern iiKiiiuutJiri.'i-iii.- 1235 H. 31st. Kactorles, Warehouse. Mfg. Floora FLOORS LAROB SMALL W. RRVCE ItARROtV. 130 N. 12th t. jKFtabllshdlR80. Factories a Speclalty. 55 N. 7TH ST SECOND FLOOR "EAT INrLltnED FOURTH r MHilt, lil.i i i.' ."'V'll-' C. W. OATIF.LI." JRril4WALNlIT Corner Sultea 4 and 5 Rooms, to "" l-lnnr. .dlolnlng 5th St. Entrance, $2500. Rasement. Corner Fifth. Sansom fits , 1530, ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 500 Drrxel JIulldlng. MHTDLirciTY"DTlILDlNa 84 8- 17lh st.: a few desirable offices: some with skylights Wn.LIS.WINCIIESTERCO:.1101Chestnutt. Il'rMrVERYfESinAnLF. OFFICES .18.0C II. ni am KKD UH,0!NO flSBO 1211-15 FILIIERT ST 2M2 WVoTr A.TrvloT" rL-wi'c'lIE-'n CO. 1001 Chestnut St. - 4--. OFFICES Oood light: low rents: 1027 Hansom WIL-INCHESTERCa. 1101 Cliestnutst. STUDIO 024 S. Washington Square. Details 8 bv letter. V 251- Ledger Central Professional Otflrea 1700 WALNUT ST -Desirable offlcea for phyat. .i.r,. etc.! heat, light janitor service iur niihed. Apply the Penna Co 517 Chestnut st. WESTTHILADELPHIA .T. LOCUST 3-story house. 12 roonw, 2 kev next door. $4I. h.ibs. porch, laundry Fronkford ONE OF THE FINEST old homea In the aristo cratic aectlon of, Frankfordi every modern Im provement: spacious ground, old ehade, gar ige etc. for rent on long or ahort term lease NORMAN I.rSHERW06b L CO . 1721 Walnut. rilOTOrLAYB orri AKir Otn Ave. at Venango. E. of Droad 5 1 K AINL. LAST TIME8 TODAY MARGUERITE CLARK In "DAD'S BURGLAR" Tomorrow "THE SUBMARINE EYE" FRANKFORD 4m Fro0DrAYAvo6NLY EARLE WILLIAMS In "THE LOVE DOCTOR" Added "THE FATAL BINO" No. IT. I i-1 1CT fi2D AND LOCUST LVJVUO 1 LAST TIMES TODAY First West Philadelphia Showing JULIAN ELTINOE In "Countetg Charming1' romor. Marguerite Clark In "Bab' Burglar." pril ICPI 1M MARKET Bet. BOth A 0th CUl-.Sl-'l.'.Vl TODAY TOMORROW ETHEL CLAYTON In "THE DORMANT POWER" Added "BEDROOM BLUNDER8" -T7n A D 60TII A CEDAR AVE. Ut.L'Arv TODAY ONLY JUNE ELVIDGE in "Shall We Forgive Her?" nCI MONT e2D ABOVE MARKET t5LL.IV.UlN 1 TODAY A TOMORROW FIR8T TIME ANYWHERE UVTVAL-AUKRlCXn Present Gail KANE in "A Game of Wita" tt IfiIRf-") FRONT fJIRATtD AVB. JUlVllJ'-' Jumbo Junction on Frankford L MONTAGU LOVE in "Ratutt, the JBIacIc Mwk" jyTTrrSjJU'SINKSH TtOOMH. ETC. DIIEXEL I1LDQ. OFFICES. Annual Rentals ilVmind Floor 1100 J120 2Ori.J2O.I240.t50. Hu"te 2 Ams.. 50. '200. l22.H2.1O.t27n.JJ0n. IM !:: ' REAL ESTATE FOR KENT Conffnurt! rum Vrecedinff Column rBNNSYLVANU rHjnUR,N OAKMONT, Del Co. Largr stone mansion on Htotesbury trart. 14 rooms. 2 baths, h. w. heat, electric light, largo porLhrs, surrounded by old trres, gsrage; vrrv desirable auburban home; rent $30, worth $100, use of several acres of ground Included To inspect see Wm. 8 Davis, South Ardmorc. office, at station. . MAIN LINK. P. R. It. NARHERTH Brand. new houses all conveni ences: $20 per month and upward. HARRIS REAL ESTATE, NARHERTH. PA. Oppoalte Bimion. FOH KENT FUBNISHED FOR RENT Nicely 'furnished 7-room house, bath, hot-water heat: strictly modern: must be eeen to bo sporeelsted; lean and reference, Phone Narberth 827 W. CITY 240 S 22D n rooms, season, low rent. bath: for the winter J- MORTOAOES $50 NOTE Oil MORTGAGE Immedlato settlementa TO Unsettled estate loans .. Building association fund $1000 DEMPSEY & CO. 27 S. Kith st. tfrcn to loan on real catate security; Imme pjJ dial aettletpent: payable aa desired. TO $2000 EDW. M. MOLL 123 South 12th st. MODERATE COSTS QUICK ANSWERS Fundu for 1st : 2d mtges . city or uburb. CO Sfhlichtpp flS Liberty Bldg. . vj. OtnilCnier nroad and Chestnut $100,000 TO INVEST In first mortgagee In aum from $1000 up: also building association money for second mortgage. O. C. SEIDEL & CO., 4th and Callowhlll at. FIRST M0RTOAOE3 $22U0 $2300 WM. O. GLEN 1431 Land Title Bldg. $1800 $3000 FUNDS FOR -ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT rOTTS h THOMSON, 2321 Frankferd ave. ANY AMOUNT TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES JOHN A. HAItBY B07 LAND TITLE BUILDING ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGE? Quirk answer. MAURICE U MAT8INGER, R. Est, Tr. Bldg. FUNDS for good first and eoond mortgage. Philadelphia or near by. New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Lamb i Co.. 787 Walnut at. MONEY for first mortgages, also building aiao elation, first and second. MYERS & BARTH. RIDGE AVE. & 10TH. MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND WORKWOMEN nn 115 Interest 1.43 On $20 Interest $. On 125 interest 75 On $30 Interest .00 On 3 Interest 1.03 On n Interest 1.2" On inn Interest 1.30 On $73 Interest 2.25 On $100 Interest 8.00 On $200 Interest 4.00 Per month. Payments on principal reduce Interest. .... a This compsny wa Incorporated, llceneed and bonded for tr purpose of loaning money at low rates to men and women whom banka will cot accommodate. t , , If you have a, loan elsewhere bring In your receipts and wc show you how much you can ssve by borrowing from us. Call, write or phone Walnut 2349. MARKET STREET LOAN CO. lM,OPP0RsT5.TNO,lAC,0,?PoTrE,I?OB Hours 8 to . Friday to 8 p. m. rHfrroPLAYS The Stanley Booking Corporation e ii,..w theatres obtain their followlne; tneaires ODl"11""I1" THE i Corporation, which ft " Wbiuon. Ask for tho theatre ln your locality. olaplcfuerthrohtrteTA'N'rKY toOKl.NO COUPOHATION. ATLANTIC CITY WHEN IN ATLANTIC CITY Visit THE COLONIAL I IJ A HDD A lth, Morris A rassyunk Ave. ALHAMBKA Mat. Dally at'J; Evgs. 0:43-0. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "MAQDA" APOLLO S DAILY BESSIE LOVE ,n "THE JJelremer'' Al.o-CHArLIN In "THE ADVENTURER" ARCADIA HELOw'lOTH PAULINE FREDERICK In "THE HUNORY HEART" AUDITORIUM Ab.Rockland.WeetSlde t 11 1.... In "THE CALL Sessue rtayaKawa of the east" CHAS. CHAPLIN in 'THE ADVENTURER" BLUEBIRD SUSQUEHANNA AVE. MARGUERITE CLARK In "BAB'S DIARY" EMPRESS MAIN STREET MANAYUNK MARY PICKFORD In "POOR LITTLE RICH GIRL' FAIRMOUNT ""oird AVEnuE F. X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In "THE ADOPTED BON" nArITI V THEATRE 1811 MARKET ST. rMVa.L.1 NEW K1UDALL OROAX WINIFRED ALLEN In "THE MAN HATER CtVTlJ.CT THEATRE Below Spruce 3D I ti O I . MAT. DAILY. ETHEL BARRYMORE Vfat1 Added Clara. IC. Young In "Ooodnes, Oraclou" GREAT NORTHERN A? ; "INTOLERANCE" IMPCDl Al "OT" na WALNUT STS. lIVlrlirlAL. Mat, 2;0, Eg. T 0. MAE MURRAY In "THE PRINCESS "VIRTUE JEFFERSON T,BTJJ2ETJ8AUrIN HERBERT RAWLINSON In "COME THROUOH" EUREKA T MARKCT 8TS. Alice Joyce and Harry Morjr In. 'TOBAUMITM..WK:' Ata 4KKXSWla. UUMSWi 3I . ..... ..' iifa. i.v--.'..-TTTirrarg C.ATOr " m MONEY TOLOAN Contiiiueil from Frecedtng Colamn TRY OUR NEW Strictly Private System to Gd Ready Cash Hmlr( to you without delay or r?d . ?8 our easy payment plan la m. apeclal feature 1 . 2 UCBl ln tne city, we loan lon t2T ua t : v iy. J.arRor lutm up to $204 at 2, OUR EASY PAYMENTS $3 Monthly Pav $3(1 15 Monthly Paya $r,o $0 Monthly I'ava $72 $7 Monthly Paja $84 $11 Monthly Paya Paya 1 'rayH ' Caya.'it Paya $2 sia .viontniv $n Monthly I'ava $72 I $15 Monthly ' .iioniniy l-ava XK4 i xit iiiontniv Plus ACf, lolnrest. Pins 2. tntsreat aVf tnierest. Tou are treated courteously when you- 4ei with this rellahle Arm. licit, Filbert 3951. Keystone. Race 107. SECURITY LOAN CO. 1114 CHESTNUT STREET A LICENSED AND BONDED COMPANY Next to Keith' Theatre. 2d floor. Room 26. PERSONAL LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS . Tou can borrow today tn a prtvt m.fmMr from thla Urrnapd and bonded company, hi flums $10 to 9204 on ery eay terms, Fy , merit ii arrant? to suit your pay day. B chftfKe for application. On the loan ott 43(1 your monthly payment lon.y 151 $60 your monthly payment -Ifl only l!i, $84 your monthly payment Is only 17. iw. d's imerfni on unpaid Dainnc $131! your monthly navment ts only Sll. la only 113. la only Sift, la only SIT $ir.n your monthly payment $180 your monthly payment 1204 voitr mnnthlv TtAvmint la onli wun i"c intercut on unpaid Daianco. VI ult our private rooma for further expltUMr tlon. If unnblr tn call, write or use Bflfl phone. Walnut 4363. HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY 131 SOUTH BROAD ST. 2d floor, next to Forrest Theatre. Open 8 te , "money to lo,,n Let ua arrange a loan, for you. Strictly legal rates Payments aa low aa 12 "per month. Our service la courteous, considerate, aaf AMERICAN LOAN CO, , "It. 1208 Chestnut St. Tth Floor Keystone. Race 40-01. Bell. Filbert 48' -READY MONEY- Unitcd States Loan Society 117 NORTH BROAD ST. 414 B. Cth at. 2318 Oermantown are. YOU CAN RORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. ETC $25 AND UP.... 2 PER CENT $75-AND UP 1W PER CENT $J01 AND UP 1 PER CENT RIEDER'S 128 MARKET ST. 1UDOE AVE AND OXFORD ST. t 1 "" 22D AND SOUTH 8T8. NEE'D MONEY? 4 We will loai money on salary or furnltur to reliable p-ple. No, honest employ. refiiHev Courteous treatment to sll. ,, ..y D. DJDRAKE No.nNo?iijl?j- riiQTorLAYS pictures through the STANLEY BooWrUf i i-i,,inw r tho ttnMt. nrnductlona. I i7Ani7D FORTY-FIRST AND lC,ALJE.r. LANCASTER AVUNtW DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "THE MAN FROM PAINTED POS," LinUDTV ilROAD AND iDtK 1 I COLUMBtA. PAULINE FREDERICK In "DOUBLE-CROSSED" MARKET ST. Theatre ". Olga PETROVA In "More Truth Tfian Pot47,! Today Helen Holmes In "Tha Lost Expaaea.-t , Every Fri. Pearl White In 'The FAlal ,W.-r - OVERBROOK .J'SSL; GLADYS BROCKWELL In "CONSCIENCE" PA1 APF 121 MARKET STREJBX FLORENCE LA BADIE In 'THE MAN WITHOUT A COUNTRY" PARW niDOE AVE. DAUPHIN BT. rAIrv Mat. 3tlB. Ev. 8;5to. JUNE ELVIDGE : In SHALL WE FOROIVE HERr " PRINCESS "'It's58 AL"L-RTAR CAST ln "RASPUTIN, the Black Mok" DCT'ITNT 15 MARKET STnEET rC.VaC4( i UVUAlf VOICE OJNWJr F. X. Bushman and Beverly Byt In "THE ADOPTED 80N" DIAI TO OERMANTOWN AVE, fIrtl IU AT TULPEHOCKE , VIVIAN MARTiN In "THE SUNSET TRAIL RI I TA V MARKET STREET U D I BELOW TTH VIVIAN MARTIN In "THE BUN8ET TRA1.L" SAVOY "' WM. FAKNUM in "THE CONQUEROR" SHERWOOD m98m JULIAN ELTINGE In "COUNTESS qHARlIINO" 5TANI FY MARKET ABQVB MW ?j OllNL.C.I 11U5JUM. telllUip.,1 "ALADDIN AND HIS WONDERFUL; LAMf? VICTORIA KASSa B. K. LINCOLN and iiaubaka caJI and Al.lSTAR CART In "FOR THE KBKEOOW Of THtt WORti Dirm: Arwf if " " HL CLAYTQ '. I B tL. ' OB fm.i S T 4 W 4 teTJCfBM . 1 ' . iaaik LMII fcfe "i, V-' 1 v ,S 3 . ti